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EE 115 A Homework 1 EE10 and EE110 Review Problems

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Problem 1. Find the current io, i1, and i2.

Problem 2. Use the node voltage method to find currents i1 i5.

Problem 3. Find io using a series of source transformations. Be sure to redraw the circuit at each stage.

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Problem 4. (a) For the circuit shown below, write but do not solve, the Mesh current e uations in terms of IA, IB, IC, and ID. !ou should have " e uations in all. (b) For the circuit shown below, write, but do not solve, the #ode voltage e uations in terms of V1, V2, and V3. !ou should have $ e uations in terms of V1, V2, V3.

Problem 5 %he following device is re&resented in the fre uenc' domain b' a #orton ( uivalent. )hen an inductor of value *1++ is connected across the device, ,o - +.1120 ,. )hen a ca&acit' of .*1++ is connected across the device, /o- 0+.++$ 210 1. Find the #orton e uivalent circuit.

/# - 22222222222222222222222

3# - 22222222222222222222222 $ of 9

Problem 6. %he &hase voltage ,ab in the circuit shown is "4+0 ,rms with no e5ternal load connected to the terminals ab.. )hen a load of 1++6*+ is connected across a,b, the valued of ,ab is 2"+0*4+ ,rms a) Find the im&edance that should be connected across ab for ma5imum average &ower transfer b) Find the ma5imum average &ower transferred to the load of (a).

:oad for Ma5 ;wr <fer - 22222222222222222222222

;delivered - 2222222222222222222222

Problem 7. 1 factor' has an electrical load of 14++ 7) at a lagging &ower factor of +.8. 1n additional variable &ower factor load is to be added to the factor'. %he new load will add 8++ 7) to the real &ower load of the factor'. %he &ower factor of the added load is to be ad*usted so that the overall &ower factor of the factor' is +.98 lagging.
c) )hat is the reactive &ower of the additional load9 d) )hat is the &ower factor of the additional load9

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e) 1ssume the rms voltage at the in&ut to the factor' is "4++ , rms. )hat is the rms value of the current into the factor' after the additional load has been connected9

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Problem 8. For the circuit given below, find an e5&ression for V2(s).

Problem 9 1n :%/ s'stem is described b' a transfer function >(s) )hen this s'stem is e5cited b' a signal x (t )= =e 4t u (t ) the out&ut signal?s :a&lace transform is given b'
Y ( s )= 1 . )hat would the time domain out&ut signal '(t) be if the time ( s +1)( s +4)

domain in&ut signal was that shown below.

(a) @7etch the MagnitudeBode &lot for the following transfer function (feel free to use the attached @emilog gra&h &rovided on the ne5t cou&le of &ages, &lease be sure to clearl' label the a5es
H ( s )= 1+++( s + =+)( s +1+++) ( s +1+,+++) 2 ( s + 4+,+++)

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(b) s7etch the &hase Bode &lot for the following transfer function
H ( s )= s ( s + 2+++) ( s +1++,+++) 2

"+ $+ 2+ 1+ + 01+ 02+ 0$+






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14+ 1$= 9+ "= + 0"= 09+ 1++ 1+++ 1+" 1+= 1+8

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Problem 10 1 bloc7 diagram of a s'stem consisting of a sinusoidal voltage source, and B:C series Band ;ass Filter and a load of $2+6*+ is shown below. %he internal im&edance of the source is $86*+. %he B:C B;F has a =nF ca&acitor and a center fre uenc' of 2=+ 7radDsec, and a E of 1+




a) b) c) d) e)

Fraw a circuit diagram of the s'stem Ferive the e5&ression for the center fre uenc' wo. Given that the bandwidth B)- BD:, calculate B and : for the circuit )hat is >ma5 of the interconnected s'stem9 Given that E for the circuit shown below is given b' E s's-wo:D(B:6Bi), what is the Bandwidth of the interconnected s'stem described in this &roblem9

Problem 11 ;rovide a short answer to each of the following uestions a) )hat is the significance of Bode ;lots9 >ow do the' hel& in circuit anal'sis9 b) >ow accurate is the Bode &lot at the corner fre uenc' c) )hat is the significance of transfer function d) Given the transfer function how would 'ou calculate the res&onse of a circuit to a sinusoidal stead' state e5citation e) )hat is the advantage of dealing with rms values hen dealing with &ower calculations9

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