Yogi Philosophy and Occultism

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Chapter XIV Chapter XV Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism By Yogi Ramacharaka Author of "Science of Breath,"

"Hatha Yoga," etc. Copyright, 1903, By he Yogi !u"#ication Society. Copyright, 190$, By he Yogi !u"#ication Society. Copyright, 1931, By he Yogi !u"#ication Society. H% &I'S (%SS)*. H% &I'S H'%% !'I*CI!(%S.

It i+ ,ith no or-inary fee#ing+ that ,e a--re++ our+e#.e+ to our +tu-ent+ of the Yogi c#a++ of 190$. /e +ee, a+ they perhap+ -o not, that to 0any of the0 thi+ +erie+ of #e++on+ ,i## "e a+ +ee- p#ante- in ferti#e +oi#, ,hich ,i## in -ue ti0e put forth +prout+ ,hich ,i## force their ,ay gra-ua##y into the +un#ight of con+ciou+ne++, ,here they ,i## put forth #ea.e+, "#o++o0, an- fruit. 1any of the frag0ent+ of truth ,hich ,i## "e pre+ente- to you ,i## not "e recogni2e- "y you at thi+ ti0e, "ut in year+ to co0e you ,i## recogni2e the .erity of the i0pre++ion+ ,hich ,i## "e con.eye- to you in the+e #e++on+, an- then, an- then on#y, ,i## you 0a3e the+e truth+ your o,n. /e inten- to +pea3 to you 4u+t a+ if you ,ere gathere- "efore u+ in per+on, an- a+ if ,e ,ere +tan-ing "efore you in the f#e+h. /e fee# +ure that the "on- of +y0pathy "et,een u+ ,i## +oon gro, +o +trong an- rea# that a+ you rea- our ,or-+ you ,i## fee# our pre+ence a#0o+t a+ +trong#y a+ if ,e ,ere ,ith you in per+on. /e ,i## "e ,ith you in +pirit, 1 an-, accor-ing to our phi#o+ophy, the +tu-ent ,ho i+ in har0oniou+ +y0pathy ,ith hi+ teacher+ rea##y e+ta"#i+he+ a p+ychic connection ,ith the0, an- i+ in con+e5uence ena"#e- to gra+p the "+pirit" of the teaching an- to recei.e the "enefit of the teacher6+ thought in a -egree i0po++i"#e to one ,ho 0ere#y

rea-+ the ,or-+ in co#- print. /e are +ure that the 0e0"er+ of the c#a++ of 190$ ,i## get into har0ony ,ith each other, an- ,ith u+, fro0 the .ery +tart, an- that ,e ,i## o"tain re+u#t+ that ,i## +urpri+e e.en our+e#.e+, an- that the ter0 of the c#a++ ,i## 0ar3 a ,on-erfu# +piritua# gro,th an- unfo#-0ent for 0any of the c#a++. hi+ re+u#t ,ou#- "e i0po++i"#e ,ere the c#a++ co0po+e- of the genera# pu"#ic, in ,hich the a-.er+e thought .i"ration+ of 0any ,ou#counteract, or at #ea+t retar-, the i0pe##ing force generate- in the 0in-+ of tho+e ,ho are in +y0pathy ,ith the ,or3. But ,e ,i## not ha.e thi+ o"+tac#e to o.erco0e, a+ the c#a++ ha+ "een recruite- on#y fro0 that c#a++ of +tu-ent+ ,ho are intere+te- in the occu#t. he announce0ent+ +ent out "y u+ ha.e "een ,or-e- in +uch a ,ay a+ to attract the attention on#y of tho+e for ,ho0 they ,ere inten-e-. he 0ere +en+ation hunter+ an- the "fa--i+t+" ha.e not "een attracte- "y our ca##, ,hi#e tho+e for ,ho0 the ca## ,a+ inten-e- ha.e hear- an- ha.e ha+teneto co00unicate ,ith u+. A+ the poet ha+ +ung7 "/here I pa++, a## 0y chi#-ren 3no, 0e." he 0e0"er+ of the c#a++ ha.ing "een attracte- to u+, an- ,e to the0, ,i## for0 a har0oniou+ "o-y ,or3ing ,ith u+ to the co00on en- of +e#f8i0pro.e0ent, gro,th, -e.e#op0ent, an- unfo#-0ent. he +pirit of har0ony anunity of purpo+e ,i## -o 0uch for u+, an- the unite- thought of the c#a++, coup#e- ,ith our o,n, ,i## "e a to,er of +trength, an- each +tu-ent ,i## recei.e the "enefit of it, an- ,i## "e +trengthene- an- +u+taine- there"y. /e ,i## fo##o, the +y+te0 of in+truction of the %a+t, rather than that of the /e+tern ,or#-. In the %a+t, the teacher -oe+ not +top to "pro.e" each +tate0ent or theory a+ he 0a3e+ or a-.ance+ it9 nor -oe+ he 0a3e a "#ac3"oar- -e0on+tration of +piritua# truth+9 nor -oe+ he argue ,ith hi+ c#a++ or in.ite -i+cu++ion. )n the contrary, hi+ teaching i+ authoritati.e, an- he procee-+ to -e#i.er hi+ 0e++age to hi+ +tu-ent+ a+ it ,a+ -e#i.ere- to hi0, ,ithout +topping to +ee ,hether they a## agree ,ith hi0. He -oe+ not care ,hether hi+ +tate0ent+ are accepte- a+ truth "y a##, for he fee#+ +ure that tho+e ,ho are rea-y for the truth ,hich he teache+ ,i## intuiti.e#y recogni2e it, an- a+ for the other+, if they are not prepare- to recei.e the truth, no a0ount of argu0ent ,i## he#p 0atter+. /hen a +ou# i+ rea-y for a +piritua# truth, an- that truth, or a part of it, i+ uttere- in it+ pre+ence or pre+ente- to it+ attention "y 0ean+ of ,riting+, it ,i## intuiti.e#y recogni2e anappropriate it. he %a+tern teacher 3no,+ that 0uch of hi+ teaching i+ "ut the p#anting of +ee-, an- that for e.ery i-ea ,hich

the +tu-ent gra+p+ at fir+t there ,i## "e a hun-re- ,hich ,i## co0e into the fie#- of con+ciou+ recognition on#y after the #ap+e of ti0e. /e -o not 0ean that the %a+tern teacher+ in+i+t upon the +tu-ent "#in-#y accepting e.ery truth that i+ pre+ente- to hi0. )n the contrary, they in+truct the pupi# to accept a+ truth on#y that ,hich he can pro.e for hi0+e#f, a+ no truth i+ truth to one unti# he can pro.e it "y hi+ o,n e:peri0ent+. But the +tu-ent i+ taught that "efore 0any truth+ 0ay "e +o pro.en he 0u+t -e.e#op an- unfo#-. he teacher a+3+ on#y that the +tu-ent ha.e confi-ence in hi0 a+ a pointer8out of the ,ay, an- he +ay+, in effect, to the +tu-ent7 " hi+ i+ the ,ay9 enter upon it, an- on the path you ,i## fin- the thing+ of ,hich I ha.e taught you9 han-#e the0, ,eigh the0, 0ea+ure the0, ta+te the0, an- 3no, for your+e#f. /hen you reach any point of the path you ,i## 3no, a+ 0uch of it a+ -i- I or any other +ou# at that particu#ar +tage of the 4ourney9 "ut unti# you reach a particu#ar point, you 0u+t either accept the +tate0ent+ of tho+e ,ho ha.e gone "efore or re4ect the ,ho#e +u"4ect of that particu#ar point. Accept nothing a+ fina# unti# you ha.e pro.en it9 "ut, if you are ,i+e, you ,i## profit "y the a-.ice an- e:perience of tho+e ,ho ha.e gone "efore. %.ery 0an 0u+t #earn "y e:perience, "ut 0en 0ay +er.e other+ a+ pointer+ of the ,ay. At each +tage of the 4ourney it ,i## "e foun- that tho+e ,ho ha.e progre++e- a #itt#e further on the ,ay ha.e #eft +ign+ an- 0ar3+ an- gui-epo+t+ for tho+e ,ho fo##o,. he ,i+e 0an ,i## ta3e a-.antage of the+e +ign+. I -o not a+3 for "#in- faith, "ut on#y for confi-ence unti# you are a"#e to -e0on+trate for your+e#.e+ the truth+ I a0 pa++ing on to you, a+ they ,ere pa++e- on to 0e, "y tho+e ,ho ,ent "efore. /e a+3 the +tu-ent to ha.e patience. 1any thing+ ,hich ,i## appear -ar3 to hi0 at fir+t ,i## "e 0a-e c#ear a+ ,e progre++.

H% C)*S I ; I)* )& 1A*. 1an i+ a far 0ore co0p#ete "eing than i+ genera##y i0agine-. He ha+ not on#y a "o-y an- a +ou#, "ut he i+ a +pirit po++e++ing a +ou#, ,hich +ou# ha+ +e.era# .ehic#e+ for e:pre++ion, the+e +e.era# .ehic#e+ "eing of -ifferent -egree+ of -en+ity, the "o-y "eing the #o,e+t for0 of e:pre++ion. he+e -ifferent .ehic#e+ 0anife+t upon -ifferent "p#ane+," +uch a+ the "phy+ica# p#ane," the "a+tra# p#ane," etc., a## of ,hich ,i## "e e:p#aine- a+ ,e procee-. he rea# +e#f i+ pure +pirit, a +par3 of the -i.ine fire. hi+ +pirit i+ enca+e- ,ithin nu0erou+ +heath+, ,hich pre.ent it+ fu## e:pre++ion. A+ 0an a-.ance+ in -e.e#op0ent, hi+ con+ciou+ne++ pa++e+ fro0 the #o,er p#ane+ to the higher, an- he "eco0e+ 0ore an- 0ore a,are of hi+ higher nature. he +pirit contain+ ,ithin it a## potentia#itie+, an- a+ 0an progre++e+ he unfo#-+ ne, po,er+, ne, 5ua#itie+, into the #ight. he Yogi phi#o+ophy teache+ that 0an i+ co0po+e- of +e.en princip#e+ 8 i+ a +e.enfo#- creature. he "e+t ,ay to thin3 of 0an i+ to rea#i2e that the +pirit i+ the rea# +e#f, an- that the #o,er princip#e+ are "ut confining +heath+. 1an 0ay 0anife+t upon +e.en p#ane+, that i+, the high#y -e.e#ope- 0an, a+ the 0a4ority of 0en of thi+ age can 0anife+t on#y upon the #o,er p#ane+, the higher p#ane+ not ha.ing a+ yet "een reache- "y the0, a#though e.ery 0an, no 0atter ho, un-e.e#ope-, po++e++e+ the +e.en princip#e+ potentia##y. he fir+t fi.e p#ane+ ha.e "een attaine- "y 0any, the +i:th "y a fe,, the +e.enth "y practica##y none of thi+ race at thi+ ti0e. H% S%V%* !'I*CI!(%S )& 1A*. he +e.en princip#e+ of 0an, a+ 3no,n to the Yogi phi#o+ophy, are here,ith +tate-, %ng#i+h ter0+ "eing +u"+titute- for San+crit ,or-+, +o far a+ 0ay "e7 <. Spirit. =. Spiritua#81in-. >. Inte##ect. $. In+tincti.e81in-. 3. !rana, or Vita# &orce. ?. A+tra# Bo-y. 1. !hy+ica# Bo-y. /e ,i## "rief#y run o.er the genera# nature of each of the+e +e.en princip#e+, that the +tu-ent 0ay un-er+tanfuture reference+ to the09 "ut ,e ,i## -efer our -etai#e- treat0ent of the +u"4ect unti# #ater on in the

#e++on+. 1. he !hy+ica# Bo-y. )f a## the +e.en princip#e+ of 0an, the phy+ica# "o-y i+ of cour+e the 0o+t apparent. It i+ the #o,e+t in the +ca#e, an- i+ the cru-e+t 0anife+tation of the 0an. But thi+ -oe+ not 0ean that the phy+ica# +hou#- "e -e+pi+eor neg#ecte-. )n the contrary, it i+ a 0o+t nece++ary princip#e for the gro,th of 0an in hi+ pre+ent +tage of -e.e#op0ent 8 the te0p#e of the #i.ing Spirit an- it +hou#- "e carefu##y ten-e- an- care- for in or-er to ren-er it a 0ore perfect in+tru0ent. /e ha.e "ut to #oo3 aroun- u+ an- +ee ho, the phy+ica# "o-ie+ of -ifferent 0en +ho, the -ifferent -egree+ of -e.e#op0ent un-er 0enta# contro#. It i+ a -uty of each -e.e#ope- 0an to train

hi+ "o-y to the highe+t -egree of perfection in or-er that it 0ay "e u+e- to a-.antage. he "o-y +hou#- "e 3ept in goo- hea#th an- con-ition an- traine- to o"ey the or-er+ of the 0in-, rather than to ru#e the 0in-, a+ i+ +o often the ca+e. he care of the "o-y, un-er the inte##igent contro# of the 0in-, i+ an i0portant "ranch of Yogi phi#o+ophy, ani+ 3no,n a+ "Hatha Yoga." /e are preparing a #itt#e te:t"oo3 upon "Hatha Yoga," ,hich ,i## +oon "e rea-y for the pre++, that ,i## gi.e the Yogi teaching+ upon thi+ 0o+t i0portant "ranch of +e#f -e.e#op0ent. he Yogi phi#o+ophy teache+ that the phy+ica# "o-y i+ "ui#t up of ce##+, each ce## containing ,ithin it a 0iniature "#ife," ,hich contro#+ it+ action. he+e "#i.e+" are rea##y "it+ of inte##igent 0in- of a certain -egree of gro,th, ,hich ena"#e the ce##+ to perfor0 their ,or3 proper#y. he+e "it+ of inte##igence are, of cour+e, +u"or-inate to the contro# of the centra# 0in- of the 0an, an- ,i## rea-i#y o"ey or-er+ fro0 hea-5uarter+, gi.en either +u"con+ciou+#y or con+ciou+#y. he+e ce## inte##igence+ 0anife+t a perfect a-aptation for their particu#ar ,or3. he +e#ecti.e action of the ce##+, e:tracting fro0 the "#oo- the nouri+h0ent nee-e- an- re4ecting that ,hich i+ not re5uire-, i+ an in+tance of thi+ inte##igence. he proce++ of -ige+tion, a++i0i#ation, etc., +ho,+ the inte##igence of the ce##+, either +eparate#y or co##ecti.e#y in group+. he hea#ing of ,oun-+, the ru+h of the ce##+ to the point+ ,here they are 0o+t nee-e-, an- hun-re-+ of other e:a0p#e+ 3no,n to the +tu-ent of phy+io#ogy, a## 0ean to the Yogi +tu-ent e:a0p#e+ of the "#ife" ,ithin each ato0. %ach ato0 i+ to the Yogi a #i.ing thing, #ea-ing it+ o,n in-epen-ent #ife. he+e ato0+ co0"ine into group+ for +o0e en-, an- the group 0anife+t+ a group8inte##igence, a+ #ong a+ it re0ain+ a group9 the+e group+ again co0"ining in turn, anfor0ing "o-ie+ of a 0ore co0p#e: nature, ,hich +er.e a+ .ehic#e+ for higher for0+ of con+ciou+ne++. /hen -eath co0e+ to the phy+ica# "o-y the ce##+ +eparate an- +catter, an- that ,hich ,e ca## -ecay +et+ in. he force ,hich ha+ he#- the ce##+ together i+ ,ith-ra,n, an- it "eco0e+ free to go it+ o,n ,ay an- for0 ne, co0"ination+. So0e go into the "o-y of the p#ant+ in the .icinity, an- e.entua##y fin- the0+e#.e+ again in the "o-y of an ani0a#9 other+ re0ain in the organi+0 of the p#ant9 other+ re0ain in the groun- for a ti0e, "ut the #ife of the ato0 0ean+ ince++ant an- con+tant change. A+ a #ea-ing ,riter ha+ +ai-7 "@eath i+ "ut an a+pect of #ife, an- the -e+truction of one 0ateria# for0 i+ "ut a pre#u-e to the "ui#-ing up of another." /e ,i## not -e.ote further +pace to the con+i-eration of the phy+ica#, a+ that i+ a +u"4ect "y it+e#f, an-, then, our +tu-ent+ are no -ou"t an:iou+ to "e #e- into +u"4ect+ ,ith ,hich they are not 5uite +o fa0i#iar. So

,e ,i## #ea.e thi+ fir+t princip#e an- pa++ on to the +econ-, ,i+hing, ho,e.er, again to re0in- the +tu-ent that the fir+t +tep in Yogi -e.e#op0ent con+i+t+ of the 0a+tery of the phy+ica# "o-y an- it+ care an- attention. /e ,i## ha.e 0ore to +ay of thi+ +u"4ect "efore ,e are through ,ith thi+ cour+e. ?. he A+tra# Bo-y. hi+ +econ- princip#e of 0an i+ not near#y +o ,e## 3no,n a+ it+ phy+ica# "rother, a#though it i+ c#o+e#y connecte- ,ith the #atter an- i+ it+ e:act counterpart in appearance. he a+tra# "o-y ha+ "een 3no,n to peop#e in a## age+, an- ha+ gi.en ri+e to 0any +uper+tition+ an- 0y+terie+, o,ing to a #ac3 of 3no,#e-ge of it+ nature. It ha+ "een ca##e- the "etherea# "o-y"9 the "f#ui-ic "o-y"9 the "-ou"#e"9 the ",raith"9 the "@oppe#ganger," etc. It i+ co0po+e- of 0atter of a finer 5ua#ity than that co0po+ing our phy+ica# "o-ie+, "ut 0atter none the #e++. In or-er to gi.e you a c#earer i-ea of ,hat ,e 0ean, ,e ,i## ca## your attention to ,ater, ,hich 0anife+t+ in +e.era# ,e##83no,n for0+. /ater at a certain te0perature i+ 3no,n a+ ice, a har-, +o#i- +u"+tance9 at a #itt#e higher te0perature it a++u0e+ it+ "e+t 3no,n for0, ,hich ,e ca## ",ater"9 at a +ti## higher te0perature it e+cape+ in the for0 of a .apor ,hich ,e ca## "+tea0," a#though the rea# +tea0 i+ in.i+i"#e to the hu0an eye, an- "eco0e+ apparent on#y ,hen it 0i:e+ ,ith the air an- ha+ it+ te0perature #o,ere- a #itt#e, ,hen it "eco0e+ .apor .i+i"#e to the eye, an- ,hich .apor ,e ca## "+tea0." he a+tra# "o-y i+ the "e+t counterpart of the phy+ica# "o-y an- 0ay "e +eparate- fro0 it un-er certain circu0+tance+. )r-inari#y, con+ciou+ +eparation i+ a 0atter of con+i-era"#e -ifficu#ty, "ut in per+on+ of a certain -egree of p+ychica# -e.e#op0ent the a+tra# "o-y 0ay "e -etache- an- often goe+ on 4ourney+. o the c#air.oyant .i+ion the a+tra# "o-y i+ +een #oo3ing e:act#y #i3e it+ counterpart, the phy+ica# "o-y, anunite- to

it "y a +#en-er +i#3en cor-. he a+tra# "o-y e:i+t+ +o0e ti0e after the -eath of the per+on to ,ho0 it "e#ong+, an- un-er certain circu0+tance+ it i+ .i+i"#e to #i.ing per+on+, an- i+ ca##e- a "gho+t." here are other 0ean+ ,here"y the +pirit+ of tho+e ,ho ha.e pa++e- on 0ay "eco0e 0anife+t, an- the a+tra# +he## ,hich i+ +o0eti0e+ +een after it ha+ "een +#oughe- off "y the +ou# ,hich ha+ pa++e- on i+ in +uch ca+e+ nothing 0ore than a corp+e of finer 0atter than it+ phy+ica# counterpart. In +uch ca+e+ it i+ po++e++e- of no #ife or inte##igence, an- i+ nothing 0ore than a c#ou- +een in the +3y "earing a re+e0"#ance to a hu0an for0. It i+ a +he##, nothing 0ore. he a+tra# "o-y of a -ying per+on i+ +o0eti0e+ pro4ecte- "y an earne+t -e+ire, an- i+ at +uch ti0e+ +een "y frien-+ anre#ati.e+ ,ith ,ho0 he i+ in +y0pathy. here are 0any ca+e+ of thi+ 3in- on recor-, an- the +tu-ent pro"a"#y i+ a,are of occurrence+ of thi+ 3in-. /e ,i## ha.e 0ore to +ay a"out the a+tra# "o-y an- a+tra# +he##+ in other #e++on+ in thi+ cour+e. /e ,i## ha.e occa+ion to go into further -etai# ,hen ,e reach the +u"4ect of the a+tra# p#ane, an-, in fact, the a+tra# "o-y ,i## for0 a part of +e.era# #e++on+. he a+tra# "o-y i+ in.i+i"#e to the or-inary eye, "ut i+ rea-i#y percei.e- "y tho+e ha.ing c#air.oyant po,er of a certain -egree. ;n-er certain circu0+tance+ the a+tra# "o-y of a #i.ing per+on 0ay "e +een "y frien-+ another+, the 0enta# con-ition of the per+on+ an- the o"+er.er ha.ing 0uch to -o ,ith the 0atter. )f cour+e, the traine- an- -e.e#ope- occu#ti+t i+ a"#e to pro4ect hi+ a+tra# "o-y con+ciou+#y, an- 0ay 0a3e it appear at ,i##9 "ut +uch po,er+ are rare an- are ac5uire- on#y after a certain +tage of -e.e#op0ent i+ reache-. he a-ept +ee+ the a+tra# "o-y ri+ing fro0 the phy+ica# "o-y a+ the hour of -eath approache+. It i+ +een ho.ering o.er the phy+ica# "o-y, to ,hich it i+ "oun- "y a +#en-er threa-. /hen the threa- +nap+ the per+on i+ -ea-, an- the +ou# pa++e+ on carrying ,ith it the a+tra# "o-y, ,hich in turn i+ -i+car-e- a+ the phy+ica# "o-y ha+ "een "efore. It 0u+t "e re0e0"ere- that the a+tra# "o-y i+ 0ere#y a finer gra-e of 0atter, an- that it i+ 0ere#y a .ehic#e for the +ou#, 4u+t a+ i+ the phy+ica#, an- that "oth are -i+car-e- at the proper ti0e. he a+tra# "o-y, #i3e the phy+ica#, -i+integrate+ after the -eath of the per+on, an- per+on+ of a p+ychic nature +o0eti0e+ +ee the -i++o#.ing frag0ent+ aroun- ce0eterie+, in the +hape of .io#et #ight.

/e are 0ere#y ca##ing attention to the -ifferent .ehic#e+ of the +ou# of 0an, hi+ +e.en princip#e+, an- ,e 0u+t ha+ten on to the ne:t princip#e. /e ,ou#- #i3e to +pea3 to you of the intere+ting pheno0enon of the ego #ea.ing the phy+ica# "o-y in the a+tra# "o-y ,hi#e one i+ "a+#eep." /e ,ou#- #i3e to te## you 4u+t ,hat occur+ -uring, +#eep, an- ho, one 0ay gi.e or-er+ to hi+ a+tra# +e#f to gain certain infor0ation or to ,or3 out certain pro"#e0+ ,hi#e he i+, ,rappein +#eep, "ut that "e#ong+ to another pha+e of our +u"4ect, an- ,e 0u+t pa++ on after 0ere#y ,hetting your appetite. /e ,i+h you to get the+e +e.en princip#e+ ,e## fi:e- in your 0in-, +o that you 0ay "e a"#e to un-er+tan- the ter0+ ,hen ,e u+e the0 #ater on. 3. !rana, or Vita# &orce. /e ha.e +ai- +o0ething of !rana in our #itt#e "oo3, " he Science of Breath," ,hich 0any of you ha.e rea-. A+ ,e +ai- in that "oo3, !rana i+ uni.er+a# energy, "ut in our con+i-eration of it ,e ,i## confine our+e#.e+ to that 0anife+tation of !rana ,hich ,e ca## .ita# force. hi+ .ita# force i+ foun- in a## for0+ of #ife 8 fro0 the a0oe"a to 0an 8 fro0 the 0o+t e#e0entary for0 of p#ant #ife to the highe+t for0 of ani0a# #ife. !rana i+ a##8per.a-ing. It i+ foun- in a## thing+ ha.ing #ife, an- a+ the occu#t phi#o+ophy teache+ that #ife i+ in a## thing+ 8in e.ery ato0 8 the apparent #ife#e++ne++ of +o0e thing+ "eing on#y a #e++er -egree of 0anife+tation, ,e 0ay un-er+tan- that !rana i+ e.ery,here, in e.erything. !rana i+ not the %go, "ut i+ 0ere#y a for0 of energy u+e"y the %go in it+ 0ateria# 0anife+tation. /hen the %go -epart+ fro0 the phy+ica# "o-y, in ,hat ,e ca## "-eath," the !rana, "eing no #onger un-er the contro# of the %go, re+pon-+ on#y to the or-er+ of the in-i.i-ua# ato0+ or their group+, ,hich ha.e for0e- the phy+ica# "o-y, an- a+ the phy+ica# "o-y -i+integrate+ ani+

re+o#.e- "ac3 to it+ origina# e#e0ent+, each ato0 ta3e+ ,ith it +ufficient !rana to ena"#e it to for0 ne, co0"ination+, the unu+e- !rana returning to the great uni.er+a# +torehou+e fro0 ,hence it ca0e. !rana i+ in a## for0+ of 0atter, an- yet it i+ not 0atter 8 it i+ the energy or force ,hich ani0ate+ 0atter. /e ha.e gone into the 0atter of !rana in our #itt#e "oo3 pre.iou+#y referre- to, an- ,e -o not ,i+h to ta3e up the +tu-ent+6 ti0e in repeating ,hat ,e +ai- there. But "efore ta3ing up the ne:t princip#e, ,e ,i+h to -irect the +tu-ent6+ attention to the fact that !rana i+ the force un-er#ying 0agnetic hea#ing, 0uch of 0enta# hea#ing, a"+ent treat0ent, etc. hat ,hich ha+ "een +po3en of "y 0any a+ hu0an 0agneti+0 i+ rea##y !rana. In "Science of Breath," ,e ha.e gi.en you -irection+ for increa+ing the !rana in your +y+te09 -i+tri"uting it o.er the "o-y, +trengthening each part an- organ an- +ti0u#ating e.ery ce##. It 0ay "e -irecte- to,arre#ie.ing pain in one6+ +e#f an- other+ "y +en-ing to the affecte- part a +upp#y of !rana e:tracte- fro0 the air. It 0ay "e pro4ecte- to a -i+tance +o far a+ to affect other per+on+. he thought of the pro4ector +en-+ forth anco#or+ the !rana gathere- for the purpo+e, an- fin-+ #o-g0ent in the p+ychic organi+0 of the patient. (i3e the 1arconi ,a.e+ it i+ in.i+i"#e to the eye of 0an A,ith the e:ception of certain per+on+ ,ho ha.e attaine- a high -egree of c#air.oyant po,erB9 it pa++e+ through inter.ening o"+tac#e+ an- +ee3+ the per+on attuneto recei.e it. hi+ tran+ferring of !rana un-er the -irection of the ,i## i+ the un-er#ying princip#e of thought tran+ference, te#epathy, etc. )ne 0ay +urroun- hi0+e#f ,ith an aura of !rana, co#ore- ,ith +trong po+iti.e thought, ,hich ,i## ena"#e hi0 to re+i+t the a-.er+e thought ,a.e+ of other+, an- ,hich ,i## ena"#e hi0 to #i.e +erene in an at0o+phere of antagoni+tic an- inhar0oniou+ thought. /e a-.i+e +tu-ent+ to rerea- that portion of "Science of Breath" ,hich -ea#+ ,ith the u+e of !rana. /e propo+e going into great -etai# regar-ing thi+ pha+e of the +u"4ect, -uring the cour+e of the+e #e++on+, "ut "Science of Breath" gi.e+ a goo- fun-a0enta# i-ea of the nature of !rana an- the 0etho-+ of it+ u+e, an+tu-ent+ ,i## -o ,e## to refre+h their 0in-+ on thi+ +u"4ect. /e -o not ,i+h to ,eary you "y thi+ -e+cription of each of the +e.en princip#e+, an- ,e are a,are that you are i0patient to enter into the 0ore intere+ting pha+e+ of the +u"4ect. But it i+ a"+o#ute#y nece++ary that you

o"tain a c#ear i-ea of the+e +e.en princip#e+, in or-er that you 0ay un-er+tan- that ,hich fo##o,+, anto o".iate the nece++ity of your "eing "+ent "ac3" to re#earn the #e++on ,hich you ha.e "+3ippe-." /e hathi+ i-ea in 0in- ,hen ,e +tarte- thi+ c#a++ in *o.e0"er, 1903, in+tea- of ,aiting unti# Canuary, 190$, an,e gi.e you the *o.e0"er an- @ece0"er #e++on+ a+ "goo- 0ea+ure," +o a+ to "e a"#e to reach the 0ore intere+ting part of the +u"4ect "y the Canuary #e++on. /e ,i## #ea.e the +u"4ect of !rana an- ,i## pa++ on to the ne:t princip#e9 "ut ,e tru+t that you ,i## not #ea.e thi+ part of the #e++on unti# you ha.e ac5uire- a c#ear i-ea of !rana an- it+ 5ua#itie+ an- u+e+. Stu-y your "Science of Breath" unti# you un-er+tan- +o0ething of !rana. H% 1%* A( !'I*CI!(%S. he /e+tern rea-er ,ho ha+ +tu-ie- the ,riting+ of +o0e of the recent /e+tern p+ycho#ogi+t+ ,i## recogni2e in the In+tincti.e 1in- certain attri"ute+ of the +o8ca##e- "+u"4ecti.e" or "+u"con+ciou+" 0in-+ +po3en of +o fre5uent#y "y the +ai- ,riter+. he+e ,riter+ -i+co.ere- in 0an the+e characteri+tic+, a+ ,e## a+ certain higher pha+e+ of the 0in- Acoining fro0 the Spiritua# 1in-B, an- ,ithout +topping to in.e+tigate further, they a-.ance- a "ne," theory that 0an i+ po++e++e- of t,o 0in-+, i.e., the "o"4ecti.e" an- "+u"4ecti.e," or a+ +o0e ha.e ter0e- the0, the "con+ciou+ an- "+u"con+ciou+." hi+ ,a+ a## .ery ,e## +o far a+ it ,ent, "ut the+e in.e+tigator+ +et the "con+ciou+" 0in- a+i-e an- "un-#e- a## the re+t into their "+u"con+ciou+" or "+u"4ecti.e" 0in-, ignoring the fact that they ,ere 0i:ing the highe+t an- #o,e+t 5ua#itie+ of 0in- an- putting the0 in the

+a0e c#a++, an- #ea.ing the 0i--#e 5ua#ity "y it+e#f. he "+u"4ecti.e 0in-" an- the "+u"con+ciou+" theorie+ are .ery confu+ing, a+ the +tu-ent fin-+ groupe- together the 0o+t +u"#i0e f#a+he+ of geniu+ an- the +i##ie+t nothing+ of the 0an of #o, -e.e#op0ent, the 0in- of the #atter "eing a#0o+t a#together "+u"4ecti.e." o tho+e ,ho ha.e rea- up on the+e theorie+, ,e ,ou#- +ay that +uch rea-ing ,i## 0ateria##y he#p the0 to un-er+tan- the three 0enta# princip#e+ of 0an, if they ,i## re0e0"er that the "con+ciou+" or "o"4ecti.e" 0incorre+pon-+ .ery near#y ,ith the "Inte##ect" princip#e in the Yogi phi#o+ophy9 an- that the #o,e+t portion+ of the "+u"4ecti.e" or "+u"con+ciou+" 0in- are ,hat the Yogi+ ter0 the "In+tincti.e 1in-" princip#e9 ,hi#e the higher an- +u"#i0e 5ua#itie+, ,hich the /e+tern ,riter+ ha.e notice- an- ha.e groupe- ,ith the #o,er 5ua#itie+ in for0ing their "+u"4ecti.e 0in-" an- "+u"con+ciou+ 0in-" theorie+, i+ the "Spiritua# 1in-" princip#e of the Yogi+, ,ith the -ifference that the "Spiritua# 1in-" ha+ a--itiona# propertie+ an5ua#itie+ of ,hich the+e /e+tern theori+t+ ha.e ne.er -rea0e-. A+ ,e touch upon each of the+e three 0enta# princip#e+, you ,i## +ee the point+ of re+e0"#ance an- the point+ of -ifference "et,een the Yogi teaching+ an- the /e+tern theorie+. /e ,i+h it -i+tinct#y un-er+too-, ho,e.er, that ,e -o not -e+ire to -etract fro0 the prai+e 4u+t#y earne"y the+e /e+tern in.e+tigator+9 in fact, the Yogi+ o,e the0 a -e"t of gratitu-e for preparing the /e+tern 0infor the fu##er teaching+. he +tu-ent ,ho ha+ rea- the ,or3+ of the ,riter+ referre- to ,i## fin- it .ery 0uch ea+ier to gra+p the i-ea of the three 0enta# princip#e+ in 0an than if he ha- ne.er hear- of any -i.i+ion in the functioning of the 0in- of 0an. )ur principa# rea+on for ca##ing attention to the 0i+ta3e of the /e+tern -ua#80in- theorie+ ,a+ that to the 0in- of the Yogi it i+ painfu# to +ee that ,hich he 3no,+ to "e the highe+t 0anife+tation of 0in-, that ,hich i+ the +eat of in+piration an- f#a+he+ of geniu+, that ,hich touche+ the pure Spirit Athe Spiritua# 1in-B, ,hich i+ 4u+t "eginning to a,a3en in 0en of -e.e#op0ent an- gro,th 8 confu+ean- confoun-e- ,ith an- p#ace- in the +a0e c#a++ ,ith the #o,e+t 0enta# princip#e Athe In+tincti.e 1in-B ,hich, ,hi#e 0o+t nece++ary an- u+efu# to 0an, un-er the -irection of hi+ higher princip#e i+ +ti## +o0ething ,hich i+ co00on to the 0o+t un-e.e#ope- 0an, e.en to the #o,er for0 of the ani0a# 3ing-o0 8 yea, e.en to the p#ant #ife. /e tru+t that the +tu-ent ,i## free hi+ 0in- of preconcei.e- i-ea+ on thi+ i0portant +u"4ect, an,i## #i+ten to ,hat ,e +ay "efore for0ing hi+ fina# opinion. In our ne:t #e++on, ,e ,i## go into -etai# regar-ing

each of the three 1enta# !rincip#e+. H% S%C)*@ (%SS)*. H% 1%* A( !'I*CI!(%S. In our &ir+t (e++on ,e ca##e- your attention "rief#y to the three #o,er princip#e+ of 0an 8 i.e., A1B the phy+ica# "o-y9 A?B the a+tra# "o-y9 A3B !rana, or .ita# force. /e a#+o #e- up to the +u"4ect of the 0enta# princip#e+, ,hich for0 the fourth, fifth, an- +i:th, re+pecti.e#y, of the +e.en princip#e+ of 0an. &or con.enience +a3e, ,e ,i## again enu0erate the four higher princip#e+7 A<B Spirit. A=B Spiritua# 0in-. A>B Inte##ect. A$B In+tincti.e 0in-. hi+ ter0ino#ogy i+ 0ore or #e++ un+ati+factory, "ut ,e a-opt it in preference to the San+crit ter0+ ,hich pro.e +o pu22#ing an- e#u+i.e to the a.erage /e+tern +tu-ent. he three #o,er princip#e+ are the 0o+t 0ateria#, an- the ato0+ of ,hich they are co0po+e- are, of cour+e,

in-e+tructi"#e, an- go on fore.er in count#e++ for0+ an- a+pect+9 "ut the+e princip#e+, +o far a+ the ego i+ concerne-, are thing+ 0ere#y to "e u+e- in connection ,ith a particu#ar earth 8 #ife, 4u+t a+ 0an u+e+ c#othing, heat, e#ectricity, etc., an- they for0 no part of hi+ higher nature. he four higher princip#e+, on the contrary, go to 0a3e up the thin3ing part of 0an 8 the inte##igent part, +o to +pea3. %.en the #o,e+t of the four, the in+tincti.e 0in-, goe+ to for0 the higher part of the 0an. ho+e ,ho ha.e not con+i-ere- the +u"4ect at a## are apt to regar- a+ a"+ur- the +ugge+tion that the 0in- of 0an function+ on 0ore than one p#ane. Stu-ent+ of p+ycho#ogy, ho,e.er, ha.e #ong recogni2e- the .arying pha+e+ of 0entation, an- 0any theorie+ ha.e "een a-.ance- to account for the +a0e. Such +tu-ent+ ,i## finthat the Yogi phi#o+ophy a#one gi.e+ the 3ey to the 0y+tery. ho+e ,ho ha.e +tu-ie- the -ua#80intheorie+ of certain /e+tern ,riter+ ,i## a#+o fin- it ea+ier to concei.e of 0ore than one p#ane of 0enta#ity. At fir+t +ight it ,ou#- +ee0 that the con+ciou+, rea+oning part of 0an6+ 0in- -i- the 0o+t ,or3 if, in-ee-, not a## of it. But a #itt#e ref#ection ,i## +ho, u+ that the con+ciou+, rea+oning ,or3 of the 0in- i+ "ut a +0a## fraction of it+ ta+3. 1an6+ 0in- function+ on three p#ane+ of effort, each p#ane +ha-ing i0percepti"#y into the p#ane+ on either +i-e of it 8 the one ne:t higher or the one ne:t #o,er. he +tu-ent 0ay thin3 of the 0atter either a+ one 0in- functioning a#ong three #ine+, or a+ three 0in-+ +ha-ing into each other9 "oth .ie,+ ha.e 0ore or #e++ of the truth in the09 the rea# truth i+ too co0p#e: to "e con+i-ere- in -etai# in an e#e0entary #e++on. he principa# thing i+ to get the i-ea fi:e- in the 0in- 8 to for0 0enta# peg+ upon ,hich to hang future infor0ation. /e ,i## touch "rief#y upon the +e.era# "0in-+," or p#ane+ of 0enta# effort, "eginning ,ith the #o,e+t, the in+tincti.e 0in-. A$B he In+tincti.e 1in-. hi+ p#ane of 0entation ,e +hare in connection ,ith the #o,er ani0a#+, in, at #ea+t, it+ #o,er for0+. It i+ the fir+t p#ane of 0entation reache- in the +ca#e of e.o#ution. It+ #o,e+t pha+e+ are a#ong #ine+ in ,hich con+ciou+ne++ i+ +carce#y e.i-ent, an- it e:ten-+ fro0 thi+ #o,#y p#ace in the +ca#e unti# it 0anife+t+ a .ery high -egree of con+ciou+ne++ in co0pari+on ,ith it+ #o,e+t pha+e+9 in fact, ,hen it "egin+ to +ha-e into the fifth princip#e, it i+ -ifficu#t to -i+tingui+h it fro0 the #o,e+t for0+ of the #atter. he fir+t -a,n of the in+tincti.e 0in- 0ay "e +een e.en in the 0inera# 3ing-o0, 0ore particu#ar#y in

cry+ta#+, etc. hen in the p#ant 3ing-o0 it gro,+ 0ore -i+tinct an- higher in the +ca#e, +o0e of the higher fa0i#ie+ of p#ant+ +ho,ing e.en a ru-i0entary for0 of con+ciou+ne++. hen in the ,or#- of the #o,er ani0a#+ are +een increa+ing 0anife+tation+ of the in+tincti.e 0in-, fro0 the a#0o+t p#ant #i3e inte##igence of the #o,er for0+ unti# ,e reach a -egree a#0o+t e5ua# to that of the #o,e+t for0 of hu0an #ife. hen, a0ong 0en, ,e +ee it +ha-ing gra-ua##y into the fifth princip#e, the inte##ect, unti# in the highe+t for0 of 0an to-ay ,e +ee the fifth princip#e, inte##ect, in contro# to a certain e:tent, an- +u"or-inating the fourth princip#e to it, either ,i+e#y or un,i+e#y. But, re0e0"er thi+, that e.en the highe+t for0 of 0an carrie+ a"out ,ith hi0 the fourth princip#e, the in+tincti.e 0in-, an- in .arying -egree+ u+e+ it, or i+ u+e- "y it. he in+tincti.e 0in- i+ 0o+t u+efu# to 0an in thi+ +tage of hi+ -e.e#op0ent 8 he cou#- not e:i+t a+ a phy+ica# "eing ,ithout it, in fact 8 an- he 0ay 0a3e a 0o+t .a#ua"#e +er.ant of it if he un-er+tan-+ it9 "ut ,oe to hi0 if he a##o,+ it to re0ain in contro# or to u+urp prerogati.e+ "e#onging to it+ higher "rother. *o,, right here ,e 0u+t ca## your attention to the fact that 0an i+ +ti## a gro,ing creature 8 he i+ not a fini+he- pro-uct "y any 0ean+. He ha+ reache- hi+ pre+ent +tage of gro,th after a toi#+o0e 4ourney9 "ut it i+ 0ere#y +unri+e yet, an- the fu## -ay i+ far off. he fifth princip#e, the inte##ect, ha+ unfo#-e- to a certain -egree, particu#ar#y in the 0ore a-.ance- 0en of to-ay, "ut the unfo#-0ent i+ 0ere#y "eginning ,ith 0any. 1any 0en are "ut #itt#e 0ore than ani0a#+, an- their 0in-+ function a#0o+t entire#y upon the in+tincti.e p#ane. An- a## 0en of to-ay, ,ith the e:ception+ of a fe, .ery high#y -e.e#ope- in-i.i-ua#+, ha.e neeto "e on guar- #e+t the in+tincti.e 0in- -oe+ not occa+iona##y un-u#y a++ert it+ po,er o.er the0, ,hen they are off their guar-.

he #o,e+t pha+e of the ,or3 of the in+tincti.e 0in- i+ a3in to the +a0e ,or3 0anife+ting in the p#ant 3ing-o0. he ,or3 of our "o-ie+ i+ perfor0e- "y thi+ part of the 0in-. he con+tant ,or3 of repair, rep#ace0ent, change, -ige+tion, a++i0i#ation, e#i0ination, etc., i+ "eing perfor0e- "y thi+ part of the 0in-, a## "e#o, the p#ane of con+ciou+ne++. he ,on-rou+ ,or3 of the "o-y, in hea#th an- +ic3ne++, i+ faithfu##y carrieon "y thi+ part of our 0in-+, a## ,ithout our con+ciou+ 3no,#e-ge. he inte##igent ,or3 of e.ery organ, part, an- ce## of the "o-y i+ un-er the +uperinten-ence of thi+ part of the 0in-. 'ea- in "Science of Breath" of the 0ar.e#ou+ proce++ of the circu#ation of the "#oo-, it+ purification, etc., an- rea#i2e, faint#y, ,hat a ,on-erfu# ,or3 i+ e.en thi+ #o,e+t pha+e of the in+tincti.e 0in-. /e ,i## +ho, 0ore of it+ ,or3ing+ in our forthco0ing ,or3 "Hatha Yoga," "ut any +choo# phy+io#ogy ,i## gi.e you a c#ear i-ea of ,hat it -oe+, a#though it+ ,riter -oe+ not te## the cau+e "ehin- it. hi+ part of the ,or3 of the in+tincti.e 0in- i+ ,e## perfor0e- in the #o,er ani0a#+, p#ant+, an- in 0an, unti# the #atter "egin+ to unfo#- a #itt#e inte##ect, ,hen he often "egin+ to 0e--#e ,ith the ,or3 proper#y "e#onging to thi+ p#ane of the 0in-, an- +en-+ to it a-.er+e +ugge+tion+, fear thought+, etc. Ho,e.er, thi+ trou"#e i+ "ut te0porary, a+, ,hen the inte##ect unfo#-+ a #itt#e farther, it +ee+ the error into ,hich it ha+ fa##en an- procee-+ to rectify the trou"#e an- to pre.ent it+ recurrence. But thi+ i+ on#y a part of the pro.ince of the in+tincti.e 0in-. A+ the ani0a# progre++e- a#ong the +ca#e of e.o#ution, certain thing+ "eca0e nece++ary for it+ protection an- ,e##8"eing. It cou#- not rea+on on the+e thing+, +o that ,on-erfu# inte##igence -,e##ing, +u"con+ciou+#y, in the in+tincti.e 0in- unfo#-e- unti# it ,a+ a"#e to gra+p the +ituation an- 0eet it. It arou+e- the "fighting in+tinct" in the "rute for it+ pre+er.ation, anthi+ action of the in+tincti.e 0in-, .ery goo- for it+ purpo+e an- e++entia# to the pre+er.ation of the #ife of the ani0a#, i+ +ti## ,ith u+ an- occa+iona##y pro4ect+ it+e#f into our 0enta#ity ,ith a +urpri+ing -egree of +trength. here i+ a great -ea# of the o#- ani0a# fighting +pirit in u+ yet, a#though ,e ha.e 0anage- to contro# it an- to ho#- it in re+traint, than3+ to the #ight o"taine- fro0 our unfo#-ing higher facu#tie+. he in+tincti.e 0in- a#+o taught the ani0a# ho, to "ui#- it+ ne+t+, ho, to 0igrate "efore approaching ,inter, ho, to hi"ernate, anthou+an-+ of other thing+ ,e## 3no,n to +tu-ent+ of natura# hi+tory. An- it teache+ u+ ho, to -o the 0any thing+ ,hich ,e perfor0 in+tincti.e#y, a+ it a#+o a++u0e+ ta+3+ ,hich ,e #earn ho, to perfor0 "y 0ean+ of

our inte##ect, an- ,hich ,e pa++ on to the in+tincti.e 0in-, ,hich after,ar- perfor0+ the0 auto0atica##y or near#y +o. It i+ a+toni+hing ho, 0any of our -ai#y ta+3+ are perfor0e- un-er the -irection of our in+tincti.e 0in-, +u"4ect 0ere#y to a ca+ua# +uper.i+ion of the Inte##ect. /hen ,e #earn to -o thing+ ""y heart," ,e ha.e rea##y 0a+tere- the0 on the inte##ectua# p#ane, an- then pa++e- the0 on to the in+tincti.e p#ane of 0entation. he ,o0an ,ith her +e,ing 0achine, the 0an ,ho run+ hi+ engine, the painter ,ith hi+ "ru+h, a## finthe in+tincti.e 0in- a goo- frien-, in fact the inte##ect ,ou#- +oon tire if it ha- the+e e.ery 8 -ay ta+3+ to perfor0. *ote the -ifference "et,een #earning to -o a thing, an- then -oing it after it ha+ "een #earne-. he+e 0anife+tation+ of the in+tincti.e 0in- are of cour+e a0ong it+ higher pha+e+, an- are -ue #arge#y to it+ contact ,ith an- "#en-ing ,ith the unfo#-ing inte##ect. he in+tincti.e 0in- i+ a#+o the "ha"it" 0in-. he inte##ect Aeither that of the o,ner of the in+tincti.e 0in-, or of +o0e other 0anB pa++e+ on i-ea+ to it, ,hich it after,ar- faithfu##y carrie+ out to the #etter, un#e++ correcteor gi.en "etter in+truction+, or ,or+e one+, "y the inte##ect of +o0e one. he in+tincti.e 0in- i+ a 5ueer +torehou+e. It i+ fu## of thing+ recei.e- fro0 a .ariety of +ource+. It contain+ 0any thing+ ,hich it ha+ recei.e- through here-ity9 other thing+ ,hich ha.e unfo#-e- ,ithin it, the +ee-+ of ,hich ,ere +o,n at the ti0e of the pri0a# i0pu#+e ,hich +tarte- #ife a#ong the path9 other thing+ ,hich it ha+ recei.e- fro0 the inte##ect, inc#u-ing +ugge+tion+ fro0 other+, a+ ,e## a+ thought8,a.e+ +ent out fro0 the 0in-+ of other+, ,hich ha.e ta3en #o-g0ent ,ithin it+ corri-or+. A## +ort+ of foo#i+hne++ a+ ,e## a+ ,i+-o0 i+ there. /e ,i## -ea# ,ith thi+ pha+e of the +u"4ect in future #e++on+, un-er the hea- of Sugge+tion anAuto Sugge+tion, hought !o,er, etc. In+tincti.e 0in- 0anife+t+ .arying -egree+ of con+ciou+ne++, .arying fro0 a#0o+t a"+o#ute +u"8 con+ciou+ne++ to the +i0p#e con+ciou+ne++ of the highe+t of the #o,er ani0a#+ an- the #o,er for0+ of 0an. Se#f8con+ciou+ne++ co0e+ to 0an ,ith the unfo#-0ent of the inte##ect, an- ,i## "e +po3en of in it+ proper

p#ace. Co+0ic or uni.er+a# con+ciou+ne++ co0e+ ,ith the unfo#-0ent of the +piritua# 0in- an- ,i## "e toucheupon #ater on. hi+ gra-ua# gro,th of con+ciou+ne++ i+ a 0o+t intere+ting an- i0portant "ranch of the +u"4ect "efore u+, an- ,i## "e referre- to, an- +po3en of, at -ifferent point+ in thi+ cour+e. Before ,e pa++ on to the ne:t princip#e, ,e 0u+t ca## your attention to the fact that the in+tincti.e 0ini+ the +eat of the appetite+, pa++ion+, -e+ire+, in+tinct+, +en+ation+, fee#ing+, an- e0otion+ of the #o,er or-er, 0anife+te- in 0an a+ ,e## a+ in the #o,er ani0a#+. here are of cour+e higher i-ea+, e0otion+, a+piration+, an-e+ire+, reaching the a-.ance- 0an fro0 the unfo#-ing +piritua# 0in-, "ut the ani0a# -e+ire+, an- the or-inary fee#ing+, e0otion+, etc., "e#ong to the in+tincti.e 0in-. A## the "fee#ing+" "e#onging to our pa++iona# ane0otiona# nature "e#ong to thi+ p#ane. A## ani0a# -e+ire+, +uch a+ hunger an- thir+t, +e:ua# -e+ire+ Aon the phy+ica# p#aneB9 a## pa++ion+, +uch a+ phy+ica# #o.e, hatre-, en.y, 0a#ice, 4ea#ou+y, re.enge, are a part of it. he -e+ire for the phy+ica# Aun#e++ a+ a 0ean+ of reaching higher thing+B, the #onging for the 0ateria#, a## "e#ong to thi+ p#ane. he "#u+t of the f#e+h, the #u+t of the eye+, the pri-e of #ife," are on thi+ p#ane. hi+ princip#e i+ the 0o+t 0ateria# of the three 0enta# princip#e+, an- i+ the one ,hich i+ apt to "in- u+ the c#o+e+t to the earth an- earth#y thing+. 'e0e0"er, that ,e are not con-e0ning 0ateria# or "earth#y" thing+ 8 they are a## right in their p#ace9 "ut 0an in hi+ unfo#-0ent gro,+ to +ee the+e thing+ a+ on#y a 0ean+ to an en- 8 on#y a +tep in the +piritua# e.o#ution. An- ,ith c#earer .i+ion he cea+e+ to "e "oun- too tight#y to the 0ateria# +i-e of #ife, an-, in+tea- of regar-ing it a+ the en- an- ai0 of a## thing+, +ee+ that it i+, at the "e+t, on#y a 0ean+ to a higher en-. 1any of the ""rute" in+tinct+ are +ti## ,ith u+, an- are 0uch in e.i-ence in un-e.e#ope- peop#e. )ccu#ti+t+ #earn to cur" an- contro# the+e #o,er in+tinct+, an- to +u"or-inate the0 to the higher 0enta# i-ea#+ ,hich open up to the0. Be not -i+courage-, -ear +tu-ent, if you fin- 0uch of the ani0a# +ti## ,ithin you. It i+ no +ign of ""a-ne++," or e.i#9 in fact the recognition of it "y one i+ a +ign that hi+ unfo#-0ent ha+ "egun, for, "efore, the +a0e thing ,a+ there an- not recogni2e- for ,hat it i+, ,herea+ no, it i+ "oth +een an- recogni2e-. Dno,#e-ge i+ po,er9 #earn to 3no, the re0nant+ of the "rute nature ,ithin you an- "eco0e a ta0er of ,i#"ea+t+. he higher princip#e+ ,i## a#,ay+ o"tain the 0a+tery, "ut patience, per+e.erance, an- faith are re5uirefor the ta+3. he+e ""rute" thing+ ,ere a## right in their ti0e 8 the ani0a# ha- nee- of the0 they ,ere

"goo-" for the purpo+e inten-e-, "ut no, that 0an i+ reaching higher point+ on the path, he +ee+ c#earer an#earn+ to +u"or-inate the #o,er part+ of hi0+e#f to the higher. he #o,er in+tinct+ ,ere not i0p#ante- in your nature "y "the -e.i#"9 you ca0e "y the0 hone+t#y. hey ca0e in the proce++ of e.o#ution a+ a proper an- right thing, "ut ha.e "een #arge#y outgro,n an- can no, "e #eft "ehin-. So -o not fear the+e inheritance+ fro0 the pa+t9 you can put the0 a+i-e or +u"or-inate the0 to higher thing+ a+ you 4ourney a#ong the path. @o not -e+pi+e the0, though you trea- the0 un-er foot 8 they are the +tep+ upon ,hich you ha.e reache- your pre+ent high e+tate, an- upon ,hich you ,i## attain +ti## greater height+. A>B he Inte##ect. /e no, reach the 0enta# princip#e ,hich -i+tingui+he+ 0an fro0 the "rute. he fir+t four princip#e+ 0an +hare+ in co00on ,ith the #o,er for0+ of #ife, "ut ,hen the fifth princip#e "egin+ to unfo#- he ha+ reache- an i0portant +tage of the 4ourney a#ong the path of attain0ent. He fee#+ hi+ 0anhoo- 0anife+ting ,ithin hi0. *o,, re0e0"er, that there i+ no .io#ent change or 0ar3e- tran+ition fro0 the con+ciou+ne++ of the fourth princip#e into that of the fifth. A+ ,e ha.e "efore e:p#aine-, the+e princip#e+ +ha-e into each other, an"#ena+ -o the co#or+ of the +pectru0. A+ inte##ect unfo#-+, it i##u0inate+ faint#y the fourth princip#e, anen-o,+ in+tincti.e #ife ,ith rea+on. Si0p#e con+ciou+ne++ +ha-e+ into +e#f8con+ciou+ne++. Before the fifth princip#e -a,n+ fair#y, the creature ha.ing the four princip#e+ ,e## -e.e#ope- ha+ pa++ion+ "ut no rea+on9 e0otion+ "ut not inte##ect9 -e+ire+ "ut no rationa#i2e- ,i##. It i+ the +u"4ect a,aiting the 0onarch, the +#eeper a,aiting the

0agic touch of the one ,ho ha+ "een +ent to a,a3en hi0 fro0 the enchanter6+ -eep +#eep. It i+ the "rute a,aiting the co0ing of that ,hich ,i## tran+for0 it into a 0an. In +o0e of the #o,er ani0a#+, the fourth princip#e ha+ attracte- to it+e#f the #o,e+t +ha-ing of the fifth princip#e, an- the ani0a# 0anife+t+ +ign+ of a faint rea+oning. )n the other han-, in +o0e of the #o,er for0+ of 0an 8 the Bu+h0an, for e:a0p#e8, the fourth princip#e ha+ +carce#y "een percepti"#y co#ore- "y the inco0ing fifth princip#e, an- the "0an" i+ +carce#y 0ore than a "rute, in fact i+ 0ore of a "rute, 0enta##y, than +o0e of the higher -o0e+ticate- ani0a#+, ,ho, ha.ing "een for 0any generation+ in c#o+e co0panion+hip ,ith 0an, ha.e "een co#ore- "y hi+ 0enta# e0anation+. he fir+t +ign of the rea# unfo#-0ent of the fifth princip#e, inte##ect, i+ the -a,ning of +e#f8 con+ciou+ne++. In or-er 0ore fu##y to un-er+tan- thi+, #et u+ con+i-er ,hat con+ciou+ne++ rea##y i+. A0ong the #o,er ani0a#+ there i+ .ery #itt#e of that ,hich ,e ca## con+ciou+ne++. he con+ciou+ne++ of the #o,er ani0a# for0+ i+ "ut #itt#e 0ore than 0ere +en+ation. (ife in the ear#y +tage+ i+ a#0o+t auto0atic. he 0entation i+ a#0o+t entire#y a#ong +u"con+ciou+ #ine+, an- the 0entation it+e#f i+ on#y that ,hich i+ concerne- ,ith the phy+ica# #ife of the ani0a# 8 the +ati+faction of it+ pri0iti.e ,ant+. After a "it, thi+ pri0iti.e con+ciou+ne++ -e.e#ope- into ,hat p+ycho#ogi+t+ ter0 +i0p#e con+ciou+ne++. Si0p#e con+ciou+ne++ i+ an "a,arene++" of out+i-e thing+ 8 a perception an- recognition of thing+ other than the inner +e#f. he con+ciou+ attention i+ turne- out,ar-. he ani0a#, or #o, or-er of 0an, cannot thin3 of hi+ hope+ anfear+, hi+ a+piration+, hi+ p#an+, hi+ thought+, an- then co0pare the0 ,ith the #i3e thought+ of other+ of hi+ 3in-. He cannot turn hi+ ga2e in,ar- an- +pecu#ate upon a"+tract thing+. He +i0p#y ta3e+ thing+ for grante- ana+3+ no 5ue+tion+. He -oe+ not atte0pt to fin- +o#ution+ for 5ue+tion+ ,ithin hi0+e#f, for he i+ not a,are that +uch 5ue+tion+ e:i+t. /ith the a-.ent of +e#f8con+ciou+ne++ 0an "egin+ to for0 a conception of the "I" He "egin+ to co0pare hi0+e#f ,ith other+ an- to rea+on a"out it. He ta3e+ 0enta# +toc3, an- -ra,+ conc#u+ion+ fro0 ,hat he fin-+ in hi+ 0in-. He "egin+ to thin3 for hi0+e#f, to ana#y2e, c#a++ify, +eparate, -e-uce, etc. A+ he progre++e+ he "egin+ to thin3 out thing+ for hi0+e#f, an- pa++e+ a#ong ne, an- fre+h +ugge+tion+ to hi+ in+tincti.e 0in-. He "egin+ to re#y upon hi+ o,n 0in-, rather than "#in-#y accepting that ,hich e0anate+ fro0 the 0in- of other+. He "egin+ to create for hi0+e#f, an- i+ no #onger a 0ere 0enta# auto0aton.

An- fro0 a 0ere g#i00ering of con+ciou+ inte##igence there ha+ gro,n the highe+t inte##igence of to-ay. A 0o-ern ,riter forci"#y e:pre++e+ the gro,th in the fo##o,ing ,or-+7 "&or +o0e hun-re-+ of year+, upon the genera# p#ane of +e#f8con+ciou+ne++, an a+cent, to the hu0an eye gra-ua##y, "ut fro0 the point of .ie, of co+0ic e.o#ution rapi-, ha+ "een 0a-e. In a race, #arge8"raine-, ,a#3ing erect, gregariou+, "ruta#, "ut 3ing of a## other "rute+, 0an in appearance "ut not in fact, ,a+ fro0 the highe+t +i0p#e8con+ciou+ne++ "orn the "a+ic hu0an facu#ty +e#f8con+ciou+ne++, an- it+ t,in, #anguage. &ro0 the+e an- ,hat ,ent ,ith the+e, through +uffering, toi#, an- ,ar9 through "e+tia#ity, +a.agery, "ar"ari+09 through +#a.ery, gree-, effort9 through con5ue+t+ infinite, through -efeat+ o.er,he#0ing, through +trugg#e unen-ing9 through age+ of ai0#e++ +e0i8"ruta# e:i+tence9 through +u"+i+tence on "errie+ an- root+9 through the u+e of the ca+ua##y foun+tone or +tic39 through #ife in -eep fore+t+, ,ith nut+ an- +ee-+, an- on the +hore+ of ,ater+ ,ith 0o##u+3+, cru+tacean+, an- fi+h for foo-9 through that greate+t, perhap+, of hu0an .ictorie+, the -o0e+tication an- +u"4ugation of fire9 through the in.ention an- art of "o, an- arro,9 through the ta0ing of ani0a#+ an- the "rea3ing of the0 to #a"or9 through the #ong #earning ,hich #e- to the cu#ti.ation of the +oi#9 through the a-o"e "ric3 an- the "ui#-ing of hou+e+ therefro09 through the +0e#ting of 0eta#+ an- the +#o, "irth of the art+ ,hich re+t upon the+e9 through the +#o, 0a3ing of a#pha"et+ an- the e.o#ution of the ,ritten ,or-9 in +hort, through thou+an-+ of centurie+ of hu0an #ife, of hu0an a+piration, of hu0an gro,th, +prang the ,or#- of 0en an- ,o0en a+ it +tan-+ "efore u+ an- ,ithin u+ to-ay ,ith a## it+ achie.e0ent+ an- po++e++ion+." Se#f8con+ciou+ne++ i+ a thing ea+y to co0prehen-, "ut -ifficu#t to -efine. )ne ,riter ha+ e:pre++e- it ,e##

,hen he +ay+ that ,ithout +e#f8con+ciou+ne++ a creature 0ay 3no,9 "ut on#y "y the ai- of +e#f8 con+ciou+ne++ i+ it po++i"#e for hi0 to 3no, that he 3no,+. An- ,ith thi+ unfo#-0ent of the inte##ect ca0e the "eginning+ of a## the ,on-erfu# achie.e0ent+ of the hu0an 0in- of to-ay. But great a+ are the+e achie.e0ent+, the+e are a+ nothing to ,hat i+ yet "efore the race. &ro0 .ictory on to .ictory ,i## the inte##ect progre++. In it+ unfo#-0ent, a+ it "egin+ to recei.e 0ore an- 0ore #ight fro0 the ne:t highe+t princip#e, the +piritua# 0in-, it ,i## achie.e thing+ a+ yet un-rea0e- of. An- yet, poor 0orta#, re0e0"er, inte##ect i+ thir- fro0 the highe+t in the +ca#e on the princip#e+ of 0an. here are t,o princip#e+ a+ 0uch higher than inte##ect, a+ inte##ect i+ higher than the princip#e "e#o, 8 in+tincti.e 0in-. @o not 0a3e a Eo- of inte##ect9 -o not a##o, the pri-e of inte##ect to "#in- you. he i0portance of the a,a3ening of +e#f8con+ciou+ne++ 0ay "e 0ore c#ear#y recogni2e- ,hen ,e te## you that the occu#t -octrine i+ that once the +e#f8con+ciou+ne++ i+ a,a3ene- into "eing, once the "I" ha+ "een fe#t anrecogni2e-, the rea# a,a3ene- #ife of the +ou# "egin+. /e -o not refer to the #ife that co0e+ after the +piritua# a,a3ening 8 that i+ a +ti## higher +tage "ut to the 0enta# a,a3ening of the +ou# to the "I" con+ciou+ne++. hi+ i+ the +tage ,here the "a"y ego fir+t "egin+ it+ ,a3ing e:i+tence. !re.iou+ to that ti0e it ha+ +#u0"ereon, a#i.e "ut not con+ciou+ of it+e#f, an- no, the ti0e of #a"or pain+ an- "irth i+ at han-. he +ou# ha+ to 0eet ne, con-ition+, an- ha+ 0any an o"+tac#e to o.erco0e "efore it reache+ +piritua# 0anhoo-. 1any e:perience+ ,i## it un-ergo, 0any tria#+ ,i## it "e force- to 0eet9 "ut +ti## the progre++ i+ on an- on an- on. At ti0e+ there 0ay "e +et"ac3+, an- it 0ay e.en +ee0 to retrogra-e, "ut +uch o"+tac#e+ are +oon +ur0ountean- the +ou# ta3e+ up it+ 4ourney again. here i+ no rea# going "ac3,ar- on the path, an- +#o, a+ the progre++ 0ay +ee0, each of u+ i+ 0o.ing +tea-i#y for,ar-. /e ha- hope- to "e a"#e to reach the +u"4ect of the +i:th princip#e, +piritua# 0in-, in thi+ #e++on, "ut ,e +ee that ,e ha.e not +ufficient +pace at our -i+po+a#, +o ,e 0u+t -efer that 0o+t intere+ting +u"4ect, a+ ,e## a+ that of the +e.enth princip#e, +pirit, unti# the ne:t #e++on. /e are a,are that our +tu-ent+ are eager to pre++ for,ar-, an- ,e are ,a+ting a+ #itt#e ti0e a+ po++i"#e on the ,ay9 "ut there are certain fun-a0enta# truth+ ,hich 0u+t "e c#ear#y un-er+too- "efore ,e -are ta3e another +tep.

here are a nu0"er of #e++on+ to "e -ra,n fro0 the +u"4ect+ of the in+tincti.e 0in- an- the inte##ect, an- thi+ i+ a+ goo- a p#ace a+ any in ,hich to con+i-er the0. )ne of the+e #e++on+ i+ that the a,a3ening of inte##ect -oe+ not nece++ari#y 0a3e the creature a "etter "eing, in the +en+e of "eing "goo-." /hi#e it i+ true that an unfo#-ing princip#e or facu#ty ,i## gi.e an up,arten-ency to 0an, it i+ e5ua##y true that +o0e 0en are +o c#o+e#y ,rappe- in the fo#-+ of the ani0a# +heath 8 +o +teepe- in the 0ateria# +i-e of thing+ 8 that the a,a3ene- inte##ect on#y ten-+ to gi.e the0 increa+e- po,er+ to gratify their #o, -e+ire+ an- inc#ination+. 1an, if he choo+e+, 0ay e:ce# the "ea+t+ in "e+tia#ity he 0ay -e+cen- to -epth+ of ,hich the "ea+t ,ou#- ne.er ha.e thought. he "ea+t i+ go.erne- +o#e#y "y in+tinct, an- hi+ action+, +o pro0pte-, are perfect#y natura# an- proper, an- the ani0a# i+ not "#a0e- for fo##o,ing the i0pu#+e+ of it+ nature. But 0an, in ,ho0 inte##ect ha+ unfo#-e-, 3no,+ that it i+ contrary to hi+ highe+t nature to -e+cen- to the #e.e# of the "ea+t+ yea, #o,er "y far. He a--+ to the "rute -e+ire+ the cunning an- inte##igence ,hich ha.e co0e to hi0, an- -e#i"erate#y pro+titute+ hi+ higher princip#e to the ta+3 of carrying out the 0agnifieani0a# propen+itie+. Very fe, ani0a#+ a"u+e their -e+ire+ 8 it i+ #eft for +o0e 0en to -o +o. he higher the -egree of inte##ect unfo#-e- in a 0an, the greater the -epth+ of #o, pa++ion+, appetite+, an- -e+ire+ po++i"#e to hi0. He actua##y create+ ne, "rute -e+ire+, or rather, "ui#-+ e-ifice+ of hi+ o,n upon the "rute foun-ation+. It i+ unnece++ary for u+ to +tate that a## occu#ti+t+ 3no, that +uch a cour+e ,i## "ring certain con+e5uence+ in it+ train, ,hich ,i## re+u#t in the +ou# ha.ing to +pen- 0any ,eary year+ in retracing it+ +tep+ o.er the "ac3,arroa- it ha+ tro--en. It+ progre++ ha+ "een retar-e-, an- it ,i## "e co0pe##e- to re8tra.e# the roa- to free-o0, in co00on ,ith the "ea+t #i3e nature+ of un-e.e#ope- creature+ ,ho+e proper +tate of the 4ourney it i+, ha.ing an a--itiona# "ur-en in the +hape of the horror of con+ciou+ne++ of it+ +urroun-ing+, ,herea+ it+ co0panion+ ha.e no +uch con+ciou+ne++ an- con+e5uent#y +uffer not. If you can i0agine a ci.i#i2e-, refine- 0an ha.ing to

#i.e a0ong Au+tra#ian Bu+h0en for 0any year+, ,ith a fu## reco##ection of ,hat he ha+ #o+t, you 0ay for0 a faint i-ea of the fate in +tore for one ,ho -e#i"erate#y +in3+ hi+ high po,er+ to the acco0p#i+h0ent of #o, en-+ an- -e+ire+. But e.en for +uch a +ou# there i+ e+cape 8 in ti0e. (et your higher nature "e on guar- an- refu+e to "e -ra,n "ac3 into the "rute #ife ,hich ha+ "een pa++ethrough. Deep your ga2e up,ar-, an- #et your 0otto "e7 "&or,ar-." he "rute nature 0ay e:ert a pu## -o,n,ar-, "ut the +piritua# 0in- ,i## gi.e you a he#ping han-, an- ,i## +u+tain you if you "ut tru+t to it. he inte##ect i+ "et,een the t,o, an- 0ay "e inf#uence- "y either or "oth. a3e your choice, oh, +trugg#ing +ou#. Your he#p i+ ,ithin you9 #oo3 to it, an- refu+e to "e -ragge- "ac3 into the 0ire of the ani0a# 0in-. 1anife+t the "I" ,ithin you an- "e +trong. You are an i00orta# +ou#, an- are 0o.ing on an- on an- on to +ti## greater thing+. !eace "e your+. H% HI'@ (%SS)*. H% S!I'I ;A( !'I*CI!(%S. In our Secon- (e++on ,e ga.e you a "rief out#ine of the &ourth an- &ifth !rincip#e+ of 1an, i.e.9 A$B In+tincti.e 1in-, an- A>B Inte##ect. A+ ,e ha.e to#- you "efore, 0an ha+ pa++e- through the &ourth !rincip#e +tage to it+ e:tre0e, an- ha+ no, pa++e- on to a con+ciou+ne++ of the &ifth !rincip#e, Inte##ect. So0e of u+ ha.e -e.e#ope- the Inte##ectua# +tage to a con+i-era"#e e:tent Aa#though ,e ha.e practica##y con5uere"ut a fe, +5uare 0i#e+ of the ne, territory of the 0in-, an- there i+ +ti## a great ta+3 "efore u+B, ,hi#e other 0en +ee0 to ha.e a con+ciou+ne++ a#0o+t a#together ,ithin the "or-er+ of the In+tincti.e 1in-, an- ha.e on#y a g#i00ering of Inte##ect. *ot on#y i+ thi+ true of the +a.age race+, "ut 0any, .ery 0any of +o8ca##e- "ci.i#i2e-" peop#e ha.e not #earneto -o their o,n thin3ing, an- +ee0 ,i##ing to a##o, other+ to -o their thin3ing for the0, they fo##o,ing certain #ea-er+ ,ith the +tupi- ha"it of the +heep. But +ti## the race i+ progre++ing, +#o,#y "ut +ure#y, an- 0any are thin3ing no, ,ho ne.er thought "efore, a greater nu0"er are refu+ing to ta3e their thin3ing +econhan-, anare in+i+ting upon 3no,ing for the0+e#.e+. /hen ,e con+i-er that there are 0any 0en in ,ho0 the &ifth !rincip#e, the Inte##ect, ha+ +carce#y unfo#-e-, an- that the race in genera# ha+ ta3en "ut a fe, +tep+ into the

#an- of the Inte##ect, ,e "egin to rea#i2e ho, -ifficu#t it i+ for any of u+ e:cept the 0an or ,o0an of e:ceptiona# +piritua# unfo#-0ent to co0prehen- e.en faint#y the +ti## higher !rincip#e+. It i+ +o0ething #i3e a 0an "orn "#in- trying to co0prehen- #ight9 or one "orn -eaf en-ea.oring to for0 a 0enta# concept of +oun-. )ne can on#y for0 an i-ea of +o0ething a3in to hi+ e:perience+. A 0an ,ho ha+ ne.er ta+te- anything +,eet cannot for0 an i-ea of +ugar. /ithout e:perience or con+ciou+ne++ of a thing, our 0in-+ are una"#e to for0 a concept. But near#y a## of u+ ,ho ha.e "een attracte- to the+e #e++on+ or ,ho ha.e attracte- the+e #e++on+ to u+, ha.e ha- e:perience+ ,hich ,i## ena"#e u+ to co0prehen- +o0ething of the Si:th !rincip#e 8 ha.e hag#i00ering+ of con+ciou+ne++ ,hich he#p u+ to un-er+tan- +o0ething of the Spiritua# 1in-. A ten-ency to,ar- the occu#t the hunger of the +ou# for 0ore #ight are in-ication+ that the Si:th !rincip#e, Spiritua# 1in-, i+ "eginning to +ha-e into our con+ciou+ne++, an-, a#though it 0ay "e age+ "efore ,e a,a3en into fu## Spiritua# Con+ciou+ne++, ,e are +ti## "eing inf#uence- an- he#pe- "y it. hi+ +piritua# unre+t often cau+e+ u+ great -i+co0fort, unti# ,e fin- our+e#.e+ on the right roa- to 3no,#e-ge, an- e.en thereafter ,e fee# 0ore or #e++ un+ati+fie- "y the fe, cru0"+ that -rop to u+ fro0 the ta"#e of Dno,#e-ge. But -e+pair not, +ee3er+ after the ruth9 the+e pain+ are "ut the tra.ai# of +piritua# "irth 8 great thing+ are "efore you 8 ta3e courage an- fear not. o,ar- the en- of thi+ #e++on ,e ,i## +pea3 of the proce++ of "I##u0ination" or Spiritua# Con+ciou+ne++, ,hich ha+ co0e, or i+ co0ing, to 0any of u+, an- ,hat ,e ha.e to +ay 0ay thro, #ight upon 0any

e:perience+ ,hich ha.e co0e to you, an- for ,hich you ha.e heretofore ha- no e:p#anation. /e ,i## no, ta3e up the +u"4ect of the Si:th !rincip#e, Spiritua# 1in-, ,hich ,i## "e 0ore or #e++ p#ain to tho+e ,ho ha.e ha- g#i00ering+ of con+ciou+ne++ fro0 thi+ p#ane of the +ou#, "ut ,hich ,i## "e fu## of "har+aying+." an- "-ar3 corner+" to tho+e ,ho ha.e not a+ yet reache- thi+ +tage of unfo#-0ent. he Se.enth !rincip#e, he Spirit, ho,e.er, i+ "eyon- the co0prehen+ion of any e:cept the fe, en#ightene- anhigh#y -e.e#ope- +ou#+, in an- out of the "o-y, ,ho are a+ far a"o.e the or-inary 0an a+ the a.erage en#ightene0an i+ a"o.e the Bu+h0an. /e can "ut pa++ on to you enough to gi.e you a genera# inte##ectua# i-ea of ,hat i+ 0eant "y "Spirit" the con+ciou+ne++ of it i+ +ti## far "eyon- the race in it+ pre+ent +tage.It i+ ,e##, ho,e.er, to 3no, of the e:i+tence of Spirit, a+ it he#p+ u+ to un-er+tan- +o0ething of the Spiritua# 1in-, ,hich i+ Spirit6+ 0ean+ of co00unication ,ith the Inte##ectua# con+ciou+ne++. he co0prehen+ion of Spiritua# 1in-, ho,e.er, open+ up +uch a ,on-erfu# ,or#- of thought that ,e are +ati+fie- to #ea.e the un-er+tan-ing of Spirit unti# +uch ti0e a+ ,e ,i## gro, into a con+ciou+ne++ of it. A=B he Spiritua# 1in-. he Si:th !rincip#e, Spiritua# 1in-, ha+ "een +ty#e- "y +o0e ,riter+ " he Supercon+ciou+ 1in-," ,hich ter0 i+ a fair#y goo- one, a+ it -i+tingui+he+ "et,een the #o,er Su"con+ciou+ 1in- or In+tincti.e 1in-, the Con+ciou+ 1in- or Inte##ect, an- it+e#f, ,hich #atter, ,hi#e out+i-e of the rea#0 of or-inary hu0an con+ciou+ne++, i+ +ti## a .ery -ifferent thing fro0 the #o,er or In+tincti.e 1in-. /hi#e the actua# e:i+tence of the Spiritua# 1in- ha+ "een 0a-e 0anife+t to "ut a #i0ite- nu0"er of the hu0an race, there are 0any ,ho are "eco0ing con+ciou+ of a higher "So0ething /ithin," ,hich #ea-+ the0 up to higher an- no"#er thought+, -e+ire+, a+piration+, an- -ee-+. An- there i+ a +ti## greater nu0"er ,ho recei.e a faint g#i00ering of the #ight of the Spirit, an-, though they 3no, it not, are 0ore or #e++ inf#uence- "y it. In fact, the entire race recei.e+ +o0e of it+ "eneficent ray+, a#though in +o0e ca+e+ the #ight i+ +o "e-i00e- "y the -en+e 0ateria# o"+tac#e+ +urroun-ing the 0an that hi+ +piritua# t,i#ight i+ a#0o+t a3in to the "#ac3ne++ of night. But 0an i+ e.er unfo#-ing, -i+car-ing +heath after +heath, an- i+ +#o,#y co0ing ho0e. he #ight ,i## e.entua##y +hine fu## upon a##. A## that ,e con+i-er goo-, no"#e, an- great in the hu0an 0in- e0anate+ fro0 the Spiritua# 1in- an- i+

gra-ua##y unfo#-e- into the or-inary con+ciou+ne++. So0e %a+tern ,riter+ prefer the ter0 "pro4ecte-" a+ 0ore correct#y in-icating the proce++ ,here"y the ray of #ight i+ +ent into the con+ciou+ne++ of the 0an ,ho ha+ not yet reache- the +uperhu0an +tage of fu## Spiritua# Con+ciou+ne++. A## that ha+ co0e to 0an, in hi+ e.o#ution, ,hich ten-+ to,ar- no"i#ity, true re#igiou+ fee#ing, 3in-ne++, hu0anity, 4u+tice, un+e#fi+h #o.e, 0ercy, +y0pathy, etc., ha+ co0e to hi0 through hi+ +#o,#y unfo#-ing Spiritua# 1in-. Hi+ #o.e of Eo- an- hi+ #o.e of 1an ha+ co0e to hi0 in thi+ ,ay. A+ the unfo#-0ent goe+ on, hi+ i-ea of 4u+tice en#arge+9 he ha+ 0ore Co0pa++ion9 hi+ fee#ing of Hu0an Brotherhoo- increa+e+9 hi+ i-ea of (o.e gro,+9 an- he increa+e+ in a## the 5ua#itie+ ,hich 0en of a## cree-+ pronounce "goo-," an- ,hich 0ay a## "e +u00e- up a+ the practica# atte0pt to #i.e out the teaching+ of that great +piritua# 1a+ter, ,hen He enunciate- that great truth A,e## un-er+too- "y the occu#ti+t+ of a## cree-+, "ut +o #itt#e un-er+too- "y 0any ,ho c#ai0 to "e fo##o,er+ of Hi0B, +aying7 "An- thou +ha#t #o.e the (or-, thy Eo-, ,ith a## thy heart, an- ,ith a## thy +ou#, an- ,ith a## thy 0in-, an,ith a## thy +trength," an- " hou +ha#t #o.e thy neigh"or a+ thy+e#f." A+ 0an6+ Spiritua# Con+ciou+ne++ "egin+ to unfo#-, he "egin+ to ha.e an a"i-ing +en+e of the rea#ity of the e:i+tence of the Supre0e !o,er, an-, gro,ing a#ong ,ith it, he fin-+ the +en+e of Hu0an Brotherhoo8 of hu0an re#ation+hip 8 gra-ua##y co0ing into con+ciou+ne++. He -oe+ not get the+e thing+ fro0 hi+ In+tincti.e 1in-, nor -oe+ hi+ Inte##ect 0a3e hi0 fee# the0. Spiritua# 1in- -oe+ not run contrary to Inte##ect 8 it +i0p#y goe+ "eyon- Inte##ect. It pa++e+ -o,n to the Inte##ect certain truth+ ,hich it fin-+ in it+ o,n region+ of the 0in-, an- Inte##ect rea+on+ a"out the0. But they -o not originate ,ith Inte##ect. Inte##ect i+ co#- 8 Spiritua# Con+ciou+ne++ i+ ,ar0 an- a#i.e ,ith high fee#ing.

1an6+ gro,th to,ar- a "etter an- fu##er i-ea of the @i.ine !o,er -oe+ not co0e fro0 Inte##ect, a#though the #atter rea+on+ upon the i0pre++ion+ recei.e- an- trie+ to for0 the0 into +y+te0+, cree-+, cu#t+, etc. *or -oe+ the Inte##ect gi.e u+ our gro,ing +en+e of the re#ation+hip "et,een 0an an- 0an 8 the Brotherhoo- of 1an. (et u+ te## you ,hy 0an i+ 3in-er to hi+ 3in- an- to for0+ of #ife "e#o, hi0 than e.er "efore. It i+ not a#one "ecau+e the Inte##ect teache+ hi0 the .a#ue of 3in-ne++ an- #o.e, for 0an -oe+ not "eco0e 3in- or #o.ing "y co#- rea+oning. )n the contrary, he "eco0e+ 3in- an- #o.ing "ecau+e there ari+e ,ithin hi0 certain i0pu#+e+ an-e+ire+ co0ing fro0 +o0e un3no,n p#ace, ,hich ren-er it i0po++i"#e for hi0 to "e other,i+e ,ithout +uffering -i+co0fort an- pain. he+e i0pu#+e+ are a+ rea# a+ other -e+ire+ an- i0pu#+e+, an- a+ 0an -e.e#op+ the+e i0pu#+e+ "eco0e 0ore nu0erou+ an- 0uch +tronger. (oo3 at the ,or#- of a fe, hun-re- year+ ago, an- #oo3 at it to-ay, an- +ee ho, 0uch 3in-er an- 0ore #o.ing ,e are than in tho+e -ay+. But -o not "oa+t of it, for ,e ,i## +ee0 a+ 0ere +a.age+ to tho+e ,ho fo##o, u+ an- ,ho ,i## ,on-er at our inhu0anity to our "rother80an fro0 their point of .ie,. A+ 0an unfo#-+ +piritua##y he fee#+ hi+ re#ation+hip to a## 0an3in-, an- he "egin+ to #o.e hi+ fe##o,0an 0ore an- 0ore. It hurt+ hi0 to +ee other+ +uffering, an- ,hen it hurt+ hi0 enough he trie+ to -o +o0ething to re0e-y it. A+ ti0e goe+ on an- 0an -e.e#op+, the terri"#e +uffering ,hich 0any hu0an "eing+ un-ergo to-ay ,i## "e i0po++i"#e, for the rea+on that the unfo#-ing Spiritua# Con+ciou+ne++ of the race ,i## 0a3e the pain fe#t +o +e.ere#y "y a## that the race ,i## not "e a"#e to +tan- it, an- they ,i## in+i+t upon 0atter+ "eing re0e-ie-. &ro0 the inner rece++e+ of the +ou# co0e+ a prote+t again+t the fo##o,ing of the #o,er ani0a# nature, an-, a#though ,e 0ay put it a+i-e for a ti0e, it ,i## "eco0e 0ore an- 0ore per+i+tent, unti# ,e are force- to heeit. he o#- +tory of each per+on ha.ing t,o a-.i+or+, one at each ear, one ,hi+pering to hi0 to fo##o, the higher teaching+ an- the other te0pting hi0 to pur+ue the #o,er path, i+ +ho,n to "e practica##y true "y the occu#t teaching regar-ing the three 0enta# princip#e+. he Inte##ect repre+ent+ the "I" con+ciou+ne++ of the a.erage per+on. hi+ "I" ha+ on one +i-e the In+tincti.e 1in- +en-ing hi0 to the o#- -e+ire+ of the for0er +e#f the i0pu#+e+ of the #e++ -e.e#ope- #ife of the ani0a# or #o,er 0an, ,hich -e+ire+ ,ere a## .ery ,e## in

#o,er +tage+ of -e.e#op0ent, "ut ,hich are un,orthy of the gro,ing 0an. )n the other +i-e i+ the Spiritua# 1in-, +en-ing it+ unfo#-ing i0pu#+e+ into the Inte##ect, an- en-ea.oring to -ra, the con+ciou+ne++ up to it+e#f 8 to ai- in the 0an6+ unfo#-0ent an- -e.e#op0ent, an- to cau+e hi0 to 0a+ter an- contro# hi+ #o,er nature. he +trugg#e "et,een the higher an- #o,er nature+ ha+ "een notice- "y a## carefu# o"+er.er+ of the hu0an 0in- an- character, an- 0any ha.e "een the theorie+ a-.ance- to account for it. In for0er ti0e+ it ,a+ taught that 0an ,a+ "eing te0pte- "y the -e.i# on the one han-, an- he#pe- "y a guar-ian ange# on the other. But the truth i+ 3no,n to a## occu#ti+t+ that the +trugg#e i+ "et,een the t,o e#e0ent+ of 0an6+ nature, not e:act#y ,arring, "ut each fo##o,ing it+ o,n #ine of effort, an- the "I" "eing torn an- "rui+e- in it+ effort+ to a-4u+t it+e#f. he %go i+ in a tran+ition +tage of con+ciou+ne++, an- the +trugg#e i+ 5uite painfu# at ti0e+, "ut the gro,ing 0an in ti0e ri+e+ a"o.e the attraction of the #o,er nature, an- -a,ning Spiritua# Con+ciou+ne++ ena"#e+ hi0 to un-er+tan- the true +tate of affair+, an- ai-+ hi0 in a++erting hi+ 0a+tery o.er the #o,er +e#f an- in a++u0ing a po+iti.e attitu-e to,ar- it, ,hi#e at the +a0e ti0e he open+ hi0+e#f up to the #ight fro0 the Spiritua# 1in- an- ho#-+ hi0+e#f in a negati.e attitu-e to,ar- it, re+i+ting not it+ po,er. he Spiritua# 1in- i+ a#+o the +ource of the "in+piration" ,hich certain poet+, painter+, +cu#ptor+, ,riter+, preacher+, orator+, an- other+ ha.e recei.e- in a## ti0e+ an- ,hich they recei.e to-ay. hi+ i+ the +ource fro0 ,hich the +eer o"tain+ hi+ .i+ion, the prophet hi+ fore+ight. 1any ha.e concentrate- the0+e#.e+ upon high i-ea#+ in their ,or3, an- ha.e recei.e- rare 3no,#e-ge fro0 thi+ +ource, an- ha.e attri"ute- it to "eing+ of another ,or#- 8 fro0 ange#+, +pirit+, fro0 Eo- Hi0+e#f9 "ut a## ca0e fro0 ,ithin 8 it ,a+ the .oice of their Higher Se#f +pea3ing to the0. /e -o not 0ean to +ay that no co00unication+ co0e to 0an fro0 other inte##igence+ 8 far fro0 thi+, ,e 3no, that higher inte##igence+ -o often co00unicate ,ith 0an through the channe# of hi+ Spiritua# 1in- 8 "ut 0uch that 0an ha+ attri"ute- to out+i-e inte##igence+ ha+ rea##y co0e fro0

hi0+e#f. An- 0an, "y the -e.e#op0ent of hi+ Spiritua# Con+ciou+ne++, 0ay "ring hi0+e#f into a high re#ation+hip an- contact ,ith thi+ higher part of hi+ nature, an- 0ay thu+ "eco0e po++e++e- of a 3no,#e-ge of ,hich the Inte##ect ha+ not -are- -rea0. Certain high p+ychic po,er+ are a#+o open to 0an in thi+ ,ay, "ut +uch po,er+ are rare#y o"taine- "y one unti# he ha+ ri+en a"o.e the attraction+ of the #o,er part of hi+ nature, for un#e++ thi+ ,ere +o 0an 0ight u+e the+e high gift+ for "a+e purpo+e+. It i+ on#y ,hen 0an cea+e+ to care for po,er for hi+ per+ona# u+e that po,er co0e+. Such i+ the (a,. /hen 0an #earn+ of the e:i+tence of hi+ Spiritua# 0in- an- "egin+ to recogni2e it+ pro0pting+ an#ea-ing+, he +trengthen+ hi+ "on- of co00unication ,ith it, an- con+e5uent#y recei.e+ #ight of a greater "ri##iancy. /hen ,e #earn to tru+t the Spirit, it re+pon-+ "y +en-ing u+ 0ore fre5uent f#a+he+ of i##u0ination anen#ighten0ent. A+ one unfo#-+ in Spiritua# Con+ciou+ne++ he re#ie+ 0ore upon thi+ Inner Voice, an- i+ a"#e 0ore rea-i#y to -i+tingui+h it fro0 i0pu#+e+ fro0 the #o,er p#ane+ of the 0in-. He #earn+ to fo##o, Spirit6+ #ea-ing+ an- to a##o, it to #en- hi0 a gui-ing han-. 1any of u+ ha.e #earne- to 3no, the rea#ity of "eing "#e"y the Spirit." o tho+e ,ho ha.e e:perience- thi+ #ea-ing ,e nee- not +ay 0ore, for they ,i## recogni2e 4u+t ,hat ,e 0ean. ho+e ,ho ha.e not a+ yet e:perience- it 0u+t ,ait unti# the ti0e co0e+ for the0, for ,e cannot -e+cri"e it, a+ there are no ,or-+ to +pea3 of the+e thing+ ,hich are "eyon- ,or-+. o,ar- the c#o+e of thi+ #e++on ,e ,i## gi.e a "rief out#ine of +o0e of the pha+e+ of "I##u0ination" or a,a3ening of Spiritua# Con+ciou+ne++, ,hich ha+ co0e to +o0e of u+ an- ,i## co0e to a## in thi+ or future pha+e+ of their unfo#-0ent. /e 0u+t ha+ten on to a "rief con+i-eration of that ,hich can on#y "e faint#y un-er+too- "y any of u+ the Se.enth !rincip#e 8 Spirit. A<B Spirit. Ho, +ha## ,e approach thi+ +u"4ect, ,hich e.en the 0o+t a-.ance- 0in-+ in the f#e+h to-ay can "ut faint#y co0prehen-F Ho, can the finite e:pre++ or co0prehen- the infiniteF Spirit, 0an6+ Se.enth !rincip#e, i+ the @i.ine Spar3 8 our 0o+t preciou+ inheritance fro0 the @i.ine !o,er 8 a ray fro0 the Centra# Sun 8 the 'ea# Se#f. /or-+ cannot e:pre++ it. )ur 0in-+ fai# to gra+p it. It i+ the +ou# of the Sou#. o un-er+tan- it ,e 0u+t un-er+tan- Eo-, for Spirit i+ a -rop fro0 the Spirit )cean 8 a grain of +an- fro0 the +hore+ of the Infinite 8 a partic#e of the Sacre- &#a0e. It i+ that +o0ething ,ithin u+ ,hich i+ the cau+e of our e.o#ution through

a## the ,eary age+. It ,a+ the fir+t to "e, an- yet it ,i## "e the #a+t to appear in fu## con+ciou+ne++. /hen 0an arri.e+ at a fu## con+ciou+ne++ of Spirit, he ,i## "e +o 0uch higher than 0an that +uch a "eing i+ at pre+ent inconcei.a"#e to the Inte##ect. Confine- in 0any +heath+ of 0atter, it ha+ ,aite- through the #ong an,eary age+ for e.en a faint recognition, an- i+ content to ,ait for age+ 0ore unti# it i+ fu##y "rought into con+ciou+ne++. 1an ,i## a+cen- 0any +tep+ of -e.e#op0ent 8 fro0 0an to archange# 8 "efore Spirit ,i## fu##y c#ai0 it+ o,n. he Spirit i+ that ,ithin 0an ,hich c#o+e+t approache+ the Center 8 i+ neare+t to Eo-. It i+ on#y in an occa+iona# preciou+ 0o0ent that ,e are a,are of the e:i+tence of Spirit ,ithin u+, an- in +uch 0o0ent+ ,e are con+ciou+ of co0ing into the a,fu# pre+ence of the ;n3no,n. he+e 0o0ent+ 0ay co0e ,hen one i+ engage- in -eep re#igiou+ thought 8 ,hi#e rea-ing a poe0 "earing a preciou+ 0e++age fro0 +ou# to +ou# 8 in +o0e hour of aff#iction ,hen a## hu0an ai- ha+ fai#e- u+ an- ,hen hu0an ,or-+ +ee0 "ut 0oc3ery 8 in a 0o0ent ,hen a## +ee0+ #o+t an- ,e fee# the nece++ity of a -irect ,or- fro0 a "eing higher than our+e#.e+. /hen the+e 0o0ent+ co0e they #ea.e ,ith u+ a peace ,hich ne.er after,ar- entire#y e+cape+ u+, an,e are e.er after change- "eing+. In the 0o0ent of I##u0ination or the -a,n of Spiritua# Con+ciou+ne++ ,e a#+o fee# the rea# pre+ence of the Spirit. In the+e 0o0ent+ ,e "eco0e con+ciou+ of our re#ation+hip ,ith anconnection ,ith the Center of (ife. hrough the 0e-iu0 of the Spirit Eo- re.ea#+ Hi0+e#f to 1an. /e cannot -,e## #onger on thi+ +u"4ect 8 it o.erpo,er+ one, an- 0ere ,or-+ +ee0 too ,ea3 for u+e in connection ,ith it. ho+e ,ho ha.e fe#t the i0pu#+e+ of the Spiritua# 1in- ha.e "een 0a-e faint#y con+ciou+ of the a"i-ing +en+e of the Spirit, a#though they cannot gra+p it+ fu## +ignificance.

An- tho+e ,ho ha.e not e:perience- the+e thing+ ,ou#- not un-er+tan- u+ if ,e ,rote .o#u0e+ of our i0perfect an- un-e.e#ope- conception+ of the +u"4ect. So ,e ,i## pa++ on, tru+ting that ,e ha.e a,a3ene- in your 0in-+ at #ea+t a faint -e+ire to "e "rought into a c#o+er co00union an- contact ,ith thi+, the highe+t part of Se#f 8 Se#f it+e#f. he !eace of the Spirit a"i-e ,ith you. I##u0ination or Spiritua# Con+ciou+ne++. /ith 0any, Spiritua# 1in- unfo#-+ gra-ua##y an- +#o,#y, an-, ,hi#e one 0ay fee# a +tea-y increa+e of +piritua# 3no,#e-ge an- con+ciou+ne++, he 0ay not ha.e e:perience- any 0ar3e- an- +tart#ing change. )ther+ ha.e ha- 0o0ent+ of ,hat i+ 3no,n a+ "I##u0ination," ,hen they +ee0e- #ifte- a#0o+t out of their nor0a# +tate, an- ,here they +ee0e- to pa++ into a higher p#ane of con+ciou+ne++ or "eing, ,hich #eft the0 0ore a-.ance- than e.er "efore, a#though they cou#- not carry "ac3 into con+ciou+ne++ a c#ear reco##ection of ,hat they ha- e:perience- ,hi#e in the e:a#te- +tate of 0in-. he+e e:perience+ ha.e co0e to 0any per+on+, in -ifferent for0+ an- -egree+, of a## for0+ of re#igiou+ "e#ief+, an- ha.e "een genera##y a++ociate- ,ith +o0e feature of the particu#ar re#igiou+ "e#ief entertaine- "y the per+on e:periencing the i##u0ination. But a-.anceoccu#ti+t+ recogni2e a## of the+e e:perience+ a+ -iffering for0+ of one an- the +a0e thing the -a,ning of the Spiritua# Con+ciou+ne++ 8the unfo#-0ent of the Spiritua# 1in-. So0e ,riter+ ha.e +ty#e- thi+ e:perience "Co+0ic Con+ciou+ne++," ,hich i+ a .ery appropriate na0e, a+ the i##u0ination, at #ea+t in it+ higher for0+, "ring+ one in touch ,ith the ,ho#e of (ife, 0a3ing hi0 fee# a +en+e of 3in+hip ,ith a## (ife, high or #o,, great or +0a##, "goo-" or ""a-7" he+e e:perience+, of cour+e, .ary 0ateria##y accor-ing to the -egree of unfo#-0ent of the in-i.i-ua#, hi+ pre.iou+ training, hi+ te0pera0ent, etc., "ut certain characteri+tic+ are co00on to a##. he 0o+t co00on fee#ing i+ that of po++e++ing a#0o+t co0p#ete 3no,#e-ge of a## thing+ 8 a#0o+t )0ni+cience. hi+ fee#ing e:i+t+ on#y for a 0o0ent, an- #ea.e+ one at fir+t in an agony of regret o.er ,hat he ha+ +een an- #o+t. Another fee#ing co00on#y e:perience- i+ that of a certainty of i00orta#ity 8 a +en+e of actua# "eing, an- the certainty of ha.ing a#,ay+ "een, an- of "eing -e+tine- to a#,ay+ "e. Another fee#ing i+ the tota# +#ipping a,ay of a## fear an- the ac5uire0ent of a fee#ing of certainty, tru+t, an- confi-ence, ,hich i+ "eyon- the co0prehen+ion

of tho+e ,ho ha.e ne.er e:perience- it. hen a fee#ing of #o.e +,eep+ o.er one 8 a #o.e ,hich ta3e+ in a## (ife, fro0 tho+e near to one in the f#e+h to tho+e at the farthe+t part+ of the uni.er+e 8 fro0 tho+e ,ho0 ,e ho#- a+ pure an- ho#y to tho+e ,ho0 the ,or#- regar-+ a+ .i#e, ,ic3e-, an- utter#y un,orthy. A## fee#ing+ of +e#f8righteou+ne++ an- con-e0nation +ee0 to +#ip a,ay, an- one6+ #o.e, #i3e the #ight of the +un, fa##+ upon a## a#i3e, irre+pecti.e of their -egree of -e.e#op0ent or "goo-ne++." o +o0e the+e e:perience+ ha.e co0e a+ a -eep, re.erent 0oo- or fee#ing, ,hich too3 co0p#ete po++e++ion of the0 for a fe, 0o0ent+ or #onger, ,hi#e other+ ha.e +ee0e- in a -rea0 an- ha.e "eco0e con+ciou+ of a +piritua# up#ifting acco0panie- "y a +en+ation of "eing +urroun-e- "y a "ri##iant an- a##8per.a-ing #ight or g#o,. o +o0e certain truth+ ha.e "eco0e 0anife+t in the +hape of +y0"o#+, the true 0eaning of ,hich -inot "eco0e apparent unti#, perhap+, #ong after,ar-. he+e e:perience+, ,hen they ha.e co0e to one, ha.e #eft hi0 in a ne, +tate of 0in-, an- he ha+ ne.er "een the +a0e 0an after,ar-. A#though. the 3eenne++ of the reco##ection ha+ ,orn off, there re0ain+ a certain 0e0ory ,hich #ong after,ar- pro.e+ a +ource of co0fort an- +trength to hi0, e+pecia##y ,hen he fee#+ faint of faith an- i+ +ha3en #i3e a ree- "y the ,in-+ of conf#icting opinion+ an- +pecu#ation+ of the Inte##ect. he 0e0ory of +uch an e:perience i+ a +ource of rene,e- +trength 8 a ha.en of refuge to ,hich the ,eary +ou# f#ie+ for +he#ter fro0 the out+i-e ,or#-, ,hich un-er+tan-+ it not. he+e e:perience+ are u+ua##y a#+o acco0panie- ,ith a +en+e of inten+e 4oy9 in fact, the ,or- anthought "Coy" +ee0+ to "e upper0o+t in the 0in- at the ti0e. But it i+ a 4oy not of or-inary e:perience 8 it i+ +o0ething ,hich cannot "e -rea0e- of unti# after one ha+ e:perience- it 8 it i+ a 4oy the reco##ection of ,hich ,i## cau+e the "#oo- to ting#e an- the heart to thro" ,hene.er the 0in- re.ert+ to the e:perience. A+ ,e ha.e

a#rea-y +ai-, there a#+o co0e+ a +en+e of a "3no,ing" of a## thing+ 8 an inte##ectua# i##u0ination i0po++i"#e to -e+cri"e. &ro0 the ,riting+ of the ancient phi#o+opher+ of a## race+, fro0 the +ong+ of the great poet+ of a## peop#e+, fro0 the preaching+ of the prophet+ of a## re#igion+ an- ti0e+ ,e can gather trace+ of thi+ i##u0ination ,hich ha+ co0e to the0 8 thi+ unfo#-0ent of the Spiritua# Con+ciou+ne++. /e ha.e not the +pace to enu0erate the+e nu0erou+ in+tance+. )ne ha+ to#- of it in one ,ay, the other in another9 "ut a## te## practica##y the +a0e +tory. A## ,ho ha.e e:perience- thi+ i##u0ination, e.en in a faint -egree, recogni2e the #i3e e:perience in the ta#e, +ong, or preaching of another, though centurie+ 0ay ro## "et,een the0. It i+ the +ong of the Sou#, ,hich ,hen once hear- i+ ne.er forgotten. hough it "e +oun-e- "y the cru-e in+tru0ent of the +e0i"ar"arou+ race+ or the fini+he- in+tru0ent of the ta#ente- 0u+ician of to-ay, it+ +train+ are p#ain#y recogni2e-. &ro0 )#%gypt co0e+ the +ong fro0 In-ia in a## age+ 8 fro0 Ancient Ereece an- 'o0e fro0 the ear#y Chri+tian +aint 8 fro0 the Gua3er &rien- 8 fro0 the Catho#ic 0ona+terie+ fro0 the 1oha00e-an 0o+5ue 8 fro0 the Chine+e phi#o+opher 8 fro0 the #egen-+ of the A0erican In-ian hero prophet 8 it i+ a#,ay+ the +a0e +train, an- it i+ +,e##ing #ou-er an- #ou-er, a+ 0any 0ore are ta3ing it up an- a--ing their .oice+ or the +oun-+ of their in+tru0ent+ to the gran- choru+. hat 0uch 0i+un-er+too- /e+tern poet, /a#t /hit0an, 3ne, ,hat he 0eant Aan- +o -o ,eB ,hen he "#urteout in uncouth .er+e hi+ +trange e:perience+. 'ea- ,hat he +ay+ 8 ha+ it e.er "een "etter e:pre++e-F A+ in a +,oon, one in+tant, Another +un, ineffa"#e, fu## -a22#e+ 0e, An- a## the or"+ I 3ne,, an- "righter, un3no,n or"+, )ne in+tant of the future #an-, Hea.en6+ #an-." An- ,hen he rou+e+ hi0+e#f fro0 hi+ ec+ta+y, he crie+7 "I cannot "e a,a3e, &or nothing #oo3+ to 0e a+ it -i"efore, )r e#+e I a0 a,a3e for the fir+t ti0e, An- a## "efore ha+ "een a 0ean +#eep. An- ,e 0u+t 4oin ,ith hi0 ,hen he e:pre++e+ 0an6+ ina"i#ity to -e+cri"e inte##igent#y thi+ thing in the+e ,or-+7 /hen I try to te## the "e+t I fin-, I cannot9 1y tongue i+ ineffectua# on it+ pi.ot+, 1y "reath ,i## not "e o"e-ient to it+ organ+, I "eco0e a -u0" 0an. 1ay thi+ great 4oy of I##u0ination "e your+, -ear +tu-ent+. An- it ,i## "e your+ ,hen the proper ti0e co0e+.

/hen it co0e+ -o not "e -i+0aye-, an- ,hen it #ea.e+ you -o not 0ourn it+ #o++ 8 it ,i## co0e again. (i.e on, reaching e.er up,ar- to,ar- your 'ea# Se#f an- opening up your+e#f to it+ inf#uence. Be a#,ay+ ,i##ing to #i+ten to the Voice of he Si#ence 8 ,i##ing a#,ay+ to re+pon- to the touch of he ;n+een Han-. In the #itt#e 0anua#, "(ight on the !ath," you ,i## fin- 0any thing+ ,hich ,i## no, perhap+ +ee0 p#ainer to you. @o not fear again, for you ha.e ,ith you a#,ay+ the 'ea# Se#f, ,hich i+ a +par3 fro0 the @i.ine &#a0e, an,hich ,i## "e a+ a #a0p to your feet to +ho, you the ,ay. !eace "e unto you. H% &);' H (%SS)*. H% H;1A* A;'A. In our pre.iou+ three #e++on+ ,e ca##e- your attention "rief#y, in turn, to the Se.en !rincip#e+ of 1an. he +u"4ect of the Con+titution of 1an, ho,e.er, i+ inco0p#ete ,ithout a reference to ,hat occu#ti+t+ 3no, a+ the Hu0an Aura. hi+ for0+ a 0o+t intere+ting part of the occu#t teaching+, an- reference to it i+ to "e foun- in the occu#t ,riting+ an- tra-ition+ of a## race+. Con+i-era"#e 0i+apprehen+ion an- confu+ion regar-ing the Hu0an Aura ha.e ari+en, an- the truth ha+ "een o"+cure- "y the .ariou+ +pecu#ation+ an- theorie+ of +o0e of the ,riter+ on the +u"4ect. hi+ i+ not to "e ,on-ere- at ,hen ,e re0e0"er that the Aura i+ .i+i"#e on#y to tho+e of high#y -e.e#ope- p+ychic po,er. So0e po++e++ing inferior +ight, ,hich ha+ ena"#e- the0 to +ee on#y certain of the gro++er 0anife+tation+ of the e0anation con+tituting the Aura, ha.e thought an- taught that ,hat

they +a, ,a+ a## that cou#- "e +een9 ,hi#e the rea# truth i+, that +uch peop#e ha.e +een "ut a part of the ,ho#e thing, the re0ain-er "eing re+er.e- for tho+e of higher -e.e#op0ent. So0e teacher+ of #ate year+ ha.e taught that the Aura ,a+ rea##y the +e.era# princip#e+ of 0an, pro4ecting "eyon- the +pace occupie- "y hi+ phy+ica# "o-y9 "ut thi+ i+ on#y true in the +a0e +en+e that the #ight of the +un i+ a part of the +un 8 the ray+ of the e#ectric #ight a part of the #ight 8 the heat ra-iating fro0 a +to.e the heat containe- ,ithin the +to.e 8 the o-or of a f#o,er the f#o,er it+e#f. he Aura i+ rea##y an e0anation of one or 0ore of the +e.en princip#e+ of 0an 8 ra-iation+ +ent forth fro0 the princip#e it+e#f an- not, +trict#y +pea3ing, a part of the princip#e, e:cept in the +en+e a"o.e referre- to. %ach of the +e.en princip#e+ of ,hich 0an i+ co0po+e- ra-iate+ energy ,hich i+ .i+i"#e to the -e.e#opep+ychic +en+e+ of certain of our race. hi+ ra-iate- energy i+ a3in to the ra-iation+ 3no,n a+ the "X8 'ay," an#i3e the0 i+ in.i+i"#e to the hu0an eye un#e++ ai-e- "y +o0ething ,hich the hu0an eye -oe+ not or-inari#y po++e++. So0e of the gro++er for0+ of the Aura are .i+i"#e to tho+e po++e++ing a co0parati.e#y un-e.e#opegra-e of p+ychic po,er, ,hi#e the higher for0+ "eco0e .i+i"#e on#y a+ the p+ychic facu#tie+ -e.e#op in po,er. here are "ut co0parati.e#y fe, in the f#e+h to-ay ,ho ha.e e.er +een the Aura e0anating fro0 the +i:th princip#e, the Spiritua# 1in-. An- the Aura of the +e.enth princip#e, the Spirit, i+ .i+i"#e on#y to tho+e "eing+ far higher in the +ca#e than the hu0an race a+ ,e 3no, it. he Aura e0anating fro0 the #o,er fi.e princip#e+ i+ +een "y 0any of u+ ,ho ha.e -e.e#ope- p+ychic po,er, our c#earne++ of .i+ion an- range of +ight "eing -eter0ine- "y the particu#ar +tate of -e.e#op0ent ,e ha.e reache-. /e ,i## try to gi.e our +tu-ent+ a genera# i-ea of the Hu0an Aura an- a ha+ty out#ine of that ,hich pertain+ to it in thi+ #e++on, "ut it ,i## rea-i#y "e +een that the +u"4ect i+ one that cou#- not "e e:hau+te- in a .o#u0e of con+i-era"#e +i2e. It i+ a -ifficu#t 0atter to con-en+e infor0ation of thi+ nature, "ut ,e tru+t to "e a"#e to con.ey a fair#y c#ear i0pre++ion of the +u"4ect to tho+e of our +tu-ent+ ,ho ,i## fo##o, u+ c#o+e#y. A+ ,e ha.e a#rea-y +tate-, each princip#e ra-iate+ energy ,hich, co0"ining, con+titute+ ,hat i+ 3no,n a+ the Hu0an Aura. he Aura of each princip#e, if the other princip#e+ "e re0o.e-, ,ou#- occupy the +a0e +pace a+

that fi##e- "y the Aura of a## or any of the other princip#e+. In other ,or-+, the +e.era# Aura+ of the -ifferent princip#e+ interpenetrate each other, an-, "eing of -ifferent rate+ of .i"ration, -o not interfere one ,ith the other. /hen ,e +pea3 of he Aura, ,e 0ean the entire Aura of the 0an, .i+i"#e to one of p+ychic +ight. /hen ,e +pea3 of the Aura e0anating fro0 any particu#ar princip#e, ,e -i+tinct#y refer to the princip#e. he gro++e+t for0 of the hu0an Aura i+, of cour+e, that e0anating fro0 the phy+ica# "o-y. hi+ i+ +o0eti0e+ +po3en of a+ the "Hea#th Aura," a+ it i+ a +ure in-ication of the +tate of the phy+ica# hea#th of the per+on fro0 ,ho+e "o-y it ra-iate+. (i3e a## other for0+ of the Aura, it e:ten-+ fro0 the "o-y to a -i+tance of t,o to three feet, -epen-ing upon certain circu0+tance+ ,hich nee- not "e 0entione- at thi+ p#ace. (i3e a## other for0+ of the Aura, it i+ o.a# or egg8+hape-. A hi+ +hape co00on to the +e.era# 0anife+tation+ of the Aura ha+ cau+e+o0e ,riter+ to refer to it a+ the "Auric %gg."B he phy+ica# Aura i+ practica##y co#or#e++ Aor po++i"#y a#0o+t a "#ui+h8,hite, re+e0"#ing the co#or of c#ear ,aterB , "ut po++e++ing a pecu#iar feature not po++e++e- "y the other 0anife+tation+ of Aura, ina+0uch a+ to the p+ychic .i+ion it appear+ to "e "+trea3e-" "y nu0erou+ fine #ine+ e:ten-ing #i3e +tiff "ri+t#e+ fro0 the "o-y out,ar-. In nor0a# hea#th an- .ita#ity the+e ""ri+t#e+" +tanout +tiff#y, ,hi#e in ca+e+ of i0paire- .ita#ity or poor hea#th they -roop #i3e the +oft hair on an ani0a#, an- in +o0e ca+e+ pre+ent the appearance of a ruff#e- coat of hair, the +e.era# "hair+" +tan-ing out in a## -irection+, tang#e-, t,i+te-, an- cur#e-. hi+ pheno0enon i+ occa+ione- "y the current of prana energi2ing the "o-y to a greater or #e++er e:tent, the hea#thy "o-y ha.ing the nor0a# +upp#y of prana, ,hi#e the -i+ea+e- or ,ea3 "o-y +uffer+ fro0 an in+ufficient +upp#y. hi+ phy+ica# Aura i+ +een "y 0any ha.ing a .ery #i0ite- -egree of p+ychic +ight an- to ,ho0 the higher for0+ of Aura are in.i+i"#e. o the -e.e#ope- p+ychic it i+ +o0eti0e+ -ifficu#t to -i+tingui+h, o,ing to

it+ "eing o"+cure- "y the co#or+ in the higher for0+ of Aura, the p+ychic, in or-er to o"+er.e it, "eing co0pe##e- to inhi"it the i0pre++ion+ of the higher for0+ of Aura an- to a-0it on#y the .i"ration of the particu#ar for0 of Aura ,hich he ,i+he+ to o"+er.e. !artic#e+ -etache- fro0 the phy+ica# Aura re0ain arounthe +pot or p#ace ,here the per+on ha+ "een, an- a +trong#y -e.e#ope- +en+e foun- in -og+ an- other ani0a#+ ena"#e+ the0 to fo##o, up the "+cent" of the per+on or ani0a# they are trac3ing. he Aura e0anating fro0 the +econ- princip#e, or A+tra# Bo-y, i+, #i3e the princip#e it+e#f, of a .apor#i3e appearance an- co#or, ha.ing a re+e0"#ance to +tea0 4u+t "efore it -i++o#.e+ an- -i+appear+ fro0 +ight. It i+ -ifficu#t to -i+tingui+h ,hen it i+ inter0ing#e- ,ith the other for0+ of Aura, "ut ,hen the a+tra# "o-y i+ +een apart fro0 the phy+ica# "o-y it+ Aura 0ay "e percei.e-, particu#ar#y if the o"+er.er i+ not open to the .i"ration+ fro0 the princip#e+ +en-ing forth Aura+ of .ariou+ co#or+. ho+e of our rea-er+ ,ho ha.e e.er +een an a+tra# for0, or ,hat i+ co00on#y ca##e- a "gho+t6 of high or #o, -egree, ,i## pro"a"#y re0e0"er ha.ing +een a c#ou-y egg+hape .apor +urroun-ing the 0ore -i+tinct figure of the a+tra# for0. hi+ faint, .apor8 #i3e, o.a# c#ou- ,a+ the a+tra# Aura. It, of cour+e, "eco0e+ .i+i"#e to one to ,ho0 an a+tra# for0 "0ateria#i2e+." he Aura of the thir- princip#e, or !rana, i+ -ifficu#t to -e+cri"e e:cept to tho+e ,ho ha.e +een the "X8 'ay." It #oo3+ +o0ething #i3e a .apory c#ou- of the co#or an- appearance of an e#ectric +par3. In fact, a## 0anife+tation+ of !rana re+e0"#e e#ectric #ight or +par3+.!rana ha+ a faint ro+y tint ,hen it i+ in or near the "o-y, "ut #o+e+ thi+ hue a+ it get+ a fe, inche+ a,ay. !er+on+ of p+ychic +ight +ee p#ain#y the +par38#i3e partic#e+ of !rana "eing +ha3en fro0 the fingertip+ of per+on+ gi.ing +o8ca##e- "0agnetic treat0ent+" or 0a3ing 0e+0eric pa++e+. It 0ay a#+o "e +een "y 0any per+on+ ,ho 0a3e no c#ai0+ of p+ychic +ight, to ,ho0 it appear+ #i3e heate- air ari+ing fro0 a +to.e or fro0 the heate- groun-, that i+ to +ay, a+ a co#or#e++ +o0ething pu#+ating an- .i"rating. hi+ pranic Aura i+ +o0eti0e+ -ra,n a,ay fro0 a hea#thy +trong per+on "y a ,ea3 per+on ,ho i+ #ac3ing in .ita#ity an- ,ho -ra,+ a,ay fro0 the +trong one that ,hich i+ nee-e- "y the ,ea3 one. In ca+e+ of thi+ 3in-, the per+on -ra,n upon ,ithout hi+ con+ent ,i## e:perience a fee#ing of #anguor an- #a++itu-e after "eing in the co0pany of the per+on ,ho ha+ a"+or"e- a +hare of hi+ .ita#ity. In "Science of Breath," on page =1, un-er the hea- "A?B &or0ing an Aura," ,e ha.e gi.en a 0etho,here"y one 0ay ren-er hi0+e#f i00une to thi+ for0 of .a0piri+0, con+ciou+ or uncon+ciou+. hi+ 0etho-, ,hi#e gi.en in the "oo3 for another purpo+e, i+ e5ua##y efficaciou+ in thi+ in+tance. A +tronger effect 0ay "e pro-uce- "y

for0ing a 0enta# i0age of an Auric +he## through ,hich no force can e+cape or no out+i-e inf#uence enter ,ithout one6+ o,n con+ent. )ne 0ay in thi+ ,ay a#+o guar- hi0+e#f again+t infection fro0 +ource+ ,hich 0ight +eriou+#y affect hi0 un#e++ +o protecte-. he pranic Aura i+ a#+o poure- out in 0e+0eric pa++e+ or p+ychic "treat0ent+" of the +ic3, "ut in +uch ca+e+ the traine- operator regu#ate+ the f#o, an- ta3e+ the trou"#e to rep#eni+h the +upp#y of prana ,ithin hi+ +y+te0, ,hich ,i## generate an- e0anate a con+tant f#o, of pranic Aura. /e nee- not -,e## upon the+e point+, a+ they are fu##y -e+cri"e- in "Science of Breath," ,hich "oo3 ,i## "e rea- ,ith a ne, #ight "y the +tu-ent ,ho rea-+ an- thin3+ o.er ,hat ,e ha.e +ai- a"out thi+ feature of the Hu0an Aura. he #itt#e "oo3 in 5ue+tion ,a+ ,ritten for the genera# pu"#ic, ,ho, ,hi#e they ,i## recei.e 0uch "enefit fro0 it, cannot rea- fro0 it the 0eaning ,hich "eco0e+ perfect#y c#ear to the +tu-ent a+ he pa++e+. fro0 +tage to +tage of the+e #e++on+. he #itt#e "oo3, +i0p#e an- unpretentiou+ a+ it i+, ha+ 0any thing+ hi--en a,ay in it ,hich 0ay on#y "e rea- "y the one ,ho i+ a"#e to un-er+tan-. he +tu-ent i+ a-.i+e- to rerea- the #itt#e "oo3 fro0 ti0e to ti0e an- notice ho, 0any thing+ he fin-+ in it ,hich he ne.er "efore -i+co.ere-. /e no, approach the 0o+t intere+ting feature+ concerning the Hu0an Aura, an- ,e thin3 that +o0e of the fact+ to "e +tate- in thi+ #e++on ,i## "e a re.e#ation e.en to 0any ,ho are perfect#y fa0i#iar ,ith the three 0anife+tation+ of the Aura ,hich ,e ha.e 4u+t 0entione-. So0e 0ay -ou"t 0any of the +tate0ent+ ,hich ,i## "e 0a-e, "ut ,e "eg to +ay to +uch peop#e that they ha.e the 0ean+ at their -i+po+a# to -e.e#op anunfo#- p+ychic po,er+ of a +ufficient -egree to +ee the+e thing+ for the0+e#.e+ a+ thou+an-+ of other+ "efore the0 ha.e -one. *othing of the occu#t teaching+ nee- re0ain hi--en to any one ,ho -ou"t+. %.ery one 0ay enter the occu#t ,or#- for hi0+e#f 8 pro.i-ing he pay+ the price of attain0ent, ,hich price i+ not of go#or

+i#.er, "ut of the renunciation of the #o,er +e#f an- the -e.otion to that ,hich i+ highe+t in 0an. So0e, it i+ true, "rea3 into the p+ychic ,or#- ,ithout ha.ing fitte- an- purifie- the0+e#.e+ "y the proper 0etho-+, "ut to +uch the ac5uire- facu#tie+ are a cur+e rather than a "#e++ing, an- +uch are co0pe##e- to retrace their +tep+ ,ith 0uch +uffering unti# they enter in "y the right -oor, the 3ey of ,hich i+ rea-i#y foun- "y a## ,ho +ee3 for it in the proper +pirit. o return to the higher 0anife+tation+ of the Hu0an Aura, ,e again ca## your attention to the fact that the Aura i+ +een "y the p+ychic 8 o"+er.er a+ a #u0inou+ c#ou-, near#y o.a# in +hape, e:ten-ing fro0 t,o feet to three feet in a## -irection+ fro0 the "o-y. It -oe+ not ter0inate a"rupt#y, "ut gra-ua##y fa-e+ into faintne++ unti# it -i+appear+ entire#y. It rea##y e:ten-+ 5uite a -i+tance "eyon- it+ .i+i"#e point. It pre+ent+ the appearance of a #u0inou+ c#ou- of con+tant#y +hifting co#or+, certain co#or+, ho,e.er, "eing pre-o0inant in each per+on, fro0 rea+on+ ,hich ,e ,i## con+i-er in a fe, 0o0ent+. he+e co#or+ originate fro0 certain 0enta# +tate+ of the per+on ,ho0 the Aura +urroun-+. %ach thought, e0otion, or fee#ing i+ 0anife+te"y a certain +ha-e or co0"ination of co#or+ "e#onging to that particu#ar thought, e0otion, or fee#ing, ,hich co#or or co#or+ 0anife+t the0+e#.e+ in the Aura of that particu#ar 0enta# princip#e in ,hich the thought, e0otion, or fee#ing natura##y originate+, an- are of cour+e .i+i"#e to the o"+er.er +tu-ying the co0po+ite Aura of the thin3er. he -e.e#ope- p+ychic 0ay rea- the thought+ of a per+on a+ he can the page+ of an open "oo3, pro.i-ing he un-er+tan-+ the #anguage of the Auric co#or+, ,hich, of cour+e, a## -e.e#ope- occu#ti+t+ -o, a#though the per+on ,ho +tu0"#e+ acci-enta##y into the p+ychic ,or#- on rare occa+ion+ ,i## +ee nothing "ut the ref#ection of ,on-erfu# co#or+ appearing in a #u0inou+ c#ou-, the 0eaning of ,hich i+ not 3no,n to hi0. /e thin3 it "etter, "efore procee-ing further, to gi.e you a genera# i-ea of the+e Auric co#or+, an- the thought, fee#ing, or e0otion to ,hich each "e#ong+. he+e co#or+ +ha-e an- "#en- into thou+an-+ of co0"ination+, "ut the fo##o,ing ta"#e ,i## perhap+ gi.e you a fair i-ea of the +u"4ect, an- ,i## ena"#e you 0ore rea-i#y to un-er+tan- ,hat ,e ,i## +ay a #itt#e #ater on in thi+ #e++on. Auric Co#or+ an- heir 1eaning+. H B#ac37 repre+ent+ hatre-, 0a#ice, re.enge, an- +i0i#ar fee#ing+. H Eray7 of a "right +ha-e, repre+ent+ +e#fi+hne++.

H Eray7 of a pecu#iar +ha-e Aa#0o+t that of a corp+eB , repre+ent+ fear an- terror. H Eray7 of a -ar3 +ha-e, repre+ent+ -epre++ion an- 0e#ancho#y. H Ereen7 of a -irty +ha-e, repre+ent+ 4ea#ou+y. If 0uch anger i+ 0ing#e- ,ith the 4ea#ou+y, it ,i## appear a+ re- f#a+he+ on the green "ac3groun-. H Ereen7 of a#0o+t a +#ate co#or +ha-e, repre+ent+ #o, -eceit. H Ereen7 of a pecu#iar "right +ha-e, repre+ent+ to#erance to the opinion+ an- "e#ief+ of other+, ea+y a-4u+t0ent to changing con-ition+, a-apta"i#ity, tact, po#itene++, ,or#-#y ,i+-o0, etc., an- 5ua#itie+ ,hich +o0e 0ight po++i"#y con+i-er "refine- -eceit." H 'e-7 of a +ha-e re+e0"#ing the -u## f#a0e ,hen it "ur+t+ out of a "urning "ui#-ing, 0ing#e- ,ith the +0o3e, repre+ent+ +en+ua#ity an- the ani0a# pa++ion+. H 'e-7 +een in the +hape of "right re- f#a+he+ re+e0"#ing the #ightning f#a+h in +hape, in-icate+ anger. he+e are u+ua##y +ho,n on a "#ac3 "ac3groun- in the ca+e of anger ari+ing fro0 hatre- or 0a#ice, "ut in ca+e+ of anger ari+ing fro0 4ea#ou+y they appear on a greeni+h "ac3groun-. Anger ari+ing fro0 in-ignation or -efen+e of a +uppo+e- "right," #ac3+ the+e "ac3groun-+, an- u+ua##y +ho,+ a+ re- f#a+he+ in-epen-ent of a

"ac3groun-. H B#ue7 of a -ar3 +ha-e, repre+ent+ re#igiou+ thought, e0otion, an- fee#ing. hi+ co#or, ho,e.er, .arie+ in c#earne++ accor-ing to the -egree of un+e#fi+hne++ 0anife+t in the re#igiou+ conception. he +ha-e+ an-egree+ of c#earne++ .ary fro0 a -u## in-igo to H Cri0+on7 repre+ent+ #o.e, .arying in +ha-e accor-ing to the character of the pa++ion. A gro++ +en+ua# #o.e ,i## "e a -u## an- hea.y cri0+on, ,hi#e one 0i:e- ,ith higher fee#ing+ ,i## appear in #ighter an- 0ore p#ea+ing +ha-e+. A .ery high for0 of #o.e +ho,+ a co#or a#0o+t approaching a "eautifu# ro+e co#or. H Bro,n7 of a re--i+h tinge, repre+ent+ a.arice an- gree-. H )range7 of a "right +ha-e, repre+ent+ pri-e an- a0"ition. H Ye##o,7 in it+ .ariou+ +ha-e+, repre+ent+ inte##ectua# po,er. If the inte##ect content+ it+e#f ,ith thing+ of a #o, or-er, the +ha-e i+ a -ar3, -u## ye##o,9 an- a+ the fie#- of the inte##ect ri+e+ to higher #e.e#+, the co#or gro,+ "righter an- c#earer, a "eautifu# go#-en ye##o, "eto3ening great inte##ectua# attain0ent, "roaan"ri##iant rea+oning, etc. a "eautifu# rich .io#et, the #atter repre+enting the highe+t re#igiou+ fee#ing. I (ight B#ue7 of a pecu#iar#y c#ear an- #u0inou+ +ha-e, repre+ent+ +piritua#ity. So0e of the higher -egree+ of +piritua#ity o"+er.e- in or-inary 0an3in- +ho, the0+e#.e+ in thi+ +ha-e of "#ue fi##e- ,ith #u0inou+ "right point+, +par3#ing an- t,in3#ing #i3e +tar+ on a c#ear ,inter night. he +tu-ent ,i## re0e0"er that the+e co#or+ for0 en-#e++ co0"ination+ an- "#en-ing+, an- +ho, the0+e#.e+ in great#y .arying -egree+ of "rightne++ an- +i2e, a## of ,hich ha.e 0eaning+ to the -e.e#opeoccu#ti+t. In a--ition to the co#or+ 0entione- a"o.e, there are +e.era# other+ for ,hich ,e ha.e no na0e+, a+ they are out+i-e of the co#or+ .i+i"#e in the +pectru0, an- con+e5uent#y +cience, not "eing a"#e to percei.e the0, ha+ not thought it nece++ary to "e+to, -efinite na0e+ upon the0, a#though theoretica##y they are 3no,n to e:i+t. Science te##+ u+ that there e:i+t ,hat are 3no,n a+ "u#tra8.io#et" ray+ an- "u#tra8re-" ray+, neither of ,hich can "e fo##o,e- "y the hu0an eye+, e.en ,ith the ai- of 0echanica# app#iance+, the .i"ration+ "eing "eyon- our +en+e+. he+e t,o "u#tra" co#or+ Aan- +e.era# other+ un3no,n to +cienceB are 3no,n to occu#ti+t+ an-

0ay "e +een "y the per+on of a certain -egree of p+ychic po,er. he +ignificance of thi+ +tate0ent 0ay "e 0ore fu##y gra+pe- ,hen ,e +tate that ,hen +een in the Hu0an Aura either of the+e "u#tra" co#or+ in-icate+ p+ychic -e.e#op0ent, the -egree of inten+ity -epen-ing upon the -egree of -e.e#op0ent. Another re0ar3a"#e fact, to tho+e ,ho ha.e not thought of the 0atter, i+ that the "u#tra8.io#et" co#or in the Aura in-icate+ p+ychic -e.e#op0ent ,hen u+e- on a high an- un+e#fi+h p#ane, ,hi#e "the u#tra re-" co#or, ,hen +een in the Hu0an Aura, in-icate+ that the per+on ha+ p+ychic -e.e#op0ent, "ut i+ u+ing the +a0e for +e#fi+h an- un,orthy purpo+e+ 8 ""#ac3 0agic," in fact. he "u#tra8.io#et" ray+ #ie 4u+t out+i-e of an e:tre0e of the .i+i"#e +pectru0 3no,n to +cience, ,hi#e the "u#tra8re-" ray+ #ie 4u+t "eyon- the other e:tre0e. he .i"ration+ of the fir+t are too high for the or-inary hu0an eye to +en+e, ,hi#e the +econ- con+i+t+ of .i"ration+ a+ 0uch too #o, a+ the fir+t i+ too high. An- the rea# -ifference "et,een the t,o for0+ of p+ychic po,er i+ a+ great a+ i+ in-icate- "y the re+pecti.e po+ition+ of the+e t,o "u#tra" co#or+. In a--ition to the t,o "u#tra" co#or+ 4u+t a##u-e- to, there i+ another ,hich i+ in.i+i"#e to the or-inary +ight 8 the true pri0ary ye##o,, ,hich i+ in-icati.e of the Spiritua# I##u0ination an- ,hich i+ faint#y +een aroun- the hea-+ of the +piritua##y great. he co#or ,hich ,e are taught i+ characteri+tic of the +e.enth princip#e, Spirit, i+ +ai- to "e of pure ,hite #ight, of a pecu#iar "ri##iancy, the #i3e of ,hich ha+ ne.er "een +een "y hu0an eye+ 8 in fact, the .ery e:i+tence of a"+o#ute ",hite #ight" i+ -enie- "y /e+tern +cience. he Aura e0anating fro0 the In+tincti.e 1in- con+i+t+ principa##y of the hea.ier an- -u##er +ha-e+. In +#eep, ,hen the 0in- i+ 5uiet, there appear+ chief#y a certain -u## re-, ,hich in-icate+ that the In+tincti.e 1in- i+

0ere#y perfor0ing the ani0a# function+ of the "o-y. hi+ +ha-e, of cour+e, i+ a#,ay+ apparent, "ut -uring the ,a3ing hour+ i+ often o"+cure- "y the "righter +ha-e+ of the pa++ing thought+, e0otion+, or fee#ing+. 'ight here it ,ou#- "e ,e## to +tate that e.en ,hen the 0in- i+ ca#0 there ho.er in the Aura the +ha-e+ in-icati.e of the pre-o0inant ten-encie+ of the 0an, +o that hi+ +tage of a-.ance0ent an- -e.e#op0ent a+ ,e## a+ hi+ "ta+te+" an- other feature+ of hi+ per+ona#ity 0ay "e ea+i#y -i+tingui+he-. /hen the 0in- i+ +,ept "y a +trong pa++ion, fee#ing, or e0otion, the entire Aura +ee0+ to "e co#ore- "y the particu#ar +ha-e or +ha-e+ repre+enting it. &or in+tance, a .io#ent fit of anger cau+e+ the ,ho#e Aura to +ho, "right re- f#a+he+ upon a "#ac3 "ac3groun-, a#0o+t ec#ip+ing the other co#or+. hi+ +tate #a+t+ for a #onger or +horter ti0e, accor-ing to the +trength of the pa++ion. If peop#e cou#- "ut ha.e a g#i0p+e of the Hu0an Aura ,hen +o co#ore-, they ,ou#- "eco0e +o horrifie- at the -rea-fu# +ight that they ,ou#- ne.er again per0it the0+e#.e+ to f#y into a rage 8 it re+e0"#e+ the f#a0e+ an- +0o3e of the "pit" ,hich i+ referre- to in certain ortho-o: churche+, an-, in fact, the hu0an 0inin +uch a con-ition "eco0e+ a .erita"#e he## te0porari#y. A +trong ,a.e of #o.e +,eeping o.er the 0in- ,i## cau+e the entire Aura to +ho, cri0+on, the +ha-e -epen-ing upon the character of the pa++ion. (i3e,i+e, a "ur+t of re#igiou+ fee#ing ,i## "e+to, upon the entire Aura a "#ue tinge, a+ e:p#aine- in the ta"#e of co#or+. In +hort, a +trong e0otion, fee#ing, or pa++ion cau+e+ the entire Aura to ta3e on it+ co#or ,hi#e the fee#ing #a+t+. You ,i## +ee fro0 ,hat ,e ha.e +ai- that there are t,o a+pect+ to the co#or feature of the Aura9 the fir+t -epen-ing upon the pre-o0inant thought+ ha"itua##y 0anife+ting in the 0in- of the per+on9 the +econ- -epen-ing upon the particu#ar fee#ing, e0otion, or pa++ion Aif anyB "eing 0anife+te- at the particu#ar ti0e. he pa++ing co#or -i+appear+ ,hen the fee#ing -ie+ a,ay, a#though a fee#ing, pa++ion, or e0otion repeate-#y 0anife+te- +ho,+ it+e#f in ti0e upon the ha"itua# Auric co#or. he ha"itua# co#or +ho,n in the Aura, of cour+e, change+ gra-ua##y fro0 ti0e to ti0e a+ the character of the per+on i0pro.e+ or change+. he ha"itua# co#or+ +ho,n in-icate the "genera# character" of the per+on9 the pa++ing co#or+ +ho, ,hat fee#ing, e0otion, or pa++ion Aif anyB i+ -o0inating hi0 at that particu#ar ti0e. he +tu-ent ,ho ha+ rea- the prece-ing #e++on+ ,i## rea#i2e rea-i#y that a+ the 0an -e.e#op+ anunfo#-+ he

"eco0e+ #e++ an- #e++ the prey of pa++ing pa++ion+, e0otion+, or fee#ing+ e0anating fro0 the In+tincti.e 1in-, an- that Inte##ect, an- then Spiritua# 1in-, 0anife+t the0+e#.e+ in+tea- of #ying -or0ant in a #atent con-ition. 'e0e0"ering thi+, he ,i## rea-i#y +ee ho, great a -ifference there 0u+t "e, "et,een the Aura of an un-e.e#ope- 0an an- that of the -e.e#ope- 0an. he one i+ a 0a++ of -u##, hea.y, gro++ co#or+, the entire 0a++ "eing fre5uent#y f#oo-e- "y the co#or of +o0e pa++ing e0otion, fee#ing, or pa++ion. he other +ho,+ the higher co#or+ an- i+ .ery 0uch c#earer, "eing "ut #itt#e -i+tur"e- "y fee#ing+, e0otion, an- pa++ion+, a## of ,hich ha.e "een "rought #arge#y un-er the contro# of the ,i##. he 0an ,ho ha+ Inte##ect ,e## -e.e#ope- +ho,+ an Aura f#oo-e- ,ith the "eautifu# go#-en ye##o, "eto3ening inte##ectua#ity. hi+ co#or in +uch ca+e+ i+ particu#ar#y apparent in the upper part of the Aura, +urroun-ing the hea- an- +hou#-er+ of the 0an, the 0ore ani0a# co#or+ +in3ing to the #o,er part of the Aura. 'ea- the re0ar3+ un-er the hea- of "Ye##o," in the co#or ta"#e in thi+ #e++on. /hen the 0an6+ Inte##ect ha+ a"+or"e- the i-ea of +piritua#ity an- -e.ote+ it+e#f to the ac5uire0ent of +piritua# po,er, -e.e#op0ent, anunfo#-0ent, thi+ ye##o, ,i## +ho, aroun- it+ e-ge+ a #ight "#ue of a pecu#iar#y c#ear an- #u0inou+ +ha-e. hi+ pecu#iar #ight "#ue i+ in-icati.e of ,hat i+ genera##y ca##e- "+piritua#ity," "ut ,hich i+ +i0p#y "inte##ectua# +piritua#ity," if you ,i## par-on the u+e of the +o0e,hat para-o:ica# ter0 8 it i+ not the +a0e thing a+ Spiritua# 1in-, "ut i+ 0ere#y Inte##ect i0pregnate- "y Spiritua# 1in-, to u+e another poor ter0. In +o0e ca+e+ of a high -e.e#op0ent of thi+ inte##ectua# +tate, the #u0inou+ #ight "#ue +ho,+ a+ a "roafringe or "or-er often "eing #arger than the center it+e#f, an- in a--ition, in +pecia# ca+e+, the #ight "#ue i+ fi##e- ,ith "ri##iant #u0inou+ point+, +par3#ing an- t,in3#ing #i3e +tar+ on a c#ear ,inter night. he+e "right point+ in-icate that the co#or of the Aura of the Spiritua# 1in- i+ a++erting it+e#f, an- +ho,+ that Spiritua# Con+ciou+ne++ ha+ either "een 0a-e 0o0entari#y e.i-ent to the 0an or i+ a"out to "e 0a-e +o in the near

future. hi+ i+ a point upon ,hich 0uch confu+ion ha+ ari+en in the 0in-+ of +tu-ent+ an- e.en teacher+ of occu#ti+0. he ne:t paragraph ,i## a#+o ha.e +o0e "earing upon the 0atter. he Aura e0anating fro0 the Spiritua# 1in-, or +i:th princip#e, "ear+ the co#or of the true pri0ary ye##o,, ,hich i+ in.i+i"#e to or-inary +ight an- ,hich cannot "e repro-uce- artificia##y "y 0an. It center+ aroun- the hea- of the +piritua##y i##u0ine-, an- at ti0e+ pro-uce+ a pecu#iar g#o, ,hich can e.en "e +een "y un-e.e#ope- peop#e. hi+ i+ particu#ar#y true ,hen the +piritua##y -e.e#ope- per+on i+ engage- in earne+t -i+cour+e or teaching, at ,hich ti0e+ hi+ countenance +ee0+ fair#y to g#o, an- to po++e++ a #u0ino+ity of a pecu#iar 3in-. he ni0"u+ +ho,n in picture+ of the great +piritua# #ea-er+ of the race i+ the re+u#t of a tra-ition ari+ing fro0 a fact actua##y e:perience- "y the ear#y fo##o,er+ of +uch #ea-er+. he "ha#o" or "g#ory" +ho,n on picture+ ari+e+ fro0 the +a0e fact. /hen ,e again #oo3 upon Hoff0an6+ ,on-erfu# picture, "Eeth+e0ane," ,e ,i## e:perience a ne, un-er+tan-ing of the 0y+tic g#o, aroun- the hea- of the great +piritua# eacher ,ho+e -eep an- true teaching+ ha.e "een o"+cure- fro0 the 0in-+ of 0any of tho+e ,ho c#ai0 Hi+ na0e, "y rea+on of the ignorance of the generation+ of teacher+ ,ho ha.e #i.e- +ince Hi+ -eath, "ut ,ho+e teaching+ are a #i.ing truth to occu#ti+t+ of a## race+. #an-+, an- out,ar- apparent -ifference+ of "e#ief. )f the Aura of the +e.enth princip#e, Spirit, ,e can +ay "ut #itt#e, an- that #itt#e ha+ "een han-e- -o,n to u+, "y tra-ition. /e are to#- that it con+i+t+ of a "pure ,hite" #ight, +o0ething un3no,n to +cience. *o 0an a0ong u+ ha+ e.er +een thi+ #ight an- none of u+ e.er ,i## Ain thi+ +tage of -e.e#op0entB. he +ight of thi+ ,on-erfu# effu#gence i+ re+er.e- for "eing+ far higher in the +ca#e than are ,e, "ut ,ho ,ere once 0orta#+ #i3e unto u+, an- #i3e ,ho0 ,e +ha## in -ue ti0e "e. "/e are Son+ of Eo-, an- it -oth not yet appear ,hat ,e +ha## "e"9 "ut ,e are on he !ath, an- ho+e ,ho ha.e gone "efore +en- "ac3 cheering J0e++age+ to u+. After #ong age+ ,e are going ho0e. H% &I& H (%SS)*. H);EH @Y*A1ICS. Ha- the+e #e++on+ "een ,ritten t,enty year+ ago, in+tea- of to-ay, it ,ou#- ha.e "een a 0o+t -ifficu#t ta+3 to ha.e a,a3ene- the un-er+tan-ing of the /e+tern pu"#ic to the i0portance of the po,er of thought, it+ nature,

it+ effect+. ,enty year+ ago "ut co0parati.e#y fe, peop#e in the /e+tern ,or#- 3ne, anything a"out the +u"4ect in 5ue+tion, an-, out+i-e of a fe, occu#ti+t+, the ,or-+ of the teacher ,ou#- ha.e "een regar-ea+ the ,i#-e+t utterance+. But, -uring the ti0e 0entione-, the /e+tern ,or#- ha+ "een +#o,#y e-ucate- to at #ea+t a partia# un-er+tan-ing of the po,er of thought, an- echoe+ of the great )rienta# teaching+ on thi+ +u"4ect ha.e reache- the ear+ of near#y e.ery thin3ing per+on in the /e+tern ,or#-, thi+ "eing particu#ar#y true of Ereat Britain an- A0erica. hi+ a,a3ening i+ in accor-ance ,ith natura# #a,+, an- i+ a part of the e.o#ution of the race. It i+ true that 0uch of the teaching ha+ co0e fro0 per+on+ ,ho ha.e ha- "ut a partia# a,a3ening to the truth, ancon+e5uent#y the teaching+ ha.e "een 0ore or #e++ cru-e an- i0perfect an- 0ore or #e++ co#ore- "y the per+ona# theorie+ an- +pecu#ation+ of the .ariou+ teacher+ ,ho ha.e "een ,riting an- +pea3ing upon the +u"4ect. he a.erage /e+tern +tu-ent, ,ho ha+ "een intere+te- in the .ariou+ 0o.e0ent+ ,hich 0ay "e rough#y groupe- together un-er the +ty#e of " he *e, hought," ha+ "een 0ore or #e++ confu+e- "y the apparent#y conf#icting theorie+ an- teaching+ ,hich ha.e re+u#te- fro0 the .ariou+ +pecu#ation+ antheorie+ of the nu0erou+ teacher+ ,ho ha.e +prung up, gro,n, an- in 0any ca+e+ after,ar- "gone to +ee-." But a carefu# ana#y+i+ ,i## +ho, that un-er#ying a## of the teaching+ are certain fun-a0enta# fact+ ,hich the a,a3ene- 0in- gra+p+ a+ truth. A## of the+e teacher+ ha.e -one goo- ,or3, an-, in fact, the teaching+ of each ha.e reache- certain 0in-+ ,hich nee-e- the particu#ar thing taught "y the particu#ar teacher, an,hich teaching ,a+ the .ery "e+t po++i"#e, con+i-ering the particu#ar +tage of -e.e#op0ent of the +tu-ent. 1any +tu-ent+ ha.e o"taine- 0uch goo- fro0 certain teacher+, an- ha.e then gro,n "eyon- the teacher anhi+ teaching, an- ha.e in turn "eco0e teacher+ the0+e#.e+, gi.ing forth to other+ the truth a+ it ca0e to the0, 0ore or #e++ co#ore- "y their o,n per+ona#ity.

he carefu# +tu-ent ,ho ha+ ta3en the trou"#e to run -o,n to fun-a0enta# princip#e+ the teaching+ of the+e ne, +choo#+ of thought, ,i## ha.e -i+co.ere- that they a## re+t upon the )rienta# teaching+ ,hich reach "ac3 "eyon- ,ritten hi+tory, an- ,hich ha.e "een the co00on property of occu#ti+t+ of a## age+ an- race+. hi+ "*e, hought" i+ rea##y the o#-e+t thought, "ut the 0o-ern pre+entation of it co0e+ a+ a ne, thing to tho+e ,ho hear it to-ay, an- the ne, 0o.e0ent i+ entit#e- to fu## cre-it for it+ ,or3, an- the a-.anceoccu#ti+t 3no,+ that the fun-a0enta# truth #ying un-erneath a## of the+e conf#icting theorie+ ,i## "e gra-ua##y unco.ere- an- "rought to #ight, the +pecu#ation+ an- pet theorie+ of the .ariou+ teacher+ "eing thro,n a+i-e. he 0a4ority of tho+e ,ho rea- thi+ #e++on ,i## ha.e hear- +o0ething of thi+ +u"4ect of the po,er of thought, an- ,i## ha.e -ou"t#e++ ha- 0any e:perience+ of it+ effect. So thi+ #e++on 0ay co0e a+ an o#- +tory to near#y a## of the 0e0"er+ of the C#a++, "ut ,e ,i## en-ea.or to gi.e a "rief, p#ain out#ine of the Yogi teaching+ upon the +u"4ect, ,hich 0ay he#p to reconci#e +o0e of the apparent#y conf#icting theorie+ ,hich ha.e "een pre.iou+#y con+i-ere-. /e +ha## not atte0pt to e:p#ain ,hat thought i+ 8 that i+ too co0p#icate- a +u"4ect for e#e0entary #e++on+. But ,e ,i## "egin "y e:p#aining +o0e of it+ propertie+, #a,+, an- effect+. /e a.oi- the theory for the ti0e "eing, an- get -o,n to the "practica#" +i-e of the 5ue+tion. You ,i## re0e0"er ,hat ,e +ai- in our #a+t #e++on a"out the Aura. /e e:p#aine- that the Aura ,a+ pro4ecteinto +pace "y the +e.era# princip#e+ of 0an, 4u+t a+ i+ the #ight of the +un, the heat of a +to.e, the o-or of a f#o,er, etc. %ach of the+e +ource+ thro,+ off .i"ration+, ,hich ,e ca## #ight, heat, or o-or, re+pecti.e#y. In one +en+e the+e e0anation+ are 0inute partic#e+ of the thing ,hich thro,+ the0 off. In thi+ connection ,e 0u+t a#+o re0e0"er that the thing thro,ing off the e0anation+ 0ay "e after,ar- ,ith-ra,n, "ut the e0anation+ +ti## re0ain for a greater or #e++er ti0e. &or in+tance, a+trono0y teache+ that a -i+tant +tar 0ay "e -e+troye-, an- yet the #ight ray+ thro,n off fro0 it ,i## continue on their 4ourney, an- 0ay +oon "e +een "y u+ of the %arth year+ an- year+ after the +tar it+e#f ha+ "een -e+troye- 8 in fact, ,hat ,e rea##y +ee at any ti0e are the ray+ of the +tar ,hich #eft it 0any year+ "efore, the ti0e, of cour+e, -epen-ing upon the -i+tance of the +tar fro0 the earth. In the +a0e ,ay a fire in a +to.e 0ay "e e:tingui+he-, an- yet the heat ,i## re0ain in

the roo0 for a #ong ti0e after,ar-. (i3e,i+e, a +0a## partic#e of 0u+3 0ay "e e:po+e- in a roo0 an- then re0o.e-, an- yet the o-or ,i## "e percepti"#e for a #ong ti0e. In the +a0e ,ay thought+ 0ay "e in acti.e e:i+tence ,hich ha.e "een +ent out year+ "efore "y +o0e per+on, ,ho+e entire 0enta# character 0ay ha.e change- or ,ho, in fact, 0ay ha.e pa++e- out of the "o-y #ong +ince. !#ace+ an- #oca#itie+ are often per0eate- "y the thought of per+on+ ,ho for0er#y #i.e- there, ,ho ha.e 0o.ea,ay or -ie- 0any year+ ago. he 0in- i+ continua##y thro,ing off e0anation+, ,hich 0ay "e +een a+ the Aura e:ten-ing a fe, feet fro0 the per+on, an- ,hich u+ua##y "eco0e+ thinner an- #e++ ea+i#y percei.e- a+ it e:ten-+ a,ay fro0 the +en-er. /e are con+tant#y +en-ing forth thought ,a.e+ Ato u+e a fa.orite ter0B , anthe+e ,a.e+, after the initia# force of pro4ection i+ e:pen-e-, f#oat a#ong #i3e c#ou-+, 0i:ing ,ith other thought ,a.e+ of the +a0e character, an- e:ten-ing often to far -i+tant part+ of the earth. So0e of the thought e0anation+ re0ain aroun- the p#ace fro0 ,hich they ,ere +ent forth, an- un#e++ -i+tur"e- "y +trong thought+ of a contrary nature ,i## re0ain "ut +#ight#y change- for 0any year+. )ther thought+ +ent forth ,ith a -efinite purpo+e or un-er a +trong -e+ire, e0otion, or pa++ion, ,i## go forth rapi-#y to,ar- the o"4ect to ,hich they are -irecte-. /e +ha## +ee in+tance+ of thi+ a+ ,e procee- ,ith thi+ #e++on. he 0a4ority of per+on+ put .ery #itt#e force into their thought9 in fact, thin3ing ,ith the0 "eco0e+ a#0o+t a 0echanica# proce++, an- con+e5uent#y their thought 8 ,a.e+ ha.e .ery #itt#e 0otion i0parte- to the0 an- -o not tra.e# .ery far, un#e++ -ra,n "y +o0e other per+on of +i0i#ar thought ,ho attract+ the0 to hi0. A/e are 0ere#y +tating genera# princip#e+ a+ ,e go a#ong, repeating the0 ,hen nece++ary, +o that the +tu-ent ,i## gra-ua##y a"+or" the i-ea. /e con+i-er thi+ con.er+ationa# 0etho- the 0o+t effecti.e for0 of teaching 8 far 0ore +o than the u+ua# "cut an- -rie-" for0.B /e ,i+h the +tu-ent to particu#ar#y un-er+tan- that ,hen ,e +ay " hought+ are hing+," ,e are not u+ing the ,or-+ in a figurati.e +en+e or in a fancifu# ,ay, "ut that ,e are e:pre++ing a #itera# truth. /e 0ean that thought i+ a+ 0uch a "thing" a+ i+ #ight, heat, e#ectricity,. or +i0i#ar

for0+ of 0anife+tation+. hought can "e +een "y the p+ychic +ight9 can "e fe#t "y the +en+iti.e9 an-, if the proper in+tru0ent+ ,ere in e:i+tence, cou#- "e ,eighe-. hought, after "eing +ent forth, i+ of a c#ou-y appearance, "earing the co#or "e#onging to it, a+ -e +cri"e- in our #e++on on the Aura. It i+ #i3e a thin .apor Athe -egree of -en+ity .aryingB , an- i+ 4u+t a+ rea# a+ the air aroun- u+ or the .apor of +tea0 or the nu0erou+ ga+e+ ,ith ,hich ,e are ac5uainte-. An- it ha+ po,er, 4u+t a+ ha.e a## of the+e for0+ of .apor ,hich ,e ha.e 4u+t 0entione-. In thi+ p#ace #et u+ 0ention that ,hen a thought i+ +ent forth ,ith +trength, it u+ua##y carrie+ ,ith it a certain a0ount of !rana, ,hich gi.e+ it a--itiona# po,er an- +trength, an- often pro-uce+ +tart#ing effect+. he !rana practica##y ".ita#i2e+" it in +o0e ca+e+, an- 0a3e+ of it a#0o+t a #i.ing force. /e ,i## ha.e 0ore to +ay on thi+ point a #itt#e #ater on. So, frien-+ an- +tu-ent+, p#ea+e re0e0"er a#,ay+ that ,hen ,e +pea3 of thought+ "eing rea# thing+, ,e 0ean 4u+t ,hat ,e +ay. It 0ay "e nece++ary for you to fi: thi+ fact in your 0in-+ "y picturing the 0in- a+ +en-ing forth thought e0anation+. So0e fin- the picture of the thro,ing off of #ight8,a.e+ an ea+y ,ay to fi: the i-ea in their 0in-+. )ther+ prefer the i##u+tration of the thro,ing off of heat "y a +to.e. )ther+ fin- it ea+ier to thin3 of a f#o,er thro,ing off a +trong perfu0e. An- one +tu-ent Ano, far a-.ance-B preferre- to thin3 of thought e0anation+ a+ a3in to the +tea0 "eing pro4ecte- fro0 a "oi#ing tea 3ett#e. a3e your choice or in.ent i##u+tration+ of your o,n, "ut get the i-ea fi:e- in your 0in-+ +o0e ,ay. It i+ 0uch ea+ier to ,or3 out the+e thing+ "y 0ean+ of a 0ateria# i##u+tration than to atte0pt to carry an a"+tract i-ea in the 0in-. /hi#e, a+ a ru#e, the po,er of thought of a certain 3in- -epen-+ upon the +trength ,ith ,hich it ha+ "een pro4ecte-, there i+ another e#e0ent of +trength ,hich ena"#e+ thought+ to 0anife+t po,er. /e a##u-e to the ten-ency of thought to attract to it+e#f other thought+ of a +i0i#ar nature an- thu+ co0"ine force. *ot on#y -oe+ thought a#ong any #ine+ ten- to attract to the thin3er corre+pon-ing thought attracte- fro0 the thought8at0o+phere ,ithin the fie#- of attraction, "ut thought+ ha.e a ten-ency to f#oc3 together 8 to coa#e+ce, to "#en- together. he a.erage thought8at0o+phere of a co00unity i+ the co0po+ite thought+ of the peop#e co0po+ing that co00unity. !#ace+, #i3e per+on+, ha.e their pecu#iaritie+, their characteri+tic+, their +trong an-

,ea3 point+, their pre.ai#ing at0o+phere. hi+ fact i+ apparent to a## ,ho ha.e thought at a## upon the+e #ine+, "ut the 0atter i+ u+ua##y -i+0i++e- ,ithout any atte0pt at e:p#anation. But it 0u+t "e apparent that the p#ace it+e#f i+ not an entity, an- that the+e characteri+tic+ are not inherent in the0, "ut 0u+t ha.e +o0e cau+e or origin. he occu#ti+t 3no,+ that thi+ thought8at0o+phere of a .i##age, to,n, city, or nation i+ the co0po+ite thought of tho+e -,e##ing in it or ,ho ha.e pre.iou+#y -,e#t there. Stranger+ co0ing into the co00unity fee# the change- at0o+phere a"out it, an-, un#e++ they fin- it in har0ony ,ith their o,n 0enta# character, they fee# unco0forta"#e an- -e+ire to #ea.e the p#ace. If one, not un-er+tan-ing the #a,+ operating in the thought ,or#-, re0ain+ #ong in a p#ace, he i+ 0o+t #i3e#y to "e inf#uence- "y the pre.ai#ing thought8at0o+phere, an- in +pite of hi0+e#f a change "egin+ to "e 0anife+t in hi0 an- he +in3+ or ri+e+ to the #e.e# of the pre.ai#ing thought. In the o#-er countrie+ the characteri+tic+ of the #ea-ing citie+ of the nation ha.e gro,n 0ore or #e++ a#i3e, a#though there are +ti## 0any point+ of -ifference ,hich the +tranger at once fee#+ ,hen he .i+it+ the0. But in A0erica, ,here the country i+ #arger an- ne,er, the -ifference+ to "e notice- in #oca#itie+ are 0o+t 0ar3e-. hi+ i+ true not on#y in -ifferent +ection+ of the country, "ut in citie+ near each other. (et the thoughtfu# +tranger .i+it in turn the #ea-ing citie+ of the ;nite- State+, an- he ,i## "e +truc3 ,ith the +pirit of each p#ace, each ha.ing it+ o,n per+ona#ity an- characteri+tic+, the re+u#t of certain #ine+ of thought on the part of the ear#y +ett#er+ of the p#ace, ,hich in turn affecte- the ne,co0er+, ,ho a--e- their thought e0anation+ to the at0o+phere of the p#ace, an- +o on, fro0 ti0e to ti0e, unti# the +e.era# citie+ ha.e gro,n farther apart in their characteri+tic+ than ha.e 0any -ifferent nationa#itie+. (et the +tranger .i+it in turn, +ay Bo+ton, *e, Yor3, !hi#a-e#phia, Chicago, @en.er, an- San &ranci+co, an- he ,i## notice the greate+t -ifference+ in the characteri+tic+ of each p#ace. hi+ -ifference -oe+ not appear +o +trong#y ,hen he ta#3+ to in-i.i-ua# citi2en+, "ut i+ 5uite noticea"#e ,hen he open+ hi0+e#f up to the "+pirit of the p#ace." !eop#e often +pea3 of the+e characteri+tic+ a+ "the air" of the p#ace, an- the rea# e:p#anation ha+ "een gi.en a"o.e 8 it i+ the

thought8at0o+phere of the to,n. he+e characteri+tic+ 0ay "e 0o-ifie- or e.en great#y change- "y a ne, +et of peop#e +ett#ing in a to,n. A fe, energetic thin3er+ ,i## +en- forth +trong ,a.e+ of thought in their e.ery-ay #ife, ,hich ,i## +oon co#or the co0po+ite thought of the p#ace. he thought of one +trong thin3er ,i## o.erco0e the ,ea3, purpo+e#e++ thought of .ery 0any peop#e ,ho +en- forth on#y negati.e thought+. he po+iti.e i+ a +ure anti-ote to the negati.e. In the +a0e ,ay the "+pirit" of the nation i+ a co0po+ite of the "+pirit" of it+ +e.era# part+. If one re0o.e+ to a to,n in ,hich the greate+t energy i+ "eing 0anife+te-, he +oon fee#+ the effect of the po+iti.e thought arounhi0, ,hich a,a3en+ +i0i#ar thought+ ,ithin hi0+e#f. If one re0o.e+ to a +#eepy, "-ea-" co00unity, hi+ acti.itie+ ,i## "eco0e -ea-ene- an- he ,i## gra-ua##y +in3 to the #e.e# of the to,n. )f cour+e, the 0an or ,o0an ,ho ha+ "ui#t up a +trong, po+iti.e in-i.i-ua#ity ,i## not "e affecte- +o ea+i#y a+ the one of oppo+ite characteri+tic+, an-, in fact, he 0ay e.en act a+ a #ea.en for the 0a++9 "ut in a genera# ,ay the a.erage per+on i+ great#y inf#uence- "y the co0po+ite thought8at0o+phere of the #oca#ity in ,hich he +pen-+ 0o+t of hi+ ti0e. In the +a0e ,ay -,e##ing+, "u+ine++8p#ace+, "ui#-ing+, etc., ta3e on the pre-o0inant thought of tho+e inha"iting, the0 or ,ho ha.e -,e#t in the0. So0e p#ace+ are notoriou+#y "un#uc3y," an-, a#though thi+ con-ition 0ay "e re.er+e- "y the 0an or ,o0an of +trong ,i##, the a.erage per+on i+ affecte- "y it. So0e hou+e+ carry ,ith the0 an at0o+phere of +un+hine, goo- fe##o,+hip, an- goo- cheer, ,hi#e other+ are co#- an- repe##ent. A p#ace of "u+ine++ i+ .ery apt to ref#ect the pre.ai#ing thought of tho+e at the hea- of the enterpri+e or tho+e ,ho -irect it+ affair+. Certain +hop+ in+pire confi-ence in patron+, ,hi#e other+ cau+e one to 3eep a tight c#utch on the poc3et"oo3 an- a c#o+e eye on the c#er3+. !#ace+ in ,hich cri0e+ ha.e "een co00itte- often carry ,ith the0 an unp#ea+ant at0o+phere, ,hich origina##y aro+e fro0 the +trong thought+ +ent forth fro0 tho+e participating in the occurrence, "oth the cri0ina# an- the .icti0. he at0o+phere of a pri+on i+ horrifying to the +en+iti.e. he at0o+phere of a p#ace of .ice or +cene of #o, ani0a# p#ea+ure+ i+ +uffocating to one of higher 0enta# trait+. he at0o+phere of a ho+pita# i+ apt to inf#uence tho+e .i+iting it. he at0o+phere of an o#- church i+ apt to pro-uce in the 0in- of the .i+itor a fee#ing of 5uiet an- ca#0. /e are +pea3ing in genera#itie+, of cour+e, a+ there are 0any inf#uence+ 0o-ifying an- changing the+e

ten-encie+. hu+ it i+ ,ith, in-i.i-ua#+. So0e carry a"out the0 an at0o+phere of cheer, +unnine++, an- courage, ,hi#e other+ "ring into a roo0 a fee#ing of inhar0ony, -i+tru+t, an- unea+ine++. 1any act a+ "3i##4oy+" an- a+ -a0per+ upon enthu+ia+0 an- free e:pre++ion. Hun-re-+ of in+tance+ i##u+trating thi+ fact 0ight "e cite-, "ut the +tu-ent 0ay +upp#y the+e fro0 hi+ o,n e:perience an- o"+er.ation. he .ariou+ ,a.e+ of thought +ent forth "y peop#e attract an- are attracte- "y thought+ of a +i0i#ar character. hey for0 thought +trata in the a+tra# +pace, 4u+t a+ c#ou-+ fa## into group+ in the at0o+phere. hi+ -oe+ not 0ean that each +tratu0 of thought occupie+ a certain portion of +pace to the e:c#u+ion of a## other thought c#ou-+. )n the contrary, the+e thought partic#e+ for0ing the c#ou-+ are of -ifferent -egree+ of .i"ration, anthe +a0e +pace 0ay "e fi##e- ,ith thought 0atter of a thou+an- 3in-+, pa++ing free#y a"out aninterpenetrating, ,ithout interference ,ith each other, "ut not a++i0i#ating e:cept ,ith thought+ of +i0i#ar character, a#though te0porary co0"ination+ 0ay "e for0e- in +o0e ca+e+. /e cannot go into -etai# regar-ing thi+ in thi+ #e++on, an- 0ere#y ,i+h to gi.e the +tu-ent a genera# i-ea of the +u"4ect, upon ,hich he 0ay "ui#fro0 ti0e to ti0e. %ach in-i.i-ua# -ra,+ to hi0+e#f the thought+ corre+pon-ing to tho+e pro-uce- "y hi+ o,n 0in-, anhe i+ of cour+e in turn inf#uence- "y the+e attracte- thought+. It i+ a ca+e of a--ing fue# to the fire. (et one har"or thought+ of 0a#ice or hate for any #ength of ti0e, an- he ,i## "e horrifie- at the .i#e f#oo- of thought+ ,hich co0e pouring into hi+ 0in-.

An- the #onger he per+i+t+ in the 0enta# +tate the ,or+e 0atter+ ,i## get ,ith hi0. He i+ 0a3ing hi0+e#f a center for thought+ of that 3in-. An- if he 3eep+ it up unti# it "eco0e+ ha"itua# to hi0, he ,i## attract to hi0+e#f circu0+tance+ an- con-ition+ ,hich ,i## gi.e hi0 an opportunity to 0anife+t the+e thought+ in action. *ot on#y -oe+ a 0enta# +tate attract +i0i#ar thought+ to it, "ut it #ea-+ the thin3er into circu0+tance+ ancon-ition+ ca#cu#ate- to ena"#e hi0 to 0a3e u+e of the+e thought+ an- inc#ination+ ,hich he ha+ "een har"oring. (et one6+ 0in- -,e## on the ani0a# pa++ion+, an- a## nature ,i## +ee0 to con+pire to #eahi0 into po+ition ,here"y the+e pa++ion+ 0ay "e gratifie-. )n the other han-, #et one cu#ti.ate the ha"it of thin3ing higher an- "etter thought+, an- he ,i## in ti0e "e -ra,n into con-ition+ in har0ony ,ith the ha"it of thought, an- ,i## a#+o -ra, to hi0+e#f other thought+ ,hich ,i## rea-i#y coa#e+ce ,ith hi+ o,n. *ot on#y i+ thi+ true, "ut each per+on ,i## -ra, to hi0+e#f other peop#e of +i0i#ar thought+, an- ,i## in turn "e -ra,n to the0. /e rea##y 0a3e our o,n +urroun-ing+ anco0pany "y our thought+ of ye+ter-ay or to-ay. Ye+ter-ay6+ thought+ inf#uence u+ to a greater or #e++er. e:tent, "ut to-ay6+ thought ,i## gra-ua##y +upp#ant an- -ri.e out the ca+t off thought+ of the pa+t if ,e ,i## that +uch +ha## "e +o. /e ha.e +ai- that thought charge- ,ith !rana 0anife+te- a 0uch +tronger force than the or-inary thought. In fact, a## po+iti.e thought i+ +ent forth charge- ,ith 0ore or #e++ !rana. he 0an of +trong ,i## +en-ing forth a .igorou+ po+iti.e thought uncon+ciou+#y Aor con+ciou+#y if he un-er+tan-+ the +u"4ectB +en-+ ,ith it a +upp#y of !rana proportione- to the force ,ith ,hich the thought ,a+ prope##e-. Such thought+ are often +ent #i3e a "u##et to the 0ar3, in+tea- of -rifting a#ong +#o,#y #i3e an or-inary thought e0anation. So0e pu"#ic +pea3er+ ha.e ac5uire- thi+ art, an- one can fair#y fee# the i0pact of the thought "ehin- their utterance+. A +trong, .igorou+ thin3er, ,ho+e thought i+ charge- +trong#y ,ith !rana, often create+ ,hat are 3no,n a+ hought8&or0+8that i+ to +ay, thought+ po++e++ing +uch .ita#ity that they "eco0e a#0o+t #i3e #i.ing force+. Such thought8for0+, ,hen they co0e into one6+ p+ychic at0o+phere, po++e++ a#0o+t the +a0e po,er that the per+on +en-ing the0 ,ou#- po++e++ ,ere he pre+ent, urging hi+ thought upon you in an earne+t con.er+ation. ho+e high in occu#t -e.e#op0ent fre5uent#y +en- thought8for0+ to ai- an- he#p their fe##o,8"eing+ ,hen in -i+tre++ or nee-, an- 0any of u+ ha.e e:perience- the effect of he#pfu# thought+ +ent in thi+ 0anner ,hi#e ,e -i- not -rea0 of the cau+e of the change- fee#ing ,hich ca0e o.er u+, "ringing ,ith it the

con+ciou+ne++ of rene,e- +trength an- courage. /hi#e thought8for0+ are often +ent out uncon+ciou+#y "y 0en of +e#fi+h -e+ire+ an- ai0+ an- 0any are affecte- "y the0, ,e ,i+h to +ay that there nee- "e no fear of any one "eing affecte- again+t hi+ o,n goo- if he ,i## 0aintain a 0enta# at0o+phere of (o.e an- Confi-ence. he+e t,o con-ition+ ,i## repe# the +tronge+t thought8,a.e ,hich 0ay either "e -irecte- again+t one or ,hich 0ay "e encountere- in the a+tra# at0o+phere. he higher the or-er of thought the +tronger it i+, an- the ,ea3e+t per+on, pro.i-ing hi+ 0in- i+ fi##e,ith ;ni.er+a# (o.e an- Confi-ence in the )ne !o,er, i+ 0any ti0e+ +tronger than the per+on of the +tronge+t po,er ,ho ,ou#- +toop to u+e that po,er for +e#fi+h en-+. he highe+t po,er+ of thi+ 3in- can "e po++e++eon#y "y tho+e of great +piritua# -e.e#op0ent, ,ho ha.e #ong +ince #eft "ehin- the0 the #o, ai0+ ana0"ition+ of un-e.e#ope- 0an. Such per+on+ are con+tant#y +en-ing forth thought8,a.e+ of +trength an- he#p, ,hich 0ay "e -ra,n upon "y tho+e ,ho nee- +uch he#p. A## that one ha+ to -o i+ to 0a3e the 0enta# -e0anfor he#p fro0 tho+e ,ho are a"#e to gi.e it, an- at once they attract to the0+e#.e+ the ,a.e+ of the +trong, he#pfu# +piritua# thought ,hich i+ "eing con+tant#y e0anate- fro0 the 0in-+ of the he#per+ of the race, "oth in the f#e+h an- out of it. /ere the race at the 0ercy of tho+e of +e#fi+h thought+, it ,ou#- ha.e peri+he#ong +ince, "ut thing+ are other,i+e or-ere-. he on#y thing+ to "e feare- in the ,or#- of thought8for0+ are tho+e corre+pon-ing ,ith any "a+e thought+ ,hich ,e 0ay "e entertaining our+e#.e+. &or in+tance, if ,e entertain #o,, +e#fi+h thought+, ,e are open to thought8for0+ of +i0i#ar character ,hich 0ay "e #ur3ing in the p+ychic at0o+phere, ,hich 0ay ta3e ho#- of our 0in-+ an- urge u+ on to the -oing of thing+ ,hich ,e ,ou#- ha.e +hrun3 fro0 -oing in the "eginning. /e ha.e the right to in.ite ,hat 0enta# gue+t+ ,e ,i+h 8 #et u+ "e carefu# to ,ho0 ,e i++ue in.itation+.

)ur +trong -e+ire+ create thought8for0+ ,hich ,or3 to,ar- the gratification of tho+e -e+ire+, "e they goo- or "a-. /e -ra, thing+ to,ar- u+ an- are -ra,n to,ar- thing+ "y the+e thought8for0+. hey "eco0e po,erfu# he#per+, an- ne.er +#eep in their ,or3. (et u+ "e carefu# ho, ,e +en- the0 forth. Sen- forth no +trong thought8-e+ire un#e++ it 0eet ,ith the appro.a# of the Highe+t Se#f. )ther,i+e you ,i## "eco0e en0e+he- in the con+e5uence+ ari+ing fro0 it, an- ,i## +uffer 0uch in #earning the #e++on that p+ychic po,er+ 0u+t not "e u+e- for un,orthy en-+. You are puni+he- "y +uch thing+, not for the0. A"o.e a##, ne.er un-er any circu0+tance+ +en- forth a +trong -e+ire8thought to in4ure another, for there i+ "ut one con+e5uence of +uch an act an- the e:perience, ,i## pro.e a "itter #e++on. Such a per+on i+ u+ua##y hange- on the ga##o,+ he "ui#-+ for other+. %.i# thought pro4ecte- again+t a pure 0in- ,i## re"oun- at once to the +en-er, an- ,i## gather force fro0 the i0pact. /e 0u+t apo#ogi2e to our +tu-ent+ for #aying +o 0uch +tre++ on the+e 0atter+, "ut a+ there i+ a#,ay+ the chance of #e++on+ of thi+ 3in- fa##ing into the han-+ of tho+e unprepare- to recei.e the0, it i+ nece++ary for the ,arning to acco0pany anything ,ritten on the +u"4ect, in or-er to pre.ent thought#e++ per+on+ u+ing the infor0ation i0proper#y an- there"y in4uring the0+e#.e+ a+ ,e## a+ other+. It i+ the "@anger" +igna# -i+p#aye- for the care#e++ or thought#e++. ho+e ,ho ha.e 0a-e a +tu-y of the -yna0ic+ of thought are a,are of the ,on-erfu# po++i"i#itie+ open for tho+e ,ho ,i+h to ta3e a-.antage of the +tore-8up thought ,hich ha+ e0anate- fro0 the 0in-+ of thin3er+ in the pa+t an- pre+ent, an- ,hich i+ open to the -e0an- an- attraction of the one ,ho 0ay ,i+h to u+e it an,ho 3no,+ ho, to a.ai# hi0+e#f of it. here ha+ "een "ut #itt#e ,ritten on thi+ pha+e of the +u"4ect, ,hich fact i+ +o0e,hat +urpri+ing ,hen one con+i-er+ the ,on-erfu# po++i"i#itie+ open to tho+e ,ho ,i+h to ta3e a-.antage of the0. 1uch thought ha+ "een +ent forth upon a## +u"4ect+, an- the 0an ,ho i+ ,or3ing a#ong any #ine to-ay 0ay attract to hi0+e#f 0o+t he#pfu# thought+ re#ating to hi+ fa.orite +u"4ect. In fact, +o0e of the greate+t in.ention+ an- 0o+t ,on-erfu# p#an+ ha.e co0e to +o0e of the ,or#-6+ great peop#e in thi+ ,ay, a#though tho+e to ,ho0 they ca0e ha.e not rea#i2e- fro0 ,hence their infor0ation originate-. 1any a 0an ha+ "een thin3ing intent#y upon a certain +u"4ect, an- ha+ thro,n hi0+e#f open to the

out+i-e thought inf#uence+ ,hich ha.e ru+he- to,ar- hi+ recepti.e 0in-, an- #o the -e+ire- p#an 8 the 0i++ing #in38ca0e into the fie#- of con+ciou+ne++. ;ne:pre++e- thought, origina##y +ent out ,ith con+i-era"#e force of -e+ire, con+tant#y +ee3+ for e:pre++ion anout#et, an- i+ ea+i#y -ra,n to the 0in- of one ,ho ,i## e:pre++ it in action. hat i+ to +ay, if an ingeniou+ thin3er e.o#.e+ i-ea+ ,hich he, ha+ not the energy or a"i#ity to e:pre++ in action, to ta3e a-.antage of, the +trong thought+ on the +u"4ect ,hich he thro,+ off ,i## for year+ after +ee3 other 0in-+ a+ a channe# of e:pre++ion9 an- ,hen +uch thought+ are attracte- "y a 0an of +ufficient energy to 0anife+t the0, they ,i## pour into hi+ 0in- #i3e a f#oo- unti# he +ee0+ to "e in+pire-. If one i+ ,or3ing upon +o0e pro"#e0 ,hich "aff#e+ hi0, he ,i## -o ,e## to a++u0e a recepti.e attitu-e to,arthought+ a#ong the +a0e #ine, an- it i+ e:tre0e#y #i3e#y that ,hen he ha+ a#0o+t cea+e- to thin3 of the 0atter at a## the +o#ution ,i## f#a+h "efore hi0 a+ if "y 0agic. So0e of the ,or#-6+ greate+t thin3er+, ,riter+, +pea3er+, an- in.entor+ ha.e e:perience- e:a0p#e+ of thi+ #a, of the thought ,or#-, a#though "ut fe, of the0 ha.e rea#i2e- the cau+e "ehin- it. he a+tra# ,or#- i+ fu## of e:ce##ent une:pre++e- thought+ ,aiting for the one ,ho ,i## e:pre++ the0 an- u+e the0 up. hi+ i+ 0ere#y a hint of a great truth 8 #et tho+e 0a3e u+e of it ,ho are rea-y for it. In the +a0e ,ay one 0ay -ra, to hi0+e#f +trong, he#pfu# thought+, ,hich ,i## ai- hi0 in o.erco0ing fit+ of -epre++ion an- -i+courage0ent.

here i+ an i00en+e a0ount of +tore- up energy in the thought ,or#-, an- any one ,ho nee-+ it 0ay -ra, to hi0+e#f that ,hich he re5uire+. It i+ +i0p#y a 0atter of -e0an-ing your o,n. he ,or#-6+ +tore-8up thought i+ your+ 8 ,hy -o not you ta3e itF H% SIX H (%SS)*. %(%!A HY A*@ C(AI'V)YA*C%. e#epathy 0ay "e rough#y -efine- a+ the co00unication of 0in- ,ith 0in-, other than "y 0ean+ of the fi.e +en+e+ to ,hich 0ateria# +cience #i0it+ 0an, .i27 +ight9 hearing9 +0e##9 ta+te an- touch 8 +ight, hearing antouch, "eing the +en+e+ 0o+t co00on#y u+e-. Accor-ing to 0ateria# +cience, it ,ou#- fo##o, that if t,o 0in-+ ,ere p#ace- "eyon- the po++i"i#ity of or-inary +en+e co00unication, there cou#- "e no co00unication. An-, if there +hou#- pro.e to "e co00unication un-er +uch circu0+tance+, it ,ou#- "e a rea+ona"#e inference that 0an po++e++e- +en+e+ other than the fi.e ,hich ha.e "een a##otte- hi0, or recogni2e- in hi0, "y 0ateria# +cience. )ccu#ti+t+, ho,e.er, 3no, that 0an ha+ other +en+e+ an- facu#tie+ than tho+e ta3en into con+i-eration "y 0ateria# +cience. /ithout going too -eep#y into thi+ +u"4ect, an- confining our+e#.e+ to the purpo+e+ of thi+ #e++on, ,e 0ay +ay that "e+i-e+ the fi.e phy+ica# +en+e+ he ha+ fi.e a+tra# +en+e+ Acounterpart+ of the phy+ica# +en+e+B, operating on the a+tra# p#ane, "y ,hich he 0ay +ee, hear, ta+te, an- e.en fee#, ,ithout the u+e of the phy+ica# organ+ u+ua##y a++ociate- ,ith the u+e of the+e +en+e+. 1ore than thi+, he ha+ a +pecia# +i:th phy+ica# +en+e Afor ,hich ,e ha.e no %ng#i+h ter0B, "y ,hich he "eco0e+ a,are of the thought+ e0anating fro0 the 0in-+ of other+, e.en though the other 0in-+ 0ay "e far re0o.e- fro0 hi0 in +pace. here i+ one great point of -ifference "et,een thi+ +pecia# +i:th !hy+ica# +en+e an- the fi.e a+tra# +en+e+. he -ifference i+ thi+7 he fi.e a+tra# +en+e+ are a+tra# counterpart+ of the fi.e phy+ica# +en+e+, functioning upon the a+tra# p#ane 4u+t a+ the fi.e phy+ica# +en+e+ function upon the phy+ica# p#ane, there "eing an a+tra# +en+e corre+pon-ing ,ith each phy+ica# organ, a#though the a+tra# i0pre++ion i+ not recei.e- through the phy+ica# organ, "ut reache+ the con+ciou+ne++ a#ong #ine+ of it+ o,n, 4u+t a+ -oe+ the i0pre++ion recei.e-

through the phy+ica# channe#+. But thi+ +pecia# +i:th phy+ica# +en+e A#et u+ ca## it "the te#epathic +en+e," for ,ant of a "etter na0eB ha+ "oth a phy+ica# organ through ,hich it recei.e+ i0pre++ion+, an- a#+o an a+tra# +en+e counterpart, 4u+t a+ ha.e the other phy+ica# +en+e+. In other ,or-+, it ha+ an organ 4u+t a+ tru#y phy+ica# a+ i+ the no+e, the eye, the ear, through ,hich it recei.e+ the or-inary "te#epathic" i0pre++ion+, an- ,hich i+ u+e- in a## ca+e+ co0ing un-er the hea- of "te#epathy." he a+tra# counterpart i+ u+e- on the a+tra# p#ane in certain for0+ of c#air.oyance. *o, for the te#epathic phy+ica# organ through ,hich the "rain recei.e+ the .i"ration+, or thought8,a.e+, e0anating fro0 the 0in-+ of other+. I0"e--e- in the "rain, near the 0i--#e of the +3u##, a#0o+t -irect#y a"o.e the top of the +pina# co#u0n, i+ to "e foun- a +0a## "o-y, or g#an-, of re--i+h8gray co#or, cone8+hape-, attache- to the f#oor of the thir.entric#e of the "rain, in front of the cere"e##u0. It i+ a 0a++ of ner.ou+ 0atter, containing corpu+c#e+ re+e0"#ing ner.e ce##+, an- a#+o containing +0a## concretion+ of gritty, ca#careou+ partic#e+, +o0eti0e+ ca##e- ""rain +an-." hi+ "o-y i+ 3no,n to /e+tern phy+ica# +cience a+ the "!inea# E#an-," or "!inea# Bo-y,", the ter0 "pinea#" ha.ing "een gi.en it "y rea+on of it+ +hape, ,hich re+e0"#e+ that of a pine8cone. /e+tern +cienti+t+ are co0p#ete#y at +ea regar-ing the function, purpo+e an- u+e of thi+ organ of the "rain Afor an organ it i+B . heir te:t"oo3+ -i+0i++ the 0atter ,ith the +o#e0n +tate0ent, "the function of the pinea# "o-y i+ not un-er+too-," an- no atte0pt i+ 0a-e to account for the pre+ence an- purpo+e+ of the "corpu+c#e+ re+e0"#ing ner.e ce##+," or the ""rain +an-." So0e of the te:t"oo3 ,riter+, ho,e.er, note the fact that thi+ organ i+ #arger in chi#-ren than in a-u#t+, an- 0ore -e.e#ope- in a-u#t fe0a#e+ than in a-u#t 0a#e+ 8 a 0o+t +ignificant +tate0ent.

he Yogi+ ha.e 3no,n for centurie+ that thi+ "!inea# Bo-y" i+ the organ through ,hich the "rain recei.e+ i0pre++ion+ "y the 0e-iu0 of .i"ration+ cau+e- "y thought+ pro4ecte- fro0 other "rain+ 8 the organ of "te#epathic" co00unication, in +hort. It i+ not nece++ary for thi+ organ to ha.e an out,ar- opening, a+ ha+ the ear, no+e an- eye, for thought .i"ration+ penetrate 0atter of the con+i+tency of the phy+ica# "o-y, 4u+t a+ ea+i#y a+ #ight 8 .i"ration+ penetrate g#a++, or X8ray .i"ration+ pa++ through ,oo-, +tone, etc. he neare+t i##u+tration of the character of thought8.i"ration+ i+ foun- in the .i"ration+ +ent forth an- recei.e- in ",ire#e++ te#egraphy." he #itt#e "pinea# "o-y" of the "rain i+ the recei.ing in+tru0ent of the ,ire#e++ te#egraphy of the 0in-. /hen one "thin3+" he +et+ up .i"ration+ of greater or #e++er inten+ity in the +urroun-ing ether, ,hich ra-iate fro0 hi0 in a## -irection+, 4u+t a+ #ight,a.e+ ra-iate fro0 their +ource. he+e .i"ration+ +tri3ing upon the te#epathic organ in other "rain+ cau+e a "rain action ,hich repro-uce+ the thought in the "rain of the recipient. hi+ repro-uce- thought 0ay pa++ into the fie#- of con+ciou+ne++, or it 0ay re0ain in the region of the In+tincti.e 1in-, accor-ing to circu0+tance+. In our #a+t #e++on, " hought @yna0ic+," ,e +po3e of the inf#uence an- po,er of thought, an- ,e +ugge+t that, after fini+hing the pre+ent #e++on, the +tu-ent rerea- the &ifth (e++on, in or-er to fi: the t,o #e++on+ together in hi+ 0in-. In the pre.iou+ #e++on ,e to#- ,hat thought8,a.e+ -i- 8 in thi+ one ,e te## ho, they are recei.e-. e#epathy then, for the purpo+e of thi+ #e++on, 0ay "e con+i-ere- a+ the recei.ing "y a per+on, con+ciou+#y or uncon+ciou+#y, of .i"ration+, or thought,a.e+, +ent forth, con+ciou+#y or uncon+ciou+#y, fro0 the 0in-+ of other+. hu+, -e#i"erate thought tran+ferrence "et,een t,o or 0ore peop#e i+ e#epathy9 an- +o, a#+o, i+ the a"+orption "y a per+on of the thought8.i"ration+ in the at0o+phere +ent out "y other thin3er+ ,ithout any -e+ire to reach hi0. hought8,a.e+ .ary in inten+ity an- force, a+ ,e ha.e e:p#aine- in the pre.iou+ #e++on. Concentration upon the part of the +en-er or recei.er, or "oth, of cour+e great#y inten+ifie+ the force of the +en-ing, an- the accuracy an- c#earne++ of the recei.ing. C(AI'V)YA*C%. It i+ .ery -ifficu#t for u+ to +pea3 inte##igent#y of the pheno0ena co0ing un-er the hea- of C#air.oyance

,ithout getting into the +u"4ect of the A+tra# !#ane, a+ C#air.oyance i+ an inci-ent of the A+tra# !#ane an"e#ong+ to that +u"4ect. But ,e cannot go into -etai#+ regar-ing the A+tra# !#ane, a+ ,e inten- to -e.ote an entire #e++on to that +u"4ect, +o ,e 0u+t go on ,ith the +u"4ect "efore u+, ,ith the un-er+tan-ing that the +tu-ent ,i## "e gi.en an e:p#anation of the nature an- inci-ent+ of the A+tra# !#ane in -ue ti0e. &or the purpo+e of thi+ #e++on, ho,e.er, ,e 0u+t a+3 the +tu-ent to accept the +tate0ent that 0an ha+ ,ithin hi0 facu#tie+ ,hich ena"#e hi0 to "+en+e" .i"ration+ ,hich are not re+pon-e- to "y hi+ or-inary phy+ica# organ+ of +en+e. %ach phy+ica# +en+e ha+ it+ corre+pon-ing a+tra# +en+e, ,hich i+ open to the .i"ration+ a##u-e- to an,hich interpret +uch .i"ration+ an- pa++ the0 on to the con+ciou+ne++ of 0an. hu+, the a+tra# +ight ena"#e+ 0an to recei.e a+tra# #ight8.i"ration+ fro0 an enor0ou+ -i+tance9 to recei.e the+e ray+ through +o#i- o"4ect+9 to percei.e thought8for0+ in the ether, etc. A+tra# hearing ena"#e+ one to recei.e a+tra# +oun-8.i"ration+ fro0 enor0ou+ -i+tance+, an- after a #ong ti0e ha+ e#ap+e-, the fine .i"ration+ +ti## re0aining in e:i+tence. he other a+tra# +en+e+ corre+pon- to the other phy+ica# +en+e+, e:cept that #i3e the a+tra# +en+e+ of +eeing anhearing they are an e:ten+ion of the phy+ica# +en+e+. /e thin3 that the 0atter ,a+ ,e##, if rather cru-e#y, e:pre++e- to u+ +e.era# year+ ago, "y an une-ucate- p+ychic, ,ho, after en-ea.oring to e:p#ain the re+e0"#ance of her a+tra# +en+e+ to her phy+ica# one+, at #a+t +ai-, a,3,ar-#y9 " he a+tra# +en+e+ are 4u+t the +a0e a+ the phy+ica# one+ 8 on#y 0ore +o." /e -o not thin3 that ,e can i0pro.e upon the e:p#anation of thi+ une-ucate- ,o0an. A## per+on+ ha.e the a+tra# +en+e+ a##u-e- to, "ut co0parati.e#y fe, ha.e -e.e#ope- the0 +o that they can con+ciou+#y u+e the0. So0e ha.e occa+iona# f#a+he+ of a+tra# +en+ing, "ut are not con+ciou+ of the +ource of their i0pre++ion+, they 0ere#y 3no,ing that "+o0ething ca0e into their 0in-," an- often -i+0i++ing the i0pre++ion a+ an i-#e fancy. ho+e a,a3ening into a+tra# +en+ing are often a+ c#u0+y an-

a,3,ar- a+ i+ the infant ,hen the phy+ica# +en+e+ "egin to recei.e an- tran+#ate i0pre++ion+. he infant ha+ to gauge -i+tance in recei.ing i0pre++ion+ through the eye an- ear, an- a#+o in the 0atter of touch. he infant in p+ychi+0 ha+ to pa++ through a +i0i#ar e:perience, hence the confu+ing an- un+ati+factory re+u#t+ at the "eginning. SI1!(% C(AI'V)YA*C%. In or-er to inte##igent#y un-er+tan- the +e.era# for0+ of c#air.oyant pheno0ena, 0ore particu#ar#y tho+e for0+ ,hich 0anife+t in ,hat ,e ,i## ca## "+pace c#air.oyance," i.e., the po,er to +ee thing+ at great -i+tance+, ,e 0u+t accept a+ fact+ the occu#t teaching+ A,hich the #ate+t -i+co.erie+ of 0o-ern phy+ica# +cience are .erifyingB that a## for0+ of 0atter are con+tant#y thro,ing forth ra-iation+ in a## -irection+. he+e a+tra# ray+ are 0any ti0e+ 0ore +u"t#e an- fine than or-inary #ight ray+, "ut they tra.e# in the +a0e 0anner anare caught up an- regi+tere- "y the a+tra# +en+e of +ight 4u+t a+ are or-inary #ight ray+ "y the phy+ica# organ+ of +ight. (i3e or-inary #ight ray+ the+e a+tra# #ight ray+ 0o.e on infinite#y, an- the high#y -e.e#ope- antrainea+tra# +en+e+ of the a-.ance- occu#ti+t regi+ter i0pre++ion+ fro0 -i+tance+ incre-i"#e to the a.erage rea-er ,ho ha+ not +tu-ie- the+e 0atter+. he+e a+tra# #ight ray+ penetrate an- pa++ through +o#i- 0ateria# o"4ect+ ,ith co0parati.e#y no -ifficu#ty, an- the -en+e+t "o-ie+ "eco0e a#0o+t tran+parent to the trainec#air.oyant .i+ion. In a## of the +e.era# for0+ of c#air.oyance herein note-, there are of cour+e .ariou+ -egree+ of c#air.oyant po,er on the part of the c#air.oyant. So0e 0anife+t e:traor-inary po,er, other+ a.erage, an- the 0a4ority po++e++ on#y occa+iona# an- 0ore or #e++ ru-i0entary po,er of +en+ing on the a+tra# p#ane. hi+ i+ the ca+e ,ith +i0p#e c#air.oyance a+ ,e## a+ ,ith the higher for0+, ,hich ,e ,i## pre+ent#y -e+cri"e. Accor-ing#y, one 0ay po++e++ +o0e of the characteri+tic+ of +i0p#e c#air.oyance an- #ac3 the other+. By +i0p#e c#air.oyance ,e 0ean the po,er to recei.e a+tra# i0pre++ion+ fro0 near "y, the c#air.oyant not po++e++ing the po,er to +ee -i+tant thing+ or to +en+e thing+ occurring in the pa+t or pre+ent. o the per+on po++e++ing a fu## -egree of +i0p#e c#air.oyance there occur+ the pheno0enon of recei.ing a+tra# #ight ,a.e+ through +o#i- o"4ect+. He #itera##y, +ee+ thing+ "through a +tone ,a##." So#i- o"4ect+ "eco0e +e0i8 tran+parent,

an- he +en+e+ the .i"ration+ pa++ing through the0 4u+t a+ the o"+er.er ,ith the proper apparatu+ +en+e+ the X 'ay+ ,hich ha.e pa++e- through a +o#i- o"4ect. He i+ a"#e to o"+er.e thing+ tran+piring in an a-4oining roo0, an- "ehin- c#o+e- -oor+. He 0ay rea- the content+ of +ea#e- #etter+, "y practice. He 0ay +ee +e.era# yar-+ into the earth "eneath hi+ feet, an- o"+er.e the 0inera#+ ,hich 0ay "e there. He 0ay +ee through the "o-y of a per+on near hi0, an- 0ay a#+o o"+er.e the ,or3ing of the interna# organ+, an- -i+tingui+h the cau+e of phy+ica# ai#0ent+ in 0any ca+e+. He 0ay +ee the aura of per+on+ ,ith ,ho0 he co0e+ in contact, o"+er.ing the auric co#or+ an- thu+ a+certaining the 5ua#ity of thought e0anating fro0 their 0in-+. He 0ay, "y c#airau-ient po,er, hear thing+ ,hich are "eing +ai- "eyon- the range of or-inary hearing. He "eco0e+ +en+iti.e to the thought+ of other+, o,ing to the e:erci+e of hi+ a+tra# te#epathic po,er+, ,hich are 0any ti0e+ 3eener than hi+ or-inary te#epathic +en+e+. He 0ay +ee -i+e0"o-ie- +pirit+ an- other a+tra# for0+, ,hich ,i## "e e:p#aine- in the #e++on treating that +u"4ect. In +hort, a ne, ,or#- of i0pre++ion+ i+ opene- out "efore hi0. In +o0e rare ca+e+ per+on+ po++e++ing +i0p#e c#air.oyance gra-ua##y -e.e#op the facu#ty of 0agnifying the +i2e of +0a## o"4ect+ at ,i## 8 that i+, through their a+tra# .i+ion they are a"#e to a-4u+t the focu+ +o a+ to "ring the a+tra# i0age of the o"4ect "efore the0 en#arge- to any -e+ire- +i2e, 4u+t a+ -oe+ the per+on u+ing the 0icro+cope. hi+ facu#ty, ho,e.er, i+ 5uite rare, an- i+ +e#-o0 foun- to ha.e "een -e.e#ope+pontaneou+#y the facu#ty u+ua##y "eing po++e++e- on#y "y tho+e of a-.ance- an- -e.e#ope- occu#t po,er+. A .ariation of thi+ facu#ty ,i## "e notice- un-er the hea- of +pace c#air.oyance, ,hich ,e ta3e up ne:t. S!AC% C(AI'V)YA*C%. here are +e.era# 0ean+ ,here"y the p+ychic or -e.e#ope- occu#ti+t 0ay percei.e peop#e, thing+, +cene+ ane.ent+ far re0o.e- fro0 the o"+er.er, an- far "eyon- the range of the phy+ica# .i+ion. ,o of the+e 0ean+

,i## co0e un-er the hea- of thi+ #e++on, the other 0etho-+ "e#onging to the higher p#ane+ of #ife, an"eing "eyon- the po,er of any "ut the a-ept+ an- 0o+t a-.ance- occu#ti+t+. he t,o 0etho-+ a##u-e- to co0e, +trict#y +pea3ing, un-er the hea- of +pace c#air.oyance on the a+tra# p#ane, an- therefore for0 a part of thi+ #e++on. he fir+t of the+e 0etho-+ con+i+t+ of ,hat ,e ha.e -e+cri"e- a+ +i0p#e c#air.oyance, on an increa+e+ca#e, "y rea+on of the -e.e#op0ent of the facu#ty of focu+ing upon far -i+tant o"4ect+ an- "ringing the0 to .ie, "y 0ean+ of ,hat occu#ti+t+ 3no, a+ "the a+tra# tu"e," ,hich ,i## "e -e+cri"e- in the fo##o,ing paragraph+. he +econ- 0etho- con+i+t+ in pro4ecting the a+tra# "o-y, con+ciou+#y or uncon+ciou+#y, anpractica##y o"+er.ing the +cene on the +pot, through the a+tra# .i+ion. hi+ 0etho- ,i## a#+o "e -e+cri"e- a #itt#e #ater on in thi+ #e++on. /e ha.e -e+cri"e- the a+tra# #ight ray+ e0anating fro0 a## o"4ect+ "y 0ean+ of ,hich the a+tra# .i+ion "eco0e+ po++i"#e. An- un-er the hea- of +i0p#e c#air.oyance ,e ha.e to#- you ho, the c#air.oyant 0ay o"+er.e near"y o"4ect+ through hi+ a+tra# .i+ion, 4u+t a+ he 0ay through hi+ phy+ica# +ight, the a+tra# #ight ray+ "eing u+e- in the one ca+e, 4u+t a+ are the or-inary #ight ray+ in the other. But 4u+t a+ one i+ una"#e to percei.e a far re0o.e- o"4ect through hi+ or-inary phy+ica# .i+ion, a#though the #ight ray+ are not interrupte-, +o i+ the +i0p#e c#air.oyant una"#e to "+ee" far re0o.e- o"4ect+ "y 0ean+ of hi+ a+tra# .i+ion, a#though the a+tra# #ight ray+ are uninterrupte-. )n the phy+ica# p#ane, 0an, in or-er to +ee thing+ "eyon- hi+ nor0a# .i+ion, 0u+t 0a3e u+e of the te#e+cope. (i3e,i+e, on the a+tra# p#ane, he 0u+t ca## into operation +o0e a++i+tance to the +i0p#e a+tra# .i+ion, in or-er to recei.e a c#ear i0pre++ion of thing+ far off. hi+ a++i+tance, ho,e.er, co0e+ fro0 ,ithin hi+ o,n a+tra# organi+0, an- con+i+t+ of a pecu#iar a+tra# facu#ty ,hich act+ a+ the #en+ of a te#e+cope an- 0agnifie+ the ray+ recei.e- fro0 afar, ren-ering the0 +ufficient#y #arge to "e -i+tingui+he- "y the 0in-. hi+ po,er i+ "te#e+copic" in effect, a#though it i+ rea##y "y a .ariation of that "0i+cro+copic" facu#ty note- un-er the hea- of +i0p#e c#air.oyance. hi+ te#e+copic facu#ty .arie+ .ery 0uch in p+ychic+, +o0e "eing a"#e to +ee "ut a fe, 0i#e+, ,hi#e other+ recei.e i0pre++ion+ 4u+t a+ ea+i#y fro0 a## part+ of the earth, an- a fe, ha.e "een a"#e to occa+iona##y percei.e +cene+ on other p#anet+. hi+ te#e+copic a+tra# .i+ion i+ u+ua##y operate- in connection ,ith ,hat occu#ti+t+ ha.e ca##e- the "a+tra# te#e+cope," ,hich i+ a3in to the "a+tra# te#egraph," "a+tra# current," etc., a## of ,hich are "ut .ariation+ of the

"a+tra# tu"e." he a+tra# tu"e i+ cau+e- "y the for0ing of a thought current on the a+tra# p#ane Ahe#together "y a +trong +upp#y of prana pro4ecte- a#ong ,ith the thoughtB, ,hich current ren-er+ far ea+ier the pa++age of a+tra# .i"ration+ of a## 3in-+, ,hether they "e te#epathic thought8.i"ration+, a+tra# #ight8.i"ration+, or a+tra# +oun- .i"ration+. It i+ the "ringing of the o"+er.er an- the o"+er.e- 8 the pro4ector an- the recipient 8 or the t,o per+on+ in har0ony 8 into a c#o+er con-ition of rapport. he a+tra# tu"e i+ the 0ean+ ,here"y 5uite a .ariety of p+ychic pheno0ena i+ 0a-e po++i"#e. In the ca+e of a+tra# te#e+copic .i+ion, or "+pace c#air.oyance," the c#air.oyant, either con+ciou+#y or uncon+ciou+#y, +et+ up an a+tra# tu"e connecting hi0 ,ith the -i+tant +cene. he a+tra# #ight8.i"ration+ reach hi0 0ore ea+i#y "y thi+ 0etho-, an- the out+i-e i0pre++ion+ are inhi"ite- or +hut out, +o that the 0in- recei.e+ on#y the i0pre++ion+ fro0 the point focu+e- upon. he+e i0pre++ion+ reach the c#air.oyant, an- are 0agnifie- "y hi+ "te#e+copic" facu#ty an- are then p#ain#y percei.e- "y hi+ a+tra# .i+ion. hi+ "te#e+copic" facu#ty, re0e0"er, act+ 0ere#y a+ the #en+ through ,hich the a+tra# #ight ray+ pa++, an- "y ,hich they are 0agnifie- to a +i2e +ufficient#y #arge to "e -i+tingui+he- "y the a+tra# .i+ion, 4u+t a+ the or-inary #ight ray+ are 0agnifie- for the or-inary .i+ion "y the #en+ of the te#e+cope. he ana#ogy i+ a .ery c#o+e one, an- ,i## he#p you to for0 a c#ear 0enta# i-ea of the proce++. he "a+tra# tu"e" i+ u+ua##y for0e- "y the ,i## of the c#air.oyant, or "y hi+ +trong -e+ire, ,hich ha+ a#0o+t a+ 0uch force. At ti0e+, ho,e.er, the con-ition+ "eing fa.ora"#e, any i-#e thought 0ay cau+e the erection of the a+tra# circuit an- the c#air.oyant ,i## +ee +cene+ unthought of, or e.en un3no,n to hi0. he i-#e thought 0ay ha.e for0e- a connection ,ith other p+ychic current+, or ha.e "een attracte- in certain -irection+ "y any of a thou+an- an- one p+ychic cau+e+ un-er the #a, of attraction an- a++ociation9 "ut the ,i## of the operator i+ u+ua##y +ufficient to +hut out the care#e++ a-4u+t0ent+ an- to e+ta"#i+h a +pee-y connection ,ith the -e+ireper+on or p#ace. 1any per+on+ ha.e thi+ facu#ty ,e## un-er contro#9 other+ fin- it co0ing an- going

+pontaneou+#y9 other+ are -e.oi- of it e:cept un-er 0e+0eric inf#uence, etc. 1any ha.e foun- the cry+ta# "a##, or +i0i#ar o"4ect, an ea+y 0ean+ of creating the a+tra# tu"e, the cry+ta# "eing u+e- a+ a +ort of +tarting point. Cry+ta#8ga2ing i+ 0ere#y +pace c#air.oyance "y u+e of the a+tra# tu"e, the +cene+ percei.e- "y the o"+er.er "eing +een "y thi+ 0ean+. /e ha.e +pace 0ere#y to +tate the genera# princip#e+ of thi+ great +u"4ect, in or-er to gi.e the +tu-ent an inte##igent i-ea of the +e.era# for0+ of p+ychic pheno0ena. /e regret that ,e ha.e not the opportunity to re#ate the intere+ting in+tance+ of c#air.oyant po,er ,hich ha.e "een recor-e- "y e0inent ,riter+ on thi+ +u"4ect, an- ,hich are ,e## atte+te- fro0 a +cientific point of .ie,. Ho,e.er, ,e are not +tarting to pro.e the e:i+tence of c#air.oyance to you 8 ,e 0u+t a++u0e that you 3no, it to "e a fact, or at #ea+t not antagoni+tic to the i-ea. )ur +pace 0u+t "e -e.ote- to a "rief -e+cription an- e:p#anation of thi+ pheno0ena, rather than to any atte0pt to pro.e it+ rea#ity to +ceptic+. It i+ a 0atter ,hich, after a##, e.ery 0an 0u+t pro.e to hi+ o,n +ati+faction "y hi+ o,n e:perience, an- ,hich no out+i-e proof ,i## e+ta"#i+h. he +econ- 0etho- of +eeing thing+ far re0o.e- fro0 u+ "y +pace, con+i+t+ in the pro4ecting of the a+tra# "o-y, con+ciou+#y or uncon+ciou+#y, an- practica##y o"+er.ing the +cene on the +pot, "y 0ean+ of the a+tra# .i+ion. hi+ i+ a 0ore -ifficu#t an- rarer 0etho- than the or-inary "a+tra# tu"e" 0etho-, 4u+t -e+cri"e-, a#though 0any per+on+ tra.e# in the a+tra# an- percei.e +cene+ ,hich they thin3 are +een in a -rea0 or "in the 0in-6+ eye." /e ha.e -e+cri"e- the a+tra# "o-y in a pre.iou+ #e++on. It i+ po++i"#e for one to pro4ect their a+tra# "o-y, or tra.e# in their a+tra# "o-y, to any point ,ithin the #i0it+ of thi+ p#anet, a#though .ery fe, peop#e are con+ciou+ of their a"i#ity to +o tra.e#, an- con+i-era"#e practice an- caution i+ nece++ary for the "eginner. )nce on the +pot the a+tra# tra.e#er 0ay +ee ,hat i+ going on aroun- hi0, an- i+ not confine- to the +0a## +cene to ,hich the p+ychic u+ing the "a+tra# tu"e" i+ re+tricte-. Hi+ a+tra# "o-y fo##o,+ hi+ -e+ire+ or ,i##, an- goe+ ,here it i+ or-ere-. he traine- occu#ti+t 0ere#y ,i+he+ to "e at a certain p#ace, an- hi+ a+tra# tra.e#+ there ,ith the rapi-ity of #ight, or e.en 0ore rapi-#y. )f cour+e, the untraine- occu#ti+t ha+ no +uch -egree of contro# o.er hi+ a+tra# "o-y, an- i+ 0ore or #e++ c#u0+y in hi+ 0anage0ent of it. !eop#e often tra.e# in their a+tra# "o-y in their +#eep9 a +0a##er nu0"er tra.e# uncon+ciou+#y in their ,a3ing 0o0ent+, an- a fe, ha.e ac5uirethe 3no,#e-ge ena"#ing the0 to tra.e# con+ciou+#y an- at ,i## in their ,a3ing 0o0ent+. he a+tra# "o-y i+

a#,ay+ connecte- ,ith the phy+ica# "o-y "y a thin, +i#38#i3e, a+tra# threa-, an- the co00unication "et,een the t,o i+ 0aintaine-. /e ,i## ha.e 0ore to +ay on the +u"4ect of the a+tra# "o-y in our enth (e++on, ,hich treat+ of the A+tra# !#ane. /e 0ere#y a##u-e to it here, in or-er to e:p#ain that ,hat i+ ca##e- c#air.oyance i+ +o0eti0e+ acco0p#i+he- "y it+ ai-, a#though it i+ a higher for0 of p+ychic po,er than the other for0+ of c#air.oyance 0entione- "y u+ +o far. !AS I1% C(AI'V)YA*C%.

i0e c#air.oyance, +o far a+ regar-+ the +en+ing of pa+t e.ent+, i+ not a rare facu#ty a0ong a-.anceoccu#ti+t+ 8in fact, it 0ay "e ter0e- a co00on one a0ong +uch peop#e. An- the +a0e facu#ty, i0perfect#y 0anife+te-, i+ foun- a0ong 0any or-inary p+ychic+ ,ho are not ac5uainte- ,ith the nature of their po,er. A0ong thi+ #a+t 0entione- c#a++ of peop#e ti0e c#air.oyance i+ 0ore or #e++ un+ati+factory "ecau+e i0perfect an0i+#ea-ing, fro0 cau+e+ ,hich ,i## "e +een pre+ent#y. he +tate0ent that one 0ay +ee pa+t e.ent+ an- +cene+, e.en "y a+tra# .i+ion, ,i## rea-i#y "e +een to re5uire an entire#y -ifferent e:p#anation fro0 that gi.en of +i0p#e an- +pace c#air.oyance, for in the #atter ca+e+ the c#air.oyant +ee+ that ,hich i+ actua##y occurring +o0e,here at the ti0e it i+ +een, or at #ea+t, a fe, +econ-+ pre.iou+, ,herea+, in the #atter ca+e, the c#air.oyant +ee+ +o0ething ,hich ha+ occurre-, perhap+ age+ ago, an- after apparent#y a## recor-+ of it ha.e peri+he-. Ah, that i+ 4u+t the e:p#anation 8 "apparent#y peri+he-." )ccu#ti+t+ 3no, that nothing e.er peri+he+, an- that there are in e:i+tence on the higher p#ane+ of 0atter, i0peri+ha"#e an- una#tera"#e recor-+ of e.ery +cene, act, thought, an- thing that e.er e:i+te- or occurre-. he+e a3a+ic recor-+ are not on the a+tra# p#ane, "ut are on a p#ane far a"o.e it, "ut they are 0irrore- on the

a+tra# p#ane, 4u+t a+ the +3y an- c#ou-+ are ref#ecte- in the "o-y of the #a3e, an- the o"+er.er ,ho cannot +ee the +3y it+e#f 0ay +ee it+ counterpart in the ,ater. An- 4u+t a+ hi+ .i+ion 0ay "e -i+torte- "y the ripp#e+ an,a.e+ on the ,ater, +o 0ay the a+tra# .i+ion of the+e recor-+ of the pa+t "eco0e -i+torte- an- i0perfect i0pre++ion+ "y rea+on of the -i+tur"ance+ in the a+tra# #ight. )ccu#ti+t+ for age+ ha.e u+e- ",ater" a+ a +y0"o# of the a+tra# #ight -o you +ee ,hyF he+e a3a+ic recor-+ contain the "0e0ory" of a## that ha+ pa++e-, an- he ,ho ha+ acce++ to the0 0ay rea- the pa+t a+ he 0ay a "oo3. But on#y the 0o+t a-.ance- inte##igence+ ha.e free acce++ to the+e recor-+ 8 or rather ha.e the po,er to rea- the0.But 0any ha.e ac5uire- a greater or #e++er -egree of po,er, ,hich ena"#e+ the0 to rea- 0ore or #e++ p#ain#y fro0 the ref#ection+ of the+e recor-+ in the a+tra# p#ane. ho+e ,ho ha.e -e.e#ope- ti0e c#air.oyance are a"#e to +ee the+e ref#ection+ of the recor-+ a+ +cene+ actua##y occurring "efore the0, 4u+t a+ one hear+ fro0 the phonograph the .oice+ of peop#e #ong +ince pa++eout of the "o-y, an- 4u+t a+ other+ 0ay #i+ten to our .oice+ centurie+ hence. It i+ i0po++i"#e to e:p#ain to "eginner+ the nature of the+e recor-+ 8 ,e ha.e no ,or-+ to e:p#ain the0 e.en ,e ,ho ,rite the+e ,or-+ ha.e "ut a partia# un-er+tan-ing of the inner 0y+tery of the a3a+ic recor-+ 8 then ho, 0ay ,e 0a3e our+e#.e+ p#ain to tho+e ,ho are +ti## further "ac3 on the path than ,e areF /e can thin3 of "ut one i##u+tration 8 an- that an i0perfect one. In the "rain of e.ery hu0an "eing there are 0i##ion+ of ce##+, each containing the recor-+ of +o0e pa+t e.ent or thought or action. /e cannot fin- the+e recor-+ "y the 0icro+cope, or "y che0ica# te+t, an- yet they are there, an- 0ay "e u+e-. he 0e0ory of e.ery act, thought, an- -ee- re0ain+, -uring #ife, in the "rain, a#though it+ o,ner 0ay not a#,ay+ "e a"#e to ca## it up in reco##ection. Can you gra+p the i-ea of the a3a+ic recor- fro0 thi+ i##u+trationF In the great 0e0ory of the ;ni.er+e are regi+tere- an- +tore- a,ay the recor-+ of a## that ha+ gone "efore 8 tho+e ,ho ha.e acce++ to the recor-+ 0ay rea- 8 an- tho+e ,ho are a"#e to +ee e.en the a+tra# ref#ection of the recor-+, 0ay rea- ,ith greater or #e++ accuracy an- +3i##. hi+ i+ the "e+t ,e can offer you in the ,ay of e:p#aining an une:p#aina"#e 0atter. ho+e ,ho are rea-y for the truth hi--en in the+e ,or-+ ,i## +ee a g#i0p+e of it9 other+ 0u+t ,ait unti# they are rea-y. &; ;'% I1% C(AI'V)YA*C%.

i0e c#air.oyance, +o far a+ "+eer+hip" or the +eeing into the future i+ concerne-, i+ e.en +ti## 0ore -ifficu#t to e:p#ain. /e +ha## not atte0pt it, e:cept to +ay that in the a+tra# #ight there are to "e foun- faint ani0perfect ref#ection+, the ,or3ing+ of the great #a, of cau+e an- effect, or rather of the +ha-o,+ ca+t "efore the co0ing e.ent+. So0e fe, ha.e the po,er of a c#o+er .ie,point of the thing+ cau+ing the+e +ha-o,+ or ref#ection+, ,hi#e 0ore ha.e a -egree of p+ychic po,er ena"#ing the0 to +ee ,ith their a+tra# .i+ion the+e poor ref#ection+, -i+torte- an- uncertain, "y rea+on of the ,a.e+ an- ripp#e+ on the "o-y of the #a3e of a+tra# #ight. here are higher p#ane+ of po,er ,here"y a fe, in each age ha.e "een a"#e to +ee partia##y into the future, "ut +uch po,er+ are far a"o.e the poor a+tra# p#ane facu#tie+, ,hich a#though 5uite ,on-erfu# to the untraineoccu#ti+t, are not +o high#y .ie,e- "y tho+e ,ho ha.e progre++e- ,e## a#ong the path. /e a#0o+t regret to "e co0pe##eto pa++ o.er thi+ part of the +u"4ect in +o fe, ,or-+, an- ,ith a 0ere hint of e.en the +0a## partic#e of the truth .ouch+afe- to e.en the a-.ance- +ee3er of the ,ay. But ,e 3no, fu## ,e## that a## ,i## recei.e the #ight nee-e- "y the0, 4u+t the 0o0ent they are rea-y 8 not one 0o0ent #ater 8 not one 0o0ent +ooner. A## that can "e -one i+ for u+ to -rop a ,or- here 8 a hint there a p#anting of the +ee-. 1ay the har.e+t co0e +oon an- "e a rich one. C(AI'A;@I%*C%. C#airau-ience i+ the hearing on the a+tra# p#ane "y 0ean+ of the a+tra# +en+e+. *ear#y a## that ,e ha.e +aia"out C#air.oyance i+ e5ua##y true of C#airau-ience, the on#y -ifference "eing. that a -ifferent a+tra# organ i+ u+e-. Si0p#e c#airau-ience i+ +i0i#ar to pa+t ti0e c#air.oyance9 e.en future ti0e c#air.oyance ha+ a +ha-o, of a re+e0"#ance in c#airau-ient pheno0ena9 the on#y -ifference "et,een the t,o a+tra# 0anife+tation+ i+ that they are e:perience- through t,o -ifferent a+tra# +en+e+. So0e c#air.oyant+ are a#+o c#airau-ient+, ,hi#e other+ #ac3 the #atter po,er. )n the other han-, +o0e hear c#airau-ient#y "ut are una"#e to +ee the a+tra# #ight. )n the ,ho#e, c#airau-ience i+ a +o0e,hat rarer 0anife+tation than i+ c#air.oyance.

!SYCH)1% 'Y Cu+t a+ ,e 0ay +o0eti0e+ reca## an apparent#y forgotten thing, "y +eeing +o0ething ,hich i+ a++ociate- ,ith that thing in our 0e0ory, +o 0ay ,e +o0eti0e+ "e a"#e to open up the a+tra# ref#ection of the a3a+ic recor-+ of +o0e particu#ar +cene or e.ent "y touching +o0e 0ateria# a++ociate- ,ith the e.ent or +cene. here +ee0+ to "e a#0o+t an affinity "et,een a "it of 0atter an- the particu#ar portion of the a3a+ic recor-+ containing the pa+t hi+tory of the thing in 5ue+tion. A "it of 0eta#, or +tone, or c#oth, or hair ,i## open up the p+ychic .i+ion of the thing+ pre.iou+#y a++ociate- ,ith it in the pa+t. )r, on the other han-, ,e 0ay "ring our+e#.e+ in rapport ,ith per+on+ no, #i.ing, "y 0ean+ of a partic#e of their c#othing, hair, or artic#e+ for0er#y carrie- "y the0, the rapport con-ition thu+ e+ta"#i+he- ena"#ing u+ to 0ore ea+i#y +et up the "a+tra# tu"e." !+ycho0etry i+ 0ere#y one or 0ore for0+ of c#air.oyance, "rought into operation "y 0ean+ of +o0e connecting #in3 "et,een per+on+ or thing+, or +o0e o"4ect connecte- ,ith the+e per+on+ or thing+. It i+ not a -i+tinct c#a++ of p+ychic pheno0ena, "ut i+ 0ere#y a .ariation of the other c#a++e+, +o0eti0e+ co0"ining +e.era# c#a++e+ of c#air.oyance in it+ 0anife+tation. H)/ ) @%V%()! !SYCHIC !)/%'S. /e are often a+3e- the 5ue+tion ,hich i+ pro"a"#y in the 0in-+ of the 0a4ority of our +tu-ent+, at #ea+t tho+e ,ho ha.e not yet 0anife+te- any 0ar3e- e:hi"ition of p+ychic po,er7 "Ho, can one -e.e#op the p+ychic po,er ,hich i+ #atent ,ithin hi0F" here are 0any 0etho-+ of +uch -e.e#op0ent, a fe, of ,hich are -e+ira"#e9 0any of ,hich are un-e+ira"#e, an- +o0e of ,hich are po+iti.e#y har0fu#. A0ong the har0fu# 0etho-+ are tho+e in u+e a0ong certain +a.age race+, an- ,hich o"tain e.en a0ong 0i+gui-e- one+ of our o,n race. /e a##u-e to +uch o"4ectiona"#e practice+ a+ the u+e of +tupefying -rug+, ,hir#ing -ance+, .oo-oo practice+, repu#+i.e rite+ of the "#ac3 0agician+, an- other +i0i#ar practice+ ,hich ,e -o not con+i-er it ,i+-o0 to e.en 0ention. he+e practice+ ai0 to pro-uce an a"nor0a# con-ition +i0i#ar to into:ication, an- ,hich, #i3e into:ication an- -rug ha"it+, on#y re+u#t in phy+ica# an- p+ychica# ruin. ho+e in-u#ging in the0 -o, it i+ true, -e.e#op a #o, or-er of p+ychic or a+tra# po,er, "ut they in.aria"#y

attract to the0+e#.e+ an un-e+ira"#e c#a++ of a+tra# entitie+ an- often open the0+e#.e+ up to the inf#uence of a #o, or-er of inte##igence+, ,hich ,i+e 0en carefu##y a.oi- an- refu+e to entertain. /e ,i## -o no 0ore than to utter a ,arning again+t the+e practice+ an- their re+u#t+. )ur ,or3 i+ inten-e- to e#e.ate our +tu-ent+, not to -rag the0 -o,n to the #e.e# of the "#ac3 0agician+. )ther practice+, 0ore or #e++ un-e+ira"#e, a#though not a"+o#ute#y har0fu# in the +en+e that ,e +pea3 of the #a+t 0entione- one+, are 0ore or #e++ co00on a0ong "oth the Hin-u+ of a certain c#a++ an- the /e+tern peop#e+. /e a##u-e to 0etho-+ of +e#f hypnoti2ation an- of hypnoti2ation "y other+, in or-er to pro-uce, or in-uce, a p+ychic con-ition in ,hich the per+on i+ entit#e- to catch g#i0p+e+ of the a+tra# ,or#-. Ea2ing at +o0e "right o"4ect unti# a trance8#i3e con-ition i+ in-uce-, or the repetition of +o0e 0onotonou+ for0u#a unti# a -ro,+y con-ition i+ pro-uce-, are a0ong the 0etho-+ of thi+ c#a++. In the +a0e c#a++ ,e p#ace the or-inary proce++ of hypnoti+0 "y other+ for the +a0e purpo+e. here i+, of cour+e, a higher for0 of "0e+0eri+0" 3no,n to occu#ti+t+, ,hich i+ on an entire#y -ifferent p#ane, "ut occu#ti+t+ are re#uctant to u+e +a0e, e:cept in certain ca+e+, ,here goo- 0ay re+u#t, an- +uch 0etho-+ are not 3no,n to the or-inary operator, ,ho, a#a+, too often i+ a per+on of i0perfect occu#t 3no,#e-ge an- training an- of a #o, -egree of 0ora# character. /e caution our +tu-ent+ again+t a##o,ing the0+e#.e+ to "e e:peri0ente- ,ith in thi+ 0anner. here are t,o 0etho-+ of p+ychic -e.e#op0ent practice- "y the Yogi+, ,hich ,e ,i## 0ention here. he fir+t an- highe+t i+ the -e.e#op0ent of p+ychic po,er+ "y fir+t -e.e#oping the +piritua# facu#tie+ an- nature, ,hen the p+ychic po,er+ 0ay "e u+e- ,ith inte##igence an- po,er ,ithout any +pecia# training 8 the higher attain0ent carrying ,ith it the #o,er. In other ,or-+, the Yogi, "ent on +piritua# attain0ent, content+ hi0+e#f

,ith 0ere#y an inte##ectua# ac5uaintance ,ith p+ychic po,er, in pa++ing on, an- then after he ha+ ac5uire- the higher +piritua# 3no,#e-ge an- -e.e#op0ent, he return+ an- u+e+ the too#+ rea-y at hi+ han-, the u+e of ,hich he no, un-er+tan-+. In the &ourteenth (e++on of thi+ +erie+ ,e ,i## point out the ,ay of thi+ -e.e#op0ent the #e++on ,i## "e entire#y -e.ote- to pointing out the ,ay to +piritua# attain0ent. here i+, ho,e.er, another ,ay ,here"y +o0e +tu-ent+ of the Yogi !hi#o+ophy -e.e#op p+ychic po,er+ in the0+e#.e+, preferring to gain thi+ 3no,#e-ge "y e:peri0ent an- e:perience "efore pa++ing on to the +piritua# p#ane. /e ha.e no fau#t to fin- ,ith thi+ cour+e, pro.i-ing the +tu-ent -oe+ not regar- p+ychic po,er a+ the en- of attain0ent, an- pro.i-ing he a#,ay+ i+ in+pire- ,ith ,orthy 0oti.e+ an- -oe+ not a##o, the intere+t of the a+tra# p#ane to -i.ert hi0 fro0 the 0ain o"4ect +piritua# -e.e#op0ent. So0e of the Yogi +tu-ent+ fo##o, the p#an of fir+t 0a+tering the "o-y "y the 0in-, an- then 0a+tering the In+tincti.e 1in- "y the Inte##ect un-er the -irection of the ,i##. he fir+t +tep+ in the 0a+tery of the "o-y ha.e "een +po3en of "y u+ in "Science of Breath," an- ,i## "e 0ore c#ear#y "rought out an- a--e- to in our forthco0ing "oo3, "Hatha Yoga." he 0enta# contro# for0+ a +u"4ect in it+e#f, an- ,e tru+t to fin- ti0e to ,rite a #itt#e 0anua# on the +u"4ect +o0e ti0e -uring the pre+ent year. If the +tu-ent ,i+he+ to e:peri0ent a #itt#e for hi0+e#f, ,e +ugge+t that he ac5uire +e#f8contro# anpractice Concentration, in the Si#ence. 1any of you ha.e a#rea-y ha- e:hi"ition+ of p+ychic po,er, an- you 0ay practice a#ong the #ine+ corre+pon-ing to the 0anife+tation+ you ha.e a#rea-y ha-. If it "e e#epathy, practice ,ith +o0e of your frien-+ an- note re+u#t+. A #itt#e practice ,i## ,or3 ,on-er+ for you. If it "e C#air.oyance, you 0ay practice ,ith a cry+ta#, or g#a++ of c#ear ,ater, to a++i+t in concentrating, an- to for0 the "eginning of the a+tra# tu"e. If it "e !+ycho0etry, practice "y pic3ing up +o0e o"4ect, +uch a+ a pe""#e, a coin, a 3ey, etc., an- +it 5uiet#y ta3ing note of the f#eeting i0pre++ion+ ,hich at fir+t ,i## co0e "ut -i0#y "efore your 0in-. he -e+cription of the -ifferent c#a++e+ of pheno0ena 0entione- in thi+ #e++on ,i## +ugge+t 0etho-+ ane:erci+e+ for you. H% S%V%* H (%SS)*. H;1A* 1AE*% IS1.

Hu0an 1agneti+0, a+ the ter0 i+ u+e- in the+e #e++on+, i+ a .ery -ifferent thing fro0 that ,hich the pu"#ic genera##y ter0+ "!er+ona# 1agneti+0." !er+ona# 1agneti+0 i+ an attri"ute of the 0in-, an- "e#ong+ to the +u"4ect of the @yna0ic+ of hought. Hu0an 1agneti+0, on the contrary, i+ a 0anife+tation of !rana, an"e#ong+ to that part of the genera# +u"4ect. he ter0 "Hu0an 1agneti+0" i+ a poor one, "ut #i3e 0any other +uch ter0+, i+ u+e- for ,ant of a "etter one, an- to a.oi- the coining of ne, ter0+ ,hich ,ou#- "e #i3e#y to confu+e the +tu-ent. he San+crit contain+ ter0+ perfect#y fitting each pha+e of the +u"4ect, ,hich ter0+ ha.e co0e into u+e a+ the 3no,#e-ge of the +u"4ect gre,. An- +uch ,i## "e the ca+e a+ the 3no,#e-ge of thi+ phi#o+ophy of the )rient "eco0e+ 0ore genera##y 3no,n to the /e+tern peop#e8ne, ter0+, fitting to the +u"4ect, ,i## +pring into genera# u+age, anthe confu+ion ,hich no, e:i+t+ ,i## cea+e. /e prefer the ter0 "Hu0an 1agneti+0" to that of "Ani0a# 1agneti+0," a+ the #atter i+ genera##y confoun-e,ith +o0e 0anife+tation+ of 1e+0eri+0. But thi+ Hu0an 1agneti+0 i+ not the +o#e property of 1an, for the #o,er ani0a#+ po++e++ it in a -egree. here i+ thi+ -ifference, ho,e.er 8 1an i+ a"#e to con+ciou+#y -irect it "y hi+ ,i##, an- through hi+ hought, ,hi#e the #o,er ani0a#+ u+e it 0ore or #e++ uncon+ciou+#y, an,ithout inte##ectua# ai-, or un-er contro# of the /i##. Both the #o,er ani0a#+ an- 0an con+tant#y thro, off thi+ 0agneti+0, or pranic energy, uncon+ciou+#y, "ut the -e.e#ope- or p+ychica##y e-ucate- 0an ha+ the force un-er hi+ contro#, an- can either repre++ it to a great e:tent, or thro, off great#y increa+e- 5uantitie+ of it9 an0ay a#+o -irect it to any +pecia# p#ace or +pot. He can a#+o u+e it in connection ,ith hi+ thought ,a.e+, in or-er to gi.e the +a0e a greater carrying po,er an- +trength.

At the ri+3 of "eing charge- ,ith nee-#e++ repetition, ,e ,i+h to i0pre++ upon your 0in-+ that thi+ !ranic %nergy, or Hu0an 1agneti+0, i+ a .ery -ifferent thing fro0 "thought8force" or any e:hi"ition of the po,er of thought, e:cept that it 0ay "e u+e- in connection ,ith thought8,a.e+ a+ a"o.e +tate-. It i+ 0ere#y a "#inforce of nature, 4u+t a+ i+ e#ectricity or +i0i#ar force+, an- 0ay "e u+e- con+ciou+#y or uncon+ciou+#y9 ,i+e#y or foo#i+h#y. It ha+ no inte##igent action e:cept a+ -irecte- "y the 0in- of it+ u+er. "Hu0an %#ectricity" ,ou#"e a far 0ore appropriate na0e for it than i+ "Hu0an 1agneti+0" 8 for it re+e0"#e+ %#ectricity far 0ore than it -oe+ 1agneti+0. /ith thi+ e:p#anation, ,e ,i## continue the u+e of the ter0 "1agneti+0," a+3ing that you a#,ay+ re0e0"er 4u+t ,hat ,e 0ean "y the ter0. Hu0an 1agneti+0 i+ a for0 of !ranic %nergy. /e ha.e +ai- +o0ething a"out !rana in our &ir+t (e++on. !rana i+ the ;ni.er+a# %nergy, an- i+ foun- in .arying for0+, in a## thing+, ani0ate or inani0ate. A## for0+ of &orce or %nergy are "ut 0anife+tation+ of !rana. %#ectricity i+ a for0 of !rana 8 +o i+ the force of Era.itation +o i+ the Hu0an 1agneti+0. It i+ one of the Se.en !rincip#e+ of 1an, an- i+ foun- in a greater or #e++er -egree in a## hu0an organi+0+. 1an e:tract+ !rana fro0 the air he "reathe+9 the foo- he eat+9 the f#ui- he -rin3+. If he "e -eficient in !rana, he "eco0e+ ,ea3 an- "#ac3+ .ita#ity," a+ the ter0 goe+. /hen hi+ +upp#y of !rana i+ +ufficient#y #arge for hi+ nee-+, he "eco0e+ acti.e, "right, energetic, an- "fu## of #ife." /e ha.e gi.en -irection+ regar-ing the ac5uiring an- +toring up of !rana, "y 0ean+ of Breath, in our #itt#e "oo3, "Science of Breath," an- ,i## gi.e -irection+ for it+ "e+t a"+orption fro0 the foo- an- f#ui-+, in our forthco0ing "oo3, "Hatha Yoga." here i+ a great -ifference in the a0ount of !rana a"+or"e- an- +tore- up "y -ifferent per+on+. So0e are +urcharge- ,ith !rana, an- ra-iate it #i3e an e#ectrica# 0achine, cau+ing a## other+ ,ith ,ho0 they co0e in contact to fee# increa+e- hea#th, +trength, #ife an- .igor. )ther+ are +o -eficient in !rana, that ,hen they co0e into co0pany of other per+on+, their -ep#ete- con-ition cau+e+ the0 to -ra, upon the !ranic +upp#y of 0agneti+0 of the other+, the re+u#t "eing that the other per+on+ +o -ra,n upon, are apt to fee# unco0forta"#e an- ,ea3 after the inter.ie,. So0e peop#e are practica##y .a0pire+, an- #i.e upon the 0agneti+0 of other+, uncon+ciou+#y, u+ua##y, a#though +o0e ha.e ac5uire- the 3no,#e-ge that they 0ay #i.e on other+6 +trength in thi+ ,ay, an-

practice their ,ic3e- art+ con+ciou+#y. hi+ con+ciou+ u+e of their po,er i+ a for0 of "#ac3 0agic, an- i+ atten-e- ,ith certain p+ychic pena#tie+ an- puni+h0ent+. But no one can "e thu+ -ra,n upon, either "y the uncon+ciou+ -e0an- of other+, or "y con+ciou+ -e+ign, after they ha.e once #earne- +o0ething a"out thi+ Hu0an 1agneti+0, an- it+ #a,+. Hu0an 1agneti+0, or !ranic %nergy, i+ a 0o+t potent therapeutic force, an-, in one for0 or another, it i+ foun- in the 0a4ority of ca+e+ of p+ychic hea#ing. It i+ one of the o#-e+t for0+ of natura# hea#ing, an- it 0ay "e +ai- to "e a#0o+t in+tincti.e in the race. A chi#- ,ho ha+ hurt it+e#f, or ,ho fee#+ a pain, at once run+ to it+ 0other ,ho 3i++e+ the hurt part, or p#ace+ her han- on the +eat of the pain an- in a fe, 0o0ent+ the chi#- i+ "etter. /hen ,e approach one ,ho i+ +uffering, it i+ .ery natura# for u+ to p#ace our han-+ on hi+ "ro,, or to pa++ our han- o.er hi0. hi+ in+tincti.e u+e of the han- i+ a for0 of con.eying 0agneti+0 to the aff#icteper+on, ,ho i+ u+ua##y re#ie.e- "y the act. he ho#-ing of a "a"e to it+ 0other6+ "o+o0, i+ another in+tincti.e act for the +a0e purpo+e. he 0other6+ 0agneti+0 goe+ out, prope##e- "y her #o.ing thought, an- the chi#- i+ +oothe-, re+te-, an- +trengthene-. Hu0an 1agneti+0 0ay "e thro,n off fro0 the +y+te0 "y 0ean+ of a -e+ire or thought, or it 0ay "e 0ore -irect#y pa++e- to another "y 0ean+ of the han-9 contact of the "o-y9 a 3i++9 the "reath9 an- +i0i#ar ,ay+. /e ,i## +pea3 of thi+ 0atter, again, in our %ighth (e++on, on ")ccu#t herapeutic+." It i+ i0po++i"#e to gi.e a p#ain, c#ear e:p#anation of 4u+t ,hat thi+ Hu0an 1agneti+0 i+, un#e++ ,e go into the

-eeper occu#t teaching+, ,hich are not fitte- for the "eginner. o te## ,hat Hu0an 1agneti+0 i+, ,e 0u+t e:p#ain ,hat !rana i+, an- in or-er to te## ,hat !rana i+, ,e 0u+t go right to the root of the 0atter an-i+co.er the true nature an- origin of "&orce," +o0ething ,hich 0o-ern phy+ica# +cience ha+ fai#e- to -o, "ut ,hich the -eeper occu#t teaching+ are a"#e to e:p#ain, at #ea+t to tho+e ,ho ha.e reache- that +tage of un-er+tan-ing, "y +#o,, #a"oriou+ an- gra-ua# +tep+. It 0ay "e urge- that ,e are e:pecting too 0uch ,hen ,e a+3 +tu-ent+ to accept a+ truth, the +tate0ent that there e:i+t+ +uch a thing a+ Hu0an 1agneti+0, or !ranic %nergy, at a##, ,hen ,e cannot e:p#ain it+ rea# nature. 'ep#ying to thi+ o"4ection, ,e an+,er that there are 0any thing+ ,hich 0ay "e pro.en "y their o"+er.e- effect+, a#though the thing it+e#f cannot "e e:p#aine- in p#ain ter0+. a3e %#ectricity, or 1agneti+0, for in+tance 8 ,e ha.e their e:i+tence c#ear#y pro.e- to u+ e.ery -ay, "y their effect+, an- yet phy+ica# +cience te##+ u+ .ery #itt#e that can "e un-er+too-, a"out their rea# nature. An- +o it i+ ,ith thi+ other e:hi"ition of !ranic %nergy 8 Hu0an 1agneti+0 8 ,e 0u+t #oo3 to it+ effect+ for proof, rather than try to +o#.e the 0y+tery of the co00on +ource of a## for0+ of force 8 !rana. But, ,e ha.e ha- it urge- that ,herea+ ,e can ea+i#y o"+er.e the effect+ an- out,ar- 0anife+tation of %#ectricity an- 1agneti+0, there are no +uch effect+ an- 0anife+tation+ of Hu0an 1agneti+0, or !ranic %nergy. hi+ o"4ection ha+ a#,ay+ a0u+e- u+, ,hen ,e re0e0"er that e.ery 0o.e0ent of the "o-y, fro0 the 0ighty effort of the giant, to the 5ui.er of an eye#a+h, i+ a -irect effect an- 0anife+tation of thi+ Hu0an 1agneti+0 or !ranic %nergy. !hy+ica# +cienti+t+ ca## thi+ thing "*er.ou+ &orce" or +i0i#ar na0e+, "ut it i+ the +a0e thing that ,e ha.e ca##e- Hu0an 1agneti+0 8 a for0 of !ranic %nergy. /hen ,e ,i+h to rai+e a finger, ,e put forth an effort of the /i##, if the -e+ire "e a con+ciou+ one 8 r an effort of the In+tincti.e 1in-, if the -e+ire "e +u"8 con+ciou+ ana +upp#y of Hu0an 1agneti+0 i+ +ent to the 0u+c#e+ contro##ing the 0o.e0ent of the finger. he 0u+c#e+ contract, an- the finger rai+e+. An- +o it i+ ,ith e.ery 0o.e0ent of the "o-y, "oth on the con+ciou+ an+u"con+ciou+ p#ane of effort. %.ery +tep ,e ta3e i+ cau+e- "y thi+ +a0e proce++ 8 e.ery ,or- ,e utter i+ pro-uce- in thi+ ,ay 8 e.ery tear ,e +he- o"ey+ the #a, 8 e.en the "eating of the heart re+pon-+ to the +upp#y of Hu0an 1agneti+0, prope##e-, in thi+ #a+t ca+e, "y the co00an- of the In+tincti.e 1in-. he 0agneti+0 i+ +ent o.er the ner.e+, 4u+t a+ i+ a te#egraph 0e++age +ent o.er the ,ire+ #ea-ing fro0 the centra# office to a## part+ of the #an-. he ner.e+ are it+ te#egraph ,ire+, an- the current in the "o-y a#,ay+

tra.e#+ o.er the+e ,ire+. An- 4u+t a+, unti# a .ery recent ti0e, it ha+ "een thought i0po++i"#e for 0e++age+ to "e +ent ,ithout ,ire+, +o e.en to thi+ -ay, -o the phy+ica# +cienti+t+ -eny that thi+ Hu0an 1agneti+0 A,hich they ca## *er.ou+ &orceB can "e tran+0itte- e:cept o.er the+e ,ire+ of the ner.ou+ +y+te0. An- 4u+t a+ the +cienti+t+ ha.e recent#y -i+co.ere- that ",ire#e++ te#egraphy" i+ a po++i"i#ity, an- a ,or3ing truth 8 +o ha.e the occu#ti+t+ 3no,n for centurie+ that thi+ Hu0an 1agneti+0 can "e tran+0itte- fro0 per+on to per+on, through the a+tra# at0o+phere, ,ithout the nee- of the ,ire+ of the ner.e+. Ha.e ,e he#pe- you to for0 a c#earer i-ea of Hu0an 1agneti+0F A+ ,e ha.e +tate-, Hu0an 1agneti+0 i+ ta3en up "y the organi+0 of 0an, fro0 the air he "reathe+9 the ,ater he -rin3+9 an- the foo- he eat+. It i+ e:tracte- in *ature6+ #a"oratory, an- +tore- up in hi+ ner.ou+ +y+te0, in a chain of +torage 8 "atterie+, of ,hich the So#ar !#e:u+ i+ the centra# an- chief +tore hou+e. &ro0 the+e +torage8"atterie+, the 0agneti+0 i+ -ra,n "y the 0in- an- +ent forth to "e u+e- for the thou+an-+ of purpo+e+ for ,hich it i+ inten-e-. /hen ,e +ay, "-ra,n "y the 0in-," ,e -o not 0ean that it 0u+t "e nece++ari#y -ra,n "y an effort of the con+ciou+ 0in-, or ,i## po,er, in fact, not o.er fi.e per cent of the a0ount u+e- i+ +o -ra,n, the re0aining ninety8fi.e per cent, "eing -ra,n an- u+e- "y the In+tincti.e 1in-, ,hich contro#+ the function+ of the "o-y 8 the ,or3ing+ of the interna# organ+ 8 the proce++e+ of -ige+tion, a++i0i#ation, an- e#i0ination 8 the circu#ation of the "#ooan- the .ariou+ function+ of the phy+ica# "o-y, a## of ,hich are ,ho##y, or in part, un-er the contro# an- care of the In+tincti.e 1in-. *or 0u+t it "e +uppo+e- that thi+ 0agneti+0 i+ a"+ent fro0 any part of the "o-y, at any ti0e9 or i+ a"+ent unti#

it i+ +ent there "y a -i+tinct effort of the 0in-. he fact i+ that e.ery part of the "o-y contain+ a greater or #e++er a0ount of 0agneti+0 at a## ti0e+ 8 the a0ount -epen-ing upon the genera# .ita#ity of the per+on, ,hich .ita#ity i+ -eter0ine- entire#y "y the tota# a0ount of !rana, or Hu0an 1agneti+0 in the +y+te0. A "rief con+i-eration of the ner.ou+ +y+te0, ,ith it+ ner.e8ce##+, gang#ia, p#e:i, etc., ,i## "e a-.i+a"#e, at thi+ point, in or-er to gain a c#earer i-ea of the proce++e+ of nature in it+ -i+tri"ution of the +upp#y of 0agneti+0. he *er.ou+ Sy+te0 of 0an i+ -i.i-e- into t,o great +y+te0+, .i2., the Cere"ro Spina# Sy+te0, an- the Sy0pathetic Sy+te0. he Cere"ro Spina# Sy+te0 con+i+t+ of a## that part of the *er.ou+ Sy+te0 containe,ithin the crania# ca.ity, an- the +pina# cana#, .i2., the "rain an- the +pina# cor-, together ,ith the ner.e+ ,hich "ranch off fro0 the #atter. hi+ +y+te0 pre+i-e+ o.er the function+ of ani0a# #ife 3no,n a+ .o#ition, +en+ation, etc. he Sy0pathetic Sy+te0 inc#u-e+ a## that part of the *er.ou+ Sy+te0 #ocate- principa##y in the thoracic, a"-o0ina#, anpe#.ic ca.itie+, an- ,hich i+ -i+tri"ute- to the interna# organ+. It contro#+ the in.o#untary proce++e+, +uch a+ gro,th, nutrition, etc., un-er the +uper.i+ion an- -irection of the In+tincti.e 1in-. he Cere"ro Spina# Sy+te0 atten-+ to a## the +eeing, hearing, ta+ting, +0e##ing, fee#ing, etc. It +et+ thing+ in 0otion9 it i+ u+e- "y the %go to thin3 8 to 0anife+t con+ciou+ne++ an- Inte##ect. It i+ the in+tru0ent "y ,hich the %go i+ ena"#e- to co00unicate ,ith the out+i-e ,or#- "y 0ean+ of the phy+ica# +en+e+. hi+ +y+te0 ha+ "een #i3ene- to a great te#ephone +y+te0, ,ith the "rain a+ the centra# office, an- the +pina# co#u0n anner.e+ a+ ca"#e an- ,ire+ re+pecti.e#y. he "rain i+ a great 0a++ of ner.e ti++ue, an- con+i+t+ of three part+, .i2., the Cere"ru0, or "rain proper, ,hich occupie+ the upper, front, 0i--#e an- "ac3 portion of the +3u##9 the Cere"e##u0, or "#itt#e "rain," ,hich fi##+ the #o,er an- "ac3 portion of the +3u##9 an- the 1e-u##a )"#ongata, ,hich i+ the "roa-eneco00ence0ent of the +pina# cor-, #ying "efore an- in front of the Cere"e##u0. he Cere"ru0 i+ the organ of the Inte##ect, an- a#+o of the unfo#-ing Spiritua# 1in- 8 the organ of 0anife+tation, re0e0"er, not the thing it+e#f. he Cere"e##u0 i+ the organ of the In+tincti.e 1in-. he 1e-u##a )"#ongata i+ the upper en#arge- part of the

+pina# cor-, an- fro0 it an- the Cere"ru0 "ranch forth the crania# ner.e+ ,hich reach to .ariou+ part+ of the hea-9 to the organ+ of +pecia# +en+e, an- to +o0e of the thoracic an- a"-o0ina# organ+, an- to the organ+ of re+piration. he Spina# Cor-, or +pina# 0arro,, fi##+ the +pina# cana# in the .erte"ra# co#u0n, or ""ac3"one." It i+ a #ong 0a++ of ner.e ti++ue, "ranching off at the +e.era# .erte"rae to ner.e+ co00unicating to a## part+ of the "o-y. he Spina# Cor- i+ #i3e a great te#ephone ca"#e, an- the e0erging ner.e+ are #i3e the pri.ate ,ire+ connecting there,ith. he Sy0pathetic Sy+te0 i+ co0po+e- of a -ou"#e chain of gang#ia on each +i-e of the +pina# co#u0n, an+cattere- gang#ia in the hea-, nec3, che+t, an- a"-o0en. AA gang#ion i+ a 0a++ of ner.ou+ 0atter, inc#u-ing ner.e ce##+.B he+e gang#ia are connecte- ,ith each other "y fi#a0ent+, an- are a#+o connecte- ,ith the Cere"ro8Spina# Sy+te0 "y 0otor an- +en+ory ner.e+. &ro0 the+e gang#ia nu0erou+ fi"re+ "ranch out to the organ+ of the "o-y, "#oo- .e++e#+, etc. At .ariou+ point+, the ner.e+ 0eet together an- for0 ,hat are 3no,n a+ p#e:i, or p#e:u+e+. he Sy0pathetic Sy+te0 practica##y contro#+ the in.o#untary proce++e+, +uch a+ the circu#ation, re+piration an- -ige+tion. ).er thi+ ,on-erfu# +y+te0 operate+ the Hu0an 1agneti+0 or !ranic %nergy Aor "*er.ou+ &orce," if you prefer the ter0 of the phy+ica# +cienti+t+.B By 0ean+ of the i0pu#+e+ fro0 the 0in-, through the "rain, the 0agneti+0 i+ -ra,n fro0 it+ +torage "atterie+, an- +ent to a## part+ of the "o-y, or to any particu#ar part of the

"o-y, o.er the ,ire+ of the ner.ou+ +y+te0. /ithout thi+ 0agneti+0, the heart cannot "eat9 the "#oocannot circu#ate9 the #ung+ cannot "reathe9 the .ariou+ organ+ cannot function9 in fact, the entire 0achinery of the "o-y co0e+ to a +top if the +upp#y of 0agneti+0 "e +hut off. *ay, 0ore, e.en the "rain it+e#f cannot perfor0 it+ function+ a+ the phy+ica# organ of the 0in-, un#e++ a +upp#y of !rana or 0agneti+0 "e pre+ent. An- yet, the phy+ica# +cienti+t+ +0i#e at the 0ention of the +u"4ect of "Hu0an 1agneti+0," an- -i+0i++ it "y gi.ing it another na0e, "*er.ou+ &orce," "ut #i0iting it+ +cope. he Yogi teaching+ go further than -oe+ /e+tern !hy+ica# +cience regar-ing one particu#ar part of the ner.ou+ +y+te0. /e a##u-e to that ,hich phy+ica# +cienti+t+ ca## "the So#ar !#e:u+," or "A"-o0ina# Brain," an,hich they con+i-er a+ 0ere#y one of a +erie+ of certain 0atte- net+ of +y0pathetic ner.e+ ,hich, ,ith their gang#ia are foun- in .ariou+ part+ of the "o-y. Yogi +cience teache+ that thi+ So#ar !#e:u+ i+ rea##y a 0o+t i0portant part of the ner.ou+ +y+te0, an- that it i+ the great +torehou+e of !rana, ,hich +upp#ie+ the 0inor +torage "atterie+, an- the entire +y+te0. he So#ar !#e:u+ i+ +ituate- in the %piga+tric region, 4u+t "ac3 of the pit of the +to0ach, on either +i-e of the +pina# co#u0n. It i+ co0po+e- of ,hite an- gray "rain 0atter, +i0i#ar to that co0po+ing the other "rain+ of 0an. It p#ay+ a 0uch 0ore i0portant part in the #ife of 0an than i+ genera##y +uppo+e-. 1en ha.e "een 3i##e- in+tant#y "y a +e.ere "#o, o.er thi+ region, an- pri2e fighter+ recogni2e it+ .u#nera"i#ity, an- fre5uent#y para#y2e their opponent+ "y a "#o, o.er it. he na0e "So#ar" i+ ,e## "e+to,e-, a+, in fact, it -oe+ ra-iate energy an- +trength to a## part+ of the "o-y, e.en the upper "rain+ -epen-ing upon it for energy ,ith ,hich to ,or3. Cu+t a+ the "#oo- penetrate+ a## part+ of the +y+te0, "y 0ean+ of the arterie+, an- +0a##er "#oo- .e++e#+, ter0inating in tiny, fine hair8#i3e .e++e#+ ca##e- capi##arie+, an- the +y+te0 i+ there"y 3ept +upp#ie- ,ith rich, re- "#oo-, "ui#-ing up an- repairing the ce##+ of the "o-y, an- +upp#ying the 0ateria# re5uire- for that en-#e++ ,or3 of repair an- re"ui#-ing ,hich i+ con+tant#y going on in e.ery part of the "o-y, un-er the -irection of that faithfu# +er.ant, the In+tincti.e 1in- 8 +o -oe+ thi+ Hu0an 1agneti+0, or !ranic %nergy, penetrate e.ery portion of the +y+te0, "y 0ean+ of thi+ ,on-erfu# an- co0p#e: 0achinery ca##e- the *er.ou+ Sy+te0, ,ith it+ co0p#icate- +y+te0+ ,ithin +y+te0+ of ca"#e+, ,ire+, re#ay+, +torage "atterie+, an- the #i3e. /ithout thi+ 0agneti+0 there cou#- "e no #ife, a+ e.en the 0achinery an- apparatu+ for the carrying on of the ,or3

of the circu#ation of the "#oo- -epen-+ for 0oti.e po,er upon thi+ !ranic %nergy. he hea#thy hu0an "o-y i+ fi##e- fro0 hea- to toe ,ith thi+ ,on-erfu# force, ,hich 3eep+ it+ 0achinery 0o.ing, an- ,hich i+ u+e- not on#y on the phy+ica# "ut on the a+tra# p#ane, a+ ,e +ha## +ee #ater on. But, it 0u+t "e re0e0"ere- that the In+tincti.e 1in- i+ "ac3 of a## thi+ -i+tri"ution, for it 3eep+ up a continua# -e0an- an- -raught upon the +torage "atterie+ of the +y+te0 for a +ufficient +upp#y of 0agneti+0 to +upp#y a## part+ of the "o-y, an- on#y ca##+ for a +pecia# a0ount in re+pon+e to a +u--en an- i00e-iate -e0an-. But the In+tincti.e 1in- regar-+ the +upp#y an- -e0an- 5ue+tion in thi+ continuou+ -raught upon the +torage "atterie+, an- the con+e5uent +en-ing forth of the 0agneti+0 to a## part+ of the "o-y. It +en-+ forth on#y a certain rea+ona"#e percentage of the a0ount +tore- up, other,i+e it ,ou#- +oon "an3rupt the +y+te0. If one ha+ an a"un-ant +upp#y of 0agneti+0, the In+tincti.e 1in- i+ 5uite #i"era# in -i+"ur+ing that a0ount, for it i+ no 0i+er 8 it i+ 0ere#y pru-ent an- +uch a per+on fair#y ra-iate+ 0agneti+0, +o that other+ co0ing in contact ,ith hi0 fee# the hea#thy outpouring ,hich #eap+ "eyon- the confine+ of the ner.ou+ +y+te0, an- fi##+ the a+tra# at0o+phere aroun- hi0. /e ha.e -e+cri"e- the hu0an Aura in our &ourth (e++on, an- in the +a0e #e++on ha.e touche- upon the Aura of the thir- princip#e, or !rana, ,hich i+ practica##y the Aura of Hu0an 1agneti+0. hi+ Aura 0ay "e fe#t "y 0any, an- +een "y tho+e ha.ing a certain -egree of c#air.oyant .i+ion. In fact, a goo- c#air.oyant 0ay +ee the 0agneti+0 a+ it 0o.e+ a#ong ,ithin the ner.ou+ +y+te0 of a per+on. /hen in or .ery near the "o-y, it ha+ a faint ro+y tint, ,hich #ea.e+ it a+ it 0o.e+ a,ay fro0 the "o-y. At a #itt#e -i+tance fro0 the "o-y, it re+e0"#e+ a .apory c#ou- of the co#or an- appearance of an e#ectric +par3, or rather of the ra-iation+ fro0 an X8ray tu"e. C#air.oyant+ +ee +par38#i3e partic#e+ of it "eing +ha3en fro0 the fingertip+ of

tho+e gi.ing "0agnetic treat0ent+" or 0e+0eric pa++e+. It i+ a#+o +een "y +o0e per+on+ ,ho -o not con+i-er the0+e#.e+ c#air.oyant+, to ,ho0 it appear+ #i3e the heate- air ari+ing fro0 a +to.e, or fro0 the heategroun-9 that i+, #i3e a co#or#e++, .apory +o0ething, pu#+ating an- .i"rating. A per+on of +trong concentration or traine- po,er+ of thought, a#+o thro,+ off a con+i-era"#e a0ount of 0agneti+0 a#ong ,ith the thought8,a.e+ e0anating fro0 hi+ "rain. In fact, a## thought ,a.e+ are 0ore or #e++ charge- ,ith 0agneti+0, "ut tho+e of poor concentration an- negati.e character thro, off +o #itt#e that ,e -o not genera##y ta3e it into con+i-eration a+ co0pare- to the hea.i#y charge- thought ,a.e+ of the po+iti.e or -e.e#ope- per+on. he great point of -ifference "et,een the phy+ica# +cienti+t an- the occu#ti+t, i+ in the 5ue+tion of the po++i"#e tran+ference of 0agneti+0, or ner.ou+ force a+ the phy+ica# +cienti+t ca##+ it. he phy+ica# +cienti+t in+i+t+ that a#though the ner.ou+ force un-ou"te-#y e:i+t+ an- -oe+ a## ,ithin the "o-y that the occu#ti+t c#ai0+, yet it i+ confine- to the ner.ou+ +y+te0+, an- cannot tra.er+e their #i0it+. He con+e5uent#y -enie+ the e:i+tence of 0uch of the pheno0ena inci-ent to Hu0an 1agneti+0, an- con+i-er+ the occu#t teaching+ a+ fit on#y for .i+ionary an- i0aginati.e peop#e7 he occu#ti+t, on the other han-, 3no,+ "y e:perience that thi+ 0agneti+0, or ner.ou+ force, can an- repeate-#y -oe+ tra.er+e the "oun-arie+ of the ner.ou+ +y+te0, an- i+ pro4ecte-, at ti0e+, to -i+tance+ far re0ote fro0 the per+on in ,ho+e +y+te0 it ,a+ +tore- up. he proof of thi+ occu#t teaching i+ to "e foun- "y anyone ,ho ,i## e:peri0ent for hi0+e#f, pro.i-ing he ,i## -i.e+t hi+ 0in- of pre4u-ice an- ,i## "e ,i##ing to accept fact+ a+ they are pre+ente- to hi0. Before procee-ing further, ,e ,i+h to again re0in- our +tu-ent+ that thi+ Hu0an 1agneti+0 i+ 0ere#y a 0anife+tation or for0 of !rana, an- that !rana i+ not 0a-e to or-er "y peop#e to +upp#y their nee-+. /hen one increa+e+ the a0ount of 0agneti+0, in hi+ +y+te0, he -oe+ it not "y 0a3ing a fre+h +upp#y of it, "ut "y -ra,ing to hi0+e#f an increa+e- +upp#y of !rana fro0 the great +ource of +upp#y, "y "reathing, eating, or -rin3ing. he a0ount +o a"+or"e- or e:tracte- fro0 air, foo-, an- f#ui- 0ay "e great#y increa+e- "y the 0enta# -e+ire, or ,i## po,er, a+ ,e ,i## pre+ent#y +ee. here i+ a certain a0ount of !rana in e:i+tence thi+ a0ount cannot "e a--e- to or -i0ini+he-. It i+ unchangea"#e. It i+ &orce. In our &ifth (e++on, ,e to#- you that ,hen a thought i+ +ent forth ,ith +trength, it u+ua##y carrie+ ,ith it a

con+i-era"#e a0ount of !rana, or 0agneti+0, ,hich gi.e+ to it a--itiona# +trength, an- +o0eti0e+ pro-uce+ +tart#ing effect+. hi+ !rana, or 0agneti+0, practica##y .ita#i2e+ the thought, an- 0a3e+ it a#0o+t a #i.ing force. A## po+iti.e thought, goo- or "a-, i+ 0ore or #e++ hea.i#y charge- ,ith !rana or 0agneti+0. he 0an of +trong ,i## +en-ing forth a .igorou+, po+iti.e thought uncon+ciou+#y Aor con+ciou+#y, if he un-er+tanthe +u"4ectB +en-+ ,ith it a +upp#y of !rana, or 0agneti+0, proportione- to the force or energy ,ith ,hich the thought i+ prope##e-. A thought +ent forth ,hen one i+ #a"oring un-er a +trong e0otion i+ #i3e,i+e hea.i#y charge- ,ith 0agneti+0. hought+, +o charge-, are often +ent #i3e a "u##et to the 0ar3, in+tea- of -rifting a#ong +#o,#y #i3e an or-inary thought e0anation. So0e pu"#ic +pea3er+ ha.e ac5uire- thi+ art, an- +enforth their ,or-+ ,ith +uch force that one can fair#y fee# the i0pact of the thought. A +trong, .igorou+ thin3er, ,ho+e thought+ are hea.i#y charge- ,ith !rana, ,i## +o0eti0e+ i0part +uch .ita#ity to hi+ thought+ that they ,i## #i.e for a ti0e a+ hought &or0+ 8 that i+ to +ay, ,i## po++e++ +uch .ita#ity, fro0 the !rana ,ith ,hich they are charge-, that they ,i## "eco0e a#0o+t #i3e #i.ing force+. /e 0ay ha.e +o0ething to +ay on thi+ +u"4ect in our (e++on on the A+tra# /or#- A(e++on XB. Such hought &or0+, co0ing into one6+ p+ychic at0o+phere, po++e++ a#0o+t the +a0e -egree of po,er that ,ou#- "e e:perience- ,ere the per+on pre+ent in per+on ta#3ing to you. 'ea- o.er page+ K>8KK, &ifth (e++on, no, that you ha.e #earne- +o0e #itt#e 0ore a"out !rana, an- you ,i## get a c#earer i-ea of hought &or0+. !rana -epen-+ .ery con+i-era"#y upon the -e+ire+ an- e:pectation+ of the per+on, "oth in the 0atter of hi+ a"+orption an- it+ pro4ection ,ith a thought ,a.e. hat i+ to +ay, that ,hi#e e.ery per+on a"+or"+ 0ore or #e++ !rana e.ery 0o0ent of hi+ #ife, an- thi+ a0ount 0ay "e #arge#y increa+e- "y fo##o,ing the Yogi teaching regar-ing "reathing, eating an- -rin3ing, +ti## the thought, or -e+ire, or e:pectation of the per+on ,i## great#y

increa+e the a0ount of !rana a"+or"e-. An-, in #i3e 0anner, ,i## the -e+ire or ,i## of the per+on great#y 0u#tip#y the force ,ith ,hich a thought i+ pro4ecte-, a+ it #arge#y increa+e+ the a0ount of !rana ,ith ,hich the thought i+ charge-. o +pea3 0ore p#ain#y7 If one ,i## for0 a 0enta# i0age of the a"+orption of !rana, ,hi#e "reathing, eating or -rin3ing, he ,i## "ring into operation certain occu#t #a,+ ,hich ,i## ten- to re#ea+e a greater a0ount of !rana fro0 it+ confining 0atter, an- he ,i## "e great#y +trengthene- in con+e5uence. ry the e:peri0ent of ta3ing a fe, -eep "reath+, ho#-ing the 0enta# i0age that you are a"+or"ing a #arge a0ount of !rana ,ith each in,ar"reath, an- you ,i## fee# an inf#u: of ne, +trength. hi+ i+ ,orth trying ,hen you fee# tire- ane:hau+te-. (i3e,i+e, -rin3 +#o,#y a cupfu# of ,ater, for0ing the 0enta# i0age that you are e:tracting fro0 the ,ater a great +upp#y of !rana ,hich i+ +tore- up in it, an- you ,i## e:perience a +i0i#ar re+u#t. (i3e,i+e, in eating, if you ,i## 0a+ticate your foo- +#o,#y, ho#-ing the 0enta# i0age that you are e:tracting the +trength of the !rana in the foo-, you ,i## recei.e a 0uch greater per cent of nouri+h0ent an- +trength fro0 the foothan you ,ou#- in the or-inary ,ay. he+e thing+ are a## he#pfu# 8 ,e hope that you ,i## try the0, an- u+e the0 ,hen you nee- the0. @o not #et the +i0p#icity of the+e thing+ cau+e you to un-er.a#ue the0. he +a0e #a, cau+e+ a thought pro4ecte- ,ith the 0enta# i0age that it i+ hea.i#y charge- ,ith !rana, to attain a greater .e#ocity an- force than ,ou#- an or-inary thought, an- it+ potency ,i## "e great#y increa+e"y thi+ practice. But "e carefu# not to +en- forth e.i# thought+ in thi+ ,ay. 'ea- your #e++on on " hought @yna0ic+" A&ifth (e++onB carefu##y, an- hee- the ,arning+ containe- therein. A nu0"er of intere+ting e:peri0ent+ a#ong the #ine+ of Hu0an 1agneti+0 0ay "e trie-. If you ha.e a nu0"er of frien-+ intere+te- in thi+ +u"4ect you 0ay try thi+ e:peri0ent7 (et a party +it aroun- in a circ#e, ho#-ing han-+, an- a## concentrate their 0in-+ on the co00on purpo+e of +en-ing a !ranic current, or current of 0agneti+0, aroun- the circ#e. here 0u+t "e a co00on un-er+tan-ing of the -irection, e#+e +o0e ,i## "e +en-ing in one -irection an- +o0e in another, an- the "enefit of cooperation ,i## "e #o+t. A goo- p#an i+ to +en- the current in the -irection of the 0o.e0ent of the han-+ of a ,atch aroun- it+ face, that i+, pic3 out +o0e per+on to repre+ent the figure XII, an- then +tart the current 0o.ing in the -irection of "right"

fro0 that per+on. If the party i+ har0oniou+, an- the con-ition+ are fa.ora"#e, they ,i## +oon fee# a faint ting#ing #i3e a ,ea3 current of e#ectricity 0o.ing through the0. hi+ practice, if 0o-erate#y in-u#ge- in, ,i## pro.e in.igorating to a## concerne- in it, "ut ,e ,ou#- not a-.i+e that the +itting+ "e continue- too #ong, a+ it 0ight pro-uce a +ufficient#y +trong current that 0ight "e con-uci.e to the pro-uction of p+ychic pheno0ena, ,hich +hou#- not "e too free#y in-u#ge- in "y tho+e ,ho are not fa0i#iar ,ith the #a,+ of p+ychic pheno0ena. /e -o not appro.e of in-i+cri0inate, an- uninte##igent pro-uction of pheno0ena of thi+ +ort. )ne +hou#- #earn +o0ething of the #a,+, "efore he atte0pt+ to pro-uce pheno0ena. )ur #itt#e "oo3, "Science of Breath," gi.e+ in con-en+e- for0, a nu0"er of 0etho-+ of u+ing !ranic force, or Hu0an 1agneti+0, an- ,e refer the +tu-ent to that "oo3, after he ha+ fini+he- thi+ #e++on. A## of our pu"#ication+ -o.etai# one into the other, an- a+ each one i+ rea- other+ "eco0e p#ainer. )f nece++ity, ,e 0u+t con-en+e our infor0ation, an- 0u+t tru+t to a carefu# rea-ing of a## the #e++on+ on the part of our +tu-ent+, in or-er that they 0ay o"tain the "e+t re+u#t+. In or-er not to go o.er the +a0e groun- t,ice ,e 0u+t refer the +tu-ent to "Science of Breath" for -irection+ an- e:erci+e+ ca#cu#ate- to increa+e the a"+orption of !rana, an- a#+o for -irection+ regar-ing it+ -i+tri"ution.

Chapter XIV Chapter XIV , of "Science of Breath," gi.e+ you +o0e .a#ua"#e infor0ation a#ong the+e #ine+. In thi+ chapter, paragraph ? furni+he+ a fine e:erci+e for the increa+e- a"+orption of !rana, an- it+ -i+tri"ution to a## part+ of the "o-y, +trengthening an- in.igorating a## the ce##+, organ+ an- part+ of the "o-y. hi+ e:erci+e ,i## +ee0 -ou"#y .a#ua"#e to you no, that ,e ha.e gone a #itt#e -eeper into the +u"4ect of !rana or 0agneti+0. !aragraph 3, of the +a0e chapter, in+truct+ you ho, to inhi"it pain "y the -irection of !rana. !aragraph $ in+truct+ you in the -irecting of the circu#ation. !aragraph > gi.e+ you infor0ation on Se#f Hea#ing, an- !aragraph = gi.e+ you a +hort cour+e on Hea#ing of )ther+, ,hich if fo##o,e- carefu##y "y you ,i## 0a3e you a goo- "0agnetic hea#er." !aragraph < in+truct+ you in @i+tant Hea#ing. he ne:t chapter, Chapter XV, gi.e+ you infor0ation regar-ing thought pro4ection "y 0ean+ of +en-ing -i+tant thought+ charge- ,ith !rana9 -irection+ for for0ing a !rotecti.e Aura, ,hich ,i## ena"#e you to re+i+t the thought+ an- !rana of other+, if -e+ire- 8 thi+ infor0ation i+ e+pecia##y .a#ua"#e, an- ,e urge upon the +tu-ent that he ac5uire thi+ practice of for0ing a !rotecti.e Aura, a+ he ,i## fin- it of u+e to hi0 0any ti0e+. )ur &ifth (e++on a#+o contain+ -irection+ for the +a0e thing, going a #itt#e 0ore into -etai# than -oe+ "Science of Breath."

Chapter XV Chapter XV of "Science of Breath" a#+o te##+ you ho, to 'echarge your+e#f, an- ho, to 'echarge other+, ,ith !rana9 a#+o ho, to charge ,ater, an- 5uite a nu0"er of .a#ua"#e e:erci+e+ an- -irection+ for the u+e of !ranic force, or Hu0an 1agneti+09 0uch of ,hich ha+, +o far a+ ,e 3no,, ne.er "een printe- "efore. A ca+ua# rea-er of the+e conc#u-ing #ine+ 0ight .ery natura##y +uppo+e that ,e ,ere trying to +e## "Science of Breath" to our +tu-ent+, "y rea+on of the+e con+tant reference+ to it. /e "eg to infor0 +uch ca+ua# rea-er of a fact, ,hich a## our +tu-ent+ rea#i2e, ,ithout "eing to#-, an- that i+, that near#y e.ery +tu-ent of thi+ C#a++ ha+ rea- "Science of Breath," genera##y "efore he ha+ purcha+e- thi+ Cour+e. Con+e5uent#y, he i+ not a goo+u"4ect for another +a#e of the +a0e "oo3, +o ,e 0u+t "e re#ie.e- of the +u+picion of an inor-inate -e+ire to +e## our "oo3+ "y 0ean+ of prai+ing the0 in our #e++on+. )ur rea# rea+on for thi+ repeate- a##u+ion to "Science of Breath" i+ that ,e ha.e notice- that the a.erage +tu-ent, e.en though he ha- rerea- the #itt#e "oo3 +e.era# ti0e+, -oe+ not "egin to rea#i2e the #arge a0ount of infor0ation containe- ,ithin it+ page+, unti# hi+ attention i+ ca##e- to it. hen, ,e 3no, that if he ta3e+ up the "oo3, after our ca##ing hi+ attention to it, he ,i## "e a"#e to un-er+tanthi+ particu#ar #e++on 0uch "etter "y rea+on of the reference to the "oo3. (i3e,i+e, he ,i## un-er+tanthe "oo3 "etter "y rea+on of hi+ ha.ing 4u+t rea- the #e++on. /e ,i+h to 3eep ha00ering a,ay at the+e i-ea+, unti# our +tu-ent+ ha.e fir0#y gra+pe- the0. he+e #e++on+ are inten-e- a+ #e++on+, not a+ 0ere intere+ting rea-ing. hey are inten-e- to teach +o0ething 8 not 0ere#y to a0u+e our +tu-ent+. So, if the +tu-ent ,i+he+ to practice the ,or3ing+ of !ranic %nergy or Hu0an 1agneti+0, ,e cheerfu##y -irect hi0 to "Science of Breath," in ,hich he ,i## fin- enough to 3eep hi0 "u+y for a ,hi#e. In our (e++on VIII, on ")ccu#t herapeutic+," ,e ,i## a#+o gi.e hi0 +o0e ,or3 to -o, if he -e+ire+, ,ith a fe, e:erci+e+ ne, to hi0. A+ ,e ha.e "efore +ai-, the+e #e++on+ 0u+t "e rea- an- rerea-, in connection ,ith one another, a+ one #e++on ,i## thro, #ight on another, an- .ice .er+a. hey are a## part+ of the one thing 8 a## +tone+ going to "ui#- up the te0p#e 8 each ha+ it+ p#ace, an- each fit+ into the other.

o tho+e a0ong our +tu-ent+, ,ho ha.e not reache- that +tate of perfect hea#th ,hich the Yogi !hi#o+ophy teache+ i+ -e+ira"#e, a+ it fit+ the "o-y for u+e a+ a perfect in+tru0ent of the %go 8 to tho+e ,ho are +uffering fro0 -i+ea+e an- i## hea#th 8 ,e urge the practice of increa+ing the +upp#y of !rana, "y 0ean+ of the "reath, the foo-, an- the f#ui-+, a+ +tate- in thi+ #e++on, an- in "Science of Breath." A carefu# an- con+tant practice of thi+ a"+orption an- +torage of !rana ,i## "enefit e.ery per+on, particu#ar#y tho+e ,ho are not in perfect hea#th. @o not -e+pi+e the "o-y, a+ it i+ the e0p#e of the (i.ing Spirit. en- it ,e##, an- 0a3e a ,orthy in+tru0ent of it. H% %IEH H (%SS)*. )CC;( H%'A!%; ICS.

he +tu-ent of the hi+tory of 1an ,i## fin- in the #egen-+, fo#3#ore, an- hi+tory of a## peop#e+ e.i-ence+ of the fact that hea#ing "y +o0e for0 of )ccu#t practice ha+ "een fo##o,e- "y a## race+ 8 a## peop#e+ 8 at a## ti0e+. he+e .ariou+ for0+ of occu#t therapeutic+ ha.e .arie- fro0 the re.o#ting practice+ acco0panying the gro++e+t for0 of "ar"aric +uper+tition, to the 0o+t refine- for0 of proce-ure acco0panying +o0e of the fa+hiona"#e 0etaphy+ica# cu#t+ of to-ay. he+e .ariou+ for0+ of occu#t hea#ing of -i+ea+e ha.e "een attache- to a## for0+ of re#igion, fro0 the -egra-e- .oo-ooi+0 of Africa, to the highe+t for0+ of re#igion 3no,n to the ,or#-. A## +ort+ of theorie+ ha.e "een a-.ance- to account for the cure+ ,hich ha.e re+u#te- fro0 a## the+e for0+ of hea#ing 8 a## 0anner of cree-+ "ui#t aroun- the fact that cure+ ha.e "een 0a-e. !rie+t+, teacher+ anhea#er+ ha.e c#ai0e- @i.ine po,er+, an- in+i+te- that they ,ere the repre+entati.e+ of the particu#ar -eity ,hich ,a+ ,or+hippe- in their re+pecti.e countrie+, +i0p#y "ecau+e they ,ere a"#e to perfor0 cure+ of "o-i#y i##+. An-,

Chapter XV in near#y e.ery ca+e, the+e prie+t+ an- hea#er+ ha.e c#ai0e- the cure+ a+ proof po+iti.e of the truth of the re+pecti.e re#igion or +choo# of re#igiou+ thought ,hich they fa.ore-9 an- at the +a0e ti0e in+i+te- that a## other for0+ of re#igion+ or occu#t hea#ing ,ere "ogu+ an- counterfeit, an- that they, the +ai- prie+t+ 0a3ing the c#ai0, ha- the on#y "rea# thing"9 -ire pena#tie+ "eing often threatene- to tho+e ,ho -are- to patroni2e any of the oppo+ition hea#er+ or prie+t+. Hu0an nature i+ 0uch the +a0e a## o.er the ,or#-, an- in a## ti0e+. /e fin- the +a0e ri.a#ry an- c#ai0 of "the on#y rea# thing" e:i+ting to-ay, "oth in the ca+e of the ri.a# Voo-oo -octor+ of Africa an- the po#i+he#ea-er+ of the fa+hiona"#e 0etaphy+ica# cu#t+ of A0erica 8 an- a0ong a## ,ho co0e in "et,een the+e t,o po#e+. A#a+ for the+e c#ai0er+ of a 0onopo#y of one of *ature6+ great force+ 8 the+e peop#e ,ho 0a3e cure+ in +pite of their theorie+, rather than "ecau+e of the0J *ature6+ great recuperati.e force i+ a+ free a+ air an+un+hine, an- 0ay "e u+e- "y anyone ,ho care+ to -o +o. It i+ not o,ne- or contro##e- "y any per+on, cu#t or +choo# 8 an- no particu#ar for0 of re#igiou+ "e#ief i+ nece++ary to one in or-er that he 0ay o"tain "enefit fro0 it 8 Eo-6+ chi#-ren a0u+e the0+e#.e+ ,ith 0any for0+, +ect+, an- cree-+, "ut He 3no,+ the0 a## a+ hi+ chi#-ren an- +0i#e+ at their chi#-i+h -e+ire+ to for0 the0+e#.e+ into c#i5ue+ of "cho+en peop#e," atte0pting to +hut out their "rethren fro0 the co00on heritage. It 0u+t ha.e "eco0e e.i-ent to the +tu-ent that there 0u+t "e +o0e great princip#e un-er#ying a## the+e .arying for0+ of occu#t hea#ing, "ecau+e they a## 0a3e cure+ in +pite of the fact that each c#ai0+ to ha.e the on#y correct theory an- -enounce+ the theorie+ of the other+. here 0u+t "e +o0e great force ,hich they are a## u+ing, "#in-#y in 0any ca+e+, an- their -iffering theorie+ an- cree-+ ,hich they ha.e "ui#t up arountheir cure+ 0u+t "e 0ere#y regar-e- a+ inci-ent+ of the u+e of the great hea#ing force, an- in no ,ay the rea# e:p#anation of the pheno0ena of occu#t hea#ing. Any e:p#anation to "e ,orth a 0o0ent6+ attention 0u+t e:p#ain, or atte0pt to e:p#ain, a## the .ariou+ for0+ of occu#t hea#ing 8 for a## the .ariou+ cu#t+ an- +choo#+ 0a3e cure+, an- ha.e -one +o in a## age+ 8 in +pite of their cree-+ an- theorie+. he Yogi phi#o+opher+ ha.e for centurie+ pa+t 3no,n an- practice- .ariou+ for0+ of occu#t therapeutic+, an-

ha.e +tu-ie- -eep#y an- thorough#y into the princip#e+ un-er#ying the cure+. But they ha.e ne.er -ecei.ethe0+e#.e+ into i0agining that they ha- any 0onopo#y of the 0atter 8 in fact their re+earche+ ane:peri0ent+ ha.e con.ince- the0 that a## hea#er+ are u+ing a great natura# force 8 the +a0e in a## ca+e+, a#though app#iean- ca##e- into operation in .ariou+ ,ay+ 8 an- that the 0etaphy+ica# theorie+, re#igiou+ "e#ief+, c#ai0+ of -i.ine fa.oriti+0, etc., that ha.e "een "ui#t aroun- thi+ occu#t hea#ing, ha.e no 0ore to -o ,ith it than they ,ou#- ha.e to -o ,ith e#ectricity or 0agneti+0, ha- they "een "ui#t aroun- the+e great force+ in+tea- of aroun- the great hea#ing force. he Yogi+ rea#i2e that a## for0+ of hea#ing are "ut -ifferent 0ean+ of ca##ing into operation thi+ great force of *ature 8 +o0e for0+ "eing fitte- for one ca+e, an- +o0e for other+ 8 co0"ination+ "eing often u+e- to +uit +o0e particu#ar ca+e. he Yogi+ rea#i2e that !rana i+ the -irect force u+e- in a## of the+e cure+, a#though the !rana i+ ca##einto operation in +e.era# -ifferent ,ay+, a+ ,e +ha## +ee a+ ,e procee-. hey teach that a## for0+ of occu#t hea#ing can "e e:p#aine- in thi+ ,ay 8 in fact they perfor0 cure+ in near#y a## the ,ay+ u+e- "y the great +choo#+ of occu#t therapeutic+ an- ha.e for centurie+ 8 "e#ie.ing that the one theory un-er#ie+ the0 a##. hey -i.i-e the for0+ of hea#ing into three genera# c#a++e+, .i27 AIB !ranic Hea#ing, inc#u-ing ,hat i+ 3no,n to the /e+tern ,or#- a+ "0agnetic hea#ing," etc.9 AIIB 1enta# Hea#ing, inc#u-ing the +e.era# for0+ of 0enta# anp+ychic hea#ing, inc#u-ing "a"+ent treat0ent+," a+ ,e## a+ cure+ 0a-e un-er ,hat i+ 3no,n a+ "the #a, of +ugge+tion", etc.9 AIIIB Spiritua# Hea#ing, ,hich i+ a .ery rare for0 of hea#ing, an- i+ po++e++e- "y tho+e of a-.ance- +piritua# attain0ent, an- i+ a .ery -ifferent thing fro0 that ,hich i+ ca##e- "y the +a0e na0e "y +o0e of the "hea#er+" of to-ay. But un-er e.en the #a+t a-.ance- for0 of hea#ing #ie+ the +a0e force, "!rana."

Chapter XV !rana i+ the in+tru0ent "y ,hich the cure i+ effecte-, no 0atter ,hat 0etho- i+ u+e-, or ,ho u+e+ it. In con+i-ering the +u"4ect of )ccu#t herapeutic+, ,e 0u+t go "ac3 to the "eginning. Before con+i-ering the 5ue+tion of cure ,e 0u+t #oo3 at the hea#thy "o-y. he Yogi !hi#o+ophy teache+ that Eo- gi.e+ to each in-i.i-ua# a phy+ica# 0achine a-apte- to hi+ nee-+, ana#+o +upp#ie+ hi0 ,ith the 0ean+ of 3eeping it in or-er, an- of repairing it if hi+ neg#igence a##o,+ it to "eco0e inefficient. he Yogi+ recogni2e the hu0an "o-y a+ the han-i,or3 of a great Inte##igence. hey regar- it+ organi+0 a+ a ,or3ing 0achine, the conception an- operation of ,hich in-icate+ the greate+t ,i+-o0 an- care. hey 3no, that the "o-y IS "ecau+e of a great Inte##igence, an- they 3no, that the +a0e Inte##igence i+ +ti## operating through the phy+ica# "o-y, an- that a+ the in-i.i-ua# fa##+ in ,ith the ,or3ing of the @i.ine (a,, +o ,i## he continue in hea#th an- +trength. hey a#+o 3no, that ,hen 1an run+ contrary to that #a,, inhar0ony an- -i+ea+e re+u#t. hey "e#ie.e that it i+ ri-icu#ou+ to +uppo+e that thi+ great Inte##igence cau+e- the "eautifu# hu0an "o-y to e:i+t, an- then ran a,ay an- #eft it to it+ fate, for they 3no, that the Inte##igence +ti## pre+i-e+ o.er each an- e.ery function of the "o-y, an- 0ay"e +afe#y tru+te- an- not feare-. hat Inte##igence, the 0anife+tation of ,hich ,e ca## "*ature" or " he (ife !rincip#e", an- +i0i#ar na0e+, i+ con+tant#y on the a#ert to repair -a0age, hea# ,oun-+, 3nit together "ro3en "one+9 to thro, off har0fu# 0ateria#+ ,hich ha.e accu0u#ate- in the +y+te09 an- in thou+an-+ of ,ay+ to 3eep the 0achine in goorunning or-er. 1uch that ,e ca## -i+ea+e i+ rea##y a "eneficent action of *ature -e+igne- to get ri- of poi+onou+ +u"+tance+ ,hich ,e ha.e a##o,e- to enter an- re0ain in our +y+te0. (et u+ +ee 4u+t ,hat thi+ "o-y 0ean+. (et u+ +uppo+e a +ou# +ee3ing a tene0ent in ,hich to ,or3 out thi+ pha+e of it+ e:i+tence. )ccu#ti+t+ 3no, that in or-er to 0anife+t in certain ,ay+, the +ou# ha+ nee- of a f#e+h#y ha"itation. (et u+ +ee ,hat the +ou# re5uire+ in the ,ay of a "o-y, an- then #et u+ +ee ,hether *ature ha+ gi.en it ,hat it nee-+. In the fir+t p#ace, the +ou# nee-+ a high#y organi2e- phy+ica# in+tru0ent of thought, an- a centra# +tation fro0 ,hich it 0ay -irect the ,or3ing+ of the "o-y. *ature pro.i-e+ that ,on-erfu# in+tru0ent, the hu0an "rain, the po++i"i#itie+ of ,hich ,e, at thi+ ti0e, "ut faint#y recogni2e.

he portion of the "rain ,hich 1an u+e+ in thi+ +tage of hi+ -e.e#op0ent i+ "ut a tiny part of the entire "rain8area. he unu+e- portion i+ a,aiting the e.o#ution of the race. Secon-#y, the +ou# nee-+ organ+ -e+igne- to recei.e an- recor- the .ariou+ for0+ of i0pre++ion+ fro0 ,ithout. *ature +tep+ in an- pro.i-e+ the eye, the ear, the no+e, the organ+ of ta+te an- the ner.e+ ,here"y ,e fee#. *ature i+ 3eeping other +en+e+ in re+er.e, unti# the nee- of the0 i+ fe#t "y the race. hen, 0ean+ of co00unication "et,een the "rain an- the -ifferent part+ of the "o-y are nee-e-. *ature ha+ ",ire-" the "o-y ,ith ner.e+ in a ,on-erfu# 0anner. he "rain te#egraph+ o.er the+e ,ire+ in+truction+ to a## part+ of the "o-y, +en-ing it+ or-er+ to ce## an- organ, an- in+i+ting upon i00e-iate o"e-ience. he "rain recei.e+ te#egra0+ fro0 a## part+ of the "o-y, ,arning it of -anger9 ca##ing for he#p9 0a3ing co0p#aint+, etc. hen the "o-y 0u+t ha.e 0ean+ of 0o.ing aroun- in the ,or#-. It ha+ outgro,n the p#ant#i3e inheriteten-encie+, an- ,ant+ to "0o.e on." Be+i-e+ thi+ it ,ant+ to reach out after thing+ an- turn the0 to it+ o,n u+e. *ature ha+ pro.i-e- #i0"+, an0u+c#e+, an- ten-on+, ,ith ,hich to ,or3 the #i0"+. hen the "o-y nee-+ a fra0e ,or3 to 3eep it in +hape, to protect it fro0 +hoc39 to gi.e it +trength an-

Chapter XV fir0ne++9 to prop it up, a+ it ,ere. *ature gi.e+ it the "ony fra0e 3no,n a+ the +3e#eton, a 0ar.e#ou+ piece of 0achinery, ,hich i+ ,e## ,orthy of your +tu-y. he +ou# nee-+ a phy+ica#, 0ean+ of co00unication ,ith other e0"o-ie- +ou#+. *ature +upp#ie+ the 0ean+ of co00unication in the organ+ of +peech an- hearing. he "o-y nee-+ a +y+te0 of carrying repair 0ateria#+ to a## of it+ +y+te0, to "ui#- up9 rep#eni+h9 repair9 an+trengthen a## the +e.era# part+. It a#+o nee-+ a +i0i#ar +y+te0 ,here"y the ,a+te, refu+e 0atter 0ay "e carrieto the cre0atory, "urne- up an- +ent out of the +y+te0. *ature gi.e+ u+ the #ife carrying "#oo- 8 the arterie+ an- .ein+ through ,hich it f#o,+ to an- fro perfor0ing it+ ,or3 8 the #ung+ to o:ygeni2e the "#oo- anto "urn up the ,a+te 0atter. ASee "Science of Breath." Chapter III.B he "o-y nee-+ 0ateria# fro0 the out+i-e, ,ith ,hich to "ui#- up an- repair it+ part+. *ature pro.i-e+ 0ean+ of eating the foo-9 of -ige+ting it9 of e:tracting the nutritiou+ e#e0ent+9 of con.erting it into +hape for a"+orption "y the +y+te09 of e:creting the ,a+te portion+. An-, fina##y, the "o-y i+ pro.i-e- ,ith 0ean+ of repro-ucing it+ 3in-, an- pro.i-ing other +ou#+ ,ith f#e+h#y tene0ent+. It i+ ,e## ,orth the ti0e of anyone to +tu-y +o0ething of the ,on-erfu# 0echani+0 an- ,or3ing+ of the hu0an "o-y. )ne get+ fro0 thi+ +tu-y a 0o+t con.incing rea#i2ation of the rea#ity of that great Inte##igence in nature 8 he +ee+ the great (ife !rincip#e in operation 8 he +ee+ that it i+ not "#in- chance, or hapha2arhappening, "ut that it i+ the ,or3 of a 0ighty I* %((IE%*C%. hen he #earn+ to tru+t that Inte##igence, an- to 3no, that that ,hich "rought hi0 into phy+ica# "eing ,i## carry hi0 through #ife 8 that the po,er ,hich too3 charge of hi0 then, ha+ charge of hi0 no,, an- ,i## ha.e charge of hi0 a#,ay+. A+ ,e open our+e#.e+ to the inf#o, of the great (ife !rincip#e, +o ,i## ,e "e "enefitte-. If ,e fear it, or tru+t it not, ,e +hut the -oor upon it an- 0u+t nece++ari#y +uffer. he +tu-ent 0ay ,e## a+3 ,hat ha+ a## thi+ to -o ,ith )ccu#t herapeutic+, an- 0ay co0p#ain that ,e are gi.ing hi0 a #e++on in Hatha Yoga, in ,hich #atter

+tate0ent he ,ou#- "e near the truth. But ,e cannot get a,ay fro0 the i-ea that there i+ that in *ature ,hich ten-+ to,ar-+ 3eeping a 0an in perfect hea#th, an- ,e cannot he#p fee#ing that the true teaching i+ rather to in+truct peop#e ho, to 3eep ,e## in the fir+t p#ace rather than to point out ho, they 0ay get ,e## after they ha.e .io#ate- *ature6+ #a,+. he Yogi+ thin3 that it i+ i##ogica# to "ui#- up a cu#t aroun- 0etho-+ of hea#ing they fee# that if cu#t+ 0u+t "e "ui#t up #et the0 ra##y aroun- the centre of Hea#th, a##o,ing the curing of -i+ea+e to "e 0ere#y inci-enta#. In "Hatha Yoga", our forthco0ing "oo3, ,e ,i## gi.e the princip#e+ of the Yogi !hi#o+ophy of perfect hea#th, in ,hich i+ taught the -octrine that Hea#th i+ the nor0a# con-ition of 0an, an- that -i+ea+e i+ #arge#y a 0atter of ignorance an- the -i+o"eying of natura# #a,+ of #i.ing an- thin3ing. /e ,i## teach there that the hea#ing po,er e:i+t+ in e.ery 0an, an- 0ay "e ca##e- into operation con+ciou+#y or uncon+ciou+#y. )ccu#t hea#ing i+ 0ere#y the ca##ing into p#ay of thi+ inner force ,ithin the in-i.i-ua# A+o0eti0e+ ,ith the a++i+tance of other in-i.i-ua#+B , an- the opening up of the +y+te0 to the recuperati.e energie+ a#rea-y ,ithin it+e#f. A## hea#ing i+ occa+ione- "y ,hat ,e ha.e ca##e- the "Vita# &orce" in the in-i.i-ua#. he acti.e princip#e of thi+ Vita# &orce i+, a+ ,e ha.e e:p#aine-, that 0anife+tation of uni.er+a# force 8 !rana. In or-er to a.oirepetition ,e ,ou#- refer you to "Science of Breath" an- to "(e++on Se.enth" of thi+ cour+e, for an e:p#anation of the *er.ou+ Sy+te0 an- ho, !rana operate+ o.er it. 'ea- o.er ,hat ,e ha.e +ai- on thi+ +u"4ect, an- you ,i## "e a"#e to 0ore c#ear#y un-er+tan- ,hat ,e are a"out to +ay regar-ing the -ifferent for0+ of occu#t hea#ing. (et u+ +uppo+e that a per+on ha+ neg#ecte- the ru#e+ of right #i.ing an- thin3ing, a+ +et forth in "Hatha Yoga"

Chapter XV an- other ,or3+ on the +u"4ect, an- ha+ "run -o,n" in hea#th. He ha+ trie- -ifferent for0+ of 0ateria# treat0ent, an- ,i+he+ to a.ai# hi0+e#f of ,hat 0ay "e foun- in the +e.era# for0+ of )ccu#t herapeutic+. He fin-+ hi0+e#f offere- +e.era# for0+ of occu#t hea#ing. /e ,i## try to 0a3e p#ain to you ho, the+e -ifferent for0+ of hea#ing operate, an- the e:p#anation "ehin- each. /e cannot gi.e you -etai#e- infor0ation an0etho-+ in a #e++on of thi+ +i2e, for each +y+te0 ,ou#- re5uire a .o#u0e to -o that, "ut ,e hope to gi.e you a genera# i-ea of the +e.era# for0+ of treat0ent. 1AE*% IC H%A(I*E. hi+ i+ a for0 of !ranic Hea#ing in ,hich either the +ic3 per+on or +o0e "hea#er" +en-+ an increa+e+upp#y of !rana to the affecte- part+. !ranic hea#ing rea##y acco0panie+ near#y e.ery other for0 of hea#ing, a#though it+ u+e i+ not +u+pecte- "y tho+e a-0ini+tering it. In ,hat i+ 3no,n a+ "1agnetic Hea#ing" the operator pa++e+ hi+ han- o.er the "o-y of the +ic3 per+on, an- "y an effort of ,i##, or +trong -e+ire, generate+ ,ithin hi0+e#f a +trong +upp#y of !rana ,hich he pa++e+ out to the patient. hi+ !rana act+ a+ ,ou#- a +upp#y +ent fro0 the +y+te0 of the patient hi0+e#f, an- ten-+ to +trengthen an- in.igorate the aff#icte- part of the "o-y anto cau+e it to function nor0a##y. In 1agnetic Hea#ing the han-+ are u+ua##y pa++e- o.er the "o-y, the actua# touch u+ua##y "eing e0p#oye-. /e ha.e gi.en genera# -irection+ regar-ing thi+ for0 of hea#ing in "Science of Breath," an- 0ay, +o0e -ay, i++ue a #itt#e 0anua# on the +u"4ect, gi.ing +pecific -irection+. /e ,i## gi.e +o0e genera# -irection+ at the c#o+e of thi+ #e++on, if +pace per0it+. /e ha.e +ai- +o 0uch a"out !rana in pre.iou+ #e++on+, an- in "Science of Breath" that the +tu-ent +hou#- "e a"#e to un-er+tan- the princip#e "ehinthi+ for0 of hea#ing, ,ithout 0uch 0ore e:p#anation. 1%* A( H%A(I*E. 1enta# Hea#ing co.er+ a great -ea# of groun-, an- ha+ a nu0"er of apparent#y -iffering for0+. here i+ a for0 of Se#f8Hea#ing ,hich con+i+t+ of the repetition+ of affir0ation+, or auto8+ugge+tion+, "y the patient, ,hich ten-+ to create a 0ore cheerfu# an- up#ifting 0enta# attitu-e, ,hich react+ upon the "o-y an- ena"#e+ it to function proper#y. /e ,ou#- +ay right here that the principa# "enefit -eri.e- fro0 thi+ an- 3in-refor0+ of

hea#ing #ie+ in the fact that it co0pe#+ the patient to "#et go" of a-.er+e thought+ ,hich ha.e pre.ente*ature fro0 -oing it+ ,or3, rather than in any +pecia# .irtue of the affir0ation+. /e ha.e "een refu+ing to #et the @i.ine (ife !rincip#e ,or3 free#y through u+, an- ha.e ha0pere- it ,ith a-.er+e auto8+ugge+tion. /hen ,e change our 0enta# attitu-e ,e cea+e to interpo+e thi+ o"+tac#e, an*ature +oon rea++ert+ her+e#f. Vigorou+ auto8+ugge+tion, of cour+e, +ti0u#ate+ the +y+te0 an- +pur+ up the In+tincti.e 1in- to it+ ,or3. In the for0 of 0enta# treat0ent 3no,n a+ "Sugge+tion" the +a0e princip#e operate+. he 0in- of the patient i+ re#ie.e- of a-.er+e auto8+ugge+tion+ "y the po+iti.e +ugge+tion+ of the hea#er, an- the "ra3e i+ ta3en off of the In+tincti.e 1in- an- *ature +oon rea++ert+ her+e#f, an- a +ufficient +upp#y of !rana i+ +ent to the part+ an+oon a nor0a# con-ition of affair+ i+ ree+ta"#i+he-. In Sugge+ti.e reat0ent the hea#er u+ua##y, a#though often uncon+ciou+#y, +en-+ forth to the patient a +upp#y of hi+ o,n !rana ,hich +ti0u#ate+ the part+ to action an,hich ren-er+ ea+ier the effort+ of the patient6+ 0in- to ree+ta"#i+h nor0a# !ranic con-ition+. In ,hat i+ or-inari#y 3no,n a+ "1enta# Hea#ing" there i+ genera##y a con+i-era"#e a0ount of +ugge+tion u+e-, a#though the hea#er 0ay not "e a,are of it. he 0enta# attitu-e of the hea#er i+ i0pre++e- upon the patient "y the attitu-e, ,or-+, tone, an- -e0eanor of the hea#er, an- the 0in- ta3ing upon the +ugge+tion i+ "enefitethere"y. But, "e+i-e+ thi+, the hea#er i+ pouring into the 0in-+ of the patient a +trong current of up#ifting, +trengthening, an- in.igorating thought, ,hich the patient recei.e+ te#epathica##y, particu#ar#y a+ a recepti.e 0enta# attitu-e i+ 0anife+te-. he 4oining together of the t,o 0in-+ in a co00on purpo+e pro-uce+ a great#y increa+e- -irecti.e force, an- "e+i-e+ the 0in- of the patient "eing turne- a,ay fro0 negati.e thought+, a greater +upp#y of !rana i+ a"+or"e- an- -i+tri"ute- through the "o-y. he "e+t for0 of 1enta# reat0ent "enefit+ "oth the 0in- an- the "o-y of the patient.

Chapter XV /hat i+ 3no,n a+ "A"+ent 1enta# reat0ent" act+ a#ong preci+e#y the +a0e #ine+ a+ the a"o.e 0entionefor0 of 1enta# reat0ent 8 the -i+tance "et,een patient an- hea#er pro.ing no o"+tac#e to a +trong hea#ing thought. In "oth ca+e+ the hea#er often create+ a po,erfu# thought for0, fu##y charge- ,ith !rana, ,hich often pro-uce+ an a#0o+t i00e-iate effect upon the patient, the part+ "eing great#y +ti0u#ate- an+trengthene-. In+tantaneou+ cure+ ha.e often "een 0a-e in thi+ ,ay, a#though co0parati.e#y fe, hea#er+ are +ufficient#y a-.ance- to +en- thought for0+ of thi+ 3in-. A .ery po,erfu# 0enta# hea#er 0ay "e a"#e to +en- a thought +o high#y charge- ,ith !rana, an- +o fu## of .ita# force an- #ife, that a -i+ea+e- organ 0ay "e fi##e- ,ith +uch recuperati.e force that it ,i## "egin in+tant#y to ca+t off the ,a+te an- -i+ea+e- 0atter an- -ra, fro0 the "#oo- the e#e0ent+ nece++ary to re"ui#- an- repair it+e#f in a co0parati.e#y +hort +pace of ti0e, in ,hich ca+e ,hen the organi+0 of the in-i.i-ua# once ree+ta"#i+he+ nor0a# functioning the +y+te0 i+ a"#e to carry on the ,or3 ,ithout further he#p fro0 out+i-e. A## for0+ of 1enta# Hea#ing co0e un-er one or 0ore of the a"o.e hea-+. 'e0e0"er, no,, the i0portant point i+ to get the 0in- of the patient into the proper 0enta# attitu-e, ca+ting out a## for0+ of a-.er+e auto8+ugge+tion, +o that it ,i## a##o, *ature to -o it+ ,or3 proper#y ,ithout interference. In the proce++ of acco0p#i+hing thi+ re+u#t, the patient 0ay "e ai-e- Aa+ a"o.e e:p#aine-B "y +trong thought -irecte- to the aff#icte- part, an- a#+o "y +en-ing a +upp#y of !rana fro0 the hea#er to +ti0u#ate the part an- thu+ ren-er ea+ier the hea#ing ,or3 of the 0in-. S!I'I ;A( H%A(I*E. here i+ another for0 of hea#ing, .ery rare#y o"+er.e-, in ,hich a high#y -e.e#ope- +piritua# per+on i+ a"#e to #et hi+ +piritua# aura an- e++ence +o -e+cen- upon an aff#icte- per+on that the entire +y+te0 "eco0e+ fi##e,ith it te0porari#y, an- a## a"nor0a#ity -i+appear+, a+ Spirit "eing perfect tran+for0+ a## that ,ith ,hich it co0e+ in contact. hi+ true Spiritua# Hea#ing i+, ho,e.er, +o rare that .ery fe, per+on+ ha.e ha- the goofortune to ,itne++ it. It i+ c#ai0e- "y 0any ,ho are -oing goo- ,or3 hea#ing on other #ine+, "ut 0any of the+e per+on+ are +e#f8-ecei.e-, an- ha.e not the fainte+t conception of ,hat true Spiritua# Hea#ing i+.

Spiritua# Hea#ing i+ 0ar3e- "y the i00e-iate an- perfect hea#ing of the patient, an- the re+toration of a"+o#ute#y nor0a# phy+ica# con-ition+, the patient "eing tran+for0e-, phy+ica##y, into a con-ition re+e0"#ing that of a ro"u+t, perfect#y hea#thy, +trong, .igorou+ chi#-, ,ithout a "#e0i+h, pain, partic#e of inhar0ony, or +y0pto0 of any 3in-. A fe, gifte- in-i.i-ua#+ in the ,or#- in each age po++e++ thi+ po,er, "ut it i+ rare#y 0anife+te-, for goooccu#t rea+on+. An- A-ra, a penci# #ine un-er the+e ,or-+B true Spiritua# Hea#ing i+ ne.er perfor0e- a+ a 0ean+ of o"taining financia# gain 8 it i+ gi.en ",ithout 0oney an- ,ithout price." rue Spiritua# Hea#ing i+ ne.er tarni+he- "y the +#i0e of 0ateria#ity 8 ne.erJ It i+ right an- proper for "hea#er+" to charge for 1enta# Hea#ing an- !ranic Hea#ing in a## for0+, a+ they -e.ote their ti0e to the ,or3, an- "the #a"orer i+ ,orthy of hi+ hire," an- no -e+ire i+ entertaine- to critici2e +uch charge+ 8 they +e## their +er.ice+ 4u+t a+ ,e +e## the+e #e++on+, an- are entit#e- to their 4u+t re0uneration 4u+t a+ ,e are. But the in-i.i-ua# ,ho i+ a"#e to gi.e the rea# gift of Spiritua# Hea#ing i+ ne.er p#ace- in a po+ition in ,hich he fin-+ it nece++ary to charge for hi+ +er.ice+ 8 he i+ fe- "y the ra.en+, an- ha+ no nee- of "artering hi+ +piritua# gift+, an- ,ou#- -ie "efore he ,ou#- +o pro+titute hi+ -i.ine pri.i#ege. /e -o not ,i+h to "e 0i+un-er+too- in thi+ 0atter 8 ,hen ,e +pea3 of Spiritua# Hea#ing ,e 0ean the true gift+ of the Spirit, not +o0e of the for0+ of !+ychic or 1enta# hea#ing 0i+ca##e- "+piritua#." If you ,ou#- ha.e an e:a0p#e of true Spiritua# Hea#ing, turn to the *e, e+ta0ent anrea- of the ,or3 of the Spirit a+ 0anife+te- through the Son of 1ary. (et that "e the +tan-ar- 8 a+ in fact it i+. %X!%'I1%* A( H%A(I*E. /e fin-, to our +ati+faction, that ,e ,i## ha.e +ufficient +pace in ,hich to gi.e our +tu-ent+ a fe, "rief e:peri0ent+ in actua# )ccu#t Hea#ing ,hich they 0ay practice. he+e e:peri0ent+ are gi.en 0ere#y a+ e:a0p#e+, of cour+e, an- are not to "e ta3en a+ "eing fu## in+truction+ in the .ariou+ for0+ of )ccu#t Hea#ing.

Chapter XV /e ,i## fir+t ta3e up a fe, e:peri0ent+ in !ranic Hea#ing Aor "1agnetic Hea#ing," if you prefer the ter0B AIB (et the patient +it in a chair, you +tan-ing "efore hi0. (et your han-+ hang #oo+e#y "y your +i-e+, an- then +,ing the0 #oo+e#y to an- fro for a fe, +econ-+, unti# you fee# a ting#ing +en+ation at the tip+ of your finger+. hen rai+e the0 to the #e.e# of the patient6+ hea-, an- +,eep the0 +#o,#y to,ar- hi+ feet, ,ith your pa#0+ to,ar- hi0 ,ith finger+ out+tretche-, a+ if you ,ere pouring force fro0 your finger tip+ upon hi0. hen +tep "ac3 a foot an- "ring up your han-+ to the #e.e# of hi+ hea-, "eing +ure that your pa#0+ face each other in the up,ar- 0o.e0ent, a+, if you "ring the0 up in the +a0e po+ition a+ you +,ept the0 -o,n, you ,ou#-ra, "ac3 the 0agneti+0 you +en- to,ar- hi0. hen repeat +e.era# ti0e+. In +,eeping -o,n,ar-, -o not +tiffen the 0u+c#e+, "ut a##o, the ar0+ anhan-+ to "e #oo+e an- re#a:e-. You 0ay treat the affecte- part+ of the "o-y in a +i0i#ar ,ay, fini+hing the treat0ent "y +aturating the entire "o-y ,ith 0agneti+0. After treating the affecte- part+, it ,i## "e "etter for you to f#ic3 the finger+ a,ay fro0 your +i-e+, a+ if you ,ere thro,ing off -rop+ of ,ater ,hich ha- a-here- to your finger+. )ther,i+e you 0ight a"+or" +o0e of the patient6+ con-ition+. hi+ treat0ent i+ .ery +trengthening to the patient, an- if fre5uent#y practice- ,i## great#y "enefit hi0. In ca+e of chronic or #ong +eate- trou"#e+, the trou"#e 0ay often "e "#oo+ene- up" "y 0a3ing "+i-e,ay+" pa++e+ "efore the aff#icte- part, that i+ "y +tan-ing "efore the patient ,ith your han-+ together, pa#0+ touching, an- then +,inging the ar0+ out +i-e,ay+ +e.era# ti0e+. hi+ treat0ent +hou#- a#,ay+ "e fo##o,e"y the -o,n,ar- pa++e+ to e5ua#i2e the circu#ation. AIIB In Chapter XIV, "Science of Breath," ,e ha.e gi.en a nu0"er of .a#ua"#e e:peri0ent+ in thi+ for0 of hea#ing, ,hich ,e a-.i+e the +tu-ent to +tu-y an- practice, if he i+ intere+te- in thi+ pha+e of the +u"4ect. AIIIB Hea-ache+ 0ay "e re#ie.e- "y ha.ing the patient +it -o,n in front of you, you +tan-ing "ac3 of hi+ chair, an- pa++ing your han-+, finger+ -o,n an- +prea- open in -ou"#e circ#e+ o.er the top of hi+ hea-, not touching hi+ hea-, ho,e.er. After a fe, +econ-+ you ,i## actua##y fee# the pa++age of the 0agneti+0 fro0 your finger+, an- the patient6+ pain ,i## "e +oothe-.

AIVB Another goo- 0etho- of re0o.ing pain in the "o-y i+ to +tan- "efore the patient, an- pre+ent your pa#0 to the affecte- part, at a -i+tance of +e.era# inche+ fro0 the "o-y. Ho#- the pa#0 +tea-y for a fe, +econ-+ anthen "egin a +#o, rotary 0otion, roun- an- roun-, o.er the +eat of the pain. hi+ i+ 5uite +ti0u#ating an- ten-+ to re+tore nor0a# con-ition+. AVB !oint your forefinger to,ar- the affecte- part a fe, inche+ a,ay fro0 the "o-y, an- 3eeping the finger +tea-i#y pointe- 0o.e the han- aroun- 4u+t a+ if you ,ere "oring a ho#e ,ith the point of the finger. hi+ ,i## often +tart the circu#ation at the point affecte-, an- "ring a"out i0pro.e- con-ition+. AVIB !#acing the han-+ on the hea- of the patient, o.er the te0p#e+ an- ho#-ing the0 for a ti0e, ha+ a gooeffect, an- i+ a fa.orite for0 of treat0ent of thi+ 3in-. AVIIB Stro3ing the patient6+ "o-y Ao.er the c#othingB ha+ a ten-ency to +ti0u#ate an- e5ua#i2e the circu#ation, an- to re#ie.e conge+tion. AVIIIB 1uch of the .a#ue of 1a++age an- +i0i#ar for0+ of 0anipu#ati.e treat0ent, co0e+ fro0 the !rana ,hich i+ pro4ecte- fro0 the hea#er into the patient, -uring the proce++ of ru""ing an- 0anipu#ating. If the ru""ing an- 0anipu#ating i+ acco0panie- "y the con+ciou+ -e+ire of the hea#er to -irect the f#o, of !rana into the patient a great#y increa+e- f#o, i+ o"taine-. If the practice i+ acco0panie- ,ith 'hyth0ic Breathing, a+ e:p#aine- in "Science of Breath," the effect i+ 0uch "etter.

Chapter XV AIXB Breathing upon the affecte- part, i+ practice- "y 0any race+ of peop#e, an- i+ often a potent 0ean+ of con.eying !rana to the affecte- part. hi+ i+ often perfor0e- "y p#acing a "it of cotton c#oth "et,een the f#e+h of the per+on an- the hea#er, the "reath heating up the c#oth an- a--ing the +ti0u#ation of ,ar0th in a--ition to the other effect+. AXB 1agneti2e- ,ater i+ often e0p#oye- "y "0agnetic hea#er+", an- 0any goo- re+u#t+ are reporte- to ha.e "een o"taine- in thi+ ,ay. he +i0p#e+t for0 of 0agneti2ing ,ater i+ to ho#- the g#a++ "y the "otto0, in the #eft han-, an- then, gathering together the finger+ of the right han-, +ha3e the0 gent#y o.er the g#a++ of ,ater 4u+t a+ if you ,ere +ha3ing -rop+ of ,ater into the g#a++ fro0 your finger tip+. You 0ay a-- to the effect "y after,ar-+ 0a3ing -o,n,ar- pa++e+ o.er the g#a++ ,ith the right han-, pa++ing the !rana into the ,ater. 'hyth0ic "reathing ,i## a++i+t in the tran+ferring of the !rana into the ,ater. /ater thu+ charge- ,ith !rana i+ +ti0u#ating to +ic3 peop#e, or tho+e +uffering fro0 ,ea3ne++, particu#ar#y if they +ip it +#o,#y ho#-ing their 0in- in a recepti.e attitu-e, an- if po++i"#e for0ing a 0enta# picture of the !rana fro0 the ,ater "eing ta3en up "y the +y+te0 an- in.igorating the0. /e ,i## no, ta3e up a fe, e:peri0ent+ in the +e.era# for0+ of 1enta# Hea#ing, or !+ychic Hea#ing a+ +o0e prefer to ter0 it7 AIB Auto8+ugge+tion con+i+t+ in +ugge+ting to one+e#f the phy+ica# con-ition+ one ,i+he+ to "ring a"out. he auto8+ugge+tion+ +hou#- "e +po3en Aau-i"#y or +i#ent#yB 4u+t a+ one ,ou#- +pea3 to another, earne+t#y an+eriou+#y, #etting the 0in- for0 a 0enta# picture of the con-ition+ referre- to in the ,or-+. &or in+tance7 "1y +to0ach i+ +trong, +trong, +trong 8 a"#e to -ige+t the foo- gi.en it a"#e to a++i0i#ate the nouri+h0ent fro0 the foo- 8 a"#e to gi.e 0e the nouri+h0ent ,hich 0ean+ hea#th an- +trength to 0e. 1y -ige+tion i+ goo-, goo-, goo-, an- I a0 en4oying an- -ige+ting an- a++i0i#ating 0y foo-, con.erting it into rich re- "#oo-, ,hich i+ carrying hea#th an- +trength to a## part+ of 0y "o-y, "ui#-ing it up an- 0a3ing 0e a +trong 0an Aor ,o0anB." Si0i#ar auto8+ugge+tion+, or affir0ation+, app#ie- to other part+ of the "o-y, ,i## ,or3 e5ua##y goore+u#t+, the attention an- 0in- "eing -irecte- to the part+ 0entione- cau+ing an increa+e- +upp#y of !rana to "e +ent

there, an- the picture- con-ition to "e "rought a"out. %nter into the +pirit of the auto8+ugge+tion+, anget thorough#y in earne+t o.er the0, an- +o far a+ po++i"#e for0 the 0enta# i0age of the hea#thy con-ition -e+ire-. See your+e#f a+ you ,i+h your+e#f to "e. You 0ay he#p the cure a#ong "y treating your+e#f "y the 0etho-+ -e+cri"e- in the e:peri0ent+ on !ranic Hea#ing. AIIB Sugge+tion+ of hea#ing, gi.en to other+, operate on the +a0e princip#e a+ -o the auto8+ugge+,tion+ 4u+t -e+cri"e-, e:cept that the hea#er 0u+t i0pre++ upon the 0in- of the patient the -e+ire- con-ition+ in+tea- of the patient6+ -oing it for hi0+e#f. 1uch "etter re+u#t+ 0ay "e o"taine- ,here the hea#er an- patient "oth cooperate in the 0enta# i0age an- ,hen the patient fo##o,+ the hea#er6+ +ugge+tion+ in hi+ 0in-, anfor0+ the 0enta# picture i0p#ie- "y the hea#er6+ ,or-+. he hea#er +ugge+t+ that ,hich he ,i+he+ to "ring a"out an- the patient a##o,+ the +ugge+tion+ to +in3 into hi+ In+tincti.e 1in-, ,here they are ta3en up an- after,ar-+ 0anife+te- in phy+ica# re+u#t+. he "e+t +ugge+tioni+t+ are 0en of .ita#ity, ,ho +en- forcefu# thought+ charge,ith !rana into the organi+0 of the patient, at the +a0e ti0e that the +ugge+tion+ are gi.en. In near#y a## for0+ of 0enta# hea#ing, +e.era# 0etho-+ are inter0ing#e-, a+ the +tu-ent ,i## -i+co.er for hi0+e#f, if he ta3e+ the trou"#e to ana#y2e the treat0ent+. he In+tincti.e 1in- often fa##+ into "a- ha"it+ of atten-ing to the "o-y, "y rea+on of the per+on ha.ing -eparte- fro0 the natura# ,ay of #i.ing an- ha.ing cau+e- the In+tincti.e 1in- to ta3e up the+e incorrect ha"it+. Sugge+tion, an- auto8+ugge+tion "ring "ac3 the In+tincti.e 1in- to nor0a# functioning, an- the "o-y +pee-i#y reco.er+ it+ for0er har0ony. In 0any ca+e+ a## that i+ nee-e- in +ugge+ti.e treat0ent, i+ to re#ie.e the patient6+ 0in- of &ear an- /orry an- -epre++ing thought+, ,hich ha.e interfere,ith the proper har0ony of the "o-y, an- ,hich ha.e pre.ente- the proper a0ount of !rana fro0 "eing -i+tri"ute- to the part+. 'e0o.ing the+e har0fu# thought+ i+ #i3e re0o.ing the +pec3 of -u+t ,hich ha+ cau+eour ,atch to run i0proper#y, ha.ing -i+arrange- the har0ony of the -e#icate 0echani+0. &ear, /orry anHate, ,ith their acco0panying e0otion+, are the cau+e of 0ore phy+ica# inhar0ony than near#y a## the other cau+e+ co0"ine-.

Chapter XV AIIIB In ,hat i+ ca##e- +trict#y 1enta# Hea#ing, the patient +it+ in a re#a:e- attitu-e of "o-y, an- a##o,+ the 0in- to "eco0e recepti.e. he hea#er then pro4ect+ to the patient thought+ of a +trengthening anup#ifting character ,hich, reacting upon the 0in- of the patient, cau+e+ it to ca+t off it+ negati.e con-ition+ anto a++u0e it+ nor0a# poi+e an- po,er, the re+u#t "eing that a+ +oon a+ the patient6+ 0in- reco.er+ it+ e5ui#i"riu0 it a++ert+ it+e#f an- +tart+ into operation the recuperati.e po,er ,ithin the organi+0 of the per+on, +en-ing an increa+e- +upp#y of !rana to a## part+ of the "o-y an- ta3ing the fir+t +tep to,ar- regaining hea#th an+trength. he pri0e princip#e of 1enta# Hea#ing i+ to get the 0in- of the patient into the proper con-ition, it natura##y fo##o,ing that "eneficia# an- nor0a# phy+ica# con-ition+ 0u+t fo##o,. But the "e+t 1enta# Hea#er+ -o 0ore than thi+ they Aoften uncon+ciou+#yB +en- a po+iti.e thought +trong#y charge- ,ith !rana right to the affecte- +pot, an- actua##y ,or3 a phy+ica# change in the organi+0 of the patient, in-epen-ent of ,hat i+ acco0p#i+he- "y hi+ o,n thought 8 force. In treating a patient in thi+ ,ay, 3eep fir0#y in your 0in- the thought that phy+ica# har0ony i+ "eing ree+ta"#i+he- in the patient, an- that hea#th i+ hi+ nor0a# con-ition anthat a## the negati.e thought+ are "eing e:pe##e- fro0 hi+ 0in-. !icture hi0 a+ +trong an- hea#thy in 0in- anin "o-y. !icture a+ e:i+ting a## the con-ition+ you ,i+h to e+ta"#i+h ,ithin hi0. hen concentrate the 0in- anfair#y -art into hi+ "o-y, or into the affecte- part, a +trong penetrating thought, the purpo+e of ,hich i+ to ,or3 the -e+ire- phy+ica# change, ca+ting out the a"nor0a# con-ition+ an- ree+ta"#i+hing nor0a# con-ition+ anfunctioning. &or0 the 0enta# i0age that the thought i+ fu##y an- hea.i#y charge- ,ith !rana, an- fair#y -ri.e it into the affecte- part "y an effort of the ,i##. Con+i-era"#e practice i+ u+ua##y nee-e- to acco0p#i+h thi+ #a+t re+u#t, "ut to +o0e it appear+ to co0e ,ithout 0uch effort. AIVB @i+tant hea#ing, or "a"+ent treat0ent," i+ perfor0e- in preci+e#y the +a0e ,ay a+ i+ the treat0ent ,hen the patient i+ pre+ent. /e ha.e gi.en +o0e -irection+ regar-ing thi+ for0 of treat0ent in Chapter XIV, "Science of Breath," ,hich, coup#e- ,ith ,hat ,e ha.e 4u+t +ai- in the #a+t paragraph, +hou#- gi.e an e#e0entary ,or3ing 3no,#e-ge of the +u"4ect. So0e hea#er+ for0 the picture of the patient +itting in front of the0, an- then procee- to gi.e the treat0ent, 4u+t a+ if the patient ,ere rea##y pre+ent. )ther+ for0 the 0enta# i0age of pro4ecting the thought, picturing it a+ #ea.ing their 0in-, an- then tra.er+ing +pace entering the 0inof the patient. )ther+ 0ere#y +it in a pa++i.e, conte0p#ati.e attitu-e an- intent#y thin3 of the patient,

,ithout regar- to inter.ening +pace. )ther+ prefer to ha.e a han-3erchief, or +o0e other artic#e "e#onging to the patient, in or-er to ren-er 0ore perfect the rapport con-ition+. Any, or a##, of the+e 0etho-+ are goo-, the te0pera0ent an- inc#ination+ of the per+on cau+ing hi0 to prefer +o0e particu#ar 0etho-. But the +a0e princip#e un-er#ie+ the0 a##. A #itt#e practice a#ong the #ine+ of the +e.era# for0+ of hea#ing 4u+t 0entione-, ,i## gi.e the +tu-ent confi-ence, an- ea+e in operating the hea#ing po,er, unti# he ,i## often ra-iate hea#ing po,er ,ithout "eing fu##y con+ciou+ of it. If 0uch hea#ing ,or3 i+ -one, an- the heart of the hea#er i+ in hi+ ,or3, he +oon get+ +o that he hea#+ a#0o+t auto0atica##y an- in.o#untari#y ,hen he co0e+ into the pre+ence of one ,ho i+ +uffering. he hea#er 0u+t, ho,e.er, guar- again+t -ep#eting hi0+e#f of !rana, an- thu+ in4uring hi+ o,n hea#th. He +hou#- +tu-y up the 0etho-+ gi.en "y u+, of recharging hi0+e#f, an- protecting hi0+e#f again+t un-ue -rain+ upon hi+ .ita#ity. An- he +hou#- 0a3e ha+te +#o,#y in the+e 0atter+, re0e0"ering that force- gro,th i+ not -e+ira"#e. hi+ #e++on ha+ not "een ,ritten for the purpo+e of a-.i+ing our +tu-ent+ to "eco0e hea#er+. hey 0u+t u+e their o,n 4u-g0ent an- intuition+ regar-ing that 5ue+tion. /e ha.e -e.ote- the #e++on to the +u"4ect, a+ it for0e- a part of the genera# +u"4ect ,hich ,e are treating in thi+ cour+e, an- it i+ i0portant that they +hou#3no, +o0ething of the princip#e+ un-er#ying the+e +e.era# for0+ of hea#ing. (et the0 ana#y2e any for0 of treat0ent ,hich they 0ay ,itne++ or hear of, +tripping it of a## the fanta+tic theorie+ ,hich ha.e "een "ui#t aroun- it, an- they ,i## "e a"#e to c#a++ify an- +tu-y it ,ithout accepting the theory of the per+on 0a3ing the cure. 'e0e0"er that a## the cu#t+ an- +choo#+ 0a3e cure+, u+ing the +a0e princip#e, "ut attri"uting the re+u#t to ,i-e#y -iffering theorie+ an- "e#ief+. &or our+e#.e+, ,e c#ing to the princip#e+ of "Hatha Yoga," ,hich teache+ the -octrine of pre+er.ing hea#th "y right #i.ing an- right thin3ing, an- ,e regar- a## for0+ of hea#ing a+ thing+ 0a-e nece++ary on#y "y 1an6+

Chapter XV ignorance an- -i+o"e-ience of *atura# #a,+. But +o #ong a+ 0an ,i## not #i.e an- thin3 proper#y, +o0e for0+ of hea#ing are nece++ary, an- therefore the i0portance of their +tu-y. he a-.ance- occu#ti+t regar-+ the pre+er.ation of hea#th a+ a 0ore i0portant thing for the race than the cure of -i+ea+e, "e#ie.ing ,ith the o#a-age, that "an ounce of pre.ention i+ ,orth a poun- of cure." But +o #ong a+ ,e 0ay "enefit our fe##o, 0en, it i+ ,e## that ,e 3no, +o0ething of the +u"4ect of )ccu#t herapeutic+. It i+ one of *ature6+ force+, an,e +hou#- 3no, ho, to u+e it. H% *I* H (%SS)*. !SYCHIC I*&(;%*C%. )ne of the thing+ ,hich ha.e pu22#e- +cientific in.e+tigator+ an- +tu-ent+ of the hi+tory of 0an3in- i+ the per+i+tent recurrence of +torie+, #egen-+ an- tra-ition+ re#ating to the po++e++ion an- practice of +o0e for0 of !+ychic Inf#uence "y 0en of a## race+ an- in a## age+. he in.e+tigator+ ha.e foun- it ea+y to -i+0i++ the 0ore pri0iti.e for0+ of the+e +torie+ "y the e:p#anation that they ,ere 0ere#y the re+u#t of the cru-e+t for0 of +uper+tition a0ong the une-ucate- an- un-e.e#ope- peop#e. But a+ they turne- o.er the page+ of hi+tory they foun- that the "i-#e +uper+tition" +ti## 0aintaine- it+ origina# force, an- that it+ for0+ increa+e- in nu0"er an.ariety. &ro0 the repu#+i.e Voo-oo practice+ of the African +a.age, one 0ay trace a +traight #ine to the /itchcraft epi-e0ic in *e, %ng#an-, an- thence on to the pre+ent ti0e, ,hen the /e+tern ,or#- ha+ apparent#y gone ,i#- on "p+ychi+0," an- the -ai#y paper+ are fi##e- ,ith +en+ationa# ta#e+ of 0e+0eric inf#uence, hypnoti+0, per+ona# 0agneti+0, etc. he "oo3+ of a## age+ are fi##e- ,ith ta#e+ of p+ychic inf#uence, the Bi"#e containing a nu0"er of in+tance+ of it+ practice for goo- or e.i#. At the pre+ent ti0e, attention i+ often ca##e- to the ,on-erfu# in+tance+ of the po,er of the 0in-, per+ona# 0agneti+0, etc., an- it i+ 5uite co00on to hear the e:pre++ion that one ha+, or ha+ not, "per+ona# 0agneti+0" 8i+, or i+ not, "0agnetic." 1uch non+en+e ha+ "een ,ritten on thi+ +u"4ect, an- +o0e of the ,i#-e+t a++ertion+ an- theorie+ regar-ing it ha.e "een a-.ance-. An- yet, the truth it+e#f i+ far 0ore ,on-erfu# than are the ,i#-e+t fiction+ ,hich ha.e "een ,ritten an- taught regar-ing it. ;n-er#ying a## the popu#ar notion+ an0i+conception+ regar-ing !+ychic Inf#uence #ie+ a +o#i- "a+i+ of fact, the greater portion of ,hich i+ un-rea0t

of "y e.en 0any of tho+e ,ho ha.e "een fee-ing the pu"#ic ta+te for +en+ationa#i+0. /e nee- +carce#y te## our +tu-ent+ that the )rienta#+ ha.e 3no,n an- practice-, for centurie+ pa+t, a## 3no,n for0+ of occu#ti+0, an-, in fact, ha.e po++e++e- the +ecret+ ,hich the in.e+tigator+ of the /e+t ha.e "een +tri.ing +o #a"oriou+#y to unco.er. Scrap+ of the 3no,#e-ge ha.e fi#tere- through, an- ha.e "een eager#y +ei2e- upon "y /e+tern ,riter+, an- u+e- a+ the "a+i+ for +tart#ing c#ai0+ an- theorie+. An-, 0uch of thi+ hi--en 3no,#e-ge ,i##, an- 0u+t, re0ain hi--en for year+ to co0e, "ecau+e of the un-e.e#ope- +tate of the race an- the genera# unfitne++ of peop#e for thi+ +ecret ,i+-o0. o +prea"efore the genera# pu"#ic e.en a +0a## part of certain of the hi--en teaching+, at thi+ ti0e, ,ou#- "e -angerou+ in-ee-, an- ,ou#- "ring upon the race one of the greate+t cur+e+ 3no,n to 0an. hi+ not "ecau+e of any ,rong in the teaching+ the0+e#.e+, "ut "ecau+e the +e#fi+hne++ of the a.erage 0an or ,o0an i+ +uch that they ,ou#+oon "egin to u+e thi+ 3no,#e-ge for their o,n per+ona# profit an- en-+, to the -etri0ent an- hurt of their fe##o, 0en. hi+ ,ou#- a.ai# the0 nothing if the entire race 3ne, enough of the +u"4ect 8 ha- a-.ance- far enough inte##ectua##y an- +piritua##y to gra+p an- co0prehen- the+e teaching+, an- thu+ "e a"#e to protect the0+e#.e+ fro0 the +e#fi+h atte0pt+ of their un+crupu#ou+ "rother+ an- +i+ter+. &or, a+ a## occu#ti+t+ 3no,9 no B#ac3 1agic can affect the 0an or ,o0an ,ho 3no,+ hi+ or her rea# p#ace in nature, hi+ or her rea# po,er+ to re+i+t the practice+ of tho+e ,ho ha.e ac5uire- "it+ of occu#t 3no,#e-ge ,ithout the +piritua# gro,th ,hich ,ou#teach the0 ho, to u+e +a0e proper#y. But the a.erage per+on of to-ay -oe+ not 3no, 8 an- ,i## not "e con.ince- 8 of hi+ o,n po,er, an- therefore i+ una"#e to protect hi0+e#f fro0 the p+ychic atte0pt+ of e.en tho+e ,ho ha.e gra+pe- +o0e frag0ent+ of occu#t teaching+, an- are u+ing the0 for +e#fi+h en-+. he i0proper u+e of p+ychic po,er ha+ #ong "een 3no,n to occu#ti+t+ a+ "B#ac3 1agic," ,hich, +o far fro0

Chapter XV "eing a re0nant of the +uper+tition of the 1i--#e Age+, i+ a .ery rea# thing, an- i+ "eing practice- to-ay to a great e:tent. ho+e +o practicing it are +o,ing the +ee-+ of their o,n puni+h0ent, an- e.ery "it of p+ychic force e:pen-e- for "a+e an- +e#fi+h en-+ ,i## un5ue+tiona"#y re"oun- an- react upon the u+er, "ut ne.erthe#e++ the+e peop#e are inf#uencing other+ that they 0ay reap +o0e 0ateria# gain or p#ea+ure, anthe pu"#ic i+ "eing 0ore or #e++ i0po+e- upon "y +uch peop#e, a#though it #augh+ at the i-ea 8 con+i-er+ the 0atter a 4o3e 8 an- regar-+ tho+e ,ho teach the truth a+ ,i#- .i+ionarie+ or 0enta##y ,ea3. Very fortunate#y, tho+e ,ho ,ou#- +o pro+titute p+ychic po,er+ 3no, co0parati.e#y #itt#e regar-ing the +u"4ect, an- can u+e on#y the +i0p#er for0+, "ut ,hen they co0e in contact ,ith tho+e entire#y ignorant of the +u"4ect, they are a"#e to acco0p#i+h 0ore or #e++ "y their art+. 1any 0en fin-, +o0eti0e+ "y acci-ent, that they can inf#uence other+ to their "i--ing, an- not 3no,ing the +ource of their po,er often u+e it 4u+t a+ they ,ou#- any phy+ica# po,er, or 0enta# +trength. Such peop#e, ho,e.er, u+ua##y ha.e gra-ua##y "rought to their 3no,#e-ge Ain pur+uance ,ith ,e##8e+ta"#i+he- occu#t #a,+B +o0ething ,hich ,i## #ea- the0 to a "etter un-er+tan-ing of the +u"4ect, an- they "egin to +ee their 0i+ta3e. )ther+ pic3 up a #itt#e "it of occu#t teaching, an- "try it on" other+, an-, +eeing the effect, +tart on the roa- to "B#ac3 1agic," a#though +carce#y 3no,ing ,hat they are -oing. he+e peop#e, a#+o, are ,arne- in certain ,ay+, an- gi.en e.ery chance to rectify their error. )ther+ +ee0 to un-er+tan- +o0ething of the ri+3 they are running, "ut ,i##ing#y ta3e it, "eing fa+cinate"y their ne, +en+e of po,er, an- "#in-e- "y it. *one of the+e peop#e are a##o,e- to go .ery far ,ith their +e#fi+h ,or3, a+ there are certain inf#uence+ at ,or3 to counteract their effort+, an- a #itt#e goo- a#,ay+ counteract+ a great -ea# of the +e#fi+h p+ychic ,or3 8 thi+ "eing an o#- occu#t truth. But out+i-e of thi+ "it of e#e0entary "B#ac3 1agic," of ,hich ,e ha.e +po3en 0ore in the ,ay of a ,arning an- a caution, 0any peop#e are en-o,e- ,ith facu#tie+ ,hich 0a3e the0 po,er+ a0ong their fe##o, 0en an,o0en, an- their inf#uence i+ fe#t in e.ery-ay #ife, 4u+t a+ the inf#uence of the phy+ica##y +trong 0an i+ fe#t in a cro,- of ,ea3er peop#e. It nee-+ "ut a 0o0ent6+ g#ance at one6+ ac5uaintance+ to +ho, that +o0e of the0 ha.e a greater inf#uence than ha.e other+. So0e are natura##y #oo3e- to a+ #ea-er+ an- teacher+, ,hi#e

other+ natura##y fa## into p#ace a+ fo##o,er+. he+e +trong, po+iti.e 0en co0e to the front in ,arfare, "u+ine++ #ife, the "ar, the pu#pit, in the practice of 0e-icine, an- in fact, in a## ,a#3+ of #ife an- a## "ranche+ of hu0an en-ea.or. /e notice thi+ fact, an- +pea3 of thi+ 0an "eing po++e++e- of a great -ea# of "!er+ona# 1agneti+0," or of that one #ac3ing it. But ,hat -o ,e 0ean "y "!er+ona# 1agneti+0"F Can anyone gi.e an inte##igent an+,erF 1any are the theorie+ ,hich ha.e "een a-.ance- to account for thi+ pheno0enon, an- 0any are the p#an+ a-.ance- to -e.e#op thi+ "po,er." )f #ate year+ 0any teacher+ ha.e +prung up, c#ai0ing to ha.e -i+co.ere- thi+ +ecret an- offering to teach it to a## co0er+ at +o 0any -o##ar+ a hea-, 0any +en+ationa# announce0ent+ ha.ing "een 0a-e to attract purcha+er+ of "cour+e+" of in+truction, an- 0any appea#+ to the 0o+t +e#fi+h 0oti.e+ ha.e "een 0a-e in or-er to a,a3en an intere+t in ,hat i+ offere- for +a#e. In the 0a4ority of ca+e+ the+e teacher+ ha.e practica##y nothing to offer an- teach, ,hi#e in +o0e fe, ca+e+ they ha.e ,or3eout a +ufficient 3no,#e-ge of the +u"4ect to "e a"#e to gi.e -irection+ ,here"y one 0ay po++e++ hi0+e#f of a +ufficient -egree of p+ychic po,er to gain a certain a0ount of inf#uence o.er the ignorant an- ,ea3 of the race. But, fortunate#y, the 0a4ority of the+e purcha+er+ of the+e teaching+ ha.e not +ufficient confi-ence in the0+e#.e+ or in the teaching+ to put into practice e.en the co0parati.e#y 0eagre teaching+ gi.en the0.But at #ea+t a fe, ha.e +ufficient +e#f confi-ence to put the+e p#an+ into practice, an- are a"#e to -o con+i-era"#e har0 "y their ignorant an- +e#fi+h u+e of po,er+ ,hich are inten-e- for high u+e+. A## the+e thing+ 0u+t pa++ a,ay a+ the race a-.ance+ in 3no,#e-ge an- un-er+tan-ing of the occu#t truth+, an-, in the 0eanti0e, tho+e ,ho. rea##y un-er+tan- the +u"4ect are -oing ,hat they can to e-ucate the race in it+ princip#e+, that they 0ay protect the0+e#.e+, p+ychica##y, an- 0ay not "e te0pte- to 0a3e a +e#fi+h u+e of the higher po,er+. he 0an or ,o0an of +piritua# gro,th an- -e.e#op0ent can affor- to +0i#e at the effort+ of the+e -a""#er+ in "B#ac3 1agic," at #ea+t +o far a+ the fear of any per+ona# in4ury to or effect upon the0+e#.e+ i+ concerne-. Such a one ri+e+ to a higher p#ane to ,hich the effort+ of the +e#fi+h occu#ti+t cannot penetrate. /e ,i## ha.e

Chapter XV +o0ething to +ay on thi+ +u"4ect of Se#f !rotection, to,ar- the en- of thi+ #e++on, after ,e ha.e gi.en the +tu-ent a genera# i-ea of the +e.era# for0+ of !+ychic Inf#uence in genera# u+e. /e ,i+h to "e -i+tinct#y un-er+too-, ho,e.er, ,hen ,e +ay that no atte0pt ,i## "e 0a-e in thi+ #e++on to unco.er a -egree of occu#t 3no,#e-ge ,hich 0ight p#ace in the han-+ of the chance rea-er a ,eapon to u+e for hi+ o,n +e#fi+h en-+. hi+ i+ a #e++on -e+igne- for the Se#f !rotection of tho+e ,ho rea- it 8 not for the a-.ance0ent of a 3no,#e-ge of "B#ac3 1agic" e.en in it+ e#e0entary for0+. An- #et u+ here caution tho+e ,ho rea- ,hat ,e ,i## ,rite on thi+ +u"4ect that ,e are +eriou+ in ,hat ,e +ay regar-ing the +e#fi+h u+e of occu#t 3no,#e-ge 8 if they 3ne, "ut a frag0ent of the trou"#e ,hich one 0ay "ring upon hi0+e#f "y i0proper occu#t practice+, they ,ou#- -rop the +u"4ect a+ 5uic3#y a+ they ,ou#- a .eno0ou+ +erpent ,hich ,a+ "eginning to ,ar0 into #ife fro0 the heat of their han-+. )ccu#t po,er+ are for the proper u+e anprotection of 0an3in-, not for 0i+u+e or a"u+e, an-, #i3e p#aying ,ith the ,ire+ of a. -yna0o, 0e--#ing ,ith the+e po,er+ i+ apt to pro.e unp#ea+ant to the per+on ,ho ,i## not hee- the ,arning. A#though 0any /e+tern ,riter+ -eny it, a## true occu#ti+t+ 3no, that a## for0+ of !+ychic Inf#uence, inc#u-ing ,hat i+ ca##e- "!er+ona# 1agneti+0," "1e+0eri+0," "Hypnoti+0," "Sugge+tion," etc., are "ut -ifferent 0anife+tation+ of the +a0e thing. /hat thi+ "thing" i+ 0ay "e rea-i#y i0agine- "y tho+e ,ho ha.e fo##o,e- u+ in our prece-ing #e++on+. It i+ the po,er of the 1in- of the in-i.i-ua#, operate- a#ong the #ine+ 0entione- in our prece-ing #e++on+. /e tru+t that the +tu-ent ha+ ac5uainte- hi0+e#f ,ith ,hat ,e ha.e +ai- regar-ing " he In+tincti.e 1in-," " hought @yna0ic+," " e#epathy," " hought &or0+," etc., a+ ,e## a+ the potency of !rana, that he 0ay un-er+tan- thi+ #e++on ,ithout too 0uch repetition. !+ychic Inf#uence 8 an- "y thi+ ,e 0ean a## for0+ of it 8 ,hat -oe+ it 0eanF )f ,hat -oe+ it con+i+tF Ho, i+ it ca##e- into operationF /hat i+ it+ effectF (et u+ try to an+,er the+e 5ue+tion+. /e 0u+t "egin ,ith the In+tincti.e 1in- 8 one of the Se.en !rincip#e+ of 1an. /e to#- you Ain (e++on IIB that thi+ i+ a p#ane of 0entation +hare- in co00on ,ith u+ "y the #o,er ani0a#+, at #ea+t in it+ #o,e+t for0+. It i+ the fir+t for0 of 0entation reache- in the +ca#e of e.o#ution, an-, in it+ #o,e+t +tage+ 0anife+t+

entire#y a#ong +u"8con+ciou+ #ine+. It+ "eginning+ are +een a+ far "ac3 a+ the 0inera# #ife, 0anife+ting here in the for0ation of cry+ta#+, etc. In the #o,er for0+ of p#ant #ife it +ho,+ "ut fee"#y, an- i+ +carce#y a -egree a"o.e that 0anife+te- "y the 0inera#. hen, "y ea+y an- progre++i.e +tage+ it gro,+ 0ore -i+tinct an- higher in the +ca#e, in p#ant #ife, unti# in +o0e of the higher for0+ of p#ant+ it e.en 0anife+t+ a ru-i0entary for0 of con+ciou+ne++. In the 3ing-o0 of the #o,er ani0a#+, the In+tincti.e 1in- i+ +een in .arying +tage+, fro0 the a#0o+t p#ant8#i3e inte##igence of the #o,e+t for0+ of ani0a# #ife to the a#0o+t hu0an inte##igence of +o0e of the higher ani0a#+. hen in the #o,er for0+ of hu0an #ife ,e fin- it +carce#y re0o.e- fro0 the highe+t for0 +ho,n in the #o,er ani0a#+, an- a+ ,e a+cen- in the +ca#e ,e fin- it "eco0ing +ha-e-, co#ore-, aninf#uence- "y the fifth princip#e, the Inte##ect, unti# ,e reach the highe+t for0 of 0an 3no,n to u+ at thi+ ti0e ,here ,e +ee the Inte##ect in contro#, a++erting it+ proper po+ition, an- inf#uencing the #o,er princip#e on#y for goo-, an- a.oi-ing the 0i+ta3e+ of the #e++ -e.e#ope- 0an ,ho pour+ har0fu# auto8+ugge+tion+ into the In+tincti.e 1in-, an- ,or3+ actua# har0 to hi0+e#f. In thi+ con+i-eration of the In+tincti.e 1in-, ,e 0u+t pa++ o.er it+ ,on-erfu# ,or3 in +uperinten-ing the ,or3 of the phy+ica# "o-y, an- a#+o +o0e of it+ other 0anife+tation+, an- 0u+t confine our+e#.e+ to the +u"4ect of the part the In+tincti.e 1in- p#ay+ in the 0atter of !+ychic Inf#uence 8 a 0o+t i0portant part, "y the ,ay, a+, ,ithout the In+tincti.e 1in- there cou#- "e no operation of !+ychic Inf#uence, a+ there ,ou#"e nothing to "e acte- upon. he In+tincti.e 1in- i+ the in+tru0ent p#aye- upon "y !+ychic Inf#uence. /e +pea3, often, a+ if one6+ Inte##ect ,ere inf#uence- in thi+ ,ay, "ut thi+ i+ incorrect, for the per+on i+ inf#uencein +pite of hi+ Inte##ect, not "y 0ean+ of it 8 the inf#uence i+ +o +trong#y i0pre++e- upon the In+tincti.e 1inthat it run+ a,ay hee-#e++ of the prote+t+ of the Inte##ect, a+ 0any per+on+ after,ar-+ reco##ect to their +orro,.

Chapter XV 1any are the per+on+ ,ho, in their o,n ,or-+, "3ne, "etter a## the ti0e, "ut -i- it 4u+t the +a0e." /e ,i## +tart ,ith ,hat i+ 3no,n a+ "Sugge+tion," an- ,hich rea##y #ie+ at the "otto0 of a## for0+ of !+ychic Inf#uence, per+ona# or "a"+ent." By Sugge+tion ,e 0ean the inf#uencing or contro# of the thought+ anaction+ of another "y 0ean+ of a po+iti.e co00an-, or a +u"t#e in+inuation of the -e+ire- thought, or any co0"ination of the t,o, or anything that 0ay co0e "et,een the+e t,o e:tre0e+. !er+ona# Sugge+tion i+ 5uite co00on in e.ery-ay #ife, in fact, ,e are con+tant#y gi.ing an- ta3ing +ugge+tion+, con+ciou+#y an- uncon+ciou+#y, anone can +carce#y get a,ay fro0 the gi.ing an- ta3ing, +o #ong a+ he a++ociate+ ,ith other per+on+ hear+ their .oice+ or rea-+ ,hat other+ ha.e ,ritten or printe-. But the+e e.ery-ay +ugge+tion+ are re#ati.e#y uni0portant, an- #ac3 the force of a con+ciou+ an- -e#i"erate +ugge+tion "y one ,ho un-er+tan-+ the "Art of Sugge+ting." (et u+ fir+t +ee ho, an- ,hy the +ugge+tion+ are recei.e- an- acte- upon. A+ ,e ha.e +ai-, in the ear#y for0+ of #ife the In+tincti.e 1in- ,or3e- on a#one, uninf#uence- "y Inte##ect Afor Inte##ect ha- not yet unfo#-e- or -e.e#ope-B tota##y uncon+ciou+, a+ in p#ant #ife. A+ the +ca#e of e.o#ution ,a+ 0ounte-, the ani0a# "egan to "eco0e -i0#y con+ciou+, an- co00ence- to "e "a,are" of thing+, an- to perfor0 a +o0ething #i3e pri0iti.e rea+oning a"out the0. In or-er to protect it+e#f fro0 it+ ene0ie+, the ani0a# ha- to "e gui-e- "y the ru-i0entary con+ciou+ne++ ,hich ,a+ "eginning to unfo#-, an- ,hich 0anife+te- in an- through the In+tincti.e 1in-. So0e ani0a#+ progre++e- 0ore rapi-#y than other+ of their 3in-, an- natura##y "egan to a++ert the0+e#.e+ an- their pecu#iar po,er 8they foun- the0+e#.e+ -oing the thin3ing for their fe##o,+. hey ca0e to "e recogni2e- a+ "eing the one+ to #oo3 to in ca+e+ of -anger, or ,hen foo- "eca0e +carce, an- their #ea-ing ,a+ genera##y recogni2e- an- fo##o,e-. (ea-er+ +prang up in f#oc3+ anher-+, an- not a#one Aa+ ha+ "een co00on#y taught in the te:t8"oo3+B "ecau+e of their "rute +trength, "ut a#+o "ecau+e of their +uperior "rain8po,er, ,hich 0ay "e -e+cri"e- a+ "cunning." he "cunning" ani0a# ,a+ 5uic3 to recogni2e -anger, an- to ta3e 0ean+ to a.oi- it 8 5uic3 to -i+co.er ne, ,ay+ to gain foo-, ano.erco0e the co00on ene0y, or the prey. Anyone ,ho ha+ "een 0uch aroun- -o0e+tic ani0a#+ 8 or ,ho ha+ +tu-iethe ,ay+ of the ,i#- ani0a#+ ,ho f#oc3 together 8 ,i## rea#i2e e:act#y ,hat ,e 0ean. he fe, #e- an-irecte-, an- the 0any "#in-#y fo##o,e- an- ,ere #e-.

An-, a+ the -e.e#op0ent ,ent on, an- 1an ,a+ e.o#.e-, the +a0e thing 0anife+te- it+e#f 8 #ea-er+ +prang into pro0inence an- ,ere o"eye-. An- a## a#ong the hi+tory of the race up unti# the pre+ent ti0e, thi+ +a0e +tate of affair+ e:i+t+. A fe, #ea- an- the 0any fo##o,. 1an i+ an o"e-ient an- i0itati.e ani0a#. he great 0a4ority of peop#e are #i3e +heep 8 gi.e the0 a ""e##8,ether" an- they ,i## g#a-#y fo##o, the tin3#e of the "e##. But 0ar3 thi+ fact 8 it i+ a 0o+t i0portant one 8 it i+ not a#,ay+ the 0an or ,o0an of the greate+t a0ount of ,hat ,e ca## "inte##ectua#. attain0ent," e-ucation or ""oo38#earning" ,ho i+ the #ea-er of 0en 8 on the contrary, 0any of +uch peop#e are often the 0o+t confir0e- fo##o,er+ of #ea-er+. he 0an or ,o0an ,ho #ea-+ i+ the one ,ho fee#+ ,ithin hi0+e#f, or her+e#f, that +o0ething ,hich 0ay "e ca##e- a con+ciou+ne++ of po,er 8 an a,arene++ of the rea# +ource of +trength an- po,er "ehin- the0 an- in the0. hi+ "a,arene++" 0ay not "e recogni2e- "y the Inte##ect, it 0ay not "e un-er+too-, "ut the in-i.i-ua# fee#+ +o0eho, that he i+ po++e++e- of po,er an- force, or i+ in contact ,ith po,er an- force ,hich he 0ay u+e. An- A+pea3ing of the or-inary 0anB he con+e5uent#y gi.e+ hi0+e#f a per+ona# cre-it for it, an- "egin+ to u+e hi+ po,er. He fee#+ the rea#ity of the ,or- "I" He fee#+ hi0+e#f a+ an in-i.i-ua# 8 a rea# thing 8 an entity 8 an- he, in+tincti.e#y, procee-+ to a++ert hi0+e#f. he+e peop#e, a+ a ru#e, -o not un-er+tan- the +ource of their po,er, "ut it i+ a 0atter of "fee#ing" ,ith the0, an- they natura##y 0a3e u+e of the po,er. hey inf#uence other+, ,ithout un-er+tan-ing 4u+t "ho,," an- often ,on-er ho, it a## co0e+ a"out. An- ho, -oe+ it co0e a"outF (et u+ +ee. (et u+ #oo3 to the per+on+ ,ho are inf#uence-. /hat part of their 0enta# 0echani+0 or ar0a0ent i+ affecte-F he In+tincti.e 1in-, of cour+e. An- ,hy are their In+tincti.e 1in-+ affecte- +o ea+i#y, ,hi#e other+ are +o 0uch #e++ +oF hat6+ 4u+t the point9 #et u+ #oo3 into the 0atter. In the origina# +tate, an- -uring the proce++ of e.o#ution, the In+tincti.e 1in- ,a+ not inf#uencethu+#y, "ecau+e there ,a+ nothing to inf#uence it. But a+ 1an -e.e#ope-, the in-i.i-ua#+ ,ho "eca0e a,are of the -a,ning +en+e of their "in-i.i-ua#ity" an- rea# po,er, "egan to a++ert the0+e#.e+, an- their o,n In+tincti.e

Chapter XV 1in-+ an- the In+tincti.e 1in-+ of other+ "egan to "e inf#uence-. he 0an ,ho+e con+ciou+ne++ of in-i.i-ua#ity 8 ,ho+e a,arene++ of the "I" i+ #arge#y -e.e#ope-, in.aria"#y inf#uence+ the In+tincti.e 1in- of the one in ,ho0 the con+ciou+ne++ i+ not +o fu##y -e.e#ope-. he In+tincti.e 1in- of the #e++ con+ciou+ 0an ta3e+ up an- act+ upon the +ugge+tion+ of the +tronger "I," an- a#+o a##o,+ the #atter6+ thought8,a.e+ to "eat upon it an- to "e a"+or"e-. 'e0e0"er, once 0ore, that it i+ not the 0an of pure#y inte##ectua# attain0ent, cu#ture, or "#earning" ,ho ha+ thi+ con+ciou+ne++, a#though, of cour+e, the higher the inte##ectua# attain0ent of the 0an the greater the +cope of the po,er of the con+ciou+ "I" he 0ay po++e++. ;ne-ucate- 0en are +een to ha.e thi+ po,er, a+ ,e## a+ the 0o+t high#y e-ucate-, an- a#though their -eficient e-ucation an- training pre.ent+ the0 0a3ing u+e of their po,er to the e:tent po++i"#e to their 0ore fa.ore- "rother, +ti## they e:ert an inf#uence upon a## in their "c#a++," an- a#+o upon 0any ,ho ha.e greater inte##ectua# po,er+ than ha.e they. It i+ not a 0atter of e-ucation, or of a"+tract rea+oning, etc. 8 it i+ a 0atter of "con+ciou+ne++." ho+e ,ho po++e++ it +o0eho, fee# the "I" ,ithin the0, an- a#though it often #ea-+ one to an a"+ur- -egree of egoti+0, .ain +e#f8pri-e anconceit, yet a 0an po++e++ing thi+ con+ciou+ne++ to any e:tent in.aria"#y inf#uence+ other+ an- force+ hi+ ,ay through the ,or#-. he ,or#- ha+ gi.en to thi+ 0anife+tation of thi+ con+ciou+ne++ the na0e of "+e#f8confi-ence," etc. You ,i## rea-i#y recogni2e it, if you thin3 a 0o0ent an- #oo3 aroun- you a #itt#e. here are, of cour+e, 0any -egree+ of thi+ con+ciou+ne++, an-, e.erything e#+e "eing e5ua#, the 0an or ,o0an ,i## e:ert an inf#uence upon other+ in preci+e#y the -egree that they po++e++ thi+ po,er. hi+ con+ciou+ne++ 0ay "e -e.e#ope- an- increa+e-. It i+, ho,e.er, inferior to the con+ciou+ne++ of the 0an or ,o0an of +piritua# attain0ent, or -e.e#op0ent, ,ho+e po,er+ great#y e:cee- thi+ con+ciou+ne++ on the 0enta# p#ane. But to get "ac3 to our +u"4ect of ho, the In+tincti.e 1in- i+ inf#uence-. he 0an ,ho+e con+ciou+ne++ of "I" i+ +ufficient#y -e.e#ope-, +ugge+t+ to hi+ o,n In+tincti.e 1in-, an- the #atter natura##y #oo3+ to it+ 0a+ter a+ the on#y +ource of co00an- or in+truction. But the one ,ho ha+ not thi+ con+ciou+ne++ ha+ gi.en "ut fee"#e co00an-+ of thi+ 3in-, an- hi+ In+tincti.e 1in- i+ not in+ti##e- ,ith that confi-ence that it +hou#- po++e++, an- fin-+ it+ 0a+ter fre5uent#y Aoften in.aria"#yB a##o,ing it to recei.e the co00an-+ an- in+truction+ of other+, unti# it auto0atica##y ta3e+ up an- act+ upon a#0o+t any forci"#e +ugge+tion co0ing fro0 ,ithout. Such out+i-e +ugge+tion+ 0ay "e either .er"a# +ugge+tion+ or

+ugge+tion+ con.eye- "y the thought8,a.e+ of other+. 1any peop#e ha.e no confi-ence ,hate.er in their o,n "I" 8 they are #i3e hu0an +heep, an- natura##y fo##o, their #ea-er 8 in fact, are unhappy un#e++ they are #e-. he 0ore forci"#e the co00an-+, the 0ore rea-y they are to o"ey. Any +tate0ent 0a-e to the0 po+iti.e#y an- authoritati.e#y i+ accepte- an- acte- upon. Such peop#e #i.e upon "authority," an- con+tant#y +ee3 for "prece-ent+" an- "e:a0p#e+" 8 they nee+o0e"o-y to #ean upon. o +u0 up the 0atter8they are 0enta##y #a2y +o far a+ e:erci+ing the "I" con+ciou+ne++ an- -e.e#oping the +a0e i+ concerne- 8 an- they con+e5uent#y ha.e not a++erte- their contro# o.er their In+tincti.e 1in-, "ut a##o, it to "e open to the +ugge+tion+ an- inf#uence of other+, ,ho, .ery often, are #e++ 5ua#ifie- to -irect it than they are the0+e#.e+, "ut ,ho happen to ha.e a #itt#e 0ore "+e#f8confi-ence" an- "a++urance"8a #itt#e 0ore con+ciou+ne++ of the "I". *o, a+ to the 0ean+ ,here"y the In+tincti.e 1in- i+ inf#uence-. here are innu0era"#e 0etho-+ anfor0+ of practice+, con+ciou+ an- uncon+ciou+, ,here"y +uch effect+ are pro-uce-, "ut they 0ay "e rough#y groupeinto three genera# c#a++e+, .i2. A1B !er+ona# Sugge+tion9 A?B hought Inf#uence, pre+ent an- -i+tant, anA3B 1e+0eric or Hypnotic Inf#uence. he+e three for0+ +ha-e into each other, an- are genera##y co0"ine-, "ut it i+ ,e## to +eparate the0 here, that ,e 0ay un-er+tan- the0 the "etter. /e ,i## ta3e the0 up in turn, "rief#y. (et u+ fir+t con+i-er !er+ona# Sugge+tion. A+ ,e ha.e +ai-, thi+ i+ 0o+t co00on, an- i+ con+tant#y practice0ore or #e++ "y a## of u+, an- ,e are a## 0ore or #e++ affecte- "y it. /e ,i## confine our+e#.e+ to the 0o+t

Chapter XV +tri3ing for0+. !er+ona# Sugge+tion+ are con.eye- "y the .oice, the 0anner, the appearance, etc. he In+tincti.e 1in- ta3e+ for grante-, an- accept+ a+ truth the ,or-+, appearance an- 0anner+ of the po+iti.e per+on, an- act+ upon the +a0e, accor-ing to -egree of it+ recepti.ity. hi+ -egree .arie+ in per+on+, accor-ing to the -egree to ,hich they ha.e -e.e#ope- the "I" con+ciou+ne++, a+ ,e ha.e "efore +tate-. he greater the a0ount of the "I" con+ciou+ne++, the #e++ the -egree of recepti.ity, un#e++ the per+on i+ tire-, hi+ attention i+ -i+tracte-, i+ off hi+ guar-, or .o#untari#y open+ hi0+e#f to the inf#uence of the other6+ 0in- or ,or-+. he 0ore po+iti.e or authoritati.e the +ugge+tion the 0ore rea-i#y i+ it ta3en up "y the recepti.e In+tincti.e 1in-. Sugge+tion affect+ a per+on not through hi+ Inte##ect "ut through hi+ In+tincti.e 1in- 8 it operate+ not "y argu0ent "ut "y a++ertion+, -e0an-+ an- co00an-+. Sugge+tion+ gain force "y "eing repeate-, an- ,here one i+ not inf#uence- "y a +ing#e +ugge+tion, repeate+ugge+tion+ a#ong the +a0e #ine+ ha.e a 0uch greater po,er. So0e per+on+ ha.e cu#ti.ate- +uch a proficiency in the art of Sugge+tion that one ha+ to "e on hi+ guar- not to uncon+ciou+#y accept +o0e of the +u"t#e +ugge+tion+ in+inuate- into the con.er+ation. But one ,ho rea#i2e+ the "I" con+ciou+ne++, or "etter +ti##, the 'ea# Se#f an- it+ re#ation to A##, ha+ no nee- to fear the po,er of the +ugge+tioni+t, a+ the +ugge+tion+ ,i## not "e a"#e to penetrate hi+ ,e##8guar-e- In+tincti.e 1in-, or e.en if it -oe+ #o-ge aroun- the outer +urface of the 0in-, it ,i## +oon "e -etecte- an- -i+car-e- ,ith a +0i#e of a0u+e0ent. But, a ,or- of caution9 "e on your guar- to,ar-+ tho+e ,ho atte0pt to #ea- you not "y argu0ent or rea+on, "ut "y a++ertion, preten-eauthority, p#au+i"#e 0anner an- a genera# "ta3ing it for grante-" ,ay ,ith you. A#+o 3eep your eye on tho+e ,ho a+3 you 5ue+tion+ an- an+,er the0 in a-.ance for you, thu+7 "You #i3e thi+ pattern, -on6t youF" or " hi+ i+ ,hat you ,ant, i+n6t itF" Sugge+tion an- a++ertion go han- in han-. You can genera##y te## a Sugge+tion "y the co0pany it 3eep+. Secon-#y, #et u+ con+i-er hought Inf#uence, pre+ent an- -i+tant. A+ ,e ha.e +tate- in pre.iou+ #e++on+, e.ery thought re+u#t+ in the pro4ection of thought8,a.e+ of greater or #e++er +trength, +i2e an- po,er. /e ha.e e:p#aine- ho, the+e thought8,a.e+ are +ent forth, an- ho, they are recei.e- "y another in-i.i-ua#. /e are a##

recei.ing thought8,a.e+ at a## ti0e+, "ut co0parati.e#y fe, affect u+, a+ they are not in har0ony ,ith our o,n thought+, 0oo-+, character an- ta+te+. /e attract to our inner con+ciou+ne++ on#y +uch thought+ a+ are in har0ony ,ith our o,n. But, if ,e are of a negati.e character, an- a##o, our In+tincti.e 1in- to go ,ithout it+ proper 0a+ter, an"eco0e too recepti.e, ,e are in -anger of ha.ing it accept, a++i0i#ate an- act upon the pa++ing thought8,a.e+ +urroun-ing u+. /e ha.e e:p#aine- the action of the thought8,a.e+ in other #e++on+, "ut ,e -i- not point out thi+ pha+e of the 0atter, preferring to ta3e it up here. he unguar-e- In+tincti.e 1in- i+ not on#y affecte- "y a## +ort+ of pa++ing thought8,a.e+, ,hich are f#oate- -o,n to it, "ut i+ a#+o pecu#iar#y #ia"#e to "e affecte- "y a +trong, po+iti.e, con+ciou+ thought8,a.e -irecte- to,ar- it "y another ,ho ,i+he+ to inf#uence it+ o,ner. %.eryone ,ho i+ trying to inf#uence another per+on, for goo- or e.i#, uncon+ciou+#y thro,+ off thought8,a.e+ of thi+ 3in- ,ith greater or #e++ effect. An- +o0e ,ho ha.e #earne- +o0e of the ru-i0entary occu#t truth+ anha.e pro+titute- the0 into B#ac3 1agic, con+ciou+#y an- -e#i"erate#y +en- thought8,a.e+ to,ar-+ per+on+ ,ho0 they ,i+h to inf#uence. An- if the In+tincti.e 1in- i+ unguar-e- "y it+ proper 0a+ter, it i+ 0ore or #e++ apt to "e affecte- "y the+e effort+ of +e#fi+h an- 0a#iciou+ 0in-+. he ta#e+ of /itchcraft -ay+ are not a## 0ere -e#u+ion+ an- +uper+tition+, "ut un-erneath the e:aggeratereport+ an- ta#e+ 0ay "e foun- a great foun-ation of occu#t truth, rea-i#y recogni2e- "y the a-.anceoccu#ti+t a+ ru-i0entary occu#t po,er pro+titute- into B#ac3 1agic. A## the co0"ine- B#ac3 1agic or /itchcraft in the ,or#- cou#- not affect a 0an or ,o0an ,ho po++e++e- the higher for0 of con+ciou+ne++, "ut one of a fearfu#, +uper+titiou+ turn of 0in-, ,ith #itt#e or no +e#f8confi-ence or +e#f8re#iance, ,ou#- "e apt to ha.e an In+tincti.e

Chapter XV 1in- rea-y an- ripe for the entrance of +uch hurtfu# thought8,a.e+ or thought8for0+. A## the con4uration+, "+pe##+," etc., of the .oo-oo+, ",itche+," con4urer+, etc., etc., ha.e no efficacy "eyon- the thought +ent out ,ith their u+e 8 an- the thought i+ 0a-e 0ore po,erfu# "ecau+e it i+ concentrate- "y 0ean+ of the rite+, cere0onie+, "+pe##+," i0age+, etc., of the unho#y -e.otee+ of B#ac3 1agic. But it ,ou#- "e 4u+t a+ po,erfu# if concentrate- "y +o0e other 0ean+. But, no 0atter ho, concentrate- or +ent forth, it can ha.e no effect un#e++ the In+tincti.e 1in- i+ rea-y to recei.e an- a++i0i#ate it, an- act upon it. he 0an or ,o0an ",ho 3no,+" nee- ha.e no fear of the+e practice+. In fact, the .ery rea-ing of thi+ #e++on ,i## c#ear a,ay fro0 0any 0in-+ the recepti.ity ,hich 0ight ha.e, or ha+ ha-, a##o,e- the0 to "e inf#uence- to a greater or #e++er e:tent "y the +e#fi+h thought+ of other+. hi+, 0in- you, not "ecau+e of any .irtue in thi+ #e++on A,e are c#ai0ing nothing of the +ortB, "ut 0ere#y "ecau+e the rea-ing of it ha+ cau+e- the +tu-ent6+ 0in- to a,a3en to it+ o,n po,er, anto a++ert it+e#f. 'e0e0"er, the 0in- attract+ on#y +uch thought+ a+ are har0oniou+ ,ith it+ o,n thought+ 8 an- the In+tincti.e 1in- i+ inf#uence- again+t it+ o,n intere+t+, on#y ,hen it+ o,ner ha+ a-0itte- hi+ o,n ,ea3ne++ an#ac3 of a"i#ity to 0a+ter an- guar- it. You 0u+t guar- your o,n In+tincti.e 1in-, an- a++ert your 0a+ter ano,ner+hip of it, a+, other,i+e, that o,ner+hip 0ay "e a++erte-, c#ai0e- an- u+urpe- "y other+ 0ore 0a+terfu# than your+e#f. You ha.e the +trength an- po,er nece++ary ,ithin you, if you "ut a++ert it. It i+ your+ for the a+3ing, ,hy -on6t you -e0an- itF You 0ay a,a3en the "I" con+ciou+ne++ an- -e.e#op it "y the po,er of a++ertion, ,hich ,i## ai- in it+ unfo#-0ent. /e ,i## ha.e 0ore to +ay on thi+ point in the fo##o,ing page+. /e ,i## no, con+i-er the thir- for0 of !+ychic Inf#uence, ,hich i+ 3no,n a+ 1e+0eri+0, Hypnoti+0, etc. /e can 0ere#y touch upon that +u"4ect here, a+ it+ .arie- for0+ an- pheno0ena ,ou#- fi## "oo3+, if +preaout. But ,e thin3 ,e can 0a3e it c#ear to you in a fe, ,or-+, a+ you ha.e fo##o,e- our thought+ in thi+ anthe prece-ing #e++on+. he fir+t thing to re0e0"er i+ that 1e+0eri+0 or Hypnoti+0 i+ "ut a co0"ination of the t,o 0etho-+

4u+t 0entione-, p#u+ a greater a0ount of !rana pro4ecte- ,ith the !er+ona# Sugge+tion or hought /a.e. In other ,or-+, the Sugge+tion or hought /a.e "eco0e+ charge- ,ith !rana to a greater -egree than i+ or-inari#y the ca+e, an- "eco0e+ a+ 0uch +tronger than the or-inary +ugge+tion or thought8,a.e, a+ a thought8for0 i+ +tronger than an or-inary thought8,a.e. In +hort, 0e+0eri+0 or hypnoti+0 i+ practica##y the "athing of the per+on in a f#o, of thought8for0+, 3ept +ti0u#ate- an- acti.e "y a con+tant +upp#y of !rana, ,hich ha+ in +uch ca+e+ often "een ca##e- "the 0e+0eric f#ui-." An-, another thing to re0e0"er i+ that no per+on can "e 0e+0eri2e- or hypnoti+e- un#e++ hi+ In+tincti.e 1in- i+ unguar-e- or ,ithout it+ proper 0a+ter, un#e++ the per+on agree+ to "e 0e+0eri2e- an- actua##y con+ent+ to it. So that, in the en-, it co0e+ -o,n to the fact that no per+on nee- "e 0e+0eri2e- or hypnoti+eun#e++ he i+ ,i##ing or un#e++ he "e#ie.e+ that he 0ay "e, ,hich i+ the +a0e thing in the en-. 1e+0eri+0 ha+ it+ u+e+ in the han-+ of the a-.ance- occu#ti+t ,ho un-er+tan-+ it+ #a,+, "ut in the han-+ of tho+e ignorant of it+ proper u+e it i+ a thing to "e a.oi-e-. Be carefu# a"out a##o,ing your+e#f to "e hypnoti+e"y the ignorant preten-er. A++ert your o,n po,er, an- you 0ay acco0p#i+h for your+e#f a## that anyone e#+e can, on the +a0e p#ane. /e ha.e, in the "rief +pace at our -i+po+a#, touche- upon the .ariou+ for0+ of !+ychic Inf#uence, an0ay ha.e an opportunity at +o0e future ti0e of going -eeper into the +u"4ect ,ith you. But ,e tru+t that ,e ha.e +ai- enough to gi.e you at #ea+t a genera# 3no,#e-ge of the +u"4ect, an- ha.e at the +a0e ti0e gi.en you a ti0e#y ,arning an- caution. /e ,i## conc#u-e "y +aying +o0ething to you a"out the "I" con+ciou+ne++ an- it+ -e.e#op0ent, ,hich ,e tru+t you ,i## rea- ,ith the attention it 0erit+, an- ,i## put into practice that ,hich i+ in-icate-.

Chapter XV here i+, of cour+e, a +ti## higher for0 of con+ciou+ne++ than the "I" con+ciou+ne++ 8 the +piritua# con+ciou+ne++ ,hich cau+e+ one to "e a,are of hi+ re#ation to, an- connection ,ith, the +ource of a## po,er. An- tho+e po++e++ing thi+ higher con+ciou+ne++ are far "eyon- the inf#uence of !+ychic Inf#uence of other+, for they are +urroun-e- ,ith an aura ,hich repe#+ .i"ration+ on a #o,er p#ane. Such -o not nee- the "I" con+ciou+ne++, a+ it i+ inc#u-e- in their higher con+ciou+ne++. But tho+e on the 0enta# p#ane of -e.e#op0ent Aan- "ut fe, of u+ ha.e progre++e- furtherB ,i## fin- it ,e## to -e.e#op an- unfo#- their con+ciou+ne++ of the "I" 8 the +en+e of in-i.i-ua#ity. You ,i## "e ai-e- in thi+ "y carrying in 0in-, an- 0e-itating often, that you are a rea# thing 8 that you are an %go 8 a "it of the ;ni.er+a# (ife +et apart a+ an in-i.i-ua# that you 0ay ,or3 out your part of the ;ni.er+a# !#an, an- progre++ to higher for0+ of 0anife+tation. hat Y); are in-epen-ent of the "o-y, an- on#y u+e +a0e a+ an in+tru0ent 8 that Y); are in-e+tructi"#e, anha.e eterna# #ife 8 that Y); cannot "e -e+troye- "y fire, ,ater or anything e#+e ,hich the phy+ica# 0an #oo3+ upon a+ a thing ,hich ,i## "3i##" hi0 8 that no 0atter ,hat "eco0e+ of your "o-y Y); ,i## +ur.i.e. Y); are a +ou#, an- ha.e a "o-y. A*ot that you are a "o-y ha.ing a +ou#, a+ 0o+t per+on+ thin3 an- act upon.B hin3 of your+e#f a+ an in-epen-ent "eing, u+ing the "o-y a+ a con.enience. Cu#ti.ate the fee#ing of i00orta#ity an- rea#ity, an- you ,i## gra-ua##y "egin to rea#i2e that you rea##y e:i+t an- ,i## a#,ay+ e:i+t, an- &ear ,i## -rop fro0 you #i3e a -i+car-e- c#oa3, for &ear i+ rea##y the thought ,ea3ening the i##8guar-e- In+tincti.e 1in- 8 once get ri- of &ear, an- the re+t i+ ea+y. /e ha.e +po3en of thi+ 0atter in "Science of Breath," un-er the tit#e of "Sou# Con+ciou+ne++," on page <0. In the +a0e "oo3, on page =1, un-er the tit#e "&or0ing an Aura," ,e ha.e hinte- at a p#an ,here"y ,ea3 an- fearfu# per+on+ 0ay protect the0+e#.e+ ,hi#e they are "ui#-ing up a +ure foun-ation of +e#f8confi-ence an- +trength. he affir0ation or 0antra0 ,hich ha+ pro.en of 0ore "enefit than any other in the+e ca+e+ i+ the po+iti.e a++ertion of "I A1," ,hich e:pre++e+ a truth an- ten-+ to a 0enta# attitu-e ,hich i+ ta3en up "y the In+tincti.e 1in- anren-er+ it 0ore po+iti.e to other+, an- #e++ #ia"#e to "e affecte- "y +ugge+tion+, etc. he 0enta# attitu-e e:pre++e"y "I A1" ,i## +urroun- you ,ith a thought aura, ,hich ,i## act a+ a +hie#- an- a protection, unti# +uch ti0e a+ you ha.e fu##y ac5uire- the higher con+ciou+ne++, ,hich carrie+ ,ith it a +en+e of +e#f confi-ence an-

a++urance of +trength. &ro0 thi+ point you ,i## gra-ua##y -e.e#op into that con+ciou+ne++ ,hich a++ure+ you that ,hen you +ay "I," you -o not +pea3 on#y of the in-i.i-ua# entity, ,ith a## it+ +trength an- po,er, "ut 3no, that the "I" ha+ "ehin- it the po,er an- +trength of the Spirit, an- i+ connecte- ,ith an ine:hau+ti"#e +upp#y of force, ,hich 0ay "e -ra,n upon ,hen nee-e-. Such a one can ne.er e:perience &ear 8 for he ha+ ri+en far a"o.e it. &ear i+ the 0anife+tation of ,ea3ne++, an- +o #ong a+ ,e hug it to u+ an- 0a3e a "o+o0 frien- of it, ,e ,i## "e open to the inf#uence+ of other+. But "y ca+ting a+i-e &ear ,e ta3e +e.era# +tep+ up,ar- in the +ca#e, anp#ace our+e#.e+ in touch ,ith the +trong, he#pfu#, fear#e++, courageou+ thought of the ,or#-, an- #ea.e "ehinu+ a## the o#- ,ea3ne++e+ an- trou"#e+ of the o#- #ife. /hen 0an #earn+ that nothing can rea##y har0 hi0, &ear +ee0+ a fo##y. An- ,hen 0an a,a3en+ to a rea#i2ation of hi+ rea# nature an- -e+tiny, he 3no,+ that nothing can har0 hi0, an- con+e5uent#y &ear i+ -i+car-e-. It ha+ "een ,e## +ai-, " here i+ nothing to fear, "ut &ear," an- in thi+ epigra0 i+ concea#e- a truth ,hich a## a-.ance- occu#ti+t+ ,i## recogni2e. he a"o#i+hing of &ear p#ace+ in the han-+ of 1an a ,eapon of -efen+e an- po,er ,hich ren-er+ hi0 a#0o+t in.inci"#e./hy -o you not ta3e thi+ gift ,hich i+ +o free#y offere- youF (et your ,atch,or-+ "e7 "I A1." "I A1 &%A'(%SS A*@ &'%%." H% %* H (%SS)*. H% AS 'A( /)'(@.

Chapter XV /e are confronte- ,ith a +eriou+ -ifficu#ty at the "eginning of thi+ #e++on, ,hich ,i## "e apparent to tho+e of our +tu-ent+ ,ho are ,e## a-.ance- in occu#t +tu-ie+. /e a##u-e to the 0atter of the -e+cription of "p#ane+" of e:i+tence. he+e #e++on+ are inten-e- a+ e#e0entary +tu-ie+ -e+igne- to gi.e the "eginner a p#ain, +i0p#e i-ea of the genera# princip#e+ of occu#ti+0, ,ithout atte0pting to #ea- hi0 into the 0ore co0p#icate- +tage+ of the +u"4ect. /e ha.e trie- to a.oi- technica#itie+, +o far a+ i+ po++i"#e, an- "e#ie.e that ,e ha.e at #ea+t fair#y ,e## acco0p#i+he- our ta+3 of pre+enting e#e0entary princip#e+ in a p#ain 0anner, an- ,e 3no, that ,e ha.e +uccee-e- in intere+ting 0any per+on+ in the +tu-y, ,ho ha- heretofore "een -eterre- fro0 ta3ing it up "ecau+e of the 0a++ of technica# -e+cription an- co0p#icate- -e+cription of -etai#+ that 0et their .ie, upon ta3ing up other ,or3+ on the +u"4ect. So, in thi+ #e++on on the A+tra# /or#-, an- the three #e++on+ that fo##o, it, ,e ,i## "e co0pe##e- to -ea# in genera#itie+ in+tea- of going into 0inute an- carefu# -e+cription+ +uch a+ ,ou#- "e nee-e- in a ,or3 ta3ing up the "higher8gra-e" ,or3. In+tea- of en-ea.oring to -e+cri"e 4u+t ,hat a "p#ane" i+, an- then going on to point out the nice #itt#e -ifference+ "et,een "p#ane+" an- "+u"8p#ane+" ,e +ha## treat the ,ho#e +u"4ect of the higher p#ane+ of e:i+tence un-er the genera# ter0 of " he A+tra# /or#-," 0a3ing that ter0 inc#u-e not on#y the #o,er -i.i+ion+ of the A+tra# !#ane, "ut a#+o +o0e of the higher p#ane+ of #ife. hi+ p#an 0ay "e o"4ecte- to "y +o0e ,ho ha.e fo##o,e- other cour+e+ of rea-ing on the +u"4ect, in ,hich on#y the #o,er A+tra# !#ane ha+ "een +o +ty#e-, the higher p#ane+ recei.ing other na0e+, ,hich ha+ #e- 0any to regar- the A+tra# !#ane ,ith "ut +canty con+i-eration re+er.ing their carefu# +tu-y for the higher p#ane+. But ,e a+3 the+e per+on+ to re0e0"er that 0any of the ancient occu#ti+t+ c#a++e- the entire group of the upper p#ane+ Aat #ea+t unti# the higher +piritua# p#ane+ ,ere reache-B un-er the genera# ter0 " he A+tra# /or#-," or +i0i#ar ter0+, an- ,e ha.e the "e+t of authority for thi+ genera# -i.i+ion. here i+ a+ 0uch -ifference "et,een the #o,e+t a+tra# p#ane+ an- the highe+t 0enta# or +piritua# p#ane+, a+ there i+ "et,een a gori##a an- an %0er+on, "ut in or-er to 3eep the "eginner fro0 getting #o+t in a ,i#-erne++ of ter0+, ,e ha.e treate- a## the p#ane+ a"o.e the phy+ica# Aat #ea+t +uch a+ our #e++on+ touche+ uponB un-er the genera# +ty#e of " he A+tra# /or#-." It i+ -ifficu#t to con.ey c#ear#y, in +i0p#e ter0+, the 0eaning of the ,or- "p#ane," an- ,e +ha## u+e it

"ut #itt#e, preferring the ,or- "+tate," for a p#ane i+ rea##y a "+tate" rather than a p#ace 8 that i+, any one p#ace 0ay "e inha"ite- on +e.era# p#ane+. Cu+t a+ a roo0 0ay "e fi##e- ,ith ray+ of the +un9 #ight fro0 a #a0p9 ray+ fro0 an X8ray apparatu+9 or-inary 0agnetic .i"ration+9 air, etc., etc., each acting accor-ing to the #a, of it+ "eing, an- yet not affecting the other+, +o 0ay +e.era# p#ane+ of "eing "e in fu## operation in a gi.en +pace, ,ithout interfering ,ith each other. /e cannot go into -etai# regar-ing the 0atter, in thi+ e#e0entary #e++on, an- hope 0ere#y to gi.e the +tu-ent a goo- ,or3ing 0enta# conception, in or-er that he 0ay un-er+tan- the inci-ent+ anpheno0ena of the +e.era# p#ane+ co0pri+ing " he A+tra# /or#-." Before going into the +u"4ect of the +e.era# p#ane+ of the A+tra# /or#-, it ,i## "e "etter for u+ to con+i-er +o0e of the genera# pheno0ena c#a++ifie- un-er the ter0 "a+tra#." In our Si:th (e++on, ,e ha.e to#- you that 0an Ain the "o-yB , in a--ition to hi+ phy+ica# +en+e+ of +ight, hearing, ta+ting, +0e##ing an- fee#ing, ha+ fi.e a+tra# +en+e+ Acounterpart+ of the phy+ica# +en+e+B operating on the a+tra# p#ane, "y ,hich he 0ay recei.e +en+e i0pre++ion+ ,ithout the ai- of the phy+ica# +en+e organ+. He a#+o po++e++e+ a "+i:th8+en+e" phy+ica# organ Athe organ of the "te#epathic" +en+eB ,hich a#+o ha+ a corre+pon-ing a+tra# +en+e. he+e a+tra# +en+e+ function on the #o,er a+tra# p#ane 8 the p#ane ne:t re0o.e- fro0 the phy+ica# p#ane 8 anthe pheno0ena of c#air.oyance i+ pro-uce- "y the u+e of the+e a+tra# +en+e+, a+ ,e ha.e -e+cri"e- in the Si:th (e++on. here are, of cour+e, higher for0+ of c#air.oyance, ,hich operate on p#ane+ far a"o.e that u+ein or-inary c#air.oyance, "ut +uch po,er+ are +o rare, an- are po++e++e- on#y "y tho+e of high attain0ent, that ,e nee- +carce#y -o 0ore than 0ention the0 here. )n thi+ #o,er a+tra# p#ane, the c#air.oyant +ee+9 the c#airau-ient hear+9 the p+ycho0etri+t fee#+. )n thi+ p#ane the a+tra# "o-y 0o.e+ a"out, an- "gho+t+" 0anife+t. @i+e0"o-ie- +ou#+ #i.ing on the higher p#ane+ of the A+tra# /or#-, in or-er to co00unicate ,ith tho+e on the phy+ica# p#ane, 0u+t -e+cen- to thi+ #o,e+t p#ane, an- c#othe the0+e#.e+ ,ith coar+e a+tra# 0atter in or-er to

Chapter XV acco0p#i+h their o"4ect. )n thi+ p#ane 0o.e+ the "a+tra# "o-ie+" of tho+e in the f#e+h, ,ho ha.e ac5uire- the art of pro4ecting the0+e#.e+ in the a+tra#. It i+ po++i"#e for a per+on to pro4ect hi+ a+tra# "o-y, or tra.e# in hi+ a+tra# "o-y, to any point ,ithin the #i0it+ of the earth6+ attraction, an- the traine- occu#ti+t 0ay -o +o at ,i##, un-er the proper con-ition+. )ther+ 0ay occa+iona##y ta3e +uch trip+ A,ithout 3no,ing 4u+t ho, they -o it, an- ha.ing, after,ar-+, the re0e0"rance of a particu#ar an- .ery .i.i- -rea0B 9 in fact 0any of u+ -o ta3e +uch trip+, ,hen the phy+ica# "o-y i+ ,rappein +#eep, an- one often gain+ 0uch infor0ation in thi+ ,ay, upon +u"4ect+ in ,hich he i+ intere+te-, "y ho#-ing a+tra# co00unication ,ith other+ intere+te- in the +a0e +u"4ect, a## uncon+ciou+#y of cour+e. he con+ciou+ ac5uire0ent of 3no,#e-ge in thi+ ,ay, i+ po++i"#e on#y to tho+e ,ho ha.e progre++e- 5uite a ,ay a#ong the path of attain0ent. he traine- occu#ti+t 0ere#y p#ace+ hi0+e#f in the proper 0enta# con-ition, an- then ,i+he+ hi0+e#f at +o0e particu#ar p#ace, an- hi+ a+tra# tra.e#+ there ,ith the rapi-ity of #ight, or e.en 0ore rapi-#y. he untraine- occu#ti+t, of cour+e, ha+ no +uch -egree of contro# o.er hi+ a+tra# "o-y an- i+ 0ore or #e++ c#u0+y in hi+ 0anage0ent of it. he A+tra# Bo-y i+ a#,ay+ connecte- ,ith the phy+ica# "o-y A-uring the #ife of the #atterB "y a thin +i#38#i3e, a+tra# threa-, ,hich 0aintain+ the co00unication "et,een the t,o. /ere thi+ cor- to "e +e.ere- the phy+ica# "o-y ,ou#- -ie, a+ the connection of the +ou# ,ith it ,ou#- "e ter0inate-. )n thi+ #o,er A+tra# !#ane 0ay a#+o "e percei.e- the auric co#or+ of 0en, a+ -e+cri"e- in our &ourth (e++on. (i3e,i+e it i+ on thi+ p#ane that the e0anation+ of thought 0ay "e o"+er.e- "y the c#air.oyant .i+ion, or the a+tra# of one ,ho .i+it+ that p#ane in hi+ a+tra# "o-y. he 0in- i+ continua##y thro,ing off e0anation+, ,hich e:ten- +o0e -i+tance fro0 the per+on, for a ti0e, an- ,hich then, if +trong enough, gra-ua##y pa++ off, -ra,n here an- there "y the corre+pon-ing thought+ of other+. he+e thought e0anation+ re+e0"#e c#ou-+, +o0e -e#icate an- "eautifu#, ,hi#e other+ are -ar3 an- 0ur3y. o the p+ychic or a+tra# .i+ion, p#ace+ are +een to "e fi##e- ,ith thi+ thought8+tuff, .arying in character an- appearance ,ith the 5ua#ity an- nature of the origina# thought ,hich pro-uce- the0.

So0e p#ace+ are +een to "e fi##e- ,ith "right attracti.e thought8+tuff +ho,ing that the genera# character of the thought of tho+e ,ho inha"it it i+ of an up#ifting an- cheerfu# character, ,hi#e other p#ace+ are fi##e,ith a ha2y, 0ur3y 0a++ or c#ou- of thought8+tuff, +ho,ing that tho+e ,ho #i.e there Aor +o0e .i+itor+B ha.e "een -,e##ing on the #o,er p#ane+ of thought, an- ha.e fi##e- the p#ace ,ith -epre++ing re0in-er+ of their +o4ourn there. Such roo0+ +hou#- "e opene- ,i-e to the +un, an- air, an- one 0o.ing into the0 +hou#- en-ea.or to fi## the0 ,ith "right, cheerfu# an- happy thought+, ,hich ,i## -ri.e out the #o,er 5ua#ity of thought8+tuff. A 0enta# co00an-, +uch a+ "I co00an- you to 0o.e a,ay fro0 thi+ p#ace," ,i## cau+e one to thro, out +trong thought .i"ration+, ,hich ,i## either -i++o#.e the o"4ectiona"#e thought8+tuff, or ,i## cau+e it to "e repe##e- an-ri.en a,ay fro0 the i00e-iate .icinity of the per+on 0a3ing the co00an-. If peop#e cou#- +ee "ut for a fe, 0inute+ the thought8at0o+phere of groggerie+, ga0"#ing8roo0+, anp#ace+ of that 3in-, they ,ou#- not care to again .i+it the0. *ot on#y i+ the at0o+phere fair#y +aturate- ,ith -egra-ing thought+, "ut the #o,er c#a++ of -i+e0"o-ie- +ou#+ f#oc3 in #arge nu0"er+ aroun- the congenia# +cene, +tri.ing to "rea3 the narro, "oun-+ ,hich +eparate the0 fro0 the phy+ica# p#ane in +uch p#ace+. !erhap+ the "e+t ,ay to 0a3e p#ain to you the genera# a+pect+ an- pheno0ena of the A+tra# /or#-, ,ou#- "e to -e+cri"e to you an i0aginary trip 0a-e "y your+e#f in that ,or#-, in charge of an e:perienceoccu#ti+t. /e ,i## +en- you, in i0agination, on +uch a trip, in thi+ #e++on, in charge of a co0petent gui-e8it "eing pre+uppo+e- that you ha.e 0a-e con+i-era"#e +piritua# progre++, a+ other,i+e e.en the gui-e cou#- not ta3e you .ery far, e:cept "y a-opting heroic an- .ery unu+ua# 0etho-+, ,hich he pro"a"#y ,ou#- not +ee fit to -o in your ca+e. Are you rea-y for your tripF /e##, here i+ your gui-e. You ha.e gone into the +i#ence, an- +u--en#y "eco0e a,are of ha.ing pa++e- out of your "o-y, an- to "e no, occupying on#y your a+tra# "o-y.

Chapter XV You +tan- "e+i-e your phy+ica# "o-y, an- +ee it +#eeping on the couch, "ut you rea#i2e that you are connecte,ith it "y a "right +i#.ery threa-, #oo3ing +o0ething #i3e a #arge "it of "right +pi-er8,e". You are con+ciou+ of the pre+ence of your gui-e, ,ho i+ to con-uct you on your 4ourney.He a#+o ha+ #eft hi+ phy+ica# "o-y, an- i+ in hi+ a+tra# for0, ,hich re0in-+ you of a .apory +o0ething, the +hape of the hu0an "o-y, "ut ,hich can "e +een through, an- ,hich can 0o.e through +o#i- o"4ect+ at ,i##. Your gui-e ta3e+ your han- in hi+ an+ay+, "Co0e," an- in an in+tant you ha.e #eft your roo0 an- are o.er the city in ,hich you -,e##, f#oating a#ong a+ -oe+ a +u00er c#ou-. You "egin to fear #e+t you 0ay fa##, an- a+ +oon a+ the thought enter+ your 0inyou fin- your+e#f +in3ing. But your gui-e p#ace+ a han- un-er you an- +u+tain+ you, +aying, "*o, 4u+t rea#i2e that you cannot +in3 un#e++ you fear, to ho#- the thought that you are "uoyant an- you ,i## "e +o." You -o +o, anare -e#ighte- to fin- that you 0ay f#oat at ,i##, 0o.ing here an- there in accor-ance to your ,i+h or -e+ire. You +ee great .o#u0e+ of thought8c#ou-+ ari+ing fro0 the city #i3e great c#ou-+ of +0o3e, ro##ing a#ong an+ett#ing here an- there. You a#+o +ee +o0e finer .apory thought8c#ou-+ in certain 5uarter+, ,hich +ee0 to ha.e the property of +cattering the -ar3 c#ou-+ ,hen they co0e in contact ,ith the0. Here an- there you +ee "right thin #ine+ of "right #ight, #i3e an e#ectric +par3, tra.e#ing rapi-#y through +pace, ,hich your gui-e te##+ you are te#epathic 0e++age+ pa++ing fro0 one per+on to another, the #ight "eing cau+e- "y the !rana ,ith ,hich the thought i+ charge-. You +ee, a+ you -e+cen- to,ar- the groun-, that e.ery per+on i+ +urroun-e- "y an egg8+hape- "o-y of co#or, hi+ aura 8 in ,hich i+ ref#ecte- hi+ thought an- pre.ai#ing 0enta# +tate, the character of the thought "eing repre+ente- "y .arying co#or+. So0e are +urroun-e- "y "eautifu# aura+, ,hi#e other+ ha.e aroun- the0 a "#ac3, +0o3y aura, in ,hich are +een f#a+he+ of re- #ight. So0e of the+e aura+ 0a3e you heart+ic3 to o"+er.e, a+ they gi.e e.i-ence of +uch "a+e, gro++, anani0a# thought+, that they cau+e you pain, a+ you ha.e "eco0e 0ore +en+iti.e no, that you are out of your phy+ica# "o-y. But you ha.e not 0uch ti0e to +pare here, a+ your trip i+ "ut a +hort one, an- your gui-e "i-+ you co0e on.

H% AS 'A( /)'(@. 19< You -o not +ee0 to change your p#ace in +pace, "ut a change +ee0+ to ha.e co0e o.er e.erything #i3e the #ifting of a gau2y curtain in the panto0i0e. You no #onger +ee the phy+ica# ,or#- ,ith it+ a+tra# pheno0ena, "ut +ee0 to "e in a ne, ,or#- 8 a #anof 5ueer +hape+. You +ee a+tra# "+he##+" f#oating a"out 8 -i+car-e- a+tra# "o-ie+ of tho+e ,ho ha.e +hethe0 a+ they pa++e- on. he+e are not p#ea+ant to #oo3 upon, an- you hurry on ,ith your gui-e, "ut "efore you #ea.e thi+ +econ- ante8roo0 to the rea# A+tra# /or#-, your gui-e "i-+ you re#a: your 0enta# -epen-ence upon your a+tra# "o-y, an- 0uch to your +urpri+e you fin- your+e#f +#ipping out of it, #ea.ing it in the ,or#- of +he##+, "ut "eing +ti## connecte- ,ith it "y a +i#38#i3e cor-, or threa-, 4u+t a+ it, in turn, i+ connecte- ,ith your phy+ica# "o-y, ,hich you ha.e a#0o+t forgotten "y thi+ ti0e, "ut to ,hich you are +ti## "oun- "y the+e a#0o+t in.i+i"#e tie+. You pa++ on c#othe- in a ne, "o-y, or rather an inner gar0ent of etherea# 0atter, for it +ee0+ a+ if you ha.e "een 0ere#y +he--ing one c#oa3, an- then another, the Y); part of your+e#f re0ain+ unchange- 8 you +0i#e no, at the reco##ection that once upon a ti0e you thought that the "o-y ,a+ "you." he p#ane of the "a+tra# +he##+" fa-e+ a,ay, an- you +ee0 to ha.e entere- a great roo0 of +#eeping for0+, #ying at re+t an- in peace, the on#y 0o.ing +hape+ "eing tho+e fro0 higher +phere+ ,ho ha.e -e+cen-e- to thi+ p#ane in or-er to perfor0 ta+3+ for the goo- of their hu0"#er "rethren. )cca+iona##y +o0e +#eeper ,i## +ho, +ign+ of a,a3ening, an- at once +o0e of the+e he#per+ ,i## c#u+ter aroun- hi0, an- +ee0 to 0e#t a,ay into +o0e other p#ane ,ith hi0. But the 0o+t ,on-erfu# thing a"out thi+ region +ee0+ to "e that a+ the +#eeper a,a3en+ +#o,#y, hi+ a+tra# "o-y +#ip+ a,ay fro0 hi0 4u+t a+ -i- your+ a #itt#e "efore, an- pa++e+ out of that p#ane to the p#ace of "+he##+," ,here it +#o,#y -i+integrate+ an- i+ re+o#.e- into it+ origina# e#e0ent+. hi+ -i+car-e- +he## i+ not connecte,ith the phy+ica# "o-y of the +#eeping +ou#, ,hich phy+ica# "o-y ha+ "een "urie- or cre0ate-, a+ it i+ "-ea-"9 nor i+ the +he## connecte- ,ith the +ou# ,hich ha+ gone on, a+ it ha+ fina##y -i+car-e- it an- thro,n it off. It i+ -ifferent in your ca+e, for you ha.e 0ere#y #eft it in the ante8roo0, an- ,i## return an- re+u0e it+ u+e, pre+ent#y.

Chapter XV he +cene again change+, an- you fin- your+e#f in the region+ of the a,a3ene- +ou#+, through ,hich you, ,ith your gui-e+, ,an-er "ac3,ar- an- for,ar-. You notice that a+ the a,a3ening +ou#+ pa++ a#ong, they +ee0 to rapi-#y -rop +heath after +heath of their 0enta#8"o-ie+ Afor +o the+e higher, for0+ of etherea# co.ering+ are ca##e-B , an- you notice that a+ you 0o.e to,ar- the higher p#ane+ your +u"+tance "eco0e+ 0ore an0ore etherea#i2e-, an- that a+ you return to the #o,er p#ane+ it "eco0e+ coar+er an- gro++er, a#though a#,ay+ far 0ore etherea#i2e- than e.en the a+tra# "o-y, an- infinite#y finer than the 0ateria# phy+ica# "o-y. You a#+o notice that each a,a3ening +ou# i+ #eft to fina##y a,a3en on +o0e particu#ar p#ane. Your gui-e te##+ you that the particu#ar p#ane i+ -eter0ine- "y the +piritua# progre++ an- attain0ent 0a-e "y the +ou# in it+ pa+t #i.e+ Afor it ha+ ha- 0any earth#y .i+it+ or #i.e+B, an- that it i+ practica##y i0po++i"#e for a +ou# to go "eyonthe p#ane to ,hich it "e#ong+, a#though tho+e on the upper p#ane+ 0ay free#y re.i+it the #o,er p#ane+, thi+ "eing the ru#e of the A+tra# /or#- 8 not an ar"itrary #a,, "ut a #a, of nature. If the +tu-ent ,i## par-on the co00onp#ace co0pari+on, he 0ay get an un-er+tan-ing of it, "y i0agining a #arge +creen, or +erie+ of +creen+, +uch a+ u+e- for +orting coa# into +i2e+. he #arge coa# i+ caught "y the fir+t +creen, the ne:t +i2e "y the +econ-, an- +o on unti# the tiny coa# i+ reache-. *o, the #arge coa# cannot get into the receptac#e of the +0a##er +i2e+, "ut the +0a## +i2e+ 0ay ea+i#y pa++ through the +creen an- 4oin the #arge +i2e+, if force "e i0parte- to the0. Cu+t +o in the A+tra# /or#-, the +ou# ,ith the greate+t a0ount of 0ateria#ity, ancoar+er nature, i+ +toppe- "y the +creen of a certain p#ane, an- cannot pa++ on the higher one+, ,hi#e one ,hich ha+ pa++e- on to the higher p#ane+, ha.ing ca+t off 0ore confining +heath+, can ea+i#y pa++ "ac3,ar- anfor,ara0ong the #o,er p#ane+. In fact +ou#+ often -o +o, for the purpo+e of .i+iting frien-+ on the #o,er p#ane+, angi.ing the0 en4oy0ent an- co0fort in thi+ ,ay, an-, in ca+e+ of a high#y -e.e#ope- +ou#, 0uch +piritua# he#p 0ay "e gi.en in thi+ ,ay, "y 0ean+ of a-.ice an- in+truction, ,hen the +ou# on the #o,er p#ane i+ rea-y for it. A## of the p#ane+, in fact, ha.e Spiritua# He#per+, fro0 the .ery highe+t p#ane+, +o0e -e.ote- +ou#+ preferring to +o -e.ote their ti0e in the A+tra# /or#- rather than to ta3e a ,e## earne- re+t, or to pur+ue certain +tu-ie+ for their o,n -e.e#op0ent. Your gui-e e:p#ain+ the+e thing+ to you a+ you pa++ "ac3,ar- an- for,ar-, a0ong the #o,er +et of p#ane+ Athe rea+on you -o not go higher ,i## "e e:p#aine- to you "ye8an-8"yeB, an- he

a#+o infor0+ you that the on#y e:ception to the ru#e of free pa++age to the p#ane+ "e#o, the p#ane of a +ou#, i+ the one ,hich pre.ent+ the #o,er8p#ane +ou#+ fro0 entering the "p#ane of the +#eeper+," ,hich p#ane 0ay not "e entere- "y +ou#+ ,ho ha.e a,a3ene- on a #o, p#ane, "ut 0ay "e free#y entere- "y tho+e pure ane:a#te+ou#+ ,ho ha.e attaine- a high p#ane. he p#ane of the cha0"er of +#u0"er i+ +acre- to tho+e occupying it, antho+e higher +ou#+ 4u+t 0entione-, an- i+ in fact in the nature of a -i+tinct an- +eparate- +tate rather than one of the +erie+ of p#ane+ 4u+t 0entione-. he +ou# a,a3en+ on 4u+t the p#ane for ,hich it i+ fitte- 8 on 4u+t the +u"8p#ane of that p#ane ,hich it+ highe+t -e+ire+ an- ta+te+ natura##y +e#ect for it. It i+ +urroun-e- "y congenia# 0in-+, an- i+ a"#e to pur+ue that ,hich the heart of the 0an ha- #onge- for -uring earth #ife. It 0ay 0a3e con+i-era"#e progre++ -uring thi+ A+tra# /or#- #ife, an- +o ,hen it i+ re"orn it i+ a"#e to ta3e a great +tep for,ar-, ,hen co0pare- to it+ #a+t incarnation. here are p#ane+ an- +u"8p#ane+ innu0era"#e, an- each fin-+ an opportunity to -e.e#op an- en4oy to the fu##e+t the highe+t thing+ of ,hich it i+ capa"#e at that particu#ar perio- of -e.e#op0ent, an- a+ ,e ha.e +ai- it 0ay perfect it+e#f an- -e.e#op +o that it ,i## "e "orn un-er 0uch 0ore fa.ora"#e con-ition+ ancircu0+tance+ in the ne:t earth #ife. But, a#a+, e.en in thi+ higher ,or#-, a## -o not #i.e up to their "e+t, an- in+tea- of 0a3ing the "e+t of their opportunitie+, an- gro,ing +piritua##y, they a##o, their 0ore 0ateria# nature to -ra, the0 -o,n,ar-, an- they +pen- 0uch of their ti0e on the p#ane+ "eneath the0, not to he#p an- a++i+t, "ut to #i.e the #e++ +piritua# #ife of the -eni2en+ of the #o,er p#ane+ 8 the 0ore 0ateria# p#ane+. In +uch ca+e+ the +ou# -oe+ not get the "enefit of the A+tra# /or#- +o4ourn an- i+ "orn "ac3 into 4u+t a"out the +a0e con-ition a+ the #a+t earth #ife 8 it i+ +ent "ac3 to #earn it+ #e++on o.er again. he .ery #o,e+t p#ane+ of the A+tra# /or#- are fi##e- ,ith +ou#+ of a gro++ type 8 un-e.e#ope- anani0a# #i3e 8,ho #i.e a+ near a+ po++i"#e the #i.e+ they #i.e- on earth Aa"out the on#y thing they gain "eing the po++i"i#ity of their "#i.ing8out" their gro++ ta+te+, an- "eco0ing +ic3 an- tire- of it a##, an- thu+ a##o,ing to -e.e#op a #onging for higher thing+ ,hich ,i## 0anife+t in a ""etter8chance" ,hen they are re"ornB. he+e un-e.e#ope-

Chapter XV +ou#+ cannot, of cour+e, .i+it the upper p#ane+, an- the on#y p#ane "e#o, the0 "eing the p#ane of +he##+ an- the a+tra# +u"8p#ane i00e-iate#y a"o.e the 0ateria# p#ane A,hich i+ one of the +o8ca##e- anteroo0+ of the A+tra# /or#-B they often f#oc3 "ac3 a+ near to earth a+ i+ po++i"#e. hey are a"#e to get +o near "ac3 to earth that they 0ay "eco0e con+ciou+ of 0uch that i+ tran+piring there, particu#ar#y ,hen the con-ition+ are +uch that they are in har0ony ,ith their o,n nature+. hey 0ay "e +ai- to "e a"#e to practica##y #i.e on the #o, 0ateria# p#ane, e:cept that they are +eparate- fro0 it "y a tanta#i2ing thin .ei#, ,hich pre.ent+ the0 fro0 acti.e#y participating in it e:cept on rare occa+ion+. hey 0ay +ee, "ut not 4oin in, the earth #ife. hey hang aroun- the +cene+ of their o#- -egra-ing #i.e+, an- often ta3e po++e++ion of the "rain of one of their o,n 3in-, ,ho 0ay "e un-er the inf#uence of #i5uor, an- thu+ a-- to hi+ o,n #o, -e+ire+. hi+ i+ an unp#ea+ant +u"4ect, an,e -o not care to -,e## upon it 8 happi#y it -oe+ not concern tho+e ,ho rea- the+e #e++on+, a+ they ha.e pa++e"eyon- thi+ +tage of -e.e#op0ent. Such #o, +ou#+ are +o attracte- "y earth8#ife, on it+ #o,er p#ane+, that their 3een -e+ire+ cau+e the0 to +pee-i#y reincarnate in +i0i#ar con-ition+ a#though there i+ a#,ay+ at #ea+t a +#ight i0pro.e0ent 8 there i+ ne.er a going "ac3,ar-. A +ou# 0ay 0a3e +e.era# atte0pt+ to a-.ance, in +pite of the -ragging8"ac3 ten-encie+ of it+ #o,er nature "ut it ne.er +#ip+ "ac3 5uite a+ far a+ the p#ace fro0 ,hich it +tarte-. he +ou#+ in the higher p#ane+, ha.ing far #e++ attraction for earth8#ife, an- ha.ing +uch e:ce##ent opportunitie+ for a-.ance0ent, natura##y +pen- a 0uch #onger ti0e in the A+tra# /or#-, the genera# ru#e "eing that the higher the p#ane, the #onger the re+t an- +o4ourn. But +ooner or #ater the #e++on i+ fu##y #earne-, an- the +ou# yearn+ for that further a-.ance0ent that can on#y co0e fro0 the e:perience an- action of another earth8#ife, an- through the force of it+ -e+ire+ Ane.er again+t it+ ,i##, re0e0"erB the +ou# i+ gra-ua##y caught in the current +,eeping on to,ar- re"irth, an- "eco0ing -ro,+y, i+ he#pe- to,ar- the p#ane of the roo0 of +#u0"er an-, then fa##ing into the +ou#8+#u0"er it gra-ua##y "-ie+" to the A+tra# /or#-, an- i+ re"orn into a ne, earth8#ife in accor-ance to it+ -e+ire+ an- ta+te+, an- for ,hich it i+ fit at that particu#ar +tage of it+ -e.e#op0ent. It -oe+ not fu##y a,a3en upon phy+ica# "irth, "ut e:i+t+ in a -rea0y +tate of gra-ua# a,a3ening -uring the year+ of ear#y chi#-hoo-, it+ a,a3ening "eing e.i-ence- "y the gra-ua# -a,ning of inte##igence in

the chi#- ,ho+e "rain 3eep+ pace ,ith the -e0an-+ 0a-e upon it. /e ,i## go 0ore into -etai# regar-ing thi+ 0atter, in the +uccee-ing chapter+. A## of the+e thing+, your gui-e ha+ pointe- out to you, an- he ha+ +ho,n you e:a0p#e+ of a## the thing+ ,e ha.e 4u+t 0entione-. You ha.e 0et an- ta#3e- ,ith frien-+ an- #o.e- one+ ,ho ha.e pa++e- out of the "o-y an- occupy +o0e of the p#ane+ through ,hich you ha.e pa++e-. You ha.e notice- ,ith ,on-er that the+e +ou#+ acte- an- +po3e a+ if their #ife ,a+ the on#y natura# one, an- in fact +ee0e- to thin3 that you haco0e to the0 fro0 +o0e out+i-e ,or#-. You a#+o notice- that ,hi#e tho+e on each p#ane ,ere 0ore or #e++ ac5uainte,ith the p#ane+ "eneath the0, they often +ee0e- in tota# ignorance of tho+e a"o.e the0 8 e:cept in the ca+e of tho+e on the higher p#ane+ ,ho ha- a,a3ene- to a con+ciou+ rea#i2ation of ,hat it a## 0eant, an- 3ne, that they ,ere 0ere#y in a c#a++ ,or3ing their ,ay up,ar-. ho+e on the #o,er p#ane+ +ee0e- 0ore or #e++ uncon+ciou+ of the rea# 0eaning of their e:i+tence, not ha.ing a,a3ene- to the con+ciou+ +piritua# +tage. You a#+o notice- ho, fe, change+ the+e +ou#+ +ee0e- to ha.e un-ergone, ho, .ery #itt#e 0ore they +ee0eto 3no, a"out thing+ +piritua# an- occu#t than ,hen on earth. You a#+o notice- on the #o,er p#ane+ an o#frien-, ,ho in earth8#ife, ,a+ a pronounce- 0ateria#i+t, ,ho -i- not +ee0 to rea#i2e that he ,a+ "-ea-" an,ho "e#ie.e- that, "y +o0e cata+trophe of nature, he ha- "een tran+porte- to +o0e other p#anet or phy+ica# ,or#-, an- ,ho ,a+ a+ 3een a+ e.er for hi+ argu0ent that "-eath en-e- a##," an- ,ho f#e, into a rage ,ith the .i+itor+ fro0 the higher +phere+ ,ho to#- hi0 ,ho0 they ,ere an- fro0 ,hence they ca0e, ca##ing the0 rogue+ an- i0po+ter+, an- -e0an-ing that they +ho, hi0 +o0ething of their c#ai0e- "higher +phere+" if they ,ere rea#itie+. He c#ai0e- that their +u--en appearance+ an- -i+appearance+ ,ere +i0p#y the phy+ica# pheno0ena of the ne, p#anet upon ,hich they ,ere #i.ing. !a++ing a,ay fro0 hi0 in the 0i-+t of hi+ rai#ing at you for agreeing ,ith the "i0po+ter+" an- ".i+ionarie+," ,ho, to u+e hi+ e:pre++ion, ,ere "#itt#e "etter than the +piritua#i+t+ of the o#- ,or#-," you +a-#y a+3e- your gui-e to ta3e you to the highe+t +phere+. Your gui-e +0i#e- an- +ai-, "I ,i## ta3e you a+ far a+ you can go," an- then too3 you to a p#ane ,hich +o fitte- in ,ith your -e+ire+, a+piration+, ta+te+, an- -e.e#op0ent, that you "egge- hi0 to a##o, you to re0ain there, in+tea-

Chapter XV of ta3ing you "ac3 to earth, a+ you fe#t that you ha- reache- the "+e.enth hea.en" of the A+tra# /or#-. He in+i+te- upon your return, "ut "efore +tarting to#- you that you ,ere +ti## in one of the +u"8p#ane+ of the co0parati.e#y #o,er p#ane+. You +ee0e- to -ou"t hi+ ,or-+, an- #i3e the 0ateria#i+t a+3e- to "e +ho,n the greater thing+. He rep#ie-, "*o, 0y +on, you ha.e progre++e- 4u+t a+ far a+ your #i0itation+ ,i## a##o, 8 you ha.e reache- that part of the 6other #ife6 ,hich ,i## "e your+ ,hen you part ,ith the "o-y, un#e++ you 0anage to -e.e#op +ti## 0ore an- thu+ pa++ into a higher gra-e thu+ far you 0ay go "ut no farther. You ha.e your #i0itation+, 4u+t a+ I ha.e 0ine, +ti## farther on. *o +ou# 0ay tra.e# "eyon- it+ +piritua# "oun-arie+." "But," continue- your gui-e, ""eyon- your p#ane an- "eyon- 0ine are p#ane after p#ane, connecte,ith our earth, the +p#en-or+ of ,hich 0an cannot concei.e. An- there are #i3e,i+e 0any p#ane+ aroun- the other p#anet+ of our chain 8 an- there are 0i##ion+ of other ,or#-+ 8 an- there are chain+ of uni.er+e+ 4u+t a+ there are chain+ of p#anet+ 8 an- then greater group+ of the+e chain+ 8 an- +o on greater an- gran-er, "eyon- the po,er of 0an to i0agine 8 on an- on an- on an- on, higher an- higher to inconcei.a"#e height+. An infinity of infinitie+ of ,or#-+ are "efore u+.)ur ,or#- an- our p#anetary chain an- our +y+te0 of +un+, an- our +y+te0+ of +o#ar +y+te0+, are "ut a+ grain+ of +an- on the "each." " hen ,hat a0 I 8 poor 0orta# thing 8 #o+t a0ong a## thi+ inconcei.a"#e greatne++," you crie-. "You are the 0o+t preciou+ thing 8 a #i.ing +ou#," rep#ie- your gui-e, "an- if you ,ere -e+troye- the ,ho#e +y+te0 of uni.er+e+ ,ou#- cru0"#e, for you are a+ nece++ary a+ the greate+t part of it 8 it cannot -o ,ithout you 8 you cannot "e #o+t or -e+troye- 8 you are part of it a##, an- are eterna#. "An- "eyon- a## of thi+ of ,hich you ha.e to#- 0e," you crie-, ",hat i+ there, an- ,hat i+ the center of it a##F" Your gui-e6+ face too3 on a rapt e:pre++ion. " H% ABS)(; %," he rep#ie-. An- ,hen you reache- your phy+ica# "o-y again 8 4u+t "efore your gui-e fa-e- a,ay 8 you a+3e- hi0, "Ho, 0any 0i##ion 0i#e+ a,ay fro0 %arth ha.e ,e "een, an- ho, #ong ,ere ,e goneF" He rep#ie-, "You ne.er #eft the %arth at a## 8 an- your "o-y ,a+ #eft a#one "ut a 0o0ent of ti0e 8 ti0e an- +pace "e#ong not to the A+tra# ,or#-." H% %(%V%* H (%SS)*.

B%Y)*@ H% B)'@%'. In the+e #e++on+ ,e ha.e not atte0pte- to force upon the +tu-ent any conception of the truth ,hich -inot appea# to hi0, or ,hich -i- not har0oni2e ,ith hi+ o,n conception. /e grant to a## the #i"erty of their o,n con.iction+, preferring that they +hou#- accept on#y +uch of the Yogi teaching+ a+ 0ay appea# to the0, #etting the re+t pa++ "y a+ not "eing nee-e- 4u+t at that ti0e. /e 0ere#y +tate the Yogi6+ conception of the 0atter, a+ +i0p#y an- p#ain#y a+ ,e are a"#e, that the +tu-ent 0ay un-er+tan- the theory 8 ,hether or not it appea#+ to hi0 a+ truth i+ a 0atter ,ith ,hich ,e ha.e no concern. If it i+ true, then it i+ true, no 0atter ,hat the +tu-ent 0ay thin3 of it, an- hi+ "e#ief or un"e#ief -oe+ not change 0atter+. But, the Yogi+ -o not ho#- to the i-ea that anyone i+ to "e puni+he- for un"e#ief, nor i+ one to "e re,ar-e- for "e#ief 8 they ho#- that "e#ief anun"e#ief are not 0atter+ of the ,i##, "ut of the gro,th of un-er+tan-ing, therefore it i+ not con+i+tent ,ith 4u+tice to +uppo+e that one i+ re,ar-e- or puni+he- for "e#ief or un"e#ief. he Yogi+ are the 0o+t to#erant of peop#e. hey +ee goo-, an- truth, in a## for0+ of "e#ief, an- conception+ of truth, an- ne.er "#a0e any for not agreeing ,ith the0. hey ha.e no +et cree-+, an- -o not a+3 their fo##o,er+ to accept a+ a 0atter of cour+e a## that they teach. heir a-.ice to +tu-ent+ i+7 " a3e ,hat appea#+ to you, an- #ea.e the re+t 8 to0orro, co0e "ac3 anta3e +o0e of ,hat you ha.e re4ecte- to-ay, an- +o on, unti# you recei.e a## ,e ha.e to gi.e you 8 -o not force your+e#f to accept unpa#ata"#e truth+, for ,hen the ti0e co0e+ for you to recei.e the0 they ,i## "e p#ea+ant to your 0enta# ta+te 8 ta3e ,hat you p#ea+e, an- #ea.e ,hat you p#ea+e 8 our i-ea of ho+pita#ity -oe+ not con+i+t in forcing unpa#ata"#e thing+ upon you, in+i+ting that you 0u+t eat the0 to gain our fa.or, or that you ,i## "e puni+he- for not #i3ing the0 8 ta3e your o,n ,here.er you fin- it9 "ut ta3e nothing that i+ not your+ "y right of un-er+tan-ing9 an- fear not that anything that "e#ong+ to you 0ay "e ,ithhe#-." /ith thi+ un-er+tan-ing

Chapter XV ,e procee- ,ith our #e++on 8 a 0o+t i0portant one /hen the %go #ea.e+ the "o-y, at the 0o0ent of ,hat ,e ca## @eath, it #ea.e+ "ehin- it the #o,er princip#e+, an- pa++e+ on,ar- to +tate+ ,hich ,i## "e con+i-ere- "y u+ pre+ent#y. It #ea.e+ "ehin-, fir+t, the phy+ica# "o-y. hi+ phy+ica# "o-y, a+ ,e ha.e to#- you in the &ir+t (e++on, i+ co0po+e- of 0i##ion+ of tiny ce##+ 8 #itt#e #i.e+ ha.ing a "it of 0in- or inte##igence, un-er contro# of the centra# 0in- of the 0an9 ha.ing a#+o a +upp#y of prana, or .ita# force, an- a 0ateria# ca+ing or "o-y, the +u0 of ,hich #itt#e "o-ie+ 0a3e+ the ,ho#e "o-y of the 0an. /e ha.e -e.ote- a chapter of our "oo3 upon "Hatha Yoga" to the con+i-eration of the+e #itt#e #i.e+, an- ,e 0u+t refer the +tu-ent to that "oo3 for fu##er particu#ar+ of their #ife an- ,or3. /hen the -eath of the 0an occur+ 8 ,hen the %go #ea.e+ it+ 0ateria# +heath ,hich it ha+ u+e- for the perio- of that particu#ar "#ife," the ce##+ +eparate an- +catter, an- that ,hich ,e ca## -ecay +et+ in. he force ,hich ha+ he#- the+e ce##+ together i+ ,ith-ra,n, an- they are free to go their o,n ,ay an- for0 ne, co0"ination+. So0e are a"+or"e- into the "o-ie+ of the p#ant+ in the .icinity, ane.entua##y fin- the0+e#.e+ for0ing part+ of the "o-y of +o0e ani0a# ,hich ha+ eaten the p#ant, or a part of +o0e other 0an ,ho ha+ eaten the p#ant or the 0eat of the ani0a# ,hich ha- eaten the p#ant. You ,i##, of cour+e, un-er+tan- that the+e #itt#e ce## 8 #i.e+ ha.e nothing to -o ,ith the rea# +ou# or %go of the 0an 8 they are "ut hi+ #ate +er.ant+, an- ha.e no connection ,ith hi+ con+ciou+ne++. )ther+ of the+e ato0+ re0ain in the groun- for +o0e ti0e, unti# ta3en up "y +o0e other for0 of #i.ing thing ,hich nee-+ nouri+h0ent. A+ a #ea-ing ,riter ha+ +ai-, "@eath i+ "ut an a+pect of #ife, an- the -e+truction of one 0ateria# for0 i+ "ut a pre#u-e to the "ui#-ing up of another." &ro0 the 0o0ent that the %go #ea.e+ the phy+ica# "o-y, an- the inf#uence of the co00an-ing 0in- i+ ,ith-ra,n fro0 the ce##+ an- the ce## group+, -i+or-er reign+ a0ong the0. hey "eco0e a -i+organi2ear0y, ru+hing hither an- thither, interfering ,ith each other 8 4o+t#ing an- pu+hing each other 8 e.en fighting each other, their on#y o"4ect "eing to get a,ay fro0 the cro,- 8 to e+cape fro0 the genera# confu+ion. @uring the #ife of the "o-y their 0ain o"4ect i+ to ,or3 together in har0ony, un-er the or-er+ of their officer+ 8 after the -eath of the "o-y their on#y o"4ect +ee0+ to +eparate an- each go it+ o,n ,ay. &ir+t the group+ +eparate one fro0 the other 8 then each group "rea3+ up into +0a##er group+8an- +o on unti# each in-i.i-ua# ce## "eco0e+ free- fro0 it+ fe##o,+, an- goe+ it+ o,n ,ay, or ,here it i+ ca##e- "y +o0e for0 of #ife nee-ing it. A+ a

,riter on the +u"4ect ha+ +ai-, " he "o-y i+ ne.er 0ore a#i.e ,hen it i+ -ea-9 "ut it i+ a#i.e in it+ unit+, an-ea- in it+ tota#ity." /hen the %go -epart+ fro0 the phy+ica# "o-y, at the 0o0ent of -eath, the !rana "eing no #onger un-er contro# of the centra# 0in-, re+pon-+ on#y to the or-er+ of the in-i.i-ua# ato0+ or their group+, ,hich ha.e for0e- the in-i.i-ua# "o-y, an- a+ the phy+ica# "o-y -i+entegrate+ an- i+ re+o#.e- into it+ origina# e#e0ent+, each ato0 ta3e+ ,ith it +ufficient !rana to 0aintain it+ .ita#ity, an- to ena"#e it to for0 ne, co0"ination+, the unu+e- !rana returning to the great uni.er+a# +torehou+e, fro0 ,hich it ca0e. /hen the %go #ea.e+ the "o-y, at the 0o0ent of -eath, it carrie+ ,ith it the A+tra# Bo-y a+ ,e## a+ the higher princip#e+. hi+ a+tra# "o-y, you ,i## re0e0"er, i+ the e:act counterpart of the phy+ica# "o-y, "ut i+ co0po+eof a finer 5ua#ity of 0atter, an- i+ in.i+i"#e to the or-inary .i+ion, "ut 0ay "e p#ain#y +een "y c#air.oyant or a+tra# +ight, an- 0ay therefore "e +o0eti0e+ +een "y per+on+ un-er certain p+ychic con-ition+. C#air.oyant+ -e+cri"e the parting of the A+tra# Bo-y fro0 the !hy+ica# Bo-y a+ 0o+t intere+ting. hey -e+cri"e it a+ ri+ing fro0 the phy+ica# "o-y, #i3e a c#ou- of thin #u0inou+ .apor, "ut "eing connecte,ith the phy+ica# "o-y "y a +#en-er, +i#3en, .apory cor-, ,hich cor- "eco0e+ thinner an- thinner unti# it "eco0e+ in.i+i"#e to e.en the fine c#air.oyant .i+ion, 4u+t "efore it "rea3+ entire#y. he A+tra# Bo-y e:i+t+ +o0e ti0e after the phy+ica# -eath of the 0an, an- un-er certain circu0+tance+ it "eco0e+ .i+i"#e to #i.ing per+on+, an- i+ ca##e- a "gho+t." he A+tra# Bo-y of a -ying per+on i+ +o0eti0e+ pro4ecte- "y an earne+t -e+ire an- 0ay "eco0e .i+i"#e to re#ati.e+ or frien-+ ,ith ,ho0 the -ea- 0an i+ in +y0pathy. After a ti0e, -iffering in .ariou+ ca+e+, a+ ,e ,i## +ee #ater on, the A+tra# Bo-y i+ -i+car-e- "y the %go, an- it in turn "egin+ to -i+integrate. hi+ -i+car-e- A+tra# Bo-y i+ nothing 0ore than a corp+e of finer 0ateria#, ani+ ,hat occu#ti+t+ 3no, a+ an "a+tra# +he##." It ha+ no #ife or inte##igence, ,hen thu+ -i+car-e-, anf#oat+

Chapter XV aroun- in the #o,er a+tra# at0o+phere, unti# it i+ re+o#.e- into it+ origina# e#e0ent+. It +ee0+ to ha.e a pecu#iar attraction to,ar- it+ #ate phy+ica# counterpart, an- ,i## often return to the neigh"orhoo- of the phy+ica# "o-y an- -i+integrate ,ith it. !er+on+ of p+ychic +ight, either nor0a# or inf#uence- "y fear or +i0i#ar e0otion+, fre5uent#y +ee the+e a+tra# +he##+ f#oating aroun- gra.eyar-+, o.er "att#efie#-+, etc., an- are often 0i+ta3en for the "+pirit+" of -eparte- peop#e, ,herea+ they are no 0ore the per+on than i+ the phy+ica# corp+e "eneath the groun-. he+e a+tra# +he##+ 0ay "e "ga#.ani2e-" into a +e0"#ance of #ife "y co0ing into contact ,ith the .ita#ity of +o0e "0e-iu0," the prana of the #atter ani0ating it, an- the +u"8con+ciou+ 0enta#ity of the 0e-iu0 cau+ing it to 0anife+t +ign+ of #ife an- partia# inte##igence. At +o0e of the +eance+ of the 0e-iu0+ the+e a+tra# +he##+ are 0ateria#i2e- "y 0ean+ of the .ita#ity of the 0e-iu0, an- ta#3 in a +tupi-, -i+connecte- ,ay ,ith tho+e aroun-, "ut it i+ not the per+on hi0+e#f ta#3ing, "ut a 0ere +he## ani0ate- "y the #ife princip#e of the 0e-iu0 an- the "circ#e," an- acting an- ta#3ing #i3e an auto0aton. here are, of cour+e, other for0+ of +pirit return, ,hich are far -ifferent, "ut tho+e in.e+tigating +piritua#i+tic pheno0ena +hou#- "e,are of confoun-ing the+e a+tra# +he##+ ,ith the rea# inte##igence of their -ecea+e- frien-+. An- no, #et u+ return to the %go, ,hich ha+ #eft the phy+ica# "o-y. /hi#e the %go, enca+e- in it+ A+tra# "o-y, i+ +#o,#y pa++ing out of the !hy+ica# Bo-y, the ,ho#e #ife of the per+on fro0 infancy to o#- age, pa++e+ "efore hi+ 0enta# .i+ion. he 0e0ory gi.e+ up it+ +ecret+, anpicture after picture pa++e+ in +,ift +ucce++ion "efore the 0in-, an- 0any thing+ are 0a-e p#ain to the -eparting +ou# 8the rea+on of 0any thing+ i+ -i+co.ere-, an- the +ou# +ee+ ,hat it a## 0ean+ 8 that i+, it un-er+tan-+ it+ ,ho#e #ife 4u+t co0p#ete, "ecau+e it +ee+ it a+ a ,ho#e. hi+ i+ in the nature of a .i.i- -rea0 to the -ying in-i.i-ua#, "ut it #ea.e+ a -eep i0pre++, an- the 0e0orie+ are reca##e- an- 0a-e u+e of at a #ater perio-, "y the +ou#. )ccu#ti+t+ ha.e a#,ay+ urge- that the frien-+ an- re#ati.e+ of a -ying per+on +hou#- 0aintain 5uiet anca#0 aroun- hi0, that he 0ay not "e -i+tur"e- "y conf#icting e0otion+, or -i+tracting +oun-+. he +ou# +hou#- "e a##o,e- to go on it+ ,ay in peace an- 5uiet, ,ithout "eing he#- "ac3 "y the ,i+he+ or

con.er+ation of tho+e aroun- hi0. So the %go pa++e+ on, an- out fro0 the "o-y. o ,hereF (et u+ +ay here that the future +tate+ of the +ou#, "et,een incarnation+, ha.e nothing to -o ,ith p#ace+ 8 it i+ a 0atter of "+tate+" not of p#ace+. here are nu0erou+ p#ace+ of e:i+tence, an- a## interpenetrate each other, +o that a gi.en +pace 0ay contain inte##igence+ #i.ing on +e.era# -ifferent p#ane+, tho+e #i.ing on the #o,er p#ane+ not "eing con+ciou+ of the e:i+tence an- pre+ence of tho+e #i.ing on the higher one+. So get the i-ea of "p#ace" out of your 0in-+ 8 it i+ a## a 0atter of "+tate+," or "p#ane+." he +ou# after pa++ing out of the "o-y, if #eft un-i+tur"e- "y e0phatic ca##+ fro0 tho+e ,ho0 it ha+ #eft "ehin- Aan- ,hich ca##+ 0ay con+i+t of .io#ent 0anife+tation+ of grief, an- earne+t -e0an-+ for the return of the -eparte- one on the part of +o0e #o.e- one, or fro0 +o0eone to ,ho0 the -ecea+e- per+on ,a+ "oun- "y tie+ of -utyB fa##+ into a +e0i8con+ciou+ +tate 8 a "#i++fu#, peacefu#, happy, re+tfu# +tate 8 a -rea0 of the +ou#. hi+ +tate continue+ for +o0e ti0e A.arying in in-i.i-ua#+ a+ ,e +ha## +eeB unti# the a+tra# +he## fa##+ fro0 it, an- f#oat+ off in the a+tra# at0o+phere, an- unti# the #o,er portion+ of that etherea#i2e- 0atter ,hich confine+ the #o,er portion+ of the 0in- gra-ua##y -i++o#.e+ an- a#+o -rop+ fro0 the +ou#, #ea.ing it po++e++e- of on#y the higher portion+ of it+ 0enta#ity. he 0an of #o, +piritua# -e.e#op0ent, an- con+e5uent#y of a #arger -egree of ani0a# nature, ,i## part ,ith "ut #itt#e of hi+ 0in-8"o-y, an- +oon reache+ the highe+t of ,hich he ha+ "een 0enta##y an- +piritua##y capa"#e in hi+ earth8#ife. he 0an of high +piritua# attain0ent, ,i## gra-ua##y "+he-" 0uch of hi+ 0enta#8"o-y, unti# he ha+ thro,n off a## e:cept the highe+t portion+ -e.e#ope- in hi+ earth #ife. ho+e "et,een the t,o 0entionetype+ ,i## act accor-ing to their -egree of +piritua# attain0ent, of cour+e. hen, ,hen the #a+t po++i"#e re0nant of the #o,er 0enta#ity ha+ -roppe- fro0 the +ou#, it a,a3e+, a+ it pa++e+ on to +tate+ ,hich ,i## "e -e+cri"e- a #itt#e #ater on in thi+ #e++on. It ,i## "e +een that the 0an of gro++ 0enta#ity an- +piritua# -e.e#op0ent ,i## +tay in the -rea0#i3e +tate "ut a +hort ti0e, a+ the proce++ of ca+ting off of +heath+ i+ a co0parati.e#y +i0p#e one, re5uiring "ut #itt#e ti0e. An- it #i3e,i+e ,i## "e +een that the 0an ,ho ha+ reache- a high -egree of +piritua#

Chapter XV -e.e#op0ent, ,i## re+t for a #onger perio-, a+ he ha+ 0uch 0ore to get ri- of, an- thi+ -i+car-e0ateria# of the 0in- -rop+ fro0 hi0 #i3e the #ea.e+ of a ro+e, one after the other, fro0 the outer to the inner. %ach +ou# a,a3en+ ,hen it ha+ -i+car-e- a## that it can Aor rather a## that ,i## -rop fro0 itB an- ,hen it ha+ reache- the highe+t +tate po++i"#e to it. ho+e ,ho ha.e 0a-e 0ateria# +piritua# progre++ -uring the earth8#ife 4u+t pa+t, ,i## ha.e 0uch u+e#e++ anoutgro,n 0atter to -i+car-, ,hi#e the one ,ho ha+ neg#ecte- hi+ opportunitie+, an- -ie+ a"out a+ he ,a+ "orn, ,i## ha.e "ut #itt#e to thro, off, an- ,i## a,a3en in a .ery +hort ti0e. %ach re+t+ unti# the highe+t point of unfo#-0ent ha+ 0anife+te- it+e#f. But "efore going on further, #et u+ +top a 0o0ent to +ay that "oth the +in3ing into the re+tfu# +tate, an- the +oun-ne++ an- continuance of it 0ay "e interfere- ,ith "y tho+e #eft in the earth #ife. A +ou# ,hich ha+ "+o0ething on it+ 0in-" to co00unicate, or ,hich i+ grie.e- "y the pain of tho+e ,ho ha.e "een #eft "ehin- Ae+pecia##y if it hear+ the #a0entation+ an- con+tant ca## for it+ returnB ,i## fight off the -rea0y +tate creeping o.er it, an- ,i## 0a3e -e+perate effort+ to return. An-, #i3e,i+e, the 0enta# ca##+ of tho+e ,ho ha.e "een #eft "ehin-, ,i## -i+tur" the +#u0"er, ,hen it ha+ "een once entere- into, an- ,i## cau+e the +#eeping +ou# to rou+e it+e#f an- en-ea.or to an+,er the ca##+, or at #ea+t ,i## partia##y a,a3en it anretar- it+ unfo#-0ent. he+e ha#f8a,a3e +ou#+ often 0anife+t in +piritua#i+tic circ#e+. )ur +e#fi+h grief an-e0an-+ often cau+e our #o.e- one+ ,ho ha.e pa++e- 0uch pain an- +orro, an- unre+t, un#e++ they ha.e #earne- the true +tate of affair+ "efore they ha.e pa++e- out, an- refu+e to "e ca##e- "ac3 to earth e.en "y tho+e they #o.e. Ca+e+ are 3no,n to occu#ti+t+ ,here +ou#+ ha.e fought off the +#u0"er for year+ in or-er to "e aroun- their #o.e- one+ on earth, "ut thi+ cour+e ,a+ un,i+e a+ it cau+e- unnece++ary +orro, an- pain to "oth the one ,ho ha- pa++e- on, an- tho+e ,ho ha- re0aine- on earth. /e +hou#- a.oi- -e#aying the proce++ of tho+e ,ho ha.e pa++e- on 8 #et the0 +#eep on an- re+t, a,aiting the hour of their tran+for0ation. It i+ #i3e 0a3ing the0 -ie their -eath +e.era# ti0e+ in +ucce++ion 8 tho+e ,ho tru#y #o.e an- un-er+tan- a.oi- thi+ 8 their #o.e an- un-er+tan-ing "i-+ the0 #et the +ou# -epart in peace anta3e it+ ,e## earne- re+t an- gain it+ fu## -e.e#op0ent. hi+ perio- of +ou#8+#u0"er i+ #i3e the e:i+tence

of the "a"e in it+ 0other6+ ,o0" 8 it +#eep+ that it 0ay a,a3en into #ife an- +trength. Before pa++ing on to the a,a3ening, ho,e.er, ,e thin3 it proper to +tate that it i+ on#y the +ou# of the per+on ,ho ha+ -ie- a natura# -eath ,hich +in3+ at once Aif not -i+tur"e-B into the +ou#8+#u0"er. ho+e ,ho -ie "y "acci-ent," or ,ho are 3i##e- 8 in other ,or-+, tho+e ,ho pa++ out of the "o-y +u--en#y, fin- the0+e#.e+ ,i-e8a,a3e an- in fu## po++e++ion of the 0enta# facu#tie+ for +o0e ti0e. hey often are not a,are that they ha.e "-ie-," an- cannot un-er+tan- ,hat i+ the 0atter ,ith the0. hey are often fu##y con+ciou+ Afor a +hort ti0eB of #ife on earth, an- can +ee an- hear a## that i+ going on aroun- the0, "y 0ean+ of their a+tra# facu#tie+. hey cannot i0agine that they ha.e pa++e- out of the "o-y, an- are +ore#y perp#e:e-. heir #ot ,ou#"e 0o+t unhappy for a fe, -ay+, unti# the +#eep o.ertoo3 the0 ,ere it not for the A+tra# He#per+, ,ho are +ou#+ fro0 the higher +tate+ of e:i+tence, ,ho gather aroun- the0 an- gent#y "rea3 to the0 the ne,+ of their rea# con-ition offer the0 ,or-+ of co0fort an- a-.ice, an- "ta3e care" of the0 unti# they +in3 into the +ou#8+#u0"er 4u+t a+ a tire- chi#- +in3+ to +#eep at night. he+e he#per+ ne.er fai# in their -uty, an- no one ,ho pa++e+ out +u--en#y i+ neg#ecte-, "e he or +he "goo-" or ""a-," for the+e He#per+ 3no, that a## are Eo-6+ chi#-ren an- their o,n "rother+ an- +i+ter+. 1en of high +piritua# -e.e#op0ent an- po,er+ ha.e "een 3no,n to pa++ out of their phy+ica# "o-ie+ te0porari#y A"y 0ean+ of their A+tra# Bo-ie+B for the purpo+e of gi.ing aian- a-.ice in ti0e+ of great cata+trophe+, or after a great "att#e, ,hen i00e-iate a++i+tance an- a-.ice are nee-e-. At +uch ti0e+, a#+o, +o0e of the higher inte##igence+ in the +ca#e of +piritua# e.o#ution -e+cenfro0 their #ofty +tate+ an- appearing a+ 0en gi.e ,or-+ of encourage0ent an- the "enefit of their ,i+-o0. hi+ not on#y in ci.i#i2e- countrie+ "ut in a## part+ of the ,or#-, for a## are a3in. 1any ,ho ha.e reache- the high +tage+ of +piritua# -e.e#op0ent, an- ,ho ha.e a-.ance- far "eyon- the re+t of the particu#ar race8group to ,hich they "e#ong, an- ,ho ha.e earne- a #onger +tay in the higher +tate+, a,aiting the progre++ of their "rother+, -e.ote the0+e#.e+ to thi+ an- +i0i#ar ta+3+, .o#untari#y re#in5ui+hing their earne- re+t anhappine++ for the goo- of their #e++ fortunate "rethren. !er+on+ -ying in the ,ay of ,hich ,e ha.e +po3en, of cour+e, gra-ua##y fa## into the +#u0"er of the +ou#, an- the proce++ of the ca+ting off of the confining +heath+ goe+ on

Chapter XV 4u+t a+ in ca+e+ of tho+e -ying a "natura#" -eath. /hen the +ou# ha+ ca+t off the confining +heath+, an- ha+ reache- the +tate for ,hich it i+ prepare- "y it+ earth8#i.e+, inc#u-ing that gaine- "y -e.e#op0ent in the #a+t earth8#ife, it pa++e+ i00e-iate#y to the p#ane in the A+tra# /or#- for ,hich it i+ fitte-, an- to ,hich it i+ -ra,n "y the (a, of Attraction. *o, the A+tra# /or#-, in a## of it+ +tage+ an- p#ane+, i+ not a "p#ace" "ut a +tate, a+ ,e ha.e "efore +tate-. he+e p#ane+ interpenetrate an- tho+e -,e##ing on one p#ane are not con+ciou+ of tho+e -,e##ing on another, nor can they pa++ fro0 one p#ane to another, ,ith thi+ e:ception tho+e -,e##ing on a higher p#ane are a"#e to +ee Aif they -e+ireB the p#ane+ "e#o, the0 in the or-er of -e.e#op0ent, an- 0ay a#+o .i+it the #o,er p#ane+, if they -e+ire to -o +o. But tho+e on the #o,er p#ane+ are not a"#e to either +ee or .i+it the higher p#ane+. hi+ i+ not "ecau+e there i+ a ",atch0an at the gate," or anything of that +ort Afor there can "e no "gate" to a p#ane or +tateB "ut fro0 the +a0e rea+on that a fi+h i+ not a"#e to +oar a"o.e the ,ater into the air #i3e a "ir- 8 it+ nature -oe+ not per0it it to -o +o. A +ou# ha.ing another +ou# to,ar- ,hich it i+ attache- "y +o0e o#- tie, an- fin-ing that +ou# on a #o,er p#ane than it+e#f, i+ a"#e to .i+it the #e++ -e.e#ope- +ou# an- ai- it in it+ -e.e#op0ent "y a-.ice an- in+truction, an- to thu+ prepare it for it+ ne:t incarnation +o that ,hen the t,o +ha## 0eet again in earth8#ife the #e++ -e.e#ope- +ou# ,i## ha.e gro,n far nearer to it+ higher "rother 8 or +i+ter 8 +ou#, an0ay thereafter go han- in han- throughout #ife, or #i.e+. hi+, of cour+e, pro.i-ing the #e++ -e.e#ope- +ou# i+ ,i##ing to "e in+tructe-. Sou#+ after reaching a certain -egree of -e.e#op0ent are 5uite ,i##ing to "e in+tructe,hen out of the "o-y Aa+ a"o.e +tate-B a+ they are free- fro0 the -i+tracting inf#uence+ of earth8#ife, an- are 0ore open to the he#p of the Spirit. he Yogi teaching goe+ +o far a+ to +tate that in rare ca+e+, the he#ping +ou# 0ay e.en "ring hi+ #o,er "rother to +uch a +tate that he i+ ena"#e- to thro, off +o0e of the #o,er 0enta# princip#e+ ,hich ha.e c#ung to hi0 after hi+ a,a3ening, an- ,hich 3ept hi0 in a certain p#ane, an- thu+ ena"#e hi0 to pa++ on to the ne:t higher p#ane. But thi+ i+ rare, an- can on#y happen ,hen the +ou# ha+ "een near#y "ut not 5uite a"#e to thro, off the confining +heath, unai-e-. he #o,er p#ane+ of the A+tra# /or#- are fi##e- ,ith +ou#+ of a gro++, un-e.e#ope- type, ,ho #i.e #i.e+ .ery +i0i#ar to tho+e #i.e- on earth. In fact they are +o c#o+e#y connecte- ,ith the 0ateria# p#ane, an- are +o attracte- to it, that they are +o con+ciou+ of 0uch that goe+ on in it, that they 0ay "e +ai- to "e #i.ing

on the 0ateria# !#ane, an- on#y pre.ente- fro0 acti.e participation in it "y a thin .ei# ,hich +eparate+ the0 fro0 their o,n 3in- in the "o-y. he+e +ou#+ hang aroun- the o#- +cene+ of their earth#y -egra-ation, anoften inf#uence one of their 3in- ,ho i+ un-er the inf#uence of #i5uor an- ,ho i+ there"y open to inf#uence+ of thi+ nature. hey #i.e their o#- #i.e+ o.er again in thi+ ,ay, an- a-- to the "ruta#ity an- -egra-ation of the #i.ing "y their inf#uence+ an- a++ociation. here are 5uite a nu0"er of the+e #o,er p#ane+, a+ ,e## a+ the higher p#ane+, each containing -i+e0"o-ie+ou#+ of the particu#ar c#a++ "e#onging to it. he+e #o,er p#ane +ou#+ are in .ery c#o+e contact ,ith the 0ateria# p#ane, an- are con+e5uent#y the one+ often attracte- to +eance+, ,here the 0e-iu0 an- +itter+ are on a #o, p#ane. hey 0a+5uera-e a+ the "+pirit+" of frien-+ of .i+itor+, an- other+, often c#ai0ing to "e +o0e ,e## 3no,n an- ce#e"rate- per+onage+. hey p#ay the +i##y pran3+ +o often +een at +eance+, an- ta3e a particu#ar -e#ight in +uch thing+, an- "genera# -e.i#0ent," if per0itte- to -o +o. hey are not fit co0pany for peop#e on the higher p#ane, ,hether they "e e0"o-ie- or -i+e0"o-ie-. he+e #o,er p#ane +ou#+ +pen- "ut #itt#e ti0e in the -i+e0"o-ie- +tate, an- are +trong#y attracte- "y the 0ateria# #ife, the con+e5uence "eing that they are fi##e- ,ith a great -e+ire to reincarnate, an- genera##y +pen"ut #itt#e ti0e "et,een t,o incarnation+. )f cour+e, ,hen they are re"orn they are attracte- to, anattracte"y, parent+ of the +a0e ten-encie+, +o that the +urroun-ing+ in their ne, earth8#ife ,i## corre+pon- .ery c#o+e#y to tho+e of their o#- one. he+e cru-e an- un-e.e#ope- +ou#+, a+ ,e## a+ the +ou#+ of the +a.age race+, progre++ "ut +#o,#y, 0a3ing "ut a trif#ing a-.ance in each #ife, an- ha.ing to un-ergo repeate- anfre5uent incarnation+ in or-er to 0a3e e.en a #itt#e progre++.

Chapter XV heir -e+ire+ are +trong for the 0ateria#, an- they are attracte- to an- "y it 8 the Spirit6+ inf#uence+ e:erting "ut a co0parati.e#y +#ight attraction upon the0. But e.en the+e 0a3e +o0e progre++ 8 a## are 0o.ing for,ar- if e.en "ut a #itt#e. he +ou#+ on each of the +uccee-ing higher p#ane+, of cour+e, 0a3e 0ore rapi- progre++ each earth8#ife, anha.e fe,er incarnation+, an- a 0uch #onger ti0e "et,een the0. heir inc#ination+ an- ta+te+ "eing of a higher or-er, they prefer to -,e## on in the higher p#ace+ of -i+e0"o-ie- #ife, thin3ing of an- conte0p#ating the higher teaching+, ai-e- a+ they are "y the a"+ence fro0 0ateria# thing+ an- encourage- "y the ray+ of the Spiritua# 1in- "eating -o,n upon the0, he#ping their unfo#-0ent. hey are a"#e to prepare the0+e#.e+ for great progre++ in thi+ ,ay, an- often +pen- centurie+ on the higher p#ane+, "efore reincarnating. In +o0e ca+e+ ,here they ha.e a-.ance- far "eyon- their race, they +pen- thou+an-+ of year+ in the higher p#ane+, ,aiting unti# the race gro,+ up to, ren-er their re"irth attracti.e, an- in the 0eanti0e they fin- 0uch he#pfu# ,or3 to -o for #e++ -e.e#ope- +ou#+. But +ooner or #ater, the +ou#+ fee# a -e+ire to gain ne, e:perience+, an- to 0anife+t in earth8#ife +o0e of the a-.ance0ent ,hich ha+ co0e to the0 +ince "-eath," an- for the+e rea+on+, an- fro0 the attraction of -e+ire+ ,hich ha.e "een +0o#-ering there, not #i.e- out or ca+t off, or, po++i"#y inf#uence- "y the fact that +o0e #o.e+ou#, on a #o,er p#ane, i+ rea-y to incarnate an- ,i+hing to "e incarnate- at the +a0e ti0e in or-er to "e ,ith it A,hich i+ a#+o a -e+ireB the +ou#+ fa## into the current +,eeping to,ar- re"irth, an- the +e#ection of proper parent+ an- a-.antageou+ circu0+tance+ an- +urroun-ing+, an- in con+e5uence again fa## into a +ou#8 +#u0"er, gra-ua##y, an- +o ,hen their ti0e co0e+ they "-ie" to the p#ane upon ,hich they ha.e "een e:i+ting an- are ""orn" into a ne, phy+ica# #ife an- "o-y. A +ou# -oe+ not fu##y a,a3en fro0 it+ +#eep i00e-iate#y at "irth, "ut e:i+t+ in a -rea08#i3e +tate -uring the -ay+ of infancy, it+ gra-ua# a,a3ening "eing e.i-ence- "y the gro,ing inte##igence of the "a"e, the "rain of the chi#- 3eeping pace ,ith the -e0an-+ 0a-e upon it. In +o0e ca+e the a,a3ening i+ pre0ature, an- ,e +ee ca+e+ of pro-igie+, chi#-8geniu+, etc., "ut +uch ca+e+ are 0ore or #e++

a"nor0a#, an- unhea#thy. )cca+iona##y the -rea0ing +ou# in the chi#- ha#f8a,a3e+, an- +tart#e+ u+ "y +o0e profoun- o"+er.ation, or 0ature re0ar3 or con-uct. 1uch of thi+ proce++ of preparing for reincarnation i+ perfor0e- "y the +ou# uncon+ciou+#y, in o"e-ience to it+ in+piration+, an- -e+ire+, a+ it rea##y ha+ not gro,n to un-er+tan- ,hat it a## 0ean+9 an- ,hat i+ "efore it, ani+ "eing +,ept a#ong "y the (a, of Attraction a#0o+t uncon+ciou+#y. But after +ou#+ attain a certain -egree of -e.e#op0ent, they "eco0e con+ciou+ of the proce++ of reincarnation, an- are thereafter con+ciou+ of pa+t #i.e+, an- prece-ing a re"irth 0ay ta3e a con+ciou+ part in +e#ecting the en.iron0ent+ an+urroun-ing+. he higher they ri+e in the +ca#e, the greater their con+ciou+ po,er, an- choice. It ,i## rea-i#y "e +een that there are p#ane+ upon p#ane+ of -i+e0"o-ie- e:i+tence. he Yogi !hi#o+ophy teache+ that there are Se.en Ereat !#ane+ A+o0eti0e+ +po3en of "y une-ucate- Hin-u+ a+ the "+e.en hea.en+"B, "ut each great p#ane ha+ +e.en +u"-i.i+ion+, an- each +u"-i.i+ion ha+ +e.en 0inor -i.i+ion+, an+o on. It i+ i0po++i"#e for u+ to "egin to -e+cri"e the nature of the higher a+tra# #ife. /e ha.e no ,or-+ to -e+cri"e it, an- no 0in-+ to co0prehen- it. (ife on the #o,er p#ane+ i+ .ery +i0i#ar to earth8#ife, 0any of the inha"itant+ +ee0ing to thin3 that it i+ a part of the earth, an-, not rea#i2ing that they are free- fro0 earth#y #i0itation+, i0agine that fire can "urn the0, ,ater can -ro,n the0, etc. hey #i.e practica##y on the earth a0i-+t it+ +cene+. A"o.e the+e are p#ane+ ,ho+e inha"itant+ ha.e higher i-ea+ an- #i.e+ 8 an- +o on an- on an- on, unti# the "#i++ of the higher p#ane+ cannot "e co0prehen-e- "y 0an to-ay. In +o0e of the inter0e-iate p#ane+, tho+e ,ho are fon- of 0u+ic in-u#ge to the ut0o+t their #o.e for it 8 arti+t+ their #o.e for their art, inte##ectua# ,or3er+ pur+ue their +tu-ie+ 8 an- +o on, a#ong the+e #ine+. A"o.e the+e are tho+e ,ho ha.e a,a3ene- +piritua##y an- ha.e opportunitie+ for -e.e#oping the0+e#.e+, an- gaining 3no,#e-ge. A"o.e the+e are +tate+ of ,hich ,e cannot -rea0. An-9 yet re0e0"er thi+, e.en the+e highe+t p#ane+ are "ut part+ of the high A+tra# !#ane, ,hich p#ane i+ "ut one of the #o,er one+

Chapter XV of the ;ni.er+e, an- a"o.e that co0e+ p#ane after p#ane of e:i+tence. But ,hy +pea3 of thi+, frien-+ 8 ,e cannot un-erta3e to 0a+ter the pro"#e0 of higher 0athe0atic+, ,hen ,e +carce#y 3no, ho, to a-t,o figure+ together. But a## thi+ i+ for u+ 8 a## for u+ 8 an- ,e cannot "e ro""e- of our inheritance. H% /%(& H (%SS)*. S!I'I ;A( %V)(; I)*. he "eautifu# -octrine of Spiritua# %.o#ution, that ge0 in the -ia-e0 of the Yogi !hi#o+ophy i+ +a-#y 0i+un-er+too- an- 0i+interprete-, e.en "y 0any ,ho are it+ frien-+. he 0a++ of uninfor0e- peop#e confu+e it ,ith the cru-e+t i-ea+ of the ignorant race+ of A+ia an- Africa 8 "e#ie.e that it teache+ that the +ou#+ of 0en -e+cen- into the "o-ie+ of the #o,er ani0a#+ after -eath. An- un-er the gui+e of high teaching+ regar-ing 'eincarnation, 0any pro0u#gate theorie+ ho#-ing that the +ou# of 0an i+ "oun- to the ,hee# of hu0an re"irth, an- 0u+t #i.e in "o-y after "o-y ,hether it ,i## or not 8 unti# certain great cyc#e+ are pa+t, ,hen the race 0o.e+ on to another p#anet. A## of the+e 0i+conception+, ho,e.er, are "a+e- upon the rea# truth 8 they are the truth, "ut not the ,ho#e truth. It i+ true that the +ou# of a "ruta#, +e#fi+h, "e+tia# 0an, after -eath, ,i## "e -ra,n "y the force of it+ o,n -e+ire+ to,ar- re"irth in the "o-y of +o0e of the #o,er an- 0ore "ea+t8#i3e race+ of 0an 8 it ha+ fai#e- in it+ c#a++ ,or3, an- ha+ "een +ent "ac3 to a #o,er gra-e. But the +ou# that ha+ once reache- the +tage of e.en pri0iti.e 1anhoo-, ne.er can +in3 "ac3 into the p#ane of #o,er ani0a# #ife. A+ "e+tia# a+ it 0ay "e, it +ti## ha+ ac5uire- +o0ething that the ani0a# #ac3+, an- that +o0ething it can ne.er #o+e. An- #i3e,i+e, a#though the race 8 a+ a race 8 0u+t ,ait unti# certain perio-+ are reache- "efore it 0ay 0o.e on,ar-, yet the in-i.i-ua# ,ho ha+ ri+en "eyon- the nee- of i00e-iate re"irth, i+ not co0pe##e- to reincarnate a+ a 0an of the pre+ent +tage of -e.e#op0ent, "ut 0ay ,ait unti# the race "catche+ up" to hi0, a+ it ,ere, ,hen he 0ay 4oin it in it+ up,ar- +,ing, the inter.ening perio- "eing +pent either in the higher p#ane+ of the A+tra# /or#- or in con+ciou+ te0porary +o4ourn in other 0ateria# +phere+, he#ping in the great ,or3 of the e.o#ution of a## (ife. An-, +o far fro0 the +piritua##y a,a3ene- 1an "eing co0pe##e- to +uffer continuou+ in.o#untary re"irth+, he i+ not re"orn e:cept ,ith hi+ o,n con+ent an- -e+ire, an- ,ith a continuance of con+ciou+ne++ 8 thi+

continuance of con+ciou+ne++ -epen-ing upon the +piritua# attain0ent reache-. 1any ,ho rea- the+e #ine+ are partia##y con+ciou+ of their pa+t e:i+tence+ in the f#e+h, an- their attraction to thi+ +u"4ect i+ -ue to that +e0i8con+ciou+ne++ an- recognition of the truth. )ther+, no, in the f#e+h, ha.e .arying -egree+ of con+ciou+ne++, reaching, in +o0e ca+e+, a fu## reco##ection of their pa+t #i.e+. An-, re+t a++ure-, -ear +tu-ent, that ,hen you reach a certain +tage of +piritua# a,a3ening Aan- you 0ay ha.e reache- it e.en no,B you ,i## ha.e #eft "ehin- you uncon+ciou+ re"irth, an-, after you ha.e pa++e- out of your pre+ent "o-y an- after a perio- of +piritua# re+t 8 you ,i## not "e re"orn, unti# you are rea-y an- ,i##ing, an- you ,i## then carry ,ith you a continuou+ reco##ection of a## that you choo+e to carry ,ith you into your ne, #ife. So cea+e thi+ fretting a"out force- re"irth, an- +top ,orrying a"out your fancie- #o++ of con+ciou+ne++ in future #i.e+. Spiritua# attain0ent i+ +#o, an- ar-uou+, "ut e.ery inch gaine- i+ +o 0uch further on, an- you can ne.er +#ip "ac3, nor #o+e the +#ighte+t part of ,hat you6.e gaine-. %.en tho+e ,ho are re"orn, uncon+ciou+#y, a+ are the 0a4ority of the race, are not actua##y re"orn again+t their ,i## or -e+ire. )n the contrary, they are re"orn "ecau+e they -e+ire it 8 "ecau+e their ta+te+ an- -e+ire+ create #onging+ that on#y rene,e- #ife in the f#e+h can +ati+fy, an-, a#though they are not fu##y con+ciou+ of it, they p#ace the0+e#.e+ again ,ithin the operation of the (a, of Attraction, an- are +,ept on to a re"irth, in 4u+t the +urroun-ing+ "e+t ca#cu#ate- to ena"#e the0 to e:hau+t their -e+ire+, an- +ati+fy their #onging+ 8 the+e -e+ire+ an- #onging+ thu+ -ying a natura# -eath, an- 0a3ing ,ay for higher one+. So #ong a+ peop#e earne+t#y -e+ire 0ateria# thing+ 8 the thing+ of the f#e+h an- the 0ateria# #ife, an- are not a"#e to -i.orce the0+e#.e+ fro0 +uch thing+ at ,i## 8 4u+t +o #ong ,i## they "e -ra,n to,ar- re"irth that the+e -e+ire+ 0ay "e gratifie- or +ati+fie-. But ,hen one ha+, "y e:perience in 0any #i.e+, #earne- to +ee thing+ a+

Chapter XV they are, an- to recogni2e that +uch thing+ are not a part of hi+ rea# nature, then the earne+t -e+ire gro,+ #e++ an- fina##y -ie+, an- that per+on e+cape+ fro0 the operation of the (a, of Attraction, an- nee- not un-ergo re"irth unti# +o0e higher -e+ire or a+piration i+ appea#e- to, a+ the e.o#ution of the race "ring+ ne, era+ anpeop#e+. It i+ a+ if one ,ere to +oar a,ay up a"o.e the at0o+phere of the earth 8 "eyon- the +phere of the earth6+ attraction 8 an- ,ou#- then ,ait unti# the earth re.o#.e- "eneath hi0 an- he +a,, far "e#o,, the +pot ,hich he ,i+he- to .i+it, ,hen a## he ,ou#- ha.e to -o ,ou#- "e to a##o, hi0+e#f to +in3 unti# the force of gra.ity e:erte- "y the earth ,ou#- -ra, hi0 to the -e+ire- p#ace. he i-ea of co0pu#+ory re"irth i+ horri"#e to the 0in- of the a.erage 0an, an- right#y +o, for it .io#ate+ hi+ intuiti.e +en+e of the 4u+tice an- truth of thi+ great #a, of (ife. /e are here "ecau+e ,e ,i+he- to "e 8 in o"e-ience to the (a, of Attraction, operating in accor-ance ,ith our -e+ire+ an- a+piration 8 ye+, often, #onging+ 8 after our -eparture fro0 our #a+t f#e+h#y tene0ent, an- the perio- of re+t ,hich a#,ay+ fo##o,+ a #ife. An- ,e ,i## ne.er "e any,here e#+e, or in any other #ife, un#e++ "y rea+on of that +a0e #a,, ca##einto effect in the +a0e 0anner. It i+ 5uite true, that the perio- "et,een #i.e+ gi.e+ u+ an opportunity to recei.e the higher 3no,#e-ge of the Spirit 0ore c#ear#y than ,hen -i+tur"e- "y 0ateria# thing+, "ut e.en ,ith thi+ a--itiona# ai-, our -e+ire+ are often +ufficient#y +trong to cau+e u+ to re4ect the gent#e pro0pting+ of the Spirit, a+ to ,hat i+ "e+t for u+ A4u+t a+ ,e -o in our e.ery-ay #i.e+B an- ,e a##o, our+e#.e+ to "e caught up in the current of -e+ire, an- are +,ept on,ar- to,ar- re"irth in +uch con-ition+ a+ to a##o, u+ to 0anife+t ane:pre++, tho+e -e+ire+ an- #onging+. So0eti0e+, the Spirit6+ .oice inf#uence+ u+ to a -egree, an- ,e are "orn in con-ition+ repre+enting a co0pro0i+e "et,een the Spirit6+ teaching an- the gro++er -e+ire+, an- the re+u#t i+ often a #ife torn ,ith conf#icting -e+ire+ an- re+t#e++ #onging+ 8 "ut a## thi+ i+ a pro0i+e of "etter con-ition+ in the future. /hen one ha+ -e.e#ope- +o far a+ to "e open to the inf#uence of the Spiritua# 1in- in hi+ phy+ica# #ife, he 0ay re+t a++ure- that hi+ ne:t choice of re"irth ,i## "e 0a-e ,ith the fu## appro.a# an- ,i+-o0 of that higher part of hi+ 0in-, an- the o#- 0i+ta3e+ ,i## "e o".iate-. A+ a genera# +tate0ent of truth, ,e 0ay +ay that tho+e ,ho actua##y fee# ,ithin the0 that con+ciou+ne++

of ha.ing a#,ay+ e:i+te- an- of "eing inten-e- for an en-#e++ e:i+tence, nee- fear nothing on the +core of future uncon+ciou+ re"irth+. hey ha.e reache- the +tage of con+ciou+ne++ in ,hich, henceforth, they ,i## "e a,are of the ,ho#e proce++ of the future incarnation+, an- ,i## 0a3e the change Aif they ,i+h toB 4u+t a+ one change+ hi+ p#ace of re+i-ence, or tra.e#+ fro0 one country to another. hey are "-e#i.ere-" fro0 the nece++ity of the uncon+ciou+ re"irth, fro0 "#in- -e+ire, ,hich ha+ "een their portion in the pa+t, an- ,hich i+ the #ot of the 0a4ority of the race. An- no, after thi+ #ong prea0"#e, #et u+ +ee ,hat Spiritua# %.o#ution, a+ taught "y the Yogi+, rea##y 0ean+. he Yogi !hi#o+ophy teache+ that 1an ha+ a#,ay+ #i.e- an- a#,ay+ ,i## #i.e. hat that ,hich ,e ca## @eath i+ "ut a fa##ing to +#eep to a,a3en the fo##o,ing 0orning. hat @eath i+ "ut a te0porary #o++ of con+ciou+ne++. hat #ife i+ continuou+6 an- that it+ o"4ect i+ -e.e#op0ent, gro,th, unfo#-0ent. hat ,e are in %ternity *o, a+ 0uch a+ ,e e.er can "e. hat the Sou# i+ the 'ea# 1an, an- not 0ere#y an appen-age or attach0ent to hi+ phy+ica# "o-y, a+ 0any +ee0 to regar- it. hat the Sou# 0ay e:i+t e5ua##y ,e## out of the "o-y a+ in it, a#though certain e:perience an- 3no,#e-ge 0ay "e o"taine- on#y "y rea+on of a phy+ica# e:i+tence 8 hence that e:i+tence. hat ,e ha.e "o-ie+ no,, 4u+t "ecau+e ,e nee- the0 8 ,hen ,e ha.e progre++e- "eyon- a certain point, ,e ,i## not nee- the 3in- of "o-ie+ ,e ha.e no,, an- ,i## "e re#ie.e- of the0. hat on the gro++er p#ane+ of #ife far 0ore 0ateria# "o-ie+ than our+ ,ere occupie- "y the +ou# 8 that on higher p#ane+ the +ou# ,i## occupy finer "o-ie+. hat a+ ,e #i.e out the e:perience+ of one earth #ife, ,e pa++ out of the "o-y into a +tate of re+t, an-

Chapter XV after that are re"orn into "o-ie+, an- into con-ition+, in accor-ance ,ith our nee-+ an- -e+ire+. hat the rea# (ife i+ rea##y a +ucce++ion of #i.e+8of re"irth+, an- that our pre+ent #ife i+ 0ere#y one of a count#e++ nu0"er of pre.iou+ #i.e+, our pre+ent +e#f "eing the re+u#t of the e:perience+ gaine- in our pre.iou+ e:i+tence+. he Yogi !hi#o+ophy teache+ that the Sou# ha+ e:i+te- for age+, ,or3ing it+ ,ay up through innu0era"#e for0+, fro0 #o,er to higher, 8 a#,ay+ progre++ing, a#,ay+ unfo#-ing. hat it ,i## continue to -e.e#op anunfo#-, through count#e++ age+, in 0any for0+ an- pha+e+, "ut a#,ay+ higher an- higher. he ;ni.er+e i+ great an- #arge, an- there are count#e++ ,or#-+ an- +phere+ for it+ inha"itant+, an- ,e +ha## not "e "oun- to earth one 0o0ent after ,e are fitte- to 0o.e on to higher +phere+ an- p#ane+. he Yogi+ teach that ,hi#e the 0a4ority of the race are in the uncon+ciou+ +tage of Spiritua# %.o#ution, +ti## there are 0any a,a3ening to the truth, an- -e.e#oping a +piritua# con+ciou+ne++ of the rea# nature an- future of 1an, an- that the+e +piritua##y a,a3ene- peop#e ,i## ne.er again ha.e to go through the chain of continue- uncon+ciou+ re"irth, "ut that their future -e.e#op0ent ,i## "e on a con+ciou+ p#ane, an- that they ,i## en4oy to the fu## the con+tant progre++ion an- -e.e#op0ent, in+tea- of "eing 0ere pa,n+ on the che++"oar- of (ife. he Yogi+ teach that there are 0any for0+ of #ife, 0uch #o,er than 1an 8 +o 0uch #o,er that ,e cannot concei.e of the0. An- that there are -egree+ of #ife +o far a"o.e our pre+ent p#ane of -e.e#op0ent that our 0in-+ cannot gra+p the i-ea. ho+e +ou#+ ,ho ha.e tra.e#e- o.er the !ath ,hich ,e are no, trea-ing 8 our %#-er Brother+ 8 are con+tant#y gi.ing u+ their ai- an- encourage0ent, an- are often e:ten-ing to u+ the he#ping han- 8 a#though ,e recogni2e it not. here are in e:i+tence, on p#ane+ "eyon- our o,n, inte##igence+ ,hich ,ere once 0en a+ are ,e, "ut ,ho ha.e no, progre++e- +o far in the +ca#e that co0pare- ,ith u+ they are ange#+ an- archange#+ 8 an- ,e +ha## "e #i3e unto the0 +o0eti0e. he Yogi !hi#o+ophy teache+ that Y); ,ho are rea-ing the+e #ine+, ha.e #i.e- 0any, 0any #i.e+. You ha.e #i.e- in the #o,er for0+ of #ife, ,or3ing your ,ay up gra-ua##y in the +ca#e. After you pa++e- into the hu0an pha+e of e:i+tence you #i.e- a+ the ca.e0an, the c#iff -,e##er, the +a.age, the "ar"arian9 the ,arrior, the

3night9 the prie+t9 the +cho#ar of the 1i--#e Age+9 8 no, in %urope9 no, in In-ia9 no, in !er+ia9 no, in the %a+t9 no, in the /e+t. In a## age+, 8 in a## c#i0e+8a0ong a## peop#e+ 8 of a## race+ 8 ha.e you #i.e-, hayour e:i+tence, p#aye- your part, an- -ie-. In each #ife ha.e you gaine- e:perience+9 #earne- your #e++on+9 profite"y your 0i+ta3e+9 gro,n, -e.e#ope- an- unfo#-e-. An- ,hen you pa++e- out of the "o-y, an- entereinto the perio- of re+t "et,een incarnation+, your 0e0ory of the pa+t #ife gra-ua##y fa-e- a,ay, "ut #eft in it+ p#ace the re+u#t of the e:perience+ you ha- gaine- in it. Cu+t a+ you 0ay not re0e0"er 0uch a"out a certain -ay, or ,ee3, t,enty year+ ago, +ti## the e:perience+ of that -ay or ,ee3 ha.e #eft in-e#i"#e trace+ upon your character, an- ha.e inf#uence- your e.ery action +ince 8 +o ,hi#e you 0ay ha.e forgotten the -etai#+ of your pre.iou+ e:i+tence+, +ti## ha.e they #eft their i0pre++ upon your +ou#, an- your e.ery-ay #ife no, i+ 4u+t ,hat it i+ "y rea+on of tho+e pa+t e:perience+. After each #ife there i+ +ort of a "oi#ing -o,n of the e:perience+, an- the re+u#t 8 the rea# re+u#t of the e:perience 8 goe+ to 0a3e up a part of the ne, +e#f 8 the i0pro.e- +e#f 8 ,hich ,i## after a ,hi#e +ee3 a ne, "o-y into ,hich to reincarnate. But ,ith 0any of u+ there i+ not a tota# #o++ of 0e0ory of pa+t #i.e+ 8 a+ ,e progre++ ,e "ring ,ith u+ a #itt#e 0ore of con+ciou+ne++ each ti0e 8 an- 0any of u+ to-ay ha.e occa+iona# g#i0p+e+ of re0e0"rance of +o0e pa+t e:i+tence. /e +ee a +cene for the fir+t ti0e, an- it +ee0+ ,on-erfu##y fa0i#iar, an- yet ,e cannot ha.e +een it "efore. here i+ +ort of a haunting 0e0ory ,hich -i+tur"+. /e 0ay +ee a painting 8 +o0e o#- 0a+terpiece 8 an- ,e fee# in+tincti.e#y a+ if ,e ha- ga2e- upon it a,ay in the -i0 pa+t, an- yet ,e ha.e ne.er "een near it "efore. /e rea- +o0e o#- "oo3, an- it +ee0+ #i3e an o#- frien-, anyet ,e ha.e no reco##ection of e.er ha.ing +een it in our pre+ent #ife. /e hear +o0e phi#o+ophica# theory, an,e i00e-iate#y "ta3e to it," a+ if it ,ere +o0ething 3no,n an- #o.e- in our chi#-hoo-. So0e of u+ #earn certain thing+ a+ if ,e ,ere re#earning the0 an- in-ee- +uch i+ the ca+e. Chi#-ren are "orn an- -e.e#op into great 0u+ician+, arti+t+, ,riter+ or arti+an+, fro0 ear#y chi#-hoo-, e.en though their parent+ po++e++eno ta#ent+ of the 3in-. Sha3e+peare+ +pring fro0 the fa0i#ie+ ,ho+e 0e0"er+ po++e++ no ta#ent+, ana+toni+h the ,or#-. A"raha0 (inco#n+ co0e fro0 +i0i#ar ,a#3+ of #ife, an- ,hen re+pon+i"i#ity i+ p#ace- upon the0 +ho, the greate+t geniu+. he+e an- 0any +i0i#ar thing+ can "e e:p#aine- on#y upon the theory of pre.iou+ e:i+tence. /e 0eet peop#e for the fir+t ti0e, an- the con.iction i+ "orne upon u+, irre+i+ti"#y, in +pite of our

Chapter XV prote+t+, that ,e ha.e 3no,n the0 "efore 8 that they ha.e "een +o0ething to u+ in the pa+t, "ut ,hen, ohJ ,henF Certain +tu-ie+ co0e 5uite ea+y to u+, ,hi#e other+ ha.e to "e 0a+tere- "y har- #a"or. Certain occupation+ +ee0 the 0o+t congenia# to u+, an- no 0atter ho, 0any o"+tac#e+ are p#ace- in the ,ay, ,e +ti## ,or3 our ,ay to the congenia# ,or3. /e are confronte- ,ith +o0e unfore+een o"+tac#e, or circu0+tance+ ca## for the -i+p#ay of unu+ua# po,er or 5ua#itie+ on our part, an- #oJ ,e fin- that ,e ha.e the a"i#ity to perfor0 the ta+3. So0e of the greate+t ,riter+ an- orator+ ha.e -i+co.ere- their ta#ent+ ""y acci-ent." A## of the+e thing+ are e:p#aine- "y the theory of Spiritua# %.o#ution. If here-ity i+ e.erything, ho, -oe+ it happen that +e.era# chi#-ren of the +a0e parent+ -iffer +o ,i-e#y fro0 each other, fro0 their parent+, an- fro0 the re#ation+ on "oth +i-e+ of the hou+eF I+ it a## here-ity or re.er+ionF hen pray te## u+ fro0 ,ho0 -iSha3e+peare inherit 8 to ,ho0 -i- he re.ertF Argu0ent after argu0ent 0ight "e pi#e- up to pro.e the rea+ona"#ene++ of re"irth, "ut ,hat ,ou#- it a.ai#F 1an 0ight gra+p it inte##ectua##y an- a-0it that it ,a+ a rea+ona"#e ,or3ing hypothe+i+, "ut ,hat inte##ectua# conception e.er ga.e peace to the +ou# ga.e it that +en+e of rea#ity an- truth that ,ou#- ena"#e it to go -o,n in the .a##ey of the +ha-o, of -eath ,ithout fa#tering, ,ith a +0i#e on it+ faceF *oJ +uch certainty co0e+ on#y fro0 the #ight ,hich the Spiritua# 1in- +he-+ upon the #o,er 0enta# facu#tie+. he inte##ect 0ay arrange the fact+, an- -e-uce a cour+e of action fro0 the0, "ut the +ou# i+ +ati+fie- on#y ,ith the teaching+ of the Spirit, an- unti# it recei.e+ the0 0u+t fee# that unre+t anuncertainty that co0e+ ,hen the inte##ect unfo#-+ an- a+3+ that 0ighty 5ue+tion "/hyF" ,hich it "y it+e#f cannot an+,er. he on#y an+,er to the 5uery "I+ re"irth a fact," i+ "@oe+ your +ou# recogni2e it a+ +uchF" ;nti# the +ou# fee#+ of it+e#f that the theory i+ true 8 "ecau+e it coinci-e+ ,ith that inner con.iction, there i+ no u+e in arguing the 0atter. he +ou# 0u+t recogni2e it for it+e#f 8 0u+t an+,er it+ o,n 5ue+tion. It i+ true that the pre+entation of the theory A,e ca## it a "theory" a#though the Yogi+ 3no, it i+ a factB ,i## a,a3en 0e0orie+ in the 0in- of +o0e 0ay gi.e the0 the courage to con+i-er a+ rea+ona"#e the ha#f8for0e- thought+ an- 5uerie+ ,hich haf#oatearoun- in their 0in-+ for year+ 8 "ut that i+ a## it can -o. ;nti# the +ou# gra+p+ an- "fee#+" the truth of re"irth, it 0u+t ,an-er aroun- ,or3ing on the +u"con+ciou+ p#ane of #ife, ha.ing re"irth force- upon it "y it+ o,n

-e+ire+ an- #onging+, #o+ing con+ciou+ne++ to a great e:tent. But after the +ou# ha+ "egun to "fee#" the truth, it i+ ne.er the +a0e, it carrie+ ,ith it 0e0orie+ of the pa+t, +o0eti0e+ faint an- +o0eti0e+ c#ear 8 an- it "egin+ to 0anife+t a con+ciou+ choice in the 0atter of re"irth. Cu+t a+ -oe+ the p#ant ,or3 on the +u"8con+ciou+ p#ane, an- the ani0a# on a +e0i8con+ciou+ p#ane an- the 0an on the gra-ua##y increa+ing p#ane+ of con+ciou+ne++, +o -oe+ 0an gra-ua##y e.o#.e fro0 the +u"8con+ciou+ +tage of re"irth, on to the +e0icon+ciou+ p#ane, anthen on an- on, increa+ing hi+ con+ciou+ne++ fro0 ti0e to ti0e, unti# he #i.e+ on the con+ciou+ p#ane, "oth in hi+ phy+ica# #ife, an- -uring the re+t perio-, an- in the ne, "irth. here are 0en a0ong u+ to-ay Afe,, it i+ true, "ut 0any 0ore than 0o+t peop#e i0agineB ,ho are fu##y con+ciou+ of the pa+t e:i+tence+, an- ,ho ha.e "een +o +ince ear#y chi#-hoo-, on#y that their -ay+ of infancy ,ere pa++e- in a -rea0#i3e +tate, unti# their phy+ica# "rain+ ,ere +ufficient#y -e.e#ope- to ena"#e the +ou# to thin3 c#ear#y. In fact, 0any chi#-ren +ee0 to ha.e a -i0 con+ciou+ne++ of the pa+t, "ut fearing the co00ent+ of their e#-er+, #earn to +tif#e the+e "it+ of re0e0"rance unti# they fai# to e.o3e the0. ho+e ,ho ha.e not a,a3ene- to the truth of re"irth, cannot ha.e it force- upon the0 "y argu0ent, an- tho+e ,ho "fee#" the truth of it -o not nee- the argu0ent. So ,e ha.e not atte0pte- to argue the 0atter in thi+ +hort pre+entation of the theory. ho+e ,ho are rea-ing thi+ #e++on are attracte- to,ar- the +u"4ect "y rea+on of intere+t a,a3ene- in +o0e pa+t #ife, an- they rea##y fee# that there 0u+t "e +o0e truth in it, a#though they 0ay not a+ yet ha.e arri.e- at a point ,here they can fu##y a++i0i#ate it. 1any of tho+e upon ,ho0 the truth of the propo+ition i+ "orne ho0e "y their in0o+t fee#ing+ or frag0entary reco##ection+ e.ince a -i+inc#ination to fu##y accept it. hey fear the i-ea of "eing re"orn ,ithout their con+ent or 3no,#e-ge. But a+ ,e ha.e +tate- to the0, thi+ i+ a groun-#e++ fear, for, if they are rea##y "eginning to "fee#" the truth of re"irth, their perio- of +u"8con+ciou+ 0anife+tation on that p#ane i+ pa++ing a,ay.

Chapter XV 1any +ay that they ha.e no -e+ire to #i.e again, "ut they rea##y 0ean that they ,ou#- not #i3e to #i.e 4u+t the +a0e #ife that they ha.e 8 of cour+e not, they -o not ,ant the +a0e e:perience+ o.er again 8 "ut if there i+ a +ing#e thing in #ife that they ,ou#- #i3e9 a +ing#e po+ition they ,ou#- #i3e to fi##9 a +ing#e -e+ire that they fee# nee-+ to "e +ati+fie- in or-er to 0a3e the0 happy, then they -o rea##y ,ant to #i.e again to +ecure the 0i++ing thing. hey are here "ecau+e they ,ante- to "e here 8 or ha- -e+ire+ ,hich crie- for +ati+faction 8 an- they ,i## #i.e again in 4u+t the circu0+tance+ nee-e- to gratify their -e+ire+ or ,i+he+, or that are #i3e#y to gi.e the0 the nece++ary e:perience for higher +piritua# gro,th. o the +tu-ent of thi+ +u"4ect of Spiritua# %.o#ution, a great ,or#- of intere+ting fact+ open it+e#f. (ight i+ thro,n upon hi+tory an- the progre++ of 0an3in-, an- a 0o+t fa+cinating fie#- of re+earch i+ pre+ente-. /e 0u+t re+i+t the te0ptation to go into thi+ "ranch of the +u"4ect, a+ it ,ou#- #ea- u+ in attracti.e path+ ,hich ,e are for"i--en to ta3e up in the+e e#e0entary #e++on+ o,ing to the #ac3 of +pace. /e 0ay fin- roo0, ho,e.er, to +ay a #itt#e a"out the+e 0atter+. he earth i+ one of a chain of p#anet+, "e#onging to our +o#ar +y+te0, a## of ,hich are inti0ate#y connecte,ith the other+ in thi+ great #a, of Spiritua# %.o#ution. Ereat ,a.e+ of #ife +,eep o.er the chain, carrying race after race a#ong the chain, fro0 one p#anet to another. %ach race +tay+ on each p#anet for a certain perio-, anthen ha.ing -e.e#ope-, pa++e+ on to the p#anet ne:t highe+t in the +ca#e of e.o#ution, fin-ing there con-ition+ "e+t +uite- for it+ -e.e#op0ent. But thi+ progre++ fro0 p#anet to p#anet i+ not circu#ar it re+e0"#e+ a +pira#, circ#ing roun- an- roun- an- yet ri+ing higher ,ith each cur.e. (et u+ +uppo+e a +ou# -,e##ing upon any of the p#anet+ of our p#anetary chain, in a co0parati.e#y un-e.e#ope+tate of +piritua# gro,th 8 occupying a #o, p#ace in the +ca#e of e.o#ution. he +ou# gain+ the e:perience+ co0ing to it in that +tage, in a nu0"er of incarnation+, an- then i+ +,ept a,ay to,ar- the ne:t highe+t p#anet in the chain, together ,ith the re+t of it+ particu#ar race, an- i+ reincarnate- there. In thi+ ne, ho0e it occupie+

a p#ane -i+tinct#y in a-.ance of the one occupie- in the #a+t one 8 it+ entire race for0ing the nuc#eu+ of a ne, race there, +o0e "eing pioneer+ ,hi#e the other+ fo##o, after. But +ti## thi+ a-.ance- +tage Aa+ co0pare,ith it+ +tage on the p#anet 4u+t #eft "ehin- itB 0ay "e 0uch #o,er in the +ca#e of progre++ than other race+ -,e##ing on the +a0e p#anet ,ith it. So0e of the race+, #o,e+t in the point of e.o#ution on thi+ earth, 0ay ha.e "een 0uch nearer the highe+t +tage of -e.e#op0ent on the #a+t p#anet inha"ite- "y the0, an- +ti## they ha.e progre++e- great#y "y the change 8 the highe+t on a #o,er p#anet perhap+ "eing #e++ high#y -e.e#opethan the #o,e+t on one farther a#ong the p#anetary chain. 1any of the race+ that for0er#y inha"ite- the %arth, trace+ of ,ho0 ,e occa+iona##y fin-, ha.e pa++e- on to a higher +tage of -e.e#op0ent. Hi+tory +ho,+ u+ that race after race ca0e to the front in the earth6+ -e.e#op0ent p#aye- their part upon the +tage of action 8 an- then pa++eon ,hereF he occu#t phi#o+ophie+ furni+h the 0i++ing #in3 of e:p#anation. An- our race ha+ gro,n fro0 the +tone 8 age +tage 8 an- +ti## further "ac3 8 an- ,i## continue to progre++ 8 an,i## then pa++ on, 0a3ing ,ay for +o0e ne,er race ,hich 0ay "e e.en no, +en-ing out pioneer+ fro0 +o0e other p#anet. hi+ -oe+ not 0ean, nece++ari#y, that each race that hi+tory te##+ u+ of ha+ pa++e- fro0 the earth. )n the contrary, occu#ti+t+ 3no, that +o0e, an- in fact 0o+t of the race+ 3no,n to hi+tory, ha.e incarnate- in +o0e of the race+ to-ay. he confu+ion i+ e:p#aine- "y the fact that each race ha+ +e.era# +u"8race+, ,hich rea##y "e#ong to the 0ain race. &or in+tance, occu#ti+t+ 3no, that the ancient %gyptian+ 8 he 'o0an+ 8 the Eree3+ the At#antean+ 8 the ancient !er+ian+, etc., etc., are no, #i.ing on thi+ earth 8 that i+ the +ou#+ ,hich for0er#y incarnate- in the+e race+, are no, incarnate- in +o0e of the 0o-ern race+. But there are other race+ 8 prehi+toric race+ 8 ,hich ha.e pa++e- a,ay fro0 the earth6+ attraction entire#y, anha.e gone on to the higher p#ane+ of action in the higher p#anet+. here are a nu0"er of p#anet+ #o,er in the +ca#e of progre++ than our earth, an- there are +e.era# higher, to,ar- ,hich ,e are 0o.ing. here are of

Chapter XV cour+e, other +o#ar +y+te0+ 8 other chain+ of +un+ 8 other +u"8;ni.er+e+ Aif ,e 0ay "e par-one- for u+ing the ter0B, an- a## thi+ i+ ahea- of e.ery +ou#, no 0atter ho, #o,#y or ho, hu0"#e. )ur race, at pre+ent, i+ going through a 0o+t i0portant perio- of e.o#ution. It i+ pa++ing fro0 the uncon+ciou+ +tage of +piritua# -e.e#op0ent, into the con+ciou+ +tage. 1any ha.e a#rea-y attaine- their con+ciou+ +tage, an- 0any 0ore are a,a3ening to it. he ,ho#e race ,i## u#ti0ate#y ha.e it, thi+ "eing prece-ent to their 0o.ing on. hi+ gra-ua# a,a3ening to +piritua# con+ciou+ne++, i+ ,hat i+ cau+ing a## thi+ unre+t in the ,or#- of thought, thi+ "rea3ing a,ay fro0 o#- i-ea#+ an- for0+ 8 thi+ hunger for the truth thi+ running to an- fro after ne, truth+, an- o#- truth+ re+tate-. It i+ a critica# perio- in the hi+tory of the race, an- 0any ho#- that it i0p#ie+ a po++i"#e -i.i+ion of the race into t,o +u"8race+, one of ,ho0 ,i## "e po++e++e- of +piritua# con+ciou+ne++, an- ,i## 0o.e on ahea- of the re0aining +u"8race of +#o,er "rother+, ,ho 0u+t ,or3 up "y -egree+. But the race ,i## again "e unite-, "efore it fina##y pa++e+ on fro0 the earth, a+ it i+ "oun- together "y the (a, of Spiritua# Cau+e an- %ffect. /e are a## intere+te- in each other6+ progre++ not on#y "ecau+e ,e are "rother+ "ut "ecau+e our o,n +ou# 0u+t ,ait unti# the ,ho#e race -e.e#op+. )f cour+e the 0ore rapi-#y -e.e#ope- +ou# -oe+ not ha.e to "e reincarnate- +i0p#y "ecau+e it+ +#o,er "rother ha+ to -o +o. )n the contrary the high#y -e.e#ope- +ou# +pen-+ a #ong perio- of ,aiting on the higher p#ane+ of the A+tra# /or#- ,hi#e it+ +#o,er "rother ,or3+ out hi+ e.o#ution in repeate- "irth+, the +o4ourn in the higher p#ane+ gi.ing the -e.e#ope- +ou# great happine++ an- "enefit, a+ e:p#aine- in other #e++on+. 1any of the+e ",aiting +ou#+," ho,e.er, choo+e to +acrifice their ,e## earne- re+t, "y co0ing "ac3 to earth to he#p anup#ift their "rethren, either in the for0 of A+tra# He#per+, or e.en "y a -e#i"erate an- con+ciou+ re"irth A,hich i+ not nee-e- for their -e.e#op0entB they -e#i"erate#y ta3ing on the "o-y of f#e+h, ,ith a## it+ "ur-en+, in or-er to a++i+t their ,ea3er "rother+ to,ar- the goa#. he great teacher+ of the race+, ha.e "een #arge#y co0po+e- of the+e +e#f8+acrificing +ou#+, ,ho .o#untari#y "renounce- hea.en" for the #o.e of their fe##o, 0an. It i+ .ery har- to i0agine ,hat a great +acrifice thi+ i+ thi+ co0ing "ac3 to a co0parati.e#y #o, -e.e#ope- ci.i#i2ation, fro0 a high p#ane of +piritua# -e.e#op0ent.

It i+ #i3e %0er+on -oing 0i++ionary ,or3 a0ong the Bu+h0en. o,ar- ,hat goa# i+ a## thi+ e.o#ution ten-ingF /hat -oe+ it a## 0eanF &ro0 the #o, for0+ of #ife, to the highe+t 8 a## are on he !ath. o ,hat p#ace or +tate -oe+ he !ath #ea-F (et u+ atte0pt to an+,er "y a+3ing you, to i0agine a +erie+ of 0i##ion+ of circ#e+ one ,ithin the other. %ach circ#e 0ean+ a +tage of #ife. he outer circ#e+ are fi##e- ,ith #ife in it+ #o,e+t an- 0o+t 0ateria# +tage+, each circ#e nearer the center ho#-ing higher an- higher for0+ 8 unti# 0en Aor ,hat ,ere 0enB "eco0e a+ go-+. Sti## on, an- on, -oe+ the for0 of #ife gro, higher, unti# the hu0an 0in- cannot gra+p the i-ea. An- ,hat i+ in the centerF he "rain of the entire Spiritua# Bo-y 8 he A"+o#ute 8 Eo-J An- ,e are tra.e#ing to,ar- that centerJ H% HI' %%* H (%SS)*. S!I'I ;A( CA;S% A*@ %&&%C . (ife i+ the con+tant accu0u#ation of 3no,#e-ge, the +toring up of the re+u#t of e:perience+. he #a, of cau+e an- effect i+ in con+tant operation, an- ,e reap ,hat ,e +o, 8 not a+ a 0atter of puni+h0ent, "ut a+ the effect fo##o,ing the cau+e. heo#ogy teache+ u+ that ,e are puni+he- for our +in+, "ut the higher 3no,#e-ge +ho,+ u+ that ,e are puni+he- "y our 0i+ta3e+ in+tea- of for the0. he chi#- ,ho touche+ the hot +to.e i+ puni+he"y rea+on of the act it+e#f, not "y +o0e higher po,er for ha.ing "+inne-." Sin i+ #arge#y a 0atter of ignorance an- 0i+ta3e. ho+e ,ho ha.e reache- the higher p#ane of +piritua# 3no,#e-ge ha.e "orne upon the0 +uch a con.incing 3no,#e-ge of the fo##y an- un,i+-o0 of certain act+ an- thought+, that it "eco0e+ a#0o+t i0po++i"#e for the0 to co00it the0. Such per+on+ -o not fear there i+ +o0e +uperior "eing ,aiting to +tri3e the0 to the earth ,ith a 0ighty c#u" for -oing certain thing+, +i0p#y "ecau+e that inte##igence ha+ #ai-o,n

Chapter XV an apparent#y ar"itrary #a, for"i--ing the co00i++ion of the act. )n the contrary they 3no, that the higher inte##igence+ are po++e++e- of nothing "ut inten+e #o.e for a## #i.ing creature+, an- are ,i##ing an- rea-y to a#,ay+ he#p the0, +o far a+ i+ po++i"#e un-er the ,or3ing+ of the #a,. But +uch per+on+ recogni2e the fo##y of the act, an- therefore refrain fro0 co00itting it 8 in fact, they ha.e #o+t the -e+ire to co00it it. It i+ a#0o+t e:act#y para##e# to the e:a0p#e of the chi#- an- the +to.e. A chi#- ,ho ,ant+ to touch the +to.e ,i## -o +o a+ +oon a+ he fin-+ an opportunity, not,ith+tan-ing the co00an-+ of the parent, an- in +pite of threatene- puni+h0ent. But #et that chi#- once e:perience the pain of the "urn, anrecogni2e that there i+ a c#o+e connection "et,een a hot +to.e an- a "urnt finger, an- it ,i## 3eep a,ay fro0 the +to.e. he #o.ing parent ,ou#- #i3e to protect it+ chi#- fro0 the re+u#t of it+ o,n fo##ie+, "ut the chi#-8nature in+i+t+ upon #earning certain thing+ "y e:perience, an- the parent i+ una"#e to pre.ent it. In fact, the chi#- ,ho i+ too c#o+e#y ,atche- an- re+traine-, u+ua##y ""rea3+ out" #ater in #ife, an- #earn+ certain thing+ "y it+e#f. A## that the parent i+ a"#e to -o i+ to +urroun- the chi#- ,ith the or-inary +afeguar-+, an- to gi.e it the "enefit of hi+ ,i+-o0, a portion of ,hich the chi#- ,i## +tore a,ay 8 an- then tru+t to the #a, of #ife to ,or3 out the re+u#t. An- +o the hu0an +ou# i+ con+tant#y app#ying the te+t of e:perience to a## pha+e+ of #ife 8 pa++ing fro0 one incarnation to another, con+tant#y #earning ne, #e++on+, an- gaining ne, ,i+-o0. Sooner or #ater it fin-+ out ho, hurtfu# certain cour+e+ of action are 8 -i+co.er+ the fo##y of certain action+ an- ,ay+ of #i.ing, an#i3e the "urnt chi#- a.oi-+ tho+e thing+ in the future. A## of u+ 3no, that certain thing+ "are no te0ptation to u+," for ,e ha.e #earne- the #e++on at +o0e ti0e in +o0e pa+t #ife an- -o not nee- to re#earn it 8 ,hi#e other thing+ te0pt u+ +ore#y, an- ,e +uffer 0uch pain "y rea+on thereof. )f ,hat u+e ,ou#- a## thi+ pain an- +orro, "e if thi+ one #ife ,ere a##F But ,e carry the "enefit of our e:perience into another #ife, an- a.oi- the pain there. /e 0ay #oo3 aroun- u+ an- ,on-er ,hy certain of our ac5uaintance+ cannot +ee the fo##y of certain for0+ of action, ,hen it i+ +o p#ain to u+ 8 "ut ,e forget that ,e ha.e pa++e- through 4u+t the +a0e +tage of e:perience that they are no, un-ergoing, an- ha.e out#i.e- the -e+ire an- ignorance 8 ,e -o not rea#i2e that in

future #i.e+ the+e peop#e ,i## "e free fro0 thi+ fo##y an- pain, for they ,i## ha.e #earne- the #e++on "y e:perience, 4u+t a+ ha.e ,e. It i+ har- for u+ to fu##y rea#i2e that ,e are ,hat ,e are 4u+t "y the re+u#t of our e:perience+. (et u+ ta3e one +ing#e #ife a+ an e:a0p#e. You thin3 that you ,ou#- #i3e to e#i0inate fro0 your #ife +o0e painfu# e:perience, +o0e -i+gracefu# epi+o-e9 +o0e 0ortifying circu0+tance+9 "ut ha.e you e.er +toppe- to thin3 that if it ,ere po++i"#e to era-icate the+e thing+, you ,ou#-, of nece++ity, "e force- to part ,ith the e:perience an3no,#e-ge that ha+ co0e to you fro0 the+e occurrence+. /ou#- you "e ,i##ing to part ,ith the 3no,#e-ge an- e:perience that ha+ co0e to you in the ,ay 0entione-F /ou#- you "e ,i##ing to go "ac3 to the +tate of ine:perience an- ignorance in ,hich you ,ere "efore the thing happene-F /hy, if you ,ere to go "ac3 to the o#- +tate, you ,ou#- "e e:tre0e#y #i3e#y to co00it the +a0e fo##y o.er again. Ho, 0any of u+ ,ou#"e ,i##ing to co0p#ete#y ,ipe out the e:perience+ ,hich ha.e co0e to u+F /e are perfect#y ,i##ing to forget the occurrence, "ut ,e 3no, that ,e ha.e the re+u#ting e:perience "ui#t into our character, an- ,e ,ou#not "e ,i##ing to part ,ith it, for it ,ou#- "e ta3ing a,ay a portion of our 0enta# +tructure. If ,e ,ere to part ,ith e:perience gaine- through pain ,e ,ou#- fir+t part ,ith one "it of our+e#.e+, an- then ,ith another, unti# at #a+t ,e ,ou#- ha.e nothing #eft e:cept the 0enta# +he## of our for0er +e#f. But, you 0ay +ay, of ,hat u+e are the e:perience+ gaine- in for0er #i.e+, if ,e -o not re0e0"er the0 8 they are #o+t to u+. But they are not #o+t to you 8 they are "ui#t into your 0enta# +tructure, an- nothing can e.er ta3e the0 a,ay fro0 you 8 they are your+ fore.er. Your character i+ 0a-e up not on#y of your e:perience+ in thi+ particu#ar #ife, "ut a#+o of the re+u#t of your e:perience+ in 0any other #i.e+ an- +tage+ of e:i+tence. You are ,hat you are to-ay "y rea+on of the+e accu0u#ate- e:perience+ 8 the e:perience+ of the pa+t #i.e+ anof the pre+ent one. You re0e0"er +o0e of the thing+ in the pre+ent #ife ,hich ha.e "ui#t up your character 8 "ut 0any other+ e5ua##y i0portant, in the pre+ent #ife, you ha.e forgotten 8 "ut the re+u#t +tay+ ,ith you, ha.ing "een ,o.en into your 0enta# "eing. An- though you 0ay re0e0"er "ut #itt#e, or nothing, of your pa+t #i.e+, the e:perience+ gaine- in the0 continue ,ith you, no, an- fore.er. It i+ the+e pa+t e:perience+ ,hich gi.e

Chapter XV you "pre-i+po+ition+" in certain -irection+ 8 ,hich 0a3e it .ery -ifficu#t for you to -o certain thing+, an- ea+y to -o other+ ,hich cau+e you to "in+tincti.e#y" recogni2e certain thing+ a+ un,i+e or ,rong, an- to cau+e you to turn your "ac3 upon the0 a+ fo##ie+. hey gi.e you your "ta+te+" an- inc#ination+, an- 0a3e +o0e ,ay+ +ee0 "etter than other+ to you. *othing i+ #o+t in #ife, an- a## the e:perience+ of the pa+t contri"ute to your ,e##8"eing in the pre+ent 8 a## your trou"#e+ an- pain+ of the pre+ent ,i## "ear fruit in the future. /e -o not a#,ay+ #earn a #e++on at one tria#, an- ,e are +ent "ac3 to our ta+3 o.er an- o.er again, unti# ,e ha.e acco0p#i+he- it. But not the +#ighte+t effort i+ e.er #o+t, an- if ,e ha.e fai#e- at the ta+3 in the pa+t, it i+ ea+ier for u+ to acco0p#i+h it to-ay. An A0erican ,riter, 1r. Berry Ben+on, in the Century 1aga2ine, of 1ay, 1K9$, gi.e+ u+ a "eautifu# i##u+tration of one of the feature+ of the ,or3ing+ of the #a, of Spiritua# %.o#ution. /e reprint it, here,ith7 "A #itt#e "oy ,ent to +choo#. He ,a+ .ery #itt#e. A## that he 3ne, he ha- -ra,n in ,ith hi+ 0other6+ 0i#3. Hi+ teacher A,ho ,a+ Eo-B p#ace- hi0 in the #o,e+t c#a++, an- ga.e hi0 the+e #e++on+ to #earn7 hou +ha#t not 3i##. hou +ha#t -o no hurt to any #i.ing thing. hou +ha#t not +tea#. So the 0an -i- not 3i##9 "ut he ,a+ crue#, anhe +to#e. At the en- of the -ay A,hen hi+ "ear- ,a+ gray, ,hen the night ,a+ co0eB hi+ teacher A,ho ,a+ Eo-B +ai-7 hou ha+t #earne- not to 3i##, "ut the other #e++on+ thou ha+t not #earne-. Co0e "ac3 to0orro,. ")n the 0orro, he ca0e "ac3 a #itt#e "oy. An- hi+ teacher A,ho ,a+ Eo-B put hi0 in a c#a++ a #itt#e higher, an- ga.e hi0 the+e #e++on+ to #earn7 hou +ha#t -o no hurt to any #i.ing thing. hou +ha#t not +tea#. hou +ha#t not cheat. So the 0an -i- no hurt to any #i.ing thing9 "ut he +to#e an- he cheate-. An- at the en- of the -ay A,hen hi+ "ear- ,a+ gray8,hen the night ,a+ co0eB hi+ teacher A,ho ,a+ Eo-B +ai-7 hou ha+t #earne- to "e 0ercifu#. But the other #e++on+ thou ha+t not #earne-. Co0e "ac3 to0orro,. "Again, on the 0orro,, he ca0e "ac3, a #itt#e "oy. An- hi+ teacher A,ho ,a+ Eo-B put hi0 in a c#a++ yet a #itt#e higher, an- ga.e hi0 the+e #e++on+ to #earn7 hou +ha#t not +tea#. hou +ha#t not cheat. hou +ha#t not co.et.

So the 0an -i- not +tea#9 "ut he cheate- an- he co.ete-. An- at the en- of the -ay A,hen hi+ "ear- ,a+ gray8,hen the night ,a+ co0eB hi+ teacher A,ho ,a+ Eo-B +ai-7 hou ha+t #earne- not to +tea#. But the other #e++on+ thou ha+t not #earne-. Co0e "ac3, 0y chi#-, to0orro,. " hi+ i+ ,hat I ha.e rea- in the face+ of 0en an- ,o0en, in the "oo3 of the ,or#-, an- in the +cro## of the hea.en+, ,hich i+ ,rit ,ith +tar+." he great #e++on to "e #earne- "y e.ery +ou#, i+ the truth of the )nene++ of A##. hi+ 3no,#e-ge carrie+ ,ith it a## the re+t. It cau+e+ one to fo##o, the precept of the Son of 1ary, ,ho +ai-7 "An- thou +ha#t #o.e the (or-, thy Eo-, ,ith a## thy heart, an- ,ith a## thy +ou#, an- ,ith a## thy 0in-, an- ,ith a## thy +trength9" an- " hou +ha#t #o.e thy neigh"or a+ thy+e#f." /hen 0an gro,+ into a con+ciou+ne++ of the truth that A## i+ )ne 8 that ,hen one #o.e+ Eo- he i+ #o.ing the /ho#e hing that hi+ neigh"or i+ in-ee- hi0+e#f 8 then he ha+ "ut a fe, 0ore c#a++e+ to pa++ through "efore he pa++e+ into the "High Schoo#" of Spiritua# Dno,#e-ge. hi+ con.iction of the )nene++ of A##, carrie+ ,ith it certain ru#e+ of action 8 of -i.ine ethic+ 8 ,hich tran+cen- a## ,ritten or +po3en hu0an #a,+. he &atherhoo- of Eo- an- the Brotherhoo- of 1an "eco0e a rea#ity rather than a 0ere repetition of 0eaning#e++ ,or-+. An- thi+ great #e++on 0u+t "e #earne- "y a## 8 ana## are #earning it "y -egree+. An- thi+ i+ the ai0 of the pre+ent +tage of Spiritua# %.o#ution 8 to 3no, Eo- a+ He i+9 to 3no, your re#ation+hip ,ith other+ 8 to 3no, ,hat ,e are. here are greater +choo#+, co##ege+ anuni.er+itie+ of +piritua# 3no,#e-ge "eyon- u+, "ut the+e truth+ are the #e++on+ taught in the gra-e+ in ,hich ,e are at pre+ent. An- a## thi+ pain, an- trou"#e an- +orro,, an- ,or3, ha+ "een "ut to teach u+ the+e truth+ 8 "ut the truth once gaine- i+ +een to "e ,e## ,orth e.en the great price pai- for it.

Chapter XV If you a+3 the Yogi+ ,hat i+ one6+ -uty to,ar- Eo- A0eaning Eo- in the gran-e+t conception of Hi0B they ,i## an+,er "(o.e Hi0, an- the re+t ,i## "e 0a-e c#ear to you 8 an- to 3no, hi0 i+ to (o.e hi0, therefore #earn to Dno, Hi0." An- if you a+3 then ,hat i+ one6+ -uty to,ar- hi+ fe##o,0en they ,i## an+,er, +i0p#y7 "Be Din- 8 an- you ,i## "e a## the re+t." he+e t,o precept+, if fo##o,e-, ,i## ena"#e one to #i.e the !erfect (ife. hey are +i0p#e, "ut they contain a## that i+ ,orth 3no,ing concerning one6+ re#ation+ ,ith the Infinite !o,er an- ,ith one6+ fe##o, 0en. A## the re+t i+ froth an- +e-i0ent 8 the ,orth#e++ ru""i+h ,hich ha+ accu0u#ate- aroun- the @i.ine &#a0e of the ruth. /e 0ention the0 in thi+ p#ace, "ecau+e they +u0 up the i-ea of the con+ciou+ne++ ,hich a## the race i+ +tri.ing har- to ac5uire. If you are a"#e to 0a3e the0 a part of your+e#f, you ,i## ha.e 0a-e great progre++ on the !ath 8 ,i## ha.e pa++e- the Ereat %:a0ination. he -octrine of Spiritua# Cau+e an- %ffect i+ "a+e- upon the great truth that un-er the (a, each 0an i+, practica##y, the 0a+ter of hi+ o,n -e+tiny 8 hi+ o,n 4u-ge 8 hi+ o,n re,ar-er 8 hi+ o,n a,ar-er of puni+h0ent. hat e.ery thought, ,or- or action, ha+ it+ effect upon the future #ife or #i.e+ of the 0an 8 not in the nature of a re,ar- or puni+h0ent Aa+ the+e ,or-+ are genera##y un-er+too-B 8 "ut a+ the ine.ita"#e re+u#t of the great (a, of cau+e an- effect. he operation of the (a, in +urroun-ing u+ ,ith certain +et+ of con-ition+ in a ne, "irth, i+ inf#uence- "y t,o great genera# princip#e+7 A1B he pre.ai#ing -e+ire+, a+piration+, #i3e+ an-i+#i3e+, an- #onging of the in-i.i-ua# at that particu#ar +tage of hi+ e:i+tence, an- A?B By the inf#uence of the unfo#-ing Spirit, ,hich, pre++ing for,ar- eager#y for fu##er e:pre++ion an- #e++ re+traint, "ring+ to "ear upon the reincarnating +ou# an inf#uence ,hich cau+e+ it to "e go.erne- in it+ +e#ection of the -e+ira"#e con-ition+ of it+ ne, "irth. ;pon the apparent#y conf#icting inf#uence+ of the+e t,o great force+ re+t+ the ,ho#e 0atter of the circu0+tance+ an- con-ition+ +urroun-ing the re"irth of the +ou#, an- a#+o 0any of the con-ition+ +urroun-ing the per+ona#ity in the ne, #ife 8 for the+e con-ition+ are go.erne- great#y a## through #ife "y the+e conf#icting Aor apparent#y conf#ictingB force+. he urge of the -e+ire+, a+piration+, an- ha"it+ of the pa+t #ife, i+ +trong#y pre++ing the +ou# to,ar-+ incarnation in con-ition+ "e+t fitte- for the e:pre++ion an- 0anife+tation of the+e #i3e+, ta+te+ an-e+ire+ 8 the +ou# ,i+he+ to go on a#ong the #ine of it+ pa+t #ife, an- natura##y +ee3+ circu0+tance+ an- +urroun-ing+ "e+t fitte- for the free+t e:pre++ion of it+ per+ona#ity. But, at the +a0e ti0e, the Spirit, ,ithin the +ou#,

3no,+ that the +ou#6+ unfo#-0ent nee-+ certain other con-ition+ to "ring out certain part+ of it+ nature ,hich ha.e "een +uppre++e- or not -e.e#ope-, an- +o it e:ert+ an attraction uponthe reincarnating +ou#, -ra,ing it a "it a+i-e fro0 it+ cho+en cour+e, an- inf#uencing that choice to a certain -egree. A 0an 0ay ha.e an o.erpo,ering -e+ire for 0ateria# ,ea#th, an- the force of hi+ -e+ire ,i## cau+e hi0 to choo+e circu0+tance+ ancon-ition+ for a re"irth into a fa0i#y ,here there i+ 0uch ,ea#th, or into a "o-y "e+t +uite- for the attain0ent of hi+ -e+ire+, "ut the Spirit, 3no,ing that the +ou# ha+ neg#ecte- the -e.e#op0ent of 3in-ne++, ,i## -ra, it a #itt#e a+i-e, an- cau+e it to "e "rought into the +,eep of circu0+tance+ ,hich ,i## re+u#t in the 0an "eing 0a-e to +uffer pain, -i+appoint0ent an- #o++, e.en though he attain great ,ea#th in hi+ ne, #ife, to the en- that he 0ay -e.e#op that part of hi+ nature. /e 0ay +ee i##u+tration+ of thi+ #a+t 0entione- occurrence in +o0e of the .ery rich 0en of A0erica. hey ha.e "een "orn into circu0+tance+ in ,hich they ha.e ha- the free+t e:pre++ion of the -e+ire for 0ateria# ,ea#th 8 they ha.e po++e++e- the0+e#.e+ of facu#tie+ "e+t a-apte- to that one en-, an- ha.e 0anage- to "e +urroun-e- ,ith circu0+tance+ "e+t ca#cu#ate- to gi.e the free+t 0anife+tation+ of tho+e facu#tie+. hey ha.e attaine- their heart6+ -e+ire, an- ha.e pi#e- up ,ea#th in a 0anner un3no,n to for0er age+. But yet they are 0o+t unhappy an- -i++ati+fie- a+ a ru#e. heir ,ea#th i+ a ,eight aroun- their nec3, an- they are tor0ente- "y fear+ of #o+ing it an- the an:iety of atten-ing to it. hey fee# that it ha+ "rought the0 no rea# happine++, "ut ha+ on the contrary +eparate- the0 fro0 their fe##o, 0en, an- fro0 the happine++ 3no,n to tho+e of 0o-erate 0ean+. hey are fe.eri+h an- re+t#e++ an- con+tant#y on the +earch for +o0e ne, e:cite0ent ,hich ,i## -i.ert their 0in-+ fro0 the conte0p#ation of their rea# con-ition. hey fee# a +en+e of their -uty to,ar- the race ana#though they -o not 5uite un-er+tan- the fee#ing "ehin- it a##, they en-ea.or to "a#ance 0atter+ "y contri"uting to co##ege+, ho+pita#+, charitie+, an- other +i0i#ar in+titution+ ,hich ha.e +prung up in re+pon+e to the a,a3ening con+ciou+ne++ of the race to the rea#ity of the Brotherhoo- of 1an an- the )nene++ of A##. Before the en- co0e+, they ,i## fee# in the -epth+ of their +ou# that thi+ +ucce++ ha+ not "rought the0 rea#

Chapter XV happine++, an- in the perio- of re+t ,hich ,i## fo##o, their -eparture fro0 the phy+ica# "o-y, they ,i## "ta3e +toc3" of the0+e#.e+, an- rea-4u+t their 0enta# an- +piritua# affair+, +o that ,hen they are again "orn they ,i## no #onger -e.ote their entire energie+ to,ar- the pi#ing up of ,ea#th that they cannot u+e, "ut ,i## #i.e a 0ore "a#ance- #ife, an- ,i## fin- happine++ in une:pecte- 5uarter+ an- ,i## -e.e#op 0ore +piritua##y. hi+ i+ not "ecau+e they ha.e "een i0pre++e- ,ith the +en+e of any +pecia# ",ic3e-ne++" in a"nor0a# 0oney getting, "ut "ecau+e the +ou# ha+ foun- that it -i- not +ecure happine++ in that ,ay, an- i+ +ee3ing e#+e,here for it, an"ecau+e it ha+ #i.e- out the -e+ire for ,ea#th, an- ha+ turne- it+ attention to other thing+. Ha- the Spirit not e:erte- it+ inf#uence, the 0an 0ight ha.e "een "orn into the con-ition+ ten-ing to pro-uce ,ea#th, anyet not ha.e "een 0a-e to +ee the one8+i-e-ne++ of +uch a #ife, in ,hich ca+e it ,ou#- ha.e continue- to "e po++e++eof +uch an a"nor0a# -e+ire for ,ea#th that it ,ou#- ha.e "een "orn again an- again, ,ith increa+ing po,er each ti0e, unti# it ,ou#- ha.e "eco0e practica##y a 0oney -e0on. But the Spirit6+ inf#uence a#,ay+ counteract+ a"nor0a# -e+ire+, a#though +o0eti0e+ +e.era# incarnation+ ha.e to "e #i.e- through "efore the +ou# ,ear+ out it+ -e+ire, an- "egin+ to "e inf#uence- "y the Spirit to a 0ar3e- e:tent. So0eti0e+ the Spirit6+ inf#uence i+ not +ufficient#y +trong to pre.ent re"irth into con-ition+ great#y fa.oring o#- -e+ire+, "ut in +uch ca+e+ it i+ often a"#e to 0anage affair+ -uring the #ife of the 0an, +o a+ to teach hi0 the #e++on nee-eto ca## a ha#t upon hi+ un"ri-#e- -e+ire+, "y "ringing hi0 into the, +,eep of the (a, of Attraction an- cau+ing certain pain to "efa## hi0 8 certain -i+appoint0ent 8 certain fai#ure+ 8 that ,i## cau+e hi0 to rea#i2e the pain, -i+appoint0ent, fai#ure+ an- +orro, of other+, an- to "ring upon hi0 a cour+e of #i.ing ,hich ,i## he#p to unfo#- hi+ higher facu#tie+. 1any of the +u--en +tro3e+ of "0i+fortune" are rea##y "rought a"out "y thi+ higher princip#e of the 0an, in or-er to teach hi0 certain #e++on+ for hi+ o,n goo-. It i+ not nece++ari#y a higher po,er ,hich 0a3e+ a 0an rea#i2e the+e #e++on+ of #ife, "ut it i+ genera##y hi+ o,n higher +e#f 8 the Spirit ,ithin hi0 8 ,hich "ring+ a"out the+e re+u#t+. he Spirit 3no,+ ,hat i+ rea##y "e+t for the 0an, an,hen it +ee+ hi+ #o,er nature running a,ay ,ith hi0, trie+ to +,ing hi0 fro0 hi+ cour+e, or to "ring hi0 to a +u--en +top if nece++ary. hi+ i+ not a+ a puni+h0ent, re0e0"er, "ut a+ the greate+t 3in-ne++. he Spirit i+ a part of

that 0an, an- not an out+i-e po,er, a#though it i+ of cour+e the @i.ine part of hi0, that part of hi0 in neare+t touch ,ith the great o.erru#ing Inte##igence ,hich ,e ca## Eo-. hi+ pain i+ not "rought a"out "ecau+e of any fee#ing of righteou+ in-ignation, re.enge, i0patience or any +i0i#ar fee#ing on the part of the Spirit, "ut i+ a3in to the fee#ing of the 0o+t #o.ing parent, ,ho i+ force- to ta3e fro0 the han-+ of the #itt#e chi#- +o0e -angerou+ thing ,hich 0ay in4ure the #itt#e one 8 it i+ the han- ,hich -ra,+ "ac3 the chi#- fro0 the "rin3 of the precipice, a#though the #itt#e one +crea0+ ,ith rage an- -i+appoint0ent "ecau+e it+ -e+ire+ are fru+trate-. he 0an or ,o0an in ,ho0 the Spiritua# 1in- i+ -e.e#ope-, +ee+ thi+ con-ition of thing+, an- in+teaof fighting again+t the Spirit, yie#-+ hi0+e#f or her+e#f to it ,ithout friction, an- o"ey+, it+ gui-ing han-, an- i+ thu+ +a.e- 0uch pain. But tho+e ,ho 3no, not, rage an- re"e# at the re+training an- gui-ing han-, +tri3e at it, an- atte0pt to tear a,ay fro0 it, there"y "ringing upon the0+e#.e+, "itter e:perience 0a-e nece++ary "y their re"e##ion. /e are +o apt to re+ent out+i-e inf#uence in our affair+ that thi+ i-ea of re+traint i+ not p#ea+ant to u+, "ut if ,e ,i## on#y re0e0"er that it i+ a part of our+e#.e+ 8 the higher part of u+ 8 that i+ -oing thi+ -irecting, then ,e 0ay +ee the thing in a -ifferent #ight. An- ,e 0u+t re0e0"er thi+7 hat no 0atter ho, a-.er+e circu0+tance+ or con-ition+ +ee0 to "e for u+, they are e:act#y ,hat ,e nee- un-er 4u+t the circu0+tance+. of our #i.e+, an- ha.e for their on#y o"4ect our u#ti0ate goo-. /e 0ay nee- +trengthening a#ong certain #ine+, in or-er to roun- u+ out 8 an- ,e are apt to get 4u+t the e:perience+ ca#cu#ate- to roun- out that particu#ar part of u+. /e 0ay "e ten-ing too 0uch in one -irection, an- ,e are gi.en a chec3 an- an urge in another -irection. he+e #itt#e thing+ 8 an- great thing+ a## 0ean +o0ething. An- then our intere+t+ are "oun- up 0ore or #e++ ,ith tho+e of other+, o,ing to the #a,+ of attraction9 an- our act+ 0ay "e inten-e- to ref#ect upon the0, an- their+ upon u+, for our 0utua# -e.e#op0ent an- u#ti0ate goo-. /e ,i## ha.e 0ore to +ay on thi+ +u"4ect a #itt#e #ater on. If ,e ,i## +tan- +ti##, an- ca#0#y con+i-er our pa+t #ife Athe pre+ent #ife, ,e 0eanB ,e ,i## +ee that certain thing+ ha.e #e- to certain other thing+, an- that +0a## thing+ ha.e #e- to great thing+ 8 that #itt#e turning point+ ha.e re+u#te- in an entire change in our #ife. /e 0ay trace "ac3 the 0o+t i0portant thing in our #ife to +o0e trif#ing inci-ent or occurrence. /e are a"#e to #oo3 "ac3 an- +ee ho, the painfu# e:perience+ of the pa+t ha.e

Chapter XV +trengthene- u+, an- ha.e "rought u+ to a #arger an- fu##er #ife. /e are a"#e to +ee ho, that particu#ar thing in the pa+t, ,hich +ee0e- nee-#e++#y crue# an- unca##e- for, ,a+ the .ery thing ,hich ha+ "rought u+ to +o0e great thing in the pre+ent. A## that i+ nee-e- i+ the per+pecti.e of year+. An- if ,e get +o that ,e are a"#e to +ee thi+, ,e ,i## "e a"#e to "ear ,ith a far greater -egree of phi#o+ophy the pain+ an- -i+agreea"#e occurrence+ of the pre+ent, 3no,ing that they 0ean u#ti0ate goo-. /hen ,e cea+e to thin3 of the+e thing+ a+ puni+h0ent, or a ,anton interference of +o0e out+i-e po,er, or the crue#ty of *ature, an- "egin to +ee the0 a+ either the con+e5uence+ of our o,n pa+t #i.e+, or the re+u#t of the Spirit6+ -irecting han-, ,e ,i## cea+e to prote+t an- +trugg#e a+ ,e ha.e "een -oing in the pa+t, an- ,i## en-ea.or to fa## in ,ith the ,or3ing of the great (a,, an- ,i## there"y a.oifriction an- pain. An- no 0atter ,hat pain, +orro, or trou"#e ,e 0ay "e un-ergoing, if ,e ,i## open our+e#.e+ to the gui-ance of the Spirit, a ,ay ,i## "e opene- out for u+ 8 one +tep at, a ti0e 8 an- if ,e fo##o, it ,e ,i## o"tain peace an- +trength. he (a, -oe+ not heap upon a "ac3 0ore than it can "ear, an- not on#y -oe+ it te0per the ,into the +horn #a0", "ut te0per+ the +horn #a0" to the ,in-. /e ha.e +po3en of our intere+t+ "eing "oun- up ,ith tho+e of other+. hi+ a#+o i+ a princip#e of the #a, of Spiritua# Cau+e an- %ffect. In our pa+t #i.e+ ,e ha.e attache- our+e#.e+ to certain other+, either "y #o.e or hate 8 either "y 3in- action or "y crue#ty. An- the+e peop#e in thi+ #ife ha.e certain re#ation+hip+ to u+, a## ten-ing to,ar- 0utua# a-4u+t0ent an- 0utua# a-.ance0ent an- -e.e#op0ent. It i+ not a #a, of re.enge, "ut +i0p#y the #a, of cau+e an- effect ,hich cau+e+ u+ to recei.e a hurt A,hen a hurt i+ nee-e-B fro0 the han-+ of +o0eone ,ho0 ,e ha.e hurt in +o0e pa+t #ife 8 an- it i+ not 0ere#y a #a, of re,ar- for goo-, "ut that +a0e #a, of cau+e an- effect, that cau+e+ +o0e one to "in- up our ,oun-+ an- co0fort u+, ,ho0 ,e ha.e co0forte- an- he#pe- in +o0e pa+t #ife. he per+on ,ho i+ cau+e- to hurt u+, 0ay ha.e no intention of -oing +o, "eing a perfect#y innocent party, "ut ,e are "rought into con-ition+ ,here"y ,e recei.e pain fro0 the act+ of that per+on, a#though he "e uncon+ciou+ of it. If he hurt+ u+ con+ciou+#y, an- +ti## in o"e-ience to the #a,, it

i+ "ecau+e he i+ +ti## on that p#ane, an- i+ ,i##ing to hurt u+, an- i+ "rought "y the (a, of Attraction into a con-ition ,here"y ,e 0ay recei.e hurt fro0 hi0. But e.en that hurt i+ ca#cu#ate- to "enefit u+, in the en-, +o ,on-erfu# i+ thi+ #a, of cau+e an- effect con+titute-. )f cour+e, if ,e once reach the po+ition ,here ,e +ee the truth, ,e -o not nee- +o 0any of the+e #e++on+, an- their nece++ity ha.ing pa++e-, the #a, a##o,+ u+ to e+cape that ,hich ,ou#- other,i+e, ha.e gi.en u+ pain. he a"o.e 0entione- con-ition of affair+ 0ay "e i##u+trate- "y the ca+e of one ,ho in a pa+t incarnation -e#i"erate#y ,on the #o.e of another, for +e#fi+h rea+on+, an- then ha.ing gratifie- the -e+ire ,i##fu##y thre, a+i-e the other one, a+ one ,ou#- a ,orn8out toy. /hi#e not preten-ing to e:p#ain the e:act ,or3ing of the #a, in any particu#ar ca+e, ,e ha.e "een infor0e- "y tho+e ,ho ha.e ,atche- the+e 0atter+ fro0 a higher point of .ie,, that in +uch a ca+e a+ a"o.e 0entione-, the "etrayer ,ou#- pro"a"#y in thi+ #ife, fa## .io#ent#y in #o.e ,ith the per+on ,ho ,a+ the .icti0 in the #a+t #ife, "ut the #atter ,ou#- "e utter#y una"#e to return that affection, an- the for0er ,ou#- +uffer a## the pain that co0e+ to one ,ho #o.e+ in .ain, the re+u#t "eing that he ,ou#- "e "rought to a rea#i2ation of the +acre-ne++ of hu0an affection, an- the un3in-ne++ of trif#ing ,ith it. It ,i## "e notice- in thi+ ca+e that the per+on cau+ing pain in the pre+ent #ife i+ a perfect#y innocent party to the ,ho#e thing an- there"y -oe+ not +tart ne, cau+e+ an- effect+. ho+e ,ho0 ,e ha.e #o.e- an- ha.e "een frien-#y to in pa+t #i.e+ are .ery apt to "e connecte- ,ith our pre+ent #ife, "eing 3ept near u+ "y the #a, of attraction. he peop#e ,ho are "rought into c#o+e re#ation+ ,ith u+ are, in a## pro"a"i#ity, tho+e ,ith ,ho0 ,e ha.e "een c#o+e in pa+t #i.e+. Su--en #i3e+ an- -i+#i3e+, +o often o"+er.e- "et,een peop#e, 0ay "e accounte- for on thi+ theory of re"irth, an- 0any of the occurrence+ of our e.ery -ay #i.e+ co0e un-er thi+ #a, of +piritua# cau+e an- effect. /e are con+tant#y "oun- up ,ith the #i.e+ of other+, for pain or happine++, an- the #a, 0u+t ,or3 out it+ cour+e. he on#y e+cape fro0 the co0p#ete ,or3ing out of the #a, i+ the ac5uire0ent of the 3no,#e-ge of the truth on our part, an- the con+e5uent 0o-e#ing of our #i.e+ on the #ine+ of thi+ higher truth, in ,hich ca+e ,e are re#ie.e- of the

Chapter XV unnece++ary #e++on+, an- ,e ri-e on the top of the ,a.e, in+tea- of ha.ing it +u"0erge u+. (et u+ "e,are ho, ,e +tart into operation thi+ #a, of cau+e an- effect "y Hate, 1a#ice, 4ea#ou+y, Anger, angenera# ;n3in-ne++ to,ar- other+. (et u+ "e a+ Din- a+ ,e can, in a## 4u+tice to our+e#.e+ an- other+, an- #et u+ a.oi- fee#ing+ of Hate an- a -e+ire for 'e.enge. (et u+ #i.e on, "earing our "ur-en+ ,ith a+ 0uch grace a+ ,e can +u00on, an- #et u+ a#,ay+ tru+t in the gui-ance of the Spirit, an- the he#p of the highe+t Inte##igence. (et u+ 3no, that a## i+ ,or3ing together for goo-, an- that ,e cannot "e -epri.e- of that goo-. (et u+ re0e0"er that thi+ #ife i+ a+ "ut a grain of +an- in the -e+ert of ti0e, an- that ,e ha.e #ong age+ aheaof u+, in ,hich ,e ,i## ha.e a chance to ,or3 out a## our a+piration+ an- high -e+ire+. Be not -i+courage-, for Eoreign+, an- a## i+ ,e##. H% &);' %%* H (%SS)*. H% Y)EI !A H )& A AI*1%*

he +tu-ent ,ho ha+ carefu##y ac5uainte- hi0+e#f ,ith the fun-a0enta# princip#e+ of the Yogi !hi#o+ophy, a+ +et forth in the+e #e++on+, ,i## rea-i#y +ee that anyone ,ho gra+p+ an- accept+ the+e teaching+, an0a3e+ the0 a part of hi+ e.ery-ay #ife, ,i## natura##y #i.e a .ery -ifferent #ife fro0 one to ,ho0 thi+ pre+ent earth8 #ife i+ a##, an- ,ho "e#ie.e+ that -eath e:tingui+he+ in-i.i-ua#ity, an- that there i+ no future #ife or #i.e+. It ,i## a#+o #ea- one to #i.e hi+ #ife rather -ifferent#y fro0 the per+on ,ho "e#ie.e+ that ,e are "ut creature+ of a rather capriciou+ !ro.i-ence, ha.ing "ut #itt#e re+pon+i"i#ity of our o,n, an- that our "+a#.ation" -epen-+ upon a perfunctory ""e#ief" in certain teaching+, an- a +et for0 of atten-ance at certain for0+ of re#igiou+ ,or+hip. 'e0e0"er, no,, p#ea+e, that the Yogi !hi#o+ophy ha+ no fau#t to fin- ,ith any for0 of re#igion 8 it teache+ that a## for0+ of re#igion are goo-, an- each ha+ it+ particu#ar p#ace to fi## 8 each fi##+ the nee- of hu0anity in +o0e of it+ +tage+. It "e#ie.e+ that no 0atter ,hat for0 of ,or+hip i+ fo##o,e- 8 no 0atter ,hat conception of @eity i+ he#- 8 that e.ery 0an rea##y ,or+hip+ the )ne Ereat Inte##igence, ,hich ,e 3no, un-er 0any na0e+, an- that the .arying for0+ of +uch ,or+hip are i00ateria#, the 0oti.e "ehin- each "eing the rea# te+t to "e

app#ie-. But the Yogi !hi#o+ophy, an-, in fact, the teaching+ of a## occu#ti+t+, to ,hate.er race they 0ay "e#ong, or ,hat particu#ar cree- 0ay "e fa.ore- "y the0, ho#- that 0an i+ a re+pon+i"#e "eing, that he rea##y 0a3e+ hi+ o,n con-ition+ an- "e+to,+ hi+ o,n re,ar-+ an- puni+h0ent+, a+ a natura# con+e5uence of hi+ act+. It a#+o teache+ that 0an cannot e+cape hi+ o,n goo-, an- that though he 0ay +#ip "ac3,ar- a hun-re- ti0e+, +ti## ,i## he a#,ay+ 0a3e +o0e #itt#e progre++, an- in the en- ,i## con5uer hi+ 0ateria# nature, an- then 0o.e +tea-i#y for,ar- to the great goa#. It teache+ that ,e are a## Eo-6+ chi#-ren, no 0atter ,hat for0 of ,or+hip ,e 0ay fa.or 8 that there are none of Eo-6+ chi#-ren -e+tine- to "e utter#y cut off or -a0ne-. It teache+ that ,e are puni+he- "y our +in+ in+tea- of for the0, an- that the #a, of cau+e an- effect "ring+ it+ ine.ita"#e re+u#t. It e0pha+i2e+ the teaching+ that "a+ ,e +o, +o +ha## ,e reap," an- +ho,+ 4u+t ho, an- ,hy ,e reap ,hat ,e ha.e +o,n. It +ho,+ ho, our #o,er -e+ire+ an- pa++ion+ ,i## ,eigh u+ -o,n, an- +urroun- u+ ,ith en.iron0ent+ that ,i## cau+e u+ to out#i.e the0, an- 0a3e u+ +o thorough#y +ic3 an- tire- of the0 that the +ou# ,i##, e.entua##y, recoi# in horror fro0 it+ pa+t #ife of 0ateria# gro++ne++, an- in +o -oing ,i## recei.e an i0petu+ in the right -irection. It +ho,+ u+ that ,e ha.e the Spirit a#,ay+ ,ith u+, an:iou+ an- ,i##ing to gi.e u+ he#p an- gui-ance, an- that, through the Spirit, ,e are a#,ay+ in c#o+e connection ,ith the +ource of a## #ife an- po,er. 1en are of .arying te0pera0ent+, an- the cour+e that ,i## "e+t +uit one ,i## not "e a-apte- to the re5uire0ent+ of another. )ne ,i## +ee3 progre++ an- -e.e#op0ent in one -irection, an- another in a -ifferent ,ay, an- a thir- "y a +ti## -ifferent cour+e. he Yogi !hi#o+ophy teache+ that the ,ay that +ee0+ to appea# the 0o+t to a 0an6+ genera# te0pera0ent an- -i+po+ition i+ the one "e+t a-apte- to hi+ u+e at the pre+ent ti0e. hey -i.i-e the !ath of Attain0ent into three path+ #ea-ing up to the great 0ain roa-. hey ca## the+e three

Chapter XV path+, A1B 'a4a Yoga9 A?B Dar0a Yoga9 A3B Enani Yoga9 each of the+e for0+ of Yoga "eing a path #ea-ing to the Ereat 'oa-, an- each "eing tra.e#e- "y tho+e ,ho 0ay prefer it 8 "ut a## #ea- to the +a0e p#ace. In thi+ #e++on ,e ,i## gi.e a "rief -e+cription of each of the three path+, ,hich together are 3no,n to the Yogi+ a+ " he hreefo#- !ath." So0e of the teacher+ treat ,hat i+ 3no,n a+ "Bha3ti Yoga" a+ if it ,ere a +eparate path, "ut ,e prefer thin3ing of it a+ "eing an inci-ent of each of the three path+, a+ "Bha3ti Yoga" i+ rea##y ,hat ,e 0ight ca## the "re#igiou+" for0 of Yoga, teaching the #o.e an- ,or+hip of Eo-, accor-ing to ho, he appear+ to u+ through the co#ore- g#a++e+ of our o,n particu#ar cree-. /e fai# to +ee ho, one 0ay fo##o, any of the +e.era# Yoga path+ ,ithout "eing fi##e- ,ith #o.e an- re.erence for the great Centre of a## (ife 8 the A"+o#ute Eo- 8 "y ,hate.er na0e ,e 3no, it. he ter0 "Bha3ti Yoga" rea##y 0ean+ the ",ay of -e.otion." (et u+ tru+t that a## our +tu-ent+, no 0atter ,hich of the three path+ they 0ay e#ect to fo##o,, ,i## carry ,ith the0 the -e.otion incu#cate- in the "Bha3ti Yoga" of the particu#ar re#igiou+ "o-y ,ith ,hich they are affi#iate-, an- not fee# that the " hreefo#- !ath" ca##+ for their renouncing that ,hich ha+ "een -ear to the0 fro0 chi#-hoo-. )n the contrary, ,e thin3 that a carefu# +tu-y of the Yogi !hi#o+ophy ,i## a,a3en a ne, intere+t in re#igion, an- cau+e 0any to un-er+tan- 0uch that they for0er#y "ut "#in-#y ""e#ie.e-," an- ,i## cau+e the0 to -e.e#op a -eeper re#igiou+ +pirit, rather than a #e++er one. "'a4a Yoga" i+ -e.ote- to the -e.e#op0ent of the #atent po,er+ in 1an the gaining of the contro# of the 0enta# facu#tie+ "y the /i## 8 the attain0ent of the 0a+tery of the #o,er +e#f 8 the -e.e#op0ent of the 0in- to the en- that the +ou# 0ay "e ai-e- in it+ unfo#-0ent. It teache+ a+ it+ fir+t +tep the care an- contro# of the "o-y, a+ taught in "Hatha Yoga," ho#-ing that the "o-y +hou#- "e ren-ere- an efficient in+tru0ent, an- un-er goocontro#, "efore the "e+t re+u#t+ 0ay "e attaine- a#ong 0enta# an- p+ychic #ine+. 1uch that the /e+tern /or#ha+ "een attracte- to in #ate year+ un-er the na0e of "1enta# Science" an- +i0i#ar ter0+, rea##y co0e+ un-er the hea- of "'a4a Yoga." hi+ for0 of Yoga recogni2e+ the ,on-erfu# po,er of the traine- 0in- an,i##, anthe 0ar.e#ou+ re+u#t+ that 0ay "e gaine- "y the training of the +a0e, an- it+ app#ication "y concentration, an-

inte##igent -irection. It teache+ that not on#y 0ay the 0in- "e -irecte- out,ar-, inf#uencing out+i-e o"4ect+ an- thing+, "ut that it 0ay a#+o "e turne- in,ar-, an- concentrate- upon the particu#ar +u"4ect "efore u+, to the en- that 0uch hi--en 3no,#e-ge 0ay "e unfo#-e- an- unco.ere-. 1any of the great in.entor+ are rea##y practicing "'a4a Yoga" uncon+ciou+#y, in thi+ in,ar- app#ication of it, ,hi#e 0any #ea-er+ in the ,or#- of affair+ are 0a3ing u+e of it+ out,ar-, concentrate- app#ication in their 0anage0ent of affair+. But the fo##o,er of the "'a4a Yoga" path i+ not content a#one ,ith the attain0ent of po,er+ for either of the, a"o.e u+e+. He +ee3+ +ti## greater height+, an- 0anage+ "y the +a0e, or +i0i#ar proce++e+, to turn the +earch#ight of concentrate- 0in- into hi+ o,n nature, thu+ "ringing to #ight 0any hi--en +ecret+ of the +ou#. 1uch of the Yogi !hi#o+ophy ha+ rea##y "een "rought to #ight in thi+ ,ay. he practice of "'a4a Yoga" i+ e0inent#y practica#, an- i+ in the nature of the +tu-y an- practice of che0i+try 8 it pro.e+ it+e#f a+ the +tu-ent ta3e+ each +tep. It -oe+ not -ea# in .ague theorie+, "ut teache+ e:peri0ent+ an- fact+ fro0 fir+t to #a+t. /e hope to "e a"#e to gi.e to our +tu-ent+, in the near future, a practica# ,or3 on the +u"4ect of "Hatha Yoga," for ,hich ,or3 there +ee0+ to "e a great nee- in the /e+tern ,or#-, ,hich +ee0+ to "e ,aiting to "e to#"ho," to -o tho+e thing+ ,hich ha.e "een +tate- to "e po++i"#e "y nu0erou+ ,riter+ ,ho ha- gra+pe- the theory "ut ha- not ac5uainte- the0+e#.e+ ,ith the practice acco0panying the theory. "Dar0a Yoga" i+ the "Yoga" of /or3. It i+ the path fo##o,e- "y tho+e ,ho -e#ight in their ,or3, ,ho ta3e a 3een intere+t in "-oing thing+" ,ith hea- or han- 8 tho+e ,ho "e#ie.e in ,or3 "for ,or36+ +a3e." "Dar0a" i+ the San+crit ,or- app#ie- to the "(a, of Spiritua# Cau+e an- %ffect," of ,hich ,e ha.e +po3en in a prece-ing #e++on. "Dar0a Yoga" teache+ ho, one 0ay go through #ife ,or3ing8an- ta3ing an intere+t in action8 ,ithout "eing inf#uence- "y +e#fi+h con+i-eration, ,hich 0ight create a fre+h chain of cau+e an- effect ,hich ,ou#"in- hi0 to o"4ect+ an- thing+, an- thu+ retar- hi+ +piritua# progre++. It teache+ ",or3 for ,or36+ +a3e" rather

Chapter XV than fro0 a -e+ire for re+u#t+. Strange a+ thi+ 0ay +ee0 to 0any of our /e+tern rea-er+, it i+ a fact that 0any of the 0en of the /e+tern ,or#- ,ho ha.e acco0p#i+he- 0uch, ha.e rea##y "een po++e++e- of thi+ i-ea, ,ithout rea#i2ing it an- ha.e rea##y ,or3e- for the 4oy of the action an- creati.e effort, an- ha.e rea##y care"ut #itt#e for the fruit of their #a"or+. So0e of the0 +ay that they "ha.e ,or3e- "ecau+e they cou#- not he#p it," rather than fro0 the 0ere -e+ire for 0ateria# gain. he fo##o,er of "Dar0a Yoga," +ee0+ to hi0+e#f, at ti0e+, a+ if he ,ere not the rea# ,or3er, "ut that hi+ 0in- an- "o-y ,ere -oing the ,or3, an- he, hi0+e#f 8 ,ere +tan-ing off an- ,atching hi0+e#f ,or3 or act. here are #o,er an- higher pha+e+ of "Dar0a Yoga", ,hich cannot "e e:p#aine- here, a+ each "ranch of Yoga i+ a great +u"4ect in it+e#f. "Enani Yoga" i+ the "Yoga" of /i+-o0. It i+ fo##o,e- "y tho+e of a +cientific, inte##ectua# type, ,ho are -e+irou+ of rea+oning out, pro.ing, e:peri0enting, an- c#a++ifying the occu#t 3no,#e-ge.It i+ the path of the +cho#ar. It+ fo##o,er i+ +trong#y attracte- to,ar- 0etaphy+ic+. %:a0p#e+ of the i-ea of "Enani Yogi"apparent#y ,i-e#y -iffering e:a0p#e+ 8 are to "e +een in the great phi#o+opher+ of ancient an- 0o-ern ti0e+, an- in the other e:tre0e, tho+e ,ho ha.e a +trong ten-ency to,ar- 0etaphy+ica# teaching+. A+ a 0atter of fact, near#y a## +tu-ent+ of the Yogi !hi#o+ophy are 0ore or #e++ attracte- to "Enani Yoga", e.en though they "e +ai- to "e fo##o,ing one of the other of the three path+. he+e #e++on+, for in+tance, are a part of the "Enani Yoga" ,or3, a#though they are co0"ine- ,ith other for0+ of Yoga. 1any Yogi+ co0"ine in the0+e#.e+ the attri"ute+ of the fo##o,er+ of +e.era# for0+ of Yoga, a#though their natura# ten-encie+ cau+e the0 to fa.or one of the path+ 0ore than the other+. )f the three for0+ of Yoga, the +econ-, or "Dar0a Yoga" i+ perhap+ the ea+ie+t one to fo##o,, for the +tu-ent. It re5uire+ #e++ +tu-y, an- #e++ practice 8 #e++ of the re+earch of "Enani Yoga", an- #e++ of the training of "'a4a Yoga." he Dar0a Yogi +i0p#y trie+ to #ea- a goo- #ife, -oing hi+ ,or3 to the "e+t of hi+ a"i#ity, ,ithout "eing carrie- a,ay ,ith the hope of re,ar- he gro,+ into a rea#i2ation of the truth regar-ing hi+ nature, ani+ content to gra-ua##y unfo#-, #i3e a ro+e, fro0 #ife to #ife, unti# he reache+ a high +tage of attain0ent. He -oe+ not #ong for unu+ua# po,er+, an- con+e5uent#y -oe+ not en-ea.or to -e.e#op the0. He -oe+ not #ong for the

+o#ution of the great pro"#e0+ of nature an- #ife, "ut i+ content to #i.e on, one -ay at a ti0e, 3no,ing antru+ting that a## ,i## "e ,e## ,ith hi0 8 an- it ,i##. 1any of the "*e, hought" peop#e of A0erica, are rea##y Dar0a Yogi+. he 'a4a Yogi, on the contrary, fee#+ a -e+ire to -e.e#op hi+ #atent po,er+ an- to 0a3e re+earche+ into hi+ o,n 0in-. He ,i+he+ to 0anife+t hi--en po,er+ an- facu#tie+, an- fee#+ a 3een #onging to e:peri0ent a#ong the+e #ine+. He i+ inten+e#y intere+te- in p+ycho#ogy an- "p+ychic pheno0ena", an- a## occu#t pheno0ena anteaching+ a#ong +i0i#ar #ine+. He i+ a"#e to acco0p#i+h 0uch "y -eter0ine- effort, an- often 0anife+t+ ,on-erfu# re+u#t+ "y 0ean+ of the concentrate- ,i## an- 0in-. he Enani Yogi6+ chief p#ea+ure con+i+t+ in 0etaphy+ica# rea+oning, or +u"t#e inte##ectua# re+earch. He i+ the phi#o+opher9 +cho#ar9 preacher9 teacher9 +tu-ent9 an- often goe+ to e:tre0e #ength+ in fo##o,ing hi+ fa.orite #ine of ,or3, #o+ing +ight of the other +i-e+ of the +u"4ect. he 0an "e+t ca#cu#ate- to 0a3e genera# a-.ance0ent a#ong occu#t #ine+ i+ the one ,ho a.oi-+ running to e:tre0e+ in any one of the "ranche+ of the +u"4ect, "ut ,ho, ,hi#e in the 0ain fo##o,ing hi+ o,n inc#ination+ to,ar- certain for0+ of "Yoga", +ti## 3eep+ up a genera# ac5uaintance ,ith the +e.era# pha+e+ of the great phi#o+ophy. In the en-, 0an 0u+t -e.e#op on a## hi+ 0any +i-e+, an- ,hy not 3eep in touch ,ith a## +i-e+ ,hi#e ,e 4ourney a#ong. By fo##o,ing thi+ cour+e ,e a.oi- one+i-e-ne++9 fanatici+09 narro,ne++9 +hort+ighte-ne++, an- "igotry. Yogi +tu-ent+ 0ay "e -i.i-e- into three genera# c#a++e+7

Chapter XV A1B ho+e ,ho ha.e 0a-e con+i-era"#e progre++ a#ong the +a0e #ine+, in pa+t incarnation+, an- ,ho ha.e a,a3ene- to con+ciou+ne++ in the pre+ent #ife ,ith the +tronge+t ten-encie+ to,ar- occu#ti+0 an+i0i#ar +u"4ect+. he+e peop#e #earn rapi-#y an- are con+ciou+ of the fact that they are "ut re#earning +o0e #e++on #earne- in the pa+t. hey gra+p occu#t truth+ intuiti.e#y an- fin- in +uch +tu-ie+ foo- for the hunger of the +ou#. he+e +ou#+ are, of cour+e, in .ariou+ +tage+ of -e.e#op0ent. So0e ha.e "ut an e#e0entary ac5uaintance ,ith the +u"4ect, their 3no,#e-ge in the pa+t incarnation ha.ing "een "ut +#ight9 other+ ha.e progre++e- further, an- are a"#e to go 0uch further in their pre+ent ,or3 than tho+e ,ho are #e++ -e.e#ope-9 +ti## other+ are 5uite high#y -e.e#ope-, an- #ac3 "ut #itt#e of ha.ing reache- the "con+ciou+" +tage of incarnation, that i+, the +tate of "eing a"#e to a,a3en to a con+ciou+ 3no,#e-ge of pa+t #i.e+. he #a+t 0entione- +u"8c#a++ are apt to "e regar-e- a+ "5ueer" "y their a++ociate+, particu#ar#y in ear#y #ife8they appear "o#-" an- "+trange" to their co0panion+. hey fee# a+ if they ,ere +tranger+ in a +trange #an-, "ut +ooner or #ater are +ure to "e "rought into contact ,ith other+, or 0a-e ac5uainte- ,ith teaching+, ,hich ,i## ena"#e the0 to ta3e up their +tu-ie+ again. A?B ho+e ,ho a,a3en to a con+ciou+ 3no,#e-ge, to a greater or #e++er -egree, of their pa+t #i.e+, an,hat they ha.e #earne- there. Such peop#e are co0parati.e#y rare, an- yet there are far 0ore of the0 than i+ genera##y +uppo+e-, for the+e peop#e are not apt to "e+to, their confi-ence upon chance ac5uaintance+, angenera##y regar- their 3no,#e-ge an- 0e0ory of the pa+t a+ +o0ething +acre-. he+e peop#e go through the ,or#-, +o,ing a #itt#e +ee- here, an- a #itt#e there, ,hich +ee- fa##ing on ferti#e groun- "ear+ fruit in the future incarnation+ of tho+e ,ho recei.e the0. A3B ho+e ,ho ha.e hear- +o0e occu#t truth+ in pa+t incarnation+ +o0e ,or-+ of ,i+-o0, 3no,#e-ge or a-.ice -roppe- "y +o0e of tho+e ,ho ha.e a-.ance- further a#ong the path. In their 0enta# +oi#, if rich, they #et the+e +ee-8thought+ +in3 -eep into the0, an- in the ne:t #ife the p#ant appear+. he+e peop#e are po++e++eof an unre+t, ,hich 0a3e+ the0 -i++ati+fie- ,ith the current e:p#anation+ of thing+, an- ,hich cau+e+ the0 to +earch here an- there for the truth, ,hich they intuiti.e#y 3no, i+ to "e foun- +o0e,here. hey are often #eto run after fa#+e prophet+, an- fro0 one teacher to another, gaining a #itt#e truth here, ha.ing an error

correcte- there. Sooner or #ater they fin- an anchorage, an- in their re+t they #ay up +tore+ of 3no,#e-ge, ,hich Aafter "eing -ige+te- in the perio- of +ou#8re+t in the A+tra# /or#-B ,i## "e of great .a#ue to the0 in their ne:t incarnation. It ,i## "e rea-i#y recogni2e- that it i+ practica##y i0po++i"#e to gi.e -etai#e- -irection+ +uite- for the .arying nee-+ of the+e -ifferent +tu-ent+. A## that can "e -one Aout+i-e of per+ona# in+truction fro0 +o0e co0petent teacherB i+ to gi.e ,or-+ of genera# a-.ice an- encourage0ent. But -o not #et thi+ -i+courage you. 'e0e0"er thi+ 8 it i+ a great occu#t truth 8 ,hen the +tu-ent i+ rea-y the teacher appear+ the ,ay ,i## "e opene- to you +tep "y +tep, an- a+ each ne, +piritua# nee- co0e+ into e:i+tence, the 0ean+ to +ati+fy it ,i## "e on the ,ay. It 0ay co0e fro0 ,ithout 8 it 0ay co0e fro0 ,ithin 8 "ut co0e it ,i##. @o not #et -i+courage0ent creep o.er you "ecau+e you +ee0 to "e +urroun-e- "y the 0o+t unfa.ora"#e en.iron0ent+, ,ith no one near to ,ho0 you can ta#3 of the+e great truth+ that are unfo#-ing "efore your 0enta# .i+ion. hi+ i+o#ation i+ pro"a"#y 4u+t ,hat you nee- in or-er to 0a3e you +e#f 8 re#iant an- to cure you of that -e+ire to #ean upon +o0e other +ou#. /e ha.e the+e #e++on+ to #earn 8 an- 0any other+ 8 an- the ,ay that +ee0+ har-e+t for u+ to tra.e# i+ .ery often the one #ai- out for u+, in or-er that ,e 0ay #earn the nee-e- #e++on ,e## an- "for goo-." It fo##o,+ that one ,ho ha+ gra+pe- the fun-a0enta# i-ea+ of thi+ phi#o+ophy ,i## "egin to fin- fear -ropping fro0 hi0 8 for ,hen he rea#i2e+ 4u+t ,hat he i+, ho, can he fearF here "eing nothing that i+ a"#e to rea##y hurt hi0, ,hy +hou#- he fearF /orry, of cour+e, fo##o,+ after &ear, an- ,hen &ear goe+, 0any other 0inor 0enta# fau#t+ fo##o, after it. %n.y, Cea#ou+y an- Hate 8 1a#ice, ;ncharita"#ene++ an- Con-e0nation 8 cannot e:i+t in the 0in- of one ,ho "un-er+tan-+". &aith an- ru+t in the Spirit, an- that fro0 ,hich the Spirit co0e+, 0u+t "e 0anife+t to the a,a3ene- +ou#. Such a one natura##y recogni2e+ the Spirit6+ gui-ance, anunhe+itating#y fo##o,+ it, ,ithout fear ,ithout -ou"t. Such a one cannot he#p "eing Din- 8 to hi0 the out+i-e ,or#- of peop#e +ee0 to "e a+ #itt#e chi#-ren A0any of the0 #i3e "a"e+ un"ornB an- he -ea#+ ,ith the0

Chapter XV charita"#y, not con-e0ning the0 in hi+ heart, for he 3no,+ the0 for ,hat they are. Such a one perfor0+ the ,or3 ,hich i+ +et "efore hi0, 3no,ing that +uch ,or3, "e it hu0"#e or e:a#te-, ha+ "een "rought to hi0 "y hi+ o,n act+ an- -e+ire+, or hi+ nee-+ 8 an- that it i+ a## right in any e.ent, an- i+ "ut the +tepping 8 +tone to greater thing+. Such a one -oe+ not fear (ife 8 -oe+ not fear @eath 8 "oth +ee0 a+ "ut -iffering 0anife+tation+ of the +a0e thing 8 one a+ goo- a+ the other. he +tu-ent ,ho e:pect+ to 0a3e progre++, 0u+t 0a3e hi+ phi#o+ophy a part of hi+ e.ery -ay #ife. He 0u+t carry it aroun- ,ith hi0 a#,ay+. hi+ -oe+ not 0ean that he +hou#- thru+t hi+ .ie,+ an- opinion+ upon other+8in fact, that i+ e:pre++#y contrary to occu#t teaching+, for no one ha+ the right to force opinion+ upon other+, an- it i+ contrary to natura# gro,th an- free-o0 of the in-i.i-ua# +ou#. But the +tu-ent +hou#- "e a"#e to carry ,ith hi0 an a"i-ing +en+e of the rea#ity an- truth of hi+ phi#o+ophy. He nee- not "e afrai- to ta3e it ,ith hi0 any,here, for it fit+ into a## pha+e+ of #ife. If one cannot ta3e it ,ith hi0 to ,or3, +o0ething i+ ,rong ,ith either the phi#o+ophy or the ,or3, or the in-i.i-ua#. An- it ,i## he#p u+ to ,or3 "etter 8 to -o 0ore earne+t ,or3 8 for ,e 3no, that the ,or3 i+ nece++ary for the -e.e#op0ent of +o0e part of u+ 8 other,i+e it ,ou#- not "e +et "efore u+ an- no 0atter ho, -i+agreea"#e the ta+3, ,e 0ay "e a"#e to +ing ,ith 4oy ,hen ,e rea#i2e 4u+t ,hat ,e are an- ,hat great thing+ are "efore u+. he +#a.e chaineto the ga##ey 8 if he ha.e peace in hi+ +ou# an- the 3no,#e-ge in hi+ 0in- 8 i+ far #e++ to "e pitie- than the 3ing on hi+ throne ,ho #ac3+ the+e thing+. /e 0u+t not +hir3 our ta+3+, not run a,ay fro0 our -e+tiny 8 for ,e cannot rea##y get ri- of the0 e:cept "y perfor0ing the0. An- the+e .ery -i+agreea"#e thing+ are rea##y +trengthening our character, if ,e are #earning our #e++on aright. An- then, re0e0"er "e.en the+e thing+ +ha## pa++ a,ay." )ne of the greate+t hin-rance+ to the progre++ of the +tu-ent into the higher +tage+ of occu#ti+0, particu#ar#y the pheno0ena# pha+e+, i+ the #ac3 of +e#f8contro#. /hen one ,i+he+ to "e p#ace- in po++e++ion of po,er, ,hich, if care#e++#y u+e- or 0i+u+e-, 0ay re+u#t in the hurt of one+e#f or other+, it i+ the greate+t i0portance that +uch a one +hou#- ha.e attaine- the 0a+tery of +e#f8the contro# of the e0otiona# +i-e of hi+ nature. I0agine a 0an po++e++e- of high occu#t po,er+ #o+ing hi+ te0per an- f#ying into a rage, +en-ing forth

.i"ration+ of Hate an- Anger inten+ifie- "y the increa+e- force of hi+ -e.e#ope- po,er+. Such e:hi"ition+, in a 0an ,ho ha+ attaine- occu#t po,er+, ,ou#- "e .ery har0fu# to hi0, a+ they ,ou#-, perhap+, "e 0anife+teupon a p#ane ,here +uch thing+ ha.e an e:aggerate- effect. A 0an ,ho+e in.e+tigation+ #ea- hi0 on to the A+tra# !#ane, +hou#- "e,are of +uch a #o++ of +e#f8contro#, a+ a fai#ing of thi+ 3in- 0ight "e fata# to hi0. But, +o nice#y i+ the ,or#- of the higher force+ "a#ance- that a 0an of .io#ent te0per, or one ,ho #ac3+ +e#f8contro#, can 0a3e "ut #itt#e progre++ in occu#t practice+ 8 thi+ "eing a nee-e- chec3. So one of the fir+t thing+ to "e acco0p#i+he- "y the +tu-ent ,ho ,i+he+ to a-.ance i+ the 0a+tery of hi+ e0otiona# nature an- the ac5uire0ent of +e#f8contro#. A certain a0ount of courage of the higher +ort i+ a#+o nee-e-, for one e:perience+ +o0e +trange +ight+ anhappening+ on the a+tra# p#ane, an- tho+e ,ho ,i+h to tra.e# there 0u+t ha.e #earne- to 0a+ter fear. )ne a#+o nee-+ ca#0ne++ an- poi+e. /hen ,e re0e0"er that ,orry an- 3in-re- e0otion+ cau+e .i"ration+ aroun- u+, it 0ay rea-i#y "e +een that +uch con-ition+ of 0in- are not con-uci.e to p+ychica# re+earch in fact the "e+t re+u#t+ cannot "e o"taine- ,hen the+e thing+ are pre+ent. he occu#ti+t ,ho ,i+he+ to attain great po,er+ 0u+t fir+t purge hi0+e#f of +e#fi+h gra+ping for the+e thing+ for the gratification of hi+ o,n "a+e en-+, for the pur+uit of occu#t po,er+ ,ith thi+ -e+ire ,i## "ring on#y pain an- -i+appoint0ent an- the one ,ho atte0pt+ to pro+titute p+ychic po,er for "a+e en-+ ,i## "ring upon hi0+e#f a ,hir#,in- of un-e+ira"#e re+u#t+. Such force+, ,hen 0i+u+e-, react a+ a "oo0erang upon the +en-er. he true occu#ti+t i+ fi##e- ,ith #o.e an- "rother#y fee#ing for hi+ fe##o, 0en, an- en-ea.or+ to ai- the0 in+tea- of to "eat the0 -o,n in their progre++.

Chapter XV )f a## the nu0erou+ "oo3+ ,ritten for the purpo+e of thro,ing #ight on the path of the +tu-ent of occu#ti+0, ,e 3no, of none "etter fitte- for the purpo+e than that ,on-erfu# #itt#e "oo3 ca##e- "(ight on the !ath", ,ritten -o,n "y "1. C.", at the in+tigation of +o0e inte##igence+ far a"o.e the or-inary. It i+ .ei#e- in the poetic +ty#e co00on to the )rienta#+, an- at fir+t g#ance 0ay +ee0 para -o:ica#. But it i+ fu## of the choice+t "it+ of occu#t ,i+-o0, for tho+e ,ho are a"#e to rea- it. It 0u+t "e rea- ""et,een the #ine+", an- it ha+ a pecu#iarity that ,i## "eco0e apparent to any one ,ho 0ay rea- it carefu##y. hat i+, it ,i## gi.e you a+ 0uch truth a+ you are a"#e to gra+p to-ay9 an- to0orro, ,hen you pic3 it up it ,i## gi.e you 0ore, fro0 the +a0e #ine+. (oo3 at it a year fro0 no,, an- ne, truth+ ,i## "ur+t upon you 8 an- +o on, an- on. It contain+ +tate0ent+ of truth +o ,on-erfu##y +tate- 8 an- yet ha#f concea#e- 8 that a+ you a-.ance in +piritua# -i+cern0ent 8 an- are rea-y for greater truth+ each -ay 8 you ,i## fin- that in thi+ "oo3 .ei# after .ei# ,i## "e #ifte- fro0 "efore the truth, unti# you are fair#y -a22#e-. It i+ a#+o re0ar3a"#e a+ a "oo3 ,hich ,i## gi.e con+o#ation to tho+e in trou"#e or +orro,. It+ ,or-+ Ae.en though they "e "ut ha#f8un-er+too-B ,i## ring in the ear+ of it+ rea-er+, an- #i3e a "eautifu# 0e#o-y ,i## +oothe an- co0fort an- re+t tho+e ,ho hear it. /e a-.i+e a## of our +tu-ent+ to rea- thi+ #itt#e "oo3 often an- ,ith care. hey ,i## fin- that it ,i## -e+cri"e .ariou+ +piritua# e:perience+ through ,hich they ,i## pa++, an- ,i## prepare the0 for the ne:t +tage. 1any of our +tu-ent+ ha.e a+3e- u+ to ,rite a #itt#e "oo3 in the ,ay of an e#e0entary e:p#anation of "(ight on the !ath" perhap+ the Spirit 0ay #ea- u+ to -o +o at +o0e ti0e in the future 8 perhap+ not. It i+ not ,ithout a fee#ing of +o0ething #i3e +a-ne++ that ,e ,rite the+e conc#u-ing #ine+. /hen ,e ,rote our &ir+t (e++on, ,e "a-e our +tu-ent+ "e +eate- for a cour+e of ta#3+ 8 p#ain an- +i0p#e upon a great +u"4ect. )ur ai0 ,a+ to pre+ent the+e great truth+ in a p#ain, practica# +i0p#e 0anner, +o that 0any ,ou#- ta3e an intere+t in the0, an- "e #e- to,ar- higher pre+entation+ of the truth. /e ha.e fe#t that #o.e an- encourage0ent, ,hich i+ +o nece++ary for a teacher, an- ha.e "een a++ure- of the +y0pathy of the C#a++ fro0 the fir+t. But, on #oo3ing o.er our ,or3 it +ee0+ that ,e ha.e +ai- +o #itt#e 8 ha.e #eft un+ai- +o 0uch 8 an- yet ,e ha.e -one the "e+t ,e cou#-, con+i-ering the +0a## +pace at our -i+po+a# an- the i00en+e fie#- to "e co.ere-. /e fee# that ,e ha.e rea##y on#y "egun, an- yet it i+ no, ti0e to +ay "goo-8"ye". !erhap+ ,e ha.e 0a-e +o0e point+ a #itt#e c#ear to a fe, ,ho ha.e "een perp#e:e- 8 perhap+ ,e ha.e openea -oor to tho+e ,ho ,ere +ee3ing entrance to the te0p#e 8 ,ho 3no,+F If ,e ha.e -one e.en a #itt#e for

on#y one per+on, our ti0e ha+ "een ,e## +pent. At +o0e future ti0e ,e 0ay fee# ca##e- upon to pa++ on to you a higher an- 0ore a-.ance- pre+entation of thi+ great +u"4ect 8 that i+ a 0atter ,hich -epen-+ 0uch upon your o,n -e+ire+ 8 if you nee- u+ you ,i## fin- u+ rea-y an- ,i##ing to 4oin you in the +tu-y of the great truth+ of the Yogi !hi#o+ophy. But, "efore you ta3e the ne:t +tep on,ar-, "e +ure that you un-er+tan- the+e e#e0entary #e++on+ thorough#y. Eo o.er an- o.er the0, unti# your 0in- ha+ fu##y gra+pe- the princip#e+. You ,i## finne, feature+ pre+enting the0+e#.e+ ,ith each rea-ing. A+ your 0in-+ unfo#-, you ,i## fin- ne, truth+ a,aiting you e.en in the +a0e page+ that you ha.e rea- an- rerea- +e.era# ti0e+. hi+, not "ecau+e of any +pecia# 0erit in our ,or3 Afor thi+ ,or3 i+ cru-e, .ery cru-e, to our i-eaB, "ut "ecau+e of the inherent truth of the phi#o+ophy it+e#f, ,hich ren-er+ any thing ,ritten upon it to "e fi##e- ,ith +u"4ect for thought anearne+t con+i-eration. Eoo-8"ye -ear +tu-ent+. /e than3 you for your 3in-ne++ in #i+tening to u+ -uring the ter0 of thi+ C#a++. /e ha.e fe#t your +y0pathy an- #o.e, a+ 0any of you 0u+t ha.e fe#t our+. /e fee# +ure that a+ you reathe+e #ine+ 8 fi##e- ,ith our earne+t thought+ of 3in+hip to you 8 you ,i## fee# our nearne++ to you in the Spirit 8 ,i## "e con+ciou+ of that ,ar0 han-c#a+p ,hich ,e e:ten- to you acro++ the 0i#e+ that +eparate u+ in the f#e+h. 'e0e0"er the+e ,or-+, fro0 "(ight on the !ath" 7 "/hen the -i+cip#e i+ rea-y to #earn, then he i+ accepte-, ac3no,#e-ge-, recogni2e-. It 0u+t "e +o, for he ha+ #it hi+ #a0p an- it cannot "e hi--en." herefore, ,e +ay "!eace "e ,ith You." &I'S (%SS)* 8 1A* 'A1.

Chapter XV A 0antra0 i+ a ,or-, phra+e, or .er+e u+e- "y the %a+tern peop#e in or-er to concentrate upon an i-ea an- to #et it +in3 -eep into the 0in-. It i+ +i0i#iar to the "+tate0ent+," or "affir0ation+," u+e- "y the 1enta# Scienti+t+ an- other+ of the /e+tern ,or#-. he 0antra0 for the 0onth i+ a .er+e fro0 a /e+tern poet, 1r. )rr7 "(or- of a thou+an- ,or#-+ a0 I, An- I reign +ince ti0e "egan9 An- night an- -ay, in cyc#ic +,ay, Sha## pa++ ,hi#e their -ee-+ I +can. Yet ti0e +ha## cea+e, ere I fin- re#ea+e, &or I a0 the Sou# of 1an." Co00it thi+ .er+e to 0e0ory, an- repeat it often, #etting the 0in- -,e## upon the i-ea of i00orta#ity e:pre++e- +o +trong#y, re0e0"ering a#,ay+ that Y); are the "I" referre- to. S%C)*@ (%SS)* 8 1A* 'A1. "I A1 1AS %' )& 1YS%(&." Co00it the+e ,or-+ to 0e0ory, an- repeat the0 often, #etting the 0in-,e## upon the thought+ gi.en in our 1e-itation for thi+ 0onth. 'e0e0"er a#,ay+ that the "I" i+ the highe+t part of you that ha+ "een a,a3ene- into con+ciou+ne++, an- +hou#-, to a great e:tent "e 0a+ter of the ani0a# nature fro0 ,hich you ha.e e0erge-. HI'@ (%SS)* 8 1A* 'A1. he 0antra0 for the 0onth i+ the fir+t .er+e of Car-ina# *e,0an6+ hy0n, "(ea-, Din-#y (ight," ,hich contain+ the -eepe+t +piritua# truth, "ut ,hich i+ on#y i0perfect#y un-er+too- "y the 0a4ority of the thou+an-+ ,ho +ing it. /e tru+t that ,hat ,e ha.e +ai- of Spirit ,i## he#p you "etter to co0prehen- the hi--en "eautie+ of thi+ gran- o#- hy0n7 (ea-, 3in-#y (ight, a0i- the encirc#ing g#oo0 (ea- thou 0e on. he night i+ -ar3, an- I a0 far fro0 ho0e9 (ea- thou 0e on. Deep thou 0y feet9 I -o not a+3 to +ee he -i+tant +cene9 one +tep enough for 0e. (ea- thou 0e on."

&);' H 8 (%SS)*81A* 'A1. he 0antra0 for the 0onth i+7 "I 'A@IA % H);EH /AV%S )& H% DI*@ I @%SI'% ) '%C%IV% &')1 ) H%'S." hi+ 0antra0 con.ey+ a 0ighty occu#t truth, an-, if con+cientiou+#y repeate- an#i.e- up to, ,i## ena"#e you to 0a3e rapi- progre++ in -e.e#op0ent an- attain0ent. Ei.e an- you ,i## recei.e 0ea+ure for 0ea+ure 8 3in- for 3in- 8 co#or for co#or. Your thought ,a.e+ e:ten- far "eyon- the .i+i"#e aura, an- affect other+, an- -ra, to you the thought+ of other+ corre+pon-ing in character an- 5ua#ity ,ith tho+e +ent out "y you. hought i+ a #i.ing force 8 u+e it ,i+e#y. &I& H (%SS)* 8 1A* 'A1 A*@ 1%@I A I)*.

Chapter XV he 0antra0 for the 0onth i+7 " hought i+ a (i.ing &orce. I ,i## u+e it ,i+e#y an- ,e##J" )ur +u"4ect for 1e-itation thi+ 0onth i+ our re+pon+i"i#ity in the 0atter of a--ing to the ,or#-6+ thought. /hen ,e thin3 that ,e are con+tant#y a--ing to the +upp#y of the ,or#-6+ thought, an- a#+o rea#i2e the enor0ou+ 5uantity of un-e.e#ope- thought ,hich i+ "eing poure- out fro0 the 0in-+ of per+on+ of a #o, or-er of -e.e#op0ent, ,e are #e- to a rea#i2ation of our -uty in the 0atter of he#ping to e#e.ate an- purify the .o#u0e of thought. /e +hou#- guar- our+e#.e+ again+t in-u#ging in un,orthy thought+, an- +hou#- try to ra-iate thought+ of he#p, co0fort, cheer, an- up#ifting to our fe##o, 8 "eing+. %ach of u+ can -o hi+ +hare of thi+ ,or3, an- the he#p of each i+ nee-e-. Sen- out thought8for0+ of he#p an- #o.e to your "rother+ an- +i+ter+ 8 "oth in genera# an- in particu#ar. If you 3no, of a +trugg#ing +ou#, +en- to it thought+ of co0fort an- encourage0ent. If you 3no, of any in -i+tre++, +en- the0 thought+ of +trength an- he#p. Sen- forth your "e+t he#pfu# thought to the ,or#-. It 0ay reach +o0e fe##o, 8 "eing at a critica# 0o0ent. /hen in -i+tre++ your+e#f, there i+ no "etter ,ay of recei.ing the he#p of +trong thought of other+ than to +en- forth hopefu# thought+ to other+ ,ho 0ay "e #i3e,i+e -i+tre++e-. /e can he#p each other in thi+ ,ay, an- ,i## thu+ open up channe#+ of co00unication ,hich ,i## "e he#pfu# to a##. 1i+u+e not the po,er of thought. (et thi+ "e your ru#e an- +tan-ar-9 Senno thought to another that you ,ou#- not care to attract to your+e#f. !eace "e ,ith you. SIX H (%SS)* 8 1A* 'A1 A*@ 1%@I A I)*. "Before the eye+ can +ee, they 0u+t "e incapa"#e of tear+. Before the ear can hear, it 0u+t ha.e #o+t it+ +en+iti.ene++. Before the .oice can +pea3 in the pre+ence of the 1a+ter+, it 0u+t ha.e #o+t the po,er to ,oun-." he+e ,or-+ are capa"#e of a nu0"er of 0eaning+, each a-apte- to the ,ant+ of -ifferent peop#e in .ariou+ +tage+ of -e.e#op0ent. hey ha.e their p+ychic 0eaning, their inte##ectua# 0eaning, an- their +piritua# 0eaning. /e ta3e for our 1e-itation thi+ 0onth one of the 0any 0eaning+. (et u+ ta3e it into the Si#ence ,ith u+. )ur eye+ 0u+t "e incapa"#e of "the tear+ of ,oun-e- pri-e9 un3in- critici+0+9 un0eritea"u+e9 unfrien-#y re0ar3+9 the #itt#e annoyance+ of e.ery-ay #ife9 the fai#ure+ an- -i+appoint0ent+ of e.ery-ay e:i+tence "efore ,e can +ee c#ear#y the great +piritua# truth+. (et u+ en-ea.or to ri+e, "y -egree+, a"o.e the+e inci-ent+ of per+ona#ity, an- +tri.e to rea#i2e our in-i.i-ua#ity 8 the I A0 8 ,hich i+ a"o.e the

annoyance+ of per+ona#ity9 an- to #earn that the+e thing+ cannot hurt the 'ea# Se#f, an- that they ,i## "e ,a+he- fro0 the +an-+ of ti0e "y the ocean of eternity. (i3e,i+e our ear 0u+t #o+e it+ +en+iti.ene++ to the unp#ea+ant inci-ent+ of the per+ona#ity Aa"o.e a##u-e- to a+ cau+ing tear+B "efore it can hear the truth c#ear#y an- free fro0 the 4arring noi+e+ of the out,ar- +trife of per+ona#ity. )ne 0u+t gro, to "e a"#e to hear the+e thing+ an- yet +0i#e, +ecure in the 3no,#e-ge of hi+ +ou# an- hi+ po,er+, an- -e+tiny. Before the .oice can +pea3 to tho+e high in the or-er of #ife an- +piritua# inte##igence, it 0u+t ha.e #ong +ince forgotten ho, to ,oun- other+ "y un3in,or-+, petty +pite, un,orthy +peech. he a-.ance- 0an -oe+ not he+itate to +pea3 the truth e.en ,hen it i+ not p#ea+ant, if it +ee0+ right to -o +o, "ut he +pea3+ in the tone of a #o.ing "rother, ,ho -oe+ not critici+e, "ut 0ere#y fee#+ the other6+ pain an- ,i+he+ to re0o.e it+ cau+e. Such a one ha+ ri+en a"o.e the -e+ire to "ta#3 "ac3" 8 to "cut" another "y un3in- an- +pitefu# re0ar3+, or to "get e.en" "y +aying, in effect7 "You6re another." he+e thing+ 0u+t "e ca+t a+i-e #i3e a ,orn8out c#oa3 8 the a-.ance- 0an nee-+ the0 not. a3e the+e thought+ ,ith you into the Si#ence, an- #et the truth +in3 into your 0in-, that it 0ay ta3e root, gro,, "#o++o0 an"ear fruit. S%V%* H (%SS)* 8 1A* 'A1 A*@ 1%@I A II)*. "I A"+or" fro0 the ;ni.er+a# Supp#y of %nergy, a +ufficient Supp#y of !rana to In.igorate 0y Bo-y 8 to %n-o, it ,ith Hea#th. Strength, Acti.ity, %nergy an- Vita#ity."

Chapter XV he a"o.e 1antra0 an- the fo##o,ing +u"4ect+ for 1e-itation are -e+igne- to "ui#- up the phy+ica# "o-y, in or-er to ren-er it a 0ore perfect in+tru0ent for the e:pre++ion of #ife. )ur pre.iou+ 1antra0+ an1e-itation+ ha.e "een -e+igne- for 0enta# an- +piritua# -e.e#op0ent, "ut ,e rea#i2e that 0any are "ur-ene- "y "o-ie+ 0anife+ting inhar0ony an- #ac3 of perfect hea#th, an- ,e thin3 it a-.i+a"#e to fo##o, up thi+ 0onth6+ #e++on !rana an- Hu0an 1agneti+0, ,ith a 1antra0 an- 1e-itation a#ong the #ine+ 4u+t 0entione-. (et the +tu-ent p#ace hi0+e#f in a co0forta"#e po+ition, an- after co0po+ing hi+ 0in-, #et hi0 repeat the 1antra0 o.er a nu0"er of ti0e+ unti# he e:perience+ that pecu#iar rhyth0 an- thri## that co0e+ fro0 +uch practice. hen #et hi0 concentrate upon the i-ea of the great +upp#y of !ranic %nergy in the ;ni.er+e. he entire ;ni.er+e i+ fi##e- ,ith thi+ great &orce 8 thi+ great (ife !rincip#e 8 ,here"y a## for0+ of 0otion, force an- energy are 0a-e po++i"#e. (et hi0 rea#i2e that he i+ free to -ra, upon it at ,i## 8 that it i+ HIS )/* to u+e for the "ui#-ing up of the "o-y 8 the e0p#e of the Spirit 8 an- #et hi0 fear not to -e0an- hi+ o,n. (et hi0 ca## for ,hat i+ hi+, fee#ing certain that hi+ 4u+t ca## ,i## "e an+,ere-. (et hi0 "reathe +#o,#y, accor-ing to the in+truction+ regar-ing the 'hyth0ic Breath AScience of Breath, page+ >K8>$B an- 0enta##y picture the inf#o, of !rana ,ith each in,ar"reath, an- the e:pe##ing of ,orn out an- i0pure 0atter ,ith each out,ar- "reath. (et hi0 picture hi0+e#f a+ "eing fi##e- ,ith hea#th, +trength an- .ita#ity 8 fu## of energy an- #ife "right an- happy. If tire- or fatigue- -uring the -ay, #et hi0 +top for a 0o0ent an- inha#e a fe, -eep "reath+, carrying the 0enta# picture of the inf#o,ing !rana, an- the ca+ting out of -i+ea+e- 0atter through the "reath. He ,i## finthat he e:perience+ an i00e-iate fee#ing of increa+e- +trength an- .ita#ity. hi+ !rana 0ay "e +ent to any part of the "o-y ,hich +ee0+ to ca## for he#p an- +trength, an- a #itt#e practice ,i## ena"#e the +tu-ent to ha.e +uch contro# that he can p#ain#y fee# the ting#ing +en+ation acco0panying the pa++age of the !rana to the aff#icte- or tire- part of the "o-y. If one i+ #ying -o,n, the pa++ing of the han-+ o.er one6+ "o-y fro0 the hea-o,n,ar,ith an occa+iona# re+ting of the han-+ o.er the So#ar !#e:u+, ,i## "e foun- "eneficia# an- +oothing. he

han-+ 0ay "e ea+i#y charge- ,ith !rana "y e:ten-ing the0 #oo+e#y at fu## #ength an- gent#y +,inging the0 to an- fro, an- occa+iona##y 0a3ing a 0otion a+ if one ,a+ +prin3#ing ,ater on +o0ething "y thro,ing it off fro0 the finger tip+. A ting#ing +en+ation ,i## "e fe#t in the finger+ an- the ,ho#e han- ,i## "e +o charge- ,ith !rana that it ,i## re#ie.e pain in other part+ of the "o-y, an- in the "o-ie+ of other+, if you -e+ire to he#p the0. Carry the thought of Hea#th, Strength, Acti.ity, %nergy an- Vita#ity into the Si#ence ,ith you. %IEH H (%SS)* 8 1A* 'A1 A*@ 1%@I A I)*. "I a0 pa++ing through thi+ +tage of e:i+tence 0a3ing the "e+t u+e of Hea-, Heart an- Han-." %ach one of u+ here ha+ hi+ o,n ,or3 to -o. /e are here for a purpo+e, an- unti# ,e fa## in ,ith the #a, an,or3 out the ta+3+ +et "efore u+, ,e ,i## ha.e the+e ta+3+ con+tant#y an- repeate-#y put "efore u+ unti# they are acco0p#i+he-. he purpo+e of the acco0p#i+h0ent of the+e ta+3+ i+ e:perience an- gro,th, an-, unp#ea+ant a+ our ta+3+ 0ay +ee0, they ha.e a 0o+t -irect "earing upon our future gro,th an- #ife. /hen ,e fa## in ,ith the ,or3ing+ of the #a,, an- +ee an- fee# ,hat i+ "ehin- it, ,e cea+e to re"e# an- "eat our hea-+ again+t the ,a##. In opening up our+e#.e+ to the ,or3ing+ of the Spirit an- "eing ,i##ing to ,or3 out our o,n +a#.ation anacco0p#i+h our ,or#-6+ ta+3+, ,e rea##y ta3e the fir+t +tep to,ar- e0ancipation fro0 the unp#ea+ant ta+3+. /hen ,e cea+e to a##o, our ,or3 to "e unp#ea+ant to u+, ,e fin- our+e#.e+ ,or3ing into "etter thing+, a+ the #e++on ha+ "een #earne-. %ach per+on ha+ p#ace- "efore hi0 4u+t the ,or3 in the ,or#- "e+t +uite- to hi+ gro,th at that particu#ar ti0e 8 hi+ ,ant+ ha.e "een con+u#te-, an- 4u+t the right thing a##otte- to hi0. here i+ no chance a"out thi+ 8 it i+ the ine:ora"#e ,or3ing+ of the great #a,. An- the on#y true phi#o+ophy con+i+t+ in 0a3ing up one6+ 0in- to -o the ,or3 +et "efore hi0 to the "e+t of hi+ a"i#ity. A+ #ong a+ he +hir3+ it, he ,i## "e 3ept to the ta+3 8 ,hen he "egin+ to ta3e a p#ea+ure in -oing it right, other thing+ open up "efore hi0. o hate an- fear a thing i+ to tie that thing to you. /hen you +ee it in it+ right re#ation 8 after your +piritua# eye+

Chapter XV are opene- 8 then you "egin to "e free- fro0 it. An- in going through (ife 8 in -oing our ,or3 in the ,or#- ,e 0u+t 0a3e the "e+t po++i"#e u+e of the three great gift+ of the Spirit 8 the Hea-9 the Heart9 an- the Han-. he Hea- Arepre+enting the inte##ectua# part of our natureB 0u+t "e gi.en the opportunity to gro, 8 it 0u+t "e furni+he- the foo- upon ,hich it thri.e+ 8 it 0u+t not "e cra0pe- an- +tar.e- 8 it 0u+t "e u+e-, a+ e:erci+e +trengthen+ an- -e.e#op+ it. /e 0u+t -e.e#op our 0in-+, an- not "e afrai- of thin3ing thought+. he 1in- 0u+t "e 3ept free. he Heart Arepre+enting the #o.e nature in it+ "e+t +en+eB 0u+t "e e0p#oye- an- 0u+t not "e +tar.e-, chaine- or chi-e-. /e are not +pea3ing of the #o,er for0+ of ani0a# pa++ion, 0i+ca##e- (o.e, "ut of that higher thing "e#onging to the hu0an race, ,hich i+ a pro0i+e of greater thing+ to co0e in the e.o#ution of the race. It i+ that ,hich "eget+ +y0pathy, co0pa++ion, ten-erne++ an- 3in-ne++. It 0u+t not "e a##o,e- to +in3 to 0au-#in +enti0ent, "ut 0u+t "e u+e- in connection ,ith the Hea-. It 0u+t reach out to e0"race a## (ife in it+ enfo#-ing e0"race, an- to fee# that +en+e of 3in+hip ,ith a## #i.ing thing+, ,hich 0ar3+ the 0an or ,o0an of +piritua# -e.e#op0ent. he HanArepre+enting the 0anife+tation of phy+ica# creation an- ,or3B 0u+t "e traine- to -o the ,or3 +et "efore it the "e+t it 3no,+ ho,. It 0u+t #earn to -o thing+ ,e##, an- to fee# that a## ,or3 i+ no"#e an- not -egra-ing. It i+ the +y0"o# of phy+ica# creation, an- 0u+t "e re+pecte- an- honore-. he 0an or ,o0an of +piritua# -e.e#op0ent goe+ through the ,or#- 0a3ing the "e+t u+e of Hea-, Heart an- Han-. *I* H (%SS)* 8 1A* 'A1 A*@ 1%@I A I)*. he 1antra0 for the 0onth i+ "I A1." /hen you +ay "I A1" you a++ert the rea#ity of your e:i+tence, not the 0ere rea#ity of the phy+ica# e:i+tence ,hich i+ "ut te0porary an- re#ati.e, "ut your rea# e:i+tence in the Spirit, ,hich i+ not te0porary or re#ati.e, "ut i+ eterna# an- a"+o#ute. You are a++erting the rea#ity of the %go 8 the "I" he rea# "I" i+ not the "o-y, "ut i+ the Spirit princip#e ,hich i+ 0anife+ting in "o-y an- 0in-. he rea# "I" i+ in-epen-ent of the "o-y, ,hich i+ "ut a .ehic#e for it+ e:pre++ion 8 it i+ in-e+tructi"#e an- eterna#. It cannot -ie nor "eco0e annihi#ate-. It 0ay change the for0 of it+ e:pre++ion, or the .ehic#e of

0anife+tation 8"ut it i+ a#,ay+ the +a0e "I" 8 a "it of the great ocean of Spirit 8 a +piritua# ato0 0anife+ting in your pre+ent con+ciou+ne++ a#ong the #ine+ of +piritua# unfo#-0ent. @o not thin3 of your +ou# a+ a thing apart fro0 you, for Y); are the +ou#, an- a## the re+t i+ tran+itory an- changea"#e. !icture your+e#f in your 0in- a+ an entity apart fro0, an- in-epen-ent of, the "o-y, ,hich i+ "ut your +he## 8 rea#i2e that it i+ po++i"#e for you to #ea.e the "o-y, an- +ti## "e Y);. @uring a part of your perio- of 0e-itation 0enta##y ignore the "o-y entire#y, an- you ,i## fin- that you ,i## gra-ua##y a,a3en to a +en+e of the in-epen-ent e:i+tence of your +ou# 8 Y);'S%(& anco0e to a con+ciou+ne++ of your rea# nature. he +tu-ent +hou#- en-ea.or to gi.e a fe, 0o0ent+ each -ay to +i#ent 0e-itation, fin-ing a+ 5uiet a p#ace a+ po++i"#e, an- then #ying or +itting in an ea+y po+ition, re#a:ing e.ery 0u+c#e of the "o-y an- ca#0ing the 0in-. hen ,hen the proper con-ition+ are o"+er.e- he ,i## e:perience that pecu#iar +en+ation of ca#0ne++ an- 5uiet ,hich ,i## in-icate that he i+ "entering the +i#ence." hen he +hou#- -,e## upon the +u"4ect gi.en for 0e-itation, repeating the 1antra0 in or-er to i0pre++ the 0eaning upon hi+ 0in-. At +uch ti0e+ he ,i## recei.e 0ore or #e++ in+piration fro0 hi+ Spiritua# 1in-, an- ,i## fee# +tronger an- freer a## -ay. he 1antra0 for thi+ 0onth, if c#ear#y un-er+too- an- i0pre++e- upon the con+ciou+ne++, ,i## gi.e to the +tu-ent an air of 5uiet -ignity an- ca#0 0anife+tation of po,er ,hich ,i## ha.e it+ effect upon peop#e ,ith ,ho0 he co0e+ in contact. It ,i## +urroun- hi0 ,ith a thought aura of +trength an- po,er. It ,i## ena"#e hi0 to ca+t off fear an- to #oo3 the ,or#- of 0en an- ,o0en ca#0#y in the eye+, 3no,ing that he i+ an eterna# +ou#, an- that naught can rea##y har0 hi0. A fu## rea#i2ation of "I A1" ,i## cau+e fear to fa-e a,ay, for ,hy +hou#the Spirit fear anythingF 8 nothing can har0 it. /e urge the cu#ti.ation of thi+ +tate of con+ciou+ne++ upon our +tu-ent+. It ,i## #ift you a"o.e the petty ,orrie+, hate+, fear+, an- 4ea#ou+ie+ of the #o,er 0enta# +tate+, an,i## cau+e you to "e 0en an- ,o0en "of the Spirit" in rea#ity. You ,i## fin- that the re+u#t ,i## "e fe#t "y

Chapter XV tho+e ,ith ,ho0 you co0e in contact. here i+ an un-efina"#e aura +urroun-ing the+e peop#e of the "I A1" con+ciou+ne++ ,hich cau+e+ the0 to "e re+pecte- "y the ,or#- aroun- the0. A free e"oo3 fro0 http7LL0any"oo3+.netL

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