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Phi Theta Kappa (Alpha

Delta Mu Chapter) Meeting

Minutes Recorded By: Dalleane McNichols

Minutes Revised & Approved By: Nicole Schoenstein

Meeting called to order

By Whom: Nicole Schoenstein Date: 9/29/09 Time: 12:38 P.M.

Officer Role Call:

Present (P), Absent (A), Late (L)
Nicole Schoenstein (President) P Tammy Medica (Vice President) P Dorothy Doyne (Treasurer)
A Dominique Leotta (Public Relations) P Dalleane McNichols (Secretary) P Stephanie Mac
(SGA Representative) P Tina McConnell (Historian) P Carolyn Coulter (Advisor) P

Excused Absences:

Dorothy Doyne

Member Role Call:

Stephanie Wargo, Gwedoyln Hays, Paul E. Langer, Raquel Richardson

Secretary’s Report: Dalleane McNichols

Advisor’s Report: Carolyn Coulter
1. Eligible Phi Theta Kappa members:
a. There are over 900 eligible Phi Theta Kappa members this year. Invitation letters
will be going out this week!
b. If all eligible members join Phi Theta Kappa, we will make over 9,000.00 for the
club; this is because each new member that joins pays sixty dollars and ten dollars
of the sixty dollars goes to our club.
c. Carolyn suggested that we should conduct a phone-a-thon to recruit the new
i. Each participant in the phone-a-thon would be given a list of names to
ii. For each new member that joins Phi Theta Kappa, the participant who
phoned that member will have ten dollars put towards their trip to the
International Convention.

2. All-USA Academic Team:

a. Atlantic Cape Community College can nominate two (2) students to compete for
this title. Nominees must have at minimum, a 3.5 GPA to apply. Each nominee
must complete several essays and questions and they will also need two letters of
recommendation. Potential prizes include but are not limited to: monies,
certificates, medallions. Nominees are automatically put on the All-New Jersey
Academic team, win or lose. All participants in the competition will be invited to
attend Phi Theta Kappa Day which is held in Trenton, NJ.

3. Induction Ceremony:
a. It will be held on April 22nd, which is Earth Day. Phi Theta Kappa will be
promoting “the green movement” at this induction.
b. We are seeking a guest speaker for the induction, preferably a prominent figure,
such as a governor.

4. This Year’s Mandatory Events:

1. Induction Ceremony – April 22nd

2. Beach Clean-Up – TBA (usually in April)
3. Red Cross Blood Drive – 09/29/2009 (today) and again in the Spring.

5. This Year’s Optional Events:

1. MSR State Leadership Conference

a. Attending a state leadership conference is one of the many ways your chapter
can participate in a Regional Event. The conferences provide chapters and
their members with opportunities to learn about Phi Theta Kappa

programming such as Honors In Action, 5-Star Chapter Development
Program and the International Service Program. Chapters who have set a a
goal to achieve 4 or 5 star level must attend one official regional meeting to
meet the requirements of the program. Chapters may attend any state
leadership conference within the Middle States Region. Chapters may attend
more than one state leadership conference if they choose to do so.

b. NJ State Leadership Conference October 17 Raritan Valley Community College-

North Branch, NJ Registration Deadline October 1, 2009. Hosted by Alpha Epsilon
Pi Chapter

2. Honors Satellite Series in Glouster County

Vice President’s Report: Tammy Medica


SGA Representative’s Report: Stephanie Mak

Upcoming Events:

• World Food Day Forum- Friday, Oct 16 (8am-3pm)

Contact Donna McElroy @ 343-5677 for any questions
• Book Drive for Better Lives- Donate old textbooks that you don't want or can't sell.

Approved/Unapproved Activities:

As for our Beach Clean up, since the executive board haven't met to go over the activities,
the activity has not been approved. The SGA said that the activity cannot take place, unless
the executive board and the senate approves it. However, Cynthia suggested that we can do
our beach clean up. Technically, it's not through our club, but it can be represented as our
club. We can submit request form, and they'll take that in consideration, but it's not

Other Information:

• There's a newspaper editor from Clubcorner (Anne) that would like to publish about any
events from the clubs. She would like at least one picture and 100-150 words about the
event; and the last day to publish is on Wednesday. So if you like to write something
about our club like about the beach Clean up..we can email her at

• There's going to be a Mass Training Seminar for all SGA Representatives and officers to
become familiar with their job.

• If we want to request an event, we have to fill out the form and send it in before 12 P.M.
on Wednesdays to be approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Dorothy Doyne

Fundraisers Totals:

Charitable Donations:


Account Balances:


Public Relations Report: Dominique Leotta


Historian’s Report: Tina McConnell


President’s Report: Nicole Schoenstein
Unfinished Business:


New Business:

1. INFORMATION: About the Club & Phi Theta Kappa:

1. Phi Theta Kappa has Four Hallmarks:

a. Scholarship: The Scholarship Hallmark promotes intellectual

activities primarily devoted to study, research and implementation of the
Honors Study Topic, and incorporates Phi Theta Kappa’s primary mission
of recognizing academic excellence.

b. Leadership: The Leadership Hallmark promotes leadership

development by providing resources to prepare members to assume
positions of responsibility within Phi Theta Kappa, on their campuses and
in their communities, and in the broader civic arena.

c. Service: The Service Hallmark promotes civic engagement, mainly

through participation in an International Service Program, a partnership
with an established agency that allows chapters and members to make a
difference by focusing on a shared objective.

d. Fellowship: The Fellowship Hallmark promotes scholarly camaraderie

by engaging scholars and servant leaders from widely diverse
circumstances in the Phi Theta Kappa Experience.

2. Benefits (including, but not limited to):

e. Scholarships – over 700 institutions are currently offering scholarships to

Phi Theta Kappa members.

f. Discounts for life – Geico, T-Mobile, etc.

2. PROGRAMS: Hallmark Awards:

This program is Phi Theta Kappa's competitive awards program that recognizes
individuals, chapters and regions for excellence in the Society's Hallmarks of Scholarship,
Leadership, Service and Fellowship.
For the 2010 Hallmark Awards Program, chapters may report their activities completed
from January to December 2009. Entries for chapter and individual award categories must be
received at Headquarters by February 3, 2010. Entries for administrator award categories must
be received at Headquarters by December 1, 2009. The 2010 Hallmark Awards will be presented
at Phi Theta Kappa's International Convention in Orlando, Florida, April 8-10, 2010.
Hallmark Award Information Packets will be sent to Officers & Members via e-mail

3. PROGRAMS: Five-Star

The Five Star Program is a program, which reflects the scholarly ideals of Phi Theta
Kappa, serves as a blueprint for developing a strong chapter and for earning local, regional,
and international recognition. In this program, chapters do not compete against one another.
Participation encourages excellence and recognizes progress in the attainment of goals set by the

Using the Five Star Chapter Development Program as a guide to success, chapters can
enhance their working relationship with the college administration by becoming active on the
campus and in the community. On a personal level, involvement in the program will educate
chapter members in the importance of deadlines and organizational skills, and it also encourages
the development of leadership abilities.

The strength of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society is determined by the achievements of
chapters on the local level. Recognition for these achievements provides reinforcement and
encourages a recommitment to chapter goals.
Five Star Information Packets will be sent to Officers & Members via e-mail

4. PROGRAMS: Honors Study Topic

This year’s Honors Study Topic is entitled: The Paradox of Affluence: Choices,
Challenges, and Consequences.
Phi Theta Kappa programs for chapter and individual participation reflect the Society
Hallmarks of Scholarship, Leadership and Service, and evoke Fellowship through camaraderie
and cooperation. Exploring the Honors Study Topic creates opportunities for chapters and

individuals to integrate the Hallmarks in comprehensive, well-rounded initiatives effective in
contributing to academic stimulation and student development. The following pages provide
guidance for exploring the Honors Study Topic and incorporating additional resources such as
Phi Theta Kappa’s Leadership Development Program and the 2008-2010 International
Service Program, Operation Green: Improving Our Communities.
Honors Study Topic Information Packets will be sent to Officers & Members via e-

5. EVENT: Honors in Action Project: Promoting a Healthy Food Bank:

Issue III, Question #10 of the Honors Study Topic (The Paradox of Affluence:
Choices, Challenges and Consequences) asks: How Does Affluence Affect a Person’s Ability
to Eat a Healthy Diet?

This question intrigued me and made me wonder, are there healthy options at the
Food Bank? Unfortunately when a person has very little money or no money at all, a healthy
diet is too often forgotten. The less fortunate take what they can get and usually the quality of
food is not the greatest. I know our local Food Bank does have a garden, but I do not know how
large it is, what grows there or how often they harvest from it.
• Events: October 20th: Rose Hall Wilson, representative from the Food Bank, is
tentatively scheduled to come and speak to our club about the Food Bank, but this
activity still needs to be approved by SGA.
• Events: October 24th: We have been invited to the Food Bank to participate in “Make a
Difference Day.” The Food Bank needs volunteers to help package boxes.

• Plans: I have conducted some research about the need for healthy options at the
Food Bank, but we will need to conduct further research. This would satisfy Phi
Theta Kappa’s “Scholarship” Hallmark.
• Plans: We shall educate the public about this need by: 1) making posters, 2) writing
articles for publication, 3) showing a related film, etc. This would satisfy Phi Theta
Kappa’s “Leadership” Hallmark.

• Plans: We should then collect healthy food donations for the bank and also
volunteer there. This would satisfy Phi Theta Kappa’s “Service” Hallmark.
• Plans: By working together, we will satisfy Phi Theta Kappa’s “Fellowship”

6. EVENT: Beef and Rootbeer: Fundraiser and Alcohol Awareness Event:

This would be held in the beginning of April (probably on the fourth) and it would Fundraiser
and an Alcohol Awareness Event. Nicole has been researching alcohol awareness and she is in
the process of contacting organizations that may be able to help with the planning of this event.

7. EVENT: International Convention in Orlando, Florida:

The annual Phi Theta Kappa International Convention will be held in Orlando, Florida in
April. The convention offers many wonderful opportunities for Phi Theta Kappa members,
including but not limited to: 1) Seminars for Phi Theta Kappa members; 2) Speakers; 3) Endless
opportunities to network with members from other Phi Theta Kappa chapters; 4) Award Gala
where Chapters who have won one an award in one or more categories of the “Hallmark
Attending the convention will be costly. However, Nicole would like us to raise enough
funds to cover the cost (or at least half of it) for as many members as possible.

8. EVENT: For Thanksgiving or Christmas we could Adopt a family or families

and send them food/presents.

9. Fundraising Ideas:
1. Selling handmade Jewelry at Craft Fairs.
2. Bake Sale.
3. Holiday-themed Fundraisers (i.e. Christmas cookies, candy for Halloween.)
4. Ask businesses for donations.
a. Carolyn said that we need to make sure that companies we solicit do not
already donate funds to ACCC; we cannot compete with the school.
5. Happy Hair Days II – We recruit teachers to volunteer to get their hair dyed if they
“win” the contest. Students and faculty pay a dollar, which allows them to cast a vote
for the teacher who they would like to see have his or her hair dyed; they may also
indicate which color they want.
6. Selling candles- party lite,
7. Make and sell Alpha Delta Mu - Phi Theta Kappa T- shirts

10. T-Shirt Design Contest

The Alpha Delta Mu Chapter is looking to design a t-shirt to represent our club. The t-
shirt will be sold at fundraisers and other events and it will also be given away as prizes. The
winner of the design contest will receive a free t-shirt and a $25.00 giftcard.

The T-Shirt must have "Alpha Delta Mu" on it. It should also have "PhiTheta Kappa" on
it. You may also want to add "Atlantic Cape Community College" or "ACCC" on it. lf you want
to add graphics to your design (this is encouraged!), you can find official Phi Theta Kappa logos
at this website:

****T-Shirts MUST be designed on ****

Be Creative!
E-mail all submissions and questions to lf you are e-mailing a submission,
please include your full name, e-mail address, phone number, and URL of the submission!

Open Forum (questions, comments, concerns, ideas):

T-Shirt Design Contest Ideas:

• Tammy suggested that we get into contact with the Art Club and see if they could
design something for us.
• Tina said that her sister owns her own T-Shirt design shop and that we could contact
her sister for more info.

Holiday Fundraiser Ideas:

• Dominique suggested we do “Boo Grams,” which are like Candy Grams, only these
are designed to be give out for Halloween. We could sell the Grams or people could
buy a gram for that special someone and then we could deliver it to that person.

Special Recognition:

Announcements and Adjournment:

Adjournment time: 1:50 P.M.

Meeting Notes:


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