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1 HIST 101 Fall 2013 Prof.

. Sarah Pacelli Global Literacy Project TOPIC DUE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30TH ESSAY DUE: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2ND This semester you ill rite o!e "#$ %a&e essay o! the to%ic of your choice. 'ou ill submit a short (escri%tio! of your to%ic a!( the sources you a!tici%ate or)i!& ith by *o!(ay+ Se%tember 30th. Si!ce you ill s%e!( a co!si(erable amou!t of time rea(i!&+ thi!)i!&+ a!( riti!& about this to%ic+ you shoul( %ic) a subject that i!terests you. If you !ee( hel% selecti!& a to%ic+ %lease come s%ea) ith me as soo! as %ossible. This %roject ill re,uire you to Fi!( a!( u!(ersta!( a curre!t e.e!t .ia major (omestic /0.S.1 a!( forei&! !e s outlets. See) seco!(ary source material to %ro.i(e bac)&rou!( i!formatio! o! the to%ic you choose 0!(ersta!( that (iffere!t !e s outlets ca! the same story i! a (iffere!t ma!!er+ a!( e2%lore the reaso!s this mi&ht ha%%e!. 0!(ersta!( ho e.e!ts i! the %ast sha%e( the %rese!t issue you3re stu(yi!&. 4rite a %a%er.

This assi&!me!t is (esi&!e( to 5llo you to e2%lore a co!tem%orary to%ic of i!terest. Im%ro.e your )!o le(&e of the orl( beyo!( the 0!ite( States. 62%ose you to %rimary source (ocume!ts. Teach you ho to i(e!tify a!( utili7e scholarly sources i! a %roject. Gi.e you e2%erie!ce i! research+ com%ari!& (ocume!ts+ a!( a!aly7i!& i!formatio!. 8e.elo% your riti!& s)ills.

TOPIC (DUE SEPTEMBER 30TH): The more time a!( thou&ht you %ut i!to this %roject+ the more successful you3ll be. To that e!(+ to &et you thi!)i!& about the assi&!me!t early+ you ill be re,uire( to ha.e your to%ic selecte( ahea( of time. This also allo s me a cha!ce to loo) at here you3re &oi!& ith this %roject+ a!( offer assista!ce9hel% you ho!e your focus9steer you a ay from somethi!& that may !ot be .iable. This assi&!me!t is .ery brief /1#2 %a&es1. 'ou !ee( to i!clu(e the follo i!& 5 %ara&ra%h e2%lai!i!& hich to%ic you selecte( to research. 5 %ara&ra%h (iscussi!& hy you chose this %articular to%ic. 5 short (escri%tio! of+ at this early sta&e+ a %ote!tial (irectio! for your mai! %a%er ar&ume!t. /It3s o)ay if this cha!&es+ but hat )i!( of i(eas are comi!& to you as you search %a%ers for this to%ic:1

2 The titles of the t o !e s sources you %la! o! usi!& /see the list at the e!( of this assi&!me!t1 AND the li!)s to OR co%ies of at least t o articles you a!tici%ate usi!& The title of at least o!e scholarly source you %la! o! usi!&.

PAPER (DUE DECEMBER 2ND): 'ou ill select two !e s%a%ers that %rese!t (iffere!t !atio!s9re&io!s of the orl( from the a%%ro.e( list /see the e!( of this assi&!me!t sheet1. ;!e of these %a%ers !st be a 0.S. !e s source. <ea( the !e s%a%ers for at least t o to four ee)s of co.era&e o! your subject /some to%ics may s%a! a lo!&er %erio(1. 'ou ca! rea( ol(er articles %ro.i(e( the bul) of your rea(i!& is from 201292013. 'ou ill !ee( to use AT "EAST fi.e articles /bet ee! the t o sources1 i! your %a%er. 'ou ill the! fi!( at least two scholarly sources /boo)s %ublishe( by a u!i.ersity %ress+ or aca(emic articles from %laces such as =ST;< or Project *use1 that relate to your to%ic. These sources shoul( hel% you i!tro(uce )ey co!ce%ts a!( historical i!formatio! that ill hel% you ma)e your lar&er ar&ume!t. /I! effect+ you3re usi!& the scholarly sources to %ro.i(e the historical bac)&rou!( to sho ho the %ast i!flue!ces the %rese!t.1 >om%are the co.era&e of the t o !e s%a%ers. Some thi!&s that you may a!t to thi!) about are

4hat is the %oi!t of .ie that each %a%er re%rese!ts: Is certai! material i!clu(e( i! o!e %a%er a!( !ot i! the other: Ho is the story %rese!te(: 4hat is i!clu(e( a!( hat is omitte(: 4hat is the to!e of the articles from each %a%er /i!flammatory+ !eutral+ (is%ara&i!&+ %atriotic+ celebratory+ etc.1: Ho (o the (iffere!t accou!ts i!flue!ce your u!(ersta!(i!& of hat ha%%e!e(: 4hat (o the similarities a!( (iffere!ces i! the accou!ts tell you about the &rou%s the %a%ers re%rese!t: 4hat (o the similarities a!( (iffere!ces su&&est about the a&e!(as of (iffere!t commu!ities: 8oes o!e %a%er seem more reliable tha! the other: If so+ hy: Ho (o the issues you3re stu(yi!& relate to the material e3re co.eri!& i! this course: 4hat lar&er historical issues are %rese!t: /There mi&ht be some .ery ob.ious li!)s+ a!( some more subtle o!es.1

*a)e !ote of the ty%e of article you are rea(i!& /!e s re%ort+ !e s a!alysis+ e(itorial+ o%i!io! %iece9blo& e!try+ etc.1 8o!3t for&et to chec) the e(itorial %a&es a!( the letters to the e(itor+ here e(itors a!( rea(ers e2%licitly state their %oi!ts of .ie . Ta)e !otes as you rea(+ a!( )ee% trac) of the (ate a!( eb a((ress of each article you rea(. 4rite a! essay i! hich you %ro.i(e a brief of your subject+ a!( the! com%are the !e s%a%ers3 accou!ts. Yo! a#e $ot w#%t%$& a 'es(#%)t%*e )a)e#+,e a$al-t%(al. 4hat is your i!ter%retatio! of hat you3.e rea( a!( the (iffere!ces or similarities of the t o accou!ts: /I! other or(s+ hy (o the sources (iffer+ or hy are they the same:1 Ho (o a!y of the issues at %lay i! the to%ic you researche( li!) to our course: Ho (i( you ma)e this co!!ectio!: 4hat lar&er historical issues are %rese!t: 4hat co!!ectio!s ca! you ma)e to li!) the %ast to the %rese!t:

3 'our i!tro(uctio! shoul( ,#%e/l- summari7e the subject a!( %ro.i(e a!y !ecessary co!te2t+ a!( i!clu(e a t0es%s state e$t. The bo(y of your %a%er ill su%%ort your thesis by a!aly7i!& a!( com%ari!& the co.era&e of the !e s%a%ers a!( %ro.i(i!& e2am%les to su%%ort your thesis. The scholarly sources you choose shoul( hel% you ?set u%@ the curre!t !e s you3re riti!& about. 'our co!clusio! ill sum u% the mai! ar&ume!t of the %a%er. Ae sure to utili7e other course sourcesBlecture !otes+ the te2tboo)+ a!( the %rimary source (ocume!tsB here a%%licable. 11Alo$& w%t0 0a$'%$& %$ -o!# )a)e#, )lease )#%$t o!t t0e a#t%(les -o! !se'. These shoul( be %a%er cli%%e( to /but !ot ST5PL68 to1 your %a%er. This mea!s you shoul( be ha!(i!& i! t o se%arate items /cli%%e( to&ether1 o! the (ue (ateByour sta%le( %a%er+ a!( a %ac)et of articles.CC PAPER 2UIDE"INES P"EASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CARE3U""Y. RE4UIREMENTS 3OR THIS ASSI2NMENT.

Pa%ers shoul( be "#$ %a&es lo!&+ (ouble#s%ace( ith t el.e#%oi!t Times De <oma! fo!t+ a!( o!e i!ch mar&i!s. Pa%ers that (o !ot meet these re,uireme!ts ill be %e!ali7e(. Ae sure to i!clu(e %a&e !umbers. 'ou may co!sult ith the 4riti!& >e!ter for this assi&!me!t+ but you may !ot or) o! this %a%er ith other stu(e!ts i! the course. 'ou must use a 0.S. !e s%a%er a!( a forei&! !e s%a%er as the basis of your source material. 'ou !ee( to use at least fi.e !e s%a%er articles total for this assi&!me!t. 'ou must use at least t o scholarly sources to %ro.i(e historical bac)&rou!( for your mai! ar&ume!t. 4e ill (iscuss the (efi!itio! of hat co!stitutes a ?scholarly source@ i! class+ but !o ebsites /asi(e from o!li!e aca(emic jour!als1 or o!li!e (ictio!aries are allo e(. THIS *65DS ';0 *5' D;T 0S6 4IEIP68I5 ;< SI*IL5< SIT6S F;< THIS 5SSIGD*6DT. 5 ma2imum of F0G of your outsi(e sources may come from o!li!e jour!als /So+ if you choose to use t o or three outsi(e sources+ o!ly o!e of them ca! be a! o!li!e source. If you choose four sources+ t o may be o!li!e+ etc.1. 4ith these sources+ as state( o! the %re.ious %a&e+ your mai! objecti.e is to (o )a#e a$' (o$t#ast the me(ia co.era&e i! the !e s%a%ers from t o (iffere!t !atio!s. 'ou must %ro.i(e a clearly state( ar&ume!t i! your i!tro(uctory %ara&ra%h. The rest of your %a%er shoul( focus o! su%%orti!& this ar&ume!t by utili7i!& -o!# $ews)a)e# a#t%(les, s(0ola#lso!#(es, a$' all a*a%la,le (o!#se so!#(esBi!clu(i!& lecture !otes+ assi&!e( %rimary source (ocume!ts+ a!( the te2tboo). Pro.i(e e.i(e!ce from these sources to substa!tiate your claims+ but be careful !ot to just offer a series of ,uotatio!s. Hi&hli&ht im%orta!t %ortio!s from the articles a!( sources a!( e2%lai! them i! your o ! or(s he! creati!& your ar&ume!t. Pa%ers ill be &ra(e( accor(i!& to the rubric fou!( i! the syllabus. 'ou !ee( to co!!ect your to%ic ith a subject that e3.e co.ere( i! classBthis is !ot the %rimary basis of your %a%er+ but you shoul( be able to li!) your subject ith the lar&er !arrati.e of the 20th ce!tury orl(+ as co.ere( i! the course.

H 'ou are re,uire( to ha!( i! har( co%ies of the !e s%a%er articles /but $ot the scholarly sources1 you use(. *a)e sure you cite all of your sources+ he! %ara%hrasi!& as ell as he! usi!& (irect ,uotatio!s. Use /oot$otes /o# t0e (%tat%o$s+$ot )a#e$t0et%(al (%tat%o$s t0at a))ea# %$5te6t, a$' $ot e$'$otes t0at a))ea# at t0e e$' o/ t0e )a)e#. The failure to cite accor(i!& to these &ui(eli!es ill result i! a substa!tial (ecrease i! your &ra(e. If you ha.e a!y ,uestio!s o! citi!&+ %lease as) me or co!sult a style &ui(e+ or sche(ule a! a%%oi!tme!t at the 4riti!& >e!ter /htt%-99 .sie!a.e(u9%a& *icrosoft 4or( has a ?<efere!ces@ fu!ctio! that automatically %laces foot!otes he! selecte(. Please rerea( the sectio! o! the syllabus about %la&iarism .ery carefully a!( see me if a!ythi!& is u!clear. 'ou ill !ot recei.e cre(it for this assi&!me!t if you %la&iari7e or cheat i! a!y ay+ a!( a re%ort ill be file( ith the Sie!a >olle&e >ommittee o! 5ca(emic I!te&rity. 'ou ill be allo e( to use sli&htly abri(&e( forms of tra(itio!al citatio!s for this %a%er. The formats for citatio!s for this assi&!me!t are as follo s For citi!& a $ews)a)e# a#t%(le- 5uthor !ame+ title of the article+ newspaper title+ (ate the article as ritte!+ 0<L. /If you are usi!& a har( co%y of the %a%er+ just omit the 0<L.1 For e2am%le*cGrath+ >harles+ ?Ho *a!y Ste%he! >olberts 5re There:+@ The New York Times+ =a!uary H+ 2012, htt%-99 .!ytimes.com9201290190$9ma&a7i!e9ste%he!#colbert.html: JrK1LrefKus. For citi!& your te6t,oo7- 8ui)er+ Contemporary World History+ %a&e M9Ms. For citi!& a %rimary source (ocume!t from the M%lesto$e Do(! e$ts s%te- 5uthor !ame+ title of the %iece+ (ocume!t (ate+ site !ame. For e2am%leEi%li!&+ <u(yar(+ ?The 4hite *a!3s Aur(e!+@ 1$II+ Milestone Documents. For a$- ,oo7+ use the author !ame+ boo) title+ %ublicatio! (ate+ a!( %a&e M9Ms. /ie;r ell+ Geor&e+ 198 + 1IHI+ %a&es H#F.1 To cite a scholarly article- 5uthor !ame+ jour!al !ame a!( .olume9e(itio!+ article title+ %ublicatio! (ate+ a!( %a&e M90<L. To cite a!y of the o$l%$e 'o(! e$ts l%ste' %$ t0e s-lla,!s- 5uthor !ame+ title of the (ocume!t+ (ate the (ocume!t as ritte!+ 0<L. To cite le(t!#e $otes+ %lease i!clu(e the lecture (ate. /ie- History 101 lecture+ Se%tember 1"+ 2013.1

F Pa)e#s w%ll ,e (olle(te' at t0e BE2INNIN2 o/ (lass o$ De(e ,e# 2$'. A$- )a)e# $ot 0a$'e' %$ at t0%s t% e, e*e$ %/ 0a$'e' %$ late# %$ t0e (lass )e#%o', w%ll ,e a#7e' late. APPRO8ED NE9S SOURCES: To &et full access to some of these /li)e the De 'or) Times1+ you may !ee( to &o throu&h the Sie!a Library o!li!e. I/ -o! wo!l' l%7e to !se a so!#(e t0at %s $ot o$ t0%s l%st, )lease see e /o# a))#o*al. U$%te' States The De 'or) Times.! The 4ashi!&to! Post. ashi!&to! The Los 5!&eles The 4all Street =our!al- htt%-99o!li!e. 2lo,al 0!ite( Datio!s De s >e!tre /&lobal1- htt%-99 A/#%(a 8aily *o!itor /0&a!(a1- htt%-99 >a%e 5r&us /South 5frica1 htt%-99 .u!.or&9!e s9

.mo! .ca%ear&

As%a Hurriyet 8aily De s /Tur)ey1- htt%-99 .hurriyet(aily!e s.com9 Ni!hua />hi!a1- htt%-99 .2i!hua!et.com9e!&lish9home.htm >hi!ese Peo%le3s 8aily- htt%-99e!&lish.%eo%le(!9 Tai a! De s ;!li!e- htt%-99 .etai a!!e s.com9et!9i!(e2Je!.%h% Eyo(o De s /=a%a!1- htt%-99e!&lish.)yo(o!e s.j%9 Eorea! >e!tral De s 5&e!cy /Dorth Eorea1- htt%-99 .)c!!(e2#e.htm Times of I!(ia- htt%-99timesofi!(ia.i!(iatimes.com9 The 8a ! /Pa)ista!1- htt%-99(a !.com9 The =a)arta Post /I!(o!esia1.theja) Dha! 8a! /Oiet!am1- htt%-99e!.!ha!(a!.or&..!9 A!st#al%a a$' O(ea$%a Portal for <u%ert *ur(och3s ma!y 5ustralia! !e s%a%ers- htt%-99 Solomo! Times /Solomo! Isla!(s1- htt%-99 .solomo!times.com9 Fiji Times- htt%-99 .fijitimes.com9 .!e

E!#o)e Aritish Aroa(casti!& >or%oratio! / orl(.com The 6co!omist /0E1- htt%-99 .eco!omist.com9i!(e2.html S%ie&el ;!li!e I!ter!atio!al /Germa!y1- htt%-99 .s%ie&el.(e9i!ter!atio!al9 8uetsche#4elle /Germa!y1- htt%-99 .(eutsche# elle.com9( 90+21H2+2""+00.html Italia! *i!istry of Forei&! 5ffairs- htt%-99 .corriere.it9e!&lish9 Pra.(a /<ussia1- htt%-99e!&lish.%ra.(a.ru9 "at%$ A e#%(a Lati! 5merica!

" Pres!a Lati!a /Lati! 5merica !e s a&e!cy1- htt%-99 .%le!&lish.com9 >uba De s 5&e!cy- htt%-99 .cuba!e!.cu9 8omi!ica! <e%ublic 1- htt%-99 .(r1.com9 Aue!os 5ires Heral( /5r&e!ti!a1- htt%-99 .bue!osairesheral(.com9 5AD /Oe!e7uela1- htt%-99 .a.!.i!fo..e9e!&lish M%''le East 5l#=a7eera /Sau(i 5rabia1- htt%-99 .alja7eera.com9 Israel Datio!al De s /Israel1- htt%-99 .israel!atio!al!e 8aily ;utloo) 5f&ha!ista!- htt%-99 .outloo)af&ha!ista!.!et9 Ira! 8aily- htt%-99 .ira!#( Datio!al Ira,i De s 5&e!cy- htt%-99 .!i!a!e s.com96!&lish9i!( Ira,i De s- htt%-99 .ira,i!e s.com9

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