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Jessica Burns Education 128 May 1, 2012 Geographical Literacy Center Iowa Core (Grades 3-5) !

nderstand t"e use o# $eo$ra%"ic too&s to &ocate and ana&y'e in#or(ation a)out %eo%&e, %&aces, and en*iron(ents+ ,C-- -trand III+ .eo%&e, .&aces, and En*iron(ents (/e&ates to t"is strand )ecause students are de*e&o%in$ t"eir (a% s0i&&s and &earnin$ a)out t"e %"ysica& c"aracteristics o# t"e eart" and t"at %eo%&e "a*e di*ided t"ese s%aces into countries and states) 1earnin$ Goa&s - -tudents wi&& de*e&o%2continue to de*e&o% t"eir understandin$ o# !nited -tates $eo$ra%"y - -tudents wi&& de*e&o%2continue to de*e&o% t"eir understandin$ o# wor&d $eo$ra%"y - -tudents wi&& &earn2re*iew t"e &ocation o# !- states - -tudents wi&& &earn2re*iew !- state ca%ita&s /e&e*ance to -ocia& -tudies 3"is center is re&e*ant to socia& studies )ecause it re&ates to $eo$ra%"y, w"ic" is one %art o# socia& studies+ -tudents are &earnin$ or re-e4a(inin$ $eo$ra%"y o# t"e !nited -tates and t"e wor&d, w"ic" %ro*ides conte4t #or studyin$ *arious ot"er as%ects o# socia& studies+ 3"e center can a&so )e ada%ted #or s%eci#ic units on studyin$ s%eci#ic cu&tures or %arts o# t"e wor&d+ It a&so %ro*ides ada%tations #or students w"o need (ore su%%ort (wit" t"e su%%ort (a%s), and students o# "i$"er a)i&ity (not usin$ t"e (a%s and &oo0in$ (ore c&ose&y at s%eci#ic %arts o# t"e wor&d)+ 3"e center a&so a&&ows students to c"ec0 t"eir own answers+ /e#&ection 5"i&e creatin$ t"is &esson, I was a)&e to re#ine so(e o# (y $eo$ra%"ica& 0now&ed$e+ I used to 0now t"e s%eci#ic &ocations #or t"e seas, oceans, and tro%ics )ut t"is ser*ed as a $ood re*iew and "e&%ed (e to re(e()er 6ust "ow i(%ortant $eo$ra%"y is+ Geo$ra%"y is a $reat addition to any socia& studies c&ass+ Geo$ra%"y can )e used to ta&0 a)out "ow t"e eart" "as c"an$ed o*er ti(e, w"at country2state )oundaries used to &oo0 &i0e, and "ow t"e s%eci#ic %&ace "as i(%acted t"e %eo%&e t"at &i*e t"ere+ Bi)&io$ra%"y Manna0, M+ (2008, -e%te()er 5)+ Africa: Why the richest continent is also the poorest+ /etrie*ed #ro( "tt% 22c&i(ateandca%ita&is(+co(220082072052a#rica-w"y-t"eric"est-continent-is-a&so-t"e-%oorest2 /osen)er$, M+ (2010, ,o*e()er 11)+ Largest cities in the world+ /etrie*ed #ro( "tt% 22$eo$ra%"y+a)out+co(2od2ur)anecono(ic$eo$ra%"y2a2a$$&o(erations+"t( United states quizzes+ (n+d+)+ /etrie*ed #ro( "tt% 22www+#untri*ia+co(28ui''es2$eo$ra%"y2united9states+"t(&

:an Gi&der Coo0, -+ (2012, ;%ri& <)+ Where are the world's happiest countries?+ /etrie*ed #ro( "tt% 22news#eed+ti(e+co(2201220=20<2w"ere-are-t"e-wor&ds"a%%iest-countries2 Ma% i(a$es ta0en #ro( "tt% 22www+*(a%as+co(2;(ericas2!nited9-tates2!nited9-tates9!-9B&an09Ma%+6%$2(a %s-en+"t(&>(a%9*iewMa%?1 "tt% 22$o+"rw+co(2at&as2nor(9"t(2usa+"t( "tt% 22www+0ids(a%s+co(2$eo$ra%"y2i(a$es2#u&&si'ed25or&d9(a%9%o&itica&+%n$ "tt% 22www+wor&dat&as+co(2we)i(a$e2test(a%s2(a%s+"t( "tt% 22www+wor&dat&as+co(2we)i(a$e2test(a%s2usca%cty+$i# "tt% 22www+nationa&$eo$ra%"ic+co(24%editions2&essons2012$352t$continents+"t(& Questions and Location Activities for Center United States Quiz 1. How many/which states border the Pacific Ocean? (5 !ashin"ton# Ore"on# $a%ifornia# &%as'a# Hawaii( ). !hat is the northernmost town in the US? (*arrow# &%as'a( +. How many US state ca,ita%s ha-e .city/ in their name? (0 Sa%t 1a'e $ity# $arson $ity# O'%ahoma $ity# 2efferson $ity( 0. !hat is the southernmost city in the (continenta%( US? (3ey !est# 41( 5. 5n which state does the 6ississi,,i 7i-er be"in? (6innesota( 8. !hat is the on%y state com,%ete%y surrounded by water? (Hawaii( 9. :eath ;a%%ey is %ocated in which state? ($a%ifornia( <. !hat is the ta%%est mountain in the US? (6t. 6c3in%ey in &%as'a( =. !here does Ohio 7i-er drain? (6ississi,,i 7i-er( 1>. !hat is the southernmost state in the US? (Hawaii( United States ?eo"ra,hy Shade the country north of the US in "reen and %abe% it Shade the country south of the US in oran"e and %abe% it 1abe% the fi-e "reat %a'es 1abe% the + oceans that touch the US in their ,ro,er %ocations 1abe% the ?u%f of 6e@ico $irc%e in ,ur,%e the ,%ace where the most states touch 1abe% our nationAs ca,ita% :raw/shade in ye%%ow the 7oc'y 6ountains B 1abe% :raw/shade in ,in' the &,,a%achian 6ountains B 1abe% :raw in b%ue and %abe% the 6ississi,,i# 6issouri# $o%orado# 7io ?rande# $o%umbia# and Ohio 7i-ers !or%d ?eo"ra,hy 1abe% the 5 oceans 1abe% the continents

Crace the DEuator in b%ac' Crace the Prime 6eridian in brown :raw a com,ass rose 1abe% the Cro,ic of $ancer 1abe% the Cro,ic of $a,ricorn 1abe% the 6editerranean# $aribbean# &rabian# *%ac'# $as,ian# and 7ed Seas. $irc%e Hawaii in ye%%ow $irc%e &%as'a in ,in'

!or%d Quiz 5n area# what is the %ar"est country in the wor%d? (7ussia( 5n ,o,u%ation# what is the %ar"est country in the wor%d? ($hina( !hich continent has the most countries? (&frica( !here does the Fi%e 7i-er f%ow? (Forth into the 6editerranean Sea( !hich continent has the sma%%est ,o,u%ation? (&ntarctica( !hat is the most ,o,u%ous city in the wor%d? (Co'yo Go'ohama# 2a,an( !hat is the hottest continent in the wor%d? (&frica hi"hest tem,erature recorded was 1+8 de"rees 4ahrenheit( !hat is the sma%%est continent by area? (&ustrai%ia( !hat is the richest continent when it comes to natura% resources? (&frica( &ccordin" to the U.F.# what are the to, 5 ha,,iest countries? (:enmar'# 4in%and# Forway# Fether%ands# $anada(

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