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Thiruvananthapuram Limited
Instructions: Last Date o Receipt: !"st Apri# !$"! To be sent by speed post/courier to:

Photograph Self attested paste with good gum (e.g.fevicol) to prevent falling off

I +ou desire to *e considered or t-o posts( app#+ separate#+ -ith a## enc#osures ,o coverin& #etter re.uired (E-mail applications will not be accepted). App#ications shou#d *e ta&&ed /no #ose papers0 -ith a## enc#osures in the o##o-in& HR%in%Char&e order : BrahMos Aerospace i. Application format filled in and photo pasted with good gum (e.g.Fe icol) to a oid peel "'( Cariappa Mar&( )ir*+ P#ace( off De#hi Cantt( ,e- De#hi ""$$"$ ii. !etailed career profile ("ptional for #unior $osts - Technicians/Assistants) iii. $roof of !ate of %irth & 'opies of all Educational 'ertificates/(ar) sheets *+th onwards i . Appointment& ,elie ing letters (as applicable) and the latest -alary 'ertificate Important ,ote: Initia# screenin& -i## *e *ased on the App#ication 1ormat and hence a## summar+ in ormation shou#d *e avai#a*#e here2 P#ease do not -rite to re er the enc#osures2 App#ications de icient in in ormation3supportin& documents -i## *e re4ected in the initia# screenin&2

App#ication 1ormat
/P#ease read the instructions *e ore i##in& up0 Name of the Post applied for 1. General Manager/Dy GM (Finance) 2. Dy. General Manager(HR) 3. Sr Manager/Manager(Finance) 4. Manager(Projects) 5. ngineer (.S)*er+isor
GM(Fin) DGM(HR) Sr Mgr Mgr(Proj) !"/!# #at$1 !"/!# !"/!# #at$2 PP# !"/!# #at$3 MS Design Fa% PP# Maint & 'tility MS Fa% Maint& 'tility Mgr DGM(Fin)

/50Tick Mark wherever applicable

*. /. 2. 4.

.ame of the 'andidate Father/0usband1s name

Date o Birth

$ersonal !etails
Tele .o. with -T! 'ode 5 Email

/attach proo 0

Comp#eted A&e /as on 6"st Mar !$"!0


Ma#e 1ema#e

7nmarried Emai#:



O ice

3333 $ermanent Address


333 333 'orrespondence Address


Addres s


!etails of educational 8ualification Attach copies of 'ertificates 5 (ar) sheets starting with *+
.ame of the E9amination : mar)s 5 !i ision (ain -ub;ects


<ear $assing

'ollege/=nstitute/ >ni ersity/ %oard

a2 "$th /Matric0 *2 "!th /Inter0

(Attach copies of 'ertificates 5 (ar) sheets)

(Attach copies of 'ertificates 5 (ar) sheets)

Re.uisite 8ua#i ication

(tic) (50

%Tech/%E( 3333 3.. ) !iploma ( 333. 333) %A/%-c. ( 33.3.. 33..)

(Attach copies of 'ertificates 5 (ar) sheets)

'A/='@A/'-( 333 33 ) c2 P93Others d2 :::::::::2

(Attach copies of 'ertificates 5 (ar) sheets)





Banguages )nown.


E;perience: starting from present bac)wards(Attach detailed resume&


Appointment/ ,elie ing letters (as applicable) and Batest -alary

+ear ,ame < Address o the 1irm a.(/s3333333 33 3.

Prese nt
!esignation: !uties:



Desi&nation < Responsi*i#ities

Present Sa#ar+

,s33333 ..
E;pected Sa#ar+

(Attach detailed resume& appointment letter/salary certificate)

,s3333.. 3

c. (/s3333333

33. . 33 3. 33 3

33 3. 33 3.

!esignation :!uties: (Attach Appointment / ,elie ing letters !esignation: !uties: (Attach Appointment / ,elie ing letters !esignation :!uties: (Attach Appointment / ,elie ing letters

d.(/s3333. e.(/s33333..

D. %riefly describe your ;ob profile in the current organiEation ($lease attach additional sheets if reFuired):


Areas of =nterest ($rofessional) ,eferences of two persons of repute:


(r/(s.3.33333333333333333333333333333333..3333 Tel. .o333333

(r/(s33333333333333333333333333333333333333Tel .o3333333 = hereby declare that the particulars furnished abo e are true and that candidature/appointment will be cancelled at any stage if any information is found to be false / incorrect. $lace !ate


-ignature33333333333. .ame3333333333333..

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