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Username: Total: Posted: Due: rich-circled 120 possible marks 2011-09-18 13:19 2011-10-05 09:00

1. (10 marks) Find the length of the curve r(t) = 5 sin (6t) , 5 cos (6t) , 10t , 3 t 10. The length of the curve is

2. (10 marks) Find the length of the arc of parabola y = 8x2 , 0 x 1. The length of the arc is

3. (10 marks) Let C be the curve of intersection of the parabolic cylinder x2 = 42y and the surface 63z = xy . Find the length of C from the origin to the point (126, 378, 756). The length of the curve C is

4. (10 marks) Find the curvature of r(t) = 3e5t , 9 cos (7t) , 8t at the point (3, 9, 0). =

5. (10 marks) At what point does the curve y = e49x have maximum curvature? (x, y ) =

6. (10 marks) Find the unit normal N(t) and binormal B(t) vectors for the circular helix r(t) = cos (17t) , sin (17t) , 11t at t = 0. N(0) = B(0) =

7. (10 marks) Find the curvature of the ellipse (7, 0) = (0, 11) =

x2 49

y2 121

= 1 at the points (7, 0) and (0, 11).

8. (10 marks) A moving particle starts at an initial position r(0) = 1, 0, 0 with initial velocity v(0) = 8, 8, 1 . Its acceleration is a(t) = 6t, 3t, 7 . Find its velocity and position at time t = 1. v(1) = r(1) =

9. (10 marks) A projectile is red with muzzle speed 123 m/s and angle of elevation 48 . How far does the projectile hit the ground and with what speed? The projectile hits the ground Speed at impact is

10. (10 marks) Find the velocity, speed and acceleration of a particle with the position function r(t) = e10t cos (10t) , e10t sin (10t) , e10t t at t = 0. v(0) = |v(0)| = a(0) =

11. (10 marks) The position function of a particle is given by r(t) = 4t2 , 6t, 4t2 59t + 9 . When is the speed a minimum? The speed is a minimum at t =

12. (10 marks) The position function of an object with mass 66 is given by r(t) = 11t2 , 14t2 , 7t3 . Find the force F(t) acting on the object at t = 1. F(1) =

1. The length of the curve is 70 10. 257 + 16 .

2. The length of the arc is 3.

1 2

257 +

1 32


The length of the curve is 882. 4. = 5.

3 4913


1 1 ln (4802) , 98 2 . (x, y ) = 98 N(0) = (1, 0, 0) 17 11 410, 410 410) B(0) = (0, 410


7. (7, 0) = (0, 11) 8. , 8) v(1) = (5, 19 2 r(1) = (8, 17 , 9) 2 2 9. The projectile hits the ground 1535.28 m away. Speed at impact is 122.997 m/s. 10. v(0) = (10, 10, 1) |v(0)| = 201 a(0) = (0, 200, 20)
7 121 = 11 49

11. The speed is a minimum at t = 12. F(1) = (1452, 1848, 2772).

59 . 16

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