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CSCI 170 Homework #1

Due Date: Monday, September 9th, 2:30pm Submit in class or the dropbox (Box 1, rst oor of SAL, opposite the Mens bathrooms). 1. Consider a sequence indicating the cost to produce a constellation of satellites. Let Cn denote the cost to produce the nth satellite. Assumedly each successive unit will cost less as we improve eciency, so this will be represented by the learning curve S which for this problem will have a value of 0.9. The cost to produce the rst n satellites is then given by the following summation: 1 Ci = C1 nB , where B = 1 log2 ( ) S i=1 (a) How much does it cost to produce a constellation of 8 satellites, assuming the rst satellite costs 10 million dollars? (b) Give a recurrence relation indicating the cost of the nth unit Cn in terms of n, S , and Ci for i n 1. (c) Give a closed formula indicating the cost of the nth unit Cn in terms of n, S , and C1 . (d) What is the dierence in cost between the 8th satellite and the rst satellite with the benet of learning curves? 2. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false. Justify your answers. (a) and {} have the same cardinality. (b) If f and f g are both injective functions, then g is necessarily injective as well. (c) If f is an injective function, then f 1 is necessarily injective as well. (d) If T={rightmost digits of all positive integer multiples of 7} and S={0, 1, 2, ..., 9}, then S=T. (e) For n, a Z, dene the set nZ + a = {x Z|x = nt + a for t Z}. It is then the case that the sets 7Z + 2 and 7Z + 16 are equal. 3. For each of the following functions, O denotes the set of odd integers, and E denotes the set of even integers. Indicate whether each of these functions are injective (one-to-one), surjective (onto), neither, or both (bijective). Explain your reasoning. (a) f : O E, where f (x) = 2x. (b) f : E Z, where f (x) =
x 2 n

(c) f : Z O, where f (x) = 2x + 3 (d) f : Z Z, where f (x) = x + 1 if x E, and f (x) = x + 2 if x O (e) f : Z N, where f (x) = |x| (the absolute value of x). Continued on Back.

4. Suppose that there is a male barber in the small mountain village of Arfons. This barber is the only barber in the village, and every male in the village likes to stay clean-shaven, so the barber shaves exactly those male villagers who do not shave themselves. (a) It turns out that the preceding information is logically inconsistent. Such a barber, as described, cannot possibly exist. Explain why. This is an example of Russells paradox, which arises by the (faulty) assumption that just because you can describe a set, there must necessarily be a set which matches that criteria. In this case, the set consisting of the barbers customers does not actually exist. (b) Suppose that the gender of the barber was not specied. Would this still be an example of Russells paradox? Explain your reasoning. (c) Suppose there are two male barbers in Arfons, and every male in the villager either goes to one of the barbers, or shaves himself (but not both). Would this be an example of Russells paradox? Explain your reasoning. If you need some extra practice, try the following problems. Do not submit them, as they will not be graded. All practice problems and solutions are in the Rosen textbook. Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: 2.4: exercises exercises exercises exercises 5, 3, 5, 5, 11, 27, 23, 17, 19, 23 51 57, 69 19, 29, 35

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