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INFOSYS.110 BUSINESS SYSTEMS: DELIVERABLE 2: BUSINESS SECTION SUMMER 2014 Name NetID Group Number: Website Link: Tutorial Details Time Spent on Assignment: Juhyun Han Jhan343 10 Tutor: Day: Time: Yvonne Hong Tues/Fri 12 25 hours Word Count: 1610


Drowning happens frequently when summer comes; and it is the major injury that happens to New Zealand children. Research undertaken by The New Zealand Water Safety reports that every year about 16.5% of young children drowned from the sea (Watersafety, 2012). A potential solution to solve this problem is to develop an application and a GSP installed bracelet. Information from the bracelet that sends wirelessly to a windows web server and it will sends out a notice to the parent application. Every time when their child has moved, the application will create reminders to parents. From this report, it will mainly look at the industry and the business and also figure out whether this business is attractive or not.

To make lower child mortality by innovating new tracking product in New Zealand
3.2 Industry Analysis: Child tracking app industry

Industry: Child tracking app industry. Currently, an increasing number of missing child made the industry to develop bigger and bigger. By making this app it decreases the number of missing child and it helps the children to keep safe.



Justification: Buyer power is high, there are many alternatives has been invented and their price are competitive. (Designing business IS, 2012) Supplier power is low, there are growing trend in the application industry. Because it is simple to learn and use the software. (Designing business IS, 2012). Nowadays raw material like GPS has become common and it is easily bought in everywhere. (Geocaching , 2012) The threat of new entrants is high, in this industry, there are very few barriers to enter into the market and little in the way of start-up cost.

Buyer power:


Supplier power:


Threat of new entrants:


Threat of substitutes:


Rivalry among existing High competitors:

This is evidenced by the large number of businesses in this industry. (Designing business IS, 2012) The threat of substitue is low, thesedays the application software are rapidly growing in the industry (Kalavar,R., Rahman,A., Tsao. D, &Vallabhaneni,S., 2010). However, there are only a few similar application as ours. Rivalry among existing competitors is high; this is because market provides rating (1-5) that it is a tough market that there are many players to compete with. Every month new app produces and all kinds of different software are invented. (Designing business IS, 2012)

Overall attractiveness of the industry: The overall of this industry is relatively large and not too attractive in the market. This is because due to low start-up cost and low barriers that there are quite a large amount of firms could easily enter into the market. Also, competitions between the companies are really fierce that each company have to make a competitive advantage to survive in the market. Moreover, the switching costs are very low that whenever clients want to switch to other company it is easily changeable.
3.3 Customers and Their Needs

Most of the parent will get interested in our product. This is because, young children easily get drowned and it is hard for the parent to track their child every single time. However, this application and device could be useful to the disabled. This is because they will found it hard to avoid drowning when their care keepers are not there with them. This product will be valuable to those people who cannot swim and who are afraid to swim. This will lead to lower the mortality and prevent from drowning.
3.4 The Product and Service

Our product is to help the parents to track their kids when they are out of their sight. GPS bracelet send out an alert that RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Reader) reads the sign and gives notice to the parents via our application. There is a cctv that reads electronic signal that finds out the child. By creating geo-fence (GPS traking children, 2013) on the application the parents can create the safezone and track their kids within the sea or out.
3.5 Suppliers and Partners

To make a competitive advantage and a successful operation in the market, there are few steps to create the product. In order to make this happen, we will need a partnership with Auckland city council in order to promote our product by making a special promotions to the customers that to experience free-trial session that could attracts the cutomers. In addition, we will also need a delivery service to deliver our product. As we have hardware device the only way we could deliver our product is to use delivery service. It is covenient for the customers to receive the product at their house rather than going out to take their product. Without their service it is difficult for us to operate our business. Lastly, we need to have a relationship with huge stores that sells GPS chip, such as and etc. It is convient for us to use the online shopping and there are a lot of online shops to choose from. Moreover, we need a supplier that help us to make the application and after that we need a partner to advertise our application. Therefore, for our business a partnership with Apple store and Google play is vital. After we develop our application we need a market to advertise and promote our application. Without these markets, it is difficult for us to attract the customers and increase the productivity.
3.6 Strategy: Focused low cost

The overall strategy is focused low cost as our industry is a small market that only targets the children and there are lots of other competitors in the market so the price of the product is relatively low.
3.7 Value Chain Activity:

The most significant value chain activity for our business is service after the sale; our company adapts service after sale by developing an innovative product that could create a competitive advantage for our business. Furthermore, it will bring increase productivity in our business. After they have purchased the product, we guarantee to provide a loyalty programme that gives a special deal when they update our application.
3.8 Business Processes


This business process is important to our business is

because that it is our job to support the customers to purchase our product. While transaction is being made we should not bother the customer, otherwise they might cancel the purchase. Also providing a convincing statement about our application; it will support the customer not to hesitate their purchase.


This process is important to our business

because after our service has provided to the customer we need to know whether the customer will continuously use our application or not. Also, we could know that which part of our application is the weakest and try to maintain their interest. After gathering all the

feedbacks from the customer, we could find out which part should be reengineered and improved.

3.9 Functionalities

Offer trial Trasaction approved


3.10 Systems

Send to customer service Alert new version updated

3.10.1. AFTER SERVICE SUPPORT SYSTEM Review the transaction between the customer and

analysis customers taste. Through the service offer different kinds of options that customer could enjoy. This will bring increase in customer satisfaction.

This system supports which part of the application

should be fixed and maintained. Also, it will help to improve the application.

Customer voluntarily gives feedback and it helps the

business to analysis which things should be improved.

3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain Activity 1.

Processes Transaction support process 1. 2. Offer trial


Specific Information System(s) Customer support system After service system

Broad Information System(s) Customer relationship managment System Transaction processing system Decesion processing system Transaction processing system



Trasaction approved

Customer feedback gathering process

1. Send to customer service


Feedback support system

Alert new version updated

After service system



The best way to make our child safe is that they always put GPS bracelet and parents track their child through application. Our children are the future of our economy and without them it is hard to rise our generation. By implementing the systems it will improve the business and it will be easy to know what the customer wants and desires. The business could generate growth by analysis customers needs and spend time to improve the application. This will make the business better than their competitors and generate competitive advantages. Each business processes and systems will support the business to increase the customer satisfaction by shorten the cycle time that they have to spend. The systems will be automatically updates the application that will not bother the customer. It will be convenient to the customer and they will appreciate the after service support system. By using a geo-fence programme (GPS tracking children, 2013) parents could create safezone and intranet will protect from outside access that no one could track your child. This will make the business to gain competitive advantage when we adapt and develop new things.

Designing Business Information Systems: Apps, Websites, and More. (2012). Retrieved from Geocaching. (2012). The Complete Idiot's Guide to Geocaching. Retrieved from GPS tracking Children. (2013). Tracking system direct. Retrieved from Kalavar,R., Rahman,A., Tsao. D, &Vallabhaneni,S., (2010) Google Mobile OS Competitive Strategy. Retrieved from Water safety. (2012). Retrieved from


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