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Classroom Policies for 2 semester SY 2013 - 2014 o Attendance Late: Students who will come in after the last

t name of the student in the class list will be called. Excused: Personal Health: Chicken pox, sore eyes, and other physical ailments (which your body can no longer tolerate its uneasiness) Personal Holiday: Attend events that are not usually celebrated like wedding or the day before sending a deceased family member to their resting place Sleeping Strictly NO SLEEPING inside, and anyone caught doing so will be ask to leave the room immediately Eating Tolerable but no disturbances should be made and NO SHARING will be encouraged Noise Cell phones should be silent but should not be turned off in case important message or call needs to be answered. (All replies and answer to a call should be done outside the room) Strictly no texting is allowed inside the room Talking is tolerable as long as it will not disturbed the class During reporting, NO TALKING is strictly implemented Student/s will be ejected from the class for violating this policy


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Grading system o Attendance is 10%: Merit system is applied. A student is given 10 points per meeting and will be deducted as follows: 7 points: late 5 points: irritant/s or the source of distraction of the class o Quiz is 30%: May be announced or unannounced Short essays True or False (right minus wrong) Identification Definition of terms Modified Matching Type During reporting schedules, quizzes will be given BEFORE reporting will start o Exams is 30%: Prelim/Midterm/Pre-final/Final (optional) Combinations of the different types but will be more than 50 points Pre-final is set as an oral exam and the Final exam will be an option whether a student still wants to take the final exam or not Assignment is 15%: Mostly done at and are answerable for just three (3) days (sometimes would depend on the content of the assignment which will need at least five (5) days) Deduction of 10% per day will be implemented after the due date A student who fails to answer assignment/s will NO longer be given extensions Reporting/Presentation is 15%: rd Topics will be given on the 3 meeting from the start of the class Reports will be presented after the midterm examination (for this sem, January 2014) Failure to deliver the said topic on the schedule will automatically be given a failing grade A rubric for reporting will be used during the said activity and is allocated as follows: 60% will be from me 40% will be from the classmates Audio-Visual is required during the said activity but should not exceed forty (40) minutes

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