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Ior deta||s, ru|es and terms & cond|nons of L-1|ckenng serv|ces, p|ease v|s|t www.||n.
*New 1|me 1ab|e w||| be eecnve from 01-07-2013. Departure nme and Arr|va| 1|me pr|nted on th|s LkS]VkM |s ||ab|e to change. |ease Check correct
departure, arr|va| from ka||way Stanon Lnqu|ry, D|a| 139 or SMS kAIL to 139.
1here |s amendments |n certa|n prov|s|ons of kefund ku|e. kefer Amended kefund ku|es w.e.f 01-07-2013.
1he accommodanon booked |s not transferab|e and |s va||d on|y |f one of the ID card noted above |s presented dur|ng the [ourney. 1he LkS]VkM]SMS sent by
IkC1C a|ong w|th the va||d ID proof |n or|g|na| wou|d be ver|hed by 11L w|th the name and Nk on the chart. If the passenger fa|| to produce]d|sp|ay
LkS]VkM]SMS sent by IkC1C due to any eventua||ty (|oss, damaged mob||e]|aptop etc.) but has the prescr|bed or|g|na| proof of |dennty, a pena|ty of ks.S0]-
per ncket as app||cab|e to such cases w||| be |ev|ed. 1he ncket check|ng sta Cn board]C board w||| g|ve Lxcess Iare 1|cket for the same.
L-ncket cance||anons are perm|ued through www.||n by the user.
Cbta|n cernhcate from the 11L ]Conductor |n case of Ak1IALL wa|t||sted e-ncket, LLSS NC. CI ASSLNGLkS trave||ed, A.C.IAILUkL, 1kAVLL IN LCWLk
CLASS. 1h|s or|g|na| cernhcate must be sent to GGM (I1), IkC1C Ltd., Internet 1|ckenng Centre, IkCA 8u||d|ng, State Lntry koad, New De|h|-1100SS aher h||ng
on-||ne refund request for c|a|m|ng refund.
assengers are adv|sed not to carry |nammab|e]dangerous]exp|os|ve arnc|es as part of the|r |uggage and a|so to des|st from smok|ng |n the tra|ns.
Contact us on: - 24*7 nrs Customer Support at 011-39340000 , Chenna| Customer Care 044 - 2S300000 or Ma|| 1o: careQ||n.
Ior any suggesnons]comp|a|nts re|ated to Cater|ng serv|ces, contact 1o|| Iree No. 1800-111-321 (07.00 hrs to 22.00 hrs)
IkC1Cs e-1|ckenng Serv|ce
L|ectron|c keservanon S||p (ersona| User)
1hls uckeL wlll only be valld along wlLh an lu proof ln orlglnal. lf found Lravelllng w|thout ID roof,w||| be
treated as w|thout ncket and charged as per extant ka||way ru|es.
valld lus Lo be presenLed durlng Lraln [ourney by one of Lhe passenger booked on an e-uckeL :- voLer ldenuLy
Card / assporL / An Card / urlvlng Llcense / hoLo lu card lssued by CenLral/SLaLe CovL./ubllc SecLor
underLaklngs of SLaLe/CenLral CovernmenL, ulsLrlcL AdmlnlsLrauons, Munlclpal bodles and anchayaL
AdmlnlsLrauons. SLudenL ldenuLy Card wlLh phoLograph lssued by recognlzed School or College for Lhelr
sLudenLs / nauonallzed 8ank assbook wlLh phoLograph /CredlL Cards lssued by 8anks wlLh lamlnaLed
phoLograph / unlque ldenucauon Card "Aadhaar".
Ceneral rules/ lnformauon for e-uckeL passenger have Lo be sLudled by Lhe cusLomer for cancellauon &
Nk No: 6326990348 1raln no. & name: 12296/SAnCPA Ml18A Lx CuoLa: Ceneral
1ransacnon ID: 0837S94144 uaLe of 8ooklng: 27-!an-2014 08:11:11 AM Class: 3A
lrom: A1nA !n(n8L) uaLe of !ourney: 04-Mar-2014 1o: 8AnCALC8L C? !n(S8C)
8oardlng: A1nA !n(n8L) uaLe of 8oardlng: 04-Mar-2014 Scheduled ueparLure: 19:33 *
8esv upLo: 8AnCALC8L C? !n(S8C) Scheduled Arrlval: 06-Mar-2014 20:20 * AdulL: 01 Chlld: 00
assenger Moblle number: 9482300733 ulsLance: 2727 kM
assenger Address :- !a[pur 8oad 8hubaneshwar Crlssa - 733019
IAkL DL1AILS : uescrlpuon AmounL (ln rupees) AmounL (ln words)
1 1lckeL lare ** 8s. 1960.0 8upees Cne 1housand nlne Pundred and SlxLy Cnly
l8C1C Servlce Charges#
(lncl. of Servlce 1ax)
8s. 22.47 8upees 1wenLy 1wo and lour Seven alsa Cnly
3 1oLal 8s. 1982.47 8upees Cne 1housand nlne Pundred and LlghLy 1wo and lour Seven alsa Cnly
** lncluslve of Servlce 1ax - 8s 70 Cnly
# Servlces Charges per e - uckeL lrrespecuve of number of passengers on Lhe uckeL .
Sno. name Age Sex Concesslon Code 8ooklng SLaLus/ CurrenL SLaLus/Coach no./SeaL no
1 S n 8ASAu 28 Male WL 1/ 8AC 12 0000/
1h|s ncket |s booked on a persona| user ID and cannot be so|d by an agent. If bought from an agent by any |nd|v|dua|, |t |s at h|s]her own r|sk.
IRCTC Ltd,Booked Ticket Printing
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IRCTC Ltd,Booked Ticket Printing
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