Standard Form - Lesson Plan 2

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Form: Four Topic: Standard Form Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

i. Round off positive numbers to a given number of significant figures when the numbers are greater than ii. State the number of significant figures of a given positive numbers. iii. !rite the positive numbers to a given number of significant figures. "rior #nowledge: Students can identif$ place value and value of each digit in whole numbers. Students can round whole numbers. Students can state the place value and value of each digit in decimals. Students can round decimals to the nearest whole number or up to given decimal places. Teaching aids%resources: &ah'ong papers manila cards "ower"oint Attitudes and values: &eticulous (onfident and diligent. )onest Responsibilit$ (ooperative (reative and critical thin#ing s#ills: &a#ing connection (ategori*ing and generating possible idea Reflection

and less than .

Thin#ing S$stematicall$ +nstructional Steps Step% (ontent ,uration Step : Set induction -1 minutes. The use of significant figures

Activit$ -,iscourse. Teacher0s role 2efore starting the lesson, teacher as#s the students 3what is the population in &ala$sia now45 Teacher will give the actual number of population in &ala$sia -67.898: million. and compared it to student0s answer. From the comparison, teacher tries to relate it to the topic students are going to learn. A big title of topic will be shown b$ using manila card -what is significant figures.. Teacher discusses with students 3what significant figure is and wh$ we need to use it45 Teacher shows a table which consist of a few rules that we must follow Students0 role Several students will be selected to give the answer. Students discuss with students and listen activel$ Students give suggestion e;ample of our dail$ life which applied significant figures.

A/%((TS%Strateg$% &ethod%TA Teaching Aid < concept map

Attitudes and /alues: meticulous Approach: teacher and student centered Strateg$ =uestioning &ethod: discussion Techni=ue:6<wa$ interaction ((TS &a#ing connection

Step 6: +nstructional ,evelopment -69 minutes.

Rules of significant figures <All non<*ero digits are significant

Students are as#ed to identif$ the number of significant figures to the

Teaching Aid <&ah'ong paper, manila card, ma#er pen, white board

figures < The digit *ero can be a significant figure or not depending on its position in the number

when rounding off a number to given number of significant figures. teacher gives some e;amples

e;amples given. students are as#ed to give more e;ample of each rule students are as#ed about the level of accurac$ of measurement depending on the number of significant figure it have.-e.g. the accurac$ of ammeter different from the multimeter. Students differentiate the accurac$ of the two instruments used. Students listen attentivel$

Attitude and /alue <confident and diligent. Approach: teacher and student< centered &ethod: e;positor$ and discussion Strateg$: < using tables and flow chart Techni=ue: < 6<wa$ interaction ((TS: (ategori*ing and generating possible idea

Rounding off numbers -the method of rounding off a number to a given number of significant figures.

Teacher recall students that we have learnt to round off numbers to re=uired place value through appro;imation. Teacher introduce another method of appro;imation is to round off a number to an appropriate number of significant figures. Teacher shows a flow chart which shows the method of rounding off a number to a given number of significant

figures. Teacher e;plains the flow chart b$ using suitable e;amples. The teacher as# student to form ? with 7 students in each group. The teacher gives each group a wor#sheet to answer b$ the student. The teacher monitors the students activit$ and act as a facilitator The teacher discusses student with student Student wor# in their respective groups. Students discuss in groups to carr$ out the tas# given in wor#sheet. Students hold discussion in their respective e;pert groups. Teaching Aids: <wor#sheet &ethods: <(ooperative learning <@;planation Techni=ue: < ,iscussion Approach: < Student centered ((TS: < Thin#ing S$stematicall$ Attitudes and /alues: <)onest < Responsibilit$ < (onfident < (ooperative

Step 1 +nstructional ,evelopment -> minutes.


Step 7: @valuation -: minutes.

Tas# : practical wor# from what student have learnt <writing down the answer of the =uestion given <complete the sentences

&athematics activit$ the teacher provides one paper sheet to each group teacher e;plain the rule of the activit$ Rule activit$ there is one sentences that are not complete the student need to find the blan# sentence to complete the sentence the wa$ to find the blan# sentences is student must answer all the =uestion given each =uestion have one letter So the students need to find all the answer to get the complete letter. The letter will form a sentences which is the sentences in the blan# sentences

Students pa$ attention to the teacher0s e;planation. @ach group will ta#e the paper and show it to all group members. Students wor# respectivel$ in their groups Students discuss the answer with teacher and chec# their answer.

Teaching Aids: <"ower"oint &ethods: <(ooperative learning <@;planation Techni=ue: < ,iscussion Approach: < Student centered ((TS: < Thin#ing S$stematicall$ Attitudes and /alues: <)onest < Responsibilit$ < (onfident < (ooperative

Step ?: (losure - minutes.

Revise the content we had learnt. )omewor# given from te;tboo#.

Teacher as#s student to reflect on what the$ have learned. Teacher will help student b$ giving guide line to them for ma#e their own reflection

Student will tr$ to reflect on what the$ have learned. Student pa$ attention and listen carefull$ before do the reflection

&ethods: < Auestioning Techni=ue: < ,iscussion Approach: < Student centered ((TS: < Reflection Attitudes and /alues: < )onest < Responsibilit$ < (onfident < Respect

Student will do the e;ercise given as homewor# and hand it up for the ne;t class.

Teacher will give e;ercises to the students as a homewor#

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