Indian History Questions

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Indian History Questions

1. Who was elected as the permanent President of the Muslim League in 1908 ?
(A !awa" #alimullah
($ #%ed Ahmad &han
(' Aga &han
(( #%ed Amir Ali
Ans ) ('
*. According to #aro+ini !aidu who was ,,the am"assador of -indu.Muslim /nit%00 ?
(A #%ed Ahmad &han
($ -asrat Mohani
(' Maulana A1ad
(( Mohammad Ali 2innah
Ans ) ('
3. Which of the following statements are not true of the -ome 4ule Mo5ement ?
6. 7he demand was for selfgo5ernment and not complete independence.
66. 7he mo5ement included promoting political education to "uild a "ase for selfgo5ernment
666. 6t did not achie5e much impact or popularit%.
68. 7he mo5ement was the part of the 'ongress acti5it%.
(A 6 and 66
($ 66 and 666
(' 666 and 68
(( 68 and 6
Ans ) ('
9. 7he two -ome Leagues were founded in 191:. 7heir founders were;
6. Annie $esant
66. $. <. 7ila=
666. Motilal !ehru
68. #ardar Patel
(A 6 and 66
($ 66 and 666
(' 666 and 68
(( 68 and 6
Ans ) (A
>. 7he partition of $engal made in 190>;
(A Was annulled as a result of the Morle%.Minto 4eforms in 1919
($ Was withdrawn in 1908 "ecause of the immense protests it e5o=ed
(' Was annulled "% the =ing0s proclamation at the (elhi (ur"ar in 1911
(( 'ontinued till 6ndia got independence
Ans ) ('
:. 7he "asic defect of the Luc=now Pact was;
(A 6t was an agreement purel% "ased on the "ond of common hatred of the foreign rule
($ 6t was "ased on the wrong notion that -indus and Muslims formed separate communities
(' 6t was a marriage of con5enience without a pontiff
(( 6t was a pact "etween powerless potentates
Ans ) ($
?. Who among the following is =nown as ,the li"erator of the press0 ?
(A William 2ones
($ Wellesle%
(' #ir 'harles Metcalfe
(( Lord Minto
Ans ) ('
8. Who had gi5en the title of ,Mahatma0 to <andhi ?
(A $. <. 7ila=
($ <opal &rishna <o=hale
(' Moti Lal !ehru
(( 4a"indra !ath 7agore
Ans ) ((
9. Who had said on the death of 7ila= ,m% strongest "ul=war is gone0 ?
(A #hau=at Ali
($ Muhammad Ali
(' Lala La+pat 4ai
(( Mahatma <andhi
Ans ) ((
10. 4a"indra !ath 7agore renounced his =nighthood for which reason ?
(A 2allianwalla $agh 7raged%
($ 'ruel suppression of 'i5il (iso"edience Mo5ement
(' $hagat #ingh was hanged
(( 'hauri.'haura incident
Ans ) (A
11. Which among the following pair accused for =illing @nglish officers in @ngland was hanged ?
(A 4a+ <uru and #u=hde5
($ &hudi 4am $ose and #ur%asen
(' Madan Lal (hingra and /dham #ingh
(( &artar #ingh #ara"hai and AshfaAullah &han
Ans ) ('
1*. Write the correct chronological order of the following )
1. Boundation of #wara+ Part%
*. 2allianwalla $agh 7raged%
3. 'ongress.Muslim League Pact
9. 'hauri.'haura incident
(A *C 3C 1C 9
($ 3C *C 1C 9
(' 3C *C 9C 1
(( *C 3C 9C 1
Ans ) ('
13. 6n 1908 an attempt was made on the life of &ingsfordC the unpopular +udge at Mu11afarpur "%;
1. #at%en $ose
*. $arindra <hosh
3. Prafulla 'ha=i
9. &hudiram $ose
(A 1 and *
($ 3 and 9
(' 1 and 9
(( * and 3
Ans ) ($
19. Which of the following were in5ol5ed in throwing a "om" at the procession of Lord -ardinge through
'handni 'how= ((elhi in 191* ?
1. Pulin (as
*. $al Mu=und
3 A5adh $ehari
9. Amir 'hand
(A 1C *C 3
($ *C 3C 9
(' * and 3
(( !one of these
Ans ) ($
1>. Who defended Aur"indo <hosh in the Alipur "om" case ?
(A 'hittaran+an (as
($ Motilal !ehru
(' $.<. 7ila=
(( #urendra !ath $aner+ee
Ans ) ($
1:. $al <angadhar 7ila= was gi5en the epithet of ,Lo=man%a0 during;
(A -ome 4ule Mo5ement
($ #urat #plit
(' #wadeshi Mo5ement
(( -is imprisonment in 1908
Ans ) (A
1?. 7he onl% 6ndian prince who acti5el% participated in the 4e5olutionar% Mo5ement within and outside
6ndia was;
(A 4a+a Aridaman #ingh
($ 4a+a -ari #ingh
(' 4a+a &umar #ingh
(( 4a+a Mahendra Pratap
Ans ) ((
18. 'ur1on W%llieC who was murdered "% Modan Lal (hingra in LondonC was;
(A #ecretar% of #tate for 6ndia
($ Ad5iser to the #ecretar% of #tate for 6ndia
(' Law Mem"er
(( <o5ernor of $engal
Ans ) ($
19. Who edited ,$asumati0C the oldest $engali (ail% paper ?
(A Anand Mohan $ose
($ #ur%a #en
(' $arinder <hosh
(( 8. (. #a5ar=ar
Ans ) ('
*0. Who said the following ,,the onl% lesson reAuired in 6ndia at present is to learn how to die and the onl%
wa% to teach is "% d%ing oursel5es. 7hereforeC 6 die and glor% in m% mart%rdom00 ?
(A Aur"indo <hosh
($ &hudiram $ose
(' 'handra #he=har A1ad
(( Madan Lal (hingra
Ans ) ((.
1. Who wrote the Book entted Ghuamgr ?
(A) B. R. Ambedkar
(B) Narayan Guru
(C) |yotba Phue
(D) M. P. Pa
Ans : (C)
2. Whch one of the foowng had supported Mahatma Gandh on the Non-
cooperaton resouton at the Speca Cacutta Sesson, 1920 ?
(A) C. R. Das
(B) B. C. Pa
(C) Anne Besant
(D) Mota Nehru
Ans : (D)
3. Whch one of the foowng books s the offca Hstory of Revot of 1857 ?
(A) Eghteen Ffty Seven
(B) Theores of Indan Mutny
(C) The Sepoy Mutny and the Revot of 1857
(D) None of the above
Ans : (A)
4. Whch one of the foowng had for the frst tme accepted that Brtsh
vctory at Passey was the vctory of breach of fath ?
(A) Lord Cve
(B) Vansttort
(C) Hector Munro
(D) None of the above
Ans : (D)
5. Whch one of the foowng Benga drama was drected aganst Poygamy ?
(A) Bhanumat Chttavkas
(B) Kun Kuasarvasva
(C) Vdhva Vvaha
(D) Nava Natak
Ans : (B)
6. The statement, "on bended knees I asked for bread and receved stone
nstead" s assocated wth-
(A) Khafat Movement
(B) Non-Cooperaton Movement
(C) Dand March
(D) Out Inda Movement
Ans : (C)
7. Whch operaton was started by the Brtsh Government to arrest the
eaders of Out Inda Movement ?
(A) Operaton Reander Paste
(B) Operaton Zero Hour
(C) Operaton Thunderbot
(D) Operaton Bue Star
Ans : (C)
8. Whch one of the foowng had drafted the fundamenta rghts resouton at
the Karach Sesson, 1931 ?
(A) |awahara Nehru
(B) Acharya Narendra Deo
(C) Subhash Chandra Bose
(D) Mauana Abu Kaam Azad
Ans : (A)
9. Whch one of the foowng Benga wrters was the frst to suggest the
adopton of Hnd as Indas Natona Language ?
(A) Bhudeva Mukher|ee
(B) Dnbandhu Mtra
(C) Madhusudan Datta
(D) Ka Prasanna Snha
Ans : (A)
10. Whch one of the foowng s known as Mother of Indan Revoutonares ?
(A) Anne Besant
(B) Saro|n Nadu
(C) Madame Cama
(D) Usha Mehta
Ans : (C)
11. Whch one of the foowng had drafted the Out Inda Resouton ?
(A) Sardar Vaabhbha Pate
(B) |awahar La Nehru
(C) Mahatma Gandh
(D) Acharya Narendra Deo
Ans : (B)
12. In whch of the foowng paces Hndu Mahasabha was for the frst tme
organsed n 1915 ?
(A) Hardwar
(B) Aahabad
(C) Varanas
(D) None of the above
Ans : (A)
13. Who among the foowng had read the Engsh verson of Presdenta
address n the Trpur Sesson of Indan Natona Congress, 1939 ?
(A) Acharya Narendra Deo
(B) Sarat Chandra Bose
(C) Subhash Chandra Bose
(D) Mauana Abu Kaam Azad
Ans : (C)
14. The party whch observed the Back Day on |uy 3, 1947 aganst Partton
of Inda was-
(A) Indan Natona Congress
(B) Forward Boc
(C) Hndu Mahasabha
(D) Communst Party of Inda
Ans : (C)
15. The Frst Presdent of Musm League was-
(A) Nawab Vqar-u-Muk Mustaq Hussan
(B) Man Abdu Azz
(C) Hdayat Hussan Khan
(D) Mohammad A |nnah
Ans : (A)
16. Who sad, "Lke summer gae revot of Meerut was unprecedented and
short-ved" ?
(A) S. N. Sen
(B) R. C. Ma|umdar
(C) S. B. Chaudhur
(D) V. D. Savarkar
Ans : (A)
17. Whch one of the foowng had drafted the Hndu Wdows Remarrage
Act ?
(A) Lord Cannng
(B) Lord Dahouse
(C) Lord Hardnge
(D) None of the above
Ans : (B)
18. When was the Treaty of Anagar sgned ?
(A) February 1756
(B) September 1756
(C) February 1757
(D) Apr 1757
Ans : (C)
19. In whch of the foowng Sessons of Musm League Two-
Naton Theory was propounded ?
(A) Lahore Sesson, 1940
(B) Bombay Sesson, 1915
(C) Deh Sesson, 1918
(D) Cacutta Sesson, 1917
Ans : (A)
20. Whch one of the foowng pars s not correcty matched ?
Author Drama
(A) Grsh Chandra Ghose -Mr Kasm
(B) D. L. Roy -Chhatrapat Shva|
(C) Kshrod Prasad Vdyavnod -Nand Kumar
(D) Nkh Nath Roy -Pratapadtya
Ans : (B)
21. Who was the bographer of A.O. Hume ?
(A) W. Wederbrn
(B) Lord Duffern
(C) |. Chares
(D) None of the above
Ans : (A)
22. Whch young woman eader was symbo of defance and resstance durng
Out Inda Movement ?
(A) Saro|n Nadu
(B) Kapana Dutt |osh
(C) Sucheta Krpan
(D) Aruna Asaf A
Ans : (D)
23. Who haed Gandhs ca for Out Inda as an Epc Movement ?
(A) Ram Manohar Loha
(B) Sardar Vaabhbha Pate
(C) Subhash Chandra Bose
(D) |a Prakash Narayan
Ans : (B)
24. In whch year Engsh was made the medum of nstructon n Inda ?
(A) 1844 A.D.
(B) 1835 A.D.
(C) 1833 A.D.
(D) 1813 A.D.
Ans : (B)
25. Who s known as the "Father of Musm Renassance n Benga" ?
(A) Abdu Latf
(B) Mrza Ghuam Ahmed
(C) Muhammad Oasm
(D) Rashd Ahmed Gangoh
Ans : (A)
26. Whch one of the foowng eaders was not a part of Noncooperaton
movement ?
(A) M. A. Ansar
(B) M. A. Znnah
(C) Abu Kaam Azad
(D) Hakm A|ma Khan
Ans : (B)
27. Between whch statons was the frst raway ne opened n Inda ?
(A) Cacutta to Rangan|
(B) Bombay to Pune
(C) Cacutta to |amshedpur
(D) Bombay to Thane
Ans : (D)
28. Who was the Presdent of the Fag Commttee ?
(A) B. R. Ambedkar
(B) |. B. Krpan
(C) K. M. Munsh
(D) D. P. Khetan
Ans : (B)
29. Who sad over the rado on 30th |anuary 1948 "The Father of Naton s no
more" ?
(A) Sardar Pate
(B) |awahara Nehru
(C) Ra|endra Prasad
(D) Ra|gopaachar
Ans : (B)
30. In whch year was the Natona Deveopment Counc set up ?
(A) 1949 A.D.
(B) 1950 A.D.
(C) 1951 A.D.
(D) 1952 A.D.
Ans : (D)
31. Whch one of the foowng books s assocated wth rse of Natona
Movement n Inda ?
(A) Gtan|a
(B) Anand Math
(C) Satyagrah Prakash
(D) Gta Rahasya
Ans : (B)
32. B|auya Movement was reated to-
(A) Keraa
(B) Assam
(C) Ra|asthan
(D) Orssa
Ans : (C)
33. Whch was the frst State to be created on ngustc bass ?
(A) Madras
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Bombay
(D) Gu|arat
Ans : (B)
34. Indo-Pak border s known as-
(A) Durand Lne
(B) Mc Mohan Lne
(C) Redcffe Lne
(D) Lne of Contro
Ans : (C)
35. The excavaton at Chanhu Daro was drected by-
(A) |ohn Marsha
(B) |. H. Mackay
(C) R. E. M. Wheeer
(D) Aure Sten
Ans : (B)
36. Whch of the foowng Harappan towns s dvded nto three parts ?
(A) Kabanga
(B) Lotha
(C) Chanhudaro
(D) Dhoavra
Ans : (D)
37. Whch of the foowng s the most common motf of the Indus Seas ?
(A) Uncorn
(B) Bu
(C) Rhnoceros
(D) Eephant
Ans : (A)
38. Robert Bruce Foote, who dscovered frst Paaeothc too n Inda, was
orgnay a-
(A) Paaeobotanst
(B) Geoogst
(C) Archaeoogst
(D) Hstoran
Ans : (B)
39. The earest evdence of agrcuture n Indan Subcontnent has been
obtaned from-
(A) Brahmagr
(B) Chrand
(C) Mehrgarh
(D) Burzahom
Ans : (C)
40. Whch of the foowng was not worshpped by the Harappans ?
(A) Shva
(B) Mother Goddess
(C) Peepa
(D) Vshnu
Ans : (D)
41. Satapatha Brahmana s reated to-
(A) Rgveda
(B) Ya|urveda
(C) Samaveda
(D) Atharvaveda
Ans : (B)
42. Kng Ashvapat of the Upanshadc Age was the ruer of-
(A) Kekaya
(B) Matsya
(C) Panchaa
(D) Sursena
Ans : (A)
43. Who of the foowng propounded the theory of the Arctc regon as the
home and of the Aryan speakng peope ?
(A) Max Muer
(B) Edward Meyer
(C) Ba Gangadhar Tak
(D) Herzefed
Ans : (C)
44. Who was the prest of the Bharatas n the batte of Ten Kngs ?
(A) Vsvamtra
(B) Vasshtha
(C) Atr
(D) Bhrgu
Ans : (B)
45. To whch Sakha does the pubshed Rgveda Samhta beong ?
(A) Saunaka
(B) Ashvaayan
(C) Shakaa
(D) Sankhayana
Ans : (C)
46. Who among the foowng teachers were vsted by Sddhartha Gautama
n the quest of knowedge before hs enghtenment ?
1. Aara Kaama
2. Udraka Ramaputra
3. Makkha Gosaa
4. Ngantha Nataputta
Indcate your answer from the codes gven beow-
(A) 1 and 4
(B) 4 and 2
(C) 2 and 3
(D) 1 and 2
Ans : (D)
47. Whch of the foowng Upnshads s wrtten n prose ?
(A) Isa
(B) Katha
(C) Brhadaranyaka
(D) Svetasvatara
Ans : (C)
48. The twenty thrd |an Trthankar was assocated wth-
(A) Vasha
(B) Kausamb
(C) Varanas
(D) Sravast
Ans : (C)
49. Match Lst-I wth Lst-II and seect the correct answer from the codes
gven beow the sts-
List-I (Jain Tirthankaras)
(a) Santnatha
(b) Manatha
(c) Parsvanatha
(d) Mahavra
List-II (Cognizance)
1. Anteope
2. Lon
3. Serpent
4. Water |ar
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 1 2 4 3
(B) 4 1 3 2
(C) 2 3 1 4
(D) 1 4 3 2
Ans : (D)
50. Who among the foowng ad down punshment for a person becomng
mendcant wthout makng adequate provson for dependent wfe and
chdren ?
(A) Manu
(B) Ya|navakya
(C) Kautya
(D) Narada
Ans : (C)
51. Consder the foowng statements and seect the correct answer from the
codes gven beow-
Assertion (A) : In the maxmum number of Varsavasas Gautama Buddha
stayed at Sravast.
Reason (R) : Prasen|t, the ruer of Sravast was of the same age as
Gautama Buddha.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) s the correct expanaton of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) s not the correct expanaton of (A)
(C) (A) s true, but (R) s fase
(D) (A) s fase, but (R) s true
Ans : (B)
52. Whch of the foowng pars s not correcty matched ?
(A) Sakyas -Kapvastu
(B) Koyas -Ramagrama
(C) Kaamas -Aakappa
(D) Maas -Kusnagara
Ans : (C)
53. Where dd the Mahasamghka Schoo arse ?
(A) Bodha Gaya
(B) Ra|agrha
(C) Sravast
(D) Vasa
Ans : (D)
54. Whch one of the foowng pars s not correcty matched ?
(A) Charsada -Pushkaavat
(B) Srkap -Takshasa
(C) Nagar|undakonda -Dhanyakataka
(D) Tamuk -Tamrapt
Ans : (C)
55. Ruers of whch of the foowng dynastes bore the tte Devaputra ?
(A) Maurya
(B) Sunga
(C) Kushana
(D) Saka-Kshatrapa
Ans : (C)
56. Ruers of whch of the foowng dynastes mantaned dpomatc reatons
wth dstant countres ke Syra n the West ?
(A) Maurya
(B) Gupta
(C) Paava
(D) Choa
Ans : (A)
57. Who dentfed Sandra Kottus of the Greco-Roman terature wth
Chandragupta Maurya ?
(A) D. R. Bhandarkar
(B) Aexander Cunnngham
(C) R. P. Chanda
(D) Wam |ones
Ans : (D)
58. Who were the benefcares of Asokas donatons n the regon of Barabar
H ?
(A) Buddhsts
(B) A|vkas
(C) Svetambar |ans
(D) Dgambar |ans
Ans : (B)
59. In whch of the foowng nscrptons Ashoka made hs famous
decaraton, A men are my chdren ?
(A) Mnor Rock Edct (Ahraura)
(B) Par Edct VII
(C) Lumbn Par Edct
(D) Separate Kang Rock Edct I
Ans : (D)
60. Who among the foowng s credted to have performed four Asvamedha
sacrfces ?
(A) Pushyamtra Sunga
(B) Pravarasena I
(C) Samudragupta
(D) Nandvarman Paavamaa
Ans : (B)
61. Who among the foowng was the ruer of Kanch durng the tme of
Samudragupta ?
(A) Hastvarman
(B) Mantara|a
(C) Nara|a
(D) Vshnugopa
Ans : (D)
62. Whch one of the foowng paces was a mnt centre of the Yaudheyas ?
(A) Bayana
(B) Rohtak
(C) Barey
(D) Mathura
Ans : (B)
63. Whch of the foowng parts were stuated on the west coast of South
Inda ?
1. Kaverpattanam
2. Korka
3. Musr
4. Tond
Indcate the correct answer from the codes gven beow-
(A) 1, 2
(B) 2, 3
(C) 3, 4
(D) 2, 3, 4
Ans : (C)
64. Who among the foowng was the frst Satavahana Kng to ntroduce the
ruers head on the cons ?
(A) Satakarn I
(B) Gautamputra Satakarn
(C) Vasshthputra Puumav
(D) Ya|na Satakarn
Ans : (A)
65. The argest of the Paava Rathas s-
(A) Ar|una
(B) Bhma
(C) Dharmara|a
(D) Draupad
Ans : (C)
66. Who of the foowng adopted Garuda as dynastc embem after the
mpera Guptas ?
(A) Rashtrakutas
(B) Western Chaukyas
(C) Shaharas
(D) Cheds
Ans : (A)
67. Who among the foowng had the tte Parama-Saugata ?
(A) Bhaskar Varman
(B) Shashanka
(C) Ra|ya Vardhana
(D) Harsha
Ans : (D)
68. Who had apponted Parnadatta as the Provnca Governor of Saurashtra ?
(A) Chandragupta Maurya
(B) Rudradaman
(C) Chandragupta II
(D) Skandagupta
Ans : (D)
69. Who among the foowng was a ady Avar Sant ?
(A) Anda
(B) Madhura Kav
(C) Peruma
(D) Trupan
Ans : (A)
70. Whch of the foowng pars s not correcty matched ?
(A) Nagananda -Harsha
(B) Mudrarakshasa-Vsakhadatta
(C) Mrchchhakatka -Sudraka
(D) Ratnava -Ra|asekhara
Ans : (D)
71. Who among the foowng caed themseves Brahma-Kshatray ?
(A) Paas
(B) Senas
(C) Pratharas
(D) Chahamanas
Ans : (B)
72. The North Indan Dynastes that confronted the Rashtrakutas were-
(A) The Pratharas and the Paramaras
(B) The Paas and the Chandeas
(C) The Pratharas and the Paas
(D) The Chaukyas and the Chahamanas
Ans : (C)
73. Nraamba Saraswat (Saraswat s now wthout support) thus amented a
poet at the demse of-
(A) Chahmana Vsaadeva
(B) Chandea Krtvarma
(C) Mhra Bho|a
(D) Bho|a Paramara
Ans : (D)
74. The custom Santhara s reated to whch of the foowng sects ?
(A) |an
(B) Sava
(C) Sakta
(D) Vashnava
Ans : (A)
75. Who s supposed to be the future Buddha n Mahayana Buddhsm ?
(A) Krakuchanda
(B) Amtabha
(C) Matreya
(D) Kanak Mun
Ans : (C)
76. Whch of the foowng ncarnatons of Vshnu s represented n art as
rasng the Earth from the
Ocean ?
(A) Kurma
(B) Varaha
(C) Matsya
(D) Nrsngha
Ans : (B)
77. The Srv|aya ruer, who competed the constructon of the Buddhst
Vhara started by hs father at Nagapattana durng the regn of Ra|ara|a I, was
(A) Samaragravra
(B) Baaputradeva
(C) Marav|ayottunga Varman
(D) Traokyara|a
Ans : (C)
78. Gangakondachoapuram became the capta of the Choa empre from
the tme of-
(A) Parantaka I
(B) Ra|endra I
(C) Kuottunga I
(D) Vkrama Choa
Ans : (B)
79. Who are the four Ra|put cans descrbed n Prthvra|a-Raso of Chanda
Barda, who are sad to have emerged from fre-pt of Mount Abu ?
(A) Pratharas, Chahamanas, Gahadavaas, Kaachurs
(B) Paramaras, Chandeas, Chahamanas, Chaukyas
(C) Chahamanas, Kaachurs, Chandeas, Pratharas
(D) Pratharas, Chahamanas, Chaukyas, Parmaras
Ans : (D)
80. The Vkramsha Mahavhara, the renowned educatona centre of Paa
perod was at-
(A) Antchak
(B) Aphasad
(C) Basarh
(D) Chandmau
Ans : (A)
81. Whch one of the foowng tempes does not beong to the Choas ?
(A) Brhadshwara
(B) Koranganatha
(C) Kaashanatha
(D) Aravateshwar
Ans : (C)
82. Whch one of the foowng pars s not correcty matched ?
(A) Baz Bahadur -Mawa
(B) Sutan Muzaffar Shah-Gu|arat
(C) Yusuf Ad Shah-Ahmednagar
(D) Outub Shah -Gokunda
Ans : (C)
83. Durng the tme of Aauddns nvason Waranga was rued by-
(A) Chaukya Dynasty
(B) Choa Dynasty
(C) Kakatya Dynasty
(D) Yadava Dynasty
Ans : (C)
84. Who of the foowng Ra|put ruers gave donaton for the reconstructon of
a mosque ?
(A) Mhr Bho|a
(B) Bho|a Parmar
(C) Prthvra| III
(D) |a Sngh Sddhara|
Ans : (D)
85. Arrange the foowg ruers of Kashmr n a chronoogca order-
1. Avantvarman
2. Ddda
3. Harsha
4. |aya Sngh
Indcate your answer from the codes beow-
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4
(B) 2, 3, 4, 1
(C) 3, 4, 1, 2
(D) 4, 1, 2, 3
Ans : (A)
86. Whch one of the foowng was not constructed by Outubuddn Abak ?
(A) Kubbat-u-Isam mosque
(B) Outub Mnar
(C) Adha dn Ka |hopada
(D) Aa Darwa|a
Ans : (D)
87. V|ayanagar empre was founded durng the regn perod of-
(A) Froz Tughaq
(B) Skandar Lod
(C) Ghyasuddn Tughaq
(D) Muhammad-bn-Tughaq
Ans : (D)
88. The hstoran Sewe has wrtten a book entted A Forgotten Empre.
What was the name of empre ?
(A) Mugha Empre
(B) V|ayanagar Empre
(C) Maratha Empre
(D) Mauryan Empre
Ans : (B)
89. Who among the foowng had |oned Akbars Dn--Iah ?
(A) Brba
(B) Bhagwan Das
(C) Man Sngh
(D) Sur|an Ra
Ans : (A)
90. |onara|a n hs Ra|atarangn, contnued the narraton of Kahana upto-
(A) |aya Sngh
(B) Sutan Skandar
(C) Sutan Zanu Abdn
(D) Muhammad Shah
Ans : (C)
91. Whch new department was started by Muhammad-bn- Tughaq for the
deveopment of agrcuture ?
(A) Dwan--Rsaat
(B) Dwan--Ashraf
(C) Dwan--Koh
(D) Dwan--Mustkharaz
Ans : (C)
92. Who among the foowng consttuted Turkan-e-Chhagan ?
(A) Outubuddn Abak
(B) Itutmsh
(C) Baban
(D) None of these
Ans : (B)
93. Who was Oaz Fazat durng the regn of Sher Shah ?
(A) The Oaz of Benga
(B) The Chef Oaz of the Afghan Empre
(C) The Governor of Benga
(D) None of the above
Ans : (C)
94. Whch one of the foowng offcers was the superntendent of port under
the Mughas ?
(A) Mutsadd
(B) Mr--Bahar
(C) Tahvdar
(D) Mushrf
Ans : (B)
95. Whch one of the foowng was not a reason for Baban abandonng the
pocy of conquest and adoptng the pocy of consodaton ?
(A) Threat of externa nvason
(B) Interna revots
(C) Indan Kngs wng to throw off the Turksh rue
(D) Hs weak nature
Ans : (D)
96. Whch one of the foowng Sutans, was not an off sprng of Itutmsh, but
was the ast successor of hs dynasty ?
(A) Rukn-ud-dn Froz
(B) Raza
(C) Muzuddn Bahram Shah
(D) Nasruddn Mahmud
Ans : (D)
97. Whch one of the foowng sons of Aauddn Kha| was born of hs wfe
|hatyapa, the daughter of Ra|a Ramchandra Dev of Devagr ?
(A) Shhabuddn Umar
(B) Khzr Khan
(C) Outbuddn Mubarak
(D) Sad Khan
Ans : (A)
98. What was Khanqah ?
(A) Works of Poet Amr Khusro
(B) Court of Skandar Lod
(C) Brth pace of Khwa|a Munud-dn Chst
(D) The pace where Suf Mystcs ved
Ans : (D)
99. On whom Emperor Akbar conferred the tte of |agat Guru ?
(A) Purushottam
(B) Dastur Meher| Rana
(C) Hra V|ay Sur
(D) Dev
Ans : (C)
100. Whch Oueen of |ahangr had commtted sucde by consumng poson ?
(A) Harkhaba
(B) Manmat
(C) |odhpur Begam
(D) Zeb-un-nsa
Ans : (B)
101. Who among the foregn traveers descrbes how the Ganges water was
carred n copper vesses for Mugha Emperors to drnk ?
(A) Thomas Coryat
(B) Edward Terry
(C) Raph Ftch
(D) Sr Thomas Roe
Ans : (B)
102. Who was the member of Uema, who ssued the Fatwa aganst Akbar
from |aunpur ?
(A) Muayazd
(B) Mrza Hakm
(C) Abdun Nab
(D) Abduah Sutanpur
Ans : (C)
103. Who wrote Futuhat--Ferozshah ?
(A) Aberun
(B) Froz Shah Tughaq
(C) Utb
(D) Ibn Batuta
Ans : (B)
104. Who among the foowng was the owest n rank n the Maratha
nfantry ?
(A) Nayak
(B) Hawadar
(C) Zumadar
(D) Hazar
Ans : (B)
105. In the thrd batte of Panpat Marathas were defeated by-
(A) Mughas
(B) Rohas
(C) Brtshers
(D) Afghans
Ans : (D)
106. Roshan Akhtar was of another name of-
(A) Ahmed Shah
(B) Muhammad Shah
(C) |ahandar Shah
(D) Shah Aam
Ans : (B)
107. What was the orgna name of Afza Khan ?
(A) Abduah Bhatar
(B) Samsuddn
(C) Sabar
(D) Muhammad Khan
Ans : (A)
108. Who among the foowng were Sants of Varkar sect ?
1. Chakradhar
2. |nanesvar
3. Namadev
4. Ramdas
Indcate the correct answer form the codes gven beow-
(A) 1, 2
(B) 2, 3
(C) 3, 4
(D) 1, 2, 3, 4
Ans : (D)
109. What was Bargr n Maratha army ?
(A) Infantry
(B) Front ner
(C) Cavary
(D) Water carrer
Ans : (C)
110. Who among the foowng was a |ahangr Panter ?
(A) Abu Hasan
(B) Abdus Samad
(C) Daswant
(D) Mr Sayyd A
Ans : (A)
111. Where n Inda, dd the Protuguese bud ther frst fortress ?
(A) Cochn
(B) Goa
(C) An|dv
(D) Cannanore
Ans : (A)
112. Whch Maratha State was the ast to accept the Subsdary Aance of
the Brtsh ?
(A) Gakwad
(B) Sndha
(C) Hokar
(D) Bhonse
Ans : (B)
113. Durng the Mugha perod, what was Narna or ght artery ?
(A) One carred on eephantback
(B) One carred on came-back
(C) One carred by man
(D) None of the above
Ans : (C)
114. What do the terms Ech or Safr denote n the sxteenth century
Mugha admnstratve vocabuary ?
(A) Ambassadors
(B) Rebes
(C) Spes
(D) Governors
Ans : (A)
115. Whch year of Akbars regn has been regarded by the hstoran, Vncent
A. Smth as the most crtca tme ?
(A) 1556 A.D.
(B) 1561 A.D.
(C) 1571 A.D.
(D) 1581 A.D.
Ans : (D)
116. Who of the foowng was the frst Indan to wrte Engsh verse ?
(A) Kash Prasad Ghosh
(B) Ramchandra Vdyavagsh
(C) Krshna Mohan Baner|ee
(D) Harharanand
Ans : (A)
117. Whch one of the foowng statements s not correct about Bahadur
Shah Zafar ?
(A) He was an emperor wthout empre
(B) He was a warror wthout any war experence
(C) Hassan Askar was hs sprtua gude
(D) He succeeded to the throne n 1845 A.D.
Ans : (D)
118. Durng whose tenure dd the ncdent of Back Hoe take pace ?
(A) Mr Zafar
(B) Mr Oasm
(C) Avard Khan
(D) Sra|uddaua
Ans : (D)
119. Whch one of the foowng had bestowed the tte of |agat Seth to
Fatehchand ?
(A) Avard Khan
(B) Sra|uddaua
(C) Mr Zafar
(D) Muhammad Shah
Ans : (D)
120. In whch of the foowng anguages the book entted Hnd Swara| was
wrtten ?
(A) Hnd
(B) Urdu
(C) Gu|arat
(D) Engsh
Ans : (C)
Important Facts of Indian History
History of Ancient India
D 7he -arappan Bort in the shape of a parallel sAuare is 9:0 %ards in length (north.south *1> %ards in
"readth (east.west and 1>.1? %ards in height.
D 7he script of 6ndus ci5ili1ation was pictorial in which there were more than :00 picture.letters and :0
original letters.
D 7he eEca5ations of 'hanhudaro were carried out in 19*> under the leadership of @arnest M0c=a%. 7his
town had no fort.
D !aalC (a"ur=otC 4a=hi <arhiC $anawaliC 4angpurC LothalC (es MorasiC &ulliC 4ana <hundaiC An+iraC
<umlaC AmriC <hundaiC Mundiga=C (ipla"agaC #ahar.i.#o=htaC $ampur and Fueta etc. are famous
historical sites where the remains of 6ndus ci5ili1ation and pre 6ndus ci5ili1ation ha5e "een eEca5ated.
D (a"ur=otC PerianoC <hundaiC &ulliC MehiC 'hanhudaroC AmriC Lohum+odaroC AlimuradC 4oparC 4angpurC
#ut=egender are the prominent (spots places of 6ndus 8alle% ci5ili1ation.
D 7he eEca5ations of &ali"anganC a historical place in 4a+asthan "egan in 19:1 under the direction of $.
&. 7hapar and $. $. Lal. Brom the lower la%er of the eEca5ationC the remains of pre 6ndus ci5ili1ation and
from the upper la%er of the 6ndus ci5ili1ation are discerni"le. 7he fortress and the cit% "oth were
surrounded with walls.
D 7he eEca5ations at 4angpur;an 6ndus site in <u+arat were carried out in 19>3.>9 under the leadership
of 4angnath 4ao. Borts of raw "ric=sC drainageC terrecota utensilsC weights and sla"s of stone ha5e "een
found "ut the idol of mother <oddess (Matride5i and coins ha5e not "een found.
D Lothal was situated at that time near the ocean. 6n eEca5ations the remains of a doc=%ard ha5e "een
found which testif% to the trade relations of 6ndus people with western Asia.
D 6n the district of &utchh in <u+arat stateC 1* =ms north.east of Adesar is situated #ur=otda which was
eEplored and eEca5ated in 19:9 under the guidance of 2agatpati 2oshi.
D 6n the eEca5ation of 6ndus ci5ili1ationC a 5er% "ig "uilding has "een eEplored. 6t is *9* ft long and 11* ft
"road. 7he walls are > ft thic=.
D #ome figurines on ta"les ha5e "een found in 6ndus ci5ili1ation in the centre of which is a round shaped
#un and around it are the pictures of : gods arranged in a wa% that the% appear as if the% are the #un
"eams. 7his testifies to the worship of #un in the period.
D 7he proof of the eEistence of a "eing are 1 crore to *0 lacs %ears old.
D 6n the 6ndian populationC there are four "asic racial su".difference. 7hese are !egritoC Astro AustraliansC
&a=eshisi and Mongoloids.
D 6n 6ndiaC s=eletons (human "od% in "ones.=an=al ha5e "een found in #arai !ahar 4ai near Allaha"adC
$atai=hor and Le=hania. -igh in lengthC flat nose and "road mouth are their characteristics. 7hese "elong
to Mesolithic age.
D 7he pre stone ci5iliation came to "e =nwon in the region of ri5er #ohan a su"sidiar% of #indhu. -ence it
is called #ohan ci5ili1ation. 7he 8ati=apoom in the form of (<andasa aEe and &handa= were its main
D 6n -arappan cultureC the worship of @arth as goddess was in 5ogue. 7his is indicated "% the idol of a
woman with a plant growing out of her wom".
D Along with the @lephantsC 4hinocerosC $uffalosC Lions and (eersC the picture of Gogi engra5ed on a
seal (Muhar suggests the worship of #hi5a in -arappan ci5ili1ation. 7his god had three heads and he sat
with crossed legs.
D 7he 7alismans o"tained in large num"ers indicate that the people of -arappan culture "elie5ed in
witchcraft or the dead souls. 7hese talismans were made of "ron1e and copper in the form of plate.
D 6n -arappan culture the weight (for measuring were 1: or of its multiplied num"ers.
D 7he dogs and cats were the domesticated animals and their foot prints confirm this fact.
D 7he remains of the horses ha5e "een found at #ur=otda. 7he eEistence of the horse is not =nown from
the upper la%er of Mohan+odaro eEca5ation. 7he terrecota small figurines pro5ide =nowledge a"out it.
D 7he people of Lothal used rice in 1800 $.'.
D As #indh was one of the oldest region for culti5ating cottonC the <ree=s named it as #edon.
D 6n -arappan cultureC sil5er was o"tained from AfghanistanC 6ranC #outh 6ndiaC Ara"ia and $aluchistan.
<old was imported from Afghanistan and Persia.
D 7he stone La+ward was "rought from $ada=shanC Bero1a was "rought from 6ran. 2a%umani was "rought
from MaharashtraC Moonga and redstone were "rought from #aurashtra and Western 6ndia and the
precious greenstone (Panna was "rought from 'entral Asia.
D 7he Ahar culture (4a+asthan "elonged to the 'opper age. 7he houses were "uilt of stone and a
miEture of lime and soil. Padd% was culti5ated and Metal Wor= in $ron1e were in 5ogue. All these were
the characteristics of this culture which eEisted a"out *000 $.'.
D 7he remains of Malwa stone and $ron1e culture ha5e "een found in !a5datoli where the houses were
"uilt of mudC "am"oo and dr% grass in a sAuare and round shape. 7he terrecota utensils and agricultural
products of wheatC oil seedsC pulses (Masur and green and "lac= gram are the characteristics of this
D 7he 4ishis (#ages li=e <ritsamadC 8ishwamitraC $hardwa+C Atri and 8ashishta composed the #u=tas or
the 8edic Mantras.
D 7he prominent female sages were LopamudraC <hosaC #hachi and Poulomi.
D #am 8ed is di5ided into three "ranches;(1 &outhumC (* 4ana%ani%aC (3 2amini%a.
D Prominent among the A%ur5edachar%as were Achar%a Ashwini &umarC (han5antariC $ana"hattC
#ushrutC Madha5C 2ee5an and Lolim"ara+a etc.
D A%ur 8ed is an ,/pa5ed0 of 4ig 8edC (hanur 8ed is ,/pa5ed0 of Ga+ur 8edC <andhar5a 8ed is the
,/pa5ed0 of #am 8ed and #hilpa 8ed is the ,/pa5ed0 of Athar5a 8ed.
D 4ig 8ed has two $rahmans;(1 Aitere%aC (* &aushita=i.
D &rishna Ga+ur 8ed has the $rahman;7aitteri%a and #hu=la Ga+ur 8ed has the #hatpath $rahman.
D 7he $rahmans of #am 8ed are 7anda5C Panch5ishC #ad5ish and 'hhandog%a.
D 7he Aran%a=as deal with lifeC death and other serious themes. 7hese are written and studied in
loneliness of the forests.
D Aitere%a and &aushita=i are the Aran%a=as of 4ig 8ed. 7he author of Aitere%a was Mahidas Aitere%a.
D 7aitteri%a Aran%a=a "elongs to &rishna Ga+ur 8eda.
D #am 8ed and Athara5 8ed ha5e no Aran%a=as.
D Prominent among the /panishads are 6shC &enC &athC PrashnC Munda=C Mandu=%aC 7aitteri%aC Aitere%aC
'hhandog%aC 8rihadaran%a=C #hwetashwaraC &aushita=i and Mahanara%ana.
D (uring the 4ig5edic period !ish= was an ornament for the nec=H &arnasho"han was an ornament for
the ear and &um"h was the ornament for the head.
D 6n the 4ig5edic ageC the Ar%ans domesticated the cowC the "uffaloC goat (a+aaC horseC elephant and
camel etc.
D $heesha+ was the person who treated the sic= people.
D 7he 4ig5edic Ar%ans worshipped the #un as #a5itaC MitraC Pooshan and 8ishnu. #un was called the
,@%e of <ods0H and Agni the ,Mouth of <ods0. Agni was considered to "e the Purohit of the Ar%ans. 7he%
thought that the offering of the Ga+na reaches to the gods through Agni. 8arun was worshipped as a
spatial god.
D 6n 4ig 8edaC /shaC #itaC Prith5iC Aran%aniC 4atriC 8a= are worshipped as goddesses.
D $esides 4ig 8edC the reference of #ita as the goddess of agriculture is made in <omil <rih%a #utra and
Paras=ar <rih%a #utra.
D 7he ancient idols of <anesh show his main weapons as Paash and An=ush.
D 6n the 4ig5edic age the traders were called ,Pani0. 7he% stole awa% the cattle of the Ar%ans.
D (as0 or (as%as were more hated than the ,Pani0. 7he% ha5e "een referred as "lac= compleEioned
inauspicious and opposed to Ga+nas. 7he% were the worshippers of Phallus (#hishnade5.
D 6n the 4ig5edic ageC the cow was the "ac="one of econom%. 6t was called ,Aghan%a0;not to "e =illedC
war has "een referred as <a5isthiC the guest as Mohan and the daughter as (uhiti. Ine 4i= refers to the
domestication of sheep.
D 8ashishtha who replaced 8ishwamitra as Purohit of &ing #udasC has "een mentioned as adopted son
of /r5ashiC and "orn of the ,8ir%a0 of Mitra and 8arun on an earthen pot.
D $alla"h and 7aru=shadas were chieftains who la5ishl% donated to the Purohits and through their grace
o"tained respect and high place in the Ar%an societ%.
D #a5itri is referred in the famous <a%atri Mantra. 6n 4ig 8ed the maEimum reference is made of 6ndra.
After him 8arun is referred to. 6n the earlier 4ichas 8arun and Marut ha5e "een mentioned as ,<an0.
7wasta also was a 8edic <od.
D Pra+apati has "een referred as the Adi Purush;the first human (male. 7he gods were his children.
D 6n 4ig 8edC the =ing has "een mentioned as the Protector of the clan or the <opta 2anas%a. 7he
reference to #a"haC #amitiC <anC 8idath is made as the 7ri"al 'ouncils.
D !o "ureaucrac% de5eloped in 4ig5edic age. Get the officer of <ochar land were called 8ra+patiC the
officer of the 5illage was called <ramani. -e was the commander. 7he chief of the famil% is referred as
D 7he words li=e 8ratC <anC <ram and #hardh ha5e also "een used for indicating the group of #oldiers.
D 6n 4ig 8ed 2an is used *?> timesC 8ish is used 1?0 times. #angram is the word which indicates war
"etween the 5illages.
D 7he <od of 8egetation. 6t was also an intoEicating drin= and the method of its preparation is referred in
the 4ig 8ed.
D 7he later 8edic literature was written during 1100 to :00 $.'. 7he painted gre% ware;"owls and plates
were used and the tools which the% used were made of iron.
D 7he main crop of the later 8edic age was wheat and padd% instead of "arle%.
D 6n the later 8edic ageC the 8idath were eEtinct "ut the #a"ha and the #amiti eEisted.
D 6n this periodC the &ing performed the rites of 4a+su%a Ga+na with a desire to o"tain di5ine powerC
Ashwamedha Ga+na to eEpand the empire and the 8a+pe%a Ga+na for chariot racing with friends and
relati5es of his <otra.
D 7he <otra s%stem "egan in the later 8edic age. 7he custom of marr%ing outside the <otra also started.
D 6n the literature of later 8edic ageC the first three Ashrams are mentioned;(1 $rahmchar%aC (*
<rihasthaC (3 $anprastha. 7he #an%as Ashram is not mentioned.
D 6n later 8edic period the plant #om could not "e o"tained easil%. As such other drin=s were also used.
D <old and #il5er were mainl% used for ma=ing ornaments and utensils. Ither metals were used for
ma=ing man% other implements in the later 8edic era.
D 6n later 8edic periodC the commercial classes (7raders organi1ed themsel5es in ,#angh0. 7he Ar%ans
conducted sea trade. !is=C #atman and &rishal were usded as coins for trade purposes.
D 6n comparison to the religion of 4ig5edic periodC the later 8edic religion had "ecome 5er% compleE.
PurohitsC Ga+na and sacrifice were considered important. Man% t%pes of Ga+nas were performed.
D 7he #hatpath $rahman refers to the 5arious steps in progress of culti5ation;2utai (ploughingC $uwai
plantingC Lawani (weaningC Mandai (cutting are the 5arious processes mentioned in it.
D #angam literature is compiled in 8 "oo=s. 7he% are;(1 !aruneC (* &uruntogeC (3 AigunuruC (9
Padirup%uttuC (> ParipadalC (: &arlittorgaC (? !edultogeC (8 Purnanuru.
D 6n the #angam ageC the 7amil <rammar was written in a detailed "oo=C ,7ola=appi%am0.
D With the songs of the musiciansC the dancers =nown as Panar and Widelier used to dance.
D Pedine=il=an=u is a famous composition of #angam literature.
D #angam is a #ans=rit word meaning a 'ongregation and a 'ouncil.
D 7he main theme of the #angam literature is ,4omance0 (#hringar and heroism (8eergatha. #hringar is
called as ,Aham0 and 8eergatha has "een called as ,Puram0.
D 7he first #angam was organi1ed at Madurai under the chairmanship of 4ishi Agast%a.
D 7he second #angam was organi1ed at &apatpuram again under the chairmanship of 4ishi Agast%a.
D 7he third #angam was organi1ed at Madurai and it was chaired "% ,!a==irar0.
D A5e% was the famil% of #angam age which meant #a"ha (assem"l%.
D Panch5aram was the assem"l% of the ad5isors of the &ing of #angam age.
D /r was the institution which loo=ed after the cit% administration.
D 7he eEca5ation of Ari=meduC pro5ide enough e5idence to pro5e that once opon a timeC the
cantonements of the 4oman traders resided there.
D 7he teachers in the #angam age were called as &ana==aters.
D 7he students in the #angam age were called $hanwan or Pillai.
D Parsh5anath arranged for fourfold 5ows ('hatur5rata for the $hi=shus (mon=s;(1 6 shall not =ill the
li5ing "eingsC (* 6 shall alwa%s spea= the truthC (3 6 shall not stealC (9 6 shall not =eep an% propert%.
D Maha5ir #wami has "een called !igashthaC !aatputra and !irgranth #aatputra.
D Maha5ir #wami left his mortal frame and attained !ir5ana at Pawapuri near Patna in $ihar.
D 7he 7riratna in 2ainism are descri"ed as #am%a= #hraddha (5enerationC #am%a= <%an (=nowledge
and #am%a= Acharana (conduct.
D According to 2ainismC !ir5ana (redemption to free the soul from the ph%sical "ondage.
D Maha5ir #wami has descri"ed fi5e 5ows for the common people which are called as Panchmaha.5rat.
7hese are;7ruthC !on.5iolenceC !o stealingC !o collection of wealth or an%thing and celi"ac% (#at%aC
AhimsaC Aste%C Aparigrah and $rahamachar%a. 7o these was later addedC ,!ot to eat at !ight0.
D &ai5al%a is total =nowledge which the !irgranthget.
D $uddha was "orn in the Lum"ini forestC 19 =m "e%ond &apil5astu in !epal 7arai.
D &aundin%aC a $rahmin astrologerC was contemporar% of $uddha.
D <autam o"tained =nowledge at <a%a. -ence the place is called $odh <a%a.
D 7he first sermon of $uddha is =nown as ,(harma 'ha=ra Pra5artan0.
D Mahatma $uddha deli5ered his first sermon at 4ishipattan (#arnath.
D 7he followers of $uddha were di5ided into four sections;(1 $hi=shu or the mon=sC (* $hi=.shuni or
lad% mon=sC (3 /pasa=s or de5oteesC (9 /pasi=as or lad% de5otees.
D After deli5ering his teachings for constant 9> %earsC Mahatma $uddha attained Mahaparinir5an at the
age of 80 at &ushinara (&ushinagar.
D 7ripita=s are;(1 8ina% Pita=C (* #uttpita=C (3 A"hidhamma Pita=.
D 8ina% Pita= is di5ided into 3 sections;(1 #utta 8i"hagC (* &handha=C (3 Pariwar.
D #uttpita= contains;(iggh !i=a%C Ma++him !i=a%C Anguttar !i=a% and &hudda= !i=a%.
D 6n A"hidhamma Pita=C philosophical and spiritual thoughts are contained.
D 7here are se5en treatises of A"hidhamma Pita= ;(1 (hamma #angeetiC (* 8i"hangC (3 (hatu &athaC
(9 Puggal Pan+atiC (> &atha 8astuC (: Gama=C (? Patthan.
D 7he eightfold paths are;(1 4ight "eliefC (* 4ight thoughtC (3 4ight speechC (9 4ight actionC (> 4ight
means of li5elihoodC (: 4ight eEecutionC (? 4ight remem"ranceC (8 4ight meditation.
D 6n $uddhismC the Astangi=marg (eight fold path is classified as;(1 Pra+a #=andhC (* #heel #=andhC
(3 #amadhi #=andh.
D /nder Pra+a #=andh come;#am%a= (rishtiC #am%a= #an=alp and #am%a= 8ani (speech.
D /nder #heel #=andh come;#am%a= &armantC #am%a= Aa+ee5.
D /nder #amadhi #=andh come;#am%a= 8%a%amC #am%a= #mriti and #am%a= #amadhi.
D Mahatma $uddha was silent on the eEistence of <od or otherwise "ut he did not "elie5e in the
eEistence of soul.
D 7he first $uddhist 'ouncil was con5ened after a few %ears of $uddha0s death under the chairmanship of
Maha=assap in #aptparna ca5es near 4a+grih.
D 7he second $uddhist 'ouncil was organi1ed at 8aisali.
D 7he third $uddhist 'ouncil was con5ened at Patliputra during the regime of Aso=a.
D 7he fourth $uddhist 'ouncil was con5ened at &ashmir during the regime of &anish=a.
D Purans are said to "e 18 in num"er of which $hagwat Puran is 5er% renowned.
D $hagwatism is mentioned for the first time in the $hishm Par5a of Maha"arat.
D 7he (ra5ida 8aishna5 de5otees are =nown as the Alwars.
D A $rahman named &autil%a or 'hana=%a pla%ed a significant role in the esta"lishment of the Maur%an
D 6n the <ree= writingsC 'handra <upta Maur%a is called #androcottus.
D Arien and Plutarch ha5e called him Androcottus.
D 6n the Mudra 4a=shas written "% 8isha=hduttC 'handra <upta Maur%a is called 'handragiri
D 6n $uddhist literatureC Maha5ansh 7i=a is the "oo= which throws ample light on the life of 'handra
<upta Maur%a.
D ,6ndi=a0 was written "% Megasthenese.
D 6n the "oo= Maha5anshC 'handra <upta Maur%a is said to "e &shatri%a "% caste.
D After "eing defeated in war with 'handra <uptaC #elu=ose offered him <adrosia ($aluchistanC Acrosia
(&andaharC Aria (-erat and a part of -indu=ush.
D #udarshan La=e at 2unagarh was "uilt "% 'handra <upta Maur%a.
D 7he Mahasthan inscription points out 'handra <upta0s ascendanc% o5er $engal.
D 7he 4udradaman inscription of <irnar testifies to the su1eraint% of 'handra <upta o5er #aurashtra.
D According to 2ain 7eEtsC 'handra <upta in the last %ears of his lifeC accepted 2ainism and went to
M%sore with the 2ain mon= $hadra"ahu.
D 7he empire of 'handra <upta spread from -imala%a in the north to M%sore in the southH and from
$engal in the east to $aluchistan in the west. 6t co5ered Pun+a"C #indhC &ashmirC (oa" of <anga and
GamunaC MagadhC $engalC MalwaC #aurashtra and the region of M%sore.
D 7he administrati5e s%stem of 'handra <upta Maur%a was Monarch%. 6n order to administer wellC
'handra <upta Maur%a appointed a 'ouncil of Ministers.
D 6n the Maur%an ageC the officer who collected the trade taEes was called #hul=adh%a=sha.
D 7he 'hairman of the <o5ernment ser5ices was =nown as #utradh%a=sha in the Maur%an age.
D 7he of Weight and Measures was =nown as Peetadh%a=sha in the Maur%an age.
D 6n Maur%an ageC the officer who controlled the manufacture of wineC its sale and purchase and its
consumption was #uradh%a=sha.
D 7he chairman of the agricultural department was called #eetadh%a=sha in Maur%an age.
D 7here were man% officers such as <ani=adh%a=shaCJ Mudradh%a=shaC !a5adh%a=shaC Ashwadh%a=sha
and (e5tadh%a=sha etc. in the Maur%an Age.
D 7he officer who =ept the details of total income and eEpenditure of the #tate and decided the economic
polic% was called #annidhata. /nder himC wor=ed officers li=e 7reasurer and #hul=adh%a=sha.
D 6n Maur%an ageC the minister of factories and mines was called &armantira=. -is main tas= was to
eEca5ate different metals from the mines and loo= after the factories.
D 6n Maur%an age the Amat%a of Bau1dari ('riminal 'ourt was called Pradeshta.
D 7he Amat%a of the 'i5il 'ourt was =nown as 8%a5ahari=.
D 7he <ree= scholars ha5e descri"ed the Amat%as as the se5enth caste.
D 7he successor of 'handra <upta Maur%a is called name $indusara in ma+orit% of the Puranas.
'e%lonese wor=sC $uddhist teEtsand in (eep5ansh and Maha5ansh. 6n 8a%u PuranC his name is gi5en as
$hadrasaar. 6n some of the Purans he is called as 8arisaar. 6n the 'hinese teEt;Ba./en.'hu.LinC he is
called as $indupal. 6n another "oo= 4a+a"ali=athaC the successor and son of 'handra <upta is called as
D Ptolem%C the ruler of @g%pt sent (ioni%as as his am"assador to the 'ourt of $indusaar.
D 6n 'handra <upta Maur%a0s timeC the chief of the cit% was called !agaradh%a=sha who wor=ed li=e the
modern (istrict Magistrate.
D 7he smallest unit of the administration was the 5illage. 6ts chief officer was called <rami= or <ramani.
D <ramani was elected "% the people of the 5illage.
D 6n e5er% 5illageC there was an officer who was called <ram $ho+a=.
D 6n the administration of 'handra <upta Maur%a the department of espionage was well organi1ed.
According to &autil%aC there were two sections of the secret ser5ice;(1 #ansthanC (* #ancharan.
D 6n the inscriptionsC Aso=a is called (e5anampri%a and Pri%adarshi.
D 7he 'e%lonese sources and (eep5anshC call himC Pri%adarshan and Pri%adarshi. #cholars thin= that
these were his titles.
D Aso=a appointed an officer called Mahamatras in e5er% cit% and district.
D 6n the 13th %ear of his reignC he appointed (harma Mahamatra and (harma%u=ta for the first time for
the happiness and peace of his people.
D /pagupta was a $auddhist mon= of Mathura under his influenceC Aso=a changed his religion and
accepted $uddhism.
D Aso=a sent his daughter #anghmitra and son Mahendra to spread $uddhism in #ri Lan=a.
D 6n the mini edicts Aso=a calls himself a $uddha #ha=%a.
D Aso=a sent Ma++hanti= to propogate $uddhism in &ashmir.
D 6n 1?>0C it was 7effenthaler who first eEplored the Aso=an pillars.
D Aso=a0s last edict was found "% $eadon in 191> at Mas=i.
D 7he small edicts of Aso=a are of two t%pes. According to #mithC the% were written in *>9.*3* $.'.
D 7he first =ind of Aso=an small pillar edicts are a5aila"le at 4oopnath in 2a"alpur districtC #ahasaram in
#haha"ad district of $iharC Mas=iC in 4aichoor districtC and 8airat in 4a+asthan.
D 7he second t%pe of Aso=an edicts ha5e "een found at #iddhpur ('hitralahugC M%sore 2atigC
4ameshwar and $rahmagiri.
D 7he $ha"ru edict was found at $airath near 2aipur in 4a+asthan. 6n this edict se5en precepts of
$uddhism ha5e "een gi5en which Aso=a li=ed most and he desired that the people should read them and
ma=e their conduct accordingl%. 7his edict is preser5ed in &ol=ata Museum.
D 7wo edicts a"out &alinga ha5e "een found at (hauli and 2augarh. 6n theseC the principles of "eha5iour
with he people of &alinga and with the frontier people ha5e "een outlined.
D Aso=an small edicts ha5e "een found at a"out 1> places.
D 7he @rangudi edict was found in &urnool district of Andhra Pradesh at a place =nown as @rangudi.
D 7he Mas=i small edict was found from Mas=i 5illage of 4aichoor district of Andhra Pradesh. 6t contains
the name of Aso=a.
D 7he 4a+ul Mandgiri edict was found on a mound *0 miles "e%ond @rangudi in &urnool district of Andhra
D 7he <ur+ara edict has "een found from a 5illage named <ur+ara in (atia district of Madh%a Pradesh. 6t
also mentions the name of Aso=a.
D Ahraura edict was found from a hill of the 5illage Ahraura in Mir1apur district of /.P.
D Palgoraria edict was found in 19?>.
D 7he #annati inscription (edict has "een found in the 5illage #annati in the district of <ul"arga of
&arnatic #tate.
D 7he ca5e inscription are three in num"er which ha5e "een found in the $ara"ar hills of <a%a cit% in
$ihar. 7hese refer to the charit% performed "% the &ing to the A+i5a=s.
D 7he language of the &andahar edict is <ree= and Aramaic.
D 7he 7opara pillar edict has "een found from a 5illage named 7opara in -ar%ana. 6n the course of time
Biro1 7ughlaA "rought it to (elhi where it is =ept at Bero1 #hah &otla ground.
D 4umindei small pillar edict was found from the 7arai of !epal.
D Most of Aso=an edicts are written in Pra=rit language.
D 6n <upta age ships and "oats were manufactured in large num"ers. <u+aratC $engal and 7amil !adu
were the main centres of cotton industr%.
D 7rade "etween 6ndia and 'hina was carried on "efore <upta ageC in *nd centur%.
D 6ndia had trade relations with easternC countries. 7he% were called #warna"humi (land of gold.
D PeshawarC $haraunchC /++ainiC 8aranasiC Pra%agC PatliputraC MathuraC 8aishali and 7amralipti were
trade centres.
D 6n west $haraunch and in eastC 7amralipti were prominent ports.
D <oldC sil5erC "ron1eC tinC campherC dates and horses were imported.
D 7he collecti5e unit of the people who wor=ed in 5arious industriesC were =nown as ,&uli=s0.
D ,&uli= !igam0 and ,#hreshthi !igam were the unions of wealth% traders. 7he &uli= !igam had its own
seal which was used in commercial correspondence and the trade.goods.
D 6n the <upta ageC 6ndia maintained trade relations with Ara"ia. -orses were imported from Ara"ia and
D 7he #eals of &uli= ha5e "een eEca5ated from the town Meeta near Allaha"ad.
D Brom 8aishali *?9 #eals of #arthwah &uli= !igam ha5e "een eEca5ated pro5e that it was a great
institution of the <upta age.
D 7rade with 'hinaC 2apan and #umatra was carried from the port of 7amralipti.
D 6n <upta age the land taE was =nown as ,/drang0.
D &adur and 'harpal were the ports situated in Andhra Pradesh.
D &a5eripattanam and 7ondai were the ports of 'hola #tate.
D &o=ai and #ali%ur were the ports of Pand%a #tate.
D &otta%am and Mu+ris were the ports of Malwa #tate.
D #indhuC IrhothC &al%an and Mi"or were other main ports for trade.
D -iran%a was the taE reali1ed in cash. $huta5at Prat%a%a was the taE le5ied upon the imports from other
D -aldand was the taE charged on the ploughed land.
D A definite portion of the produce from agricultural land was charged as the land taE "% the #tate. 6t was
called $hag taE. <enerall% it was charged in =ind.
D 6n the <upta ageC the land was donated onl% to the $rahmans.
D 7he land donated to $rahmans was called $rahmde%a.
D 7he taE free 5illages of the $rahmans were called Agrahara.
D 6n the <upta ageC the <ram Parishads (5illage councils were autonomous and free from the #tate
D 7he unculti5ated land was the propert% of the =ing.
D 7he women who remained unmarried throughout their life and passed their time in studies were called
D 7aEilaC 8aranasi and /++aini were prominent centres of education.
D 6n the <upta societ%C intercaste marriages were performed.
D 7he sla5e s%stem was practised in the <upta age.
D 7he +oint famil% s%stem was in 5ogue in <upta societ%.
D 6n the women though not as much respected as in 8edic periodC %et en+o%ed important position in the
societ% of <upta age.
D #heel"hattari=a was an educated and worth% woman of the <upta age.
D Widow remarriages were performed in the <upta ageC $ut some wor=s of the age spea= against it.
'handra <upta 66 married the widow of 4amguptaC his "rother. -er name was (hru5a #wamini.
D ProstitutesC eEpert in music and danceC and perfect in seEolog% were called ,<ani=as0.
D 7he traders and commercial professionals had their ,#hrenis0 in <upta age. 7he Pat=arC 7aili= (oil
tradersC Pashan &otta= (stone cutters were important #hrenis.
D 7he author of ,#wapna5asa5aduttam0 was an eminent prose writer.
D 7he author of $hatti=a5%a or 4a5an 8adhC was $hattiC an eminent poet of <upta age.
D $hartahari worte ,!iti #hata=0C #hringar #hata= and 8airag%a #hata= which "ecame 5er% famous. #ome
scholars "elie5e that $hartahari is another name for $hatti.
D ,&untleshwar (ait%am0 is a drama that testifies to the fact that &alidas "elonged to the <upta age.
D ,A"hig%ansha=untalam0 ,Meghdoot0 ,4itusanhar0 are some of the ma+or wor=s of &alidas.
D &amsutra is a famous "oo= on #eEolog% written "% 8ats%a%an.
D 8ai"hashi= and #angh"hadra were the two Achar%as (teachers of the <upta age who wrote the
literature of the 8ai"hashi= sect.
Important Facts of Indian History
History of Medieval India
D Made in the times of $ho+C an idol of ,8a=de5i0 is at present preser5ed in the $ritish Museum.
D 7he 2ain temples of (ilwara were constructed during the period of Parmars.
D 6n /daipur PrashastiC Mun+ is entitled ,&a5i 8rish0 due to his literar% attainments.
D Futu"uddin was purchased as a sla5e in his childhood "% Fa1i Ba=ruddin A"dul A1i1 &oofi.
D Futu"uddin did not issue coins or got ,&hut"a0 read in his name after accession to (elhi throne.
D Futu"uddin Ai"a= was "uried at Lahore after his death.
D 6ltutmish esta"lished the #hamsi d%nast%.
D 6ltutmish organi1ed the group of his 90 sla5es which is famous in histor% as 7ur=an.i.'hahalgami.
D Galdu1 and !asiruddin Fu"acha were prominent ri5als of 6ltutmish.
D 6ltutmish organi1ed the ,6Ata arm%0.
D 6ltutmish issued the coins;,7a=a0 of sil5er and ,2eetal0 of copper.
D 6ltutmish was the first #ultan who issued pure Ara"ic coins.
D In 18th Be"ruar%C 1**9C the representati5es of the 'aliph of $aghdad came to (elhi and the% ga5e the
6n5estiture of the 'aliph to 6ltutmish. 7he 'aliph thus accepted him as the #ultan of (elhi. !ow (elhi
"ecame a free state legitimatel%.
D According to $arniC $al"an organi1ed his 'ourt on the 6ranian pattern.
D $al"an started the s%stem of ,#i+da0 and ,Pai"os0 during his reign.
D $al"an0s theor% of =ingship was "ased upon;PowerC Prestige and 2ustice. -is main o"+ecti5e was to
maintain his control upon the administrati5e officials.
D 7he Mongol leader 'hange1 &han was =nown as the ,'urse of <od0.
D 7he coronation of 2alaluddin Bero1 #hah was done in 1*90 at the &ilo=hari Apurna Palace "uilt "%
D At the time of his accession on the (elhi #ultanateC Alauddin &hal+i assumed the title of A"ul Mu+affar
#ultan Alauddinia and (een Mohammad #hah &hal+i.
D 2alaluddin Bero1 #hah &hal+i granted to Alauddin &hal+iC the post of Amir.i.7u+u=.
D (uring Alauddin0s time approEimatel% ?> to 80 per cent of the peasant0s produce was charged as taE.
D 7he main tas=s of (iwan.i.Ari1 were to recruit the soldiersC to dis"urse the salar%C to well eAuip the
arm%C to ma=e arrangements for inspection and to proceed with the ''hief in times of war.
D 7he main tas=s of the (iwan.i.6nsha was to draft ro%al orders and letters and to maintain the go5t.
records. -e also conducted correspondence with the local officers.
D Alauddin &hal+i introduced mar=et reforms and fiEed the prices of 5arious items and goods.
D Munhi%an or detecti5es were appointed to =eep a watch o5er the mar=et and report the #ultan of the
D $arid.i.Mandi was an emplo%ee who informed the #ultan of the Aualit% of the material sold in the
D ,&hams0 was the war "oot%. 7he 9K> of the loot was su"mitted to the ro%al treasur%. Inl% 1K> was
distri"uted among the soldiers.
D Alauddin &hal+i esta"lished a new department (iwan.i.Musta=hara+ in order to chec= the corruption of
4e5enue department and to maintain control on the concerned officers.
D Futu"uddin Mu"ara= #hah re+ected the rigid rules of Alauddin &hal+i and pursued the polic% of forgi5e
and forget.
D <hi%asuddin 7ughlaA <ha1i was a Faruna tur=.
D Mohammad 7ughlaA has "een calledC an unfortunate idealist
D (ue to shortage of mone% in the treasur% and to meet the eEpenses of 6mperialist polic%C Mohammad.
"in.7ughlaA issued to=en currenc%.
D Mohammad."in.7ughlaA planned in5asion of &hurasan and 6raA "ut did not carr% it out.
D (iwan.i.&ohi was the name of agriculture department organi1ed "% Mohammad."in.7ughlaA.
D @lphinston was the first historian who "elie5ed that there was some signs of madness in Mohammad
D Bero1 #hah a"olished *9 taEes disli=ed "% people.
D Bero1 #hah 7ughlaA following dictum of Furan. le5ied onl% 9 taEes named &hara+C &humsC La1ia and
D Bero1 #hah "rought the two Aso=an pillars from &hi+ra"ad and Meerut to (elhi.
D (uring the period of Bero1 #hah 7ughlaAC the two "oo=s Batwa.i.2ahandari and 7ari=h.i.Bero1 #hahi
were written "% $arni.
D Bero1 #hah 7ughlaA wrote his auto"iograph% entitled Butuhat.i.Biro1 #hahi.
D Bero1 #hah 7ughlaA esta"lished a new department of charit% at (elhi =nown as (iwan.i.&hairat.
D Bero1 #hah0s "oo= ,(ala%at.i.Bero1 #hahi0 was a wor= translated into Persian.
D 7aimur in5aded 6ndia in 1398.
D #i=andar Lodhi was the greatest of the Lodhi =ings.
D 6n the #ultanate periodC the Wa1ir was the Prime Minister of the #ultan.
D 7he department of the Wa1ir was =nown as the (iwan.i.Wi1arat.
D 6n the #ultanate periodC the Mushrif.i.MumaliA maintained the account of the income and eEpenditure of
the pro5inces.
D 6n the #ultanate periodC the 'hief Auditor of Accounts was called Mustafa.i.MamaliA. -is main wor= was
to inspect the accounts prepared "% Mushraf.i.MamaliA.
D 7he 'hief of militar% department was calledC Ari1.i.MamaliA who was not the ''hief of
the arm%.
D (a"ir.i.&has was the chairman of the correspondence department.
D (epartment of (iwan.i.6nsha wor=ed under (a"ir.i.&has who issued the ro%al Birmans (orders.
D 7he 7reasurer was called &ha+i+ and the 'hief 2ustice was called Fa1i.i.MamaliA.
D 7he 'hief of the 'onstruction department was called Mir.i.6marat.
D 7he Pu"lic -all of the #ultan was called (ur"ar.i.A1am.
D 7he #ultan di5ided the empire into 6Atas orpro5inces.
D 6Ata was di5ided into samll shi=s or districts.
D 2a=at was the taE which co5ered the taEes of ,#adpa0 and ,7ith0.
D Futu"uddin Ai"a= had "uilt the mosAue =nown as Fuwwattul.6slam near the (elhi Bort of 4ai Pithora.
D 7he famous mosAue at A+mer =nown as (hai (in &a 2hopra was constructed "% Futu"uddin Ai"a=.
D (hai (in &a 2hopra was earlier a #ans=rit school which was "uilt "% 8igrahra+ $isaldeo.
D Alai (arwa1a which is considered to "e the most precious +ewel of 6slamic architecture was "uilt "%
Alauddin &hal+i.
D 7he new cit% of #iri and the -a1aar #itun palace in this cit% were "uilt "% Alauddin &hal+i.
D 6n the period of #i=ander LodhiC his Wa1ir "uilt the Moth mosAue.
D 7he mosAue of Attala is one of the "est "uildings of #harAi st%le.
D 7he 2ha+hanri mosAue at 2aunpur was "uilt "% 6"rahim #harAi in a"out 1930.
D 7he most important mosAue at 2aunpur =nown as 2ami mosAue was "uilt "% -ussain #hah #harAi.
D 7he mosAue of Lal (arwa1a at 2aunpurC was "uilt in the middle of the 1>th centur%.
D 7he 8i+a% !agar =ingdom was di5ided into : pro5inces. 7he chief of the pro5ince was =nown as
Prantpati or !a%a=.
D 7he pro5ince was di5ided into !adu or districts.
D 7he pro5incial rulers were allowed to issue their coins.
D 6n the 8i+a% !agar empire $rahmans were the most respected. 7he criminal $rahman was eEempled
from capital punishment.
D Women en+o%ed honoura"le status. Man% of them learnt the art of warfare. 7he% were appointed as
D &rishnadeo 4a% is designated as the Andhra Pitamah.
D <old coins were used and the% were called ,$arah0.
D MiEed metal coins were called Parta".
D &a"ir who adopted the <%anashra%i "ranch of the !irgun sectC was the disciple of 4amanand.
D !amdeo was "orn in a small 5illage of #atara district in 1**0.
D #a"ad refer to the composition related to Gog #adhana.
D <uru !ana= was "orn in a small 5illage 7alwandi near Lahor.
D 7o reform a societ% ridden with ritualism and superstitiousC he preached the !irguna sect.
D 7he fifth #i=h <uru Ar+undeo s%stemati1ed the composition of <uru !ana= in ,<uru <ranth #ahi"0.
D Mali= Mohammad 2a%asi earned great name and fame for his wor= Padma5at.
D 7he first in5asion of $a"ar on 6ndia was conducted in 1>19. (uring this in5asionC he conAuered $a+aur
and $hera. -e went "ac= from here. When he left these two places were lost to the Moghuls.
D $a"ar again in5aded 6ndia in 1>*:C for the fifth time and he did not go "ac= this time. -e founded the
Moghul empire in 6ndia.
D -e defeated 6"rahim Lodhi "% adopting his trusted war tactics of 7ulughma.
D $a"ar used Artiller% for the first time in the "attle of Panipat.
D $a"ar defeated 4ana #anga of Mewar in the "attle of &han5a in 1>*?. -e scored a 5ictor% o5er
Afghans in "attle of ,<haghara0 in 1>*9.
D $a"ar declared the 'handeri war as 2ehad and he constructed a minarate of the heads of the dead
D $a"ar wrote his auto"iograph% 7u+u=.i.$a"ri in 7ur=ish language.
D Mir1a -aider #pea=s a"out numerous Aualities of $a"ar in his "oo=;7ari=h.i.4ashidi.
D $a"ar0s daughter <ul"adan $egum enumerated the Aualities of $a"ar in her "oo=C -uma%un !ama.
D $a"ar in his reign a"olished the taE 7amagha.
D $a"ar wrote 4isala.i.8alidi%a in 7ur=ish poetr% which was orginall% the wor= of &hwa+a I"ei.dullah.
D $a"ar learnt the use of artiller% from /stad Ali and Mustafa;his two 7ur=ish officers.
D 7he name of -uma%un0s mother was Maham #ultana.
D 6n 1>99 -uma%un too= shelter with #hah 7ahmaspC the ruler of 6ran.
D 6n 2ul% 1>>>C -uma%un again occupied the throne of (elhi.
D -uma%un died on *? 2anuar%C 1>>: as a result of a sudden fall from the stairs of the (in.Panah Li"rar%.
D #hershah was a great conAueror. -e fought and won a grim "attle against Maldeo of Marwar.
D #hershah introduced currenc% reformC eEtanded transport s%stem "% "uildingC roadsC most famous
"eing present da% <. 7. 4oad and reformed re5enue s%stem "% classif%ing agricultural land and
introducing measurement of land.
D (uring the administration of #hershahC the (iwan.i.8i1arat loo=ed after the taE s%stem and econom%
and maintained the accounts of the income and eEpenditure of the #tate.
D 7he dut% of (iwan.i.Ari1 was to recruit the arm%C suppl% the food and loo= after education.
D 7he dut% of (iwan.i.4asalat was to conduct correspondence with other #tates and to maintain contact
with them.
D 7he dut% of the (iwan.i.6nsha was to write emperor0s orders and records of accounts.
D 7he credit to sol5e the earl% difficulties of A="ar and to safeguard the Mughal empire goes to $airam
D Brom 1>>: to 1>:0 the reins of Mughal administration remained in the hands to $airam &han.
D At 7ilwaraC a war was fought "etween $airam &han and the arm% of A="ar. $airam &han was defeated.
D 6n earl% da%s of his rule A="ar was under the influence of -arem particularl% his foster another Maham
Anga. 7his is wh% some historian call the earl% %ears of A="ar as ,Purda.rule0 or Petticoat go5ernment.
D When Maham Anga diedC the so.called short Petticoat go5ernment of A="ar0s time ended.
D 6n 1>:* A="ar a"olished the sla5er% s%stem.
D A="ar was the first muslim ruler who got maEimum success in 4a+asthan.
D A="ar0s second attac= on <u+arat is considered to "e not onl% the fastest in5asion of A="ar0s time "ut
the fastest in the histor% of the world of that age.
D 6n 1>9> during A="ar0s time. Mu1affar -ussain was the Persian <o5ernor of Fandahar.
D A="ar0s mother -amida $ano $egum was a religious lad% of a #ufi #hia famil%.
D 4a+a $ir"al died fighting on the ro%al side in the Afghan.$aluchi re"ellion during A="ar0s time.
D 6n 1>?1 was "uilt an 6"adat=hana at Batehpur #i=ri where e5er% 7hrusda%C religious deli"eration were
D A="ar was also impressed "% 2ainism. -e in5ited the eminent 2ain scholar -eer 8i+a% #uri from 7am
<achh in <u+arat to =now a"out this religion.
D 6mpressed "% LorastrianismC the hol% fire was =ept "urning in A="ar0s palace.
D Bollowing the tradition of -indu =ingsC A="ar started appearing for (arshan of his people from the
2haro=ha of his palace.
D 6n A="ar0s timeC the Prime Minister was =nown Wa1ir or 8a=il.i.MutlaA.
D 6n A="ar0s timeC the Binance Minister was called Wa1ir or (eewan.
D Mu+affar &han was the first to "e appointed as Wa1ir during A="ar0s time.
D 7he assistants of (eewanC =nown as #ahi".i.7au+eeh loo=ed after the accounts of the Arm%.
D Another assistant of (eewanC (eewan.i.$a%utootC loo=ed after the 6ndustries of different =inds.
D 7he officer who managed the ro%al treasur% was =nown as Mushrif.i.&ha1ana.
D Meer #aman in A="ar0s timeC managed the affairs of the ro%al palaceC -aram and =itchen.
D 6n A="ar0s timeC Amal <u1ar was the officer who collected the re5enue from the districts.
D $iti=chi prepared the data a"out the Aualit% of land and its produce. In the same "asisC the Amal <u1ar
fiEed the re5enue. $iti=chi was the second important officer in the 4e5enue department.
D Amil collected the re5enue from the Pargana.
D 6n A="ar0s timeC the cler= was called &ar=un. -is main tas= was to record the culti5a"le land in the
Pargana and =eep an account of the reali1ed and unreali1ed re5enue.
D A=a"ar introduced Mansa"dari s%stem with its ran=s of 2at and #awar "ased on decimal s%stem.
D According to $lochmanC Lat was the definite num"er of soldiersC the Mansa"dars had to =eep with
D According to $lochman the #awar meant the definite num"er of ca5alr%.
D 6n A="ar0s timeC there were four =inds of land;Pola+C 'hacherC Parauti and $an+ar.
D 6n A="ar0s timeC 6"rahim #arhindi translated the #ans=rit teEt of Athar5a 8ed in Persian.
D Mulla #hah Mohammad translated in Persian 4a+ 7arangini of &alhan.
D Maulana #herr% translated -ari 8ansh Puran in Persian.
D A"ul Ba1al translated Panch 7antra in Persian.
D Bai1i translated the stor% of !al (ama%anti in Persian.
D 7he histor% of 6slam was compiled in 7ari=h.i.Alfi. 6t is a famous "oo=.
D A="ar esta"lished a separate department of PaintingC the chairman of this department was the famous
painter &hwa+a A"dus #amad.
D A"dussamad was an inha"itant of Persia who came to 6ndia from #hira1. -e was adorned with the title
of #hirin Falam for his attainments.
D Mohammad -ussainC the famous author of A="ar0s 'ourt was adorned with the title of Lari Falam.
D A="ar "uilt the Bort of Allaha"ad.
D 7he first "uilding of A="ar0s time was -uma%un0s tom" at (elhi "uilt under the guidance of his step
mother -a+i $egum.
D 7he main mason who "uilt -uma%un0s tom" "elonged to 6ran and his name was Mir1a Meera= <h%as.
D A="ar was "orn on #unda%. -ence 2ahangir declared #unda% as a pious da%.
D !ur 2ahan was an educated lad%. #he was speciall% interested in musicC painting and poetr%. #he
composed poetr% in Persian.
D 7he first @nglishman to come to the Mughal 'ourt was captain -aw=ins.
D A"dur 4ahim &han.i.&hana was the guardian and tutor of 2ahangir.
D 7he @nglish am"assador #ir 7homas 4oe came to 6ndia during 2ahangir0s time.
D 7he 2ahangir0s auto"iograph% is 7u+u=.i.2ahangiri.
D #hah+ahan was "orn on > 2anuar%C 1>9* at Lahore. 7he name of his mother was 2agat <osain.
D 7wo "ig re"ellions "ro=e out during #hah+ahan0s time. Ine was the re5olt of the ruler of $undel=hand
named 2u+har #ingh and the other was the re5olt in south under the leadership of &han.i.2ahan Lodhi.
D 7he title of Mali=a.i.Lamani was conferred upon Ar+umand $ano $egum.
D 7he first coronation of Aurang1e" was performed on 31 2ul%C 1:>8 and the second coronation too=
place on 1> 2uneC 1:>9.
D Aurang1e" passed an order and prohi"ited the repairs of the temples "% the -indus.
D Aurang1e" appointed #u"edars and Muhatsi"s to chec= the spread of education and -induism.
D Aurang1e" again le5ied La1ia upon -indus.
D /nder Aurang1e"C the -indu traders paid >M taE on goods while the Muslim traders were free from this
D Aurang1e" issued orders to prohi"it the cele"ration of -oliC (iwali and $asant etc. in the Mughal 'ourt.
D <o=ul and 4a+a 4am were the leaders of 2at re5olt against Aurang1e". After the death of 4a+aramC his
"rother0s son named 'huraman continued the re5olt. 7he 2at re"ellion went on till the death of Aurang1e"
and the 2ats succeeded in esta"lishing a free 2at state of $haratpur near Mathura.
D 6n 1:81C A="arC the son of Aurang1e" re5olted against him.
D 7he 9th <uru of the #i=h orderC <uru 7egh $ahadur openl% protested against the religious polic% of
Aurang1e". Aurang1e" called him to (elhi and as=ed him to accept 6slam. When he refusedC he was
D #hi5a+i was the founder of Maratha #tate. -e fought against the state of (eccanC as well as the mughal
empire. -e was a great administrator.
D #hi5a+i was succeeded "% #am"ha+i who was captured and put to death "% Aurang1e".
D 4a+aram ruled onl% as the representati5e of #hahu;the son of #ham"ha+i who was imprisoned "%
Aurang1e". 4a+aram ne5er occupied the Maratha throne.
D After the death of 4a+a 4am Maratha war of independence was carried on "% his wife 7ara"ai.
D 8ascode<ama came to 6ndia as the representati5e of the ruler of Portugal. -e met Lamorin of 'alicut
and o"tained trade facilities.
D 6n 199* Pope AleEander 86 granted the Portuguese the monopol% to trade with the east.
D Brom 1>0> to 1>09C Almeda remained in 6ndia as the first Portuguese <o5ernor.
D Al"u=ir= was the successor of Almeda in 6ndia. -is o"+ecti5e was to esta"lish a Portuguese colon% in
6ndia "% intermarr%ing with 6ndians.
D After coming to 6ndiaC the (utch esta"lished their trade centres at #uratC $haraunchC 'am"a%C
Ahmeda"adC 'hinsuraC &asim $a1arC PatnaC $alasoreC !agapattanamC &ochinC Masulipattanam and Agra.
D 7he main aim of the (utch was to trade with the 6slands of south.east Asia. 6ndia was +ust a passage for
them. 7his is wh% the (utch faced no ri5alr% with other @uropean companies.
D 6n 1:08C under the leadership of 'aptain -aw=insC the @nglish fleet reached 6ndia.
D 6n 1?1? the Mughal &ing Barru=h #i%ar granted a Birman to the $ritish gi5ing them the trade rights.
D 6n 1:9*C the !awa" of $engal issued an order to the Brench 'ompan% and the% esta"lished a
commercial Bactor% at 'handranagar.
History of Modern India
D Mua11am occupied the Mughal throne as $ahadur #hah after his success in the war of succession.
D Mua11amC the son of Aurang1e" was called as the ,#hah $e=ha"ar0.
D 7he Mughal &ing Barru=h #i%ar gratned concession to the @nglish men to trade in $engalC <u+arat and
D 6n 1?>9 Ali MoharC the son of Alamgir sat upon the Mughal throne as #hah Alam 66.
D After the death of Maratha ruler #hahuC the real power of the #tate came in the hands of Peshwas.
D !awa" Murshid Fuli &han of $engal transferred his capital to Murshida"ad from (acca.
D !awa" Mir Fasim of $engal transferred his capital to Moongher from Murshida"ad.
D 6n the middle of the 18th centur%C the nominal ruler of M%sore was 'hi=a &rishnara+. 7he real power of
the #tate lied with the two "rothers;!and 4a+ and (e5 4a+.
D 6n 1?:1 -%der Ali captured !andra+ and "ecame the master of M%sore.
D 6n the first Anglo.M%sore warC -%der Ali "adl% defeated the @nglish arm%.
D 6n 1?81 -%der Ali conAurered Arcot "ut in 1?81 at Porn !o5o #ir @%er=oot defeated him.
D Ali Muhammad &han esta"lished the #tate of 4ohil=hand.
D 7he earl% capital of 4ohil=hand was ,Awala0 which later shifted to 4ampur.
D <uru -ar <o"ind #ingh constructed the A=aal 7a=ht at Amritsar.
D <uru <o"ind #ingh con5erted the #i=hs into a warring and militar% group.
D 6n 1?*1C the two sects of #i=hism ,$andai0 and ,7at=halsa0 merged in one sect ,&halsa0. 7his sect
"ecame a headache for the Mughals.
D 7he #i=hs were organi1ed in 1* unions or misls which grew in political significance. Later 4an+eet #ingh
conAuered these misls and organi1ed them into Pun+a" #tate.
D 7he ruler of the Afghanistan conferred the title of 4a+a upon 4an+eet #ingh and appointed him the
#u"edar of Lahore.
D 7he treat% of Amritsar was signed "etween the @nglish and 4an+eet #ingh in 1809. As a result the
@nglish chec=ed the eEpansion of 4an+eet #ingh towards the region of #utlu+.
D According to the treat% of AmritsarC the @nglish accepted 4an+eet #ingh as an independent ruler.
D (uring first Anglo.#i=h warC the <o5ernor.<eneral of 6ndia was Lord -ardinge.
D Pun+a" was ruled "% Mahara+a (alip #ingh when the Lahore 7reat% was signed in 189: "etween the
#i=hs and the @nglish after the defeat of #i=hs in the first Anglo #i=h war.
D (uring #ira+udaulla0s timeC the @nglish settlement at 'alcutta "ecame a resort for the enemies of
!awa" and the traitors.
D In 9th 2uneC 1?>: #ira+udaulla in5aded and captured the Fasim $a1ar factor% of @nglish near
D 7he $lac= hole traged% as it is =nown in histor%C came to light through the letter of -ol5ell. #ome of the
historians consider it imaginer%.
D 6n the contemporar% historical wor=s li=e #her.a.Mut=herin and there is no reference
to the $lac= hole traged%.
D In 9th Be"ruar%C 1?>?C the Ali !agar 7reat% was signed "etween the @nglish and the !awa".
D After the war of Plasse%C when #ira+udaulla was running awa% from Murshida"ad towards Patna he was
captured and =illed.
D In *8 2uneC 1?>?C the @nglish declared Mir 2afar as the !awa" of $engal.
D After 5ictor% in Plasse% warC the @nglish 'ompan% o"tained concessions to trade in $engalC $ihar and
D In *> !o5em"erC 1?>9C the $edara war was fought "etween the @nglish and the (utch and the (utch
were defeated. 7he 5ictor% helped the @nglish in consolidating their hold on $engal.
D Mir Fasim planned friendship with 8ansittart to "ecome the !awa" of $engal.
D Mir Fasim ga5e to @ast 6ndia 'ompan%C the districts of 8ardhmanC Midnapur and 'hittgaon for the
eEpenditure of the @nglish arm%.
D 6n 1?:9 the +oint arm% of Mir FasimC #hu+auddaulla and #hah Alam fought with the @nglish;the war of
$uEarC the @nglish were 5ictorious in this war.
D After the $uEar WarC the Allaha"ad treat% was signed "etween @nglish and the Mughal &ing #hah Alam
in 1?:> A(.
D According to Allaha"ad 7reat%C the districts of &ara and Allaha"ad were ta=en awa% from the !awa" of
Iudh and gi5en to Mughal &ing. 7he @ast 6ndia 'ompan% agreed to pa% to the =ing a pension of 4s. *:
lacs. 6n lieu the @nglish got (iwani rights in $engal.
D After the death of Mir 2afarC his son !i1amuddaula was enthroned as !awa" of $engal.
D &. M. Pani==ar holds that from 1?:> to 1??*C the rule of @ast 6ndia 'ompan% in $engal was the ,rule of
D (uring Warren -astings periodC the 7reasur% was transferred "% the @ast 6ndia 'ompan% to 'alcutta
from Murshida"ad and 'alcutta was made the capital.
D (uring the <o5ernorship of Warren -astingsC in e5er% district of su"+ugated 6ndia one 'i5il and one
'riminal 'ourt was opened.
D 7he cases upto to 4s. >00 were referred to the 'i5il 'ourt and alone itC the appeal could "e made to the
#adar (iwani Adalat.
D 7he (istrict 'riminal 'ourt was put in charge of an 6ndian Ifficer.
D 7he 4egulating Act of 1??3 esta"lished a #upreme 'ourt at 'alcutta.
D 7he Permanent settlement introduced "% 'ornwallis "rought changes in the land s%stem. Most of the
land came in the hands of commercial and rich classes of 'alcutta.
D 7he Permanent settlement ensured the income of the <o5ernment. $esides the cooperation of the new
Lamindars was o"tained.
D 6n the Mahalwari s%stemC land re5enues was fiEed either through the local Lamindars or their hereditar%
taE collectors or the Lamindars of the Mahal. Mahal was the collection of 5illages. 7he Mahalwari s%stem
was =nown in Pun+a" as the 5illage s%stem.
D 7he 4ai%%atwari s%stem was introduced during earl% 19th centur% in some regions of Madras and
$om"a%. 7he <o5t. directl% o"tained a fiEed amount from the peasants.
D 6n the 4ai%%atwari s%stemC the re5enue rate was fiEed 9>M to >0M of the total produce separatel%.
D 7he 4ai%%atwari s%stem had man% defects which the <o5t. official accepted at the time of a
parliamentar% inspection for the renewal of the 'ompan%0s 'harter.
D 6n the Bifth and #iEth decades of 19 centur%C the @nglish in5ested in large amount to control 6ndian
D 7he @nglish in5ested their capital on roads and communicationsC 4ailwa%C Post and 7elegraphC $an=s
and tea gardens.
D 6n 1830 the Ahoms again re"elled against the @nglish. 7his timeC the @nglish 'ompan% adopted a
peaceful polic% and granted north Assam and some other region to &ing Purandar #ingh.
D 4a+a 7eerath #ingh of !ana==alo re"elled against the @nglish with the help of <aroC &hampati and
#inhopo tri"es. #oon it too= the shape of a mass.mo5ement. 6n 1833C the @nglish could crust it with
superior militar% force.
D 6n 18*>C the Assam 4ifles re"elled against the @nglish.
D 6n 1838C the 6ndian troops stationed at #holapur re"elled due to of the full allowances.
D 6n 18>0 the <o"ind <arh regiment re"elled.
D In 1 2anuar%C 18>?C the use of $ritish made @nfield 4ifles was started in 6ndia. 6n the cartridges of this
4ifleC the fat of cows and pigs were used.
D 6n March 18>?C the soldiers of $aira=pur 'antt refused to use the fat cartridges.
D In * Ma%C 18>?C the Iudh 4egiment of Luc=now too refused to use these cartridges. As a resultC the
Iudh regiment was dis"anded.
D 7o the soldiers of Meerut who had refused to use the fat cartridgesC an @nglish militar% officer;'arr
Michael #mith issued the +ail punishment of > %ears.
D In 10 Ma%C 18>?C a section of the infantr% and ca5alr% of Merrut re"elled at a"out > P.M.
D 7he re"els marched to (elhiC captured the cit% and declared $ahadurshah the emperor of 6ndia.
$ahadurshah assumed the leadership of re5olt in (elhi.
D (uring this re"ellionC !ana #ahe" esta"lished his su1eranit% o5er &anpur and declared himself the
D 6n $undel=hand 4ani La=shmi $ai of 2hansi assumed the leadership of the re5olt.
D 6n $iharC the 1amindar of 2agdishpurC named &unwar #ingh led the re5olt.
D In *8 Ma%C 18>?C the soldiers of !asira"ad 'antt in 4a+asthanC re"elled.
D &ota and Ad5a were the main centres of re5olt in 4a+asthan.
D 7he 'entral 6ndiaC 7ant%a 7ope led the re5olt.
D 6n /.P. the importnat centres of re5olution were 2hansiC &anpurC $areill%C MeerutC Luc=nowC AligarhC
Mathura and Agra.
D 7he $areill% re"ellion was led "% $ata=hs &han.
D 7he 'ommissioner of IudhC -enr% Laurrence died of a "last on 9th 2ul%C 18>?.
D While suppressing the re5oltC the @nglish officer !eil "uried the dead $rahmans and "urnt the dead
D 6n March 18>8C under the leadership of &unwar #inghC the re"els captured A1amgarh.
D While marching towards $enaras from A1amgarhC there was an encounter "etween &unwar #ingh and
the @nglish officer Lord Mar= in which Lord Mar= had to run awa% to sa5e his life.
D &unwar #ingh of 2agdishpur was the onl% leader to ha5e died under the "anner of freedom.
D In 19 (ecem"erC 18>?C the @nglish arm% "lasted &ashmiri <ate of (elhi.
D 6n !o5em"er 18>? the re"els defeated the @nglish <eneral Windaham near &anpur.
D 8ina%a= (amodar #a5er=er was the first to name the re"ellion of 18>? as the first war of 6ndian
D According to #ir #eele%C the re"ellion of 18>? was full% a national re5olt conducted "% selfish soldiers.
D #ir 2ohn LawrenceC P. @. 4o"erts and 8. A. #mith ha5e called it a #epo% Mutin%.
D According to 8. A. #mithC the re"ellion of 18>? was purel% a sepo% mutin% which full% reflected the
indiscipline of 6ndian soldiers and the foolishness of @nglish militar% officers.
D According to #ir 2ames IuttramC the re5olt of 18>? was the result of a conspirac% of the Muslims who
desired to fulfill their self.interest on the strength of the -indus.
D Asho= Mehta in his "oo=C ,7he <reat 4e5olt0C has attempted to pro5e that it was a national re5olt.
D Patta"hi #ita 4amai%%a ta=es it to "e the first war of 6ndian independence.
D After crushing the re5olt of 18>?C the% constituted an 6ndia 'ouncil and a"olished the $oard of
(irectors. 7here were 1> mem"ers in the 6ndia 'ouncil and a #ecretar% of #tate for 6ndia.
D After the re5oltC Lord 'anning announced the (eclaration of the Fueen at a (ur"ar held at Allaha"ad.
-e called itC ,the Magna 'arta of 6ndian people0.
D 6n the (eclaration of the FueenC the polic% of eEpansion of the political limits came to an end.
D 7he re"els responsi"le for the murder of @nglishmen were punished. All others were pardoned.
D 7he o"+ecti5e of $rahmo #ama+C Ar%a #ama+C 4am=irshna Mission and the 7heosophical societ% etc.
was to herald a renaissance in 6ndia.
D $rahmo #ama+ was founded in 'alcutta "% 4a+a 4am Mohan 4o% on *0 AugustC 18*8.
D 4a+a 4am Mohan 4o% alwa%s ad5ocated the appointment of 6ndians on high go5t. posts. -e pla%ed a
ma+or role in the a"olition of #ati s%stem.
D After the death of 4a+a 4am Mohan 4o% on *0 AugustC 1833C (e5endara !ath 7agore assumed the
leadership of the $rahmo #ama+.
D Aadi $rahmo #ama+ was esta"lished "% (e5endra !ath 7ha=ur.
D $harti%a $rahmo #ama+ was founded "% &esha5 'handra #en.
D 7he principles of $rahmo #ama+ helped immensel% in the "irth and #pread 6ndian nationalism.
D 4a+a 4am Mohan 4o% esta"lished 8edant 'ollegeC @nglish #chool and -indu 'ollege at 'alcutta.
D 4a+a 4am Mohan 4o% was the ad5ocate of @nglish @ducation and he thought @nglish to "e the 5ehicle
of progress.
D 6t was due to the effort of 4a+a 4am Mohan 4o%C that the restriction upon the newspapers were lifted.
D 6n 1819C at MaharashtraC Prarthna #a"ha was founded. 6t came to an end due to its limited scope.
D 6n 18:? Atma 4am Pandurang esta"lished Prarthna #ama+. M. <. 4anadeC 4. <. $handar=ar and
!ara%an 'handrawar=ar were the prominent mem"ers of this #ama+.
D (a%anand #araswati left his house at the age of *1. As a $rahmachari #adhuC he tra5elled to different
places in 6ndia.
D (a%anand #araswati started the propagation of his religion from Agra.
D 6n 18?9C he wrote his famous "oo= #at%arth Pra=ash.
D In 10 AprilC 18?> he founded Ar%a #ama+ at $om"a%.
D 7otapuriC a 8edantic sadhu taught 8edant #adhna to (a%ananda.
D 4am=rishna Paramhans was "orn in 183: in a poor $rahman famil% of -oogl% district of $engal.
D #wami 8i5e=anand was the most de5oted disciple of #wami 4am=rishna Paramhans.
D 4am=rishna Pramhans did not esta"lish an% Ashram or sect.
D 6n 1893 in the All 4eligion 'onference at 'hicago 8i5e=anand impressed e5er%oneC and started a
8edant #ama+ there.
D 6n 189: 8i5e=anand esta"lished 4am=rishna Mission.
D 6n the last %ears of the third decade of the 19th centur%C the %oung $engal mo5ement was led "% an
@nglishman named -enr% William (ero1io.
D In ? #eptem"erC 18?> in !ew Gor=C /.#.A. Madame -.P. $lata5es=% (4ussian and 'ol. -. #. Alcott
(American founded the 7heosophical #ociet%.
D Mrs. Annie $esantC an 6rish lad% was a 5er% acti5e mem"er of 7heosophical #ociet% in 6ndia.
D (ue to the efforts of 6shwar 'handra 8id%asagarC in 18>:C the Widow 4emarriage Act was legislated.
D 7he slogan of ,6n=ala" Linda"ad0 was gi5en "% Mohammad 6A"al.
D #ir #ai%%ad Ahmad &han founded the Anglo Iriental 'ollege at Aligarh in 18?? which later "ecame
=nown as Aligarh Muslim /ni5ersit%.
D -a+i #hariatullah was the initiator of Bar%a1 mo5ement.
D 6n Maharashtra the $harat #ewa= #ama+ was started "% <opal &rishna <o=hale.
D 6n 19** Amrit Lal 8iththal (as esta"lished the $heel #ewa Mandal.
D 2%oti $a Phule was the champion of widowremarriage in Maharashtra.
D 6n 1911 !ara%an Maltar 2oshi organised the #ocial #er5ice LeagueC a societ% to sol5e the social
pro"lems. -e was assisted "% some educated 6ndians.
D A5anindra !ath 7ha=ur founded the societ% =nown as;7he 6ndian #ociet% of Iriental Art.
D 6n the 19th centur%C the famous $engali author $an=im 'handra 'hatter+ee composed the song;
8ande Matram.
D 6n 18?>C #isir &umar <hose founded the 6ndia League.
D 7he 6ndian Association founded "% #urendra !ath $aner+ee was replaced "% the 6ndian League in
D 7he credit for founding the 6ndian !ational 'ongress in 188> goes to an @nglish officerC Allen Icta5ian
D 7he first 'onference of the 6ndian !ational 'ongress was held at <o=uldas 7e+pal #ans=rit 'ollegeC
$om"a% under the chairmanship of W. '. $aner+ee.
D $al <angadhar 7ila= started <anesh Mahotsa5 in 1893 and #hi5a+i #amaroh in 189>.
D Pandit 2ugal &ishore pu"lished the first newspaper of 6ndia;/dant Martand. 6t was a paper which ga5e
top priorit% to 6ndian interests.
D (uring Lord 'ur1on0s time in 190>C $engal was di5ided.
D 6n 1911C in Lord -ardinge0s timeC the partition of $engal was cancelled.
D Lala La+pat 4ai and A+eet #ingh were eEiled to $urma in 190?.
D 6n 1911 the capital of 6ndia was shifted to (elhi from 'alcutta.
D In !o5. 1913C the <hadar Part% was founded at #anfransisco cit% of America "% the great re5olutionar%
of Pun+a" named Lala -arda%al.
D &ashi 4am and -arda%al were the acti5e mem"ers of the <hadar Part%.
D 6n 190:C Agha &han founded the All 6ndia Muslim League.
D 6n 191:C a pact was signed "etween Muslim League and 'ongress which is =nown in histor% as the
Luc=now Pact.
D 6n 191: $al <angadhar 7ila= esta"lished the -ome 4ule League of 6ndia.
D After Luc=now PactC 'ongress and League presented the plan of political reforms "ased on separate
electoral regions. 7his pact led to an increase in communalism.
D 6n 1919 Annie $esant "rought out a newspaper in @nglish named ,!ew 6ndia0.
D <andhi+i esta"lished the #a"armati Ashram in Ahmeda"ad.
D In 30 MarchC 1919C #at%agraha (a% was o"ser5ed in whole of 6ndia. 7he #at%agraha was peaceful at
all places eEcept Pun+a" and (elhi.
D (r. #at%apal and (r. #aifuddinC the leaders of the Pun+a" #at%agraha were imprisoned. 6n protestC a
meeting was organi1ed at 2allianwala $agh in Amritsar . 7he people who assem"led here were gunned
down. 7his is =nown as ,2alhianwalla "agh Massacre0 of April 1919.
D After the world war 6C the 6ndian Muslims were eEcited due to the treatment meted out to 'aliph "% the
$ritish in 7ur=e%. 6n 1919 the% started the &hilafat mo5ement under the leadership of Maulana #hau=at Ali
and Muhammad Ali.
D 7he 'ongress +oined the Muslims in &hilafat mo5ement. In 31 AugustC 1919C the &hilafat (a% was
D Mahatma <andhi launched the !on.cooperation Mass Mo5ement in 19*0.*1. $ut 5iolence "ro=e out at
'hauri 'haura then in <ora=hpur district which saddened <andhi+i. 6n Be"ruar% 19** he announced the
closure of the mo5ement.
D 6n March 19** Motilal !ehru and (esh"andhu 'hitran+an (as esta"lished the #wara+ Part%.
D 6n the elections of 19*3 the #wara+ Part% scored 90 seats out of 198.
D 6n 19*? the $ardoli #at%agraha was conducted "% #ardar 8alla"h $hai Patel.
D 6n 19*8 under the chairmanship of #ir 2ohn #imon a 'ommission came to 6ndia to inspect the
administrati5e wor=. 7he 6ndians "o%cotted it as no 6ndian was a mem"er of the 'ommission. 6n March
19*8 the 'ommission went "ac=.
D 6n the 19*9 Lahore 'ongress session held under the chairmanship of 2awaharlal !ehruC the meaning of
#wara+ was declared as total independence.
D 6n 1930 <andhi+i "ro=e the #alt laws "% his (andi March and he started the 'i5il (iso"edience
D 6n 1930C the 'ongress "o%cotted the first 4ound 7a"le 'onference.
D 6n 1931C after <andhi.6rwin pact <andhi+i went to attend the second 4ound 7a"le 'onference along with
the mem"ers of Muslim League.
D 6n the third 4ound ta"le conference in 193*C 'ongress did not send an% representati5e. Inl% 9:
mem"ers went to participate under different categories.
D 7he meeting of the @Eecuti5e of 'ongress held on 1 2anuar%C 193* decided to again start the 'i5il
(iso"edience Mo5ement due to the completel% negati5e attitude of the <o5ernment.
D 7he $ritish Prime Minister 4amsa% Macdonald declared the communal award on 1: AugustC 193*.
D In *> #eptem"erC 193*C the Poona Pact was signed. 'ommon agreement was made on two conditions
for preparing the electoral regions. 7he representati5e of the (epressed classes was $.4. Am"ed=ar.
D 6n 193* <andhi+i founded the -ari+an #ewa= #angh for the uplift of the -ari+ans.
D In 8 Ma%C 1933 <andhi+i declared the programme of *1 da%s fast for his self.purification.
D <andhi+i "egan ,6ndi5idual #at%agraha and 'i5il (iso"edience on 1 AugustC 1933.
D 7he <o5ernment of 6ndia Act of 193> had 31* articles and 19 enclosures.
D 6n 193>C the $ritish pro5inces were 11 e.g.C MadrasC $om"a%C $engalC $iharC Pun+a"C IrissaC 'entral
Pro5incesC AssamC !orth West Brontier Pro5incesC /nited Pro5inces and #indh.
D 7he <o5ernment of 6ndia Act of 193>C the su"+ects were di5ided into three departments;BederalC
Pro5incial and 'oncurrent.
D 7his Act di5ided the $ritish pro5inces of 6ndia in two categories. 11 were the pro5inces under the
<o5ernor and > pro5inces were under Lieutenant 'ommissioners.
D 7he <o5t. of 6ndia ActC 193>C proposed Bederal s%stem and Pro5incial autonom%. 7he plan of Bederal
s%stem could not "e implemented. 7he elections for the Pro5incial legislati5e 'ouncils were held in the
2anuar%.Be"ruar% of 193?.
D 7he 'ongress won ma+orit% in > pro5inces;MadrasC /nited Pro5incesC 'entral Pro5incesC $ihar and
Irissa in the general election of 193?.
D 6n Pun+a"C the /nionist Part% and Muslim League +ointl% formed the <o5ernment. 7his <o5ernment
wor=ed without an% o"struction till 199?.
D 6n $engal the &risha= Pra+a Part% and the Muslim League +ointl% formed the <o5ernment. 6ts 'a"inet
wor=ed till 19 AugustC 199?. #i=andar -a%aat &han was the head of this <o5ernment.
D 7he 'ongress 'a"inets wor=ed from 193? to 1939.
D 6n 1939C the mem"ers of 'ongress @Eecuti5eC Achar%a !arendra (e5C 2ai Pra=ash and Ach%ut
Pat5ardhan organi1ed the 'ongress #ocialist Part%.
D 6n the -aripura session of the 'ongress (1938C #. '. $ose was unanimousl% elected the President.
D #u"hash 'handra $ose organi1ed a !ational Planning 'ommittee.
D 6n 1939 $ose was relected 'ongress President defeating <andhi0s candidate P. #itarama%%a.
D 6n April 1939C #u"hash 'handra $ose resigned from the post of the President and started a militant
part% =nown as Borward $loc=.
D 6n 1939C 2awaharlal !ehru "ecame the President of the 7ri"al 'onference of 6ndian #tates.
D 6n 1933C a Muslim student named 'houdhar% 4ahmat Ali stud%ing in @ngland proposed the formation of
a separate Muslim #tate and called it Pa=istan.
D In *9th MarchC 1990C in the Lahore 'onference of the Muslim LeagueC the Pa=istan proposal was
D Lord Linlithgo presented the August proposal "efore the 'ongress on 8 AugustC 1990 for getting
cooperation during the war.
D 7he 6ndi5idual #at%agraha was started from 1? Icto"erC 1990. Achar%a 8ino"a $ha5e was the first
#at%agrahi. <andhi+i postponed it on 1? (ecem"erC 1990.
D 6t was restarted on > 2anuar%C 1991. (uring this period more than *0 thousand people were arrested.
D 'ripps Mission 5isited 6ndia in 199*. 6t was onemem"er 'ommission and onl% #ir #trafford 'ripps was
the mem"er.
D 7he 'ongress and the LeagueC "oth re+ected the 'ripps Proposals.
D 7he Fuit 6ndia mo5ement resolution was passed on 19 2ul%C 199* in the @Eecuti5e of the 'ongress
#ession held at Wardha. 6t was reaffirmed on 8 AugustC 199*.
D 7he interim go5ernment of free 6ndia was organi1ed on *1 Icto"erC 1993 "% #u"hash 'handra $ose in
D *1 6ndian political leaders were in5ited to attend a 'onference at #imla in 2une 199>. 6t ended in failure.
D 6n (ecem"er 199>C the <eneral @lections were held in 6ndia. 7he 'ongress recei5ed the ma+orit% in :
D In 18 Be"ruar%C 199:C the non 'ommissioned officers and !a5al soldiers of the 4o%al 6ndian !a5% who
were called 4attingsC "egan a militant re5olt at $om"a%.
D 6n order to remo5e the 'onstitutional crisis the $ritish <o5ernment sent the 'a"inet Mission to 6ndia.
D 6t came on *9 MarchC 199: to !ew (elhi and it declared its proposals.
D Muslim League o"ser5ed the (irect Action (a% on 1: August 199:.
D 7he 6nterim <o5ernment of 6ndia was organi1ed under the leadership of 2awaharlal !ehru. 7he 'a"inet
too= oath on *nd #eptem"erC 199:.
D 7he 'onstituent Assem"l% first met under the chairmanship of (r. 4a+endra Prasad on :th (ecem"erC
D Atlee declared on *0 Be"ruar%C 199? that the @nglish would lea5e 6ndia after transferring the power to
responsi"le people "efore 2une 1998.
D 7he Mount"atten Plan of 3 2uneC 199? was mainl% the Plan of partition. 6t was agreed upon "% the
@Eecuti5e of the 6ndian !ational 'ongress on 19.1> 2une in a meeting at (elhi.
D 6n 2ul% 199?C the 6ndian 6ndependence Act was passed "% the $ritish Parliament.
D 6ndia "ecame independent on 1> AugustC 199?.
D In *: 2anuar%C 19>0C the state of -%dera"ad merged in the 6ndian Bederation.
D In *0 April 19>9C the Panchsheel Pact was signed "etween 6ndia and 'hina.
D In *0 Icto"erC 19:* 'hina in5aded upon 6ndia. #oon it occupied Assam 8alle% and Ladda=h. In *1
!o5em"erC 19:*C 'hina declared one sided ceasefire.
1. Which one of the following regions did not constitute a separate su"a (pro5ince under A="ar ?
(A Irissa
($ $engal
(' $ihar
(( Awadh
Ans ) ((
*. Which of the following statements a"out $u==a 6 of the 8i+a%anagar empire is not correct ?
(A -e instilled new 5igour into -indu #ociet%
($ -e reno5ated temples
(' /nder his fostering care #a%ana wrote commentaries on 8edas
(( -e adopted measures to uplift the #hudras
Ans ) ((
3. #a%ana is associated with;
(A 7he 'hola &ingdom
($ 8i+a%anagar &ingdom
(' -o%asala &ingdom
(( $ahmani &ingdom
Ans ) ($
9. Match List.6 with List.66 and select the correct answer from the codes gi5en "elow;
(a Accession of Aurang1e"
(" Promulgation of Mah1ar
(c $attle of &han5a
(d Accession of A="ar
1. 1>*? A.(.
*. 1>>: A.(.
3. 1>?9 A.(.
9. 1:>9 A.(.
Codes :
(a (" (c (d
(A 1 * 3 9
($ 9 3 1 *
(' 3 1 9 *
(( * 1 3 9
Ans ) ($
>. 'onsider the following statements a"out &a"ir and !ana=;
1. 7heir ideas were drawn "oth from $ha=ti and #ufi traditions.
*. 7he% eEpressed the sentiments of rural masses.
3. 7he% made strong plea for -indu.Muslim unit%.
9. 7heir followers founded religious communities.
#elect %our answer from the codes gi5en "elow;
Codes :
(A 1 and * are correct
($ 1C * and 3 are correct
(' 1C *C 3 and 9 are correct
(( 1C 3 and 9 are correct
Ans ) ((
:. Arrange the following 'histi #aints in correct chronological order;
1. #hei=h !i1amuddin Aulia
*. #%ed Muhammad <esudara1
3. $a"a Barid <an+sha=ar
9. #hei=h !asiruddin 'hirage.(elhi
#elect the correct answer from the code gi5en "elow;
Codes :
(A 1C *C 3C 9
($ 9C 3C *C 1
(' 1C 3C 9C *
(( 3C 1C 9C *
Ans ) ((
?. Which of the following #ultans assumed the title of 'aliph himself ?
(A $al"an
($ Alauddin &hal+i
(' Fut"uddin Mu"ara= #hah &hal+i
(( Mohammad "in 7ughlaA
Ans ) ('
8. Which one of the following #ufi orders laid great stress on practicing m%stic music ?
(A 'histi
($ #uharawardi
(' Fadiri
(( !aAsh"andi
Ans ) (A
9. Who among the following -indu Painters was sent "% 2ehangir to ma=e a portrait of #hah A""as 6 of
Persia ?
(A $asawan
($ $ishan (as
(' (asrath
(( Manohar
Ans ) ($
10. Which one of the following is not correctl% matched ?
(A A="ar ;Nerome Na5ier
($ Aurang1e" ;@dward 7err%
(' #hah+ahan ;Peter Mundi
(( 2ehangir ;#ir 7homas 4oe
Ans ) ($
11. 6n which %ear was the decree called ,Mah1ar0 issued during A="ar0s reign ?
(A 1>:0 A.(.
($ 1>?* A.(.
(' 1>?: A.(.
(( 1>?9 A.(.
Ans ) ((
1*. 7he ,4a1manama0 which was compiled "% se5eral Persian scholars was a translation of;
(A Panchatantra
($ 4ama%ana
(' Maha"harata
(( 4ig5eda
Ans ) ('
13. (uring the Mughal rule the Fa1i.ul.Fu1at was;
(A -ead of the Binance department
($ 'ensor of Pu"lic morals
(' 'hief +udge of the empire
(( 6ncharge of charities
Ans ) ('
19. Which one of the following pairs is not correctl% matched ?
(A A="ar ) Maan $ai
($ Aurang1e" ) /daipuri Mahal
(' 2ehangir ) Manmati
(( #hah+ahan ) 2ehan Ara
Ans ) (A
1>. Which was the chief or main region of copper mines in Mughal period ?
(A $engal
($ 4a+asthan
(' Agra
(( $ihar
Ans ) ($
1:. Which of the following statements is correct a"out #hi5a+i ?
(A -is mo5ement was supported "% all the Maratha Watandars
($ 7he smaller Watandars formed the "ac= "one of his mo5ement
(' -e a"olished the Watandari s%stem
(( -e did not fight with "igger Maratha Watandars
Ans ) ($
1?. Which one of the following was not included in the ,Asta Pradhan0 of #hi5a+i ?
(A #umant
($ Ma+mudar
(' 8a=i%ana5is
(( 8a=eel
Ans ) ((
18. What was the rate of land re5enue in the administration of #hi5a+i ?
(A *K> portion of the %ield
($ 1K* portion of the %ield
(' 1K3 portion of the %ield
(( 1K9 portion of the %ield
Ans ) (A
19. Wh% did #hi5a+i decide to collect ,'hauth0 and ,#ardeshmu=hi0 ?
(A 7o increase the source of income
($ 7o eEpand his territories
(' 7o consolidate his political influence
(( $ecause of the opposition of Muslim rulers
Ans ) (A
*0. 'onsider the following statements.
Assertion (A) : #hi5a+i signed the 7reat% of Purandar.
Reason (R) : -e had lost all hopes of resistance to the Mughals.
#elect the correct answer from the code gi5en "elow;
Codes :
(A $oth (A and (4 are true and (4 is the correct eEplanation of (A
($ $oth (A and (4 are trueC "ut (4 is not the correct eEplanation of (A
(' (A is true "ut (4 is false
(( (A is false "ut (4 is true
Ans ) ('
*1. When was $om"a% transferred to the @ast 6ndia 'ompan% "% 'harles 66 ?
(A 1::* A.(.
($ 1::9 A.(.
(' 1::: A.(.
(( 1::8 A.(.
Ans ) ((
**. Who of the following had said that 8ictor% of Plasse% was a 5ictor% of "etra%al ?
(A Irme
($ -. -. (odwell
(' Lord 'li5e
(( P. @. 4o"erts
Ans ) ($
*3. !ame the @nglish man who tried to o"tain from A="ar a Birman for trade in <u+arat ?
(A 4alph Bitch
($ 2ohn Mildenhall
(' #ir 7homas 4oe
(( 7homas #tephens
Ans ) ($
*9. 7he (utch esta"lished their first settlement in $engal at;
(A 'alcutta
($ 'hinsura
(' #erampur
(( $alasore
Ans ) ((
*>. Who is credited with the following statement regarding the out"rea= of the 4e5olt of 18>?
O7he Meerut out"rea= was sudden and short.li5ed li=e a summer galeP ?
(A #. !. #en
($ #. $. 'haudhari
(' 8. (. #a5ar=ar
(( 4. '. Ma+umdar
Ans ) (A
*:. When did the Marathas capture #alsette and $assein from the Portuguese ?
(A 1:9> A.(.
($ 1?13 A.(.
(' 1?*0 A.(.
(( 1?39 A.(.
Ans ) ((
*?. 7he (iwani right of $engalC $ihar and Irissa was o"tained "% the @nglish @ast 6ndia 'ompan% under
the treat% of;
(A Alinagar
($ Bai1a"ad
(' Allaha"ad
(( $enaras
Ans ) ('
*8. Bind out the correct chronological order of the following e5ents from the code gi5en "elow;
1. 7reat% of Amritsar
*. Bourth Anglo.M%sore War
3. 7reat% of Lahore
9. @ast 6ndia 'ompan%0s alliance with Mewar.
Codes :
(A 9C 1C 3C *
($ *C 1C 9C 3
(' 1C *C 3C 9
(( 3C 9C *C 1
Ans ) ($
*9. $% which of the following treaties did the Peshwa accept the #u"sidiar% Alliance with the $ritish ?
(A 7reat% of Purandhar
($ 7reat% of $assein
(' 7reat% of #al"ai
(( 7reat% of #ur+i Ar+ungaon
Ans ) ($
30. Which of the following nati5e states was first to conclude #u"sidiar% Alliance with @ast 6ndia 'ompan%
(A A5adh
($ Mewar
(' M%sore
(( -%dera"ad
Ans ) ((
31. Who among the following historians has remar=ed that the <o5ernment of $engal "etween the period
1?:>Q1??* was a ro""er state ?
(A <. W. Borrest
($ Lord Macaula%
(' &. M. Pani==ar
(( !and Lal 'hatter+i
Ans ) ('
3*. In what ground was A5adh anneEed into $ritish @mpire ?
(A (octrine of Lapse
($ Alleged misgo5ernment
(' Bailure to pa% su"sid%
(( Maintenance of relations with foreign powers
Ans ) ($
33. !earl% one third of soldiers of the famous $engal Arm% had their homes in;
(A Pun+a"
($ A5adh
(' $engal
(( Maharashtra
Ans ) ((
39. Which one of the following nati5e states was anneEed "% the $ritish on the "asis of the (octrine of
Lapse ?
(A A5adh
($ Pun+a"
(' 2hansi
(( M%sore
Ans ) ('
3>. Match List.6 with List.66 and find out the correct answer from the codes gi5en "elow;
(a 7heosophical #ociet%
(" Prarthana #ama+
(c $rahmo #ama+
(d 4am &rishna Mission
1. #wami 8i5e=anand
*. Mrs. Annie $esant
3. M. <. 4anade
9. 4am Mohan 4o%
Codes :
(a (" (c (d
(A * 3 9 1
($ 1 * 3 9
(' 9 3 * 1
(( 3 * 9 1
Ans ) (A
3:. 'onsider the following statements.
Assertion (A) : 7ipu #ultan planted the tree of li"ert% at #eringapattam.
Reason (R) : 7he principles of Brench 4e5olution had made a deep impression on the mind of 7ipu
#elect the answer from the code gi5en "elow;
Codes :
(A $oth (A and (4 are true and (4 is the correct eEplanation of (A
($ $oth (A and (4 are true "ut (4 is not the correct eEplanation of (A
(' (A is trueC "ut (4 is false
(( (A is falseC "ut (4 is true
Ans ) (A
3?. $% the enactment of $ritish Parliament when did the @ast 6ndia 'ompan% cease to "e a trading
'ompan% ?
(A 1?89 A.(.
($ 1833 A.(.
(' 1813 A.(.
(( 1??3 A.(.
Ans ) ($
38. What is the correct chronological order of setting up of the following 'ommissions ?
1. Macdonell 'ommission
*. Birst 6ndustrial 'ommission
3. Birst Biscal 'ommission
#elect the correct answer from the code gi5en "elow;
(A 1C *C 3
($ *C 3C 1
(' *C 1C 3
(( 1C 3C *
Ans ) (A
39. 6n which of the following regions Mahalwari #%stem of 4e5enue #ettlement was introduced ?
(A $engal
($ $om"a%
(' Madras
(( !orth Western Pro5inces
Ans ) ((
90. 'onsider the following statements.
Assertion (A) : (espite initial 5ictor% the #epo% Mutin% could not succeed in o5erthrowing the 4a+.
Reason (R) : 7he rising middle class sided with 4a+.
#elect %our correct answer from the code gi5en "elow;
Codes :
(A $oth (A and (4 are true and (4 is the correct eEplanation of (A
($ $oth (A and (4 are trueC "ut (4 is not the correct eEplanation of (A
(' (A is true "ut (4 is false
(( (A is false "ut (4 is true
Ans ) ('
91. Which part of 6ndia was most affected "% the 4e5olution of 18>? ?
(A Pun+a"
($ Maharashtra
(' A5adh
(( Madras
Ans ) ('
9*. Which of the following pairs connected with the 4e5olution of 18>? is correctl% matched ?
lace of Revolt : Leader of Revolt
(A &anpur ) 4ani La=shmi"ai
($ 2hansi ) !ana #ahe"
(' Luc=now ) $egum -a1rat Mahal
(( (elhi ) 7anti%a 7ope
Ans ) ('
93. Who among the following is remem"ered for the annulment of the Partition of $engal ?
(A Lord 'ur1on
($ Lord Minto
(' Lord -ardinge
(( Lord 'helmsford
Ans ) ('
99. When did $a"u &unwar #ingh fight his last "attle against the $ritish ?
(A #eptem"er 18>?
($ !o5em"er 18>?
(' Be"ruar% 18>8
(( April 18>8
Ans ) ((
9>. &umaran Asan is associated with the social renaissance of;
(A &erala
($ 7amil !adu
(' Andhra Pradesh
(( !one of the a"o5e
Ans ) (A
9:. 6n which of the following #essions of the 6ndian !ational 'ongress the ,drain theor%0 was formall%
accepted ?
(A $enaras sessionC 190>
($ 'alcutta sessionC 190:
(' #urat sessionC 190?
(( !one of the a"o5e
Ans ) ((
9?. Who among the following was the President of All 6ndia 7rade /nion 'ongress held at !agpur ?
(A 'haman Lal
($ 2awaharlal !ehru
(' &rishna Menon
(( !. M. 2oshi
Ans ) ((
98. (uring which of the following period the 'ongress had "est of relationship with the Muslim League ?
(A 190: Q 191:
($ 191: Q 19**
(' 19** Q 19*8
(( 19*8 Q 1939
Ans ) ($
99. Who was the first 6ndian woman to preside o5er the 6ndian !ational 'ongress ?
(A 4a+=umari Amrit &aur
($ 8i+a%a La=shmi Pandit
(' Aruna Asaf Ali
(( #aro+ini !aidu
Ans ) ((
>0. Which of the following American 2ournalists had critici1ed the state of women in $ritish 6ndia and
ad5anced the logic that so long as cruelties on women continueC the 6ndian males ha5e no right to ta=e
and manage the go5ernance of 6ndia in their hands ?
(A Louis Bischer
($ We"" Miller
(' 'atherine Ma%o
(( !one of the a"o5e
Ans ) ('
>1. 'onsider the following e5ents of 6ndian !ational Mo5ement;
1. <andhi 6rwin Pact
*. Poona Pact
3. &arachi #ession of 6ndian !ational 'ongress.
9. 6ndi5idual #at%agraha
#elect the correct chronological order of the e5ents from the codes gi5en "elow;
Codes :
(A 1C 3C *C 9
($ *C 3C 9C 1
(' 3C 9C *C 1
(( 9C 3C *C 1
Ans ) (A
>*. 7he "oo= entitled ,#pringing tiger0 is a "iograph% of;
(A $hagat #ingh
($ 'handrashe=har A1ad
(' #u"has 'handra $ose
(( #h%am+i &rishna 8erma
Ans ) ($
>3. 7he 5enue of holding this #econd 4ound 7a"le 'onference at London was;
(A #t. 2ames Palace
($ &ingsle% Palace
(' $uc=ingham Palace
(( 10C (owning #treet
Ans ) (A
>9. Lord Mount"atten as a 8icero% had con5ersed with following 6ndian leaders regarding the transfer of
1. 2awahar Lal !ehru
*. #ardar 8alla"h"hai Patel
3. Mohammad Ali 2innah
9. Mahatma <andhi
6ndicate the correct seAuence of their con5ersation from the code gi5en "elow;
Codes :
(A 1C 9C *C 3
($ *C 3C 9C 1
(' 3C *C 1C 9
(( 9C 3C *C 1
Ans ) (A
>>. All the h%mns related to one of the following <ods are in one separate mandala or "oo= of the
4ig5eda. Who is the <od ?
(A Agni
($ 8aruna
(' 6ndra
(( #oma
Ans ) ((
>:. Match List.6 with List.66 and indicate the correct answer from the code gi5en "elow;
(a Mohen+odaro
(" Lothal
(c #ur=otda
(d -arappa
1. Pillared -all
*. $ones of -orse
3. 'emeter% 4.3?
9. (ou"le $urial
Codes :
(a (" (c (d
(A 3 9 1 *
($ 9 3 * 1
(' 1 9 * 3
(( * 1 3 9
Ans ) ('
>?. 7he -arappan siteC where the citadel and the lower townC "oth are fortified separatel% is;
(A -arappa
($ Mohen+odaro
(' &ali"anga
(( !one of the a"o5e
Ans ) ('
>8. Brom which countr% of the Asian 'ontinent was $oga1=ui inscription disco5ered ?
(A 6ndia
($ 6ran
(' #%ria
(( 7ur=e%
Ans ) ((
>9. 7he 4ig5edic $haratas are associated with;
(A 7he 6ndus 8alle%
($ 7he #araswati 8alle%
(' 7he #utle+ 8alle%
(( 7he Parushni 8alle%
Ans ) ((
:0. With which of the following 5edic sacrifices was the drin= of #ura associated ?
(A Agnistoma
($ 4a+asu%a
(' #autramani
(( 8a+ape%a
Ans ) ('
:1. 7he A"hidhamma treatise !at"avatt"u was written "%;
(A Mah.a =assapa
($ Mahinda
(' Milinda
(( Moggaliputta 7issa
Ans ) ((
:*. 6n the Pasupata religion #i5a is said to "e Lord of Pasu. Which one among the following stands for
Pasu ?
(A Lion
($ $ull
(' Par5ati
(( 2i5a
Ans ) ((
:3. Match List.6 with List.66 and select the correct answer from the codes gi5en "elow;
List-I (#"yani $udd"as)
(a A=so"h%a
(" 8airochana
(c 4atnasam"ha5a
(d Amoghasiddhi
List-II (%e"icles)
1. @lephant
*. #na=e
3. -orse
9. <aruda
Codes :
(a (" (c (d
(A 1 * 3 9
($ * 3 9 1
(' 3 9 1 *
(( 9 1 * 3
Ans ) (A
:9. Which of the following is not a $uddhist 'oncept ?
(A Asti=.a%a
($ (harma=a%a
(' !irmana=a%a
(( #am"hoga=a%a
Ans ) (A
:>. Who of the following is =nown as a 2ain scholar ?
(A As5aghose
($ -emchandra
(' (harma=irti
(( (iwa=aramitra
Ans ) ($
::. -ow man% modes of de5otion ($ha=ti are mentioned in $hagawatism ?
(A !ine
($ 7en
(' @le5en
(( @ight
Ans ) ($
:?. 6n which of the following periods did ring wells come into pre5alence for the first time ?
(A Maur%an
($ #unga
(' &ushan
(( <upta
Ans ) ((
:8. 7owards which of the following sects did (asaratha had a leaning ?
(A $uddhism
($ 2ainism
(' A+i5a=as
(( Lo=a%ata
Ans ) ('
:9. Who among the following classical writers said that 'handragupta Maur%a o5erran the whole of 6ndia
with an arm% of siE lac soldiers ?
(A -erodotus
($ Plin%
(' Plutarch
(( Ptolem%
Ans ) ('
?0. Who among the following Maur%an rulers was =illed "% his ''hief ?
(A (asaratha
($ &un.ala
(' #amprati
(( $rihadratha
Ans ) ((
?1. Who of the following was responsi"le for the collection of taEes at the intermediate le5el of
administration "etween the district and the 5illage ?
(A <opa
($ Pulisa
(' #thani=a
(( Prati5eda=a
Ans ) (A
?*. 7he &ushans issued coins of;
(A <old onl%
($ <old and #il5er
(' <old and 'opper
(( <oldC #il5er and 'opper
Ans ) ((
?3. 7he gold coins of <upta period were called;
1. (inara
*. (ramma
3. 4upa=a
9. #u5arna
6ndicate the correct answer from the codes gi5en "elow;
Codes :
(A 9 onl%
($ *C 3
(' 1C 9
(( 1C *C 3C 9
Ans ) ('
?9. Who had eEpressed the 5iew that the cotton cloth worn "% 6ndians had a "righter white colour than
an% cotton found elsewhere ?
(A AleEander
($ Megasthenese
(' !earchus
(( Plin%
Ans ) ($
?>. Which of the following ports were situated on the eastern coast of #outh 6ndia ?
1. &a5eripatnam
*. &or=ai
3. Musiri
9. 7ondi
6ndicate the correct answer from the code gi5en "elow;
Codes :
(A 1C *
($ 1C *C 3
(' *C 3C 9
(( 3C 9
Ans ) ($
?:. 7he 8alla"hi era is identical with;
(A 7he 8i=rama era
($ 7he <upta era
(' 7he -arsha era
(( !one of the a"o5e
Ans ) ($
??. Who among the following (harmasastra writers disappro5ed the custom of #ati declaring it as an act
of suicide ?
(A Angiras
($ Medhatithi
(' /sana
(( 8isnu
Ans ) ($
?8. 7he rulers of which of the following d%nasties were characteri1ed "% their metron%mics ?
(A Maur%a
($ #unga
(' &an5a
(( #ata5ahana
Ans ) ((
?9. According to ManuC a $rahamana was to "e awarded higher punishment than the persons of other
5arnas for the offence of;
(A 7he use of a"usi5e language for the persons of other 5arnas
($ Murder
(' 7heft
(( 7reason
Ans ) ('
80. 6n which of the following ancient teEts has it "een said that the =ing was the ruler of all eEcept $r.a
hamanas ?
(A Manu.#mriti
($ Ga+na5al=%a.#mriti
(' 8ishnu #mriti
(( <autama.dharmasutra
Ans ) ((
81. Which one of the following statements is not correct a"out the social and cultural conditions in the
post.<upta period ?
(A 7he num"er of land.grants increased
($ 7he num"er of castes increased
(' 7he 'entral control increased
(( 7he tantric acti5ities increased
Ans ) ('
8*. 7he transformation of the ancient 6ndian #ociet% into Medie5al societ% was "rought a"out mainl% "%;
(A the s%stem of land.grants
($ the decline in the position of upper caste
(' the increase in the religious acti5ities
(( the decrease in surplus food production
Ans ) (A
83. Which of the following towns were seen "% -iuen 7sang as almost deserted ?
1. &apil5astu
*. &usinagar
3. #ra5asti
9. 7amralipti
6ndicate the correct answer from the code gi5en "elow;
Codes :
(A 1C 9
($ 3C 9
(' *C 3
(( 1C *C 3
Ans ) ((
89. Which one of the following statements is not correct a"out the mem"ers of the 5arious "odies
responsi"le for 'hola local selfgo5ernment ?
(A 7he% were elected "% 5oting
($ 7he% were chosen "% lot
(' 7he% must fulfil certain conditions to "ecome mem"ers
(( !o person con5icted for theft could "ecome a mem"er
Ans ) (A
8>. Which one of the following assem"lies protected the interests of traders under the 'hola
administration ?
(A Mahasa"ha
($ Perunguri
(' &uri
(( !agaram
Ans ) ((
8:. Who among the following authors is =nown for his satires eEposing the e5ils of contemporar%
societ% ?
(A &semendra
($ Pra5arsena
(' #riharsa
(( 8isa=hadutta
Ans ) (A
8?. Which 'hola =ing is credited with the first conAuest of Maldi5es ?
(A 4a+ara+a
($ 4a+endra 6
(' 4a+adhira+a
(( 4a+endra 66
Ans ) (A
88. Which of the following 6ndian &ings defeated Mohammad <hori first ?
(A Prith5ira+a 'hauhan
($ 2a%achandra
(' 8id%adhara 'handella
(( $hima 66
Ans ) ((
89. 7he origin of which of the following ruling families has "een descri"ed in the "ardic literature from
8asisthas sacrificial pit at mountain A"u ?
1. 'hahamana
*. 'haulu=%a
3. Paramara
9. Pratihara
6ndicate the correct answer from the code gi5en "elow;
Codes :
(A 1C *
($ *C 3C 9
(' 3C 9
(( 1C *C 3C 9
Ans ) ((
90. 7he coins with the figure of La=smi were issued "%;
(A Mohammad <hori
($ 6ltutmish
(' Mohammad 7ughlaA
(( !one of the a"o5e
Ans ) (A
91. 7he 4a+atarangini of &alhana was composed in;
(A 7he ele5enth centur%
($ 7he twelfth centur%
(' 7he thirteenth centur%
(( 7he tenth centur%
Ans ) ($
9*. Which of the following teEts la%s down rules for recon5ersion into -indu fold of the -indus forci"l%
con5erted into 6slam ?
(A (e5ala #mriti
($ !arada #mriti
(' 8isnu #mriti
(( Ga+na5al=%a #mriti
Ans ) (A
93. 'onsider the following statements regarding the histor% of &ashmir in the tenth centur%;
1. 7here were two ri5al groups in the court.
*. Fueen #ugandha was deposed in 919 A.(.
3. Fueen (idda did not cur" the powers of the feudal land owners.
6ndicate the correct statements from the code gi5en "elow;
Codes :
(A 1C *
($ *C 3
(' 1C 3
(( 1C *C 3
Ans ) (A
99. Who among the following d"armasastra writers was a minister of the <ahad5ala &ing
<o5indachandra ?
(A Aparar=a
($ 'handes5ara
(' La=shmidhara
(( 8i+nanes5ara
Ans ) ('
9>. 6"n $atuta was a tra5eller from;
(A Africa
($ Ara"
(' 'hina
(( @urope
Ans ) (A
9:. What was the maEimum permissi"le rate of land re5enue collection according to #hariat in earl%
medie5al 6ndia ?
(A *0M of the produce
($ *>M of the produce
(' 33M of the produce
(( >0M of the produce
Ans ) ((
9?. Who was the commander of Alauddin &hil+i0s forces during his (eccan 'ampaigns ?
(A Mali= &afur
($ Ainul Mul= Multani
(' !usrat &han
(( /lugh &han
Ans ) (A
98. Match List.6 with List.66 and select the correct answer from the code gi5en "elow;
(a Lia.uddin $arni
(" 6"n $atuta
(c A"ul Ba1al
(d !i1amuddin Ahmad
1. 7a"Aat.i.A="ari
*. A="arnama
3. 7ari=h.i.Biro1shahi
9. 4ehla
Codes :
(a (" (c (d
(A 1 * 3 9
($ 9 3 * 1
(' 3 9 * 1
(( * 1 3 9
Ans ) ('
99. Which of the #ultans of (elhi a"olished the ,La=at0 on grain ?
(A Alauddin &hil+i
($ Mohammad."in.7ughlaA
(' Biro1 #hah 7ughlaA
(( #i=andar Lodi
Ans ) ((
100. Which (elhi #ultan le5ied the irrigation taE on the farmers for the first time ?
(A Alauddin &hil+i
($ <hi%asuddin 7ughlaA
(' Mohammad 7ughlaA
(( Biro1 7ughlaA
Ans ) ((
1. Which among the following 8edas is partl% in prose ?
(A 4ig5eda
($ #ama5eda
(' Ga+ur5eda
(( Athar5a5eda
Ans ) ('
*. Which one among the following is a 7amil grammatical treatise ?
(A Pattupattu
($ @ttutogai
(' #ilappadi=aram
(( 7ol=appiam
Ans ) ((
3. Who among the following has not Auoted from the 6ndica of Megasthenese ?
(A Plin%
($ #tra"o
(' (iodorus
(( Arrian
Ans ) ('
9. Who was the first to decipher the inscriptions of Asho=a and the $rahmi script ?
(A AleEander 'unningham
($ 2ames Princep
(' MaE Muller
(( Mortimer Wheeler
Ans ) ($
>. Match List.6 with List.66 and select the correct answer from the codes gi5en "elow the lists;
(a #tuart Piggot
(" #u""arao
(c $. and 4. Alchin
(d -. (. #an=alia
1. Personalit% of 6ndia
*. 7he $irth of 6ndian 'i5ili1ation
3. Prehistoric 6ndia
9. Prehistor% and Protohistor% of 6ndia and Pa=istan
Codes :
(a (" (c (d
(A 1 * 9 3
($ 3 1 * 9
(' 1 * 3 9
(( 3 1 9 *
Ans ) ($
:. #elect the correct statement a"out the !anaghat 6nscription of the #ata5ahanas;
(A 6t spea=s a"out #ha=a.#ata5ahana conflict
($ 6t refers to the place of origin of #ata5ahanas
(' 6t spea=s a"out the na5% of the #ata5ahanas
(( 6t refers to one of the mother.Aueens of the #ata5ahanas
Ans ) ($
?. Which among the following eEca5ated sites is related to Malwa culture ?
(A !a5adatoli
($ !agda
(' @ran
(( A1adnagar
Ans ) (A
8. 6n which one of the following regions the earliest e5idence of rice culti5ation has come ?
(A 'entral <anga 8alle%
($ $elan 8alle%
(' <omal 8alle%
(( $olan 8alle%
Ans ) ($
9. -orse remains are found at which of the following -arappan sites ?
(A #ur=otadaC &ali"angan and (hola5ira
($ &ali"anganC Manda and #ur=otada
(' #ur=otadaC (hola5ira and Manda
(( #ur=otada and &ali"angan
Ans ) ((
10. 6dentif% the incorrect com"ination among the following;
(A -arappa and <renar%
($ Mohen.+o.daro and the great "ath
(' (hola5ira and single citadel
(( Lothal and (oc=%ard
Ans ) ('
11. At which place among these the rows of distincti5e fire altars with pro5ision of ritual "athing ha5e "een
found ?
(A Mohen.+o.daro
($ -arappa
(' &ali"angan
(( Lothal
Ans ) ('
1*. 7he main focus of the 4ig5edic culture was;
(A 7he 6ndo.<angetic region
($ 7he Pun+a" and (elhi region
(' 7he 6ndus 5alle% region
(( 7he region "etween #wat and 6ndus
Ans ) (A
13. 7he 4ig5edic =ing did not maintain an administrati5e machiner% "ecause;
(A 7he =ing did not wish to ha5e so
($ 7he 4ig5edic econom% was not suita"le to it
(' 7he social structure was not in accordance
(( 7he =ingship was not hereditar%
Ans ) ($
19. Which of the following statements regarding 8edic woman is not correct ?
(A Woman attended assem"lies
($ Woman participated in sacrifices
(' Woman was allowed to ha5e 8edic education
(( 7he famil% was matriarchal
Ans ) ((
1>. Bor what reason the ganasamgha areas ha5e "een indicated as ,mlechchhadesha0 in the post.8edic
period ?
(A A"sence of ran=ing "ased on 5arna
($ 4e+ection of 8edic rituals
(' &illing of cows
(( #pea=ing alien languages
Ans ) ($
1:. With what name the 2ainism referred to "efore the coming of Maha5ir ?
(A 2ina
($ &e5alin
(' !irgranthas
(( 7irthan=aras
Ans ) ((
1?. Which tradition has most importance for deciding the dates of "irth and death of lord $uddha ?
(A 'e%lones 7raditionQMaha5ansa and (eepa5ansa
($ 'hinese 7raditionQ'anton
(' 6ndian $uddhist literatureQA5adana literature
(( 7i"etan 7raditionQ-istorian 7aranath
Ans ) (A
18. Which one of the following ancient cities is not related to the life of <autam $uddha ?
(A 'hampa
($ #a=eta
(' Pataliputra
(( &osam"i
Ans ) ('
19. 7he term ,4upadarsha=a0 denotes what ?
(A 7he super5isor of prostitutes
($ 7he super5isor of ro%al harem
(' 7he super5isor of the Aualit% of coins
(( 7he super5isor of the fol=dancers
Ans ) ('
*0. Which one of the statements is contro5ersial in the conteEt of the treat% of 303 $.'. "etween
'handragupta and #eleucus ?
(A #eleucus surrendered his large territories to 'handragupta
($ 'handragupta made a gift of >00 elephants to #eleucus
(' Megasthenes was sent as a <ree= en5o% to the court of 'handragupta
(( #eleucus ga5e his daughter in marriage to 'handragupta
Ans ) ((
*1. 6n which %ear of Aso=a0s coronation did the &alinga war ta=e place ?
(A Birst
($ Bifth
(' @ighth
(( 7hirteenth
Ans ) ('
**. Which among the following com"inations is correct ?
(A Push%amitra #hungaQPatan+ali
($ &anish=aQ7hera !agasena
(' MenanderQAsh5aghosh
(( 'handragupta 6Q-arishena
Ans ) ('
*3. Which <upta emperor has "een called ,Lichchha5i.dauhitra0 ?
(A #hrigupta
($ 'handragupta 6
(' 'handragupta 66
(( #amudragupta
Ans ) ($
*9. Which &ushana =ing adopted the epithet ,dhrama.thida0 ?
(A 8im &adaphises
($ &u1ul &adaphises
(' &anish=a the <reat
(( -u5ish=a
Ans ) ($
*>. Which of the following inscriptions record the annihilation of -unas ?
(A Pra%ag.Prashasti
($ $hitari 6nscription
(' 2unagarh 6nscription
(( Mandasor 6nscription
Ans ) ('
*:. Who impressed upon -arsha to incline towards $uddhism ?
(A $hi=shu Maha=ash%apa
($ -iuen.7sang
(' 7hera !agasen
(( (iwa=armitra
Ans ) ((
*?. Which =ing is called ,&a5ira+0 in one of his inscriptions ?
(A Pratihara =ing Mihir"ho+a
($ Paramara =ing $ho+a
(' Pala =ing (harmapala
(( 'halu=%a =ing &umarapala
Ans ) ($
*8. Who among these is credited with the construction of ,Pagodas0 at Maha"alipuram ?
(A 'holas
($ 'halu=%as of &al%ani
(' Palla5as
(( Pand%as
Ans ) ('
*9. 7he of collection of re5enue in the Maur%an administration was;
(A #annidhatri
($ Pradeshta
(' Gu=ta
(( #amahatri
Ans ) ((
30. Which of the statements a"out the trade regulation in the Maur%an period is not correct ?
(A 7he state eEercised control o5er the trade process and profits
($ A le5% of 1K10th was fiEed on merchandise
(' 7he state =ept strict 5igil on the sale of merchandise
(( 7he state emplo%ed a few of the artisans directl%
Ans ) ($
31. Which one among the following statements a"out the land.s%stem of post.Maur%an period is not
true ?
(A 7he pri5ate indi5iduals had a"solute right o5er their land
($ 7he pri5ate indi5iduals had limited right to alienation of land
(' 7here is no record to transfer of land non.religious purposes
(( 7he person who "rought the land under culti5ation was the owner
Ans ) ($
3*. Who among the following constituted the local town administration council during the <uptas ?
(A PurupalaC #artha5ahaC Pratham &uli=aC Pratham &a%astha
($ PurupalaC #artha5ahaC (5arapalaC &arni=a
(' #artha5ahaC Pratham &uli=aC Pratham &a%astha
(( PurupalaC Pratham &uli=aC Pratham &a%astha
Ans ) ('
33. Who lamented upon the drain of gold from 4ome to 6ndia ?
(A Ptolem%
($ !ero
(' #tra"o
(( Plin%
Ans ) ((
39. Which of the following statements a"out the agrahara land grant is not correct ?
(A 7he =ing could offer it to an% one
($ 6t was a 5illage granted taEfree to $rahmanas
(' 7he =ing could confiscate it on "eing displeased "% the grantee
(( 6t underlined the pri5ileges of the $rahmanas
Ans ) (A
3>. (e"asement of the coins and gradual disappearance of goldcoins during the post.<upta period
(A 'heapness of commoditiesC no need of gold.coins
($ !on.a5aila"ilit% of gold
(' (ecline of mone% econom%
(( (ecline of 7rade
Ans ) ((
3:. Which new route was added for foreign trade during <upta period ?
(A I5erseas route to #outh Africa
($ I5erseas route to AleEandria
(' I5erland route to 'hina
(( I5erland route to !orth 4ussia
Ans ) ('
3?. 7he most famous "ron1e image of the 'hola period "elongs to;
(A Murugan
($ !atara+a
(' 8en=ateshwar
(( 8ishnu
Ans ) ($
38. Which one among these is not a wor= of &alidasa ?
(A 4itusamhara
($ Meghaduta
(' (asha=umarcharita
(( &umarasham"ha5a
Ans ) ('
39. 7he most important feature of the (ra5ida st%le of temple architecture is;
(A #hi=hara
($ <opuram
(' 8imana
(( Mandapa
Ans ) ('
90. 7he earliest eEample of a ,Pancha%atana0 composition in temple is;
(A (asha5atara templeQ(eogarh
($ 7emple at Pathari
(' #hatrughneshwara temple at $hu"aneshwar
(( La=shmana temple at #irpur
Ans ) (A
91. Who is the writer of ,&ita".ur.4ehla0 ?
(A Maulana #harafuddin Ali Ga1id
($ Amir 7imur
(' 6"n.i.$atuta
(( &hwa+a A"dullah Mali= 6sami
Ans ) ('
9*. Which of these "oo=s was authored "% #ultan Bero1 #hah 7ughlaA himself ?
(A Bautuhat.i.Bero1shahi
($ Batawa.i.2ahandari
(' 7ari=h.i.Bero1shahi
(( 7ughlaAnama
Ans ) (A
93. Which of these "oo=s is not a composition of Amir &husrau ?
(A Firan.u.#adain
($ 7ahAiA.i.-ind
(' Miftah.ul.Butuh
(( !ur.i.#ipihar
Ans ) ($
99. Who among the following =ings formed a confederac% of -indu =ings against Mahmud of <ha1ni ?
(A 2aipala
($ Anandapala
(' $oth 2aipala and Anandpala
(( Anangapala
Ans ) ('
9>. When did the Mahmud of <ha1ni attac= last on 6ndia ?
(A 10*1Q** A.(.
($ 10*9 A.(.
(' 10*> A.(.
(( 10*? A.(.
Ans ) ((
9:. !ame the Ara" astronomer who studied #ans=rit and astronom% for a decade at 8aranasi ?
(A Al"eruni
($ Amir &husrau
(' Al0"idari
(( Al0Masher
Ans ) (A
9?. Who among the following foreign tra5ellers did not 5isit 8i+a%anagar during the time of &rishnadeo
4a%a ?
(A !icolo 'onti
($ Bernao !uni1
(' (omingo Paes
(( (uarte $ar"osa
Ans ) (A
98. Which of these features of 6ndian art was adopted in the construction of MosAues in 6ndia ?
(A 7urned Lotus
($ &alash on the domes
(' Irnamentation
(( All of these
Ans ) ((
99. Who saidC O<od =nows man0s 5irtues and inAuires not his casteH in the neEt world there is no casteP ?
(A &a"ir
($ <uru !ana=
(' 'haitan%a
(( 4amananda
Ans ) (A
>0. Who among these de5otional saints was a co"ler ?
(A 7ulsidas
($ #urdas
(' 4aidas
(( Malu=das
Ans ) ('
>1. Who founded the 8ar=ari sect in Maharashtra ?
(A 7u=aram
($ !amde5
(' 8iso"a &hechar
(( @=nath
Ans ) ('
>*. 7he #ufi concept of Anal -aA was inspired "% the following concept of 8edanta;
(A 7at 7wam Asi (that thou art
($ @=am Ad5aitam (one without the second
(' Aham $rahmasmi (6 am the supreme spirit
(( All of the a"o5e
Ans ) ('
>3. Which Muslim poet of -indi literature in medie5al period wrote poetr% essentiall% on -indu
m%thological heroes ?
(A Fut"an
($ 4asa=han
(' Mulla (aud
(( Amir &husrau
Ans ) ($
>9. Which of the following musical instruments is not composite or 6ndo.6slamic in origin ?
(A #itar
($ #hehnai
(' 7a"la
(( #arangi
Ans ) ($
>>. Which among the following wars Muhammad <hori did not participate himself in 6ndia ?
(A $attle of 7arain in 1191
($ $attle against &annau+ in 1199
(' Against 'halu=%as of Anhilawada in 119?.98
(( Against &ho=haras in 1*0>
Ans ) ('
>:. Who was the 7ur=ish commander who conAuered $ihar and $engal ?
(A Mohammad of <hur
($ &utu" ud.(in Ai"a=
(' 6=hti%ar ud.(in.Muhammad
(( $a=hti%ar &hal+i
Ans ) ((
>?. Where did &utu" ud.(in Ai"a= la% the foundation of ,se5en cities0 in medie5al (elhi ?
(A #iri
($ 7ughlaAa"ad
(' Mehrauli
(( -au1 &has
Ans ) ($
>8. Which #ultan called himself ,!ai".i.&hudai0 ?
(A 6ltutmish
($ $al"an
(' Alauddin &hal+i
(( <hi%asuddin 7ughlaA
Ans ) ($
>9. Which sultan of (elhi refused to read ,&hut"a0 in the name of &halifa for the first time ?
(A Alauddin &hal+i
($ Mohammad."in.7ughlaA
(' #i=andar Lodi
(( 6"rahim Lodi
Ans ) (A
:0. Which (elhi #ultan st%led himself #i=andar.i.sani (the second AleEander ?
(A $al"an
($ Alauddin &hal+i
(' Muhammad."in.7ughlaA
(( #i=andar Lodi
Ans ) ($
:1. 7he d%nast% founded "% &hi1r &han is =nown as #a%%id d%nast% "ecause;
(A -e and his successors adopted the title #a%%id
($ &hi1r &han "elonged to the #a%%id tri"e of eastern 7ur=istan
(' &hi1r &han was the descendant of the prophet Muhammad
(( -e was a scholar of 6slamic theolog%
Ans ) ('
:*. Who were called "arids ?
(A 'raftsmen wor=ing in state wor=shops
($ $od%guards of the sultan
(' of state eEcheAuer
(( 7he sp% reporters
Ans ) ((
:3. Who among the following officers held highest stature in the central go5ernment of the #ultanate ?
(A Fa1i.ul.Mul=
($ !ai".i.Mul=
(' -ead of the Ma+lis.i.&halawat
(( Wa1ir
Ans ) ($
:9. Who among the following did not act as a taE farmer ?
(A 8illage headman
($ Patwari
(' <o5ernor
(( 7ri"utar% chief
Ans ) ((
:>. 6n @arl% Medie5al 6ndia O(osi -attP was;
(A Animal Mar=et
($ Meena $a1ar
(' &apaas ('otton Mar=et
(( #la5e $a1ar
Ans ) ('
::. Who was the founder of independent =ingdom of <u+arat ?
(A Lafar &han
($ 7atar &han
(' #hama &han
(( Ahmad #hah
Ans ) (A
:?. 7he single "iggest item of import to the 8i+a%anagar empire was;
(A Precious stones
($ -orses
(' LuEur% goods
(( 4aw #il=
Ans ) ($
:8. Which contemporar% Mughal historian of the age of A="ar had prepared a list of charges calling him
an enem% of 6slam ?
(A $adauni
($ !iamtullah
(' A""as &han #arwani
(( !i1amuddin Ahmad
Ans ) (A
:9. Who is the writer of ,7a"Aat.i.A="ari0 ?
(A $adauni
($ &hwa+a !i1amuddin Ahmad
(' A"ul Ba1l
(( &hwand Mir
Ans ) ($
?0. Which famous painter among the following did not remain in the court of A="ar ?
(A Barru=h $eg
($ (asawanth
(' Aga 4e1a
(( $asawan
Ans ) (A
?1. Who among the following Mughal princess produced a ,diwan0 (collection of poems with the name
,Ma=hi0 ?
(A -uma%un0s sister <ul"adan $egum
($ #hah 2ahan0s daughter 2ahanara
(' #hah 2ahan0s daughter 4oshanara
(( Aurang1e"0s daughter Li"unnisa
Ans ) ((
?*. Which +eweller foreign tra5eller of the Mughal period has left a detailed account of 7a=ht.i.7aus
(Peacoc= throne ?
(A 7ra5ernier
($ <eronimo 8erroneo
(' ,Imrah0 (anishmand &han
(( Austin of $ordeauE
Ans ) (A
?3. Whom did #her #hah appoint to pro5ide "ed and food to -indu tra5ellers sta%ing at ,#arais0 (rest
houses ?
(A Afghan Muslims
($ Muslims
(' $rahmanas
(( Low caste -indus
Ans ) ((
?9. Which one among the following statements is not correct a"out the agrarian polic% of #her #hah ?
(A #her #hah insisted upon measurement of the sown land
($ #her #hah drew up schedule of rates for state0s share of the different t%pes of crops
(' 7he amount each peasant had to pa% was to "e written down on a paper called ,patta0
(( 7he measuring part was allowed to fiE fee at their will
Ans ) ((
?>. When did Aurang1e" arri5e in (eccan finall% to Auell the re5olt of Marathas ?
(A 1:81
($ 1:8*
(' 1:89
(( 1?00
Ans ) ('
?:. Which among the following is the most important source of information a"out the agrarian conditions
during Mughals ?
(A Ain.i.A="ari
($ A="arnama
(' Munta=ha".ul.Lu"a"
(( 7ari=h.i.Berishta
Ans ) ($
??. What portion of actual produce was fiEed as the demand of the state under the ,La"it0 s%stem ?
(A Ine.half
($ Ine.third
(' Ine.fourth
(( Ine.fifth
Ans ) ($
?8. Which Maratha saint is most importantl% =nown for social reformC national regeneration and the rise of
Maratha power ?
(A @=nath
($ 7u=aram
(' #amartha 4amdas
(( 8aman Pandit
Ans ) ('
?9. 7he chief gain to #hi5a+i from his raids of #urat in 1::9 and 1:?0 was;
(A 6mmense increase in his prestige
($ (emoralisation of the Mughal forces
(' 'apture of the @nglish factor%
(( A lot of "oot%
Ans ) ((
80. What was the unit of measurement of land in Maratha dominion ?
(A &athi
($ 7ana"
(' 2ari"
(( (aftari "igha
Ans ) (A
81. -ow did Portuguese firstl% affect 6ndian trade and industr% ?
(A $% forcing <u+arat and 'alicut to a"andon construction of ships or e5en armed rowing "oats
($ $% monopolising port.toport trade on the Mala"ar coast and the trade from 6ndian to Persian coast
(' 6n "oth (A and ($ wa%s a"o5e
(( $% dictating the prices of horses imported "% nati5e 6ndian powers after ousting Ara"s
Ans ) ($
8*. What was the occasion of handing o5er of Mum"ai ($om"a% to $ritishers "% the Portuguese ?
(A Breedom of Portuguese from the control of #pain
($ Marriage of 'harles 66 with the Portuguese princess 'atherine of $ragan1a
(' 'rushing of #panish Armada "% $ritish in 1>88
(( 7he 7reat% of Madrid in 1:30
Ans ) ($
83. What made 2ahangir to issue a farman in 1:13 A.(. to the @nglish to esta"lish a factor% at #urat ?
(A 4econciliation "etween the @nglish and Portuguese
($ A secret offer of na5al help to the Mughal emperor to oust the Portuguese
(' A hea5% dose of "ri"e to !ur 2ahan
(( 7he defeat of Portuguese na5al sAuadrons "% the @nglish
Ans ) ((
89. 7he 6ndian port(s utili1ed "% (utch for their trade in 6ndia wasKwere;
(A Pulicat
($ Masulipattam
(' !agapattam
(( All of these
Ans ) ((
8>. 7he founder of Brench @ast 6ndia 'ompan% for trade in 6ndia was;
(A 'ol"ert
($ Brancois Martin
(' Brancois 'aron
(( (e La -a%e
Ans ) (A
8:. Where was the first Presidenc% of @nglish @ast 6ndia 'ompan% in 6ndia ?
(A 'hennai (Madras
($ Masulipattam
(' #urat
(( -ugli
Ans ) ('
8?. Aurang1e" ordered the arrest of all @nglishmen and the sei1ure of all @nglish factories throughout his
dominionC "ecause;
(A 7he @nglish had refused to pa% local duties in $engal
($ 7he @nglish had attac=ed the Mughal ships on the western coast
(' 7he @nglish were fortif%ing their trading stations
(( All of the a"o5e
Ans ) ((
88. 7he @nglish eEported from $engal;
(A #ugar
($ #altpetre
(' #il=s
(( All of these
Ans ) ('
89. 7he immediate cause of #ira+.uddaula0s campaign against the @nglish in 1?>? was;
(A 7he refusal of the @nglish to pa% taEes on their goods
($ 7he le5%ing of hea5% duties "% the @nglish on 6ndian goods entering &ol=ata ('alcutta
(' Additional fortification of &ol=ata ('alcutta without the permission or e5en the =nowledge of the
(( 7he @nglish ta=ing up the cause of #hau=ut 2angC a ri5al of #ira+.ud.daula
Ans ) (A
90. -ow was the control of compan% in $engal legitimi1ed ?
(A 7he imperial grant of the ,diwani0 of $engalC $ihar and Irissa "% #hah Alam 66
($ 7he treat% with Mir Lafar after the "attle of Plasse% in 1?>?
(' 7he treat% with Mir Lafar after the "attle of $uEar in 1?:9
(( 7he treat% of Be"ruar% 1?:> with !i1am.ud.daula
Ans ) ((
91. 7he first serious "low inflicted "% the @nglish on 6ndia0s handloom industr% was;
(A (ut% imposed on the looms
($ 'ompulsion of wea5ers to sell their goods on dictated prices
(' #hortage of cotton due to eEport of raw.cotton
(( 6nfiltration of cash crops li=e indigo and opium in the cottongrowing area
Ans ) ($
9*. Which of the following statements is not applica"le to the Mahalwari settlement ?
(A 6t was a permanant measure introduced as an impro5ement on the other two measures
($ 6t was applied to each 5illage and the estate separatel%
(' 7he go5ernment instead of coming in contract with the culti5ator made settlement with the 5illage
communit% as a whole
(( 6t was introduced in the <angetic 5alle%C the Pun+a" and the parts of 'entral 6ndia
Ans ) (A
93. Which of the following statements a"out the new landlords is not correct ?
(A 7he% were town dwelling merchants and mone%ed classes with no roots in the 5illage
($ 7he% were free to harass the culti5ators
(' 7he% were mere rent collecting a"sentee "usinessmen
(( 7he% had con5erted the peasants to mere culti5ators "% ta=ing awa% their traditional rights o5er their
Ans ) ('
99. Which of the following reasons is not correct with regard to the decline of econom% of 6ndia during
@nglish rule ?
(A Lac= of Aualification and technical s=ill in the 6ndians
($ Bailure to get o5erseas mar=et due to lac= sea power
(' /nprotected indigenous industr% due to wea= guild organi1ations
(( Lac= of the class of industrial enterpri1ers in 6ndia
Ans ) (A
9>. Who first eEpounded the theor% of ,economic drain0 of 6ndia during the $ritish rule ?
(A 4a+a 4am Mohan 4o%
($ 4amesh 'handa (utt
(' (ada"hai !aoro+i
(( #urendra !ath $aner+ee
Ans ) ('
9:. What among the following factors was not applica"le to the conditions of a"+ect po5ert% in 6ndia during
the $ritish rule ?
(A (eca% of Agricultural production and indigenuous industries
($ 6n5estment of foreign capital in 6ndia
(' 6nsufficient growth of modern industries
(( -igh taEation
Ans ) ($
9?. Who among these was not a part of triple alliance on the e5e of first Anglo.M%sore war of 1?:?.:9 ?
(A 7he @nglish
($ !i1am of -%dera"ad
(' 7he Marathas
(( 4a+a of 7ra5ancore
Ans ) ((
98. 7ipu #ultan was ahead of his contemporaries in man% respect "ecause;
(A -e understood the threat posed "% @nglish to the 6ndian powers
($ -e understood the importance of strong economic "ase for the militar% power
(' -e understood the importance of modern trade and industr%
(( All of the a"o5e
Ans ) ((
99. Who among the following Maratha chiefs was the last to enter into a su"sidiar% alliance with the
@nglish ?
(A 7he Peshwas
($ -ol=ar
(' $honsle
(( #cindia
Ans ) ($
100. In what condition Wellesl% agreed to help Peshwa $a+irao 66 ?
(A -is agreeing to the a"olition of the office of the Peshwa after his death
($ An underhand transaction of 4s. 1> la=h
(' -is consent to the su"sidiar% alliance
(( -is agreeing to dispossess #cindia from his fief
Ans ) ('
101. Brom whom did the @nglish secure the rights of dut% free trade after $engal ?
(A !awa" of Awadh
($ 4a+a of $anaras
(' 7he !i1am of -%dera"ad
(( 7he 2ats of $haratpur
Ans ) (A
10*. With whom did 4a+a 4an+it #ingh conclude the treat% of Lahore in 180: which ga5e him freedom to
eEpand north of #utle+ ?
(A Peshwa $a+irao 66
($ -ol=ar of 6ndore
(' #cindia of <walior
(( @ast 6ndia 'ompan%
Ans ) ((
103. Who among the following did not "ecome a pre% of (alhousie0s polic% of a"sorption ?
(A #atara
($ !agpur
(' #cindia
(( M%sore
Ans ) ((
109. Wh% did Mum"ai ($om"a% and 'hennai (Madras not +oin the re5olt of 18>? along with northern
pro5inces ?
(A 7he% failed to find necessar% leadership due to r%otwari settlement
($ 7he% had remained comparati5el% free from anneEations and confiscations
(' 7he% had more tolerant and enlightened administrators
(( 7he% were at a great distance from &ol=ata ('alcuttaC the seat of $ritish administration
Ans ) ((
10>. What was the grie5iest cause of discontent among soldiers "efore the re5olt of 18>? ?
(A Fuestion of promotion and pa%
($ !on.o"ser5ance of caste distinctions
(' BreAuent campaigns in distant lands
(( A"sence of a proper and eAuita"le procedure for discipline and control
Ans ) (A
10:. Who led the re5olt of 18>? in Luc=now ?
(A 7at%a 7ope
($ Maul5i Ahmadullah #hah
(' $ir+is Fadir
(( $egum -a1rat Mahal
Ans ) ((
10?. Who among the following saidC OIne religionC one caste and one <od for man=indP ?
(A 2%oti"a Phule
($ 8i5e=ananda
(' #ri !ara%an <uru
(( (r. $. 4. Am"ed=ar
Ans ) ('
108. Which is called the ,magna carta0 of western education s%stem in 6ndia ?
(A 7he report of the 'ommittee of Pu"lic 6nstructionC 18*3
($ 7he 'harter Act of 1833
(' 4eport of the -unter 'ommissionC 18:*
(( (espatch of #ir 'harles WoodC #ecretar% of #tateC 18>9
Ans ) ((
109. Which of the following organi1ations did 4a+a 4am Mohan 4o% concei5e of ahead of his times ?
(A World 'ourt of 2ustice
($ @conomic 'ommunit%
(' League of !ations
(( 'ommon Mar=et
Ans ) ('
110. Who guided the esta"lishment of Prarthana #ama+ in Maharashtra ?
(A &eshu" 'hunder #en
($ Lo=hitwadi
(' #hi"nath #hastri
(( (e"endranath 7agore
Ans ) (A
111. Which of the following "oo=s does not match with its author ?
(A (ada"hai !aoro+i;,Po5ert% and /n.$ritish 4ule in 6ndia0
($ 4. '. (utt;,@conomic -istor% of 6ndia0
(' Mahatma <andhi;,-ind #wara+0
(( (. 4. <adgil;,6ndian 6ndustr%C 7oda% and 7omorrow0
Ans ) ((
11*. 6n 19** O$hil #e5a MandalP was esta"lished "%;
(A !arain Malhar 2oshi
($ Amritlal 8itthaldas 7ha==ar
(' 2%oti"a Phule
(( $a"a Amte
Ans ) ($
113. In what ground the second split in 'ongress too= place in 1918 ?
(A Luc=now Pact
($ Montague (eclaration
(' @lection of Mrs. Annie $esant as the President of the 'ongress in 191?
(( $oth ($ and (' a"o5e
Ans ) ($
119. $% which Act the Pu"lic #er5ice 'ommission was first esta"lished in 6ndia ?
(A 7he 6ndian 'ouncil ActC 189*
($ 7he Act of 1909
(' 7he <o5ernment of 6ndia ActC 1919
(( 7he <o5ernment of 6ndia ActC 193>
Ans ) ('
11>. Who was the mastermind of "om" attac= on Lord -ardinge at 'handani 'how=C (elhi in 191* ?
(A 4as"ehari $ose
($ $hai Paramanand
(' #achindranath #an%al
(( #ohan Lal Patha=
Ans ) (A
11:. Who was selected as the first sat%agrahi "% Mahatma <andhi to "egin the indi5idual sat%agraha in
1990 ?
(A '. 4a+agopalachari
($ 8alla"h"hai Patel
(' 2.$. &ripalani
(( (r. 4a+endra Prasad
Ans ) ($
11?. Who was the founder president of -ari+an #e5a= #amgha founded "% Mahatma <andhi ?
(A Mahade5 (esai
($ <. (. $irla
(' Amrit Lal 7ha==ar
(( $. 4. Am"ed=ar
Ans ) ('
118. What was the pro5ocation "ehind the damand of separate electorate etc. under fourteen points of
2innah ?
(A Bear of the ma+orit% rule
($ 'ommunal politics of -indu Mahasa"ha and #i=h League
(' (isagreement with the proposals contained in the !ehru report
(( 7he challenge of the $ritish go5ernment for drawing up an agreed 'onstitution of 6ndia
Ans ) ('
119. What was the reason for the re+ection of the <o5ernment of 6ndia ActC 193> "% the 'ongress ?
(A 7he 6ndians were not consulted
($ 6t was stalling the esta"lishment of people0s go5ernment
(' 7he pro5isions made in the name pro5incial autonom% were 5iolati5e of democratic rights
(( All of the a"o5e
Ans ) ((
1*0. When did <andhi+i go to fast unto death for the first time ?
(A At the time of 'ommunal award
($ At the time of riots in &ol=atta ('alcutta
(' At the time of riots in (elhi
(( At the time of 2allianwala $agh traged%
Ans ) ((
Indian History Questions
1. Which of the following was started first "% Mahatma <andhi ?
(A !on.cooperation
($ 'i5il (iso"edience
(' Fuit 6ndia Mo5ement
(( 'hamparan
Ans ) ((
*. Mahatma <andhi used for the first time hunger stri=e as a weapon during;
(A &heda #at%agraha
($ Ahmeda"ad #tri=e
(' $ardoli #at%agraha
(( 'hamparan #at%agraha
Ans ) ($
3. 7he (andi March is associated with;
(A Partition of $engal
($ &hilafat Mo5ement
(' !on.cooperation Mo5ement
(( 'i5il (iso"edience Mo5ement
Ans ) ((
9. Which one of the following leaders did not support the ,&hilafat Mo5ement0 ?
(A #wami #hraddhanand
($ Madan Mohan Mal5i%a
(' Mohammad Ali 2innah
(( 2awahar Lal !ehru
Ans ) ('
>. Ali "rothers are related to which of the following ?
(A &hilafat Mo5ement
($ Fuit 6ndia Mo5ement
(' 6ndian !ational 'ongress
(( Bascism
Ans ) (A
:. 7he =e% leaders of &hilafat Mo5ement were;
(A #%ed Ahmad &han and Agha =han
($ Mohammad Ali and #hau=at Ali
(' Muhammad 6A"al and #alimullah &han
(( Muhammad Ali 2innah and #i=andar -a%at &han
Ans ) ($
?. At which place was the All 6ndia &hilafat 'onference held in 1919 ?
(A Luc=now
($ (elhi
(' Aligarh
(( Por"andar
Ans ) ($
8. Who organi1ed the #at%agraha #a"ha whose mem"ers too= a pledge to diso"e% the 4owlatt Acts ?
(A #aifuddin &itchlew
($ Motilal !ehru
(' Maulana #hau=at Ali
(( Mahatma <andhi
Ans ) ((
9. What prompted the $ritish <o5ernment to arrest <andhi and get him con5icted after the suspension of
the !on.cooperation mo5ement ?
(A 6t wanted to create terror in the hearts of other nationalists
($ 6t wanted to ensure that there was no resurgence of the mo5ement
(' 6t wanted to sa5e <andhi from pu"lic disgrace for suspending the mo5ement
(( 6t too= ad5antage of the di5ision among the nationalist forces caused "% the suspension of the !on.
cooperation Mo5ement.
Ans ) ((
10. 7he resolution for non.cooperation was passed "%;
(A $% the 'ongress at the special session held in 'alcutta in 19*0
($ $% the &hilafat 'ommittee
(' $% <andhi immediatel% after the 2allianwalla $agh 7raged%
(( #imultaneousl% "% the 'ongress and &hilafat 'ommittee
Ans ) (A
11. 7he "o%cott of foreign cloth during the !on.cooperation Mo5ement;
(A Was not agreea"le to the masses
($ 'aused a stri=ing fall in the 5alue of imports of foreign cloth in 19*1.**
(' -ad little impact on the econom%
(( Made the go5ernment relaE controls on eEports of 6ndian goods
Ans ) ($
1*. -ow did the !on.cooperation Mo5ement affect the 'ongress?
(A 6t "ecame a more "usiness li=e "od% with a Wor=ing 'ommittee and 'onstitution
($ Ince again the control shifted from moderates to eEtremists
(' Brom constitutional agitation it changed its method to passi5e resistance
(( 6t "ecame the leader of the masses in the nationalist struggle to win freedom from $ritish rule
Ans ) ((
13. 6n which district is (andi associated with the March of <andhiC is located ?
(A Mehsana
($ $hu+
(' !ausari
(( (war=a
Ans ) ('
19. Which one of the following is not correct a"out Mahatma <andhi0s (andi March ?
(A 6t was a pedestrian March
($ 6t "egan with 8 #at%agrahis comprising -indusC Muslims and 'hristians
(' 6ts moti5e was to 5iolate salt law
(( 4eaching the sea.shore Mahatma <andhi did not manufacture the salt
Ans ) ((
1>. What is the correct chronological order of <andhian Mo5ements ?
1. 4owlatt Acts Mo5ement
*. &hera Mo5ement
3. 'hamparan Mo5ement
9. Ahmeda"ad Mill stri=e
(A 3C 9C *C 1
($ 3C *C 9C 1
(' *C 3C 9C 1
(( *C 3C 1C 9
Ans ) (A
1:. With which e5ent did the 'i5il (iso"edience Mo5ement started ?
(A Prohi"ition of wine
($ $rea=ing salt law
(' Protesting high land 4e5enue
(( $o%cotting foreign clothes
Ans ) ($
1?. In which occasion the slogan ,!agpur 'halo0 was raised ?
(A (andi March
($ !on.cooperation Mo5ement
(' Fuit 6ndia Mo5ement
(( 2handa #at%agrah
Ans ) ((
18. When did &astur"a <andhi die in prison ?
(A 190>
($ 1919
(' 1939
(( 1999
Ans ) ((
19. 7he main reason for critici1ing the <andhi.6rwin pact was;
(A 'ommunal electorate
($ $anning of peaceful processions
(' Lac=ed the pro5ision of sa5ing the hangings of freedom fighters
(( Amnest% to the political prisoners
Ans ) ('
*0. What was the immediate reaction of the go5ernment to the #alt #at%agraha and the (andi March ?
(A 7he go5ernment resorted to repressi5e measures
($ 6t too= measures to pre5ent the mischief from spreading
(' 6t did not ta=e it seriousl%
(( 7he 'ongress was "anned
Ans ) ('
1. Aur"indo <hosh was defended in the Alipur conspirac% case "%;
(A 7e+ $ahadur #apru
($ Motilal !ehru
(' 2awahar Lal !ehru
(( 'hitran+an (as
Ans ) ((
*. Who among the following founded the -industan 4epu"lican Arm% (or Association in 19*9 ?
(A #ur%a #en
($ 8. (. #a5ar=ar
(' #achindra !ath #an%al
(( $atu=eshwar (utta
Ans ) ('
3. Who ga5e the title of 4ani to the !aga woman leader <aidinliu ?
(A 2awahar Lal !ehru
($ #ardar Patel
(' Mahatma <andhi
(( '. 4. (as
Ans ) (A
9. !ame the great 6ndian re5olutionar% who was a professor of #ans=rit and Philosoph% and died as a
#an%asi in Philadelphia ?
(A Lala -arda%al
($ $hai Parmanand
(' Madan Lal (hingra
(( #h%am+i &rishna 8arma
Ans ) (A
>. 6n which place Be"ruar% *1C 191> was fiEed as the date for an armed re5olt "% the <hadarites ?
(A $om"a%
($ Madras
(' Pun+a"
(( $engal
Ans ) ('
:. 7he -industan #ocialist 4epu"lican Association was founded in;
(A 19**
($ 19*9
(' 19*:
(( 19*8
Ans ) ((
?. !ame the woman re5olutionar% who shot the <o5ernor of $engal while recei5ing her degree at the
con5ocation of the uni5ersit% of 'alcutta ?
(A Lila (atta
($ Preeti Lata Wade=ar
(' &alpana <angul%
(( $ina (as
Ans ) ((
8. 7he -industan #ocialist 4epu"lican Association Mo5ement ended with the death of;
(A 4amprasad $ismil
($ 'handra #he=har A1ad
(' #ur%a #en
(( $hagat #ingh
Ans ) ($
9. Which re5olutionar% said the followingC ,,We shall "e "orn againC shall meet again and shall +ointl% fight
once again for the cause of the motherland as ?
(A 'handra #he=har A1ad
($ 4amprasad $ismil
(' 4a+endra Lahiri
(( AshfaAuallah &han
Ans ) ($
10. Which association sprang us in $engal during the #wadeshi Mo5ement ?
(A Anushilan #amiti
($ #wadeshi #amiti
(' &ranti=ari #amiti
(( 2ugantar #amiti
Ans ) ((
11. Which of the following was not hanged in connection with the &a=ori 'onspirac% 'ase ?
(A $hagat #ingh
($ AshfaAullah &han
(' 4a+endra Lahiri
(( 4oshan #ingh
Ans ) (A
1*. 7he first tri"al leader who was inspired "% Mahatma <andhi and his ideolog% was;
(A Alluri #itaram 4a+u
($ 2adonang
(' 2ha"=ar $apa
(( 4ani <aidinliu
Ans ) ($
13. Which among the following was sentenced to death in the -ardinge $om" 'ase ?
(A #ohan #ingh $ha=na
($ Asutosh 'houdhar%
(' $hai $al Mu=und
(( 4as $ehari $ose
Ans ) ('
19. Who among the following was awarded the 'hina Medal for ta=ing part in 'hina war of 1900 ?
(A Mahara+a <anga #ingh
($ Mahara+a #umer #ingh
(' Mahara+a Bateh #ingh
(( Mahara+a 2ai #ingh
Ans ) (A
1>. Mr. Philip #pratC an @nglish man was tried under which conspirac% case ?
(A Lahore conspirac% case
($ &anpur conspirac% case
(' Meerut conspirac% case
(( 'hittagong conspirac% case
Ans ) ('
1:. <adar.(al was founded at;
(A $erlin
($ 7o=%o
(' Washington
(( #an Brancisco
Ans ) ((
1?. 7he differences "etween the Moderates and the @Etremists led to a split in 'ongress at its session
held in 190? at;
(A #urat
($ 'alcutta
(' !agpur
(( Madras
Ans ) (A
18. Who among the following was =nown as the <rand Ild Man of 6ndian politics ?
(A $ipin 'handra Pal
($ (ada"hai !auro+i
(' #urendra !ath $anner+ee
(( 4as"ehari $ose
Ans ) ($
19. 7he most re5olutionar% secret organi1ation of $engal was;
(A A"hina5a $harat
($ Mitra Mela
(' <hadar Part%
(( Anushilan #amiti
Ans ) (A
*0. 6.!.A. (6ndian !ational Arm% trial too= place in the;
(A 'alcutta -igh 'ourt
($ #upreme 'ourt
(' Bederal 'ourt
(( 4ed Bort
Ans ) ((
1. Who said the following ,,the $ritish empire is rotten to the coreC corrupt in e5er% direction and t%rannical
and mean00 ?
(A Mrs. Annie $esant
($ W. (ig"%
(' #ister !i5edita
(( William Wedder"urn
Ans ) ('
*. $adruddin 7ai%a"+i was an acti5e mem"er of;
(A 'ommunist Part% of 6ndia
($ 2ansangh
(' 6ndian !ational 'ongress
(( Muslim League
Ans ) ('
3. Who founded 6ndian !ational 'ongress on 188> ?
(A A.I. -ume
($ 2. L. !ehru
(' Willaim Wedder"urn
(( 2.4.(. 7ata
Ans ) (A
9. An association which merged with the 'ongress in 188: was the;
(A @ast 6ndian Association
($ 6ndian !ational 'onference
(' $ritish 6ndian Association
(( 6ndian League
Ans ) ($
>. 7he term ,'ongress0 was deri5ed from;
(A 6rish histor%
($ $ritish 'ommonwealth
(' 7he name of the American Parliament
(( 7he histor% of !orth America
Ans ) ((
:. Who among the following ne5er "ecame President of the 6ndian !ational 'ongress ?
(A $. <. 7ila=
($ #.'. $ose
(' <.&. <o=hale
(( Annie $esant
Ans ) ('
?. Which of the following ma% "e considered draw"ac=s of the earl% phase of the 'ongress acti5ities ?
6. Preser5ation of caste and communal considerations presenting mass in5ol5ement.
66. 6t was confined to the educated middle class.
666. !o proper understanding of the eEploitati5e nature of $ritish economic policies.
68. Misplaced faith in the "ene5olence and fairmindedness of the $ritish rulers.
(A 6 and 68
($ 66 and 666
(' 6 and 66
(( 666 and 68
Ans ) ('
8. Who was the first @nglishmen to preside o5er a 'ongress session?
(A <eorge Gule
($ (ufferin
(' W. Wedder"urn
(( !one of these
Ans ) (A
9. Who is =nown as the Bather of 6ndian /nrest ?
(A (ada"hai !auro+i
($ <. &. <o=hale
(' Mahatma <andhi
(( $al <angadhar 7ila=
Ans ) ((
10. 7he num"er of delegates who attended the first session of the 6ndian !ational 'ongressC was;
(A ?>0
($ ?>
(' ?*0
(( ?*
Ans ) ((
11. Arrange the following in chronological order;
6. #urat split
66. Partition of $engal
666. Boundation of Muslim League
68. 'ongress session drafts its constitution
(A 68C 66C 666C 6
($ 666C 66C 6C 68
(' 66C 68C 666C 6
(( 66C 666C 6C 68
Ans ) ((
1*. Who attended the imperial dur"ar of 18?? dressed in hand.spun =hadi ?
(A M.<. 4anade
($ 4a"indra !ath 7agore
(' <anesh 8asude5 2oshi
(( -a=im A+mal &han
Ans ) ('
13. Who was the President of 6ndian !ational 'ongress at the time of independence ?
(A 2. $. &ripalani
($ Maulana A"ul &alam A1ad
(' (r. 4a+endra Prasad
(( 2awahar Lal !ehru
Ans ) (A
19. 6n which of the following session of 6ndian !ational 'ongress the resolution of #wadeshi was
adopted ?
(A Madras session of 1903
($ $om"a% session of 1909
(' $enaras session of 190>
(( 'alcutta session of 190:
Ans ) ((
1>. Arrange the following e5ents in chronological order on the "asis of codes gi5en "elow )
1. 7he #urat 'ongress
*. March from #a"armati Ashram to (andi.
3. 4owlatt Act
9. <andhi.6rwin Pact.
Code :
(A 3C *C 1C 9
($ 1C 3C *C 9
(' *C 1C 3C 9
(( 1C *C 9C 3
Ans ) ($
1:. When did the $ritish pass a law ma=ing it an offence to preach nationalism ?
(A 189*
($ 1898
(' 1900
(( 1909
Ans ) ($
1?. Mahatma <andhi was the President of 6ndian !ational 'ongress onl% once at;
(A Allaha"ad
($ <uwahati
(' $elgaun
(( &a=inada
Ans ) ('
18. Which of the following e5ents was the last in chronological order?
(A -ome 4ule Mo5ement
($ &hilafat Mo5ement
(' 2allianwalla $agh Massacre
(( Mopala 4e5olt
Ans ) ((
19. Which of the following Muslim Leaders was not one of the founding fathers of the All 6ndia Muslim
League ?
(A !awa" Moshin.ul.Mul=
($ Maulana A"ul &alamA1ad
(' Aga &han
(( !awa" #alimullah of (acca
Ans ) ($
*0. 7he first President of Muslim League was;
(A #alimullah &han
($ Aga &han
(' MustaA -ussain
(( #ir #%ed Ahmad &han
Ans ) (A
1. 7he Bather of Muslim 4enaissance in $engal was;
(A #%ed Ahmad &han
($ Ameer Ali
(' !awa" A"dul Latif &han
(( !awa" #amiullah &han
Ans ) ($
*. Who was the founder of ,#at%a #hodha= #ama+0 ?
(A Atmaram Pandurang
($ <opal -ari (eshmu=h
(' M. <. 4anade
(( 2%oti"a Phule
Ans ) ((
3. Which of the following #ocioreligious Mo5ements raised the slogan ) ,6ndia for 6ndians0 ?
(A Prarthana #ama+
($ $rahmo #ama+
(' Ar%a #ama+
(( #at%a #hodha= #ama+
Ans ) ('
9. Who was the first President of the 6ndian -ome 4ule League esta"lished in April 191: ?
(A 2oseph $apista
($ Annie $esant
(' !.'. &el=ar
(( $.<. 7ila=
Ans ) (A
>. Which of the following did not contri"ute in a ma+or wa% to the growth of a nationalist consciousness in
6ndia ?
(A 6mpact of western education
($ 'onsistent economic eEploitation of 6ndia "% the $ritish
(' 4e5i5alist Mo5ements of the 19th centur%
(( World pu"lic opinion
Ans ) ((
:. 7he ,$om"a% 7rium5irate0 consisted of all the following eEcept;
(A (ada"hai !auro+i
($ &.7. 7elang
(' Phero1eshah Mehta
(( $adruddin 7%a"+i
Ans ) (A
?. 7he 7heosophical #ociet% was founded in the /.#.A. "%;
(A (r. Annie $esant
($ A. I. -ume
(' 7ila= and <o=hale
(( Madam $la5ats=% and Ilcott
Ans ) ((
8. An important reason for social and religious reforms in nineteenth centur% was;
(A #cientific in5entions
($ 6ndustrial re5olution
(' Western education and awa=ening
(( 6nfluence of !ewspapers
Ans ) ('
9. Which famous social reformer wrote the "oo=s ,2nana Goga0C ,&arma Goga0 and ,4a+ Goga0 ?
(A M. <. 4anade
($ #wami 8i5e=anand
(' 4am=rishna Paramhansa
(( 4a+a 4am Mohan 4o%
Ans ) ($
10. Who was the <o5ernor <eneral of 6ndia when the 6ndian !ational 'ongress was formed ?
(A Lord 'helmsford
($ Lord (alhousie
(' Lord (ufferin
(( !one of these
Ans ) ('
11. Which of the following did not influence the growth of nationalist sentiments against the $ritish rule in
the first few %ears of the twentieth centur% ?
(A $ritish re5erses in the $oer War
($ 6tal%0s defeat "% @thopia
(' 7he esta"lishment of the &erens=% <o5ernment in 4ussia
(( 2apanese defeat of 4ussia
Ans ) ('
1*. Which of the following cannot "e considered a cause for the rise of @Etremism ?
(A 7he reactionar% policies of Lord L%tton
($ 7he failure of the moderates to achie5e an%thing significant through their methods
(' #erious pro"lem of unemplo%ment among the educated 6ndians
(( !one of the a"o5e
Ans ) (A
13. Who saidC ,,7he 'ongress is in realit% a ci5il war without arms00?
(A W. Wedder"urn
($ W. (ig"%
(' (.W. $ethune
(( Lord (ufferin
Ans ) ($
19. Which of the following was not a method adopted "% the @Etremists ?
(A Promoting the use of #wadeshi
($ $o%cott of schoolsC courts and go5ernment ser5ice
(' $urning down shops and godowns storing foreign clothes
(( Launching national education schemes and "uilding the national spirit
Ans ) ('
1>. Icto"er 1:C 190>C the date of partition of $engalC was cele"rated on the suggestion of 4a"indra !ath
7agoreC as;
(A 4a=hi $andhan (a%
($ $rotherhood (a%
(' #olidarit% (a%
(( $lac= (a%
Ans ) (A
1:. After the #urat splitC the 'ongress;
(A Was temporaril% dis"anded
($ Was "anned "% the $ritish <o5ernment
(' Went to the @Etremists
(( 4emained under the control of the Moderates
Ans ) ((
1?. 7he first Muslim President of 6ndian !ational 'ongress was;
(A -a=im A1mal &han
($ A"ul &alam A1ad
(' 4afi Ahmad &idwai
(( $adruddin 7ai%a"+i
Ans ) ((
18. Who was instrumental in "ringing the @Etremists and the Moderates together at Luc=now ?
(A <o=hale
($ 7ila=
(' Annie $esant
(( !one of these
Ans ) ('
19. 6n the "eginning the political acti5ities of the Muslim League were directed against;
(A 7he li"eral socio.religious reformers
($ 7he -indus and the 6ndian !ational 'ongress
(' 7he $ritish <o5ernment
(( 7he landlords and the 1amindars
Ans ) ($
*0. 7he 4ed 'rescent #ociet% was concerned with;
(A 'ommunists
($ <etting a separate state for Muslims e5en through "lood shed
(' 4e5olutionar% acti5ities in Pun+a"
(( Pro5iding medical help to the 7ur=ish troops in the $al=an War
Ans ) ((
1. Which one of the following pro5ed to "e (alhousie0s worst political "lunder ?
(A AnneEation of Pun+a"
($ Iccupation of lower $urma
(' A"olition of the ,(octrine of Lapse0
(( AnneEation of Iudh
Ans ) ((
*. 7he leader of the re5olt of 18>? in $ihar was;
(A &unwar #ingh
($ !ana #ahe"
(' 7antia 7ope
(( Mangal Pande%
Ans ) (A
3. 7he writer of ,,6ndian War of 6ndependenceC 18>?00 is;
(A 4.' Ma+umdar
($ 8.(. #a5ar=ar
(' #.$. 'haudhar%
(( #.!. #en
Ans ) ($
9. Who called the 18>? re5olt ,,a planned war of !ational 6ndependence00 ?
(A $en+amin (israeli
($ #ir 2ohn #eele%
(' 8.(. #a5ar=ar
(( #.!. #en
Ans ) ('
>. 7he leader of the 18>? 4e5olt in (elhi was;
(A $ahadur #hah Lafar
($ $a=ht &han
(' $egum Linat Mahal
(( &han $ahadur &han
Ans ) (A
:. Which of the following pairs is not correctl% matched ?
(A /ma+i !ai=;4amosi 4ising
($ 7ipu;Pagal Panthi
(' -a+i #hariat;(eo"ond Mo5ement
(( #%ed Ahmad 4ai"arel5i;Waha"i Mo5ement
Ans ) ('
?. Which of the following was a precursor of the 18>? re5olt ?
(A 6ndigo re5olt
($ #an%asi re5olt
(' /lgulan
(( Pa"na rising
Ans ) ($
8. 7he pla% ,!eeldarpan0 is associated with the;
(A #anthal 4e5olt
($ Pa"na 4iots
(' 6ndigo 4e5olts
(( 'hamparan #at%agraha
Ans ) ('
9. Which of the following is not correctl% matched?
(A $hil re5olt;1818Q31
($ #tara re5olt;1819
(' &ittur re5olt;18*9
(( <ad=ari re5olt;1899
Ans ) ($
10. 7he tri"al leader who was regarded as an incarnation of <od and father of the world was;
(A !ana= $hil
($ 2agia $hagat
(' $irsa Munda
(( #iddhu #antha
Ans ) ('
11. According to which famous political leader of $ritain the re5olt of 18>? is descri"ed as a ,!ational
4ising0 ?
(A 'anning
($ <ladstone
(' Palmerstone
(( (israeli
Ans ) ((
1*. Who was the founder leader of ,Muslim BaAirs0 ?
(A Ma+nun #hah
($ (adu Mian
(' 7ipu
(( 'hirag Ali #hah
Ans ) (A
13. Who among the following is =nown as the ,father of renaissance0 of Western 6ndia?
(A $.M. Mala"ari
($ M.<. 4anade
(' 4. <. $handar=ar
(( &.7. 7elang
Ans ) ($
19. Who is =nown as the -indu Luther of !orthern 6ndia during 19th centur% was ?
(A (a%anand #araswati
($ 6shwar 'handra 8id%asagar
(' 4adha=ant (e5
(( &esha5 'handra #en
Ans ) ($
1>. Who inspired the %oung $engal Mo5ement in the 19th centur% ?
(A 4am 7anu Lahiri
($ -enr% 8i5ian (oro1e5
(' 4asi= &umar Mali=
(( Pi%are 'hand Mitra
Ans ) ($
1:. Who is regarded as the ,Bather of Modern 6ndia0 ?
(A M. <. 4anade
($ Mahatma <andhi
(' &esha5 'handra #en
(( 4am Mohan 4o%
Ans ) ((
1?. Who is =nown as ,Mother of 6ndian 4e5olution0 ?
(A 4ama $ai
($ $hi=a+i 4ustam &ama
(' Annie $esant
(( #aro+ini !aidu
Ans ) ($
18. Who was the founder of 4am=rishna Mission ?
(A #wami (a%anand #araswati
($ &esha5 'handra #en
(' #wami 8i5e=anand
(( 4am &rishna Paramhansa
Ans ) ('
19. Who esta"lished the ,8edanta #ociet%0?
(A &esha5 'handra #en
($ (e5endra !ath 7agore
(' 8i5e=anand
(( 4am Mohan 4o%
Ans) ('
*0. &umaran Asan is associated with the #ocial 4enaissance of;
(A &erala
($ 7amilnadu
(' Andhra Pradesh
(( !one of the a"o5e
Ans ) (A
Latest News

Indan Hstory Ob|ectve Ouestons

1. The statue of Gomateshwara at Sravanabeagoa was but by-
(A) Chandragupta Maurya
(B) Kharvea
(C) Amoghavarsha
(D) Chamundaraya
Ans : (D)
2. Lve we, as ong as you ve. Lve we even by borrowngs, for once cremated,
there s no return. The re|ecton of after fe s an aphorsm of the-
(A) Kapaka sect
(B) Sunyavada of Nagar|un
(C) A|vkas
(D) Charvakas
Ans : (D)
3. Whch one of the foowng usages was a post-Vedc deveopment ?
(A) Dharma-Artha-Kama-Moksha
(B) Brahmana-Kshatrya-Vashya-Shudra
(C) Brahmacharya-Grhasthashrama-Vanaprastha-Sanyasa
(D) Indra-Surya-Rudra-Marut
Ans : (C)
4. The capta of the kngdom of Mahara|a Ran|t Sngh was-
(A) Amrtsar
(B) Pataa
(C) Lahore
(D) Kapurthaa
Ans : (C)
5. In the Gandhara scuptures the preachng mudra assocated wth the Buddha's
Frst Sermon at Sarnath s-
(A) Abhaya
(B) Dhyana
(C) Dharmachakra
(D) Bhumsparsa
Ans : (C)
6. The name of the poet Kadas s mentoned n the-
(A) Aahabad par nscrpton
(B) Ahoe nscrpton
(C) Aapadu grant
(D) Hanumakonda nscrpton
Ans : (B)
7. Zero was nvented by-
(A) Aryabhatta
(B) Varahamhra
(C) Bhaskara I
(D) An unknown Indan
Ans : (D)
8. Whch one of the foowng mportant trade centres of ancent Inda was on the
trade route connectng Kayana wth Veng ?
(A) Tagara
(B) Srpura
(C) Trpur
(D) Tamrapt
Ans : (A)
9. The frst Indan ruer who |oned the subsdary Aance was-
(A) The Nawab of Oudh
(B) The Nzam of Hyderabad
(C) Peshwa Ba| Rao II
(D) The kng of Travancore
Ans : (B)
10. Vdhushaka, a common character n Sanskrt drama s nvaraby a-
(A) Brahmana
(B) Kshatrya
(C) Vashya
(D) Shudra
Ans : (A)
11. Toramana beonged to the ethnc horde of the-
(A) Scythans
(B) Hunas
(C) Yue-chs
(D) Sakas
Ans : (B)
12. Who among the foowng s sad to have wtnessed the regns of eght Deh
Sutans ?
(A) Zauddn Baran
(B) Shams--sra| Aff
(C) Mnha|-us-sra|
(D) Amr Khusrau
Ans : (D)
13. The frst Indan ruer to organze Ha| pgrmage at the expense of the state was
(A) Aauddn Kh|
(B) Feroz Tughaq
(C) Akbar
(D) Aurangzeb
Ans : (C)
14. Who among the foowng ades wrote a hstorca account durng the Mugha
perod ?
(A) Gubadan Begum
(B) Noor|ahan Begum
(C) |ahanara Begum
(D) Zebun-nssah Begum
Ans : (A)
15. The frst to start a |ont stock company to trade wth Inda were the-
(A) Portuguese
(B) Dutch
(C) French
(D) Dansh
Ans : (B)
16. The caves and rock-cut tempes at Eora are-
(A) Buddhst
(B) Buddhst and |an
(C) Hndu and |an
(D) Hndu, Buddhst and |an
Ans : (D)
17. The sgnfcance of the Benga Reguaton of 1793 es n the fact that-
(A) It provded for the estabshment of the Supreme court
(B) It restrcted the appcaton of Engsh aw to Engshmen ony
(C) It accommodated the persona aws of Hndus and Musms
(D) It provded for the appontment of the Indan Law Commsson
Ans : (C)
18. The Mansabdar system ntroduced by Akbar was borrowed from the system
foowed n-
(A) Afghanstan
(B) Turkey
(C) Mongoa
(D) Persa
Ans : (C)
19. Whch one of the foowng monuments has a dome whch s sad to be one of
the argest n the word ?
(A) Tomb of Sher Shah, Sasaram
(B) |ama Mas|d, Deh
(C) Tomb of Ghyas-ud-dn Tugaq, Deh
(D) Go Gumbaz, B|apur
Ans : (D)
20. Ashtapradhan was a Counc of Mnsters-
(A) In the Gupta admnstraton
(B) In the Choa admnstraton
(C) In the V|aynagar admnstraton
(D) In the Maratha admnstraton
Ans : (D)
21. The concept of Anuvrata was advocated by-
(A) Mahayana Buddhsm
(B) Hnayana Buddhsm
(C) |ansm
(D) The Lokayata Schoo
Ans : (C)
22. Whch one of the foowng terrtores was not affected by the revot of 1857 ?
(A) |hans
(B) |agdshpur
(C) Lucknow
(D) Chttor
Ans : (D)
23. Whch one of the foowng pars s correcty matched ?
(A) Batte of Buxar- Mr |afar Vs Cve
(B) Batte of Wandwash-French Vs East Inda Company
(C) Batte of Cheanwaa-Dahouse Vs Marathas
(D) Batte of Kharda-Nzam Vs East Inda Company
Ans : (B)
24. The word Hndu as reference to the peope of Hnd (Inda) was frst used by-
(A) The Greeks
(B) The Romans
(C) The Chnese
(D) The Arabs
Ans : (A)
25. Hughy was used as a base for pracy n the Bay of Benga by-
(A) The Portuguese
(B) The French
(C) The Dansh
(D) The Brtsh
Ans : (A)
1. 7he term ,nish=a0 which meant an ornament in the 8edic period was used in later times to denote aKan
(A Weapon
($ Agricultural implement
(' #cript
(( 'oin
Ans ) ((
*. Which one of the following pairs of =ings of ancient and medie5al periods of 6ndian histor% and the
wor=s authored "% them is correctl% matched ?
(A &rishnade5ara%a ) #amaranganasutradhra
($ Mehendra5arman ) Matta5ilasaprahasana
(' $ho+ade5a ) Manasollasa
(( #omes5ara ) Amu=tamal%ada
Ans ) ($
3. 7he founder of $o% #couts and <irl <uides mo5ement was;
(A 'harles Andrews
($ 4o"ert Montgomer%
(' 4ichard 7emple
(( $aden Powell
Ans ) ((
9. Which one of the following pairs is not correctl% matched ?
(A (haramsastra ) Wor=s on religion and philosoph%
($ 'hatur5arn%a ) Bour Ashrams
(' #hudra ) #er5ice to three 5arnas
(( Mahamatra ) #uperior Ifficials
Ans ) ($
>. 'hana=%a was =nown as;
(A $hattas5amin
($ 4a+ase=hara
(' 8ishnugupta
(( 8isa=hadatta
Ans ) ('
:. A lot of details regarding the 5illage administration under the 'holas is pro5ided "% the inscriptions at;
(A 7han+a5ur
($ /rai%ur
(' &anchipuram
(( /ttaramerur
Ans ) ((
?. 6n 2ainism ,perfect =nowledge0 is referred to as;
(A 2ina
($ 4atna
(' &ai5al%a
(( !ir5anas
Ans ) ('
8. Who among the following is !I7 associated with medicine in ancient 6ndia ?
(A (han5antri
($ $has=arachar%a
(' 'hara=a
(( #usruta
Ans ) ($
9. 6n Mughal paintings one notices the adoption of the principles of foreshortening where"% near and
distant people and things could "e placed in perspecti5e. 7his was due to the influence of the;
(A $ritish
($ (utch
(' Portuguese
(( (anish
Ans ) ('
10. Asho=an inscriptions were first deciphered "%;
(A $uhler
($ 4o"ert #ewell
(' 2ames Prinsep
(( 'odrington
Ans ) ('
11. Among the four wor=s mentioned "elow which one is enc%clopaedic in nature ?
(A Amara=osa
($ #iddhantasiromani
(' $rhat #amhita
(( Ashtangahrda%a
Ans ) (A
1*. 'onsider the following passage;
6n the course of a career on the road spanning almost thirt% %earsC he crossed the "readth of the @astern
hemisphereC 5isited territories eAui5alent to a"out 99 modern countries and put "ehind him a total
distance of approEimatel% ?3000 miles.
7he worldRs greatest tra5eller of pre.modern times to whom the a"o5e passage refers is;
(A Megasthenes
($ Ba -ien
(' Marco Polo
(( 6"n $attuta
Ans ) ('
13. 7he first political organisation esta"lished in 6ndia in 1838 was =nown as;
(A $ritish 6ndia #ociet%
($ $engal $ritish 6ndia #ociet%
(' #ettlers Association
(( Lamindar% Association
Ans ) ((
19. 7he foundation of modern education s%stem in 6ndia was laid "%;
(A 7he 'harter Act of 1813
($ Macaula%Rs Minutes of 183>
(' 7he -unter 'ommission of 188*
(( WoodRs (espatch of 18>9
Ans ) ($
1>. /plift of the "ac=ward classes was the main programme of the;
(A Prarthana #ama+
($ #at%a #hodha= #ama+
(' Ar%a #ama+
(( 4ama=rishna Mission
Ans ) ($
1:. 7he 4%otwari settlement was introduced "% the $ritish in the;
(A $engal Presidenc%
($ Madras Presidenc%
(' $om"a% Presidenc%
(( Madras and $om"a% Presidencies
Ans ) ((
1?. 7he $uddhist #ect Maha%ana formall% came into eEistence during the reign of;
(A A+atashatru
($ Asho=a
(' (harmapala
(( &anish=a
Ans ) ((
18. 7he last in succession of 2aina 7irthan=aras was;
(A Pars5anatha
($ 4isha"ha
(' Maha5ira
(( Manisu"rata
Ans ) ('
19. 7he earliest roc= cut ca5es in western 6ndia are those at;
(A !asi=C @llora and A+anta
($ 2unnarC &al%an and Pital=hora
(' A+antaC $ha+a and &ondane
(( $ha+aC Pital=hora and &ondane
Ans ) (A
*0. 7he name "% which Asho=a is generall% referred to in his inscriptions is;
(A 'ha=ra5arti
($ (harmade5a
(' (harma=irti
(( Pri%adarsi
Ans ) ((
*1. Which one of the following is a monument constructed "% #her #hah ?
(A &ila.i.&uhna mosAue at (elhi
($ Atala Mas+id at 2aunpur
(' $arasona Mas+id at <aur
(( mosAue at (elhi
Ans ) (A
**. Which among the following cities is considered as one of the oldest sur5i5ing cities in the world ?
(A Mathura
($ 8aranasi
(' -ardwar
(( A%odh%a
Ans ) (A
*3. 7he earliest e5idence of sil5er in 6ndia is found in the;
(A -arappan culture
($ 'halcolithic cultures of Western 6ndia
(' 8edic teEts
(( #il5er punch mar=ed coins
Ans ) (A
*9. Which one of the following is a language of $aluchistan "ut linguisticall% (ra5idian ?
(A $rahui
($ &ui
(' Par+i
(( Pengo
Ans ) (A
*>. Which one of the following is the most fundamental difference "etween Maha%ana $uddhism and
-ina%ana $uddhism ?
(A @mphasis on ahimsa
($ 'asteless societ%
(' Worship of gods and goddesses
(( Worship of stupa
Ans ) ('
Who was the first President of India? Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Who built the Grand Trunk Road? Sher Shah Suri
Who built the Agra Fort? Akbar
Who built the Red Fort in Delhi? Shah ahan
Who built the !utub "inar? !utb#ud#din Aibak
In whose $e$or% was the Taj "ahal built? "u$ta& "ahal
'a$e the Raj(ut (rin)ess who$ Akbar $arried. odha *ai
Who was the last ruler of the "ughal d%nast%? *ahadur Shah +afar
Who defeated Sultan Ibrahi$ ,odi in the First *attle of Pani(at in -./0? *abur
'a$e the fa$ous battle that Rana Prata( fought against Akbar1s for)es. 2aldighat
Who was the founder of Sikhis$? Guru 'anak
Who was the /3th Tirthankara of ainis$? 4ardha$ana "aha5ir
'a$e the hol% book of the Parsis. +end A5esta
Whi)h religion has /3 great tea)hers )alled Tirthankaras? ainis$
Who built the fa$ous San)hi stu(a? Ashoka
Where is the Deer Park where *uddha first (rea)hed his religion? Sarnath
'a$e the (la)e where *uddha was born. ,u$bini
'a$e the )a(ital of 6ing 4ikra$adit%a. 7jjain
What was Patna known as in an)ient ti$es? Patali(utra
Whi)h king had 8hanak%a as his $inister? 8handragu(ta "aur%a
'a$e "aharana Prata(1s fa$ous horse. 8hetak
Who was the first 4i)ero% of India? ,ord 8anning
Who was the last 4i)ero% of India? ,ord "ountbatten
Whi)h of Akbar1s un)les ser5ed as his guardian and won the Delhi throne
for Akbar?
*aira$ 6han
In whi)h )entur% was ,ord *uddha born? 0th )entur% *.8.
When did Gandhiji laun)h the !uit India $o5e$ent? 9th August -93/
When did awaharlal 'ehru die? /:th "a% -903
2ow $an% da%s did the battle of "ahabharata last? -;
2ow $an% ti$es did "ah$ud of Ga&ni in5ade India? -:
Indian Prehistory
The fossils of the early human being have not been found in India. A hint of the
earliest human presence in India is indicated by stone tools of about 250,000 BC obtained
from the deposits.
o!ever, recent reported artifacts from Bori in "aharashtra suggest the appearance of
human beings in India around #.$ million years ago.
%rom their first appearance to around &000 BC humans used only stone tools for
different purposes.
This period is, therefore, 'no!n as the (tone Age, !hich has been divided into )aleolithic
*early or +ld (tone, Age, "esolithic *"iddle (tone, Age, and -eolithic *-e! (tone, Age.
The Paeoithic Age in India (!""#""" $C - %""" $C) :
In Inda t deveoped n the Pestocene perod or the Ice Age.b.
The earest traces of human exstence n Inda go back to 500,000 BC.
The Paeothc stes are spread n practcay a parts of Inda except the
auva pans of Indus and Ganga.
The peope of ths age were food gatherng peope who ved on huntng and
gatherng wd fruts and vegetabes.
Man durng ths perod used toos of unposhed, undressed rough stones and
ved n cave and rock sheters. They had no knowedge of agrcuture, fre or
pottery of any matera.
They many used hand axes, ceavers, choppers, bades, scrapers and burn.
Ther toos were made of hard rock caed 'quartzte'. Hence Paeothc men
are aso caed 'Ouartzte Men'.
Homo sapens frst appeared n the ast of ths phase.
It has been ponted out that Paeothc men beonged to the Negrto race.
The Paeothc Age n Inda has been dvded nto three phases accordng to
the nature of stone toos used by the peope and aso accordng to the nature
of change n the cmate - Eary or ower Paeothc, Mdde Paeothc and
Upper Paeothc.
The Eary Paeothc Age covers the greater part of the Ice Age. Its
characterstc toos are hand axes, ceavers and choppers. Such toos have
been found n Soan and Sohan rver vaey (now n Pakstan) and n the Bean
Vaey n the Mrzapur dstrct of UP In ths perod cmate became ess humd.
Mdde Paeothc Phase s characterzed by the use of stone toos made of
fakes many scrapers, borers and bade ke toos. The stes are found n the
vaeys of Soan, Narmada and Tungabhadra rvers.
In the Upper Paeothc Phase, the cmate became warm and ess humd.
Ths stage s marked by burns and scrapers. Such toos have been found n
AP Karnataka, Maharashtra, Bhopa and Chhota Nagpur pateau.
The &esoithic 'ra (istor) (%""" $C - *""" $C) :
In ths age, cmate became warm and dry. Cmate changes brought about
changes n fauna and fora and made t possbe for human bengs to move to
new areas. Snce then, there haven't been ma|or changes n the cmate.
The characterstc toos of the Mesothc Age are known as Mcroths-ponted,
cresconc bades, scrapers, etc, a made of stone.
The peope ved on huntng, fshng and food gatherng; at a ater stage they
aso domestcated anmas.
The ast phase of ths age saw the begnnng of pane cutvaton.
Varous Mesothc stes are found n the Chhotanagpur regon, Centra Inda
and aso south of the Krshna Rver.
In the Bean vaey of Vndhyas, a the three phases of the Paeothc
foowed by the Mesothc and then by the Neothc have been found n
sequence. Smar s the case wth the mdde part of the Narmada vaey.
The (istor) o+ ,eoithic 'ra (*""" $C - -""" $C) :
In Inda Neothc Age s not earer than 6000 BC and at some paces n South
and Eastern Inda; t s as ate as 1000 BC.
Durng ths phase peope were agan dependng on stone mpements. But
now they used stones other than quartzte for makng toos, whch were more
etha, more fnshed and more poshed.
Neothc men cutvated and and grew fruts and corn ke rag and horse
gram. They domestcated catte, sheep and goat.
They knew about makng fre and makng pottery, frst by hand and then by
potters whee. They aso panted and decorated ther pottery.
They ved n caves and decorated ther was wth huntng and dancng
scenes. They aso knew the art of makng boats. They coud aso weave
cotton and woo to make coth.
In the ater phase of Neothc phase peope ed a more setted fe and ved
n crcuar and rectanguar houses made of mud and reed.
Important stes of ths age are Burzahom and Gufkra n |&K (famous for pt
dweng, stone toos and graveyard n house), Mask, Brahmagr,
Tekkaakota n Karnataka, Payampatt n Tam Nadu, Pkha and Haur n
AP, Garo hs n Meghaaya, Chrand and Senuwar n Bhar (known for
remarkabe bone toos), Amr, Kotd|, etc.
Kodhawa n UP reveaed a three fod cutura sequence: Neothc,
Chacothc and Iron Age.
Chacoithic Period :
The end of the Neothc Perod saw the use of metas of whch copper was
the frst. A cuture based on the use of stone and copper arrved. Such a
cuture s caed Chacothc whch means the stone-copper phase.
Apart from stone toos, hand axes and other ob|ects made of copperware aso
The Chacothc peope used dfferent types of pottery of whch back and red
pottery was most popuar. It was whee made and panted wth whte ne
These peope were not acquanted wth burnt brcks. They generay ved n
thatched houses. It was a vage economy.
They venerated the mother goddess and worshped the bu.
Important stes of ths phase are spread n Ra|asthan, Maharashtra, West
Benga, Bhar, MP, etc.
Ancient Civilizations in India
The Indus .alley Civili/ation !as an ancient civili/ation thriving along the Indus 0iver
and the 1haggar2a'ra 0iver in !hat is no! )a'istan and north2!estern India. Among other
names for this civili/ation is the arappan Civili/ation, in reference to its first e3cavated city
of arappa.
An alternative term for the culture is (aras!ati2(indhu Civili/ation, based on the fact
that most of the Indus .alley sites have been found at the al'ra21haggar 0iver.
0.B. 4ayaram (ahni first discovered arappa *on 0avi, in #52#. 0.4. Baner6ee
discovered "ohen6odaro or 7"ound of the 4ead7 *on Indus, in #522. (ir 8ohn "arshal played a
crucial role in both these.
arappan Civili/ation forms part of the proto history of India and belongs to the
Bron/e Age.
"editerranean, )roto2Australoid, "ongoloids and Alpines formed the bul' of the population,
though the first t!o !ere more numerous.
"ore than #00 sites belonging to this civili/ation have been e3cavated.
According to radio2carbon dating, it spread from the year 2500 2 #950 BC.
Copper, bron/e, silver, gold !ere 'no!n but not iron.
Geographical Extent :
Covered parts of )un6ab, (indh, Baluchistan, 1u6arat, 0a6asthan and some parts of :estern
;). It e3tended from "anda in 8ammu in the north to 4aimabad in the south and from
Alamgirpur in :. ;) to (ut'agendor in Baluchistan in the !est.
"a6or sites in )a'istan are arappa *on 0avi in : )un6ab,, "ohen6odaro *on Indus,, Chanhu2
4aro *(indh,, etc. In India, ma6or sites are <othal, 0angpur and (ur'otda *1u6arat,,
=alibangan *0a6asthan,, Ban!ali *issar,, and Alamgirpur *:estern ;),.
<argest and the latest site in India is 4holavira in 1u6arat. 4r. 8.0 8oshi and 4r. 0.(. Bisht
!ere involved in it.
Indus Valley Civilization Town Planning :
>laborate to!n2planning. It follo!ed the 1rid (ystem. 0oads !ere !ell cut, dividing the to!n
into large rectangular or s?uare bloc's. <amp posts at intervals indicate the e3istence of street
lightning. %lan'ing the streets, lanes and by2lanes !ere !ell2planned houses.
;sed burnt bric's of good ?uality as the building material. >lse!here in the contemporary
!orld, mud2bric's !ere used.
ouses, often of t!o or more storey, varied in si/e, but !ere ?uite monotonous a s?uare
courtyard, around !hich !ere a number of rooms. -o !indo! faced the streets. The houses
had tiled bathrooms.
1ood drainage system. 4rains !ere made of mortar, lime and gypsum and covered !ith large
bric' slabs for easy cleaning. (ho!s developed sense of health and sanitation.
The to!ns !ere divided into 2 parts@ ;pper part or Citadel and <o!er )art. The Citadel !as an
oblong artificial platform some &0250 feet high and about $002200 yards in area It !as
enclosed by a thic' *#& m at arappa, crenelated mud2bric' !all. In Citadel public buildings,
granaries, important !or'shops and religious buildings !ere there. In lo!er part people used
to live.
In "ohan6odaro, a big public bath *1reat Bath, measuring #2 m by 9 m and 2.$ m deep, has
been found. (teps led from either end to the surface, !ith changing rooms alongside. It !as
probably used for ritual bathing.
Excavations & Excavators :
Chanhudaro *on Indus, #5&# ".1 "a6umdar
(ut'ogendor *on 4asa', #529 (ir Aurel (tein
=otdip *on Indus, #555 %a/l Ahmed =han
0opar *on (atlu6, #55& A.4. (harma
Ban!aii *on (aras!ati, #59& 0.(.Bisht
<othal *on Bhog!a, #55$ (.0.0ao
0angpur *on "ahar, #5&#25& ".(..ats, B.B. <al, (.0. 0ao
Amri *on Indus, #525 -.1. "a6umdar
=alibangan *on 1haggar, #5B# B.B.<ai
(or'otda 2 #5B$ 8. 8oshi
Alamgirpur *on indon, #55C A.4. (harma
Indus Valley Civilization Econoic !i"e
Indus Valley Civilization Agriculture:
The Indus people so!ed seeds in the flood plains in -ovember, !hen the flood !ater receded,
and reaped their harvests of !heat and barley in Apr, before the advent of the ne3t flood.
1re! !heat, barley, rai, peas, sesamum, mustard, rice *in <othal,, cotton, dates, melon, etc.
The Indus people !ere the first to produce cotton.
In =alibangan, fields !ere ploughed !ith !ooden ploughs.
4omesticated animals on large scale. Besides the cattle, cats and dogs !ere domesticated.
orse !asn7t in regular use but elephant !as. 0emains of horse at (ur'otda and dogs !ith
men in grave at 0opar have been discovered.
)roduced sufficient to feed themselves.
%ood grains !ere stored in granaries.
Trade and Coerce in Ancient India :
:ell2'nit e3ternal and internal trade. There !as no metallic money in circulation and trade
!as carried through Barter (ystem.
:eights and measures of accuracy e3isted in arappan culture *found at <othal,. The !eights
!ere made of limestone, steatite, etc and !ere generally cubical in shape.
#B !as the unit of measurement *#B, B$,#B0, &20,.
%lint tool2!or', shell2!or', bangle ma'ing, pottery ma'ing, etc !ere practiced. 0a! material
for these came from different sources@ gold from -.=arnata'a, silver and lapis la/uli from
Afghanistan and Iran, copper from =hetri and Baluchistan, etc.
Bead ma'ing factory e3isted in Chanhudaro and <othal. They !ere items of e3port.
A doc'yard has been discovered at <othal. 0angpur, (omnath and Bala'ot functioned as
seaports. (ut'agendor and (ut'a'oh functioned as outlets.
The inland transport !as done !ith bulloc' carts.
>very merchant or mercantile family probably had a seal bearing an emblem, often of a
religious character, and a name or brief description, on one side. The standard arappa seal
!as a s?uare or oblong pla?ue made of steatite stone. The primary purpose of the seal !as
probably to mar' the o!nership of property, but they may have also served as amulets.
The "esopotamian records from about 2&50 BC on!ards refer to trade relations !ith "eluha,
the ancient name of the Indus region. arappan seals and other material has been found at
"esopotamia. Also traded !ith (umer.
Indus Valley Civilization Art and Cra"t :
The arappan culture belongs to the Bron/e Age.
Bron/e !as made by mi3ing tin and copper. Tools !ere mostly made of copper and bron/e.
%or ma'ing bron/e, copper !as obtained from =hetri in 0a6asthan and from Baluchistan, and
tin from Afghanistan.
Cotton fabrics ?uite common. :oolen in !inter.
.ery fond of ornaments *of gold, silver, ivory, copper, bron/e, precious stones, and dressing
up. +rnaments !ere !orn by both men and !omen. :omen !ore heavy bangles in profusion,
large nec'laces, ear2rings, bracelets, fingure2rings, girdles, nose studs and an'lets. The
arappans !ere also an e3pert bead ma'ers.
)otter7s !heel !as in use. Their pottery !as red or blac' pottery. )layed dice games. Their
favourite pastime !as 1ambling.
The arappans most notable artistic achievement !as their seal gravings, esp. those of
animals. The red sandstone torso of a man is particularly impressive for its realism. o!ever,
the most impressive of the figurines is perhaps the bron/e image of the famous dancing girl
*identified as devadasi,, found at "ohen6odaro.
%or their children, they made cattle2toys !ith movable heads, model mon'eys !hich could
slide do!n a string, little toy2carts, and !histles shaped li'e birds, all of terracotta.
The Indus Valley Civilization #eligious !i"e :
"ain ob6ect of !orship !as the "other 1oddess. But the upper classes preferred a god, nude
!ith t!o horns, much similar to )asupati (iva. 0epresented on the seal is a figure !ith three
horned heads in a yogic posture. e is surrounded by an elephant, a tiger and a rhinoceros,
and belo! his throne is a buffalo. -ear his feet are t!o deer. )ashupatinath represented male
)hallus *lingam, and yoni !orship !as also prevalent.
"any trees *pipal,, animals *bull,, birds *dove, pigeon, and stones !ere !orshipped. ;nicorn
!as also !orshipped. o!ever, no temple has been found, though idolatry !as practiced.
At =alibangan and <othal fire altars have been found.
Although no definite proof is available !ith regard to the disposal of the dead, a broad vie! is
that probably there !ere three methods of disposing the dead 2 complete burial, burial after
e3posure of the body to birds and beasts, and cremation follo!ed by burial of the ashes.
The discovery of cinerary urns and 6ars, goblets or vessels !ith ashes, bones and charcoal
may, ho!ever, suggest that during the flourishing period of the Indus .alley culture the third
method !as generally practiced. In arappa, there is one place !here evidence of coffin burial
is there. The people probably believed in ghosts and evil spirits, as amulets !ere !orn.
4ead bodies !ere placed in the north2south orientation.
Indus Valley Civilization $cript :
The script is not alphabetical but pictographic *about B00 undeciphered pictographs,.
The script has not been deciphered so far, but overlaps of letters sho! that it !as !ritten from
right to left in the first line and left to right in the second line. This style is called
Indus Valley Civilization Political %rganization :
There is no clear idea of the political organi/ation of the Indus .alley people. )erhaps they
!ere more concerned !ith commerce and they !ere possibly ruled by a class of merchants.
Also, there !as an organi/ation li'e a municipal corporation to loo' after the civic amenities of
the people.
The Ar)ans (istor) :
Many hstorans have gven varous theores regardng the orgna pace of
the Aryans.
However, the Centra Asan theory, gven by Max Muer, s the most accepted one.
It states that the Aryans were sem-nomadc pastora peope and orgnated from
area around the Caspan Sea n Centra Asa.
Entered Inda probaby through the Khyber Pass (n Hndukush Mountans)
around 1500 BC.
The hoy book of Iran 'Zend Avesta' ndcates entry of Aryans to Inda va Iran.
'ar) .edic /r Rig0edic Period
Region : The eary Aryans setted n Eastern Afghanstan,
modern Pakstan, Pun|ab and parts of western UP The whoe
regon n whch the Aryans frst setted n Inda s caed the
'Land of Seven Rvers or Sapta Sndhava' (The Indus and ts
fve trbutares and the Saraswat).
Poitica /rganisation :
Monarcha form, trbe was known as |an and ts kng as
Ra|an He was the eader n batte and protector of trbe.
Hs offce was not heredtary and was seected among
the can's men. The ra|an was not an absoute monarch,
for the government of the trbe was n part the
responsbty of the trba councs ke sabha, samt,
gana and vdhata. Even women attended sabha and
Many cans (Vsh) formed a trbe. The basc soca unt
was the Kua or the famy and Kuapa was the head of
the famy.
The kng was asssted by a number of offcers of whch
purohta was the most mportant. Next mportant
functonary was the Senan (eader of the army),
athough there was no reguar or standng army. The
mtary technque of the eary Aryans was much
advanced. The Aryans succeeded everywhere because
they possessed charots drven by horses.
There was no reguar revenue system and the kngdom
was mantaned by the vountary trbute (Ba) of hs
sub|ects and the booty won n batte.
Vages were headed by Gramn who used to represent
vage n sabha and samt. Later, Gramn was handed
over the charge of Vra|apat aso (an offcer who
en|oyed authorty over the pasture ground).
1ocia Li+e :
When the Aryans entered Inda there was aready a
cass dvson n ther trba structure.
As they setted among the dark aborgnas, the Aryans seem
to have ad greater stress than before on purty of bood, and
cass dvsons hardened, to excude those dasas who had
found a pace n the Aryan socety, and those Aryans who had
ntermarred wth the dasas and adopted ther ways.
Graduay, the trba socety got dvded nto three groups
warrors, prests and commoners. Later, the fourth dasas or
shudra was aso added.
The term varna was used for coor, the Aryans beng
far, the dasas dark.
Famy was the basc unt of socety. The famy was
patrarcha n nature. But women en|oyed equa power
wth men. Marrage was usuay monogamous and
ndssoube, but there are few nstances of poyandry,
evrate and wdow-marrage. There are no exampes of
chd-marrage. The marrageabe age seems to have
been 16 to 17.
The word 'Arya' came to refer to any person who was
Aryans were fond of soma, sura, food and dresses.
Soma was drunk at sacrfces and ts use was sanctfed
by regon. Sura was purey secuar and more potent,
and was dapproved by the presty poets.
The Aryans oved musc, and payed the fute, ute and
harp. There are references to sngng and dancng, and
to dancng grs. Peope aso deghted n gambng. They
en|oyed charot racng. Both men and women wore
Ri0ers in Rig0eda :
&odern ,ames Rig0edic ,ames
Indus Sndhu
|heum Vtasta
Chenab Askn
Rav Purushn
Beas Vpasa
Sute Sutudr
Gomat Guma
Kurram Krumu
Ghaggar Drsshadvat
'ar) .edic Period 'conom) :
Ther bronze smths were hghy sked, and produced
toos and weapons much superor to those of Harappan
cuture. There were artsans ke carpenters, weavers,
cobbers, potters, etc.
Aryans foowed a mxed economy - pastora and
agrcutura - n whch catte payed a predomnant part.
Most of ther wars were foughtfor cow (most mportant
form of weath). Catte were n fact a sort of currency,
and vaues were reckoned n heads of catte (man's fe
was equvaent to that of 100 cows), but they were not
hed sacred at ths tme. The horse was amost as
mportant as the cow.
Standard unt of exchange was cow. At the same tme
cons were aso there (god cons ke Nshkq, Krshna
and Satmana).
Gavyut was used as a measure of dstance and Godhu
as a measure of tme.
Lved n fortfed mud settements.
Physcans were there caed 'Bhshakas'.
The stape crop was 'yava', whch meant barey.
.edic Period Reigion :
The Aryans personfed the natura forces and ooked
upon them as vng bengs.
The most mportant dvnty was Indra who payed the
roe of warord (breaker of forts - Purandar, aso
assocated wth storm and thunder).
The second poston was hed by Agn (fre-god). He s
consdered as an ntermedary between gods and men.
Varuna occuped the thrd poston. He personfed water
and was supposed to uphod the natura order. He was
ethncay the hghest of a Rgvedc gods.
Soma was consdered to be the god of pants. Maruts
personfed the storms. Some femae detes are aso
mentoned, ke Adt and Usha, who represented the
appearance of dawn.
Ddn't beeve n erectng tempes or do worshp.
Worshpped n open ar through ya|nas.
The &aha'anpadas
S.No. Mahajanapadas Capital Present Da !o"ation
#. =ashi .aranasi Around .aranasi
2. =osala (hravasti >astern ;)
&. Anga Champanagri Bhagal and "unger distts
of Bihar
$. "agadh 1irivra6 or 0a6griha )atna and 1aya distt
5. .a66i .aishali .aishali distt of Bihar
B. "alla =ushinagar and )avapuri (outh of .aishali distt
9. Chedi (hu'timati >astern parts of modern
C. .atsa =oushambi Around modern Allahabad
5. =uru astinapur, Indraprastha
and Isu'ara
Around the 4elhi2"eerut
#0. )anchal Ahichhatra and =ampilya 0ohil'hand
##. "atsya .iratnagar 8aipur2Bharatpur2Al!ar
#2. (urasen "athura "athura region
#&. Assa'a )audanya -ear )aithan in
#$. Avanti ;66aini ;66ain distt
#5. 1andhara Ta3ila Bet!een =abul and
#B. =ambo6 0a6pur )unchh area in =ashmir
Ancient (uddhis in India
Buddhism stands for & pillars @
(uddha : Its %ounder.
)haa : is Teachings.
$angha : +rder of Buddhist mon's and nuns.
The (uddha *istory :
Also 'no!n as (a'yamuni or Tathagata.
Born in 5B& BC on the .aisha'ha )oornima 4ay at <umbini
*near =apilavastu, in -epal.
is father (uddhodana !as the (a'a ruler.
(is mother (&ahama)a# o+ 2osaa d)nast)) died
a+ter 3 da)s o+ his 4irth5 $rought u6 4)
ste6mother 7autami5
&arried at -* to 8oshodhara5 'n9o)ed the married
i+e +or -: )ears and had a son named Rahua5
A+ter seeing an od man# a sick man# a cor6se and
an ascetic# he decided to 4ecome a ;anderer5
Le+t his 6aace at <= (;ith Channa# the charioteer
and his +a0ourite horse# 2anthaka) in search o+
truth (aso caed >&aha4hinishkramana> or The
7reat Renunciation) and ;andered +or * )ears5
(e +irst meditated ;ith Aara 2aama5 $ut he ;as
not con0inced that man coud o4tain i4eration
+rom sorro; 4) menta disci6ine and kno;edge5
(is ne?t teacher ;as @draka Ram6utra5 (e then
9oined +orces ;ith +i0e ascetics- 2ondana# .a66a#
$hadi)a# &ahanama and Assagi# ;ho ;ere
6racticing the most rigorous se+-morti+ication in
the ho6e o+ ;earing a;a) their karma and
o4taining +ina 4iss5
Aor si? )ears he tortured himse+ unti he ;as
nothing 4ut a ;aking skeeton5 $ut a+ter si?
)ears# he +et that his +asts and 6enance had 4een
useess5 1o he a4andoned these things5 The +i0e
disci6es aso e+t him5
Attained >,ir0ana> or >'nightenment> at :! at
7a)a in &agadha ($ihar) under the Pi6a tree5
Dei0ered the +irst sermon at 1arnath ;here his
+i0e disci6es had setted5 (is +irst sermon is
caed >Dharmachakra6ra0artan> or >Turning o+ the
Bhee o+ La;>5
Attained &aha6arinir0ana at 2ushinagar
(identica ;ith 0iage 2asia in Deoria district o+
@P) in C%: $C at the age o+ %" in the &aa
The Dhamma Indian (istor) :
-5 The Aour 7reat Truths :
The ;ord is +u o+ sorro; and miser)5
The cause o+ a 6ain and miser) is desire5
Pain and miser) can 4e ended 4) kiing or
controing desire5
Desire can 4e controed 4) +oo;ing the 'ight
Aod Path5
<5 The 'ight Aod Path : It consists o+ Right Aaith# Right
Thought# Right Action# Right Li0eihood# Right '++orts#
Right 16eech# Right Remem4rance and Right
:5 $eie+ in ,ir0ana :
Bhen desire ceases# re4irth ceases and nir0ana is
attained i5e5 +reedom +rom the c)ce o+ 4irth#
death and re4irth is gained 4) +oo;ing the %-
+od 6ath5
According to $uddha# sou is a m)th5
C5 $eie+ in Ahimsa : /ne shoud not cause in9ur) to an)
i0ing 4eing# anima or man5
!5 La; o+ 2arma : &an rea6s the +ruits o+ his 6ast
The 1angha (istor) :
Consists o+ monks ($hikshus or 1hramanas) and
$hikshus acted as a torch 4earer o+ the dhamma5
A6art +rom 1angha# the ;orshi66ers ;ere caed
$uddhist Councis : The monks gathered C times a+ter
the death o+ $uddha and the e++ect o+ these e0ents had
their e++ect on $uddhism5
Airst Counci : At Ra9griha# in C%: $C under the
chairman shi6 o+ &ehakassaa6a (2ing ;as A9atshatru)5
Di0ided the teachings o+ $uddha into t;o Pitakas -
.iha)a Pitaka and 1utta Pitaka5 @6ai recited the
.ina)a Pitaka and Ananda recited the 1utta Pitaka5
1econd Counci : At .aishai# in :%: $C under 1a4akami
(2ing ;as 2aasoka)5 Aoo;ers di0ided into
1tha0irmadins and &ahasanghikas5
Third Counci : At Patai6utra# in <!" $C under
&ogai6utta Tissa (2ing ;as Ashoka)5 In this# the third
6art o+ the Tri6itaka ;as coded in the Pai anguage5
Aourth Counci : At 2ashmir (2unda0an)# in 3< AD
under .asumitra (2ing ;as 2anishka)5 .ice-Chairman
;as Ash;aghosha)5 Di0ided $uddhism into &aha)ana
and (ina)ana sects5
In &aha)ana# ido ;orshi6 is there5 It 4ecame 6o6uar
in China# Ja6an# 2orea# A+ghanistan# Turke) and other
1' countries5
(ina)ana 4ecame 6o6uar in &agadha and 1riLanka5 It
4eie0ed in indi0idua sa0ation and not in ido-;orshi65
A6art +rom these <# there is a third 0ehice# caed
>.a9ra)ana># ;hich a66eared in %th centur) and gre;
ra6id) in $ihar and $enga5 The) did not treat meat#
+ish# ;ine# etc# as a ta4oo in dietar) ha4it and +ree)
consumed them5
$uddist Literature :
In Pai anguage5
$uddhist scri6tures in Pai are common) re+erred
to as Tri6itakas# ie >Three+od $asket>5
.ina)a Pitaka : Rues o+ disci6ine in $uddhist
1utta Pitaka : Largest# contains coection o+ $uddha>s
A4hidhamma Pitaka : '?6anation o+ the 6hioso6hica
6rinci6es o+ the $uddhist reigion5
-5 &aha0ansh and Dee60ansh are the other
$uddhist te?ts5 The) 6ro0ide in+ormation a4out
the then 1riLanka5
<5 Jataks are the +a4es a4out the di++erent 4irths o+
7ro;th o+ $uddhism :
Causes o+ ,e; &o0ement :
-5 The .edic rituas ;ere e?6ensi0e D the sacri+ices
6rescri4ed ;ere 0er) com6icated D had ost their
<5 The caste s)stem had 4ecome rigid5
:5 1u6remac) o+ $rahmins created unrest5
C5 A the reigious te?t ;as in 1anskrit# ;hich ;as
not understanda4e to the masses5
Causes o+ decine o+ 4uddhism :
-5 It succum4ed to the $rahmanic rituas and
ceremonies# such as ido ;orshi6# etc# ;hich
$uddhism had earier denounced5
<5 Re0i0a o+ re+ormed (induism ;ith the 6reaching
o+ 1hankarachar)a +rom ninth centur) on;ards5
:5 @se o+ 1anskrit# the anguage o+ inteectuas# in
6ace o+ Pai# the anguage o+ the common 6eo6e5
C5 Deterioration in the mora standards among the
monks i0ing in $uddhist monasteries5
!5 'ntr) o+ ;omen into $uddhist monasteries5
*5 Attacks o+ (una king &ihirkua in the si?th
centur) and the Turkish in0aders in the t;e+th
centur) AD5
*istory o" +ainis #eligion
%ounded by 0ishabhanath.
There !ere 2$ tirthan'aras *)rophetsor 1urus,, all
=shatriyas.%irst !as 0ishabhanath *>mblem@ Bull,. is reference is
also $n 0igveda. But there is no historical basis for the first 22
Tirthan'aras. +nly the last t!o Tirthan'aras are historical
The 2&rd Tirthan'ar )arsh!anath *>mblem@ (na'e, !as the
son of =ing Ashvasena of Banaras. is main teachings !ere@ -on2
in6ury, -on2lying, -on2stealing, -on2possession.
The 2$th and the last Tirthan'ar !as .ardhman "ahavira
*>mblem@ <ion,.
.ardhman &aha0ira (istor) :
(e ;as 4orn in 2undagram (Distt &uza+++ar6ur#
$ihar) in !== $C5
(is +ather 1iddhartha ;as the head o+ Jnatrika
can5 (is mother ;as Trisha# sister o+ Lichcha0i
Prince Chetak o+ .aishai5
&aha0ira ;as reated to $im4isara5
&arried to 8ashoda# had a daughter named
Pri)adarsena# ;hose hus4and Jamai 4ecame his
+irst disci6e5
At :"# a+ter the death o+ his 6arents# he 4ecame
an ascetic5
In the -:th )ear o+ his asceticism (on the -"th o+
.aishakha)# outside the to;n o+ Jrim4hikgrama#
he attained su6reme kno;edge (2ai0a)a)5
Arom no; on he ;as caed Jaina or Jitendri)a and
&aha0ira# and his +oo;ers ;ere named Jains5 (e
aso got the tite o+ Arihant# i5e5# ;orth)5
At the age o+ 3<# he attained death at Pa0a# near
Patna# in !<3 $C5
&aha0ira 6reached amost the same message as
Parsh0anath and added one more# $rahmchar)a
(cei4ac)) to it5
A+ter the death o+ &aha0ira# during the reign o+
2ing Chandragu6ta &aur)a# a se0ere +amine ed
to a great e?odus o+ Jain monks +rom the 7anga
0ae) to the Deccan# ;here the) esta4ished
im6ortant centers o+ their +aith5
This migration ed to a great schism in Jainism5
$hadra4ahu# ;ho ed the emigrants# insisted on the
retention o+ the rue o+ nudit) ;hich &aha0ira had
1thua4hadra# the eader o+ the monks ;ho remained in
the north# ao;ed his +oo;ers to ;ear ;hite
garments# o;ing to the hardshi6s and con+usions o+ the
+amine5 (ence arose the t;o sects o+ the Jains# the
Digam4aras (sk)-cad# i5e5# naked) and the
10etam4aras (;hite-cad)5
Teachings o+ &aha0ira :
a5 Re9ected the authorit) o+ the .edas and do not
attach an) im6ortance to the 6er+ormance o+
45 (e 4eie0ed that e0er) o49ect# e0en the smaest
6artice# 6ossesses a sou and is endo;ed ;ith
consciousness5 That is ;h) the) o4ser0e strict
c5 The Jains re9ect the conce6t o+ a @ni0ersa 1ou or
a 1u6reme Po;er as the creator or 1ustainer o+
the uni0erse5
d5 Jainism does not den) the e?istence o+ gods 4ut
re+uses to gi0e gods an) im6ortant 6art in die
uni0erse scheme5 7ods are 6aced o;er than the
e5 Attainment o+ sa0ation (moksha) 4) 4eie0ing in
6enance and d)ing o+ star0ation (&ain di++erence
4et;een Jainism and $uddhism)5
+5 @ni0ersa 4rotherhood (non-4eie+ in caste
,ote: In Jainism# three Ratnas (Triratnas) are gi0en and
the) are caed the ;a) to ,ir0ana5 The) are Right
Aaith# Right 2no;edge and Right Conduct5
(istor) o+ Jain Councis :
Airst Counci : (ed at Patai6utra 4)
1thua4hadra in the 4eginning o+ third centur)
$C5 It resuted in the com6iation o+ -< Angas to
re6ace -C Pur0as5
1econd Counci : It ;as hed at .aa4hi (7u9arat)
in the +i+th centur) AD under the eadershi6 o+
De0ridhigani5 It resuted in +ina com6iation o+ -<
Angas and -< @6angas5
7ro;th o+ Jainism in India :
Causes o+ ,e; &o0ement :
The .edic rituas ;ere e?6ensi0e D the sacri+ices
6rescri4ed ;ere 0er) com6icated D had ost their
The caste s)stem had 4ecome rigid5
1u6remac) o+ $rahmins created unrest5
A the reigious te?t ;as in 1anskrit# ;hich ;as
not understanda4e to the masses5
/ther Points:
Jainism reached the highest 6oint in
Chandragu6ta &aur)a>s time5 In 2ainga# it ;as
great) 6atronized 4) 2hara0ea in the +irst
centur) AD5
.arious +actors ;ere res6onsi4e +or the decine
o+ Jainism in India5 The) took the conce6t o+
Ahimsa too +ar5 The) ad0ised that one shoud not
take medicine ;hen one +e sick 4ecause the
medicine kied germs5
The) 4eie0ed that there ;as i+e in trees and
0egeta4es and so re+rained +rom harming them5 1uch
6ractices coud not 4ecome 6o6uar ;ith common man5
There ;as moreo0er no 6atronage +rom the ater kings5
Jain iterature is in Ardh-&agadhi and Prakrit
Due to the in+uence o+ Jainism# man) regiona
anguages emerged out# ike 1auraseni# out o+
;hich gre; the &arathi# 7u9arati# Ra9asthani and

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