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Miskin Arts

Project Cover Sheet

Project Reference: Title: Units: This project will guide !ou to C" TR#$UT% T"&ARDS evidence for the following units: Timing within Course: Start Date: Submission Deadline: BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Art and Design (Fine Art) I Am An Artist Unit ! Appli"ation# Exploration and $ealisation (In %art) Unit &3! Art and Design 'pe"ialist Context(al Investigation (In %art) Unit ) ! *enerating Fine Art Ideas (In %art) Unit ))! Fine Art %rin"iples (In %art) Unit )+! Developing and $ealising Fine Art Ideas (In %art) Unit +,! Exploring 'pe"ialist Te"-ni.(es (In %art)

/r 0# Term &# 01&3 23" &


'eptem4er 01&3 T-(rsda5 &6t- 'eptem4er 01&3 0,t- 7"to4er 01&3 23" 0+t- 7"to4er 01&3 00nd 8ovem4er 01&3 23" 0,t- 8ovem4er 01&3

First Criti.(e and Assessment! Investigation Deadline! Interim Assessment! Final Deadline! Assessment Dates!

Artists in charge of Project:

9ate :en;ins3Terr5 $-odes

Relevant Departmental otes: /o(r personal 4log is regarded as part o< 5o(r 2or; and 2ill 4e mar;ed a""ordingl5# alongside 5o(r s;et"-4oo;

Brie< I=>d 45 ?arie ?"*ovan

9ate :en;ins# Terr5 $-odes

Miskin Arts


T-is 2ill 4e in t-e <orm o< s;et"-4oo; 2or;# <inal o(t"omes# resear"-# p-otograp-s# 4log4oo;s and 2ritten proposals@ For a more in dept- anal5sis o< 2-at is re.(ired re<er to t-e Assessment Criteria 'rids on t-e Fine Art Blog

'rading criteria:

%ass 3 ?erit 3 Distin"tion are attaina4le@

%nglish and (aths: T-is proAe"t 2ill in"l(de <(n"tional s;ills in Englis- and ?at-s@ %lease 4ear in mind 5o(r ind(str5 re.(ires elo.(ent (se o< Englis- and a""(rate (se o< <ig(res# to 2-i"- end# t-e "ontin(ing development o< t-ese s;ills are <irml5 em4edded inside all 5o(r 2or;@ ote on cop!right and plagiarism! T-is pro"ess 2ill re.(ire independent resear"-@ Cop5ing <rom t-e internet and additional so(r"es is not appropriate and violates "op5rig-t and 2ill 4e "lassed as plagiarism (nless <(ll5 annotated and "redited@ /o( m(st ma;e 5o(r 2or; 5o(r o2n@ Be need to see t-at 5o( -ave an (nderstanding o< t-e areas t-at 5o( -ave resear"-ed@ Cop5ing 2or; dire"tl5 <rom A8/ so(r"e 2ill not 4e tolerated@ I< 5o( .(ote A8/ existing material 5o( m(st p(t it in .(otation mar;s and in 4ra";ets# attri4(te t-e so(r"e 3 a(t-or@ For example! )Cop!ing is cheating* +Robbie (c'ovan, -./0, (is1in Theatre2

Brie< I=>d 45 ?arie ?"*ovan

9ate :en;ins# Terr5 $-odes

Miskin Arts T3% $R#%4 A great deal o< 2-at 4ine Art is all a4o(t is t-e e5pression and communication o< ideas and concepts t-ro(g- images and objects@ B-et-er it is t-ro(g- paint# metal# plaster# dra2ing# per<orman"e# p-otograp-5 or video# ever5 artist -as a bod! of concepts t-at t-e5 attempt to deal 2it- t-ro(g- t-eir 2or;@ T-ese "on"epts are in<ormed 45 a critical evaluation o< personal e5periences and cultural conte5ts@ T-ese "an 4e 4ased in histor!# pop and high culture# politics# literature# science# philosoph! and man5 more 4esides@ T-is proAe"t en"o(rages 5o( to develop these 1inds of ideas t-ro(g- !our own wor1 s("- t-at 5o( "an 4egin to establish !our own artistic practice@ As a mem4er o< t-e (is1in Arts 5o( are as;ed to demonstrate a -ig- level o< independent learning# t-ro(g- criti6ue sessions 2it5o(r peers and 5o(r o2n anal!sis and evaluations o< 2-at 5o( do@ /o( 2ill develop a 4od5 o< 2or; 2-i"- <(ll5 investigates a "on"ept 2-i"- is important to 5o( and s-o2s influences 45 t-e conte5t in 2-i"- 5o( live@ /o( 2ill 4e e5perimental 2it- media and techni6ues and "arr5 a "on"ept t-ro(g- <rom its 4irt- to a full! realised pie"e o< 2or; 2-i"- 5o( 2ill present in an appropriate and ex"iting <ormat@ T-is is 5o(r opport(nit5 to differentiate 5o(rselves <rom t-e "ro2d and ma;e a statement o< 2-at 5o( are a4o(t as an artist@ T-e more independentl! and e5perimentall! 5o( 2or;# t-e more s(""ess<(l 5o( 2ill 4e as an artist@ D78>T 4e a<raid to ma;e 7mista1es8# 4e"a(se <rom t-ese 5o( 2ill <ind 5o( 2ill get 5o(r most original and ex"iting ideas@ Professional Practice: %lease 4e a2are t-at 5o( 2ill 4e p(tting pro<essional pra"ti"e into a"tion 2it-in ?is;in Arts# 2-i"- is a pro<essional environment in 2-i"- 5o( are e<<e"tivel5 4eing given t-e opport(nit5 to p(4li"l5 test 5o(r s;ills and gain "redita4le ind(strial experien"e@ 'lossar! of terms:
C3ARACT%R#ST#C 9 a distinguishing feature or 6ualit! of something C" C%PTS 9 a notion or idea C" S#D%R%D 9 thought about or decided upon with care CR#T#CA: %;A:UAT#" 9 to ma1e a s1ilful<accurate judgement of the 6ualit! of something

CU:TUR% 9 the behaviours and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic or age group= # 4"R(%D >UD'%(% T 9 a conclusion based on information or 1nowledge # #T#AT#;% 9 one8s personal decision # ";AT#;% 9 something new and uni6ue

SP%C#A:#S( 9 one particular area<genre of 4ine Art

Brie< I=>d 45 ?arie ?"*ovan

9ate :en;ins# Terr5 $-odes

Miskin Arts
&hat !ou need to do SU((%R &"R? %rod("e a mind@map o< potential concepts 5o( "an investigate and sele"t t-e idea3"on"ept t-at interests 5o( t-e most@ *at-er research on artists 2or; <rom a variet! of sources in"l(ding galler5 visits@ Dis"(ss in 5o(r own words -o2 t-e5 (se media, visual language and formal elements to portra5 t-eir ideas= Bit-in 5o(r 2ritten notes dis"(ss -o2 cultural, historical, social, political and environmental issues ma5 -ave influenced t-e artists and t-e 2or; 5o( -ave loo;ed at and t-e ideas and concepts 2it-in t-e 2or; and 2-at t-e artist 2as tr5ing to sa5 to t-e vie2er@
(Unit 6 GC 1; Unit 13 GC 1 2 3 4; Unit 76 GC 1 2 3; Unit 77 GC 1 2; Unit 78 GC 1 2; Unit 85 GC 2, 3)

# ;%ST#'AT#" %valuate t-e resear"- 5o( -ave gat-ered# dis"(ssing how it relates to 5o(r "on"ept and how !ou might use it to develop 5o(r 2or;@ Present t-e resear"- 5o( -ave gat-ered in a criti6ue 2it- 5o(r <ello2 Fine Artists# dis"(ssing -o2 t-e artists -ave in<l(en"ed 5o(@ (Unit 6 P1, P5; Unit 13 P1, P2, P4; Unit 76 P4; Unit 77 P5; Unit 78 P3; Unit 84 P2, P4) *at-er visual research 2-i"- e5plores t-e concept 5o( -ave "-osen to "over# in"l(ding dra2ings and s;et"-es# p-otograp-s et"@ Brite a s-ort proposal <or t-e proAe"t ens(ring 5o( in"l(de t-e <ollo2ing! /= 2-at ideas 5o( -ave "-osen to investigateA -= 2-i"- genre# materials and processes do 5o( intend to (seC Explain t-e "-ara"teristi"s o< t-ese media3t-is genre@ 0= 2-i"- artists 2ill 5o( resear"- to -elp 5o( develop 5o(r ideasC B= &h! 5o( -ave "-osen t-e "on"ept 5o( are investigatingC Discuss t-e influences o< e5ternal factors in 5o(r li<e@
(Unit 13 GC 1; Unit 76 GC 1, 4; Unit 77 GC 3, 4, 5; Unit 78 GC 1; Unit 85 GC 1)

D%;%:"P(% T Dra2ing inspiration <rom 2-at 5o( -ave learnt and seen# develop a bod! of wor1 t-at explores 5o(r t-eme@ T-e emp-asis o< 5o(r 2or; s-o(ld 4e on t-e e5perimentation and pla! rat-er t-an 2or;ing to2ards a <inal pie"e@ Use a variet5 o< media and techni6ues and 4e e5pressive# ambitious and daring@ /o( m(st ens(re t-at all thoughts regarding 5o(r o2n 2or; and t-e 2or; o< ot-ers are t-oro(g-l5 documented in 5o(r s;et"-4oo;s@ (Unit 6 GC 2, 3, 4, Unit 76 GC 1, 2, 3, 4; Unit 77 GC 3, 4, 5; Unit 78 GC 2, 3; Unit 85 GC 3) Consider t-e 6ualit! o< 5o(r images more t-oro(g-l5@ As; 5o(rsel< 2-et-er 5o(r 2or; is prod("ed to t-e 4est o< 5o(r a4ilities@ Consider -o2 professional it loo;s@ $e<le"t (pon -o2 s(""ess<(ll5 it expresses its concepts@ Develop !our wor1 further to produce a 2ellDre<ined o(t"ome+s2, which shows a strong use of media and techni6ues and e<<e"tivel5 "omm(ni"ates 5o(r "on"ept@ Eval(ate 5o(r 4inal "utcomes! dis"(ss -o2 2ell 5o(r presentation te"-ni.(es 2or;edE relate it 4a"; to t-e "on"ept and t-e resear"- 5o( -ave gat-eredE dis"(ss -o2 it -as developed <rom t-e experimentation and -o2 s(""ess<(l it is@
(Unit 6 GC 2, 3, 4; Unit 76 GC 1, 3, 4; Unit 78 GC 3)

Brie< I=>d 45 ?arie ?"*ovan

9ate :en;ins# Terr5 $-odes

Miskin Arts &hen !ou successfull! complete this project !ou will:
Unit C 9 Application, %5ploration and Realisation in Art and Design Be a4le to "arr5 o(t personal resear"- <rom "ontext(al so(r"es Be a4le to generate sol(tions to a negotiated 4rie< Be a4le to sele"t and experiment sa<el5 2it- spe"ialist media# materials and te"-ni.(es Understand <a"tors 2-en revie2ing 2or; and developing o(t"omes Be a4le to realise and present <inal o(t"omes to meet a 4rie< Unit /0 9 Specialist Conte5tual #nvestigation 9no2 -o2 t-e 2or; o< -istori"al and "ontemporar5 spe"ialist pra"titioners "an in<l(en"e "(rrent pra"ti"e Understand t-e "ontext in 2-i"- spe"ialist 2or; 2as prod("ed Understand t-e <(n"tion# p(rpose and .(alities o< "reative spe"ialist 2or; Be a4le to eval(ate# str("t(re and present <indings@ Unit DC 9 'enerating 4ine Art #deas Be a4le to explore s(4Ae"ts and "on"epts on a spe"i<i" t-eme Be a4le to gat-er resear"- material <or <ine art ideas Be a4le to experiment 2it- met-ods and materials to generate ideas 9no2 -o2 to develop and present ideas <or <ine art 2or;@ Unit DD 9 4ine Art Principles Be a4le to resear"- ideas and s(4Ae"t matter in <ine art 2or; 9no2 a4o(t t-e in<l(en"e o< external <a"tors on ot-ers> <ine art 2or; Understand external in<l(en"es in relation to o2n <ine art 2or; Be a4le to present eval(ated resear"- <indings@ Unit DE 9 Developing and RealiFing 4ine Art #deas Be a4le to sele"t ideas and s(4Ae"ts <rom initial resear" Be a4le to "reate developmental 2or; in <ine art Understand ideas and 2or;ing pra"ti"es@ Unit EG 9 %5ploring Specialist Techni6ues Understand t-e "-ara"teristi"s o< t-e spe"ialist <ield Be a4le to investigate spe"ialist materials and te"-ni.(es

Brie< I=>d 45 ?arie ?"*ovan

9ate :en;ins# Terr5 $-odes

Miskin Arts
Be a4le to re"ord investigations a4o(t t-e properties o< spe"ialist materials and te"-ni.(es

Unit C 9 Application, %5ploration and Realisation in Art and Design #(P"RTA T: The following are TAS?S (not to be confused with g !ding c ite i!) TAS?S To gain a Pass: TAS?S To gain a (erit: P/= Carr! out artist research from primar! and secondar! sources= Carr! out visual research on !our chosen concept= This should include s1etches, photographs, annotations etc= P-= &rite a short proposal for the project ensuring !ou eval(ate what !ou have resear"-ed3a"-ieved this summer= +including artists2, !ou discuss what ideas !ou have chosen to investigate and which genre, materials and pro"esses do !ou intend to useA %5plain the characteristics of these media<this genre= P0= Develop !our visual wor1 and concepts further through experimentation with media and te"-ni.(es= ote an! necessar! health and safet! guidelines= PB= Eval(ate and annotate !our wor1 throughout, discussing how !our use of media shows !our concept, and how !our ideas develop= ote how !our wor1 lin1s to the artists !ou have loo1ed at= Brie< I=>d 45 ?arie ?"*ovan ?&@ $esear"- a diverse range o< so(r"es@ '-o2 s1ill t-ro(g- 5o(r vis(al re"ording@ ?0@ Ens(re 5o( meet all deadlines@ Brite a detailed and anal!tical proAe"t proposal@ %rod("e a range o< vis(al 2or; t-ro(g- samples# trials and exploration o< media and te"-ni.(es@ ?3@ Bit-in t-e "riti.(es# present 5o(r 2or; clearl! and effectivel! and s-o2 t-o(g-t in -o2 it is displa!ed@ ?F@ %rod("e a good 6ualit! o(t"ome 2-i"- s-o2s an effective idea@ TAS?S To gain a Distinction: D&@ %rod("e a proAe"t proposal 2-i"is highl! challenging and s-o2s clear lin1s to 5o(r resear"-@ /o(r ideas 2ill 4e innovative and creative= D0@ T-e 2or; 5o( prod("e 2ill 4e s-o2 a high level of s1ill@ /o(r evaluations and annotations 2ill 4e anal!tical and sophisticated@

9ate :en;ins# Terr5 $-odes

Miskin Arts PG= Produce a final outcome+s2= %valuate !our outcome, suggesting strengths and improvements= Unit /0 @ Specialist Conte5tual #nvestigation #(P"RTA T: The following are TAS?S (not to be confused with g !ding c ite i!) TAS?S To gain a Pass: TAS?S To gain a (erit: P/= 'ather research on artists wor1 from a variet! of sources including galler! visits= Discuss in !our own words how the! use media, visual language and formal elements to portra! their ideas= P-= &ithin !our written notes discuss how cultural, historical, social, political and environmental issues ma! have influenced the artists and the wor1 !ou have loo1ed at= P0= &ithin !our written notes discuss the ideas and concepts within the wor1 and what the artist was tr!ing to sa! to the viewer= PB= Present the research !ou have gathered in a criti6ue with !our fellow 4ine Artists, discussing how the artists have influenced !ou= Brie< I=>d 45 ?arie ?"*ovan TAS?S To gain a Distinction:

?&@ D&@ ?a;e s(re 5o( loo; at a range o< Loo; at an e5tensive and diverse -istori"al A8D "ontemporar5 artists@ range o< artists@ '-o2 clear lin1s 4et2een t-e artists Dis"(ss 5o(r o2n personal and 5o(r 2or;@ interpretation o< t-e 2or; 5o( -ave loo;ed at@ Compare t-e artists 5o( -ave loo;ed at effectivel!= ?0@ Anal!Fe t-e p(rpose and meaning o< t-e 2or; 5o( -ave loo;ed at@ ?a;e critical judgements a4o(t t-e concepts and aesthetic o< t-e 2or;@ ?3@ $ea"- in@depth conclusions a4o(t t-e 2or;# 2-i"- 5o( 2ill present in 5o(r "riti.(e effectivel!@ D0@ Eval(ate t-e te"-ni.(es and vis(al lang(age (sed in t-e 2or; s-o2ing clear understanding@ "rganiFe 5o(r resear"- effectivel!# (sing it "learl5 to support !our arguments=

9ate :en;ins# Terr5 $-odes

Miskin Arts

Unit DC 9 'enerating 4ine Art #deas #(P"RTA T: The following are TAS?S (not to be confused with g !ding c ite i!) TAS?S To gain a Pass: TAS?S To gain a (erit: P/= 'ather visual research which e5plores the concept !ou have chosen to cover, including drawings and s1etches, photographs etc= ?&@ *at-er resear"- <rom a diverse range o< so(r"es@ Anal!se and evaluate t-e 2or; in detail@ %resent 5o(r 2or; clearl!@ ?0@ '-o2 clear and direct influence <rom t-e resear"- 5o( -ave gat-ered 2-en 5o( prod("e vis(al 2or;@ Clearl! lin1 t-e materials 5o( -ave (sed to t-e "on"ept 5o( -ave "-osen@ ?3@ '-o2 a clear understanding o< 5o(r "on"ept and te"-ni.(es t-ro(g- 5o(r eval(ation@ Use a diverse range o< materials and so(r"es# effectivel! lin;ing it to 5o(r resear"-@ %resent 5o(r 2or; in a considered and consistent manner@ TAS?S To gain a Distinction: D&@ Complete all 2or; independentl!@ T-ro(g- 5o(r eval(ations and pra"ti"al 2or;# s-o2 understanding o< t-e 2a5 5o(r resear"- -as influenced 5o(r 2or;@ %resent 5o(r 2or; s-o2ing originalit! and flair@

P-= 'ather research on a range of 4ine Artists=

P0= %5periment with materials and processes to ma1e visual artwor1= :in1 !our e5perimentations with the wor1 of the artists !ou have loo1ed at=

Brie< I=>d 45 ?arie ?"*ovan

9ate :en;ins# Terr5 $-odes

Miskin Arts PB= %valuate the wor1 !ou have created, discussing how it lin1s to the concept !ou have chosen and how !ou might ta1e it further= Unit DD 9 4ine Art Principles #(P"RTA T: The following are TAS?S (not to be confused with g !ding c ite i!) TAS?S To gain a Pass: TAS?S To gain a (erit: P/= 'ather visual research based upon !our chosen concept= ?&@ '-o2 clear purpose t-ro(g- 5o(r resear"-@ Clearl! dis"(ss t-e influence o< conte5t on artists 2or;@ ?0@ Anal!Fe t-e in<l(en"e o< "ontext on 5o(r o2n 2or;@ Clearl! lin; t-ese in<l(en"es 2it- 5o(r "on"ept@ ?3@ '-o2 a consistent understanding o< 5o(r "on"ept t-ro(g- 5o(r evaluation and presentation@ $esear"- <rom a diverse range o< so(r"es@ %resent 5o(r 2or; in a considered and consistent manner@ TAS?S To gain a Distinction: D&@ $esear"- independentl! <rom a comprehensive range o< so(r"es in a sophisticated manner@ D0@ Demonstrate t-ro(g- 5o(r anal!sis an informed understanding o< -o2 "ontext -as in<l(en"ed 5o(r 2or;@ Consistentl!# t-ro(g-o(t all o< 5o(r 2or; in t-is proAe"t# show direct lin1s 4et2een "ontext and o(t"ome@ D3@ Eval(ate 5o(r resear"- in a perceptive manner@ %5plicitl! indi"ate lin;s 4et2een 5o(r o2n and ot-er artists 2or; and a diverse variet5 o< 2a5@ Present 5o(r 2or; in a fluent and original manner=

P-= 'ather research on the wor1 of 4ine Artists, identif!ing in particular how the wor1 has been influenced b! the conte5t in which it was made=

P0= %5plain wh! !ou have chosen the concept !ou are investigating, discussing the influences of e5ternal factors in !our life=

Brie< I=>d 45 ?arie ?"*ovan

9ate :en;ins# Terr5 $-odes

Miskin Arts PB= %valuate the research !ou have gathered, discussing how it relates to !our concept and how !ou might use it to develop !our wor1= PG= Present !our research, along with !our proposed concept, to !our fellow 4ine Artists= Unit DE 9 Developing and Realising 4ine Art #deas #(P"RTA T: The following are TAS?S (not to be confused with g !ding c ite i!) TAS?S To gain a Pass: TAS?S To gain a (erit: P/= Produce artist research through galler! visits= Produce a mind@map of potential concepts !ou can investigate and select the idea<concept that interests !ou the most= P-= Produce visual research and investigative e5perimentations which e5plore !our concept= ?&@ '-o2 an individual approach 2-en sele"ting 5o(r "on"ept@ TAS?S To gain a Distinction: D&@ '-o2 independence in sele"ting 5o(r "on"ept <rom a wide range o< initial resear"-@ Develop 5o(r "on"ept to its full potential= D0@ '-o2 independence and flair in t-e (se o< media and te"-ni.(es@ %rod("e e5citing and original vis(al 2or;@ 4luentl! ma;e lin1s 4et2een 5o(r resear"-# generation o< ideas# development and o(t"omes@ D3@ Consistentl! anal!Fe and evaluate 5o(r 2or; in a 2a5 2-i"- clearl! informs !our progress= 8ote t-ro(g- a <inal eval(ation -o2 5o( 9ate :en;ins# Terr5 $-odes

?0@ '-o2 s1ill and understanding t-ro(g5o(r experimentation@ %rod("e an outcome 2-i"- clearl! lin1s to 5o(r "on"ept@ '-o2 a clear visual lin1 4et2een 5o(r "on"ept and 2or;@ ?3@ Anal!Fe 5o(r resear"- and vis(al 2or; 2it- strengt-s and areas <or development "learl5 identi<ied@ '-o2 a strong individualit! t-ro(g-

P0= Annotate !our research and !our visual wor1, lin1ing them to !our concept= Brie< I=>d 45 ?arie ?"*ovan

Miskin Arts 5o(r ideas and development@ ma5 develop t-e "on"ept <(rt-er in t-e future@

Unit EG 9 %5ploring Specialist Techni6ues #(P"RTA T: The following are TAS?S (not to be confused with g !ding c ite i!) TAS?S To gain a Pass: TAS?S To gain a (erit: P/= Discuss through annotations and !our presentations<criti6ues the main characteristics and features of the 4ine Art field= Throughout the project, annotate !our wor1 discussing the visual 6ualities achieved using different media= P-= Produce research on the wor1 of other 4ine Artists who lin1 to !our wor1= ?&@ $esear"- a diverse variet! o< artists 2or;# and explain -o2 t-e5 2ill influence 5o(r ideas and 2or;@ 8ote observations a4o(t t-e visual 6ualities o< artists 2or;@ Compare and contrast t-e artist>s 2or; t-at 5o( -ave loo;ed at@ ?0@ Bor; in a consistentl! organiFed manner@ '-o2 competent practical s1ills in 5o(r 2or;@ %valuate t-e results o< all o< 5o(r experiments@ TAS?S To gain a Distinction: D&@ Eval(ate -o2 t-e 6ualities o< t-e materials and t-e techni6ues 5o( -ave (sed -ave -elped 5o( a"-ieve aestheticall! pleasing results @ Anal!Fe t-e 2or; o< t-e artists 5o( -ave loo;ed at and (se t-eir ideas and met-ods to inform 5o(r pra"ti"e D0@ Thoroughl! experiment and ta1e ris1s 2it- 5o(r pra"ti"al 2or;@ #nvestigate te"-ni.(es and s-o2 t-ro(g- development and eval(ations t-at 5o( are 2illing to tr! new things and push the boundaries o< materials@ 9ate :en;ins# Terr5 $-odes

Brie< I=>d 45 ?arie ?"*ovan

Miskin Arts P0= Produce visual research and developmental e5periments to investigate !our concept= Annotate the wor1 !ou create discussing how well it portra!s !our concept= PB= %5plain an! processes or techni6ues !ou have e5perimented with to produce !our wor1 and how !ou have achieved different effects= (a1e lin1s between !our own wor1 and the other artists !ou have loo1ed at=

Brie< I=>d 45 ?arie ?"*ovan

9ate :en;ins# Terr5 $-odes

Miskin Arts

Brie< I=>d 45 ?arie ?"*ovan

9ate :en;ins# Terr5 $-odes

Miskin Arts

Brie< I=>d 45 ?arie ?"*ovan

9ate :en;ins# Terr5 $-odes

Miskin Arts

Brie< I=>d 45 ?arie ?"*ovan

9ate :en;ins# Terr5 $-odes

Miskin Arts

Brie< I=>d 45 ?arie ?"*ovan

9ate :en;ins# Terr5 $-odes

Miskin Arts

Brie< I=>d 45 ?arie ?"*ovan

9ate :en;ins# Terr5 $-odes

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