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Signed Signed Signed Signed This contract will be renewed on Template available online

School/Partner School/Partner School/Partner School/Partner


Date and signed by all parties

Framework for a Model Partnership Contract or Memorandum of Understanding
This template provides a framework for areas to be considered within a model partnership contract. A number of key questions are posed which should determine the detail needed to formalise agreements between schools and other partners. This Partnership agreement is between: and:
(give names of all schools and any other partners)

1.1 Name of the Partnership: 1.2 Aims of the Partnership What do you want to achieve? What outcomes are you seeking for students, staff, families and communities? What are your short term goals and long term aspirations? 1.3 Operational Arrangements and Formal Management Structures What will the management infrastructure look like? How will decisions be made and who will make them? How will leadership work? What level of resource commitment is needed from each of the partners? Will there be an action plan and/or a business plan? What specific roles and responsibilities are required? How long will the partnership run and how regularly will it be reviewed? How will employment and financial risks be managed?

1.4 Basic Partnership Propositions 1.8 Meeting Cycle and Attendance The Partnership/Lead Agency will provide: Include detail of : a) Work undertaken on behalf of or sold to schools and partners b) Management of joint finance and whether new funding streams will be sought c) Deployment and management of staff d) Management of risk Schools A, B, C, D will respond by providing: Include detail of: a) Dedicated resources: finance, expertise, staff time, accommodation, etc. b) Any responsibility for the line management/supervision or accommodation for staff c) How schools will work within agreed timeframes and any conditions they will need to abide by Who will meet and how often? What decision-making powers will each layer of the partnership have? How will meetings be chaired and recorded? What is expected around attendance and participation? Will there be a quorum? 1.9 Monitoring, Review and Reporting How will accountabilities be managed? Who will monitor progress and what might an annual cycle of review look like? Will joint governance arrangements be put in place? How will the impact on outcomes for students be assessed? How widely and formally will progress be reported? Will the Local Authority be involved? 2.0 Communication and Active Participation Are partners clear about what is expected of them and their individual contribution to the partnership? Will each partner be represented at every level of decision-making? How will partners communicate within and beyond this partnership? How often will the partnership contract be reviewed? 2.1 Student Voice How will students participate and what specific contribution will students make to the partnership? How will the views of students be used to inform any evaluation of impact? Will students shape and influence the work of the partnership? 2.2 Ethical Behaviour Will any protocols apply? How will communication with the press be managed? How will safeguarding be addressed? How will data sharing be managed? How will complaints be managed and addressed? When might there be a need for confidentiality?

1.5 Non Negotiables and Exit Strategy What issues or potential changes might lead a school (or partner) to withdraw from the partnership? How will withdrawal from the partnership be managed? What period of notice will be required? How will dissolution of the whole partnership be managed and what will happen to any assets or staff? How will disputes or differences be resolved? 1.6 Financial Arrangements How will pooled funding and financial accounting be transparently managed? How will the financial business be audited and reported? What happens if a school is unable to (or refuses to) pay as agreed? When will financial transfers be made and how will they be calculated? Are there any statutory issues to be addressed? 1.7 Staffing, Line Management and Employment Will staff be seconded to the partnership, employed by a school on behalf of the partnership or bought in as an independent supplier? Will the employment responsibility be the same as, or different from, the day-to-day management? How will you provide supervision and line management for staff? How will Job Descriptions and contractual issues be addressed? Will pay scales or Conditions of Service differ? How will all employment matters be managed, e.g. maternity leave, disciplinary, CRB checks, etc

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