Teamluby Update - Week of February 10, 2014 Spring Street School Mrs. Luby'S Class

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TeamLuby Update Week of February 10, 2014

Spring Street School

Mrs. Lubys class

Our Book Swap was an awesome
success. Although, there were fewer
higher level books than we expected, many
children did choose books for siblings or
cousins! Thank you so much for being a
part of this project!
Its that time of year again Fun
Fair.yes, that means the infamous tennis
can tubes will be on their way home on
Monday 2/10 and are due back by 2/28. If
you choose not to fill it up, please return it
to school.
Those box tops are coming in! Hoot
is very cute!
Pedometers have been
lost and found this week. If your
child hasnt returned his/her
pedometer, please do so on Monday.
Several children were out sick and
therefore, did not have a full week. All is
good! Thanks so much for participating!
Valentines Day party is Friday, 2-14
from 2 -3. Remember the district food
policy. Students can bring in
their own special snack but
none to share.
The Great Grade 4
Egg Drop is Friday morning!
Whose eggs will survive the
Enjoy the February Break!

Due to the Mock Long Composition on
Tuesday, we have PE on WEDNESDAY this
week. So remember those sneakers AND

Math Club TUESDAY; 8-8:30 AM
proper/improper fractions; adding and
subtracting unlike denominators.

Date Assigned Due Date
Greek Myth Choice 2-10 2-11
MB 7.5 2-10 2-11
Greek Myth Organizer 2-11 2-14
Math TBA
Other TBA

Read 20 minutes each night! Choose a
differnet genre expand your horizons!

South Region States/Capitals quiz-

Language Arts
Greek myths - we will read The Midas
Touch and look at its characters and story
elements! Guided reading groups will
continue with main events, synthesizing,
and questioning.


The Informational Mock MCAS Long
Composition takes place on Tuesday. The
children are well prepared to organize and
write their essays! With parental approval,
sugarless gum is acceptable for this mock;
sugarless hard candy for those with dental

Our fraction adventure continues
with adding and subtracting of fractions with
like and unlike denominators.
FAMILY LETTERS can be found on-line
this year! As in past years, they contain unit
vocabulary, activities, and selected homework
answers. You can find these newsletters at:
grade/famlly-leLLers/ If you cannot access them,
please let me know.

Social Studies
We have mapped the South Region
and have focused on the natural resources.
We will continue with economic activities
and preview the regions states and capitals
of the region. Flashcards will go home on
Monday for the quiz on Wed. March 5.
Check out TeamLuby Resources for

Science - from the desk of Mrs. Liporto
This is going to be a very fun and
exciting week in science. The kids will be
participating in the fourth grades annual
Egg Drop! Their task will be to build
something to put around a raw egg so that
it will survive a drop to the floor. We will
be working on this project in class this
week and then performing a class drop on
Thursday. Those eggs that survive the
initial round will be dropped from a higher
height on Friday morning. Be sure to check
in with your inventor on Friday afternoon
to see if they cracked under pressure!
WhaL's My lnLenL? 1o lnvenL! 2/11
lnvenLlon ConvenLlon 3/3 [ 9:13am

Class Tidbits!

Happy Birthday

Jackson Pride 2-25

Art: Monday, 9:15-9:55 AM
Physical Education: Tues., 10:45 11:25 AM
Music, Wed, 11:25 12:05 PM
Health: Thursday, 10:45 11:25 AM
Chorus: Friday 10:00-10:40 AM
Media: Every other Wed. 9:10-9:30 AM
As always, your comments are welcome.
Please drop me an e-mail at school or at
Barbara Luby

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