Control Plan - Rev 1

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HL CTQ y Completeness - Customer Master Completeness - Sales Orders Completeness - Material Master Timeliness - COE process Timeliness - orders

backlogged Timeliness - Block Span Accuracy - Sales Orders

KPIs Required Fields are Entered in Required Fields are Entered in Required Fields are Entered in COE block span orders entered SC Block Span SO matches PO matches Quote

KPI unit Process # # # # # # # Customer Master Order Entry Material Master Order Entry Order Entry Order Entry Order Entry

Data Entered in Performance report VD01 VA01 MM01 VA02 VA01 VA02 VA01 SE16 (KNVP, KNVV) SE16 (VBAK, VBAP) SE16 (MVKE) ZS82 RSWEB volume ZS82 SE16 (VBAK, VBAP)

frequency r-person Once a week-Rae Once a week-Rae Once a week-Rae Once a week-Rae Once a week-Rae Once a week-Rae Once a week-Rae

monthly & 1-1 Op Review Parisi Parisi Parisi Parisi Parisi Parisi Parisi

Whatmany Data customers to collect Created, How How many Verified, How many Errors out of the ones verified How many Sales orders Created, How many Verified, How many Errors How many created, How many verified, How many Errors Number of Records for COE block that are sitting for > 1 day Total Backlog of Orders Number of Records for SC block that are sitting fororders > 1 day How many Sales Created, How many Verified, How many Errors

Sample Created=50, Verified =15, Error=10 Created=50, Verified =15, Error=2 Created=50, Verified =15, Error=5 Block> 1 day = 40, Blocks> 4 days= 5, Blocks > 10 days = 10 Total Backlog =40 Block> 1 day = 40, Blocks> 4 days= 5, Blocks > 10 days = 10 Created=50, Verified =15, Error=0

Defect Color coding <10% error = Green, 10-25%= Yellow, >25% = Red <10% error = Green, 10-25%= Yellow, >25% = Red <10% error = Green, 10-25%= Yellow, >25% = Red Blocks 1-4 days = Yellow, Blocks > 4 days = Red Backlog > 20 is red Blocks 1-4 days = Yellow, Blocks > 4 days = Red <10% error = Green, 10-25%= Yellow, >25% = Red

HL CTQ y Timely-ECR Completeness-ECR Completeness-Material Master Completeness-BOM Accuracy-Time Dropping Customer Fulfilement

KPIs ECR is routed to correct Product authorizer ECR Routed to QA for review Required Fields are Entered in Accurate BOM's Time dropping to Internal Orders Materials created on time

KPI unit # # # # Hr No

Process Engineering Change Engineering Change Material Master BOM Time dropping MCN workflow

Data Entered inPerformance report CC01 CC01 MM01 CS01 CAT2 MM01 ECR workflow Audit trail ECR workflow Audit trail Se16(MARA) CS03 CAOR/CAT3

frequency r-person Once a week-Exline Once a week-Exline Once a week-Exline Once a week-Exline Weekly-Managers Weekly-Exline

monthly & 1-1 Op Review Jurek/Schmdt Jurek/Schmdt Jurek/Schmdt Jurek/Schmdt Jurek/Schmdt Jurek/Schmdt

What Data to collect Total ECR's Created/Total ECR's review/Total Issues Total ECR's Created/Total ECR's review/Total Issues Total Created/Total Materials reviewed/Materials having Issues Audit 1-2 BOM's per product line. Collect total BOM's created/Total reviewed/Total Issues No of records in the report that have 0 hrs or no time data to NPI projects Total Materials Requested/Total Materials created completely in SAP

Sample Data Created=20, Verified =10, Error=5 Created=20, Verified =10, Error=2 Created=20, Verified =10, Error=2 Created=20, Verified =10, Error=0 10 MCN= 80, SAP created =60

Defect Color Coding <10% error = Green, 10-25%= Yellow, >25% = Red <10% error = Green, 10-25%= Yellow, >25% = Red <10% error = Green, 10-25%= Yellow, >25% = Red <10% error = Green, 10-25%= Yellow, >25% = Red Technology manager to define >80% = Green, 60-80 % = Yellow, Below 60% = Red



KPI unit # # Days # Days days # hrs # # # #

Process Goods Movement Goods Movement GIO Production Orders Production orders Shipping MRP Production orders Production Orders Material Master Routings Shipping

Inventory Accuracy-Goods Movement No Errors in Goods Movement Inventory Accuracy-Transfer Orders Timeliness-Customer fulfillment Timeliness-Production Order Timeliness-Production Order Timeliness-Shipping Timeliness-Execution Accuracy-Cost Accuracy-Production orders Completeness-Material Completeness-Routings Completeness-Deliveries No Errors in Transfer Orders On time Customer delivery Materials in Correct workcenter Production order execution timeliness On time Picking Minimum exceptions in MRP Monitor Labor dropped to production orders Serial number genealogy accuracy Required fields are entered in material Required fields are entered in Routing Required fields are entered in delivery

Data Entered in Performance report Various SAP LT01/SAP Va01/Co01 Co01 CO01 LT01 Various SAP C011 ZO05 MM01 CA01 VL01n ZM09 LT10 ZS70 Co03 ZP06 LT23 MD04 ZP03 SM35(Zo06 output) MM03 CA03 VL06P

defect definition Any Error in goods movement Any Errors in transfer orders Any Order where VTW exceeds want date Materials in the wrong workcenter Any production Order that is running behind schedule any transfer order that is residing for a long time Any exception in MRP report Any Confirmation that does not have time dropped in it Any error reported in ZO06 Any material that is not set up correctly Any Routing that is not set up correctly Any delivery that is not set up correctly

frequency r-person / m-person 3 times a week- Jeremy Polanski 3 times a week- Jeremy Polanski Daily - Magda Skinner Once a week-Cell Leads Twice a week-Cell leads( Mon, Thu) Twice a week- Jeremy Polanski Daily- Magda.. Report out once a week Once a Week-Cell leads Frank?? Weekly-Planners Weekly -ME/MSO Weekly- Eric

monthly & 1-1 Op Review Teresa & Rei Teresa & Rei Teresa & Rei Teresa & Rei Teresa & Rei Teresa & Rei Teresa & Rei Teresa & Rei Teresa & Rei Teresa & Rei Teresa & Rei Teresa & Rei

What Data to collect No Of Errors in report No of Errors in report( Input parameter for storage type = 9*) No of Orders Late Deliveries Total reviewed on a random sampling basis / Total no of orders with Errors Total number of Operation with W that are late / Number of operations with W and > 2 days late Total number of entries/ Total number of entries > 2 days old Sum of 10,15, 30 exception codes and Total (10,15,30) > 5 days Total no of production orders that have 0 time dropped Total number of errors Total reviewed( sample) and total errors Total reviewed( sample) and total errors No of entries in VL06P

Sample Data

Defect 7 < 5 = Green, 5-10 = Yellow, >10 = Red

Duration< 5 days = 10, Duration > 5 days= 7 Total = 20, < 2 days = 10, > 3 days = 10 Total reviewed= 40, Errors = 10 Total Late= 40, Late> 2 days = 5 Total =20, entries> 2 days old = 2 Total = 40, > 5 days =10

Red if more than 20% records are > 10 days Magda to decide color coding <10% error = Green, 10-25%= Yellow, >25% = Red Red if more than 30% records are > 2 days. Red if more than 30% records are > 2 days. Red if > 5 days records is greater than 30%. Else yellow. If no records> 5 days then green 20 Less than 10 is green, 10-20 = yellow, > 20 = red 30 >10 = Yellow, >20 = RED

reviewed = 10, Errors =2 reviewed = 10, Errors =2

Errors between 20-30% is yellow, > 30 % is RED Errors between 20-30% is yellow, > 30 % is RED 20 0-5= Green, 5-15 = Yellow, > 15 = red

HL CTQ y Timeliness-Fulfillment Timeliness-Fulfillment Timeliness-Fulfillment Timeliness-Fulfillment Completeness-Purchase Orders Completeness-Purchase Orders Completeness-Goods reciept Completeness-Purchase Orders

KPIs Ontime release of PO's Minimum Exceptions from MRP PO/Vendor timeliness Ontime release of Nuclear PO's All Required fields are entered in Synchronization with O2s Synchronization with O2s Synchronization with SSp5

KPI unit Days Days Days Days # # # #

Process Purchase Orders MRP Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Goods reciept Purchase Orders

Data Entered in Performance report MEPO MD01 MEPO MEPO MEPO MEPO MIGO MEPO ME57 ZM25 ZP11 ME28 MEPO Verify in O2s Verify in O2s Verify in SSp5

frequency r-person Daily( 2 weeks)- Garth/Patty, Then once a week-Garth Daily- Buyers/Patty Daily-Julain Mason/Patty Daily( 2 weeks)- Garth/Maier/Keith, Then once a week Daily( 2 weeks) 1PO per buyer : Garth & Patty O2s team will notify based on weekly recon O2s team will notify based on weekly recon Raju Sale- Once a week

monthly & 11 Op Review Justin Eggart Justin Eggart Justin Eggart Justin Eggart Justin Eggart Justin Eggart Justin Eggart Justin Eggart

What data to collect No of PO's that are Late ( Collect Data for no of PO's > 1 week Late and > 3 weeks late) Collect data count for exceptions 10 and exception 15 Total number of late PO's, Total Po's that arenumber > 1 day of late Collect PO's with release possible state in Me28 sitting on each function that are > 2 days late. This is How many PO's reviewed and how many have issues NO of PO's that failed to reach O2s No of GR's that failed to reach O2s No of SSp5 failures in SAP

Sample Data Total =40, > 1 week = 20, > 3 weeks =10 Total = 40, > 5 days =10 Total =40, > 1 day =10 Total = 40, > 2 days Late = 20 Total Created= 35, Total reviewed = 6, Total Issues= 2 20 7 3

Defect RED if > 50% of late PO's are more than 3 weeks late, yellow if >20% Po's are more 3 weeks late Red if >5 daysthan records is greater than 30%. Else yellow. If no records> 5 days then green RED if > 75% are > 1 day late. Yellow if > 25% PO are > 1 day late RED if > 50% of PO's are > 2 days, Yellow if > 20% are > 2 days late RED if > 50% of reviewed have issues > 10 failures= RED, any failure less than 10 = Yellow > 10 failures= RED, any failure less than 10 = Yellow > 5 failures= RED, any failure less than 5 = Yellow

HL CTQ y Timeliness-Recievables Timeliness-Recievables Timeliness-Payables Timeliness-Payables Completeness-Invoices Accuracy- Interfaces Accuracy- Closing Accuracy-Closing Accuracy-Closing Accuracy-Materials Accuracy-Inventory Accuracy-Inventory

KPIs Ontime Customer Billing Ontime Customer Billing Ontime Vendor Invoicing( Get Services) On time Vendor Payables Syncronization with O2s Accurate posting from External Systems Invoices posting to Accounting Accurate WIP calculations Accurate Settlements Accurate Costs Inventory/Sales Ratio WIP/Inventory Ratio

KPI unit Days Days Days Days # # # # # #

Process Customer Billing Customer Billing Vendor Invoicing Vendor Payments Vendor Invoicing GL Posting Invoicing Results Analysis Settlement Material Master Creation

Data Entered in VF01 VF01 MIRO F110 O2s External system VF01 CJE0,Co01 CJe0,Co01,VF01 MM01

Performance report VF04

defect definition

Any Sales Order that is shipped but not invoiced Any Sales Order that is invoiced but not reached GECARS ZF33, Check with GECARS Any PO from Get Services that has been received but invoices not created MB5s FBL1N O2s recon. O2s team to communicate SLG1 VFX3 Any Invoice that has not been paid Any Invoice that is created in O2s and not reflected SAP Any entryin from P-Card expenses, Payroll Costs, T&L expenses, IBS does not post correctly to 1600 Any Invoice that has not posted to accounting Any Errors in the RA run Any Errors in the settlement run No of materials that have costing issues Finaance to decide Finaance to decide

Costing Run GR55 GR55

frequency r-person Weekly-Bob Quiggle Weekly-Bob Quiggle Weekly-Bob Quiggle Weekly-Bob Quiggle Weekly-Bob Quiggle Weekly/Monthly-Debbie Hartzel Weekly-Bob Quiggle Weekly-BOB quiggle Weekly-BOB quiggle Weekly-BOB quiggle Weekly-BOB quiggle Weekly-BOB quiggle

monthly & 1-1 Op Review Leo & Mike Klein Leo & Mike Klein Leo & Mike Klein Leo & Mike Klein Leo & Mike Klein Leo & Mike Klein Leo & Mike Klein Leo & Mike Klein Leo & Mike Klein Leo & Mike Klein Leo & Mike Klein Leo & Mike Klein

What Data to Collect No of VF04 entries > 1 day Late No of Errors in ZF33, No of Errors reported by from GECARS team eg No of GR's Getservices( addecco) vendors that have not been invoice verified No of entries that are not paid No of invoices in O2s that have failed to update SAP Debbie to provide the failures for T&L. IBS, Payroll NO of invoices that have not posted to accounting No of failures No Of Failures No Of Failures Inventory/Sales Ratio WIP/Invetory Ratio

Sample Data

Defect Finance team to decide whats RED, 20 Green,Yellow >10 = RED, 5-10= Yellow 10 > 5= RED Finance to decide whats bad based on 10 terms of payment 10 >10 = RED, 5-10= Yellow

ZF33-5, GECARS-6

T&L-10, IBS-5, Payroll-5

Finance to decide whats red 5 5-10 = Yellow, > 10 = RED 10 Finance to decide

20 20 1.76 0.751

Finance to decide >10= Yellow, > 25 = RED Finance to decide whats red? Finance to decide whats red?



KPI unit


Accuracy-Returns Accuracy-Replication Accuracy-Replication

Accurate complaints creation R3 and CRM systems in Synch R3 and CRM systems in Synch

# # #

RMA Sales Orders Sales Orders


On time creation of workorders



R3 and CRM systems in Synch


Timeliness-Fulfillment Accuracy-Returns

Accurate complaints creation Accurate Compliants Closure

# #

Returns Returns

Data Entered in Performance report

frequency r-person

monthly & 1-1 Op Review


CMRD_BUS2000120 Weekly-CSR CMRD_BUS2000120 / VA03 Weekly-Janna Berggren CMRD_BUS2000120 / VA03 Weekly-Janna Berggren

Teresa Harp Stan Mcpartland Stan Mcpartland



Weekly-Janna Berggren

Teresa Harp


Random Checks

Weekly-Janna Berggren

Stan Mcpartland



Weekly-Janna Berggren

Teresa Harp Teresa Harp

CMRD_BUS2000120 Weekly-Janna Berggren

What data to collect

Sample Data

No of RMA's Reviewed, No of RMA's not having Complaints with Correct type RMA Reviewed-20, No complaints-5 No of Orders that have failed to replicate from CRM-> R/3 No of Orders that have failed to replicate from R/3-> CRM 20 10

How many Repair scenario's reviewed randomly, How many dont have a timely production order created Reviewed= 20, Non complinaces-5 No of Serial numbers in R/3 selected for random review, No of serial numbers not in CRM Reviewed= 20, Non complinaces-5 Monitor the complaint task activity execution( Janna to confirm data metric) Janna? No of complaints that are not closed on time and correctly 10


> 50% errors is RED >10 = RED >10 = RED

> 30% of reviewed if are errors then RED

>10% failures is RED

Janna ? Janna?

HL CTQ y Accuracy-Revenue Accuracy-Costs Accuracy-Revenue Accuracy-Reporting Accuracy-Schedules Accuracy-Schedules Accuracy-Reporting Accuracy-Schedules Accuracy-Schedules Accuracy-Projects

KPIs Plan Revenue Missing Plan Cost Missing Plan Margin Negative Responsible Person Missing Basic Start Date Missing Basic Finish Date Missing WBS not Released (status) Actual Start Date Missing Actual Finish Data Missing WBS Not Technically Complete

KPI unit # # # # # # # # # #

Process Sales Order Projects Projects Projects Projects Projects Projects Projects Projects Projects

Data Entered in VA01/VA02 CJ20n CJ20n CJ20n CJ20n CJ20n CJ20n CJ20n CJ20n CJ20n

Performance report Project Control Summary Project Control Summary Project Control Summary Project Control Summary Project Control Summary Project Control Summary Project Control Summary Project Control Summary Project Control Summary Project Control Summary

defect definition Plan Revenue Missing Plan Cost Missing Plan Margin Negative Responsible Person Missing Basic Start Date Missing Basic Finish Date Missing WBS not Released (status) Actual Start Date Missing Actual Finish Data Missing WBS Not Technically Complete

frequency r-person Weekly-Parmelee Weekly-Parmelee Weekly-Parmelee Weekly-Parmelee Weekly-Parmelee Weekly-Parmelee Weekly-Parmelee Weekly-Parmelee Weekly-Parmelee Weekly-Parmelee

monthly & 1-1 Op Review Dave Colegrove Dave Colegrove Dave Colegrove Dave Colegrove Dave Colegrove Dave Colegrove Dave Colegrove Dave Colegrove Dave Colegrove Dave Colegrove

What Data to Collect No of Billiable WBS that have planned revenue missing No of WBS that have planned cost missing No of jobs with negative margins No person responsible on the billable WBS element. No Basic Start Date on the billable WBS element. No Basic Finish Date on the billable WBS element. Status is marked as CRTD at the Project level. No Actual Start Date on the billable WBS element. No Actual Finish Date on the billable WBS element. Status is marked as TECO at the Project level. Project is past the Basic Finish Date on the billable WBS element.

Sample Data


$ in CJE0 Planned Revenue Plan Revenue Missing $ in CJE0 Planned Cost $ in CJE0 Planned Margin Name Date Date Job Status Date Date Job Status Plan Cost Missing Plan Margin Negative Responsible Person Missing Basic Start Date Missing Basic Finish Date Missing WBS not Released (status) Actual Start Date Missing Actual Finish Data Missing WBS Not Technically Complete


Project is Past Plan Dates



Project Control Summary

Project is Past Plan Dates


Dave Colegrove


Project is Past Plan Dates

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