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Part 197

Father God Addresses Our Final Choices

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, PsyD
January 2 2!"#

Dearest Ones, I have some further nformat on for !ou" Con#ern n$ !our %art # %at on n the #om n$ reva&uat on of #urren# es, I en#oura$e !ou to esta'& sh a re&at onsh % ( th a 'an) !ou trust * es%e# a&&! sma&&er &o#a& 'an)s an+ #re+ t un ons" ,a+! Port a, !ou are th n) n$ a'out !our home 'an)" That (ou&+ 'e a ver! $oo+ %&a#e to start" -ou have a %ersona& re&at onsh %" That ( && a&&o( !ou to #ommun #ate ( th the 'an)er n su#h a (a! that !ou ( && )no( the %o& # es 'efore !ou e.#han$e, 'e#ause he s an honest %erson" Th s ( && 'e a ver! $oo+ a%%roa#h for others as (e&&" Ta&) ( th h m an+ ( th !our #re+ t un on" -ou ( && 'e a'&e to esta'& sh #&ose re&at onsh %s ( th them, an+ the e.#han$es ( && 'enef t the &o#a& 'an)s an+ e#onom!" Th s s the %ur%ose, of #ourse" The &ar$e 'an)s have %roven themse&ves to 'e + shonest at man! &eve&s" /e %refer for !ou to avo + them f %oss '&e, or a'an+on them mme+ ate&! after !our e.#han$e" No(, a'out !our A+amos 0St" Germa n1" -ou have not hear+ from h m mu#h

'e#ause he s 2&ea+ n$ the troo%s2 n th s ver! #ru# a& t me" The! are (or) n$ roun+ the #&o#) to ma)e the R3 ha%%en, 'ut to +o t n su#h a (a! that a&& (ho #an 'e #au$ht n the net ( && 'e" It s a ver! &ar$e num'er no(, those (ho have 'etra!e+ the r fe&&o(s '! ta) n$ the %ath of $ree+ rather than &ove" -es, (e are sorr! to see so man! + s4ua& f! n$ themse&ves, 5ust as (e (ere sorr! to see our #h &+ren of the Re%t & an ra#e ma) n$ the same +e# s on" Th s $rou% are no( se%arat n$ themse&ves nto 6 or 7 $rou%s * those (ho have #omm tte+ he nous #r mes a$a nst human t! '! #arr! n$ the r $ree+ to su#h e.tremes that the! )no( n$&! #ause+ &ar$e num'ers of %eo%&e to 'e %&a#e+ n s tuat ons of $reat har+sh %, %overt!, an+ even starvat on, an+ those (ho have stoo+ '! or %&a!e+ m nor ro&es n the $ree+ $ame" Some of them * those (ho have no remorse * ( && have to 'e"""(hat !ou m $ht term"""+ sso&ve+, as the Re%t & ans of e4ua& Dar)ness (ere" Others (ho sho( even a $& mmer of remorse an+ the ( sh to #ont nue the r &essons, ( && 'e ta)en to the a&ternate %&anet, (here the! ( && 'e treate+ to the e.%er en#e of & v n$ e.#&us ve&! ( th the r o(n ) n+" The %&anet (here the! ( && 'e ta)en s one ( thout the $u + n$ essen#e of the sou&" It s, n effe#t, a +ea+ %&anet, so there ( && 'e no suffer n$ on the %art of the %&anet" /e #ou&+ not su'5e#t a & v n$ %&anet to the ) n+ of a'use the! have nf& #te+ on Mother Earth a$a n" The r +estru#t ve %ra#t #es ( && 'e fe&t mme+ ate&! 'e#ause there ( && 'e no hea& n$ %resen#e to #ountera#t t" Th s ( && 'e a $reat sho#) to those (ho too) for $rante+ that the %&anet (ou&+ a&(a!s re#over, a&thou$h the! + + not a#)no(&e+$e the reason for that re#over! * the %resen#e of a nurtur n$ an+ &ov n$ Mother sou& (ho (as +e+ #ate+ to %rov + n$ a'un+ant&! for a&& ( th n her #are" The! ( && &earn 4u #)&! (hen the! see the! must & ve ( th the r o(n +estru#t on" An+ so, 5ust #e s +one, ( thout %un shment or s%e# a& %r v &e$es for an!one" A&& must ma)e the r o(n #ho #es a'out (here the! ( && en+ u%" Those (ho rema n on the Ne( Earth ( && & ve un+er ver! + fferent # r#umstan#es" After the As#ens on of a&& (ho are no( on the %ath to(ar+ , $ht, Mother Earth ( && rene( herse&f, restor n$ her %r st ne 'eaut!" It ( && tru&! 'e a Para+ se on Earth" A&& of !ou rea+ n$ th s (ho as% re to as#en+ ( && 'e a'&e to return to Earth, e ther ( th n the 8o&&o( Earth or on the surfa#e, to

en5o! the fru ts of !our man! & fet mes of (or)" It ( && 'e a tru&! $&or ous t me"

No(, &et me te&& !ou someth n$ a'out the hea& n$ %ro#ess an+ ho( t ( && #ome a'out" A&& Earth9s nha' tants ( && have to 'e ta)en e&se(here for a t me * or I shou&+ sa!, ( && 'e $ ven the o%%ortun t! to e.%&ore an+ e.%er en#e other %&anets for a 'r ef t me, (h &e Mother Earth #om%&etes her restorat on" At that t me, she ( && 'e free to a'sor' a&& the remnants of ear& er # v & :at ons, to ( %e herse&f #&ean, !ou m $ht sa!" A&& e. st n$ # t es, roa+s, s)!s#ra%ers, (oo+en stru#tures, the res +ue of m n n$ an+ foss & fue& e.%&orat on, a&& automo' &es an+ other trans%ortat on +ev #es an+ so on, ( && + sa%%ear +ee% nto the #rust to 'e + sso&ve+" Do not mourn for the %&anet !ou have )no(n, Dear Ones" It s the en+ of the era of smo)esta#)s, #or%orat ons an+ 'an)s" None ( && 'e nee+e+ n the ne( h $her + mens ona& Earth e. sten#e" A'un+an#e ( && re%&a#e (ant, #oo%erat on an+ $oo+( && as t s & ve+ n the ;th + mens on ( && 'e the on&! e.%er en#e n the & ves of those (ho #ome to Earth n the #om n$ a$e" -ou ma! #hoose to rema n, to reve& n the 'eaut! of the %&anet !ou have &ove+ an+ have he&%e+ to save, or !ou ma! ( sh to move on to other a+ventures" A&& the Un verse ( && 'e at !our f n$ert %s, an+ there are man! #ha&&en$ n$ or thr && n$ or #a%t vat n$ o%%ortun t es ava &a'&e to !ou" On#e !ou have #om%&ete+ !our As#ens on, !ou ( && see (hat (e see, un+erstan+ a&& of (hat has trans% re+ over the eons !ou have (or)e+ to 'r n$ Earth 'a#) to %ea#e an+ 'eaut!" -ou ( && e&evate !ourse&ves, an+ !ou ( && have mu#h to #e&e'rate an+ e.%er en#e" -ou ( && reve& n the ,ove !ou share, the u%& ft n$ fee& n$s of tr um%h !ou ( && fee& to$ether" Th s s the +est n! of those (ho fo&&o( the %ath of , $ht" There s a&(a!s a mu&t * ra n'o( at the en+ of the %ro5e#t, no matter ho( mu#h effort t has ta)en to rea#h the f na& $oa&" -ou see, (e are a&rea+! #e&e'rat n$" Pr me Creator has ste%%e+ n to ta)e over the f na& fe( ste%s as !ou a%%roa#h !our As#ens on" /e, Mother Go+ an+ I, are fu&f &&e+ n our $reat ,ove for our #h &+ren (ho have su##ee+e+ n th s $reat event" /e see the resu&t, fee& t n our 8earts, an+ (e re5o #e" /e too ( && e&evate ourse&ves, a&on$ ( th the ent re Un verse of sou&s (ho are res%on+ n$ to the r s n$ v 'rat ons" A&& 'e n$s ( && #ome to$ether n a $reat u%& ft n$ (h #h #annot 'e +es#r 'e+ to !ou n a+van#e, 'ut #an on&! 'e

e.%er en#e+ to )no( the $reat <o! that ( && f && our hearts as (e r se to$ether"

It s our +est n!, =e&ove+ Ones" /e are on the thresho&+ no(" A##e%t !our '&ess n$s ( th 5o! an+ $rat tu+e" Ste% nto !our Ne( Go&+en A$e ( th <o! an+ 8o%e n !our hearts" It s tru&! a ne( +a!" /e &ove !ou 'e!on+ measure" I am !our >ather Go+, ( th a&& the Com%an! of 8eaven, ( sh n$ !ou Pea#e, 8armon!, <o! an+ ,ove" 3 a ?athr!n E" Ma!, <anuar! 69, 6@1A, 16 AM" Ne( -or) C t! Perm ss on s $rante+ to share or #o%! these messa$es, %rov + n$ no a++ t ons or a&terat ons are +one, an+ #re+ t s $ ven to the #hanne& an+ the (e's te, ((("(honee+s& $ht"or$"

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