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Muhammad Ashiqul Hoque - Aqeedah 102 Assignment - Dec 2013

Islamic Online University Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies

Aqeedah 102 Assignment

Full Name: Muhammad

Ashiqul Hoque

Question: Derive ten to fifteen `Aqeedah-related lessons that can be learned

from the events of the Israa and Mi`raj.


Indeed, I testify that, all praises be to Almighty Allah and Muhammad Messenger. I also seek protection in Allah from satan the accursed. is His

The greatest night1 in the life of Rasulullah Muhammad was that of Isra and Miraj. And what makes it greatest is his direct meeting2 with Allah at proximity. The time was when Rasulullah and his followers were passing real hard-time in Makkah through series of trials and Miraj strengthened him3.

Meaning of Israa and Miraj

Literally Isra means night journey and in Islam it is refered to the miraculous night journey of Rasulullah from Makkah to Bait-ul-Maqdis4. Miraj literally means a device5 or vehicle6 used to go up or ascend i.e. ladder, elevator etc. and in Islam it refers to the Ascension of Rasulullah from Bait-ul-Maqdis to the heavens and beyond7 or may refer to the Buraq8.

Page no. 1 - The Night of Isra and Miraj by Dr. Hafiz Ather Hussain al-Azhari - Page no. 74 Commentary on The Radiance of Faith by Dr. Bilal Phillips 3 Page no. 76 Commentary on The Radiance of Faith by Dr. Bilal Phillips 4 Page no. 147 The Sealed Necter by Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri Dar-us-Salam 5 Page no. 162 Sharh Al-Aqeedah Al-Tahawiyyah by Ibn Ab l-Izz Translation 6 Page no. 74 Commentary on The Radiance of Faith by Dr. Bilal Phillips 7 Page no. 162 Sharh Al-Aqeedah Al-Tahawiyyah by Ibn Ab l-Izz Translation 8 Page no. 75 Commentary on The Radiance of Faith by Dr. Bilal Phillips Page no. 164 Sharh Al-Aqeedah Al-Tahawiyyah by Ibn Ab l-Izz Translation

Muhammad Ashiqul Hoque - Aqeedah 102 Assignment - Dec 2013

Discussion in Tenets of Faith - Aqeedah

The incident of Isra and Miraj are discussed in most major books of Aqeedah as it was a very significant transcendental miraculous event which relates to several vital parts of our fundamental Islamic beliefs; especially several unseen9 matters. Here I will present several lessons from the incident related to Aqeedah; as found in the works of other scholars or what I realized as issues of Aqeedah. We know the Hadith of Jibril which is the single most important hadith summarizing Islam10, contains the six pillars of faith:

I see the Isra and Miraj as real events comprising direct and indirect connections to all of the pillars of Faith.

1. Belief in the Unseen and Miracles, Anything and Everything

As Allah said in Al-Quran, it is known that believers have to believe in the unseen11. Our limited knowledge cannot comprehend what Allah made unseen for us. But He wants us to have faith in them.

This incident is unbelievable in human norms but we have to believe it12 as it is mentioned in Al-Quran and narrated in many authentic Hadiths13. We must believe that miracles are from Allah alone. Not even prophets or angels. For the people of Makkah this was a matter of unseen, but they got several proofs of Rasuls travel to encourage them to believe.

Al-Quran - Surah Al-Baqarah Ayat no. 3 11 Al-Quran - Surah Al-Baqarah Ayat no. 3 12 Page no. 74 Commentary on The Radiance of Faith by Dr. Bilal Phillips 13 The Night of Isra and Miraj by Dr. Hafiz Ather Hussain al-Azhari - & Isra and Mi'raj

Muhammad Ashiqul Hoque - Aqeedah 102 Assignment - Dec 2013

2. Belief in Allah
Rasulullah believed in almighty Allah by revelations and some miracles before this. Belief in Allah as the creator and lord of everything was based on belief in the Unseen. All prophets too believed in Allah strongly, but there were instances like when prophet Musa14 wanted to see Allah

and prophet Ibrahim15 wanted to see how Allah gives life to the dead for the perfection of faith and peace of human mind. Rasulullah had a visit beyond the universe to be in direct presence of Allah and have conversation with Him.

So this event of meeting Allah definitely have significant effect on Iman.

3. Allahs creation and His absolute might

It is not for human minds to comprehend the absolute power of the Supreme Being AlMighty Allah. But for Rasulullah, the clouds were cleared first-person experience of Allahs creation and power; the heavens, paradise and hell, the boundaries of the universe.

And a miracle of Time as the whole event occurred in one night and probably it only took moments as Rasul found his bed still warm as if he just went up and came back. The people of Makkah have noticed (proofs related to caravans) that its not possible to go and come back from Jerusalem so fast.

4. Belief in Angels
Belief in the Angels is a pillar of faith and Rasulullah saw Jibril only. During miraj he could see abundance of angels guarding the gates of heavens16 and at the Bait-al-Mamur along with a second view of jibrils real form being very near.

14 15

Al-Quran Surah Al-Araf : 143 Al-Quran Surah Al-Baqarah : 260 16 Page no. 164 Sharh Al-Aqeedah Al-Tahawiyyah by Ibn Ab l-Izz Translation

Muhammad Ashiqul Hoque - Aqeedah 102 Assignment - Dec 2013

5. Belief in the Books

Until then Rasulullahs belief in the divine books/speech of Allah was based on revelations only through Jibril. But in Miraj, for the first time he could hear Allah speaking without any middleman and he could meet the earlier messengers who received revelations and books from Allah.

6. Belief in the Prophets and Messengers

Before Miraj Rasulullahs knowledge and belief on the other prophets and messengers of Allah was mainly based on revelation. But then he could taste the reality in presence of other prophets praying behind Muhammad and meeting several prophets in the several heavens. Exchanging salam with them, talking to his forefather Ibrahim and several conversation with prophet Musa. He could also witness the sustained life of Prophets after death.

7. Life after Death, Paradise and Hell

Life after death is a matter of doubt or disbelief in many human minds. A case which even prophet Ibrahim also needed a demonstration to comfort his mind. Human mind cannot comprehend the severity of hell and the supreme luxury of paradise. During Miraj Rasulullah did witness the reality through meeting earlier prophets and several demonstrations of Paradise and Hell17.

8. Prophethood and Distinction of Muhammad (pbuh)

Miraj was a great experience of extra-special treatment and very special distinction for Muhammad among other prophets and messengers. Leading other prothets in prayer at the Bait-al-Maqdis was reflection of his excellence and distinction over others. The prophets he met confirmed his prophet-hood and prophet Musa was crying thinking about Muhammads ummah will be greater than his18.

9. Rasul (pbuh) travelled in body and soul

There are some views that dont agree about his travelling by body and soul is his whole human being. But the correct view is Isra and Miraj was with both the body and the soul. If some deny ascent of human, may also deny descent of angels and ultimately denying revelations and prophethood19.

Sights of the Hereafter in Al-Israa - 18 Al-Israa' and Al-Mi`raj: Incidents & Significance - 19 Page no. 167 Sharh Al-Aqeedah Al-Tahawiyyah by Ibn Ab l-Izz Translation


Muhammad Ashiqul Hoque - Aqeedah 102 Assignment - Dec 2013

10. Allahs Transcendence

One of the most vital points that relates to several vital points of Aqeedah and refutes several deviant sects is in the issue of Allahs transcendence. Miraj is a direct and clear proof of Allah being transcendent20. He is above all and beyond the ultimate boundaries of everything that exists besides Him.

11. Allahs Speech

It is another important point that relates to many Aqeedah issues, especially to refute deviant claims21. It is the reality of Allahs speech that Allah really talked by Himself to a Human Muhammad Rasulullah . And the conversation, the words and sentences are clear by the authentic narrations. Also confirms the incident of Allah talking to Musa. Allahs speech with human also implicates that it was by use of language.

12. Seeing Allah

The issue of seeing Allah is related to Miraj. Rasulullah was there in Allahs presence but could not see Him as Allah said in the Quran and Rasul said that his veil is 22 23 light . Some deviants claim Rasul saw Allah . While other deviants claim it is never possible to see Him. Both are wrong24.

13. Supreme Significance of Tawheed and Shirk

The meeting and conversation that took place between Allah and the His beloved Muhammad Rasulullah was a very important event and the main part of Miraj. In that sublime conversation was sentences that may be some of the most important sentence for the ummah until Qiyamah. Allah revealed the last verses of Surah-al-Baqarah

20 21

Page no.141 The Fundamentals of Tawhid Dr. Bilal Philips Page no. 50 Commentary on The Radiance of Faith by Dr. Bilal Phillips 22 Sahih Muslim - The Fundamentals of Tawhid Dr. Bilal Philips 23 Page no.141 The Fundamentals of Tawhid Dr. Bilal Philips 24 Page no.163,164 The Fundamentals of Tawhid Dr. Bilal Philips

Muhammad Ashiqul Hoque - Aqeedah 102 Assignment - Dec 2013

to Muhammad and assured that the major sins of his ummah would be pardoned if they avoid Shirk25.

14. Hidayah depends on Allahs will

Only Allah decides whom to show the light and whom to throw into darkness. It is on the people, whether they deserve guidance or not. Even though Rasulullah (pbuh) could give the people of Makkah several clear proofs which would at least prove his miraculous travel to Jerusalem. But this didnt have much visible effect on the hearts of the disbelievers. This important aftermath of Isra and Miraj has been discussed in our text-book of Aqeedah26. For a person to be believer or non-believer is unto Allahs decision is also an issue of Qadar.

15. Allah created Human on Fitrah

This incident is also a proof that Allah created us on default settings of being guided towards the right path. That is how no human can ever show excuses of ignorance.

Yes Allah created human with weaknesses, but He did set for us a default status and gave us common sense of good and bad, right and wrong. By this sense we will be charged in the day of Judgement. We cannot blame Allah for creating evil and we cannot blame shaitan for making us do wrong.

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Page no. 75 Commentary on The Radiance of Faith by Dr. Bilal Phillips Page no. 76 Commentary on The Radiance of Faith by Dr. Bilal Phillips

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16. Miraj of the Believers & Tawhid al-Uluhiyyah

Oneness of the Worship of Allah among the three parts of Tawhid. And the greatest worship of all is Salat. Even though Salat is among Ibadat issues, I include I still feel necessity to include it here as its the most significant of Tawhid al-Uluhiyyah. Salat is distinguishing fact between Belief and Dis-belief, between Iman and Kufr.

Salats ordinance in Miraj enhanced its superiority among other Worships.27 Salat is our way to meet Allah and ask for his forgiveness and blessings28. We communicate with Allah while praying29. Salat builds, maintains, repairs, nurses, polishes and strengthens our faith. Through salat we feel the relation of a servant with the Master30.


Conspiracies of saitan are very weak. If we ponder over the teachings from Miraj and over this ayat we may know that those deviant groups with corrupted Aqeedah are very weak in their arguments. Several important debates are clearly solved by Isra and Miraj.

Al-Israa' and Al-Mi`raj: Incidents & Significance - 28 Why Does Man Need To Pray? - Dr. Suhaib Hasan - 29 How Is Communicating with God Viewed in Islam? - 30


Muhammad Ashiqul Hoque - Aqeedah 102 Assignment - Dec 2013

BIBLIOGRAPHY Sharh Al-Aqeedah Al-Tahawiyyah by Ibn Ab l-Izz translated by Muhammad Abdul Haqq Ansari Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University Deanery of Academic Research. Commentary on The Radiance of Faith : Leading to the Path of Guidance by Dr. Bilal Phillips - Text-book for AQD102 The Fundamentals of Tawheed by Dr. Bilal Philips Text-book for AQD101 The Sealed Necter by Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri Dar-us-Salam The Night of Isra and Miraj by Dr. Hafiz Ather Hussain al-Azhari The Night of Isra and Miraj by Dr. Hafiz Ather Hussain al-Azhari & Why Does Man Need To Pray? - Dr. Suhaib Hasan -

N.B. I read the facts of plagiarism and tried to avoid it by all means, Alhamdulillah. I pray and hope that the size (word count) can be kindly accepted. The word count also includes the References (footnotes) and Bibliography etc. I put my efforts to write the whole from my own. I didnt copy-past from others writings. And the 16 points I mentioned were from my view and realization. Yes, I did it from my understanding after reading from the references. If any point does not sound relative to Aqeedah, please read my evidences and consider it kindly as my lacking.

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