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Accounts Payable

F- 44 - Manual Clearing
TOPIC OBJECTIVES Business Process Procedure O er ie! Bac"ground This function allows you to clear open items on the vendor account. It differs from posting with a clearing transaction or posting with a payment in the following ways: You do not need to enter a document header You can only clear open items from one account Scenario There are some postings on Vendor account (e.g. Invoice, credit memo and transfer posting) that are not cleared. You want to clear the postings. Prere#uisites Not cleared postings on vendor account. P$OCE%&$A' STEPS Menu Pat( Transaction Code ccounting !inancial ccounting ccount !$%% & 'lear. !$%%

ccounts "aya#le

'ast c(anged on) ()*(+*,% Version) !inal

- " %..'

/or0 Instruction "age: , of +

Accounts Payable


'ast c(anged on) ()*(+*,% Version) !inal

- " %..'

/or0 Instruction "age: ) of +

Accounts Payable

"erform the following steps of how to Clear an Account Manually using the information #elow: 1enu path: ccounting 'lear.

!inancial ccounting

ccounts "aya#le

ccount !$%% &

SAP Easy Access


2ou#le clic0 on !$%% & 'lear.

'ast c(anged on) ()*(+*,% Version) !inal

- " %..'

/or0 Instruction "age: 3 of +

Accounts Payable Clear Vendor) .eade r %ata


4pdate the following re#uired fields:

Field 0a1 e ccount 'learing date %escri2tion 'ode identifying the Vendor account you want to clear 2ate when you want the transaction to #e cleared. It is used later in a header of a clearing document. Num#er of the company code that the vendor #elongs to 'urrency code. Values E3a12le) ,((((5 E3a12le) ,..(..)(()

'ompany code 'urrency

E3a12le) 5)(( E3a12le) 4-2

Ti2) You can clear also the transactions posted in different currencies. The system will automatically calculate and post exchange rate differences.
'ast c(anged on) ()*(+*,% Version) !inal - " %..' /or0 Instruction "age: % of +

Accounts Payable


'lic0 Enter 6utton entered criteria:

. The system will display open items that fulfill previously

Clear Vendor) Process o2en ite1s


ll open items are selected #y default (later in this instruction how to change default system settings). To deselect the items first clic0 Select all F5 6utton .


Then clic0 %eselect Ite1s 6utton . ll the open items are now not selected (they are no longer highlighted in #lue). Now you need to choose and select the items you want to clear. 2ou#le clic0 on each of those items. 7.g. choose documents ,8(((((((+ and ,+(((()(. The system will highlight these items in #lue. The value of the field 9Not assigned: is e;ual ( and you can clear open items.
- " %..' /or0 Instruction "age: 5 of +


'ast c(anged on) ()*(+*,% Version) !inal

Accounts Payable


You can chec0 your document #efore postings. -elect Documen t Simula te . Clear Vendor) %is2lay O er ie !


To post your entries, clic0 Sa e 6utton. system stored a clearing document.

. No 9real: posting too0 place, #ut the


The message #ar displays: 92ocument ,(((,,5, was posted in company code 5)((:.

Ti2) If you want all your open items NOT TO BE SELE TE! when you enter the clearing transaction" perform the following steps#

'ast c(anged on) ()*(+*,% Version) !inal

- " %..'

/or0 Instruction "age: . of +

Accounts Payable

Clear Vendor) .eade r %ata

,: -

<n the screen a#ove use the following menu path: Settings Editing options.

'ast c(anged on) ()*(+*,% Version) !inal

- " %..'

/or0 Instruction "age: 8 of +

Accounts Payable

Accounting Editing O2tions

,, -

'lic0 =ta# #utton> <pen items

'ast c(anged on) ()*(+*,% Version) !inal

- " %..'

/or0 Instruction "age: ? of +

Accounts Payable ccounting 7diting <ptions

,/ -

'lic0 =chec0#o@> Selected ite1s initially inacti e .

,4 -

'lic0 Sa e 6utton.

. The settings are now stored in userAs data.

,4 -

"ress Bac" 6utton . !rom now on, when you want to clear an account (Vendor, vendor or BC account), all the items will #e initially inactive. You need to clic0 on the selected items to activate them for clearing.

'ast c(anged on) ()*(+*,% Version) !inal

- " %..'

/or0 Instruction "age: + of +

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