2nd National Conference Brochure

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Chief Patrons
Dr. T.R. Pachamuthu, Prof. P. Sathyanarayanan, Dr. R. Shivakumar, Chancellor, SRM University President, SRM University Chairman, SRM Group of Ins tu ons, Ramapuram & Trichy Campus ViceChancellor, SRM University Pro ViceChancellor, SRM University Registrar, SRM University Director (E&T), SRM University Director (S&H), SRM University Director , Ramapuram Campus Dean, SRM University, RPM VicePrincipal, SRM Univ., RPM


Name Gender Category : : :
Student Academician Research Scholar Par cipant from Industry


Dr. M. Ponnavaikko, Dr. T. P. Ganesan, Dr. N. Sethuraman, Dr. C. Muthamizhchelvan, Dr.R. Balasubramanian, Dr. R. Narayanasamy, Dr. V. Subbiah Bharathi, Dr. L. Antony Michael Raj,


Dr. L. Sudha, Professor & Head/Physics

Designa on Ins tu on

: :

Organizing Committee
Dr. D. John Thiruvadigal, Ms. T. Beena, Mr. M. Saravanan, Dr. M. Loganayaki, Dr. V. Anbarasu, Dr. A. Senthil, Dr. V. Jayalakshmi, Mr. A. Nataraj, Mr. K. Sathesh Kumar, Dr. S. Ranjith, Dr. B. Neppolian, Dr. K. Ramachandran, Prof & Head/Physics/KTR Asst. Prof/Physics Asst. Prof/Physics Asst. Prof/Physics Asst. Prof/Physics Asst. Prof/Physics Asst. Prof/Physics Asst. Prof/Physics Asst. Prof/Physics Asst. Prof/Physics Prof/SRM RI/KTR Asst. Prof/Physics/VDP

Mailing Address: Telephone Mobile Email : : :

Role of Contribu on (Please ck appropriate) Presenter of research work Title of the paper: Registra on fee details : D.D. No. Date Amount Bank details : : : : YES / NO : Par cipant

National Advisory Committee

Prof. S. Ponnusamy, SRM University, Chennai Dr. A.M. Shaikh, BARC, Mumbai Dr. S. Venugopal, IGCAR, Kalpakkam Dr. D. Narayana Rao, SRM University, Chennai Prof. P. Ramasamy, SSNCE, Chennai Dr. Godavarthi Bhagavannarayana, NPL, New Delhi Dr. T.S. Sampathkumar, IIT Madras, Chennai Dr. S. V. Kasmir Raja, SRM University, Chennai Dr. V. Murugesan, B.S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai Prof. R. Jayavel, Anna University, Chennai Dr. M. Manivel Raja, DMRLDRDO, Hyderabad Prof. S. Ganesan, Anna University, Chennai Prof. B. Palanivel, Pondicherry Engg. College, Puducherry Dr. R. Gopalakrishnan, Anna University, Chennai Prof. S. Arumugam, Bharathidasan Univ., Tiruchirappalli Prof. P. Murugakoothan, Pachaiyappa`s College, Chennai

Sponsored by Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) Department of Atomic Energy Government of India

Organized by
Department of Physics SRM University, Ramapuram Campus Chennai 600089, Tamilnadu Phone: 044 3060 3039 E-mail : nchsm2014@gmail.com

Accommoda on required Date : Place :

Signature :

About SRM University

SRM University is one of the top ranking universi es in India, oering a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes in Science and Humani es, Engineering, Management and Health sciences. The university has academic eups with leading foreign universi es like MIT, University of California, USA, University of Dundee and Oxford University, UK. The university is accredited by NBA and also by NAAC with a score equivalent of 5star ra ng.

About the Conference (NCHSM 2014)

We, the department of Physics successfully organized Na onal conference on Hierarchically Structured Materials (NCHSM 2013) on 24th & 25th January 2013. Resource persons from BARCMumbai, IIScBangalore, NPLNew Delhi, I I T MChennai, C EC R IKaraikudi, I G C A RKalpakkam delivered plenary and invited talks. More than 150 delegates from various educa onal and research ins tu ons par cipated and presented their research work. This overwhelming response, mo vated to organize such type of conference in series. Hence, it is proposed to conduct 2nd Na onal Conference on Hierarchically structured materials. NCHSM 2014 focuses on dissemina on of informa on about the recent advances and fundamentals in advanced materials. It provides a pla orm for knowledge sharing among the students, researchers and academicians across the na on in the eld of applied sciences. The conference will explore the stateoftheart micro and nanoscale structuring methodologies which leads to fabrica on of mul func onal devices and involves plenary and invited talks by experts, oral and poster presenta ons by young researchers.

Call for Abstracts

Authors willing to present their research work can submit the abstract electronically (Times New Roman, font size 12, A4 paper, not more than 300 words) to nchsm2014@gmail.com. Papers will be accepted based on the recommenda on of the panel of referees. Scru nized and accepted abstracts will be published as proceedings by publisher with ISBN number. The full text of the paper (in so copy) typed in MSWORD format must be submi ed electronically to the Convener within the deadlines as given below.

About Ramapuram Campus

A serene and charming enclave consis ng of 5 academic blocks spread over 27 acres, with all the necessary facili es and infrastructures. The Campus houses Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Dental College, School of Management and School of Architecture. Faculty of Engineering and Technology oers UG programmes in 6 branches of Engineering and PG programmes such as M.Tech, M.B.A, M.C.A. and Ph.D. It is an ISO 9001:2008 cer ed ins tu on. Recently memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed with CSIRStructural Engineering Research Centre (SERC) and Bharathiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited (Bhavini), a public sector under Department of Atomic Energy for the exchange of scien c and technical informa on. These MoU's are expected to further boost the enthusiasm of Research Scholars and Faculty of SRM University, Rampuram Campus.

Important Dates
Submission of Abstract Communica on of Acceptance Last date for registra on and Submission of Full paper 21.02.2014 26.02.2014 10.03.2014

Registration Fee
Category Students/ Research Scholars Academicians and Par cipants from Industry Fee Details Rs. 500/ Rs. 750/

Thrust Areas

The registra on fee should be sent through a crossed demand dra from any Na onalized bank drawn in favour of SRMIST payable at Chennai.

About the Department

Excellence in research and teaching has been the hallmark of the Department of Physics ever since its incep on in 2004. Apart from research in the fron er areas of Physics, the department has over the years, produced technologists of highest caliber. Highly mo vated and well qualied faculty members are the back bone of our Department. Our faculty members are dynamically involved in research and published more than 50 papers in Interna onal Journals in the last 5 years. The department has been recognized as the research department and research scholars and faculty members are pursuing their Ph.D programme. The department has approved three research projects funded by DSTSERB and management to the tune of more than 40 lakhs. Ac ve research is being carried out in the eld of Xray Crystallography/ Crystallographic studies on drug molecules, Dielectric Studies, Crystal Growth, Electronic structure of materials, Nanomaterials and ceramic compounds.

Nanomaterials and Biomaterials Crystal Growth and Characteriza on Metallics and Intermetallics materials Ceramics, Polymeric & Composites materials Electronic and Optoelectronic materials Smart materials and Sensors Magne c and Semiconductor materials Materials Characteriza on Structure of Organic and Inorganic materials Electronic structure of materials Computa onal Modeling Thin lms and applica ons Ionic and Cataly c materials Ion beam irradia on on ma ers

Accommoda on will be arranged only for the out sta on par cipants on request and advance payment. Details of taris will be provided with the acceptance of abstracts. No TA/DA will be provided for the par cipants. Working lunch will be provided to all the registered par cipants.

Contact Address:
Prof. L. SUDHA CONVENER NCHSM 2014 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS SRM UNIVERSITY, RAMAPURAM CAMPUS CHENNAI 600089 Phone : 044 3060 3039 Email :nchsm2014@gmail.com

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