Sarvodaya Bank

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Today in the modern world banking is a backbone of national economy of any country. The progress of banking is an unavoidable Procondition to correspond, health and swift growth of the national economic formation. Institutions of banking have donated much to the growth of the developed countries of the world. Today without banking, the business cannot run smoothly. Banking is an important in economy as blood in the human body. Due to the progress of banking advance are increases and business activities developing. So it is rightly said, the growth of banking is both root and result of the development of the business world. The progress of banking is both the cause and result of the business growth. fter !"#$ the Indian government also has taken a series of steps to develop the banking sector. Due to e%tensive efforts and considerable efforts of the government today we have a no. &f bank like as, 'BI, Industrial banks and (o)operative banks. *ven today the banking system of India retain certain limitation but one cannot doubt its important role in the development of the Indian economy.

B&+T B ,-I,.
Definition of Banking Banking company is a company, which accepts money with low rate, and investment at deposit of money with high rate. - Banking 'egulation ct /!"#"0 Banking company is a company, which transects the business of banking in any state of India. - Section s /10 of Banking (ompany ct /!"#"0 Banking is my brain and other people2s money. - Bombay Provincial Banking In3uiry (ommittee Origin of word Bank: 4Bank5 word origin is originated by different views. Some e%perts view that word 4Bank5 is derived from word 4Bancus5 or 4Ban3ue5, which means Banch. Some other e%perts view that word 4Bank5 is originated from .erman word 4Bach5 which means 46oint (apital5. Sort of Bank / Types of Bank: /!0 (ommercial Bank7 The activity of (ommercial Bank is collecting the money from public /saving of public in the form of money0 and which money invest in their development /They also carry out leading of money0. They are also to lend the money to meet the need of Buyer, Saller, 8erchant, Tredess

and business house. This type of bank provides the loan in the short)term form to company, trade and industry. The accepted deposits are always repayable on demand or on short notice. /90 (o)operative Bank7 The main aims of (o)operative Banks are to reach actual progress of agriculture sector and activity of granting advances and loan. (o) operative banks meet the short)term financial needs of farmers. :or which borrower /former0 has to follows the rule of (o)operative Bank. (o) operative Bank rise funds through various means. /;0 (entral Bank7 <hole banking structure of country is control and regulated by the (entral Bank. (entral Bank try to maintain moneytory stability of the country. So it2s called a special institution. The branch is also called as ape% bank of the country. /#0 Saving Bank7 Saving Bank pool the small saving of the middle and lower income at the public. In other word, Saving Bank are speciali=ed institution, which motivate the general public to save something from their earning. In India the postal department runs the postal Saving Banks all over the country. /10 *%change Bank7 The main aims of *%change Banks are to transfer or e%change money from foreign bank into internal bank and from internal bank to foreign bank. Because there is different in financing of foreign trade and financing of internal trade. .enerally a dealer in international trade

re3uires foreign currencies to meet his obligations. *%change Banks to stage the role of financing the dealer for setting transaction involved in foreign trade. />0 ?and Development Bank7 There are very less numbers of such Bank in India. Such types of Bank /providing0 supply long)terms advances and loans to agriculturist other improvable properties. They provide long)terms funds for periods e%ceeding > years and up to 9@ years. ?and Development Banks are earlier known as ?and mortage Banks. /$0 Investment or Industrial Bank7 Investment Bank provides long)term credit to industrial. They raise their funds by way of share capital, debenture, and long)term deposits from the public. They also raise funds by issue of bonds for business corporation and government agencies.

B&+T (&)&P*' TIA* B ,eaning and Definition: 4(o)operation is an effective self)reliance done by organism.5 )Sir Boras Planket 4(o)operation is one type of organism in which people Coin willingly to encourage their e3ual financial interest5. )Bewert -elwert 4(o)operation is the step taken for e3ual profit or loss under mutual management. 8anagement by mutually using their own resources and factors willingly. )Berick 8. T. Origin of Co-operati!e Bank: The word of co)operative was /being0 recogni=ed in !"@# /when the co)operative societies ct !"@# was enacted0. <hen the co)operative credit society was passed. The activities of co)operative was started with the main purpose of providing the advance to the member with a low interest rates, and providing advance to farmer and lower class and to make the people interested in savings. Types of Co-operati!e Bank: /!0 Primary (o)operative Bank7 Primary (o)operative credit society is at the bottom of three)tire structure of (o)operative bank. *very member has to pay his share in a share capital. The price of the share is normal, so that even common man can be become a member. Bere individual of a particular area meet together by sentiment of (o)operation.


District (o)operative Bank7 District (o)operative banks are linked with the state (o)operative

Bank and primary credit society. This bank collects the deposits from rural area and these banks supplies money to primary credit society and gives money to other institutes on a reasonable rate of interest. /;0 State (o)operative Bank7 These banks take a position at the higher stage in the structure of (o)operative borrowing activity. The main acts of these banks are co) ordination of co)operative lending its balance and playing many roles. These (o)operative banks have to keep control and watch on the district and primary (o)operative banks. /#0 ?and (o)operative Bank7 The main acts of these banks are providing long)terms advance and loan to agriculture sector. (o)operative societies and (o)operative bank give only short)term and middle)term advances and not long)term, so for long)term loans, there is an independent separate bank. /10 ,agarik (o)operative bank7 The meaning of ,agarik (o)operative bank is a 4 (o)operative society2. The paid up share capital of these types banks are minimum 's.1@@@@ which has been registered in a city area. The ,agarik (o) operative bank can do a banking business after getting licenses from 'BI. The main function of the ,agarik bank should be financial transaction and paid up capital reserve in this bank should not be less than one lacs.


BIST&'D &: S 'A&D D S B - 'I B ,- ?I8IT*D

The sarvodaya sahakari bank ltd. is laid down by 8r.Aiththalbhai P. min, the president of .uCarat urbon (o)operative bank federation, at Surat city in varachha road. <hich is registered by low of corporate sector with the resister number S* 1@$! dated on !9)@9)!"E9 and certified with the license number SDF.6F9"ET of 'eserve Bank of India dated ;)1)!"E9. Bank has been established with authori=ed capital of 's.91 lacs and paid up capital of 's.#!#91@ dated on E)1)!"E9. t the first year of bank had E@; member and, Deposit of 's.$#!$9! and loans of 's.!9"9"E" and loss of 's.E;"!."#. fter first year, t the second year bank made net profit of 's.;9@9E.@! and third year bank made net profit of 's.9@@"9E.$# and bank had been distribute "G Dividend to their members and got 4 5 audit class. The bank was started at !@, sadhna society, varachha road, Surat. The house of the president of the bank of that time 8r.prabhubhai 8aganbhai Bhakt. The bank has been established with purpose of help to business activities and provides smooth facility to customer and party. bank started as a small bank, to day that has become a leading bank of the city. This is the bank, which one of the first banks not only in surat but also in south .uCarat, which has started a very modern electronic banking facility like computers, utomatic teller machine / T80, Aisual account terminal /A T0, (urrency note counting machine, *lectronic token displayed etc, are placed by bank.

"rogression of Bank fro# $%-%-$&'% to ()-*-%))(: <hen from bank started on !9)9)!"E9 to ;@)>)9@@;, during these 9! years bank has made continuously show, but steady progress, During these 9! years, bank has established their others four branches at 'ing 'oad Branch, Aed 'oad Branch, Puna -umbharia Branch and at thwalines Branch in the Surat city. During these 9! years bank has got many milestones for the smooth doing work and widen its network such as Bank was transfer their banking activity from !@,Sadhana Society, Aarachha 'oad to -hand Ba=ar, ,ear 'ailway Station, then bank was become fully air)condition building on !1 th pril, !""!. Then bank was made each department computeri=ed on !)#)!"";. &n 9")")!""; bank has introduced the currency note counting machine and introduced the first T8. It was the first bank of .uCarat to introduce the T8 machine. The bank was established its first branch on 'ing 'oad, with modern facility of T8 on !$);)!""$. In !"">)"$ bank has provided facility of A T to its customer. &n ;)!9)!""$ second branch of bank /Aed 'oad0 was inaugurated. :or good working in !""E)"" bank has got 9nd pri=e in all over India from ,ational :ederation and (o)operative credit society ?td, ,ew Delhi. In !""")9@@@ the ;rd branch /Puna -umbharia Branch0 and the #th branch / thwalines Branch0 of bank was inaugurated. totally

Bank has won 9nd pri=e, in +dyog)9@@@ arranged by Southern .uCarat (hambers of (ommerce.

'*.D.&::I(*7 4Shri ,idhi5, -hand Ba=ar, Aarachha 'oad, Surat);"1@@>, Ph.7 911#;>1)>>)>$)>")$@ /!0 'ing 'oad Branch (enter Point Building, Beside -adiwala School, 'ing 'oad, Surat Phone7 ) 9#$9E!;F9#$9$E!F$#$9>"$/Tele banking0 /90 Aed 'oad Branch 'amCi (hambers, 'amCi ,agar, Surat. Phone7 ) 91!9$;;F91!@9"; /;0 Puna -umbhria Branch ,.6. (omple%, Aillage)magob, Surat. Phone7 )9>#;>9>F9>#;>@$F9>#;>;1 /#0 thwalines Branch 8)91, Sargam Shopping (enter, Parle Point, Surat.


Phone7 )991#"1"F991#">@F991#">!/Tele Banking0

C/air#an Shri 8ahesh(handra '. ?akhwala anaging Dire0tor Shri 8adhusudan ,. -atargemwala 1i0e C/air#an Dr. Bharatbhai ,. Shah Dire0tors Shri Prafulbhai mablal Shah Shri Aallabhabhai Birabhai Patel Dr. -anaiyalal .. 8avani Shri (handrakant ,. Trivedi Shri 6ayantilal 8. :udanawala Shri8ati Dr.6ayaneben B. Bhakt Shri Dogeskchandra 6. Parikh Shri 'ameshchanra 6. 'eshamawala Shri -anubhai B. Shah Shri 'aCendrabhai 8. (hokhawala Shri 8ahendrabhai '. -aCiwala +d!iser


Shri Aipinbahi ,. Shah

Organi2ation Str30t3re of Sar!odya Sa/akari Bank 4i#ited

C,+IR +N

1IC- C,+IR +N






+N+5-R CR-+DIT


+N+5-R CR-DI


+N+5-R R-CO1-R6








"UTTIN5 N-8 .+CI4IT6

.OR CUSTO -RS: There are some many facilities drawn by Sarvodya Sahakari Bank ?imited for their customers and member facilities like7 +3to#ati0 Te99er a0/ine :+T ;: The Bank brought the automatic teller machine on 9"th march !"">. This is the first bank of South .uCarat providing high facility to the customer by automatic teller machine. By using the automatic teller machine customer can receive banking services round the clock 9# hours and whole year ;>1 days. T8 is also known with another name for business development is 4 ny time money5. (ustomer get using T8 card who have a che3ue saving account. In the T8 card. t a time of T8 card customer has to press both the account T8 machine. T8 card customer has to press only simple saving, customer cannot get

numbers and password numbers in Sarvodya :or using government

password. :rom current account, overdraft account and saving account customer can withdraw the amount of 's.!@@@@, 's.91@@@ and 's.1@@@@ respectively in Sarvodya T8 center. t the time of using the T8 and if customer press the wrong password at three time, customer cannot get card return because T8 card gone into machine.

1is3a9 +00o3nt Ter#ina9

a0/ine :1+T;: -

A T machine is important part of the bank because A T machine make smooth activity of the bank. A T machine perform good role when member has to need to know his account and statement at that time without any difficulty member can operate A T machine, with easily and we can know about his account and statement, without asking to bank employee. <e can see the detail of che3ue and his own balance. There is no any key or button to use of A T machine, only using finger to operate A T machine. A T machine connect with the computer server. 8ember should be know password and codeword to operate A T machine. Thus at this way A T machine is also useful for save time and work done easily. So A T machine is essential for every type bank to easiest progress. The Sarvodya Sahakari Bank is the first lending bank of South .uCarat providing high facility to customer by A T machine. Cas/ Co3nting a0/ine: The (ash (ounting machine count only money. <ith the help of this counting machine one can count bundle of notes of 's.!@@ and 's.1@@ within Cust E to !@ second, so the customer don2t have to stand for too long time at the cash counter and it takes a less time and supported to fast working progress. This facility is available to both customer and clerk. .OR - "4O6--: !;

"ersona9 Co#p3ter: The Sarvodya bank is totally computeri=ed bank, in this bank each employee having one personal computer. "ersona9 "rinter: In the Sarvodya bank every department having one personal printer. Printer is necessary part of the bank because printer is used in typing cancellation letter and writing the letter to other department or bank and it is also useful to put entry in passbook.

OT,-R .+CI4IT6 O. T,- B+N7: Deposit: :or accepting the deposit, the bank has got different plan in which many plan are not running only few plan are running which are :i%ed deposit /minimum 's.!@@@0 Sarvodya Shree ,idhi parivar Saving Plan /'ecurring0 Sarvodya Bank Aikas Patra /double for "" month0 .olden monthly income plan uto renewal deposit

:le%i deposit /new0 /8inimum 's.!@@@@0 ,ow at this present time above facility are running in Sarvodya Sahakari Bank ?imited. Salayana /'s.!@@F>@ months0 Si% years cash certificate plan !@ years cash certificate plan -alp)Ariksha deposit /for ?I(0

Dushabdi certificate plan /for shareholder0 Plantium plan /multiply of 9.1G in $1 month0 ==ad Suvarna Aarsh certificate plan /multiply of ;G in "" month0 :i%ed deposit /short)term0 :le%i deposit scheme /old0 (ompound deposit t this present time above facility are not running in the Sarvodya bank. +d!an0es: :or the personal use of person2s different plan has been made by bank which are given below7 /!0 /90 /;0 /#0 /10 />0 /$0 /E0 /"0 .old ?oan Personal ?oan Bypothecation ?oan :i%ed Deposit loan (ash (redit F &verdraft Bousing ?oan for staff *ducation loan SwaroCgar ?oan (ash Purchase (um (redit Sale

/!@0 T+:S ?oan /!!0 Bousing ?oan /!90 dvances in favor of share


D-T+I4 +CTI1IT6 O. B+N7 D-"+RT -NT

Sa!ing +00o3nt Depart#ent: Saving ccount means the bank with a view to encourage the people2s habit of saving. In saving account, bank accepts saving deposit from middle and low income group people, who wish to save a part of their earnings. The people, who have fear of thrift, open the savings bank account. &ther people like students, salaries class, and small businessman also open this type of account. <ith a very small amount of 's.!@@@ this account can be opened. <ith regard to withdrawing money from the account, there are some importance restrictions imposed on saving account. In other words, banks do not allow 91 withdrawn with in the period of ; month and putting a limit to the amount to be withdrawn on a single day. In a one week person can withdrawn only 9 times not more than and a ma%imum of !1@ per year are allowed. The person can be withdrawn !@G of the credit balance in a single day. But banks generally rela% these rules and e%cess amount may be withdrawn. There are basically two types of saving account7 /!0 /90 (he3ue Saving ccount ,on)che3ue Saving ccount /Simple ccount0


The difference between these two types of account is7 In che3ue saving account, person does not have to come at the bank to withdrawn money. But in the che3ue saving account person has to keep minimum balance of 's.!@@@. Person can)withdrawn money by the che3ue. <hile in the simple saving account, person has to come at the bank to withdrawn money by the che3ue. Person has to keep minimum balance of 's.1@@. In the past time, account holder was got 1G interest. But in today present time bank provide #G interest on saving account. To open a Sarvodya Bank account person has to fill an application form provided by the bank does it. C3rrent +00o3nt Depart#ent: The main aim of current account is to put a smooth activity of business and to free the customer from the ha=ards /risks0 of cash transactions and to supply facilities of payment to the customers. It2s also recogni=ing with the name 4Demand Deposits5. This account is one type of running account in which the amount is deposited and there is no any limit to drawn money. ,ormally this account operated by business enterprises, trades, corporation, public bodies and trustees. The customer, who have a current account may deposit money in the from of postal orders, drafts, che3ue, cash etc. The banker supplies to the customer, upon opening an account, a passbook, a pay)in)slip book, and a che3uebook. In the current account customer has to maintain minimum balance of 's.;@@@. If customer falls to maintain minimum balance, he has to pay charge of 's.91. This charge is different in different banks. The banks does not provide any interest on the current account deposits. During the

banking hours, a customer is allowed to deposit or withdraw money. Aery nominal charges are taken on current account for e%penses incurred in maintaining such account by the bank. It is only through this account that a customer can collect local or out station che3ues, bills and other bank instrument. ,ormally these collections cannot be made through the savings bank account. To open current account a formal application form is given to a customer to fill it and hand over to the bank. The application form should enclose the contractual obligations that are to be met by banker and customer. C9earing Depart#ent: (learing means transfer the amount of che3ue from bank of which have in che3ue into account of party whose party name have been written in che3ue. In short clearing means transfer the amount of che3ue is not of a bank where the che3ue is submitted but. It is other bank2s che3ue. <ith the help of department of clearing, work of business and industry become very easy. So clearing department is essential part of the bank. Industries might have been weak economically without clearing. (ustomers can transfer amount easily with clearing department. Because it does not have to go one place to another place for that he has to fill up necessary detail in pay slip by attaching the che3ue. There are two types of clearing7 :$; O3tward C9earing: The work of clearing department is to first collect the fill up slip with attaching the che3ue. fter it check fill up slip then clearing stamp is attempted on a che3ue. fter that che3ues inde% number, bank code

account number and amount of che3ue is installed in machine. The timing of clearing department in the Sarvodya bank is !! a.m. to 9 p.m. before # p.m. print out is taken out from the machine. ccount holder write inde% number behind the che3ue and that number is written with a Coint che3ue on a credit voucher. Through done at this way it will help to do summary report as a bank wise, account number wise. There are two copy taken out by machine one copy is sent to /8I('0 clearing house and we have another copy of it. fter all the che3ue has been send to /8I('0 clearing house with a summary sheet of bank list. In the clearing house list of bank is send to each bank, which is the member in the clearing house, after it all che3ue are distributed to department of the name of the bank, this procedure is recogni=ed with the name of 4outward clearing 4. In the outward clearing customer account are credited. :%; Inward C9earing: The inward clearing procedure is started after che3ue distributed to all the banks department. Peon of the banks which banks are member in clearing house are return back to his bank with his bank che3ue from the clearing house. fter it the banker check the all the detail which written in the che3ue. If there is no any mistake in the che3ue it should be passed ahead, otherwise it returned. This time that persons account should be debited and clearing house should credit amount of the banks. In inward clearing when che3ue comes in the bank, it can be shorted according to saving account, clearing account, order or bears dividend warrant and return che3ue etc. and after filling the all information of each che3ue in the machine, print out is taken on a computer. In short outward clearing means all the che3ue sends in clearing house and inward clearing means che3ue received from the clearing house which che3ue send to the out bank clearing though other bank.


.i<ed Deposit Depart#ent: :i%ed deposit interest rate perform from ;F#F9@@; Days !1 days to up to #1 days #> days to up to !E@ days !E! days to up to or bellow ! year ! year to up to or bellow 9 years 9 year to up to or bellow ; years ; year /;> months0 bove ; years Sarvodya Aikas Patra /Double on "" months0 /Double on "# months for Sr. (ity0 8onthly ;> advance check of 's.1@ on deposit of 's.>E@@ in .old 8onthly Income Plan Sr. citi=en or trust /more HG interest for more than ! year period0 ,'* /,one 'esident *%ternal0 deposit for ; years I EG interest !J9G more interest on deposit of more than !1 lacks :i%ed deposit means the bank accepts particular amount for a specified period of time it may be of !,9,;,#,or1years. Bere the words 4time5 in relation to deposit is determined by banker at the time of collecting the deposit after finished this determine time bank will has to repay the deposit with interest to customer. So that fi%ed deposits are

'ate #.1G 1.1G >.1G $G EG "G E.1G

recogni=e with the name of 4time5 deposits or 4term deposit5. In the fi%ed deposits customer cannot be allowed to withdrawn the mount before specified period of time and when he desires, so the banker also does not keep more cash reserve against it. If customer has to more need of money, he can take loan against fi%ed deposit for this he has to pay !G interest more than interest rate on fi%ed deposit. To opening fi<ed deposit=s pro0ed3re: :irst of all, formal applications forms get from fi%ed deposit department then fill up this form with mention the total amount of money K the fi%ed time and you have to put your signature also. fter it submit form to banker at fi%ed deposit department and against it bank gives you a receipt, in which the acceptance of deposits is indicated and the receipt also contains the information such as Date of maturity, on which date amount will be paid back with including interest by the bank. 4oan Depart#ent: The main purpose of banking company behind grant loan and advance is to develop the grawth of the country and providing smooth service to business and commercial institutes.


The Sarvodaya Sahakari Bank ?td. Interest rate of @!F@9F9@@9 onward /Decided by the board0 ?& , TDP* ' T* &: I,T*'* T !1G !1G !1G !#.1G !1G /Deposit /Deposit ' B T * ,I? 9G 9G 9G 9G 'ate 'ateL; Gor ,*T ' T* !1.1G !;G !;G !9.1G !;G L!G0 !;Gwhic h ever is higher0 !!.1G !!.1G !!.1G !!.1G !1G !1G !1G !1G

).old loan )Personal )B.P.?oan /!0stock K machinery /90vehicle K consumer K furniture !.up to 's.#@@@@ 9.above 's.#@@@@ ):.D.?oan /!0?oan Fod against banks :D' /:i%ed deposit rashid0 In case of third party :D' /90?oan Fod against ,S(F-APF+TIF'BI B&,D !.upto 9@G of face value 9.Incase of non)cumulative 'BIbond upto 1@G of face value /;0?oan against ?I( Policy !.upto "@G of surrander value / ssignable life police only0 9.1!G to$@G of surrander value / ssignable investment policy0 /#0?oan against share )(ash (redit /!0 gainst stock K book)debt /90 gainst property /;0 gainst personal guarantee

!!.1G !!.1G !!.1G !!.1G !1G !1G !1G !1G

) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

)Property mortgage loan )SwaroCgar loan )(P(S. ?imit /!0upto #1 days /90#> days to "@ days /;0 bove "@ days )T+:S ?oan )Bousing ?oan /!0'epayment up to >@ months !.upto 's.9@@@@@ 9.above 's.9@@@@@ /90'epayment above >@ months !.upto 's.9@@@@@ 9.above 's.9@@@@@ :$; 5o9d 4oan: -

!1G !1G !1G !#G !>G 9#G !1G !#G !#.1G !1G !1.1G

) ) ) ) ) )) 9G 9G 9G 9G 9G

!1G !1G !1G !#G !>G 9#G !;G !9G !9.1G !;G !;.1G

The bank gives gold loan to customers or people on pledge of ornament of gold. :irst guessing the value of ornament by the goldsmith of bank. nd bank grant the #@ to 1@G loan on valuation of ornament of gold. .enerally this loan is given for two years and after two years customer will have to return this loan with !1G interest. There are on any rebut provide by bank on gold loan. :%; "ersona9 9oan: Personal loan advances granted to salaried employees against personal security called as personal loan. Purpose of Personal loan7 /a0 /b0 /c0 :or social activities :or Bouse repairing and :or 8edical *%penses

:or personal loan bank provide up to 's.9@@@@ and on which borrower /party0 has to pay interest at !1G. If party /borrower0 return


personal loan with interest in ;@ to ;> month. Bank provide 9G rebate on it to borrower. properly filled application form and documents are to be submitted by the borrower. /a0 /b0 /c0 /d0 /e0 /f0 Proof of residence light bill Proof of income or salary ?etter of dedication of installment from the salary Proof of property M income ta% bill Signature of bank director for introduction Photograph of the applications as well as the guarantors are re3uired :(; furniture. /a0. gainst Plant K 8achinery7 ) Bank provides the hypothecation loan to buy new machinery for business development and also grant loan against old machinery. Bank grant loan up to $1G face value of bill of new machinery but bank does not pay this amount to borrower, bank make payment directly to supplier after getting necessary margin from borrower. Bank also grant loan for old machinery up to 1@G of valuation for the professions purpose. /b0. gainst Stock7 ) Bank provide hypothecation loan for short)term period to buy raw material for trade business. /c0. gainst Aehicle K :urniture7 ) ,ypot/e0ation 4oan: These types of loan given for stock, machinery, vehicle and


Bank grant hypothecation loan to purchase vehicle, T.A., fra=e, furniture, domestic tools etc. Bank makes payment to directly to dealer. To take hypothecation loan borrower has to submit same necessary document like7 - Proof of residence Photograph of applicants as well as the guarantors - &nly filled application form with fully detail - (opy of driving license - Nuotation of Aehicle, T.A., free=e, furniture - Permanent account no. &f borrower :>; .i<ed Deposit 4oan: banker may give advance to the depositor on the security at 4:i%ed Deposit5 receipt. Bank grant 1@ to E@G face value of loan fi%ed deposit receipt. This type of loan bank generally grants against ,S(F-AP, government security, share, and ?I( policy. In this facility, bank charge !G more than the fi%ed deposit rate from the borrower. In the case of third party bank also charge !;G, which is ever higher, or ;Gmore than the fi%ed deposit rate. There is no any rebate on fi%ed deposit loan. :?; Cas/ 0redit / O!er draft: Cas/ 0redit: This type of loan provide to creditable customer by the bank in the form at certain limit against stock, property personal guarantee, stock and book debts for business purpose. Bank charge !1G interest from borrower against cash credit.

The customer as per his fungible or security can take a loan up to that specified limit. The customer can withdraw money from his account, which is called cash credit account.

O!erdraft: &verdraft means customer can withdraw more amount than the amount credited in his account. This type of advances given to the creditable customer for the purpose of business and good stock purchases for a small period of time. &verdraft is only given to current account holder against fi%ed deposit receipts, ,S(, -AP, share certificates, ?I( policy, government security and against assets. Bank may charges on such advances at the rate !1G interest. :*; "roperty #ortgage 9oan: The bank provides property mortgage loan for the development or e%pansion of the business. &n such advance bank may charges at the rate of !1G interest. This loan allowed only for >@ month. :or property mortgage loan borrower has to submitted the necessary documents such as Signature of bank directors for introduction Photograph of borrower and guarantors Proof of residence ProCect report ?icense of business Profit and loss account, capital account, provisional balance sheet of borrower from ;!);)9@@!



?ast two years income ta% return papers of borrowers and guarantors

SwaroAgar 4oan: Swa means him self and roCgar means employment. SwaroCgar

loans given to self)employed persons for e%pansion to their business. Aarious self)employed people like engineers, doctors, (. ., shopkeepers, ta%i drivers, rickshaw driver can get such loan to start their profession, practice and to purchase e3uipment etc. &n such loan bank charge at rate !1G interest and there is no any rebate on such loan. The bank grant loan up to >@G to $@G at the total amount re3uired for starting a new business. Borrowers can be allowed ;@ months on this loan after it borrower will has to repay loan amount with interest. The following criteria re3uired for taking loan from the bank. - Signature of director for introduction - 8inimum 9 sureties are compulsory with their background - Borrowers background :'; Cas/ "3r0/ase C3# Credit Sa9es: This loan is given in the form of cash credit. The cash purchase cum credit sale arrangement by which banker allows his customer to borrow money up to a certain limit against their bond of credit by one or more sureties or against security. The bank charge on such advance at the rate of !#G /for up to #1 days0, !>G /for #> to "@ days0, and 9#G /for above "@ days0 respectively. If there is any default in collection or payment interest should be charged I 9#G for the period of default. :&; Te<ti9e Upgradation .3nd S0/e#e: -


Indian government has issued te%tile upgradation fund scheme from !)#)!""" for te%tile industry. +nder this proCect government has distributed subsidy of 's.91@ million. This type of the loan is given for purchase new or secondary te%tile machinery, bank grant loan up to E@G face value of bill of te%tile machinery. In this scheme borrows get subsidy decided by the government. &n such loan bank may charge at the rate of !1G interests and bank also provide 9G rebate, if borrower repay loan amount timely with interest. :$); ,o3sing 4oan: This loan provide for construction, additions, alteration, repair of the house etc. in the form of long)term period. Bank charge I !#G for up to 's.9@@@@@ and !#.1G for above 's.9@@@@@ duration of repayment up to >@ months and for the duration of repayment above >@ month bank charge !1G for up to 's.9@@@@@ and !1.1G for above 's.9@@@@@ respectively. If borrower repay loan amount with interest, get 9G rebate by bank. The following criteria re3uire for housing loan7 - Background of borrowers - 8inimum two sureties are compulsory with their background - 'ecommendation of board of directors Token Depart#ent: <hen customer receives the amount of che3ue, it is very necessary to take token for him. Token is one type of stamp. ,umber is written in token. (ashier does not do payment of money without token. <hen customer gives che3ue on token window. Banker sees details of che3ue e%actly and assured that money received it means issued che3ue so he or another person. Be takes che3ue after assured it and gives token to the


fter that he writes the token on che3ue. t the tome of giving fter that, che3ue is

a token. (ustomer2s sign is done behind the che3ue. che3ue is noted in the appropriate register.

given for posting and token number, account number and the amount of fter putting the che3ue in scroll, it is sending in the cash payment and at the end of the dayO all token are taken and put into the trunk. Thus, token is very essential for receiving the money. "assBook: Banks gives passbook to customer after open his account. Passbook means a copy of the account as per the account open in the banks ledger. .enerally passbook is very useful for the customer because by which he can know condition of his account through credit or debit entries in his passbook make by the bank. The customer gets complete idea of his account form such passbook. Passbook contain with many detail like - Banks name, customer name ddress, &ccupation, type of account and number of the ledger folio. Banks name, customer name, types of account and account number of customer is noted on the first page of the passbook. Bi99 of -<0/ange: 4It is a instrument on writing an unconditional order signed by the maker, directing a certain person to pay certain sum of money to only or the order of a certain person to the bearer of the instrument.5 The Specimen of bill of e%change !!,Someshwar Society,

,ear Birabaug, Aarachha 'oad, Surat);"1 @@> 's.!1@@@ )91F@>F9@@; Three months after date pay to -hodi 'akesh or order the sum of fifteen thousand rupees for value received. To 'amesh ccepted 'akesh SD Signature Date7

.eat3res of Bi99 of e<0/ange: - It must contain an order to make payment of money - It must bear the signature of maker - It must be written - It must be unconditional - The bill should be writing in commanding language "ro#issory note: Promissory note is written instrument. It is not a currency note or any bank note. It bears signature of a person who writes such notes in which there is un3ualified promise to clear the debt or to pay sum of the money when and where the creditor demands. .eat3res: - It must be writing - It must be agreemented clear for payment of the money - The order must be unconditional - It must bear the signature of the maker

- The payment order must be for certain amount C/eC3e: 4(he3ue is one types of bill of barter which is writing on decided banker and which is payable on the demand5 4 ccording to lords chorlena, che3ue is writing document which by customer can pay money from bank account. This type of document force to bank pay the money to other person from account of che3ue maker.5 The Sarvodya bank totally depend on che3ue system many transaction done through che3ue like outward bill collection or inward bill collection. .eat3res: - It must be written - It must bear the signature of maker - It must be unconditional - It must be ordered, not re3uest - The payment order must be for a specific sum of the money - It must be paid to specific person Specimen of (he3ue form Date7 ) Pay to 'upees Saving ccount ,o. TB* S 'A&DD S B - 'I B ,- ?I8IT*D 8ain branch, Surat) ;"1 @@>.

or bearer

(ode ,o. Re0o!ery and DayBook Depart#ent: DayBook depart#ent: In the daybook department prepared the general ledger, profit and loss account of day to day transaction and at the last date of the month prepared the balance sheet of transaction make during a month. So through this bank know how many cash comes in and goes out. Through general ledger, profit and loss account and balance sheet bank know their present condition and also know their capital ade3uacy and li3uidity ration. Re0o!ery depart#ent: :irst recovery department banker collects all the loan information like hypothecation loan, gold loan, housing loan, fi%ed deposit loan etc. the gives the different code number according to area wise. Banker can get the list at none payment loan amount at particular area by that code number. So through this banker can do recovery work easily and speedy and avoiding the problem of go different plan. The work of recovery department start when the customer payment date is over due then bank takes following action like7 Inform to party by letter Inform to party by telephone Bank gives the notice to borrower (onnect at home 8ake the threat of legal action If there is no any response from borrowers then bank claim

in the court on borrowers.


Personal organi=ation, management intention in

+N+5- -NT
guideline to identify the





development, compensation and organi=ation, leading and directing. In the other words, 4Personal management means it is the process of attracting, holding and motivating people involving all managers line and staff5. ReC3ire#ent and Se9e0tion: eaning of ReC3ire#ent and Se9e0tion: 'e3uirement is generating of application or applicants for specific positions through three common sources i.e., dvertisement, state employment e%change agencies and present employees. Selection is the process of difference between appliances in order to identify. Those with a greater likely would of success in a Cob. In the Sarvodya Sahakari bank re3uirement and selection is done by first pool of 3ualified Cob applicants by putting the advertisement in news paper and local channel then test knowledge at applicants by making interview and also test his physical fitness, background and reference. :inally offer the Cob to applicants by board of directors, If


applicants success in pass all the phase done by bank. ,ow this all the procedure is re3uired when there is any vacancy in the organi=ation. But Sarvodya Sahakari bank take too much use of this way for selection. The most of part of employee section from inside the organi=ation. Because Sarvodya Sahakari bank understands the rationali=ation. Therefore there is no need to recruit or select more employees from outside the organi=ation. Training: The Sarvodya Sahakari bank is a one type of servicing organi=ation. In every business, institute industry and service organi=ation training is given to new selected employee to develop knowledge, attitude or social behavior. :or this bank makes training programme for every new employee. In the Sarvodya bank training is compulsory for ; year to new employee. During this three year salary must be running and after three)year new employee become permanent in the bank. The bank has their own branch for providing training about all departments at the bank. During new employee training seminar employee taught him about bank activity and also prepared for to do and handle the activity the work. "ro#otion: In the Sarvodya Sahakari bank promotion is given a basis of seniorityFe%perience and good efficiency. In the bank promotion must be given when need to fill vacancy and open a new branch. Transfer: In the bank transfer must be given to employee, after #,> and E month from one department to other department or one branch to other branch. So that he can able to handle every department of bank. 8ages and Sa9ary depart#ent: ;#

In the Sarvodya Sahakari bank wages and salary is given on the basis of employee post suck as assistant manager, system officer, officer, senior clerks, Cunior clerks and peons. The bank employee also given dearness allowance like M medical allowance, city allowance, house rent allowance etc. at the rate of rupees which are decided in the meeting.

:I, (I ? 8 , .*8*,T
T/e Sar!odaya Sa/akari Bank 4tdD S3rat (&8P 'TIA* P'&.'*SSIA* D T &: B ,-. D* ' !"E!)E9 !""!)"9 !""9)"; !"";)"# !""#)"1 !""1)"> !"">)"$ !""$)"E !""E)"" !""")@@ ,&. &: Issued 8*8B*' Share (apital E@; #!#91@ 1#11 1E>1 >!"E >#"; >#"" $!@" $11; E##@ "#;# ;@;">$1 ;$@;$91 #$11;@@ 19";191 >@#>!$1 E#>!@@@ !;9>9"@@ !$E!!$@@ 9@E;$>@@ 'eserve :unds !>>> 9$"$"$" ;>>$@E9 1###@#@ >E;"99> $$##E@" "E9#;@@ &ther 'eserve fund ) >E$!#11 E>>9E@1 Deposit $#!$9! "!99@>@@ !#$1E;;9@

!1"9!1#9 !#19;">@! 99;;@#E@ !E$@;@19# 9;>>#!"> 9#@#;1!91 9>@9E!>$ ;#>@9#$$@

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T,- S+R1OD+6+ S+,+7+RI B+N7 4TDD T,- B+4+NC- S,--T +S +T ($ST

4iaBi9ities $D S/are Capita9 !. uthorised capital 's.!@@F). 9.Paid)+p (api)tal %D Reser!e Ot/er .3nd Re+nd ser!es !.'eserve :und 9.(o)&rdination dvertise :und ;.?oan Bonus :und #.Donationfund 1.Doubtful und >.Dividend ivilisation :und $.Building :und E.Development 9#,@@,@@@P@@ *3u) Debt ;,E@,@@@P@@ 1,E!,@@,@@@P@@ 1,@@,@@@ /each share price is RsD +ssets

RsD !,>#,1!,";1P>1 #;,>@,#$,;!;P$9 1,@@,@@,@@@P@@ #1,$",;>,">@P@@ )))))))))))))))))))

1,@@,@@,@@@P@@ $D Ba9an0e on ,and %D Bank Ba9an0e (D S/ort Ter# F Ca99 Deposit >D In!est#ents 9,$@,E@,"@@P@@ ?D ain/Se0ondary "artners/ip f3nds *D 4oans /!0Short Term ?o)an, (ash (redit, ;,;#,"@,@""P@@ &.D. K Bills &f *%) E,@@,@@@P@@ change /a0.overnment ?oans ))))))))))))))))))) ,S(F-AP 'BIFBondF?I(F+TI /b0&ther Invest)ment .yro ?oans :i%ed Term ?oan Bills Discount /c0+nsecured

9@,@#,11EP!! E,$",$1@P@@



:und ".Building Depr) eciation :und !@.Income 'eserve :und !!.Investment Depreciation :und !9.Bank 6ubilee :und !;.Share holder .ift nd &ther :und !#.!1 G (redit *3uivilisa)tion :und !1.Investment :luctuation :und (D ain/ Se0on-dary "artner-s/ip .3nd >D.3nds !.:i%ed Deposits 9.(ash (ertificate a.Si% Dearly b.Ten Dearly c.Dasabadi (ertificate ;..olden 8on)thly Income Plan #.Saliyana 8a)tured Deposits 1.Sarvodaya Shreenidhi Dogna >.Sarvodaya Ai)kas Patra /S.A.P.0 $.Pletinum (er) Parivar Silver ta%

!,#@,@@,@@@P@@ ;,@@,@@@P@@

/d0(ash (redit /e0(P(S ?imit /f0'oll &ver *%cise

!,E>,$>,1"!P@" ))))))))))))))))))) #>,;@,>>EPE@ !!,9>,$@,1@;P!@ d) E,>@,E>,>@"P@@ ))))))))))))))))))) !1,@@,@@,@@@P@@ nd 9,@@,@@@P@@ 9,#!,"1,E1>P"; 1@,@@,11#P$1

1E,E@,$@!P@@ Duty /g0(onsortium !!,@@,@@@P@@ vance /h0Bill Purchase 9,@1,@@,@@@P@@ Date &ver mount .uessing $,@@,@@@P@@ /908edium Term ?oan !$,@@,@@@P@@ /a0.overnment ?oans ,S(F-AP 'BIFBondF?I(F+TI >,!1,@@@P@@ /b0&ther Invest)ment 6oint 91,@@,@@@P@@ Stock (om) pany2s Share B.P. ?oan :i%ed ?oan .old ?oan ))))))))))))))))))) .yro ?oan T+:S ?oan Bousing ?oan +nsecured ?oan 11,!9,!",;""P;@ /c0Self Surety SwaroCgar ?oan /d0.yro &f Indus)trial Shade 9",@@@P@@ Date &ver mount !,;1,!#,$@#P@@ .uessing Debt nd !!,;1,#@@P@@ Doubtful Debt ;,#$,@!,>@@P@@ /;0?ong Term ?oan /a0.overnment ?oans ;E Debt Doubtful Debt

>1,1>,91!P#@ !,>;,"",@1>P>@

E,1>,E@"P9@ !1,##,1@,>>>P@@ 1,19,@",#$#PEE !,$E,E;"P@@ #,@$,@#,$>#P#1 !>,#$,1>,9$#P1@ ;#,!",19$P@@ E!,$#,;$!P11 #@,11,;#9P91 E,@!,";@P@@

tificate E. =adi ". uto Deposit !@.:le%i Deposit !!.(ompound Interest Scheme !9.Saving Depo)sit /a0(he3ue System Savings /b0Savings /c0,.'.I. Savi) ngs Deposit !;.(urrent De)posit !#.?okar System ?D4iaBi9ities !.'eserve Bank &f India /'BI0 9..uCarat State (o) &perative ?imited. /Sidbi 'efinance0 ;.The Surat Di) strict (o)&pera)tive Bank ?imi)ted. *DBi99s e0tion @DBran0/es A3st#ents 'DUnpaid Intere-st Reser!e &DO3tstanding +d.or Co99Bank -ey Suvarna 6ayanti (ertifica)te 'enewal

!9,>>,@9EP@@ ,S(F-AP 'BIFBondF?I(F+TI 9,!#,!$,"#@P@@ /b0&ther Invest)ment .yro ?oan :.D.,&.D. 9;,!>,>!,;9#P1@ Bousing ?oan /c0Self Surety #,$E,1;,@9;P@@ Date &ver mount .uessing Debt nd 1,##,@$,$E1P!> Doubtful Debt @DInterest +003re on !,9#,"1,;$$P@@ Deposits In!est#ent >,9!,9",;>;P@@ 'DInterest +003re on >9,$",@9#P@@ 4oans &DBi99s Re0ei!aB9e !$,$1,#;,9;!P!> $)DBran0/es +dA3st#ent !,#9,;;,1#$P1; $$DB3i9ding Depre0iation; #,E1,;1;P1@ $%DSafeE .3rnit3re F .i<t3res /:urniture,Dead !>,11,;",#;#P#@ Stock,(omputers 8achinery0 9!,$9,;!;P;@ Depreciation0 $(DOt/er "re9i#inary -<penses ))))))))))))))))))) !,"@,#;,>@@P@@ !.T.D.S. &n De)posit Interest 9.?ibrary ;.Stationary Sto)ck, computer, ;" Sta)tionary !,>;,$1,E1"P1E K / fter ))))))))))))))))))) 9,1#,@E,E$!P@@ #",!",!;!P>; 9,E!,E1,;#>P9E :+fter 9,#!,;9,@!>P@@ $,E1,;>"P@@ !1,9;,1;$P@@ and 91,99,";EP@@ !1,;1,;!EP1@ 9,@1,$E,$!"P!@ ))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))) #,$@,@!,"9;P!@ 1,;>,$;,!$9P9;

Interest $)DOt/er 9ities !.Sundry Debtors 9.8iscellaneous ;.Dividend #.+npaid Ta% 1.&ther ?iabilities $$D"rofit F 4oss "rofit Of 6ear %))$-%))% 4ess:- DistriB3tion +dd :- "rofit Of 6ear %))%-)( $%DUne<pe0ted 4iaBi9ities !..iven Surety 9.&ther !!,#$,1E$P;1 9,@@,#E$P@@ !E,!;,>E#P@@ #,EE,$9$P1@ 9$,"!,!1,"##P$@ 9,1;,@@,#11P9E #",!",!;!P>; 4iaBi1@,E@9P@@

K Stock #.Stamp &n Docu) ment 1.volt :or Deposit >.(learing Bouse $.Prepaid *%penses E.:estival ))))))))))))))))))) /Staff0 ".Income Ta% !@.(learing Difference !!.(learing dCustment !9.Building 'enovation !;.Building Deposit !#. dvance Income !,!E,!>,>$;P@1 Ta% !1,!$,#"#P@@ ))))))))))))))))))) >,;#,E@"P1; !,9#,"E,E>>P>; ))))))))))))))))))) !,9#,"E,##$P>@ #!"P@; !,#;,1",E"!P>" !@,@@,@@@P@@ ))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))) 9,$E,>@#P@@ #,1#,>1#P@@ 1,1#,@@@P@@ !E,EE1P@@ dvance !;,@;EP1@ >,@>,@E9P!@ E,!E,">1P@@

!#,E@,@@@P@@ )))))))))))) #@



TB* S 'A&D D S B - 'I B ,- ?TD. P'&:IT ,D ?&SS F( &, D* ' *,D*D ;!F;F9@@@;
-H"-NDITUR!.Interest on loan 9.Salary,rent,bonus education etc. ;.Directors,commit ee members fee and rent #.'ent,electric bill 1.(ourt and lawyer fees >.Post and telephone e%pense $. udit fees and consultancy fees E.Building repair) ing and deprecia) 1#,;",>"1P"@ 9,"E,>1@P@@ ;,@!,!@;P#@ 9@,;!,@@@P$9 ;1#11P@@ RSD INCO !$,@#,1;,;;EP;1 !.Interest !,1E,"",#;>P@@ 9.(ommission, e%) change discount ;>,"@@P@@ ;.Share transfer fee #.&ther income 1.?oker rent income !,@99P@@ >,#",#>;P1@ 1,@E,$>$P1@ RSD 9;,#!,;;,!;9P11 #!,9>,EE;P!1


tion ".Stationary and advertise !@. +nbanking debt !!..ovt. security premium !9..uCarat earth) 3uake relief funds !;.Discount on loan account !#.Debt amount !1.Income ta% !>.&ther e%penses !.Traveling e%p. 9.8islleneouse%p. ;.(learing member fee #.Aehicle e%p. 1.Deposit insurance premium >.(omputer e%p. $.Subscription e%p. E.Staff training e%p. ".?eave travel concession /?.T.(.0 !@.Shareholder beneficiary e%p.

",#;,@E1P>" )))))))))))))))))))) E,>E,9>>P@@ )))))))))))))))))))) !9,1>,;1$P@@ #,#1,#>EP$@ 9,99,$>"P@@ !;,>#!P@@ ;,EE,9;1P91 9#,E@EP@@ 9,;!,!!@P@@ E,;9,#!EP@@ >,@;,;!#P@@ #!,$E9P@@ 9#,>1@P@@ ;#,>;!P@@ !,@9,!;9P@@

!!.8ember fee !9.Bank charges !;.Brokerage on .ovt. security purchase 5ross "rofit !#. Provision for bad and doubtful debt !1. Provision for investment Depre) ciation fund !>.Provision for fluctuation of in) vestment Net profit

)))))))))))))))))))) 99,>;@P@@ E,1@@P@@

;,EE,1",E"!P>" 9,@@,@@,@@@P@@






R+TIOS +N+46SIS : ,ow The ratios calculation of The Sarvodaya Sahkari Bank ?td. as on ;!st 8arch, 9@@; are as under 7 (urrent ssets K (urrent ?iabilities as per the record of Sarvodaya Sahkari Bank2s Balance sheet is given below.


/!0. (urrent 'atio7)

P 'TI(+? 'S %))$ %))% %))(

(ash Balance <ith &ther Bank Debtors Stock F Inventories Bills 'eceivable Pre)paid *%penses Investment Tota9 C3rrent +ssets (reditors Bills :or (ollection Short Term Bank ?oans Income Ta% &ther ?iability Tota9 C3rrent 4iaBi9ities

!,$E,E@,@$> 1;,@9,!>,"9# )))))))))))))))))) 1,>9,EE$ 1;,"@,1E1 !#,#>,"$E !,E;,;#,$!,1@@ %E('E'&E*'E&?) !,>9,$E9 1;,"@,1E1 >9,@!,!!,@!# )))))))))))))))) >9,@!,!!,@!# $E%>E?@E@?E(&?

!,9;,@!,1>> #",91,>>,$>" )))))))))))))))))) >,@$,"1$ >;,#@,!>" $,9!,@$; !,#9,@@,9$,E!> $E&(E%?E*?E(?) $,#",;99 >;,#@,!>" E>,@;,E9,$#> 1,11,#!1 E>,@;,E9,$#> (E**E)&E@?E@>'

!,>#,1!,";> #;,>@,#$,;!# ))))))))))))))))) >,@>,@E9 #",!",!;9 #,1#,>1# !,;",E@,E;,E#E $E'?E*?E*%E&** #,EE,$9E #",!",!;9 E>,@1,;;,"E1 !1,!$,#"# E>,@1,;;,"E1 $E@%E@&E&(E(%>


(+''*,T ' TI & /G0




(+''*,T ' TI& P :&' 9@@; 77)

(urrent ssets )))))))))))))))))))))) (urrent ?iability P !,;",E@,E;,E#E !,$9,$",";,;9# P !.@$ 7 !

(urrent ssets M Stock M Prepaid e%penses /90?i3uid 'atioP (urrent ?iability M B.&.D !,;",E@,E;,E#E ) >,@>,@E9 M #,1#,@@@ :or 9@@; P !,$9,$",";,;9# Proprietor2s :und /;0Proprietary 'atio P Total ssets !$.E@!/crore0 P 1@.>@"/crore0 P @.;17! Total ?ong Term Debt /#0Debt *3uity 'atioP Share holder :und !."@"/crore0

P !$.E@!/crore0 P @.!!7!

:i%ed interest F Dividend bearing fund /10(apital .earing 'atioP *3uity share capital !."@"/crore0 P 9.$@E/crore0 P @.$@7! ?ong term fund />0?ong term fund to :i%ed assets 'atio P :i%ed assets !."@"/crore0 P #.!$;/crore0 P @.#>7! ,et profit /$0'eturn on *3uity 'atio P Total e3uity capital !.#;1/crore0 P !>."1#/crore0 P /E0Dividend pay out 'atio P E.#>G Total dividend to e3uity share holder !@@ Total net profit available to e3uity share holder !@@ !@@


@.#@@/crore0 P !.#;>/crore0 P 9$.E>G !@@

S8OT +na9ysis
The full form of S<&T as under where 4S5 means strengths 4<5 means weaknesses 4&5 means opportunities 4T5 means threats The brief studies S<&T analyses are as under below7 :$; ) Strengt/s: Sarvodya Sahakari bank is totally computeri=ed bank. So that

satisfied man power is more because work done easily and speedy by the computer. ll the branches staff have 3ualification and better e%perience - There is no any interference - Sarvodya Sahakari bank provide facilities of training and development s per employee profit of bank increase from !.#1 lacks to !.>; lacks - There is no any loss has incurred by the ban from last 9@ years that means profit of the bank is increase


T8, A T and cash counting machine facility provided by the Sarvodya Sahakari bank



8eakness: The growth and performance of Sarvodya Sahakari bank has

been increasing years by year since ;@)1)!"E9 and also the working of the bank is better. So there is no any weakness of Sarvodya Sahakari bank. :(; Opport3nities: The Sarvodya Sahakari Bank can e%pand its service and facility like credit card and T8 for Surat locality through this facility more customers are attract toward bank. So it will be happy much helpful to both customer and bank. It can also establish its branches in industrial area of city like katargam, nana varachha, sachin etc. The Sarvodya Sahakari Bank has a gold opportunity of future growth because at in the present time so much awareness about this bank in people. :>; T/reats: Bank has to face7 - So much competition in present time - Strike in the industry, business due to government ta% and due to violence done at ant place in the country - Threat about the low speed of the recovery loans.



The sarvodaya sahakari bank ltd. completing 9! years. During these period bank achieve many progressive stage. This bank have a head office and other four branch. different area of surat city. :rom the study of last 9 years bank report, we can say that rate of progress of bank is very high. It achieve success in every field of his work. fter seen the number of progress of bank, we can know that it is During the current year in the bank, there is increase of 's.!.1!lacks in deposit, so that total deposits are reach in 's. E>.@1 crore. During the year 9"#1 application accepted for the investment and grant a advance of 's.>".>" crore. >9.!;G of total advance was given to propriety sector and !E.E1G of total advance was given to weaker section. :rom the progress of bank ,we can see that bank completely effortable to increase productivity K profitability. Bank is running democratic way. Bank given to his employee in office and through professional courses and totally work of the bank is doing by computer. also increase more and more in total deposit of bank. t this way its branches are spreading in


Banking law and Practice nnual 'eport K Balance Sheet ?aws K practices relating to banking (o)operative Banks Diary/.+(B:0 )PankaC ' .andhi )Sarvodya Sahakari Bank ?td. )The Indian Institute of Bankers


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