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The Magic of Creativity

Our little shimmering stars of Nachiketa Tapovan love to express

themselves in the form of drawings, paintings and poems. Here’s a
Plot No.70, Phase I, Kavuri Hills, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033
glimpse of the magic of two of our stars!We love them all dearly! Phone No. 040 – 23113887 Mobile No. – 9849168937
Regd. By Govt. of A.P. (Regd. No. 53/IV/99)
Volume: 1 25th July, 2009
Mounika, 4th Class Beslel, 3rd Class
Issue :14
Nachiketanjali Saturday
Mounika is a soft-spoken Beslel, our 3rd grader is very
and well mannered kid who well known for his good
loves to draw in free time. drawings and notoriety.

Om.Keneshitam Keneshitam vacham

patati preshitam imam vadanti,
manah, Kena prana Chakshu shrotram
prathama kau devo
praiti yuktah yunakti!
For Private Circulation only
Om. Impelled by what or whom does the mind pursue its desires? Yoked
by whom does the first of the vital airs begin its movement? Impelled by
whom do people speak what they speak? What divinity engages the
senses of the eye and ear?
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Gairan Tanda, Kodgal Village, Jadcherla Mandal, Mahaboobnagar Dist-509301
Ph: +91-40-23113887 • Mobile: 98491 68937•
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– E-mail: •
Doing the duty of the time is the best way, and if it is done The more our bliss is within, the more spiritual we are.
16 1
only as a duty, it does not make us attached.
The prime goal of Education must be to
develop character. The foremost duty of
an educated person is to serve as a
conscience-keeper of society. This is not
possible unless one follows one’s
conscience. If you go back to the
Mahabharata you will realize that the
great Bhishma and Dronacharya SWAMIJI'S MESSAGE
remained silent at a crucial moment when Every moment in your life you are Look at God’s creation. Brahma’s
EDITORIAL BOARD experiencing all the four yugas i.e. Day and Night is happening in the
they ought to have spoken strongly. This
Editor Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga body itself. If you are aware of this
shows that they have failed in their role as
Subhadra K. and Kali Yuga. When you are totally you can experience the same at this
conscience-keepers. Of what use then was
Editorial Consultants: immersed in Satvic thoughts you are very moment. Everything dissolves
their so-called knowledge?
Annapurna R. enjoying Satya Yuga. If you are in the night which is nothing but
Today most of us have abdicated our
Sowja A. slightly inclined towards Rajas, you your EGO. When you identify
moral responsibility and remain silent
will be experiencing Treta Yuga. yourself with your body or ego it is
when we ought to raise a strong protest.
When you are more inclined towards worldly death and not spiritual
CONTENTS Page No. Man is a limb of society and society is a
Rajas and less of Satvic then you are death. When you are able to
Message by Swamiji 3 limb of mankind. If we forget this, we can
experiencing Dwapara Yuga. When separate yourself from your Ego,
Mataji's Message 4 get into all kinds of problems as in fact is
Sant Tulasidas 5 there is no Satva and you are delving then you can experience the Day
presently happening. When disaster
Spiritual quest 6 deep into Rajas and Tamas then you or Night. ‘YOU ARE THAT!’
strikes a Nation it is our foremost duty to
Voice of Vidya Mandir 7 are in Kali yuga.
Vanaprastha 8 rise to the occasion and render all help
Kena Upanishad 10 that is needed. It is very ridiculous if we So, every moment you are
Mind v/s Heart 11 think. "It is all God’s will. Those who suffer experiencing Pralaya. That
Publications 12 happened to Ramana Maharshi and
are destined to do so. Let us leave them
Upcoming Events 13
alone.” We have no business to sit in at that moment he experienced
Sponsor Options 14
An Appeal 15 judgement on others. We are not here to Death. Death is nothing but Pralaya.
analyze the Law of Karma but to render You fail to understand this because
Quotes by you are deeply engrossed in worldly
Swami Vivekananda service. That is what true love and
compassion are all about. affairs. Your life revolves around
your kith and kin.
Subhadra K.
Concentrating on the powers of the mind is the
2 The pleasure of the Âtman is what the world calls religion. 3
only way to knowledge.
ADHYATMIK PRANETA Japayoga, SANT TULASIDAS Tulasi Das, on reaching youth married
Bhaktiyoga, Jnanayoga , Karmayoga, Ratnavali to whom he was so attached
Tantrayoga etc.. that he could not bear separation even
Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in for a short time. In fact his wife
oblivion. It is the most valuable
reproached him for his excessive
inheritance of the present. It is the
attachment and advised him to show
essential need of today and the
culture of tomorrow. that affection on Rama. That awakened
- Swami Satyananda Saraswathi. the Viveka of the great soul who
Yoga is the culture. Culture does not became an ascetic and pursued his
mean rules and regulations. But it is childhood goal in Awadh a dialect of
the way of life where we learn the Hindi. He wrote 22 works but the epic
You have many paths to reach to the systematic way of living in the world Ramcharitmanas is the jewel among
ultimate. Whatever path you choose to physically and mentally.
reach your goal is the Royal path for you. them as the work expresses his ‘loving-
But there is a path which is very Because of today ’s competitive Devotion’ for his beloved deity Sri Rama
practical and scientific and that is Yoga. world, modern man is constantly Goswami Sant Tulasi Das, the creator and which he preached all over North
Yoga is the path of the highest among under pressure. As a result he is of this ‘Sacred Lake of Deeds of Rama’,
India. In ‘Hanuman Chalisa’, the widely
all the paths. It is a science of the self, suffering from many ailments. So yoga
lived between 1543A.D.-1623 A.D. He sung prayer in the world, Supreme
experimented and experienced by our is a unique science which works on your
subtle level rather than gross level. If was born on the seventh day after Bhakti of Hanuman, the highest ideal
sages and saints. In Himalayas it is being ‘Amavas’ of Shravan in Rajapur in Uttar
practiced by many yogins. Yoga is not a you take any ailment or problem we for any seeker is extolled. The Gospel of
want immediate relief, not the Pradesh. Rama Bhola was his original Sri Rama also carries his message of
mere theory. Practical approach of yoga
brings light into the life. Yoga permanent solution. We try to cut the name. He was supposedly abandoned brotherly love, compassion and selfless
doesn’t belong to one sect of branches of the tree rather than after birth. Guru Narahari Das who took
service for fellow human beings.
the mass; it is applicable to everyone in cleansing the roots. Yoga helps you to
him into his wing gave him the name Tulasi Das’s birthday falls on the
the universe. It doesn’t have any remove the deep rooted problems and
miseries. Yoga is a formula for the Tulasi Das after the sacred leaves. In28th July this year. The day is celebrated
limitations. It is an eternal and immortal his association Tulasi Das wandered all
science which deals with your soul and health of body, mind and the soul. by reading Ramcharit manas in temples
Yoga is a way of living. In this busy world over North India, received spiritual all over India. Our tributes to the Self-
the highest knowledge among
all vidyas in the universe. One can feel where we forget to lead healthy and enrichment and also studied Valmiki’s realized Saint-Poet who sung the glory
Yoga’s infinite power only by meaningful life, Yoga takes care of Ramayana. Due to his ignorance of of the Maryada Purushottam, Sri Rama;
experiencing it. That’s why it is called every aspect of your life. Yoga is a Sanskrit language, it took him many the Sweetest word in the Universe, the
the Royal path. beautiful and powerful tool to reach readings to grasp the sweetness of theroad to Salvation.
There are various streams of yoga the ultimate or supreme reality.
nectar of Ramayana which determined
described and experienced by our him to rewrite the Adikavya in simple
enlightened souls, and sages. Swami Shivanandamayi Annapurna R.
4 The aim, the end, the goal of all the training is
Just as much as the world is for us, so we also are for the world. 5
liberation of the soul.
SPIRITUAL QUEST Voice from Vidya Mandir to other schools receive beatings
Starting from this issue, Swamiji will answer questions The well groomed, whereas we are respected and also
from the seekers. Questions are welcome from talkative, talented, pampered here. Ammas and Akkas
everyone. They can be e-mailed to us at expressive boy teach well and show lot of concern.
Srikanth is studying Srikanth’s Favorite person in 5th Class in Nachiketa Tapovan- SWAMIJI! Swamiji loves us
Tapovan’s Vidya a lot. He buys us things we ask for, like
Mandir. His association with Tapovan Cricket bats, games etc. He plays
dates back to 2002 when Vasundhara cricket and jokes with us. At the same
2. Is practicing yoga essential for Ma and a few volunteers of Nachiketa time He teaches us discipline with her
1. How does Yoga help our day to
day life? realization? Tapovan would go to the slum areas love and motivates us to study well.
Ans: We all are aware of Yoga and its Ans: Nothing is related to realization. with food packets, collect a group of kids
Things Srikanth is learning at
eight limbs. Without entering into Realization is that when and teach them alphabets while their
Tapovan- Only after coming to
depth of this ocean let us understand you are not, what you pretend to parents would be toiling away to earn a
Tapovan I learnt cleanliness and body
how only one limb can bring beauty in be. Realization dawns when you are square meal. Srikanth’s mother was
life. Take an example of Yogasana and completely empty within and without. hygiene and punctuality. Now I learn
reluctant to let him study with the group
start analyzing how it takes care of Filling that emptiness with silence is Yoga, Sloka-chanting, Arts and Crafts,
but slowly yielded to his persistence.
all levels of our development. People realization. Realization cannot be and all the subjects. I also learnt
measured. The depth of the realization Later when Nachiketa Tapovan
have completely misunderstood Karate for sometime but the teacher
that Asanas also can bring beauty in can be felt or experienced or even seen established itself with a building and
is not coming now. My favorite
life. What we need today is physically through various spiritual actions. And bigger team of volunteers, Srikanth
teacher is Subhamma. I like
strong, mentally balanced, if you find any action that brings started attending the Vidya Mandir
harmony into life, light into life or Subhamma because she teaches us
emotionally charged, regularly. There were a few more
intellectually sharpened and spirituality into life, then yes it can be discipline with her love.
hurdles and gaps in his student career
spiritually elevated personality and one of the finest tools for Srikanth’s aim in life- I want to study
realization. Therefore yoga can be a but his motivation and the Tapovan
that can be brought through hard and become a doctor, construct
simple asanas. The day should come great tool to realization but not team’s love and care for the kids made
a building and start a school for poor
in life when every moment of life really necessary. It depends on our things happen. In his words,
becomes yoga…that’s why yogic life unique package that we got in this children like Swamiji did!
Why Srikanth comes to Vidya Mandir-
style is more important to live in this birth. There are realized souls who Srikanth is one plant of Tapovan! There
I love to come here. In the first few years
world. Discipline and harmony is what never heard about yoga or practiced are about hundred and fifty more of
yoga but today when you look at them I would come here at noon to get banana
we are expecting and that can be them in Tapovan. Even if some of them
made a unique part of our lives by you can see that they are living life like and run away but now I come here
nurture similar goals and ideals, world
practicing regular yoga. ‘Live and let a yogi. Their every action speaks only because this is our home. We all receive
live’ is what the true expression of and only yoga. Their very breath is going to be a much Greener and
so much love and care. My peers going
yogic life style is. becomes yoga. That’s what we want. Happier place to be!

6 7
In consistence with Swami Vivekananda’s message “Arise! Awake! And Stop not till the Goal is Reached!”
Tapovan has been incessantly taking up new projects and conducting several activities for all ages and all walks
of life. Building a service-oriented support system in a Joint-family setting, for the senior citizens has been one
such dream of Nachiketa Tapovan which is indeed taking shape, thanks to all the donors and well wishers.
“Vanaprastha” indicates the Vanaprastha Ashram is going to be
beginning of the phase of a wing of Nachiketa Tapovan
renunciation of material values Ashram located in Kodgal village
while adopting spiritual life with near Jadcherla. Like all the other
the goal of realizing the ultimate services rendered by Tapovan,
truth as the culmination of Vanaprastha living will be free of
human life. Vanaprastha charge. Donations by well wishers
Ashram’s objective is to serve as are welcome. Initially the
a catalyst in the quest for truth. Vanaprasthis will be using the
While basking in the spiritual Resident Quarters that have
environment, the Vanaprasthis reached completion. Vanaprasthis
can pass on the legacy of their will receive free accommodation,
priceless experience to the free food, some medical aid and
younger generations in a plenty of opportunities and
symbiotic environment. The guidance to pursue spiritual
members join the Ashram with interests. As a part of Karma yoga
Individual identities, live as a part of the they can take active part in the ongoing
Ashram and during the process assimilate programs and activities at Tapovan Ashram
greater goals of the Organization. This by sharing their knowledge, hobbies and skills.
elevation from mundane desires to noble During their stay in the Ashram Vanaprasthis
motives of life will be a natural are expected to be economically
transformation in Vanaprastha Ashram. self-sufficient and prudent.

Tapovan also provides the opportunity for interested Vanaprasthis to try out by spending
a few days as residential sadhakas or non-residential sadhakas in Nachiketa Tapovan
and get a feel of their stay in Vanaprastha Ashram. To arrange a stay please contact:
Phone: +91 - 040-23113887; Mobile: 9849168937. Email:
Detailed flyer available at Nachiketa Tapovan, Kavuri Hills.

8 There is only one sin. That is weakness… Strength is the medicine for the world’s disease. 9
and Agni approached Him to learn who He MIND v/s HEART which I did (as I also am among those
was but did not succeed. Finally Indra
We are what our Karma is. The Almighty normal youth who go through such
approached Him when the Spirit vanished
has immensely blessed us by giving us problems) and would like to share with
and The Golden Goddess Uma took His
place. Goddess Uma taught Indra that they the sensibility to be able to distinguish you all.
were only instruments while the Supreme between bad Karma and good karma. Everyday I used to once ask the
Lord’s power and Grace were the reason However, sometimes thoughts that Almighty to make my mind immune to
behind the victory. This revelation earned enter our mind make us dissuade us from inhumanly thoughts entering me. I
Indra, Vayu and Agni the importance among our righteous path. requested HIM to make me a better
Kena Upanishad begins with the word the Gods.
‘Kena’(means by whom) and hence the name. Thoughts just come and go. A normal person. And surprisingly it worked!
In this story Indra symbolizes the ‘I-
It is also known as Talavakaara Upanishad Consciousness’, the other Gods symbolize human finds it difficult to have control This eventually has helped me discover
as it forms a part of Talavakaara Brahmana the forces that control each sense organ over them. Most youth have negative a secret – anytime when you have the
of Sama Veda. This Upanishad like all the and demons man’s evil passions. Story thoughts whirling around their mind – opportunity to ask the Almighty for
others teaches the oneness of the Individual conveys that at times when the senses “my friend shouldn’t top the class, my something, quickly plead for things that
Consciousness with the Universal overcome a passion and get a glimpse of colleague shouldn’t be applauded.” the world cannot give. Worldly things
Consciousness. the Atman, the human being feels proud Such thoughts can later make one feel come, sooner or later; more or less;
The first two chapters in the form of a that he understood the Atman completely.
guilty of being a wicked human. After but your inner peace can come only
dialogue between the disciple and his Each sense organ thinks that it knows the
preceptor reveal that Brahman is beyond the whole of Brahman and rejoices that it can all, it’s not easy to escape one’s when your heart is free of guilt and
comprehension of the sense organs. Mind is control the man’s activity. Later when they conscience. this is achieved only if the mind is free
an inert but a transparent material entity realize the limitations of their power, Indra So the question that arises is how do we of harmful thoughts.
through which the light of pure consciousness or the individual soul, all humbled down keep ourselves protected from such evil Om Namah Shivaya!
reflects to reveal the objects. Therefore by steps forward to learn the truth. To him
thoughts? There is a small experiment by SUHANI
meditating upon Brahman as Pure appears the Golden Goddess Uma who
Intelligence, It can be realized in this very stands for the Grace or Shakti of Brahman,
life. destroys the notions of senses and ego and
The third and fourth chapters in the form of reveals the truth of Brahman. Thus the
a story illustrate that the Brahman is beyond aspirant attains the Supreme Knowledge.
realization by finite senses without the grace The message is that until the evil passions
of Brahman Himself. Once in a battle (vasanas) are subdued and the ego
between Gods and Demons, by the power of ( Ahamkara) is destroyed, one cannot get
Brahman, Gods triumphed. But the Gods, even a glimpse of the indwelling Atman.
accredited themselves for the victory and
became elated. Brahman who wanted to Ref: The Upanishads
make this clear to Gods, appeared before
by Swami Nikhilananda
them, but they failed to recognize Him. Vayu

10 If you
Bhakti yogadois not
the care for pleasure,
science of higher you
love. All souls are playing, some consciously, some
will not be afraid of pain. unconsciously. Religion is learning to play consciously.
Construction Committees - Co-ordinators UPCOMING EVENTS
Dispensary Temple Dear Atmabandhu
Leela N. – 9390036380 Rama Devi – 04023113887
Vasundhara P. –9849035979 Reddy P.S.N. – 9849636882 We invite you to join the celebration of
Vidya Mandir Ramakrishnalaya Sant Tulasidas Jayanti
Subhadra K. – - 9849800155 Madhukar A.- 9949299998 On Tuesday July 28th 2009
Annapurna A. – 04023113887 Prasad Y.V.S. – 9849913399
at our
Dhyana Mandir Compound Wall
Geetha Laxmi K. – 09176622884 Vasundhara P. – 9849035979 NACHIKETA TAPOVAN
Mallaiah –040-23113887 Venkatram – 04023113887
General Information
Reddy P. S. N- 9849636882
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OUR PUBLICATIONS A CD on ‘Shavasana’ was released by

Nachiketa Tapovan on 1st April 2007. It
features ‘Conscious Sleep’ which leads
sadhakas into deeper layers of
Consciousness and also techniques for
relaxation of body and mind.
Venue: Yours in the service of Motherland
This work is available as an individual
CD as well as a collection of 8 CDs at NACHIKETA TAPOVAN Subha D.
our Nachiketa Tapovan Campus and Plot No. 70, Phase I, Kavuri Hills, Director
Cost of CD - Rs. 35/- also other leading book stores. Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad. Vidya Mandir

Thou art all that exists, a wonderful living God

12 It is impossible to find God outside ourselves. 13
who is the only fact in the universe.
Anna daanam maha daanam; vidya daanam mahattaram.

Annena kshanika trupthihi yaavajjeevanthu vidyaya.

Vidya Mandir at Nachiketa Tapovan is currently able to accommodate a family

of about 150 children who receive all-round nourishment from man-making
education to milk-n- meals and basic health- aid in an atmosphere of genuine Dear
love. Kind-hearted Well wishers have been the unseen force behind this offering Atman
to God. We thank you for your continued support. No man is an island. To fight the good classes ranging from LKG through 6th
fight we need help. This has been the grade.
Vidya Daanam (Education ) Rs. 3500/ year/student
basis for the Nachiketa Tapovan’s
It requires additional resources, both
Anna Daanam (Mid-day Meals) Rs. 2800/day inception and ensuing growth over the
monetary as well as human to fund this
last 10 years from a hut into a 3 storied-
progressive step. We hereby make a
Ksheera Daanam (Morning Milk) Rs. 600/day building onto a 40 acre spiritual
fervent appeal for generous donations.
complex. Imparting literacy to children
Please participate in this ‘Vidya Daana
Vastra Daanam (Uniforms) Rs. 600/ 2 pairs from impoverished families was the idea
Yaga’ being performed to benefit the
with which the divine project started
most deserving children and help pass
Dinnerware (Steel Plates & Glasses) Rs. 5000/ 50 sets before it grew into a multifarious
on the legacy of our Cultural heritage,
movement. All along Tapovan’s efforts
Social values and Religious traditions.
Stationery Supplies (Copier Paper) Rs. 5000/ term received great support from you all in
every way bringing fruition to the noble It may kindly be noted that donations
Festivals Celebration Rs. 1500/festival intent.. to Nachiketa Tapovan are exempted
from Income Tax U/S 80 G of IT Act,
The main focus has never shifted from
Oushadhi (Medical Supplies) Rs. 5000/month 1961 of Govt. of India. Donations in
Vidya Mandir. Nachiketa Tapovan has
the form of Cheques/Demand Drafts
become the haven for the
Celebrate your Special Days with the Children may please be drawn in favour of
underprivileged children who have
Nachiketa Tapovan. We acknowledge
at Nachiketa Tapovan! been nourished with not only milk and
the generous contributions made by
food but also good academics
supplemented by the traditional values
Yours in the service of Motherland
of India. Vidya Mandir will be taking a
big stride this June from offering
Primary Education extending onto
Secondary Education. That is, this
academic year, Vidya Mandir will offer
Swami Nachiketananda
The greatest weakness often insinuates itself The pleasure of the Âtman is what the
14 15
as the greatest good and strength. world calls religion.

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