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The Magic of Creativity

Our little shimmering stars of Nachiketa Tapovan love to express

themselves in the form of drawings, paintings and poems. Here’s a NACHIKETA TAPOVAN
glimpse of the magic of our stars!We love them all dearly! Plot No.70, Phase I, Kavuri Hills, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033
Phone No. 040 – 23113887 Mobile No. – 9849168937
Regd. By Govt. of A.P. (Regd. No. 53/IV/99)
Volume: 1 25th August, 2009
Issue :16
Nachiketanjali Tuesday

This was one of the ways our 2nd graders celebrated the Independence
Day and Krishnashtami with a little help from their teachers!
Ômityetadaksharamidam sarvam, tasyopavyâkhyanam,
bhûtam bhavatbhavichyaditi sarvamomkâra eva;
For Private Circulation only yaccânyat trikâlâtîtam tadapyomkâra eva.
-Mandukya Upanishad 1.1
TO, AUM, the word is all this (i.e. the whole universe). An explanation of it is as
follows: All that is past, present and future is indeed, AUM. And whatever else
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– is, beyond the three-fold division of time- that also is truly AUM.

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Gairan Tanda, Kodgal Village, Jadcherla Mandal, Mahaboobnagar Dist-509301
Ph: +91-40-23113887 • Mobile: 98491 68937•
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– E-mail: •
True friends guard you from evil, make you walk in right Excessive or deficient food or activity causes disorders
16 1
path and share your sorrow in difficult times. in mobility, breathing and digestion.
EDITORIAL Sages say that all lokas like Swarga,
Naraka, Pathala, Matsya, Naga or
The advancement of our world has been SWAMIJI'S
Brahma lokas exist right in this
brought about by the diligent effort of the MESSAGE universe, at all times and can be
Yogis, the Realized ones, the Mahatmas experienced through our state of
and the Masters who are constantly mind. When we are happy it is swarga
There is a vast difference between a
working in a greater dimension. If they and when we experience sorrow it is
Yogi and a Bhogi. A yogi can function
naraka. It is just a state of mind. Higher
had not been existing through the with equilibrium on the physical as well
the state of the mind the subtler
centuries, then our world would not be in as spiritual planes but a bhogi can
becomes our understanding.
its present condition. function only on the physical plane. If
you want to convert yourself from a
No doubt we are grateful to science and
bhogi to yogi you have to develop that
its discoveries for all our comforts. Almost multi-dimensional awareness. Do
every field such as technology has their whatever action you want, engage
developments which have made possible yourself in various activities but your
for society to live in a world without concentration should always be on the SWAMI NACHIKETANANDA
borders. The result of such developments Ajnachakra located in between the
EDITORIAL BOARD is globalization and definitely its eyebrows. Sri Ramakrishna
Editor importance should be accepted by Paramahamsa has given a wonderful
Subhadra K. example of a servant-maid whose
everyone. The rise of a huge number of
Editorial Consultants: concentration is always on her son at
TV channels have made people from all home though she is engaged in various
Annapurna R.
Sowja A. around the world feel closer to daily chores at her workplace. Similarly
International events and react in no time. your concentration should always be
CONTENTS Page No. But do all these developments take us on your Ajnachakra. When you do
Message by Swamiji 3 closer to God? Why can’t we give it a sadhana concentrate on those
Mataji's Message 4 serious thought? Let us not forget the sensations and try to experience them.
Penny Wise 5 Benefactor, the invisible one who brought Also when you engage yourself in
Independence Day 6 different activities you should not
about this condition.
Krishnashtami 8 forget the sensations of the Ajnachakra.
Mandukya Upanishad 10 The absence of the enlightened ones in That is the secret of yogis functioning.
Spiritual Quest 11 this world would make it devoid of virtues. Yogis have a designed program and
Publications 12 What makes our world different from hell they play their role with total
Ashram 13 is that we still have light-bearers and what understanding and conviction. Don’t
Sponsor Options 14 makes our world different from heaven is get entangled in too many things. We
An Appeal 15 that the virtuous people are fewer in should also have a clear cut program
number. That makes all the difference! and function with total awareness.
Quotes from Your concentration makes you more
THIRUKKURAL Subhadra K. systematic.
Agriculturists are the linchpin of the mankind since Find and follow the good path, ruled by compassion. Of
the many ways, that one leads to liberation. 3
2 they support all others who cannot till the soil.
perfect guideline to aspirants, showing PENNY WISE fifty students attending 4th, 5th and 6th
them the various paths to reach the Classes. And we all know very well that
ultimate. That ultimate knowledge Swamiji’s ideas don’t remain ideas for
was given to the humanity by Sri too long! So the Nachiketa Tapovan
KRISHNA Krishna for which he is universally Passbook was launched on the August
Mukam Karothi vachalam acclaimed as Jagatguru. His nama is a
15th and accounts became active on the
pangum langayate girim sadhana for sadhakas and an ocean of
17 th August with a message from
yatkrupa tamaham vande happiness to the bhaktas.
It is never too early to teach the value Swamiji on how they can be of help to
paramanandava Madhavam Many bhaktas like Rukmini, Meera, their good friends if they have some
of money, how to budget and save. One
Meaning: The dumb can start Sakkubai, Tukaram, Jayadeva, and
can learn a whole lot of financing from cash of their own. Next time you visit
speaking, and the lame can climb the Vittala have experienced Krishna by
books and software but nothing like a Tapovan you will see a Banking desk
mountains, if they have the grace of that singing his name and glory alone.
Madhava. hands-on approach in learning this most which is operative during non-class
Surdas was blind, but when he started important lesson of life. And that is hours. The children can deposit and
The name of Krishna is sweeter than chanting Krishna Nama he got that
any thing else in this world. exactly the new project at Tapovan’s withdraw money bound to some terms
real, true vision, and he rejected the
Janmashtami is the day when Krishna Vidya Mandir. Kudos to Swamiji’s idea and conditions. The best part is the
physical vision. Just by having physical
incarnated on this earth. of introducing Tapovan’s own banking oldest students are receiving training
eye we can not have that true vision.
Some people opine that Krishna was For that we need to have the grace of system. in making entries and maintaining the
only a skilful king and not an incarnation. Sri Krishna. Many of the needs of Vidya Mandir accounts.
If you look at the annals of history, we That grace dawns on us when we students are taken care of by Nachiketa We all worry about saving money and
had many kings but we don’t celebrate have that Shraddha and Bhakti . Tapovan and the well wishers besides securing a future for our children but
their birthdays. Though Krishna lived Krishna’s existence is not limited to the their parents. Swamiji observed that the real benefit lies in letting them learn
5000 years ago, his birthday is Dwapara yuga, or the temples. He is sometimes the children have some the importance of saving money. This
celebrated with great pomp and Sarvantharyami. Janmashtami reminds petty earnings with which they are should be an eye-opener for many of us
splendor. Sri Krishna is a Poornavatar. us to awaken that Krishna buying fun food from vendors and shops in fortifying the children with the value
Putanavada, Sarvaloka sandarshanam, consciousness within. When you awake which could be unhygienic. That is how of money before they enter the real
Kaliyamardhanam, Govardhana puja, that Krishna within with the help of world.
He got this idea of introducing the Pass
and Kamsavadha are but some of his Shraddha and Bhakti then that day will Annapurna R.
Book Savings account for each of the
many leelas. Amongst all the nine be a real Janmashtami in your life. Let
incarnations,Krishnavatar shines like a us celebrate Janmashtami by singing his
KAUSTUBHA MANI. Nama. Jai Sri Krishna, Jai Sri Krishna……
His Bhagavad Gita is not a mere
shastra. It is a way of life. It is the Swami Shivanandamayi

The biggest folly among follies is to cherish a desire for a

4 Since the evil begets evil, evil is more dreaded than fire. 5
prohibited object.
‘’ Long years ago, we made a tryst “Mere independence from the
with destiny and now the time comes British rule was not the objective
when we shall redeem our pledge...At of the freedom struggle. It is
the stroke of the midnight hour, when necessary to introspect whether
the world sleeps, India will awake to we have the real freedom we set
life and freedom’’. - Nehru for ourselves after gaining
A feeling of patriotism overwhelmed independence”. - Swamiji
Nachiketa Tapovan’s team as they
celebrated India’s 63rd Independence On this joyous event Swamiji
Day. The Tricolour National flag was introduced Banking system to the
hoisted by Sri Ajit of Intelligroup assisted students and released a Passbook.
by Swamiji and Mataji. If Swamiji’s Children voluntarily responded by
motivating talk on Freedom and promising to save their little extra
patriotic songs by children set the tone money. Prizes were awarded for
for this great event, Vidya Mandir the best essays and paintings and
children stole the limelight with their the children were happy to receive
scintillating dance performance and gifts from Intelligroup volunteers
smart and quick replies when quizzed who gave them the best
by Intelligroup volunteers. entertainment.

Learn thoroughly whatever is to be learnt; then, let the Listening is the best of all wealths; it is
6 7
conduct be worthy of his learning. considered to be the foremost.
Lord krishna is a multifaceted decked up with jewellery and rangolis
personality who at one end reveals the of His footprints were drawn by
ultimate reality of life and at the other residential volunteers symbolising the
end is known for his childhood pranks, presence of the Almighty. Plays
mischief and romantic tales. His depicting various events and
birthday is celebrated as Janmashtami accomplishments of Lord Krishna were
all over the country on the eighth day staged by Vidya mandir children.
of the dark fortnight in the month of Mataji announced prizes for the best
Sravana. articles on Lord Krishna and the winners
The fervour was no less in Nachiketa gave their presentations. Children had
Tapovan which is the traditional hub the great fortune of breaking Dahi
of celebrations. Entire premises wore handis along with Swamiji who is
a festive look on August 14th with Tapovan’s Krishna indeed! This sport
children moving around in colourful symbolized achievement through unity.
dresses and govinda namam on their Specially prepared delicacies which
foreheads. The extraordinarily were offered as bhog were distributed
charming deity of Lord Krishna was to mark the end of celebrations.

Let the thoughts be always great and progressive. It will not be There is nothing too difficult to be accomplished, when
8 done carefully with unflinching endeavour. 9
a loss, even if success eludes.
MANDUKYA UPANISHAD subtle objects. The sense organs of a
sleeping man are inactive, so a dream SPIRITUAL QUEST
is but a mental activity. Swamiji answers questions from the seekers. Questions are
Prajna or the dreamless sleep state welcome from everyone. They can be
represented by matra “M” is a state e-mailed to us at
characterized by general
Mandukya Upanishad is a part of the consciousness. Deep sleep is a state Q. Presuming that every action is
of ease and repose when all effort, Q. What happens after death? predestined; can an unmeditated
Atharvaveda. It is a very short
discriminative knowledge and subject- Ans: Instead of knowing what happens act of killing an animal or insect
Upanishad consisting of only 12 bare
object relationships disappear and the after death, it is more important to affect us?
verses with no stories or anecdotes but
subject experiences bliss. know what death is. Death for whom? Ans: We need to know the exact
which when aptly interpreted unravel
The above three states are To this body, to this ego or to the soul?
relationship between cause and
to the reader the entire Universe.
superimposed on Brahman through If you are asking about body then yes effect. Effect follows you like a
Om is the only comprehensive language
Avidya and abide the causal law. body is going to once again merge withshadow. The moment you get the light
revealed to the ancient Rishis that can
Turiya or the state of Pure the five elements as it is made of earth,
of action it is bound to create an effect
comprehend the universal form, the
Consciousness, represented by water, air, space and fire. But after of shadow.
‘Isvara’. Chanting Om creates a
amatra or Silence is free from that still something remains and that There are different types of people
vibration with which the creation
causality. Turiya state is devoid of is soul and there is no death for soul.
and their actions.
commenced a vibration, that melts all
dreams as well as sleep. The subject is Soul travels from one body to another Ordinary people: Want to see the
other vibrations, calms the mind by
conscious of neither the outer body. The death of ego will bring moreEffect immediately. They are result
burning up all the desires and ends all
objective world nor the inner clarity in life. Life and death are the
oriented and do not bother much
cravings and whence you enter a
subjective world. This state cannot be two ends of the same circle and from about consequences. Life is lead like
meditative mood. Om is the substratum
attained through avidya. It is not void where it starts and where it ends is a spiritual life but is indeed not a
of all sounds and Brahman is the
but is a state of positive existence not known to ordinary perception. spiritual life.
substratum of all phenomena. The
which can only be realized. This state Death for this body is inevitable. That
Extra-ordinary people: Know the
sounds and phenomena are both illusory
of non-duality cannot be expressed in death is called as transformation of consequences of their actions very
and are non-different. Therefore when
any language, so it is described body. When traveling from one place well. They are very well prepared for
the illusion disappears all that is left is
through negation of attributes. It is to another if we are in a drowsy statethe consequences and do their best
substratum which is one. Therefore
the cessation of all phenomena, is all we are not aware of the journey fully possible in their lives.
Brahman is Aum.
peace and all bliss. Though non- and the places we pass. Similarly it is
Spiritual people: Know everything.
The Atman which indeed is Brahman
cognition of duality is common to both with our journey into life and death. If
They are content with life and accept
has four padas or quarters. They are
Prajna and Turiya, the latter is we are not aware of and not fully everything without expecting
Vaisvanara or the waking state, is
different from Prajna in being conscious then you will not be able toanything in return. In such people
represented by matra “A”. The subject
omniscient while Prajna is know this very life, forget about samskaras work like camphor which
or the perceiver is conscious of external
characterized by complete previous lives. Constant awareness is burns without leaving any trace.
objects and the Atman identifies itself
ignorance. the means to know what happens
with the experiencer. Therefore ordinary people and even
Refe rence s : w w w. s w a m i - after death. That awareness which lies
Taijasa or the dream state, represented extra-ordinary people will get and The Upanishads within can be ignited through different
by matra “U”. The perceiver is affected by their actions whereas
Volume II by Swami Nikhilananda techniques.
conscious of the internal objects or the spiritual people do not.
Art of using alphabets and science of using The deeper you dig, greater the spring; the more you learn,
10 11
numerals are the two eyes of living human beings. greater the knowledge.
Construction Committees - Co-ordinators
Leela N. – 9390036380 Rama Devi – 04023113887
Vasundhara P. –9849035979 Reddy P.S.N. – 9849636882
Vidya Mandir Ramakrishnalaya
Subhadra K. – - 9849800155 Madhukar A.- 9949299998
Annapurna A. – 04023113887 Prasad Y.V.S. – 9849913399
Dhyana Mandir Compound Wall
Geetha Laxmi K. – 09176622884 Vasundhara P. – 9849035979
Mallaiah –040-23113887 Venkatram – 04023113887
General Information
Reddy P. S. N- 9849636882
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Anahata Nada dhyana is the sixth in
the series of eight yogic CDs released
on 1st April 2007 by Nachiketa Tapovan.
This is a meditation technique which
opens up the ‘Heart Chakra’ and makes
the mind more receptive of the ‘Inner
All the CDs are available at our
Nachiketa Tapovan Campus at Kavuri
Cost of CD - Rs. 35/- Hills and other leading Book stores.

The friendship of fools is perhaps the best, for in this case Those without wealth may one day prosper, but those without
12 separation brings no grief! kindness are utterly and incurably poor. 13
Anna daanam maha daanam; vidya daanam mahattaram.

Annena kshanika trupthihi yaavajjeevanthu vidyaya.

Vidya Mandir at Nachiketa Tapovan is currently able to accommodate a family

of about 150 children who receive all-round nourishment from man-making
education to milk-n- meals and basic health- aid in an atmosphere of genuine Dear
love. Kind-hearted Well wishers have been the unseen force behind this offering Atman
to God. We thank you for your continued support. No man is an island. To fight the good classes ranging from LKG through 6th
fight we need help. This has been the grade.
Vidya Daanam (Education ) Rs. 3500/ year/student
basis for the Nachiketa Tapovan’s
It requires additional resources, both
Anna Daanam (Mid-day Meals) Rs. 2800/day inception and ensuing growth over the
monetary as well as human to fund this
last 10 years from a hut into a 3 storied-
progressive step. We hereby make a
Ksheera Daanam (Morning Milk) Rs. 600/day building onto a 40 acre spiritual
fervent appeal for generous donations.
complex. Imparting literacy to children
Please participate in this ‘Vidya Daana
Vastra Daanam (Uniforms) Rs. 600/ 2 pairs from impoverished families was the idea
Yaga’ being performed to benefit the
with which the divine project started
most deserving children and help pass
Dinnerware (Steel Plates & Glasses) Rs. 5000/ 50 sets before it grew into a multifarious
on the legacy of our Cultural heritage,
movement. All along Tapovan’s efforts
Social values and Religious traditions.
Stationery Supplies (Copier Paper) Rs. 5000/ term received great support from you all in
every way bringing fruition to the noble It may kindly be noted that donations
Festivals Celebration Rs. 1500/festival intent.. to Nachiketa Tapovan are exempted
from Income Tax U/S 80 G of IT Act,
The main focus has never shifted from
Oushadhi (Medical Supplies) Rs. 5000/month 1961 of Govt. of India. Donations in
Vidya Mandir. Nachiketa Tapovan has
the form of Cheques/Demand Drafts
become the haven for the
Celebrate your Special Days with the Children may please be drawn in favour of
underprivileged children who have
Nachiketa Tapovan. We acknowledge
at Nachiketa Tapovan! been nourished with not only milk and
the generous contributions made by
food but also good academics
supplemented by the traditional values
of India. Vidya Mandir will be taking a
big stride this June from offering
Primary Education extending onto
Secondary Education. That is, this
academic year, Vidya Mandir will offer
Swami Nachiketananda
The learned teacher makes you enjoy learning; on leaving, Think and then undertake the work; to think after
14 makes you to keep thinking of his teaching. 15
commencement will bring disgrace.

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