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Comprehensive Plan for Lee County I offer this long term plan as the frame work to build an economically

healthy and sustainable future for Lee County. It recognizes the planning process must identify mutual concerns and long-term interests, while addressing our individual histories and agendas. It acknowledges we, as local government, businesses and community members, are committed to making joint decisions for the benefit of all. Community decisions must be understood and defendable to the entire population and reflect fiscal responsibility. To accomplish that end, it is necessary to establish policy and prepare realistic goals and objectives to achieve the community we desire, not only for ourselves, but our children and grandchildren. A key element of my campaign is a core belief in the necessity of including every person who wants to be involved in charting the course to a bright and prosperous Lee County for everyone. To do that, community stakeholders must represent a broad cross section of the community and not only provide input to the plan, but be familiar with its elements and able to debate the pros and cons of each action as it is implemented. In short we must create community ownership of the plan. I offer an executive overview of the goals and objectives of a proposed Comprehensive Plan from my perspective to begin the process. This is not a finished project. It is only one mans ideas to build on. It will take all who care about the future of Lee County to make this a real plan to create a community we and future generations can all live happily in. GOALS & OBJECTIVES Each element of this plan contains a GOAL. This reflects the desired condition we hope the plan achieves. To achieve the desire GOAL, OBJECTIVES are identified for action. An OBJECTIVE is an achievable action reflecting the communitys desires.

GOAL: Planning for the future of Lee County is based on coordination with the public,
utilization of all fiscal resources and aimed at improving quality of life by acting in concert with regional partners. OBJECTIVES: 1. Lee County shall be active in and viewed as an integral member of the various area agencies which include but are not limited to the EKU 22 county service area, the Kentucky River Area Development District, the 32 UNITE counties, Kentucky River District Health Dept., Daniel Boone Country Tourism Region, Kentucky Valley Educational Cooperative, Red River Gorge Chamber of Commerce and Kentucky River Authority Daniel Boone National Forest. 2. Development will be executed to make the community more attractive to new businesses and create opportunities for residents. Identifying existing resources and correcting deficiencies in

infrastructure, training and policies will be encouraged to create a diverse economic stream and work force. 3. Commitments to increasing or changing infrastructure or service shall be tied directly to the initiatives for future growth. Existing infrastructure shall be maintained at the highest standards. 4. The public shall have easy access to review and provide input for all plans and actions to achieve the vision of the future. 5. Lee County will ensure all parties are included in determining a diverse and beneficial land use plan. 6. In the execution of the Comprehensive Plan, positive and negative impacts of the actions will be investigated and addressed.

Goal: Land use planning will reflect good stewardship of nature and protect rivers,
streams, wetlands, forests and fields essential to safety, health, economic stability, and overall quality of life. Objectives: 1. Any development in the community will identify and address the environmental impact on natural or ecological systems, such as wildlife habitats, air, and water of any site being considered for development. 2. New development or redevelopment shall consider existing topography and vegetation to preserve the existing character of the land and consider safety, health, economic stability and quality of life. 3. Sensitive areas and scenic areas shall be identified, mapped, and standards established for preservation and restoration. .4. Watersheds and rivers shall be studied and monitored to prevent flooding and erosion and also promote habitats for wildlife, safety, health, economic development and quality of life. 5. Environmental information and studies shall be easily accessible to the general public. 6. Standards shall be established to specify methods during construction to properly manage the impacts of dust, erosion, noise, or other nuisances or environmental hazards. When problems are encountered the proper agencies will be notified and corrective measures taken. 7. The incremental effects of developments on the environment, including, but not limited to storm water, erosion, woodlands, streams, and views shall be evaluated and addressed with public involvement

8. The establishment of recycling programs and recycled materials industries shall be encouraged.

Goal: Safe, environmentally sound, and sanitary housing is the standard for Lee County
residents. Objectives: 1. A broad range of housing opportunities shall be provided which meet the needs and desires for all household types. 2. No housing policy shall have the effect of causing discrimination against any person on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, familial status, disability, or national origin. 3. The maintenance of sound existing housing, as well as, the rehabilitation of deteriorating housing shall be encouraged. 4. Current and future Primary and Secondary education capacity, industrial and business development shall be integrated into housing development reviews. 5. Residential development shall include an understanding of basic health and safety considerations, including proper connections to appropriate public water and sanitary sewer service, sewage disposal units, and telephone and electric lines,

Goal: Lee County has a vibrant and sustainable economy that trains and educates the
community to be successful, encourages innovation and prosperity with meaningful employment opportunities for all its citizens and respects the physical environment. Objectives: 1. Lee County shall promote economic opportunities within the county that contribute to the economic health of local government, non-profit and private enterprises ensuring greater prosperity for all its citizens. 2. Encourage the establishment of a small business incubator to provide education, training, resources, business assistance and mentoring to help community residents create new opportunities and encourage entrepreneurs to relocate here. 3. Local industries (agriculture, lumber, oil, tourism, education, retail, criminal housing, service, health, government, etc.) shall be promoted in suitable locations exemplifying how the county is a vital part of a strong regional economy. 4. Support of local agriculture and local business products and services shall be encouraged.

5. Lee County shall manage a combination of land uses (residential, tourism, agricultural, commercial, industrial, public transportation, etc.) that creates a positive balance between the public revenues generated and the public expenditures required to support those uses. 6. Diversification of agricultural uses shall be encouraged. Markets for locally grown food crops shall be promoted. The needs of agricultural operations should be considered in public infrastructure improvements and services. 7. Culturally sensitive and significant areas and structures in Lee County shall be identified and protected. They will be registered with appropriate agencies for preservation and programs will be enacted to maximize the opportunities for developing local awareness and a cultural tourism industry. 8. Telecommuting and home computer-generated business shall be encouraged.

Goal: Lee County businesses are developed in appropriate locations and are compatible
with their surrounding areas. They understand building a strong community ensures a reliable, well-trained work force, maximum economic development and sustainability, and their products are competitive world wide. 1. Commercial enterprises shall be encouraged to coordinate operations with the surrounding land uses and shall have safe and effective access and ample parking spaces. 2. The location of large scale commercial uses shall take into consideration the existing or planned infrastructure to protect existing and future population and businesses.

3. Future industrial development shall be coordinated with residential development so that the potential impacts are known and can be addressed. 4. Industrial nuisances such as smoke, dust, noise and odor shall be kept at a minimum, and site development and enforcement shall be carefully coordinated with necessary approvals of other regulatory agencies. 5. Steps shall be taken to encourage sustainable commerce and production. An ideal would be of the waste products of one industry actually becoming the raw materials for another. 6. Lee County shall promote local businesses with the goal of making them competitive in a world economy.

Goal: Understanding the natural beauty of our forests, cliff lines, rivers and streams are
quality of life issues for the local population and key to developing a vibrant adventure tourism industry, Lee County ensures adequate recreation facilities and programs are available and significant natural features, historic sites and open space are preserved. Objectives: 1. Parks and open space shall be used to preserve scenic and natural areas of significant and unique qualities and provide activity centers close to or within established and developing areas. Maps and information shall be developed and published to help identify scenic and natural areas. 2. Local, regional, state and private tourist oriented facilities shall be allowed in appropriate areas when the final mitigated impact is minimal on other land uses. 3. Historically and culturally significant sites and structures of Lee County shall be protected. Programs in areas that make use of existing historic structures or features for education, enjoyment or tourism shall be encouraged. 4. Lee County Legislative bodies shall be active in developing recreation parks and service areas that are easily and safely accessible to the population groups they are designed to serve. 5. School and recreation facilities shall be combined in order to provide the mutual benefits of service, safety, convenience, economy and neighborhood strengthening. 6.. The general public, businesses and landholding agencies shall be informed of the possibility of public/ private opportunities to use land, donating land, providing easements, and other available conservation options. 7. Agencies and organizations using, recreation, and natural areas in Lee County will coordinate programs, facilities, events, and information.

Goal: Lee County maintains safe, efficient and environmentally sound public services and
facilities adequate for the existing community and has a plan which provides for measureable growth tied to future development. Objectives: 1. Existing infrastructure and services (water treatment and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, natural gas distribution, electric power distribution, communication lines, police and fire services and associated municipal buildings, schools, public roads and storm water management) shall be utilized efficiently. The phasing of proposed development shall demonstrate a means of addressing significant impacts on existing infrastructure and services. 2. Priorities for growth within any individual infrastructure system shall be based on the predicted needs of specific areas. No infrastructure system shall commit the county to excessive growth by the system's expansion. 3. Public information about facilities and service shall be made easily accessible through the Internet and similar technology. 4. Opportunities for regional/combined system(s) shall be examined and developed if appropriate.

5. A desirable library site shall be located in close proximity to population areas and shall be accessible by public and private transportation and the Internet. 6. The heaviest concentration of law enforcement, fire and rescue services shall be located near central business districts and population centers where the potential loss of life and property is greatest. 7. Lee County must create and manage a Capital Improvement Plan, to plan and track growth in the county through appropriate phasing of new public infrastructure and to maintain and improve existing infrastructure and public facilities. 8. Creative ways of funding the expansion and improvement of public services and facilities shall be sought. Cooperative funding agreements between the private and public sectors shall be encouraged to fund future utility extension. 9. Adequate health care and emergency facilities shall be promoted at accessible locations by working with regional partners. 10. The public education system shall be improved as needed. Lee County will provide resources to encourage a culture that ties education to building the future of the community. By staying in tune with the education system, partnering with local colleges and agencies, the addition of programs and post-secondary educational facilities shall be explored 11. Installation of utilities and development around utilities shall occur in a manner that protects the safety of the general public. 12. Public input and discussion of any issue impacting infrastructure, modification or development will be aggressively sought.

Goal: Lee County shall be proactive in maintaining a regional transportation

infrastructure and system by identifying opportunities and creating a culture of cooperation between the private and public sectors to develop an economically and energy efficient yet environmentally sound and equitable transportation system. 1. Planning for mass transit (e.g. bus service, rail, and shuttles) shall be encouraged.

2. Efficient coordination between all levels of government for transportation improvements shall be promoted. 3. Transportation facilities and services shall be considered in support of economic development. 4. Transportation facilities and services shall provide equitable levels of service to transportation disadvantaged and transit dependent people. 5. Higher density neighborhoods shall be designed to accommodate safe pedestrian movement. 6. New and improved roadways shall include pedestrian and bicycle facilities in order to meet Federal and State multi-modal transportation requirements. 7. Priority shall be given towards maintaining, protecting, and improving the capacity and safety of the existing road system. 8.. Roadways shall be properly classified and designed existing and future roadways shall be targeted for operational studies to address access management and signalization. 9. Intersection improvements, signal system enhancements and maintenance, and other types of operational improvements shall be made as necessary.

10. Transportation Planning and development efforts shall provide for sufficient right-of-way to allow for road improvements or future roads. 11. Creative ways of funding the expansion and improvement of the transportation system shall be examined. 12. Efficient coordination between local, county, and state jurisdictions for transportation improvements shall be promoted. 13. Transit corridors shall be recognized as attractors for new economic development.

GOAL: Lee County understands the future of any community is determined by the
number and quality of educated and productive members of a vibrant work force contributing to the tax base. To that end, the community works with local elementary and secondary school systems, regional educational institutions and training programs to create a local population committed to lifelong learning and adaptable to changing opportunities. Objectives: 1, Encourage the elimination of historic barriers between local government, business and education agencies. . Work with elementary, secondary and post secondary school systems to help focus students in finding or creating a niche for themselves in the community. 2. Work with the education systems locally and regionally to ensure infrastructure and personnel levels are maintained at adequate levels and able to grow and meet future growth of the region.

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