OP Info 2013 14

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Est. 1986

Dear prospective Student, Thank you for your recent inquiry to study with the Shiatsu College London. Would you like a sustaining and satisfying career in Complementary edicine!

"re you interested in developing your own health and energy! Would you like to learn some #odywork essentials! "re you already practising assage, "cupuncture, $i%ong, &efle'ology, Cranio( Sacral Therapy, )owen Technique, *+T,T+T, -ndian .ead assage! Would you like to #roaden your skills/and do some really interesting and useful C0D!

-f your answer to any of these questions is 12*S3 then our new and e'citing *nergy(Work programmes could #e 4ust right for you. +rom single weekend workshops right through to a full professional qualification study, our modular programmes have #een designed to provide ma'imum fle'i#ility and choice. "ll classes and 5pen Days take place at our new, permanent venue , called BASS in )ri'ton, conveniently located across the road from Brixton Tube Station. +or full information a#out content and required home study for each of our programmes, please refer to our prospectus or we#site. Shiatsu College Prospectus 2013

The following pages give the dates and prices for the Shiatsu College London Open Programme Modules 2013 201!

www.shiatsucollege.co.uk e" london@shiatsucollege.co.uk t" 020# $%1 0&0& 'ccredited () and full) ratified () the Shiatsu Societ) *+ ,


Est. 1986

Open Programme Su(-ects. /ates and Prices

The 5pen 0rogramme modules #eing offered in London from Septem#er 6789 are given #elow. Weekends can #e #ooked and attended individually or you can enrol for the whole year taking advantage of the 50*: 0&5%&" * study package ;see page < for details=. -f you wish to study towards professional qualification, the first step is to #uild your foundation skills and knowledge #y completing a minimum of > weekend workshops and the anatomy module from the 5pen 0rogramme.

Please note" The prices given are per module? however we offer a special package for those who
wish to pay for all the required weekends and the anatomy module in advance ;this must include all modules marked 00=. 0lease see page < for details.

Open Programme Modules and 1or2shops 20123201!

Module Title Su(-ect"
Shiatsu College London OP45 /'6
"n opportunity to find out a#out the new and e'citing format of the College courses, receive a free Shiatsu taster treatment and meet the teachers and students.

1!th Septem(er 2013 11am 7 !pm


'n 8ntroduction to Shiatsu 7 Taster /a)

"ttended the 5pen Day! Want to know a #it more #efore committing to the +ull 0rogramme! Can3t wait until the course starts! Come and 4oin us for a very practical and fun day, where we will e'plore some of the #asic principles of Shiatsu and get a feel for what learning Shiatsu is all a#out. 19th Septem(er 2013 11am 7 !pm


www.shiatsucollege.co.uk e" london@shiatsucollege.co.uk t" 020# $%1 0&0& 'ccredited () and full) ratified () the Shiatsu Societ) *+ ,


Est. 1986

Module Title Su(-ect continued"

8ntroduction to 4nerg) 1or2 00 ;8 Weekend;
"n e'citing e'ploration into working with the human energy field. Discover how to connect with and develop your sensitivity to different energetic qualities and how to connect with others #oth physically and energetically. Who for! "nyone curious a#out energy work and healing *'isting energy and #ody workers and therapists @ discover how to improve your connection and power, direct your energy #etter and how to #e more effective with less effort.


Special 8ntroductor) Price

Octo(er 12th < 13th Octo(er 2013

: &9,00

The =oundations of Shiatsu 00>3 wee2ends;

"n introduction to the principles and practice of Shiatsu. Spread over 9 weekends, this module introduces the #asic principles of Shiatsu. 2ou will develop your practical and highly effective Shiatsu skills, which you can practice on family and friends. 2ou will #e introduced to the Daoist theories that underpin it, including an e'ploration of the qualities and nature of Chi and the principles of 2in and 2ang that are at the heart of all #ranches of Traditional *astern edicine.
Who for! Those wanting to find out more a#out Shiatsu and what it is like to give and receive Those wanting to #egin the 4ourney towards #ecoming a Shiatsu practitioner @ this is where it all startsA Shiatsu students @ past B present, a great opportunity to get #ackCtoC#asicsA

=oundations 1" 5ovem(er 2nd < 3rdh 2013 =oundations 2" 5ovem(er 23rd < 2!th 2013 =oundations 3" /ecem(er 1!th < 19th 2013

3 wee2end =oundations of Shiatsu module

8nclude the 8ntroduction to 4nerg) 1or2 wee2end for a special price of


www.shiatsucollege.co.uk e" london@shiatsucollege.co.uk t" 020# $%1 0&0& 'ccredited () and full) ratified () the Shiatsu Societ) *+ ,


Est. 1986

Module Title Su(-ect continued"

'n 8ntroduction To TCM < 9 4lements 00 >2 wee2ends;
"n introduction to the wisdom and #readth of TC ;Traditional Chinese edicine=, a rich and fascinating holistic system of medicine.
Who for! )eginnersD with its focus on the < Eital Su#stances and the functions of the 2in B 2ang organs, this module will give you an understanding of the #uilding #locks of TC Those of you wanting to work with "cuCpoints who have no prior training in TC @ this module will provide you with a solid foundation and voca#ulary for understanding how to use acupuncture points in your practice

8ntroduction to TCM 1" ?anuar) 1#th < 1&th 201! 8ntroduction to TCM 2" st March 1 < 2nd 201!


2 wee2end 8ntroduction to TCM module


Seated 'cupressure < 'cupressure for Common 'ilments >2 wee2ends; 00

Seated #odywork is an increasingly popular aspect of complementary therapy. ore and more companies are introducing Seated "cupressure into the office environment to support the health of their employees. 2ou will learn a #asic routine and selected acupressure points. Fpon completion of this module plus our "natomy you will receive a Seated "cupressure certificate.
Who for! Those of you wanting to provide Shiatsu in the workplace or work with clients who are una#le to lie on a futon. *'isting #odyworkers and therapists of other modalities who would like to e'pand their treatment options Shiatsu students @ past B present, a great opportunity to e'pand your client #ase

Part 1 'pril 9th < $th 201! Part 2 Ma) 10th < 11th 201!

2 wee2end Seated 'cupressure module :2&0


www.shiatsucollege.co.uk e" london@shiatsucollege.co.uk t" 020# $%1 0&0& 'ccredited () and full) ratified () the Shiatsu Societ) *+ ,


Est. 1986

Module Title Su(-ect continued"

@eview 1ee2ends
These weekends will give you a chance to consolidate and practice all we have covered this year.

=e(ruar) #th < &th 201! ?ul) 9th < $th 201!

=@44 as part of the Open Programme Pac2age :1!9 per wee2end if (oo2ed individuall) Total for full online 'natom) Course and 4Aperiential 'natom) da)

Online 'natom) < 1 da) 4Aperiential 'natom) Course00

"n accredited eCLearning "natomy Course, which is assessed at a one day *'periential "natomy workshop. *CLearning allows us to support students with accessi#le, fun ways of learning, minimising class time spent on theory and ma'imising the time availa#le for handsCon work. "ccredited 0rior Learning ;"0L= is accepted for this "natomy module.

Online 'natom) Course availa(le from 1st 5ovem(er 2013 4Aperiential 'natom) /a). ?une %th 201!


Transition to the Core Programme >1 da); 00

" day of informal assessment and review, for all those wishing to continue their studies in the Core 0rogramme.

?ul) 1&th 201!


www.shiatsucollege.co.uk e" london@shiatsucollege.co.uk t" 020# $%1 0&0& 'ccredited () and full) ratified () the Shiatsu Societ) *+ ,


Est. 1986

The Open Programme Stud) Pac2age

"s an alternative to #ooking and paying for modules separately, we offer an 15pen 0rogramme Study 0ackage3. This gives great value and is ideal for #eginners wanting to study towards entering the Core 0rogramme and professional qualification. -f you decide to commit to all the > weekend workshops plus the online anatomy course required to 4oin the Core 0rogramme, we give you two e'tra &eview Weekends for +&**A 8f )ou pa) :1.900 )ou receive the starred 00 modules listed a(ove plus 2 more @eview 1ee2ends together with these additional valua(le (enefits" 2ou get a 6<G discount off the price of any additional 5pen 0rogramme modules ;across all #ranches= that you decide to take in addition to those required. 2ou receive scheduled telephone tutorials with a senior tutor through the year to assist your progress and development. 2ou will have access to your Tutors, who will mark your homeworks and assignments throughout the year. 2ou will receive discounted treatment rates from Shiatsu College Teachers. We pay your first 2ear3s mem#ership of the Shiatsu Society/helping you #ecome part of the wider Shiatsu community, and receive the Society3s quarterly Hournal. 2ou will #e a#le to register with the :ational 5pen College :etwork ;L"S*&= for the year ;5ur prospectus e'plains the value of this registration.= Please note that comprehensive course notes are supplied and included in this sum, but the cost o textboo!s or an" e#uipment "ou ma" $ish to have or "our o$n use outside the College, is not% To enrol and take advantage of this 5pen 0rogramme Study 0ackage simply complete the attached )ooking +orm and return with deposit or payment. Please note that () signing up for the Open Programme Stud) Pac2age )ou are committing to the )ear Programme and therefore to the full stud) pac2age fees, -f you have any questions a#out the courses on offer then please feel free to contact Hane Lyons either #y emailD &ane '"ons or call 020# $%1 0&0&.

www.shiatsucollege.co.uk e" london@shiatsucollege.co.uk t" 020# $%1 0&0& 'ccredited () and full) ratified () the Shiatsu Societ) *+ ,


Est. 1986

www.shiatsucollege.co.uk e" london@shiatsucollege.co.uk t" 020# $%1 0&0& 'ccredited () and full) ratified () the Shiatsu Societ) *+ ,

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