IF Clauses: Alege Varianta Corectă

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Alege varianta corect:

IF clauses

Reformuleaz propoziiile urmtoare: I have money. I buy a bigger house. If You are lucky. You win a car. If Mary is nice. She goes to the zoo. If.. It doesnt rain. The children lay in the ark. If The teacher arrives. !e go home earlier.

What will you do if it .? a. will rain b. rains c. snow The girls wont go home if the boys .with them. a. play b. will play c. plays All my friends..fun if the music is great. a. have b. has c. will have The rabbit .afraid if it meets the lion. a. is b. will be c. will is Who will give you money if he .? a. dont have b. wont have c. doesnt have Mother time to cook if you dont help her. a. doesnt have b. has c. wont have


Scrie forma corect a verbelor : Scrie forma corect a verbului, respectnd regula lui IF : If I ..(be) late, they will be very sad. I wont call) the police unless you .(not go). If Mary .(not see) her cat here she will be upset. If you (study) harder you will pas this exam. ll your friends (to come) to your if she .(to be) in party if you invite them. !ho will help her trouble" If it rains, I (to ta#e) an umbrella with me.
If my friends .."to come# with me I ."to be# very ha !e "to go# y. the ark if the .to

sun "to shine#. The old woman.. "not to shout# unless the thief .."not to go# away. If Sara.. "to wash# the dishes$ her sister "to tell# a oem. I "to give# you what you want if you. "to leave# me alone. %nless the fire .."not to sto # I .. "to call# the firemen. &nimals .."to die# if eo le "not to rotect# them.

Tim will be ha y if he his friends in the ark. a. will meet b. meet c. meets If the girl ..her homework she will lay on the com uter. a. finish b. will finish c. finishes

You will know many youevery day. a. will read b. reads c. read




The boy will go to the blackboard only if he..the answer. a. knows b. wont know c. will know If the weather is windy we indoors. a. stay b. will stay c. wont stays If Mark .a nice boy his mother will buy him a u y. a. will be b. is c. are

If the children dont behave they ..watch T'. a. wont watch b. will watch c. watch If you have breakfast every day you.energy for the whole day. a. have b. will have c. wont have

Match the following sentences

ask .(. If my father sells his old car$ .). !hat will you do .*. If it rains$ .+. The boys will lay football this afternoon .,. %nless you sto shouting at me .-. Mark will eat all the a ... If you talk to her ./. !e wont invite them again les on the table

dont finish buy

wont play

will help

doesnt wake up

will show

a. you will understand her. b. if they dont know how to behave themselves. c. if he is very hungry. d. wont be angry with you. e. if they find their ball. f. the girls will take an umbrella. g. he will buy a new one. h. if he sees you here?

If you this new book, will you lend it to me? Sara with us again if we call her names. If he at 7, hell miss the bus If mother cooks this afternoon, we her. We will continue tomorrow if we .this evening. I him my hotos if he comes to see me. She you if you ask her olitely.

Complete the sentences:

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