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Installation Guide

Version 2009.1

September 2009


Copyright 1996-2009 Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Including software, file formats, and audiovisual displays; may be used pursuant to applicable software license agreement; contains confidential and proprietary information of Intergraph and/or third parties which is protected by copyright law, trade secret law, and international treaty, and may not be provided or otherwise made available without proper authorization from Intergraph Corporation.

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Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth below. For civilian agencies: This was developed at private expense and is "restricted computer software" submitted with restricted rights in accordance with subparagraphs (a) through (d) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at 52.227-19 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations ("FAR") and its successors, and is unpublished and all rights are reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. For units of the Department of Defense ("DoD"): This is "commercial computer software" as defined at DFARS 252.227-7014 and the rights of the Government are as specified at DFARS 227.7202-3. Unpublished - rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Intergraph Corporation P.O. Box 240000 Huntsville, AL 35813 Street address: 170 Graphics Drive, Madison, AL 35758

Terms of Use
Use of this software product is subject to the End User License Agreement and Limited Product Warranty ("EULA") delivered with this software product unless the licensee has a valid signed license for this software product with Intergraph Corporation. If the licensee has a valid signed license for this software product with Intergraph Corporation, the valid signed license shall take precedence and govern the use of this software product. Subject to the terms contained within the applicable license agreement, Intergraph Corporation gives licensee permission to print a reasonable number of copies of the documentation as defined in the applicable license agreement and delivered with the software product for licensee's internal, non-commercial use. The documentation may not be printed for resale or redistribution.

Warranties and Liabilities

All warranties given by Intergraph Corporation about equipment or software are set forth in the EULA provided with the software or applicable license for the software product signed by Intergraph Corporation, and nothing stated in, or implied by, this document or its contents shall be considered or deemed a modification or amendment of such warranties. Intergraph believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change without notice and are subject to applicable technical product descriptions. Intergraph Corporation is not responsible for any error that may appear in this document. The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of this license. No responsibility is assumed by Intergraph for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Intergraph or its affiliated companies. THE USER OF THE SOFTWARE IS EXPECTED TO MAKE THE FINAL EVALUATION AS TO THE USEFULNESS OF THE SOFTWARE IN HIS OWN ENVIRONMENT. Intergraph is not responsible for the accuracy of delivered data including, but not limited to, catalog, reference and symbol data. Users should verify for themselves that the data is accurate and suitable for their project work.

Intergraph, the Intergraph logo, PDS, SmartPlant, FrameWorks, I-Convert, I-Export, I-Sketch, IntelliShip, INtools, ISOGEN, MARIAN, SmartSketch, SPOOLGEN, SupportManager, and SupportModeler are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intergraph Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. MicroStation is a registered trademark of Bentley Systems, Inc. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

Preface ..................................................................................................................................... iii Welcome to SmartSketch ......................................................................................................... 1 What's New in the SmartSketch Installation Guide? .............................................................. 2 Overview of SmartSketch Options ........................................................................................ 2 Documentation Comments.................................................................................................... 3 SmartSketch in an Integrated Environment ............................................................................ 5 Internationalization ................................................................................................................... 6 SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations ..................................................... 9 SmartSketch Workstation...................................................................................................... 9 Installing SmartSketch ........................................................................................................ 10 Installation Checklist ..................................................................................................... 11 Install SmartSketch ....................................................................................................... 11 Add and Remove Options After Installing the Core Product .......................................... 16 Using Silent Setup to Install SmartSketch ..................................................................... 18 Install SmartSketch in Silent Mode ................................................................................ 27 Post Installation: Setting PDF Driver Properties ............................................................ 30 Using the SmartPlant License Checkout Utility ................................................................... 30 Install SmartPlant License Checkout Utility ................................................................... 31 License Checkout Utility Dialog Box .............................................................................. 31 Configuring SmartSketch for Integration ............................................................................. 32 Understanding the Interface .................................................................................................. 33 SmartSketch Drawing Environment Window ....................................................................... 33 SmartSketch Screen Cursors .............................................................................................. 34 SmartSketch Templates ...................................................................................................... 35 SmartSketch Basics ............................................................................................................ 36 Create a New Drawing .................................................................................................. 36 Connect Symbols .......................................................................................................... 38 Add and Change Text ................................................................................................... 39 Save and Print Your Work ............................................................................................. 39 Program Maintenance ............................................................................................................ 41 Modify or Repair SmartSketch ............................................................................................ 42 Remove SmartSketch Software .......................................................................................... 44 Getting Help ............................................................................................................................ 47 User Assistance .................................................................................................................. 47 Additional Documentation ................................................................................................... 49 SmartSketch Installation Guide i

Index ........................................................................................................................................ 51


SmartSketch Installation Guide

This document is an installation guide for SmartSketch software. The purpose of this document is to explain how to install and configure SmartPlant SmartSketch and list all necessary prerequisite software. This document does not cover basic Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Professional, or Windows Vista operations. Refer to those products' printed documentation for basic operation information. Intergraph gives you permission to print as many copies of this document as you need for noncommercial use at your company. You cannot print this document for resale or redistribution outside your company.

SmartSketch Installation Guide




SmartSketch Installation Guide


Welcome to SmartSketch
SmartSketch is the only desktop application that gives you the power to create quick sketches, complex engineering designs, production drawings, plot plans, schematics, business diagrams, and more. Use industry solution templates with available symbol sets. Sketch ideas spontaneously and accurately, instantly transforming them into precise CAD geometry. Reduce prototyping time with what-if scenarios and testing of real-world models. Merge your designs with AutoCAD and MicroStation using the module for translation. Add text and spreadsheets from Word, Excel, and PowerPoint; integrate with popular databases.

Industry Solutions Available with SmartSketch and SmartSketch Solutions Options

Get a quick start in projects with workflow templates tailored to different industries including: Process: Process Flow Diagrams, P&ID, Electrical Schematics, Ortho Piping, Control Loop, Process Block Diagramming Business Diagrams: Workflow Diagramming, Basic Diagramming, Office Layout, Flowcharts, Organization Charts Network Diagram Technical Drawing Mapping: Atlas Mapping, Directional Mapping AEC: Architecture, Construction, HVAC, Plot Plans, Site, Landscape Mechanical: Mechanical Drawings (ANSI & ISO)

SmartSketch Works with Leading CAD Products

Unlike most low-end sketching and drawing products, SmartSketch supports major existing CAD environments such as AutoCAD and MicroStation. You have full import and export capabilities for traditional CAD data. In addition, you can work with .dgn and .dwg data in native formatsas if these formats were OLE-enabled. Acting as wrappers around foreign data, OLE servers allow you to simply drag AutoCAD or MicroStation data into SmartSketch. You can even locate points in the CAD geometry and work directly off those points in your SmartSketch document. This capabilitygiving you live access to legacy datamakes SmartSketch a powerful tool on your desktop.

SmartSketch Installation Guide

Welcome to SmartSketch

What's New in the SmartSketch Installation Guide?

Version 2009.1 SmartSketch supports the SmartPlant License Manager 2010. Ask your System Administrator or contact Intergraph Support Services if you have a question about SmartSketch licensing requirements. Version 2009 Service Pack 1 No changes were made to the documentation for this release. Version 2009 Support for the following 3rd party and Intergraph products: Microsoft Windows Server/Advanced Server 2003 Service Pack 2 or 2003 R2 SP2 (32or 64-bit) Intergraph SmartPlant 3D 2008 (8.0) Intergraph SmartPlant Foundation 2008 (4.2) Intergraph SmartPlant P&ID 2008 (6.0) Intergraph SmartPlant Review 2008 (7.0) AutoCAD 2008 Guidelines for modifying and repairing the software. For more information, read Program Maintenance (on page 41).

Overview of SmartSketch Options

SmartSketch offers a variety of industry-specific options that can help increase your productivity. Each option provides a pre-formatted work environment that includes workflowspecific templates, toolbars, menus, and symbol content. AEC Solutions: Provides tools for creating commercial and residential construction drawings. A variety of AEC templates and symbols are provided with the SmartSketch AEC Solutions option. After installing AEC Solutions, you will be able to use the AEC templates with any AutoCAD, MicroStation, DXF, or IGR reference file. Electrical Solutions: Contains industry-specific templates (both Imperial and metric), taskspecific toolbars, and industry-standard symbols that let you quickly and easily create electrical schematics. Image Integrator: Provides integrated tools for viewing and manipulating images in a vector/raster drawing environment. You can manipulate all or part of an image using such edits as cut and move, copy and move, tint, paint, or erase. You can adjust contrast and brightness, or invert the pixel values to negative or positive. You can even scale and rotate images to match vector drawings or maps using source and target registration points.

SmartSketch Installation Guide

Welcome to SmartSketch Mechanical Solutions: Includes symbol sets that let you create and place GD&T (Geometric Dimension and Tolerancing) and Weld Symbols into SmartSketch drawings. Process Solutions: Provides industry-specific templates, task-specific toolbars, and industry-standard symbols that let you produce 2D process diagrams, schematics, and precision drawings. With the included report macros, you can easily create component reports. Symbol Authoring: Provides integrated tools for creating new symbols and modifying existing symbols within a SmartSketch drawing. Translators: Allows you to translate or reference MicroStation (V4-V7.1) and AutoCAD (R10-2005) files for use with SmartSketch. MicroStation and AutoCAD fonts, line styles, and fill styles are fully supported, so you can modify your drawings in SmartSketch and then save them as either MicroStation or AutoCAD formats.

Documentation Comments
We welcome comments or suggestions about this documentation. You can send us an email at:

SmartSketch Installation Guide

Welcome to SmartSketch

SmartSketch Installation Guide


SmartSketch in an Integrated Environment

Integration standardizes and improves the communication among the various authoring tools you use in the course of designing, constructing, and operating a plant. SmartSketch participates in an integrated environment by allowing you to publish SmartSketch drawings. After being published, other authoring tools can then retrieve the drawings, which enables sharing and re-use of model data throughout the plant lifecycle. You must install the Schema Component and the SmartPlant Client, delivered with SmartPlant Foundation, on your SmartSketch workstation before you can publish drawing data. For more information, see the Integration Setup Guide and the SmartPlant Foundation Administration User's Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the SmartPlant Foundation software. The commands that provide access to SmartPlant functionality exist on the SmartPlant menu. The SmartPlant commands allow you to register (mk:@MSITStore:C:/Program%20Files/Common%20Files/Intergraph/SmartPlant/Help/Project EnvironmentHelp409.chm::/register_with_TEF_1c.htm) the plant and specify which plant is active. Additionally, you use the Publish command to publish a SmartSketch drawing to the current active plant. Once a file is published, you can use the Refresh command to modify the title block issue information.

SmartSketch Installation Guide

Internationalization The following illustration shows a more detailed view of SmartSketch integration functionality:

Supporting internationalization in a homogeneous environment is one of the enhancements available in SmartPlant Enterprise. A homogeneous environment uses elements from only a single locale. For example, a German customer running on a German operating system using only German characters and German cultural conventions is a fully supported homogeneous environment configuration.

Homogeneous Environments
When starting a new project, use extra care during installation and configuration to ensure the proper creation and maintenance of homogeneous environments: All the computers (servers and clients) within an integrated SmartPlant Enterprise implementation must have the same regional settings, and no one should change the regional settings after the project has started. Do not cross the decimal locale boundary. This is the most common cause of numeric data corruption and calculation errors. Having users with different regional settings (like with a

SmartSketch Installation Guide

Internationalization period versus a comma for the decimal point) causes the software to interpret values unpredictably. For example, a pipe run with a pressure of 35.3 psi can be read by the software as 353 psi to the user with different regional settings. A cable length defined as 39 ft 11,21 inches has been interpreted as 121718910971323 meters when published to an XML file. These incorrect interpretations may be used in internal software calculations and can be impossible to backtrack or correct. Do not change the decimal point character to try to solve an issue. Doing so will only corrupt values in the database or in text files. Do not cross the character-set locale boundary. For example, the character set boundary between Western (Latin-based) and Eastern Europe (Cyrillic-based), or between Eastern Europe and Japan. Create Oracle databases using AL32UTF8 for the database character set and AL16UTF16 for the NLS character set. Never modify the NLS_LANG registry entry on an Oracle client. Doing so causes the character data not to convert to Unicode. Create Microsoft SQL Server databases with locale-specific collation settings and ensure that all databases have the same setting.

Heterogeneous Environments
In contrast, a heterogeneous environment using elements from different, or even multiple locales, is not supported. Many customers are currently operating in unsupported heterogeneous environments and are often not aware of that fact. Examples of heterogeneous environments: Entering or viewing Japanese data on an US/English operating system Using German Regional Settings (where the decimal point is a comma) on a US/English operating system Using databases with different character encodings such as CL8MSWIN1251 or JA16SJIS Using multiple languages in a project, especially when crossing language-group boundaries Using an English server with different local language clients

International / Bi-lingual Projects

International bi-lingual projects are possible; however, great care must be used when configuring these environments. Limitations exist and must be properly understood: Oracle and MS SQL Server databases can reside on any language operating system, as long as the databases have been created and configured with proper Unicode and collation settings. All Microsoft operating systems (Japanese, Russian, German, and so forth) can enter English characters. The reverse, however, is not true in most cases. Keyboard-locale can be changed as long as a character-set and code-page boundary is not crossed. For example, English, German, French, and Spanish characters can all be used in the same project because the same Windows code-page (1252) is used. However, Russian characters (code-page 1251) cannot be used in a US/English environment. You must decide which language operating system will be the master for bi- lingual projects. The following is an example of a Russian-based project: Companies in the United States and the United Kingdom are working a project with a Russian company and the deliverables (drawings, reports, and so forth) must ultimately be provided in Russian. The companies in the U.S. and the U.K. are working the project using the "master"

SmartSketch Installation Guide

Internationalization Russian operating systems (possibly using virtual Russian operating systems running on VMware Workstation). The U.S. and U.K. companies can install and use English Microsoft Office products on the Russian operating system because Office products are globally enabled. If a Russian interface exists for the SmartPlant Enterprise application, then Russian users can use the Russian interface while the English-speaking users would continue to use the US/English interface. English-speaking engineers can enter English characters. Russian-speaking engineers can enter Russian characters. However, because the Russian locale uses different decimal and character-set locales, everyone (English and Russian engineers) must use the Russian decimal symbol which is a comma. For customization purposes, databases can be modified to accommodate new Russian-specific requirements (fields, properties, and so forth.) Using filters, display sets, and other software features, bi-lingual projects can be further customized. Graphic data, reports, and so forth can be created in either or both languages. Do not change regional settings to reflect a U.S. environment in order to resolve problems in a non-US/English homogeneous configuration. Doing this creates a heterogeneous configuration that will cause other possibly hidden problems that cannot be corrected. Everyone working on a project must use the same regional settings and character set throughout the life of the project.

Questions and Assistance

Please contact your support representative for assistance and answers to your questions: Intergraph Customer Support ( (

SmartSketch Installation Guide


SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations

SmartSketch offers a variety of industry-specific options that can help increase your productivity. Each option provides a pre-formatted work environment that includes workflowspecific templates, toolbars, menus, and symbol content. Before beginning the installation, verify that your end-user workstation computers meet the following hardware recommendations and software recommendations.

SmartSketch Workstation
Hardware Recommendations
1 GHz Intel Pentium processor or better 512 MB RAM or higher 205 to 538 MB free disk space (Depending on components and options installed.) Disk space requirements for installing individual SmartSketch Options are outlined in the following table: SmartSketch Options AEC Solutions Electrical Solutions Image Integrator Mechanical Solutions Process Solutions Symbol Authoring Translators Required Disk Space 72 MB free disk space 21 MB free disk space 8 MB free disk space 9 MB free disk space 147 MB free disk space 1.2 MB free disk space 2.0 MB free disk space

Programming Tools 6.7 MB free disk space Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher video adapter and monitor DVD drive access, either locally or through a network connection Keyboard and Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device (IntelliMouse pointing device recommended)

Supported Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (32-bit) Microsoft Windows Vista Business Client 1.0 (32-bit)

SmartSketch Installation Guide

SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations Microsoft Windows Server/Advanced Server 2003 Service Pack 2 or 2003 R2 SP2 (32- or 64-bit) To run SmartSketch on Windows Server/Advance Server 2003, users must be members of the Power Users or Administrators permission group.

Software Prerequisites
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 (Required for viewing the online documentation delivered with the software.) Adobe Reader 8.0 (Required to view the License Agreement and Printable Guides.) SmartPlant License Manager 2010 (Some SmartSketch installations do not require SmartPlant License Manager. Ask your System Administrator or contact Intergraph Support Services if you have a question about SmartSketch licensing requirements.) SmartPlant License Checkout Utility (Required to run in remote license mode.)

Supported Intergraph/Third Party Software

Intergraph SmartPlant 3D 2007 (7.0) or 2008 (8.0) Intergraph SmartPlant Foundation 2007 (3.8) or 2008 (4.2) Intergraph SmartPlant P&ID 2007 (5.0) or 2008 (6.0) Intergraph SmartPlant Review 6.2 or 2008 (7.0) Microsoft Office XP/2003, 2007 AutoCAD 2009 MicroStation 7.1 You can find information about known issues regarding support of Intergraph or third party software in the SmartSketch ReadMe. For the most up-to-date support information, log on to the eCustomer web site and review the SmartSketch Knowledge Base.

Installing SmartSketch
The SmartSketch CD-ROM includes the installation program, the application files, the Help, sample drawing files, SmartSketch Options files, and all the SmartSketch documentation. These items will help you become familiar with SmartSketchs features so that you can: Create your own 2-D precision drawings and schematic diagrams. Translate and reference MicroStation and AutoCAD files within a SmartSketch document.

Installation Configurations
SmartSketch is available in the following two configurations: Client Installation Provides the complete SmartSketch application for use on a workstation. Network Installation Provides the complete SmartSketch application and the ability to load symbols and tutorials in a networked location for distributed access.


SmartSketch Installation Guide

SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations

Installation Checklist
For the recommended installation workflow, please see the installation checklist (SSKInstall_Checklist.pdf), available in the Help folder on the product CD. This checklist, also available in Microsoft Excel format (SSKIntall_Checklist.xls), is delivered during product setup to the \Program Files\SmartSketch\Program\resdlls\0009 folder for future reference.

Install SmartSketch
1. If you have not already installed and configured SmartPlant License Manager on your workstation, we recommend doing so before installing SmartSketch. If your SmartSketch installation requires SmartPlant License Manager software for concurrent licensing, you must install the SmartPlant License Manager software prior to installing SmartSketch. The licensing software is delivered on its own DVD that comes with your SmartSketch product DVD. For more information about configuring and using concurrent licensing, see the SmartPlant License Manager Installation and User's Guide (SPLMInstall_Guide.pdf). 2. Insert the SmartSketch product DVD into the DVD-ROM drive. If the installation does not start automatically, double-click setup.exe in the main folder. If you are using SmartPlant Enterprise, insert Disc 1 of the SmartPlant Enterprise DVD set. 3. On the SmartSketch Installation window, click SmartSketch Installation. If you are using SmartPlant Enterprise, click Engineering Schematics Software and then click SmartSketch Installation. 4. Click Next on the Welcome page.

SmartSketch Installation Guide


SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations 5. Enter your name, your company's name, and the serial number and click Next.

6. Verify that the registration information is correct, and then click Yes.

7. Select your country from the list, and click Display to view the license agreement. The license agreement is delivered as a PDF file; consequently, you must have Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher installed on your computer in order to view the license agreement. If the software detects that Acrobat Reader is not installed, a message box displays and the setup process terminates without installation SmartSketch. 8. Carefully read the licensing agreement. When you are finished, close the PDF file and click Yes to accept the terms.


SmartSketch Installation Guide

SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations 9. Select the location where you want to install SmartSketch and click Next.

10. Select the destination for drawing files you create with SmartSketch and click Next.

SmartSketch Installation Guide


SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations 11. Click Yes to confirm the directory location.

12. Select the type of setup you want to install and click Next.

The following chart summarizes the components that are installed by default with each type of setup. Components that are available only through the Custom setup can be installed at any time. For more information on the options and components that are available for installation, see Installing SmartSketch Options (install_options.htm). Setup Type Typical Compact What's Installed ... SmartSketch program, Help (User's Guide and product Help), General Solutions and Translators option. SmartSketch program only (you must leave the


SmartSketch Installation Guide

SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations SmartSketch product DVD in the DVD-ROM drive to access Help components). Custom SmartSketch program and any of the available SmartSketch Solutions options you select. For more information on the SmartSketch Solutions options, read Overview of SmartSketch Options. You can also choose to install the Sample Files component using the Custom setup.

The Help component includes the online documentation, the User's Guide, and the Tutorials. By default, only online Help and the User's Guide are delivered locally with the Typical setup. If you choose to install the tutorials, you must use the Custom setup; otherwise, leave the product in the DVD-ROM drive to access the tutorials. The General Solutions component provides a set of functional templates for creating professional business diagrams and drawings, including efficient tools and SmartSymbols for drag-and-drop workflows. The Sample Files component includes drawings based on SmartSketch and the SmartSketch Solutions templates that illustrate many features of the product. This component is still available on the CD if you choose not to install it to your hard drive. 13. Select the program folder under which you want to add the SmartSketch shortcut and click Next.

14. Review any setup information. If everything is correct, click Next. If you want to change any information, click Back to return to the applicable screen and modify the information as necessary.

SmartSketch Installation Guide


SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations 15. Click Finish to complete the installation process.

Add and Remove Options After Installing the Core Product

1. Double-click setup.exe on the SmartSketch product CD to restart the installation process. If you are installing from a network, click Start > Run on the taskbar. In the Run dialog box, type the network path to the setup.exe file. 2. On the SmartSketch Installation window, click SmartSketch Installation.


SmartSketch Installation Guide

SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations 3. On the Welcome page, select Modify and click Next.

4. On the Select Components page, use the check boxes to select the components you want to install and clear the components you want to remove, and then click Next.

SmartSketch Installation Guide


SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations Click on a component name on the left side of the Select Components page to view its corresponding description on the right side of the window.

5. Click Finish on the Maintenance Complete page.

Using Silent Setup to Install SmartSketch

Response Files
A normal (non-silent) setup receives the necessary input from the user in the form of responses to dialog boxes. However, a silent setup does not prompt the user for input. A silent setup must get its user input from a different source. That source is the response file (.iss file). A response file contains information similar to that which an end user would enter as responses to dialog boxes when running a normal setup. Silent setup reads the necessary input from the response file at run time. The format of response files resembles that of an .ini file, but response files have .iss extensions. A response file is a plain text file consisting of sections containing data entries. There are two ways in which you can create a response file: You can run the setup and have the setup record and create the response file for you, or you can write the response file from scratch.

Recording a Response File

You have the option of letting Setup create the response file for you. Simply run your setup with the Setup.exe -r command line parameter. Navigate to the SmartSketch installation directory to locate Setup.exe. 18 SmartSketch Installation Guide

SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations Setup will record all your setup choices in Setup.iss and place the file in the Windows folder. All the Setup dialog box functions write values into the Setup.iss file when Setup runs in record mode (Setup -r). Additional command line parameters can be used to change the default location of the response file. For more information about these parameters, see Setup.exe.

Manually Creating a Response File

You can also create the response file completely by hand. As mentioned, the Setup.iss file is similar to an .ini file. The sections of a Setup response file must be in the following order: 1. Response File Silent Header Section 2. Response File Application Header Section 3. Response File Dialog Box Sequence Section 4. Response File Dialog Box Data Section You must have a Response File Dialog Box Data Section for each dialog box. Section names are contained in square brackets, as in [InstallShield Silent]. Data entries follow their section names, and consist of <name=value> pairs, as in Result=1. Follow these steps to create the response file: 1. Create a text file named Setup.iss using any text editor. 2. Enter the silent header into Setup.iss. 3. Enter the application header into Setup.iss. 4. Enter the dialog box sequence into Setup.iss. 5. Enter the dialog box data into Setup.iss. 6. Save and close Setup.iss.

Response File Silent Header

All response files begin with a response file silent header. The response file silent header allows InstallShield to identify the file as a legitimate InstallShield response file. It also helps to verify that the response file corresponds to a setup created with the proper version of InstallShield. The format of the silent header is shown below. Enter the following lines at the beginning of your Setup.iss file:
[InstallShield Silent] Version=v6.00.000 File=Response File

The Version line indicates the version of the InstallShield Silent response file not the version of InstallShield. Use v6.00.000 in all response files. Future versions of InstallShield will be able to read previous file versions, so response file backward compatibility will be maintained.

Response File Application Header

The response file application header is the second block of information in the response file, immediately following the response file silent header. The response file application header allows setup developers to identify response files visually. It is not used by the setup script or by Setup.exe. Setup developers can use the application header to identify exactly which setup the response file is for, since it is often difficult to determine this by looking at the dialog box data.

SmartSketch Installation Guide


SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations The format of the application header is shown below. Enter the following lines into your Setup.iss file below the silent header:
[Application] Name=SmartSketch Version=05.20 Company=Intergraph Corporation Lang=0009

Response File Dialog Box Sequence

The third block of information in the response file, after the silent header and the application header, is the response file dialog box sequence. The dialog box sequence section lists all dialog boxes you would need to use in a normal setup (including custom dialog boxes), in the order in which they would appear. The dialog boxes are listed under the section heading [<PRODUCT_GUID>-DlgOrder]. The dialog box numbering sequence begins at 0. There is no limit to the number of dialog boxes you can list. The order and the number of dialog boxes are significant. When InstallShield Silent runs, if either the number or the order of the dialog boxes does not match the order or the number of the dialog boxes in the non-silent setup, the silent setup fails and the log file records the failure. Make one entry for each occurrence of a dialog box. A given dialog box may be listed more than once if it appears more than once in the setup. The format for a dialog box sequence entry is Dlg<#>=<PRODUCT_GUID>DialogIdentifier>. Dlg<#> consists of the letters Dlg and a sequence number. The first dialog box in the setup is Dlg0. Each dialog box after that increments the value of <#> by one. <DialogIdentifier> is in the form functionname-<#>, where functionname is the name of the function that created the dialog box, and <#> represents the sequential order of that particular dialog box in the setup. For custom dialog boxes, you can use any unique alphanumeric name for the functionname portion of <DialogIdentifier>. For example, you could refer to a custom dialog box as MyDialog. If the tenth dialog box in the setup were the second occurrence of the custom dialog box MyDialog, there would be an entry in the dialog box sequence section like this:

The <DialogIdentifier> expression will be used to identify the dialog box data section for the dialog box. Always end the dialog box sequence section with a statement of the form Count=<number of dialog boxes> that specifies the exact number of dialog boxes listed in the dialog box sequence section. Count every entry. Since dialog box numbering begins with 0, the value of Count will always be 1 greater than the highest <#> value for a dialog box sequence. The example below lists two dialog boxes, the Welcome dialog box and the AskOptions dialog box. Enter your dialog box sequence list into Setup.iss as shown in the example below.
[{E7AE83E9-FFAF-49DC-AA2C-A9586FF77F60}-DlgOrder] Dlg0={E7AE83E9-FFAF49DC-AA2C-A9586FF77F60}-SdWelcome-0 Dlg1=={E7AE83E9-FFAF-49DC-AA2CA9586FF77F60}-AskOptions-0 Count=2


SmartSketch Installation Guide

SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations

Response File Dialog Box Data Section

The last block of information in a response file is the response file dialog box data. The response file dialog box data is a collection of sections containing the values returned by each dialog box identified in the dialog box sequence section. Each dialog box has its own section. The values listed are the same values that the dialog box returns in a normal, user input-driven setup. The format for a dialog box data section is as follows:
[<PRODUCT_GUID>-<DialogIdentifier>] Result=value Keyname1=value Keyname2=value

The [<PRODUCT_GUID>-<DialogIdentifier>] section header identifies the specific dialog box and is followed by the dialog box data entry list. <DialogIdentifier> is the same expression used to list the dialog box in the dialog box sequence section. Data entry items are in the format keyname=value. The keyname is a name for a value returned by a dialog box and recorded in the response file. All dialog boxes return a value for the keyname Result, reflecting the button that was clicked to end or exit the dialog box. Many dialog boxes will also set or return a value in a variable. For example, in a non-silent setup the AskDestPath dialog box returns the destination location in the svDir parameter. The line in the our script might look like the following:
nResult = AskDestPath( szTitle, szMsg, svDir, 0 );

The corresponding dialog box data entry in the Setup.iss file for a silent setup might look like the following:
E7AE83E9-FFAF-49DC-AA2C-A9586FF77F60}-SdAskDestPath-0] Result=1 Path=C:\Program Files\SmartSketch

In the previous example, Result=1 is equivalent to clicking the Next button in the dialog box, and szPath=C:\Program Files\SmartSketch is the value returned in the svDir parameter of AskDestPath. The name of the variable used in the script is meaningless relative to the Setup.iss file. However, in the Setup.iss dialog box data sections, each built-in and Sd dialog box has its own set of keynames that map to its parameters. The keynames are important and must be exact as defined for each dialog box. Refer to Dialog box data keynames list, below.

Result Standard Values

All dialog boxes return a keyname value named Result, indicating which push button was clicked to end the dialog box. Unless otherwise indicated, the Result standard values are: 12 for the Back button 1 for the Next or OK button

Recording Component and Subcomponent Selections

Some dialog box functions allow the user to select components and subcomponents. There are three kinds of dialog box data keyname entries used to record component and subcomponent selections in response files: type, count, and <#> (described below).

SmartSketch Installation Guide


SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations Every set of component selections and every set of subcomponent selections has one type keyname entry, one count keyname entry, and as many <#> keyname entries as are required to document each individual component or subcomponent selection. When creating keynames to record component selections, precede the type, count, and <#> keyname entries with the word "Component", thus:
Component-type Component-count Component-0

When creating keynames to record subcomponent selections, precede the type, count, and <#> keyname entries with the name of the component to which the subcomponents belong, thus:
Program Program Program Program Files-type Files-count Files-0 Files-1

To create complete value entries, use the equal sign to attach the values to the keynames. (The types of values assigned to each kind of keyname are described below.) The following example shows complete value entries for two components, Program Files and Binary Files, and two subcomponents of Program Files, Executables and Support Elements:
Component-type=string Component-count=2 Component-0=Program Files Component-1=Binary Files Program Files-type=string Program Files-count=2 Program Files-0=Executables Program Files-1=Support Elements

Type Keyname Entry

The type keyname indicates the data type of the components or subcomponents list. Since InstallShield dialog boxes currently use only string lists for components and subcomponents lists, type is always equal to "string", as in Component-type=string. Future versions may use number lists, in which case type could equal "number".

Count Keyname Entry

Count is equal to the number of selections for a given component or subcomponent entry. For example, if two components were selected for installation in the ComponentDialog dialog box, the count dialog box data entry would be Component-count=2. If two subcomponents of the Program Files component were selected, there would be a Program Files-count=2 entry.
<#> Keyname Entry

The number portion of the <#> keyname entry is simply a sequential (one-up) number, beginning with 0, that numbers each recorded component or subcomponent selection. Since numbering begins with 0, the greatest number value will always be one less than the value of count. The value assigned to a <#> keyname entry is the selected component's or subcomponent's visible name (the string passed as the second parameter to ComponentAddItem when the components or subcomponents list was built).


SmartSketch Installation Guide

SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations For example, assume the ComponentDialog dialog box offers the user a component selection of Program Files, Help Files, Sample Files, and Utilities. If the user selects Program Files and Help Files, then the dialog box data section for that instance of the ComponentDialog dialog box will have two list item entries and will look something like this:
[{E7AE83E9-FFAF-49DC-AA2C-A9586FF77F60}-SdComponentDialog-0] szDir=C:\MYAPP\FILES Component-type=string Component-count=2 Component-0=Program Files Component-1=Help FilesResult=1

The following example shows how subcomponent list selections are recorded. The example is for an instance of the SdComponentMult dialog box. The example shows that two components - Program Files and Help Files - were selected. It also shows that four subcomponents were chosen - Main Files, Aux. Files, Main Help, and Tutorial Files. Main Files and Aux. Files are subcomponents of Program Files, and Main Help and Tutorial Files subcomponents of Help Files.
[{E7AE83E9-FFAF-49DC-AA2C-A9586FF77F60}-SdComponentMult-0] Component-type=string Component-count=2 Component-0=Program Files Component-1=Help Files Program Files-type=string Program Files-count=2 Program Files-0=Main Files Program Files-1=Aux. Files Help Files-type=string Help Files-count=2 Help Files-0=Main Help Help Files-1=Tutorial Files Result=1

Dialog Box Data Keynames List

The dialog box data keynames for the dialog boxes are listed in the following table. The first column contains the dialog box names. The second column lists the keynames applicable to each dialog box. The third column contains descriptions of the values associated with the keynames. Dialog Box AskYesNo-<#> LicenseDialog-<#> SdAskDestPath-<#> Keyname Result Result Result szDir Description 1=User selected Yes 0=User selected No 6=User selected Yes 12=User selected Back Standard values The path entered in the Destination Directory edit field.

SmartSketch Installation Guide


SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations SdComponentMult-<#> Result Component-type <subcomponent>type Component-count, <subcomponent>count Component-number, <subcomponent>- <#> Standard values String (the only value currently allowed) The total number of component or subcomponent selections The selected item's number in the list (number begins with "0") Standard values 1=User selected Yes 0=User selected No 1=User selected Yes 0=User selected No 1=Finish 1=I would like to view the README file box is selected 0=I would like to view the README file box is not selected 1=I would like to launch SmartSketch box is selected 0=I would like to launch SmartSketch box is not selected 1=Finish BootOptions 0=Do not restart Windows or the machine 2=Restart Windows 3=Reboot the machine 12=Back 1=User selected Yes

SdComponentTree- <#> SdConfirmNewDir-<#> SdConfirmRegistration<#> SDFinish-<#>

Result Result Result Result bOpt1 bOpt2






SmartSketch Installation Guide

SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations SdRegisteredUserEx<#> Result szName szCompany szSerial Standard values The text entered in the Name field The text entered in the Company field The text entered in the Serial (number) field Standard values The folder name entered in the Program Folder field 12=Back Or, when the Next button is clicked: 301=Typical radio button is currently selected 302=Compact radio button is currently selected 303=Custom radio button is currently selected Standard values Standard values


Result szFolder



SdStartCopy-<#> SdWelcome-<#>

Result Result

Choose No to indicate not to reboot the machine after installation. The setup will update the system when it is next rebooted. If you must choose Yes to reboot immediately after setup, edit the .iss file you created as follows: in the Data keynames section, change the BootOption=0 for [SdFinishReboot-0] to BootOption=3. In the [File Transfer] section change OverwrittenReadOnly=NoToAll to OverwrittenReadOnly=YesToAll.

Recording Your Own .iss File:

Setup.log is the default name for the silent setup log file. You can specify a different name and location for the Setup.iss and Setup.log files using the -f1 and -f2 switches with Setup.exe. The [ResponseResult] section of Setup.log file contains the result code indicating whether or not the silent setup succeeded.

The Setup.log file contains three sections. The first section, [InstallShield Silent], identifies the version of InstallShield Silent used in the silent setup. It also identifies the file as a log file.

SmartSketch Installation Guide


SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations The second section, [Application], identifies the installed application's name and version, and the company name. The third section, [ResponseResult], contains the result code indicating whether or not the silent setup succeeded. An integer value is assigned to the ResultCode keyname in the [ResponseResult] section. Setup places one of the following return values after the ResultCode keyname:
>0 Success. -1 General error. -2 Invalid mode. -3 Required data not found in the Setup.iss file. -4 Not enough memory available. -5 File does not exist. -6 Cannot write to the response file. -7 Unable to write to the log file. -8 Invalid path to the InstallShield Silent response file. -9 Not a valid list type (string or number). -10 Data type is invalid. -11 Unknown error during setup. -12 Dialog boxes are out of order. -51 Cannot create the specified folder. -52 Cannot access the specified file or folder. -53 Invalid option selected.

The Setup.log file for a successful silent setup of SmartSketch is illustrated as follows:
[InstallShield Silent] Version=v6.00.000 File=Log File Application Name=SmartSketch Version=05.00 Company=Intergraph Corporation Lang=0009 [ResponseResult] ResultCode=0

Setup.exe is the main setup executable; it performs setup initialization and launches the appropriate Setup engine file (_instxxx.ex_, where xxx indicates the target platform) to execute the setup script (Setup.iss) on the target system. You can pass command line switches directly to Setup.exe.
Syntax Setup [switches] Switches

These switches are optional. They are not case sensitive; upper- or lowercase letters can be used. /f1<path\ResponseFile> or - f1<path\ResponseFile> Specifies an alternate location and name of the response file (.iss file). If this option is used when running Silent setup, the response file is read from the folder/file specified by<path\ResponseFile>.


SmartSketch Installation Guide

SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations If this option is used along with the -r option, the response file is written to the folder/file specified by<path\ResponseFile>. /f2<path\LogFile> or - f2<path\LogFile> Specifies an alternate location and name of the log file created by Silent setup. By default, Setup.log log file is created and stored in the same directory as that of Setup.iss. /m<filename> or - m<filename> Causes Setup.exe to generate a Management Information Format (.mif) file automatically at the end of the setup. Do not include a paththe .mif file is always placed in the Windows folder. <filename> is optional. If you do not specify a filename, the resulting file will be named Status.mif. /m1<serial number> or - m1<serial number> Tells setup to place the indicated serial number in the created .mif file. /m2<locale string> or - m2<locale string> Tells setup to place the indicated locale in the .mif file. English (ENU) is the default; refer to Microsoft documentation for a complete listing of locale strings. /r or -r - Causes Setup.exe automatically to generate a silent setup file (.iss file), which is a record of the setup input, in the Windows folder. /s or -s - Runs Silent setup to execute a silent setup. /verbose or -verbose Provides more detailed information when a Setup.exe error occurs.

Separate multiple command line switches with a space. But do not put a space inside a command line switch. For example, /r /f1Install.ins is valid, but /r/f1 Install.ins is not. When using long path and filename expressions with switches, enclose the expressions in double quotation marks. The enclosing double quotes tell the operating system that spaces within the quotation marks are not to be treated as command line delimiters. Setup.exe initializes correctly even on systems with more than 256 MB of memory and resides in memory until the setup is complete. Due to the nature of DOS, when you launch Setup.exe from the command line a DOS prompt is quickly returned although Setup.exe is still in memory.

Install SmartSketch in Silent Mode

Silent mode installation is a two-stage process. First, you perform a normal installation by running the Setup.exe file from the command line with special parameters. At the end of the installation, the software generates a special file, Setup.iss, containing the setup options that you have chosen. You then run the silent mode setup from any workstation by entering a command line string that includes the path statement of the Setup.iss file. If your SmartSketch installation requires SmartPlant License Manager software for concurrent licensing, you must install the SmartPlant License Manager software prior to running a silent setup of SmartSketch. For more information about using and configuring concurrent licensing, see the SmartPlant License Manager Installation and User's Guide.

SmartSketch Installation Guide


SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations The environment of the machine on which you run the normal setup to create the .iss file and of the workstations on which you perform the silent mode installation must be identical; that is, they must have the same database platforms, software versions, installed files, and so forth. You must also ensure that there is sufficient disk space on each workstation for the installation. If you are going to install SmartSketch silently with a script under a Terminal Services Server in Application Server mode, we recommend that you update the script to include a Change User mode command to set the user mode to Install mode first, and then back to Execute mode after the SmartSketch installation command. This ensures that changes written to registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER are properly redirected to their corresponding HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry after each user logs in into the system. These steps are also recommended when applying hot fixes and service packs in a silent install. 1. Prior to running a silent setup of SmartSketch over a network, ensure that the following conditions exist: All existing versions of SmartSketch have been uninstalled prior to network installation. For more information about uninstalling SmartSketch, see Remove SmartSketch. The target machine meets the free disk space recommendations specified in SmartSketch Workstation (on page 9). All applications are closed. 2. Open a Command Prompt window from the Start menu. 3. At the command prompt, type: "<setup source folder path>\Setup.exe" -r -f1"<path>\<filename>.iss" Be sure the <setup source folder path> specifies the path to the folder that contains the setup.exe file that launches the SmartSketch InstallShield Wizard, not the setup.exe file that launches the SmartSketch AutoPlay executable. For example, on the SmartSketch CD, the setup.exe file in the Ssk folder is the file that launches the InstallShield Wizard. Double quotes are required only if the path to the setup.exe file contains spaces. The -r parameter tells setup to automatically generate the silent setup file (setup.iss), which is a record of the setup input. The - f1"<path>\<filename>.iss" parameter specifies the path and filename for the silent setup file. The double quotes are required around this path, with no space between the -f1 and the opening double quotes. For example, if you type the following command string, the software places the resulting silentsetup.iss file to the c:\installfiles folder. \\sourceserver\ssk\setup.exe -r - f1"c:\installfiles\silentsetup.iss" 4. Work through the standard installation. For more information, see Install SmartSketch (on page 11). Be sure to use the same setup executable that you used in step 3 of this procedure. The -s parameter tells setup to run in silent mode using the indicated .iss file. The - f1"<path>\<filename>.iss" parameter specifies the path and filename for the silent setup (.iss) file you want to run. The double quotes are required, with no space


SmartSketch Installation Guide

SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations between the -f1 and the opening double quotes. For example, f1"c:\installfiles\silentsetup.iss". (Optional) Use the - f2"<path>\<filename>.iss" parameter to record a log file of the setup process. The double quotes are required, with no space between the -f2 and the opening double quotes. For example, - f2"c:\installfiles\silentsetup.log". If -f2 is not defined, a log file is created in the same location as the .iss file. 5. Check the .log file to ensure that the installation proceeded without errors. A successful silent installation produces a .log file looking something like this: [InstallShield Silent] Version=v6.00.000 File=Log File [ResponseResult] ResultCode=0 [Application] Name=SmartSketch Version= Company=Intergraph Lang=0009 6. In general, if an error occurred, the ResultCode will be a number less than zero. Possible result codes include the following: Any value greater than 0 = Success. -1 General error. -2 Invalid mode. -3 Required data not found in the Setup.iss file. -4 Not enough memory available. -5 File does not exist. -6 Cannot write to the response file. -7 Unable to write to the log file. -8 Invalid path to the InstallShield Silent response file. -9 Not a valid list type (string or number). -10 Data type is invalid. -11 Unknown error during setup. -12 Dialog boxes are out of order. -51 Cannot create the specified folder. -52 Cannot access the specified file or folder. -53 Invalid option selected.

SmartSketch Installation Guide


SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations

Post Installation: Setting PDF Driver Properties

For 64-bit systems, you must perform the steps below on your client system to ensure the File > Save As PDF command runs properly in SmartSketch. 1. Select Control Panel > Printers and Faxes. 2. Right-click on the SmartPlant PDF Converter 300 driver and select Properties. 3. Click the Advanced tab. 4. Click Spool print documents so program finishes printing faster. 5. Click Start printing immediately. 6. Clear the Enable advanced printing features check box. 7. Click OK to save your edits and close the Properties dialog box.

Using the SmartPlant License Checkout Utility

The SmartPlant License Checkout utility (License Checkout Utility.exe) allows you to obtain licenses for SmartPlant products for use on a non-networked computer (laptop). Using this utility allows you to run SmartPlant products without a network connection to the license server. When you check out a license, the license and expiration information are burned into the local SmartPlant product executable. Each time you start the product during the checkout period, a message displays the expiration date for the checked out licenses. When the checkout period for the license expires, the product returns to normal, connected licensing using SmartPlant License Manager the next time you start the product. For example, after the license expires at 11:59PM on the expiration date, the next time you start the product, it attempts to access the licensing server for base and module licenses prior to running. You must install and configure SmartPlant License Manager before checking out a license. You must have administrator privileges to check out a license or to run the product using a checked out license. If you are using an evaluation license, you cannot check out licenses. To install this utility, insert the product CD and select SmartPlant License Checkout Utility Installation. The utility is installed in C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\License Checkout Utility\Program by default and is available on the Start menu under Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant License Checkout Utility > License Checkout Utility.


SmartSketch Installation Guide

SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations

Install SmartPlant License Checkout Utility

1. Insert the product CD into the CD-ROM drive. If the installation does not start automatically, double-click setup.exe in the main folder. 2. Click SmartPlant License Checkout Utility Installation. 3. Type your name and company name. 4. Verify your name and company name, then click Yes. 5. Click Display to read and accept the license agreement, then click Yes. You must have Adobe Reader 4.0 or higher to view the license agreement. Adobe Reader 7.0 is available on the product CD. 6. Specify the destination folder. 7. Review your settings, then click Next to install the SmartPlant License Checkout utility. 8. Click Finish. You can uninstall the SmartPlant License Checkout utility at any time, even if you are currently running a product in remote license mode. You must have administrator privileges to checkout a license or to run the software using a checked out license.

License Checkout Utility Dialog Box

Allows you to select the product for which you want to check out a license. Product - Displays the installed products available for license checkout. Select the product for which you want to check out licenses. Modules - Displays the modules available with your product. A grayed-out entry means that module is not installed on your workstation. If no modules appear in the list, either your product contains no supported modules, or no modules have been installed. Check the box beside the module for which you want to check out a license. If you want to check out only the base product, do not check any of the modules. Duration - Specify the number of days for which you want to check out a license for the selected modules. When the checkout period for the license expires, the product returns to normal, connected licensing using SmartPlant License Manager the next time you start the product.

SmartSketch Installation Guide


SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations

Configuring SmartSketch for Integration

Configuring SmartSketch for integration provides a platform for data exchange and sharing. To configure SmartSketch to work in an integrated environment, you must install the Schema Component and the SmartPlant Client, which are delivered with SmartPlant Foundation, on your SmartSketch workstation computer. For more information, see the Integration Setup Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the SmartPlant Foundation software.


SmartSketch Installation Guide


Understanding the Interface

After you install SmartSketch, you are ready to open the software. Before beginning a design session with SmartSketch, take some time to become familiar its interface tools and drawing environment.

SmartSketch Drawing Environment Window

To open SmartSketch, click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartSketch > SmartSketch. A blank SmartSketch document window opens and should look similar to that in the following illustration:

The SmartSketch drawing environment consists of the following key elements: The Menu Bar contains the names of all the SmartSketch menus. Click on a menu name to display a list of commands.

SmartSketch Installation Guide


Understanding the Interface The Main Toolbar contains buttons that provide shortcuts to common Windows editing commands, as well as those used to perform common Windows functions. The toolbar also contains buttons for frequently used SmartSketch commands. The Ribbon Bar is a dynamic toolbar that displays different options based on the selected SmartSketch command. The Vertical Scroll Bar provides up and down panning action. The Drawing Sheet is the area in which graphic elements are placed. There can be more drawing sheet in each SmartSketch document. The Sheet Outline shows the orientation of the drawing sheet and the printable region of the sheet. The Horizontal Scroll Bar provides left and right panning action. The Status Bar displays information and messages relating to selected commands and processes. The Sheet Tabs allow you to select a sheet in the drawing for active viewing. The Tab Scrolling Buttons provide a means to scroll through multiple drawing sheets. The Draw Toolbar contains buttons that activate the commands used to draw and modify geometric elements. The Select Tool Button is used to select elements on the drawing sheet. It is located at the top of the Draw toolbar.

SmartSketch Screen Cursors

In addition to the standard Windows environment cursors, there are several SmartSketch-specific screen cursors. Each cursor performs a specific task, as outlined in the following line: SmartSketch Cursor Associated task ... Default SmartSketch cursor that displays whenever you are inside any menu area, toolbar/ribbon bar, or dialog box. SmartSketch cursor that displays when you click on a command button or toolbar. SmartSketch cursor that displays when the Format Painter command is active. SmartSketch cursor that displays when you click Help on the Main toolbar. While this cursor displays, you can click on an interface component (toolbar, command, name, etc) and open its corresponding online Help topic. SmartSketch cursor that displays when the Hyperlink command is active.


SmartSketch Installation Guide

Understanding the Interface SmartSketch cursor that displays when the Pan command is active. SmartSketch cursor that displays when the Zoom In command is active. SmartSketch cursor that displays when the Zoom Out command is active. SmartSketch cursor that displays when the Zoom Area command is active. SmartSketch cursor (called PickQuick) that displays when you attempt to select one of the many overlapping elements. SmartSketch cursor that displays when you click the Select Tool on the Draw toolbar.

SmartSketch Templates
In SmartSketch, a template is used as a starting point in creating a drawing. SmartSketchs solutions templates are industry-specific and come pre-formatted with appropriate units and scale factor, borders, title blocks, toolbars, and symbol sets. The advantage in using SmartSketch templates is two-fold: (1).organization of task-specific symbols and (2). prevention of redundant formatting. Templates are therefore the basis for creating many of your day-to-day projects. Each time you start SmartSketch, a new document is displayed. This document is based on the Normal.igr template. Ultimately, the template that you use depends on the type of information you want to place in the document. For example, if you want to create a drawing that contains a schematic of a process flow diagram, you can use the PFD template. When you base a SmartSketch drawing on a particular template, that template automatically points to the symbols you would most likely use for that type of drawing and displays them in the Symbol Explorer. Additionally, you have access to specific tools that allow you to create either a schematic diagram or a precision drawing. Schematic diagrams are primarily created using symbols, connectors, and text at a 1:1 scale. Schematic diagrams do not represent a logical flow. The Schematic toolbar is available when you select a template designed to create a schematic diagram. Precision drawings represent physical elements such as lines, arcs, curves, and rectangles that you draw precisely with the Draw toolbar. Precision drawings are created at real-world scale, and you can maintain relationships between elements in precision drawings.

SmartSketch Installation Guide


Understanding the Interface

SmartSketch Basics
While each template in SmartSketch contains a unique set of tools, some tasks are common to all types of SmartSketch drawings, whether they are flowcharts, block diagrams, P&IDs, or electrical schematics. Most of your SmartSketch drawings will have the following five steps in common: 1. Create a drawing or diagram by opening up a template. 2. Add symbols by dragging them from the Symbol Explorer and dropping them onto the drawing sheet. 3. Connect the symbols in your drawing. 4. Add text to the symbols in your drawing, and add independent text for titles or annotations. 5. Print your drawing to share it with others.

Create a New Drawing

When you base a drawing on a template, you automatically get all the tools and features you need to create that type of drawing. For example, to create an office layout, you open the Office Layout template: 1. Click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartSketch > SmartSketch to open SmartSketch.> 2. Click File > New. 3. In the New dialog box, open the General Diagramming folder and double-click Office Layout (Imperial).ingr.


SmartSketch Installation Guide

Understanding the Interface A drawing sheet displays with the symbols and tools you need to design your layout, similar to the one in the following illustration:

For additional information on creating a new drawing, use these online Help keywords: Creating, Documents, and Templates.

SmartSketch Installation Guide


Understanding the Interface

Connect Symbols
Flowcharts, organization charts, block diagrams, and network diagrams are all connected diagrams diagrams that show relationships between symbols. SmartSketch connectors are key features for illustrating relationships. Without them, many of your drawings will lack the necessary linear logic for effective communication. You use connectors to illustrate such things as logical flow (as in a computerprogramming diagram), hierarchical relationships (as in a corporate organization chart), and physical and virtual connections (as in electrical and computer network diagrams A connector behaves like a line; when selected, red circles denote its endpoints (where it can connect to symbols). In SmartSketch, connectors use intelligent routing to maintain connections between objects and symbols. When you attach a connector to a keypoint or connect point on the symbol or to the symbol itself, they stay connected even when you move one or both, which prevents you from accidentally losing the original relationship between symbols - enormously helpful when you add or revise your drawing later on.

Once it is placed, you can modify the connector by inserting or moving a line segment, inserting or moving a vertex, or moving an element with a connector. For additional information on working with connectors, use these online Help keywords: Connectors, SmartPoints, and Symbols.


SmartSketch Installation Guide

Understanding the Interface

Add and Change Text

An essential part of the drawing process is adding text, notes, and annotations. Text can clarify the meaning of your SmartSketch drawings, and you can use text to document changes you and other SmartSketch users make to a drawing. You can use text to: Describe the process a shape represents in a process flow diagram. Add title blocks and bulleted lists to your drawings. Annotate a drawing. You can add text to your SmartSketch drawings quickly and easily with the Text Box, Label, and Balloon commands. Text boxes allow you to enter text into a text-only field, which is a stand-alone shape with no visible lines. Text boxes are useful for notes, titles, address, and lists. Once placed, text boxes can be rotated, moved, and resized. Text labels and balloons are always associated with the element or object that was labeled. An associative annotation moves when its associated element moves. You can create text labels in a drawing by double-clicking the element or symbol. You can use balloons to refer to an element or symbol in free space. For additional information on adding and changing text, use these online Help keywords: Annotations, Balloons, Labels and Text.

Enhancing Your Drawing

You can use color and style formats to make your drawing a more powerful communication tool, or simply to make it look more aesthetically appealing. You can use styles to modify the look of lines, colors and text, and apply preformatted color schemes. For additional information on working with color and style formats, use these online Help keywords: Colors, Formatting, and Styles.

Save and Print Your Work

You should frequently save your drawings as you work. You should also be sure to save any symbol and template files that you change. You can set an option to automatically save open drawings at the interval you specify. This safety feature prevents you from losing work in case of an unexpected system shutdown. The first time you save a drawing, SmartSketch displays the Save As dialog box which displays a default name and directory location. The file name and directory location can be changed. SmartSketch also allows you to save your drawing in a variety of file formats. Additionally, you can save your drawings in a SmartSketch version 5.x format so that customers and co-workers who have not yet upgraded can open and work with your drawings. For additional information on saving and printing your drawings, use these online Help keywords: HTML, Printing, and Saving.

SmartSketch Installation Guide


Understanding the Interface


SmartSketch Installation Guide


Program Maintenance
You have three options for Program Maintenance for SmartSketch: Modify - Change the selected features that were installed. Install and/or uninstall individual features to match the new selection. Repair - Using the current feature set installed, repair any missing or corrupted files from the installation. Remove - Removes registry entries, files, and directories that do not contain user data and are not shared by other programs and were put there by the installation. To access Program Maintenance, do one of the following: Insert the product DVD, or rerun Installation, on a computer that already has the product installed. Open the Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs, select Intergraph SmartSketch in the installed programs list, and click Change. Selecting Remove from the Add/Remove Programs dialog box does not access the Program Maintenance utility. The Remove process is started automatically. Because the product is already installed on the computer, the Installation wizard appears. On the Welcome page, specify the type of action needed.

SmartSketch Installation Guide


Program Maintenance For more information on modifying or repairing the software, see Modify or Repair SmartSketch. For information on removing (uninstalling) the software, see Remove SmartSketch Software.

Modify or Repair SmartSketch

You can use the Program Maintenance utility to modify, repair, or even remove SmartSketch. The following procedure explains how to modify or repair the software. For more information on removing (uninstalling) the software, see Remove SmartSketch Software. On a computer where the software is installed, insert the product CD, or rerun Installation, to start Installation. Click Next on the Welcome screen, and the Program Maintenance dialog box appears.

You can also access this dialog box by clicking Start > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs. Next, select Intergraph SmartSketch in the list of installed programs and click Change.

Modify the Currently Installed Features

You can change the selected features that were installed. Install and/or uninstall individual features to match new selections. 1. Select Modify on the Program Maintenance dialog box and click Next.


SmartSketch Installation Guide

Program Maintenance 2. On the Custom Setup page, select the features that you want to install. For example, if you want to be able to view and manipulate raster images, click the Image Integrator option.

3. Click Next. 4. On the Ready to Modify the Program page, verify the installation summary. Click Back to return to any previous install pages and make changes. 5. Click Next to begin installing the selected software. 6. When the installation process is complete, click Finish.

Repairing the Currently Installed Features

Using the current feature set installed, you can use the Program Maintenance utility to repair any missing or corrupt files from the installation. 1. Select the Repair option on the Program Maintenance dialog box and click Next. 2. On the Ready to Repair the Program dialog box, click Install to begin the repair process.

SmartSketch Installation Guide


Program Maintenance

Remove SmartSketch Software

There are two ways to remove, or uninstall, the software from the computer. You can go through the Control Panel and use Add/Remove Programs to remove the software, or you can insert the product DVD and select Remove on the Program Maintenance dialog box.

Remove the Software Through Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs

1. Click Start > Control Panel. 2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs. 3. On the Add/Remove Programs dialog box, select Intergraph SmartSketch in the installed programs list.


SmartSketch Installation Guide

Program Maintenance 4. Select Remove on the Installation for SmartSketch page, and then click Next.

5. Click Yes to confirm the uninstall. When it is installed, SmartSketch is automatically registered as the default symbol editor. If you have other installed applications that are dependent on a symbol editor, you must specify a new one. 6. On the Maintenance Complete dialog box, click Finish. 7. When the uninstall process is complete, close the Add/Remove Programs dialog box and close the Control Panel window. Intergraph PPM recommends that you reboot your computer after uninstalling SmartSketch.

Remove the Software Using the Program Maintenance Utility

1. On a computer where the software is installed, insert the product DVD, or rerun Installation, to start Installation. The Program Maintenance dialog box appears. You can also access this dialog box by clicking Start > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs, and then selecting Intergraph SmartSketch in the installed programs list and clicking Remove. 2. Select the Remove option and click Next. 3. On the SmartSketch Uninstall dialog box, click Next to remove the software. If you need to cancel the uninstall process, click Cancel. 4. The Updating System dialog box shows the progress of the uninstall process. When the uninstall has completed, click Finish.

SmartSketch Installation Guide


Program Maintenance Intergraph PPM recommends that you reboot your computer after uninstalling SmartSketch.


SmartSketch Installation Guide


Getting Help
There are many ways to get help when you have questions or problems while working with SmartSketch. Most people like to be able to find their own answers. It is often quicker than other ways and is usually more satisfying. There are a few options when you want to find the answers yourself online Help, printed documentation, user interface features. If you are unable to find the answer quickly, you can always request support from Intergraph.

User Assistance
SmartSketch user assistance makes information available as you perform tasks. You can access different kinds of information any time that you are running the software, such as narrative descriptions or step-by-step instructional material.

SmartSketch offers a variety of ways for you to receive help on how to use the software. A structured table of contents, an index, and full-text search capabilities provide easy access to Help topics. You can access the table of contents by clicking Help > SmartSketch Help.

SmartSketch Installation Guide


Getting Help SmartSketch Help is a complete online reference tool accessible at any time the application is in use. Help provides command descriptions also gives step-by-step procedures for common tasks; for example, if you need to perform a certain task, search and display the topic. You can move or resize your application and Help windows so that they are next to each other. As such, you can follow the procedures without having to search for the pages in the documentation.

Show/Hide - Show or hide the left pane of the dialog box, including the Contents, Index, and Search. Back - Returns you to the last Help topic you viewed. This button is disabled when you reach the first topic in the series. Print - Prints the current topic. Options - Displays a list of functions available for the Help viewer. Contents - Displays a hierarchical listing of the topics in the Help file. Index - Displays an index for the Help file. Search - Performs a full-text search on a word or phrase that you entered in the Search box.

Printable Guides
User's Guides in PDF format are an accessible, flexible, and fully searchable alternative to Help. The information found in the User's Guides is also available from online Help. The User's Guides delivered with the software are located in c:\Program Files\SmartSketch\Program>\resdlls\0009. You can also find copies of the user's guides in the 48 SmartSketch Installation Guide

Getting Help Help folder on the Intergraph SmartSketch product DVD. To view these PDF documents, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader with Search version 3.0 or higher. You can download the latest version of the Acrobat Reader from the Adobe web site. Once you have installed the Acrobat Reader, you can access documents directly from this Help topic by clicking the document title, or you can open files individually by File > Open in the Acrobat Reader with Search application.

Learning Tools
To learn to use the software more efficiently, explore the tutorials available by clicking Help > Learning SmartSketch. Each tutorial in the SmartSketch Learning Center contains a combination of step-by-step guidelines and video demonstrations to help you learn to use SmartSketch. To access additional support tools for SmartSketch, click Help > SmartSketch on the Web. This command activates your web browser and puts you directly on the web page for SmartSketch. Every time you activate the software, a Tip of the Day dialog box displays a helpful tip. You can use More Tips on the dialog box, or click Help > Tip of the Day to display more tips. You can click Help > About SmartSketch to see your software version and license information.

User Interface Features

ToolTips help you find toolbar command names. When you point to a command button on the toolbar, a yellow label displays the command's name. Pointing to any command on a toolbar or menu and pressing F1 opens the online Help, allowing you to locate information about using the command. Brief command descriptions show you the basic function of a command. When you point the pointer at the command button on the toolbar, the description appears in the Status Bar at the bottom of the window. Also, messages that explain your actions for each step of the command appear in the Status Bar.

Additional Documentation
For more information about configuring and using SmartSketch, the following documentation is available: SmartSketch User's Guide (SmartSketchUserGuide.pdf) - Provides all of the information found in the online Help file, presented in a printable .PDF format. You will find this guide in the ..\SmartSketch\Program\resdlls\0009 installation folder on your computer after you install the software. SmartSketch README (README.TXT) - Contains installation and configuration information, along with notes about last- minute fixes and other helpful hints. You will find this file on the SmartSketch product CD.

SmartSketch Installation Guide


Getting Help


SmartSketch Installation Guide

Add and Change Text 39 Add and Remove Options After Installing the Core Product 16 Additional Documentation 49 configuring SmartSketch 5, 32 Internationalization 6

License Checkout Utility Dialog Box 31 licensing 30, 31

concurrent licensing 30, 31 checking out 31 license checkout 30 configuring 5, 32 SmartSketch for integration 5, 32 Configuring SmartSketch for Integration 32 Connect Symbols 38 Create a New Drawing 36 creating drawings 36

Modify or Repair SmartSketch 42

Overview of SmartSketch Options 2 overviews 1, 2

Post Installation Setting PDF Driver Properties 30 Preface iii Program Maintenance 41

Documentation Comments 3

recommendations 9 hardware 9 workstation computers 9 Remove SmartSketch Software 44 requirements 9 workstation computers 9

Getting Help 47

hardware recommendations 9 workstation computers 9

Install SmartPlant License Checkout Utility 31 Install SmartSketch 11 Install SmartSketch in Silent Mode 27 installation 27 silent mode 27 Installation Checklist 11 installing 10, 11, 31 License Checkout Utility 31 SmartSketch 10 Installing SmartSketch 10 integration 5, 32 Save and Print Your Work 39 silent mode installation 27 SmartSketch 1, 5, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 49 SmartSketch basics 36 SmartSketch Basics 36 SmartSketch Drawing Environment Window 33 SmartSketch drawings 36 SmartSketch Hardware and Software Recommendations 9 SmartSketch in an Integrated Environment 5

SmartSketch Installation Guide


Index SmartSketch installation 10 SmartSketch options 2 overview 2 SmartSketch screen cursors 34 SmartSketch Screen Cursors 34 SmartSketch templates 35 using 33, 34, 35, 36, 49 using in integrated environment 5, 32 SmartSketch Templates 35 SmartSketch Workstation 9 software requirements 9 system requirements 9

Understanding the Interface 33 User Assistance 47 using 5, 32 Using Silent Setup to Install SmartSketch 18 using SmartSketch 33, 34, 35, 36, 49 SmartSketch in an integrated environment 5, 32 Using the SmartPlant License Checkout Utility 30 utilities 30 license checkout 30

Welcome to SmartSketch 1 What's New in the SmartSketch Installation Guide? 2 working in an integrated environment 5, 32 workstation computers 9


SmartSketch Installation Guide

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