Cave of Spirits

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The Cave

of Spirits
Watch the video and complete
the missing information:

1.The Cave of Spirits is the home for the _________________

and the last hope for the ____________________.
2. Families have travelled many miles from all over __________________________ to
seek the help of the ____________________.
3. The health problems the women suffer started in a strikingly similar way: walking
down ______________________ they felt an ____________ presence. Overnight
something ______________________ of them.
4. For _________ months, Muni has been depressed and _____________________.
5. Muni’s parents will attempt exorcism as a ___________________, after trying with
6. First the exorcist works them into _________________________. When the spirit
comes forth, the girl loses _________________________________. That’s how he
knows she has been possessed.
7. When the spirit agrees to leave the girl’s body, the exorcist must find a place where
he can _____________ it for eternity: the Cave of Spirits.
8. The dancing is used to ______________ the spirits, keeping them from ____________.
9. After the chamber doors are carefully opened, the spirit that possesses Muni responds
with a spasm of ____________, then ____________________.
10. The ritual’s end is signalled by the _____________ of a ____________.
11.The exorcist makes a ________________ to check on Muni two days later. The
treatment seems _________________________.

12. Muni’s family now call themselves believers ___________________________.

The Cave of Spirits - Key
13.The Cave of Spirits is the home for the dead and the last hope for the possessed.
14.Families have travelled many miles from all over Nothern India to seek the help of
the exorcist.
15.The health problems the women suffer started in a strikingly similar way: walking

down a lonely road they felt an eerie presence. Overnight something takes

possession of them.
16.For 8 months, Muni has been depressed and acting strangely.
17.Muni’s parents will attempt exorcism as the last resort , after trying with doctors.
18.First the exorcist works them into a trance. When the spirit comes forth, the girl
loses control over her body. That’s how he knows she has been possessed.
19.When the spirit agrees to leave the girl’s body, the exorcist must find a place where
he can jail it for eternity: the Cave of Spirits.
20.The dancing is used to distract the spirits, keeping them from vaulting.
21.After the chamber doors are carefully opened, the spirit that possesses Muni responds
with a spasm of rage, then leaves the body.
22. The ritual’s end is signalled by the smashing of a coconut.
23.The exorcist makes a house call to check on Muni two days later. The treatment
seems to have worked.
12. Muni’s family now call themselves believers in the world of spirits.
(National Geographic
The Town of I. in the banks of the river Ganges sprawls on the banks of the river
Ganges. Here stands one of the most important temples in India. It’s the main
temple of the ***** ***** Devi, a powerful Hindu goddess. Thousands thrown to the
shrine but this is more than a house of worship. Within the bustling temple, down a
damp corridor is a tiny locked room out of bounds to all but a tormented few. It’s
called the Cave of Spirits. A home for the dead and the last hope for the possessed.
In the holly waters of the Ganges a man and his helpers prepare for an ardous task.
___ ___ is an exorcist, a pursuer of spirits and today he’ll take on some formidable
foes. Families have travelled many miles from all over Northern India to seek his
‘I have four, five lumps in my neck.’
‘I get dizzy sometimes.’
‘My eyes roll up, my neck turns stiff.’
But their woes appear to begin in strikingly similar ways. Usually at twilight.
Women walking down lonely roads sense an eerie presence. They fear themselves
under attack. Overnight something takes possession of them. Some blame gods of
the earth and air; others point at spirits of the dead. No one is certain.
‘A lot of people here say that it’s just supersticions.’
‘Those who don’t face this problem say it’s nonsense. Those who suffer believe it’s
real. ‘
Sali Cram came with his 15 years old daughter Muni. For eight months Muni has
been depressed and acting strangely.
‘She had stomach ache.’
‘Her eyes got blood red.’
‘ She starts talking nonsense whatever comes into her head.’
Sali Cram and his wife have tried doctors. Now as a last resort they’ll attempt
For Muni and the other girls the moment is at hand.
The exorcist works them into a trance. One by one the girls break down.
‘When the spirit comes forth, the girl loses all control over her body. That’s how I
know she’s been possessed.’
The exorcist urges the spirit to talk. It seems ready to surrender.
‘I will leave her body. I will leave her for ever.’
The spirit has agreed to leave. But the exorcist must find it another home. He
knows of only one place, a place where he can jail it for eternity: the Cave of Spirits.
But first he has to give Muni and the other young women and their demos to the
cave. The dancing distracts the spirits, keeping them from vaulting.
The chamber doors are carefully opened. The spirit that possesses Muni responds
with a spasm of rage, then leaves the girl’s body.
The smashing of a coconut signals the ritual’s end. Muni will leave but the spirit that
tormented her will remain here for ever.
Two days later, the exorcist makes a house call to check on Muni. For this family
the exorcist extreme treatment seems to have worked. They now call themselves
believers in the world of spirits.

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