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Demonic History & The Rites of Exorcism Technical Notes
few conventions have been adopted for the text of this book, which I believe will allow the reader to obtain the most complete and clearest level of understanding of its contents. The concepts presented here may be new to most people, even those with a thorough familiarity with the Bible. That being the case, I have attempted to assume minimum prior knowledge in the presentation of this information, and a few technical notes are included here regarding my style of writing. 1) All Bible quotations are from the King James Version unless otherwise noted, with the exception of the Divine names being restored to their original pronunciation. Some examples: a) "God" becomes "Almighty One" or Elohim, and "the LORD" becomes "Yah" or Yahweh in the Old Testament readings. the lord GOD becomes Adonai Yahweh as it appears in the Hebrew manuscripts. b) When quoting New Testament verses, "Jesus" becomes "Yahshua", "God" may become "Yah," and "Lord" becomes either "Yah" or "Yahshua" depending on the Subject of the passage. c) Pronouns referring to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit ("He," "Him," "His," "It," etc.) are all capitalized in Bible verses. So are certain key terms such as Book of Life, Sanctuary, Araphel and Woman, when the latter is used in reference to the Church. 2) I will sometimes capitalize the word Church, and sometimes leave it with a small "c." This is not an inconsistency; where I use the word "church" it refers to one of the many ecclesiastical organizations claiming that title. When I use the form "Church," it is in reference to the spiritual Body of Christ, the Body of believers that is currently (or from the perspective of the timeframe used) being faithful to the Head, which is Yahshua. 3) Quoted sentences that are "broken" as the speaker moves from one idea to another are sometimes preserved "as is," with ellipses [...] indicating this shift in subject matter. 4) Brief comments on Bible verses or quotes are added directly into the text in [square brackets]; longer comments and discussions of the verses are recorded outside of the "quotation" signs that enclose the referenced text. 5) Bible verses are not always quoted in full. Generally, only those portions produced by the speaker/author are recorded with the reference given in [iv] (brackets) or mentioned before the quote itself. Readers are encouraged to have their Bibles handy to see the original text, unbroken by comments and insertions, in order to get the most meaning out of both the original passages and this material.

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6) Numbers enclosed in [square brackets] that appear within the body of this work indicate quotations from external sources. At the end of each chapter, a list of Footnotes is provided that gives relevant information about each of those sources. [v] Back to Main Table of Contents Book Index

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