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Dakar, Senegal
26 - 28 April 2000

Who Pays for Education?

Has education financing changed over the past decade? Almost all
the current financial models in the world bring a variety of different
partners together. Good education depends at least in part
on the quality of those partnerships. In other words, it is not
just a matter of how much money is spent, but how well it is spent.
Maris O’Rourke of the World Bank admits that the World Declaration on Education

for All did not fully recognize the need for a plan to mobilize resources a decade
ago. “There is a widespread understanding now that no country is ever going to
pull itself out of poverty or have social or economic growth without educating its
people,” she comments, highlighting the “remarkable strides” made in this field
by countries such as Brazil, China and India. However, as she puts it, “there was
never an overall resourcing framework or a real understanding of how much
finance would be needed to reach the goal.”
Globally, around 63 per cent of the cost of education is met by governments,
with the second largest contribution, 35 per cent, coming from the private
sector: a combination of students, parents, employers, non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), and commercial enterprises. The final 2 per cent comes
from overseas aid programmes. The central role played by government is clear.
“You can’t get past the sovereignty of governments to allocate their budgets,”
says O’Rourke.
A thematic study on partnerships prepared for the EFA 2000 Assessment identifies
a key point: In developed countries with better tax systems, governments simply
have more money to put into education; in poorer countries other partners have to
play a more significant role. According to UNDP, tax revenues represent 26 per cent
of gross domestic product (GDP) in industrialized countries and less than half that
in developing countries. In Cambodia, only 12 per cent of the funding of the
’public’ education system actually comes from the government. Households and
communities meet 60 per cent of the bill, NGOs and foreign aid account for 18 per
cent and politicians donate 10 per cent.
Often, the collapse of central
government leads to alter-
Two girls returning from school in the rain in
Pasay City in the Philippines. Government native, non-formal arrange-
funding, which is often progressive, can be ments. During the civil war in Writing off Debt to Fund Education
used to get more girls into school. El Salvador, for example, com- The impact of foreign debt is one of the principal reasons
munities realized they could education budgets suffer.
not expect help from the government and hired their While investing in education yields major long-term
own teachers for schools that had been closed benefits, governments face pressing short-term demands
because of the fighting. This was the birth of EDUCO, for resources to service foreign debt payments. Falling into
a communal education movement, which, after the arrears has an immediate negative effect on a country’s
war ended, received government assistance. ability to raise credit or pay for its imports. Yet at the
global level, there is a strong cost-benefit argument to be
A different example of non-formal education is
made for writing off at least some international debt and
the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee
using those resources to invest in education, at a time
(BRAC) which operates parallel to government when overseas aid from rich to poor countries is declining.
primary schools and serves around 1.2 million
children. “NGOs have shown themselves to be The 1996 Heavily-Indebted Poor Countries debt relief
initiative supported by the World Bank and a group of
enormously cost-effective in education delivery.
wealthy countries acknowledged the social cost of
They often use highly unconventional approaches
structural adjustment policies. The G8 meeting of some
to difficult subject areas where traditional
of the world’s richest countries in Cologne in 1999
methods have failed”, says Gordon Naidoo, who widened its scope. Yet many argue that debt relief is still
heads a South Africa-based NGO. moving too slowly, is too bureaucratic, and is too
restricted by special conditions.
Dakar, Senegal
26 - 28 April 2000
Who Pays for Education?
Has the role of overseas aid changed? Another thematic study prepared for the EFA 2000
Assessment, by the Overseas Development Institute, notes that aid to education, as a proportion of
overall bilateral aid, has remained fairly steady at 15 per cent throughout the decade, despite the
downward trend for overall bilateral aid. Multilateral commitments to
education rose to an annual peak of US$2 billion in 1994, falling back to
Globally, around 63 per US$1.3 billion in 1998. The study detects a move away from conventional
cent of the cost of delivery systems, such as projects and programmes, towards a sector-wide
approach or “policy dialogue and partnership to ensure that aid is used in
education is met by accordance with host government policy priorities”.
governments, 35 per cent
Different funding partners each have strengths and weaknesses, and the key
comes from the private to success is to make the best out of their various assets. Central government
sector and 2 per cent funding, for example, is often progressive (depending on the tax system); it
comes from overseas aid can be used to back a national curriculum or get more girls into school. Yet it
programmes. can also be remote from local realities, or at worst be seen as imposing
unpopular policies or an unpopular language. Community funding, which is
more attuned to local needs, tends to involve parents, who in turn have a
positive influence on school effectiveness.
Some campaigners consider school fees the single most important barrier to educational access for
the poor, while others feel it is acceptable to mobilize resources from those who can afford to pay,
on condition that access for the poor is ensured. China has effectively acknowledged that govern-
ment and community-funded systems must run side by side in rural areas, a policy called “walking
on two legs”.
Given the wide variety of funding arrangements around the world, there can be no single model
which is right for everyone. But a variety of tried and tested models now exist which can be stud-
ied, then copied or adapted to different settings. EDUCO and BRAC are just two of the more
successful examples. j

When Economic Crisis Strikes

When economic crisis strikes education, governments and communities are distracted
into ’taking their eye off the ball’ as they concentrate on short-term survival.
The 1990 World Declaration on Education for All urged governments to allocate a
greater slice of the “economic cake” to education. But the size of the cake itself can
shrink overnight, sometimes dramatically.
Economic crises, whether triggered by the collapse of monetary systems, austerity
policies or a heavy debt burden, spark a classic vicious circle. By preventing the
development of human capital, they weaken the economy which may collapse again
the next time commodity prices fall or exchange rates fluctuate. The “softer” budgets –
education, health, and housing – are often axed first, undervaluing the critical
importance of education for development.
Even a relatively prosperous country like Costa Rica can be affected. During Latin
America’s “lost decade” in the 1980s, spending on basic education fell by an annual
average of 4.8 per cent between 1980 and 1987. Enrolment rates fell and dropout rates
rose. The East Asian financial crisis of 1997-99 had a similar impact. In Indonesia, the
education budget plummeted by 12 per cent in 1997/98 and by a massive 30 per cent
in 1998/99. To avoid fees, families postponed school entry for their children.
Some countries managed to keep their eye on the ball during the hard times.
Government spending on education in Thailand was held constant, while Malaysia even
managed to increase its spending. In the Republic of South Korea, households actually
spent more on education to compensate for government cuts. These examples show
that if governments and communities are prepared to plan for the long term, then
providing basic education for all, despite cyclical economic downturns, is an absolutely
affordable proposition. It just requires the political will to make it happen.

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