Gorger Wars First Contact FIRST DRAFT

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Written by Hunter Coleman

Based on the Dreams of Hunter Coleman

Address Phone Number

GORGER WARS FIRST CONTACT CUE TITLE: GORGER WARS FIRST CONTACT INT. MILITARY CUTTER TERRANCE - ASSEMBLING ROOM SUPER IN/OUT: 2100 HOURS UST, YELINA EXPANSE CPT. ARXAD, (30s), stands in front of A EIGHT-MAN FIRETEAM. They assemble by gearing up into gravity suits. The rooms lights flicker. ARXAD Listen up. Sitrep confirms the Lucifer merchant-battleship has ceased firing. Arxad points to the space map between the Terrance and the Lucifer, the distance slowly closing via updates per millisecond. ARXAD (CONTD) No communications have been established. MILPOL has informed us the Lucifer has been responsible for culling worlds of missing persons. The space map updates: a small assault shuttle appears on screen, descending upon the Lucifer. ARXAD (CONTD) We may find missing people onboard. MILCOM confirmed this our AO and it becomes my AOR as of this time. Our shuttle will creep up to the Lucifer under cover of the Terrances 120mm railgun fusilades if necessary... The small assault shuttle disappears into the Lucifier. ARXAD (CONTD) Thats when we go in. Breach with composite detex, dynamic entry. Heres the kicker. The assault shuttle leaves the Lucifer, heading to the Terrence. ARXAD (CONTD) We are on our own. Exercise field of vision! (MORE)

2. ARXAD (CONTD) If youre having tunnel vision, snap it! I expect light resistance per MILPOLs assessment, but we dont know whats in there. Our top priority is to find the ships defenders, ROE recon. Questions?

KADJA, (20s), raises her hand. ARXAD (CONTD) Shoot. KADJA The shuttle leaves after we board. Are we using beacon telesponders? ARXAD Yes. GROANS from the FIRETEAM. ARXAD (CONTD) Nothing I can do about it. This comes from Rear Admiral Valkov. He cant afford to lose another shuttle, not after what the Lucifer did in the Casparek Corridor. MOMENTS LATER Suit up! rolling. ARXAD (CONTD) Lets get the ball Ahh-rah!

The FIRETEAM shouts in response, then breaks away. EXT. MILITARY CUTTER TERRANCE The vast space shadows the TERRANCE. It drifts parallel slowly, meeting broadside of the Lucifers starboard. EXT. MILITARY CUTTER TERRANCE - STAR 4529 SUPER IN/OUT: 2000 HOURS UST, YELINA EXPANSE INT. MILITARY CUTTER TERRANCE The starship rocks. the hull. A thunderous boom pummels itself into


VALKOV (to officers) Fleet should be here in about 3 hours. Another thunderous pummeling begins. VALKOV (CONTD) (into radio) Damage report? WEAPONS OFFICER (to his juniors) Acquire the Lucifer for a firing resolution! ENGINEER (into radio) Shields are holding. Yield is 1.2 Megaton. Anticipate five more hits before we lose shielding. VALKOV (points at undisclosed space on hologram) Helm! Bring the Terrence close to here. Heading 3-2-0! Flank speed! HELMS (O.S.) Aye aye, sir! Changing to heading 3-2-0! Flank speed! Another series of thunderous booms hit the ship, rocking it. WEAPONS OFFICER Resolution acquired. VALKOV Fire when ready! WEAPONS OFFICER (into radio) Gunnery, rail-hot! GUNNERY SGT. (into radio) Firing! VALKOV, (50s), braces.


EXT. MILITARY CUTTER TERRANCE - RAILGUNS Railguns swivel around, aim, then let loose a rapid-fire volley of white-hot tracer fire, shaped like roundish bolts, at the Lucifer. The Lucifier receives the salvo, its hull turning reddish-orange. The military cutter moves along at flank speed. continue its aim, firing off another salvo. The railguns

More reddish-orange hues blossoms and slowly cools on the Lucifers hull. Hit sections of the hull compresses and implodes, small debris flying out. TWO MISSILES swerve out of the Lucifers. The two missiles ZERO in on the Terrence. A series of blinding white flashes erupt into space, clashing with the thinly veiled blue shielding. The Lucifier breaks away, turning right. INT. MILITARY CUTTER TERRANCE - CONTROL ROOM VALKOV (into radio) Set charge to 2.0 Megaton, Cerebustype 2. Lock in Tubes 1 and 2. ENGINEER (into radio) Aye aye, Admiral! Ready in 30 seconds! VALKOV Weaps, firing solution on the engines. WEAPONS OFFICER Aye, aye, sir. Acquiring firing resolution. WEAPONS JUNIOR Resolution... acquired, sir. ENGINEER (into radio) Ready, Admiral! Valkov nods to the weapons officer.


WEAPONS OFFICER (into radio) Gunnery, pump and dry tubes one and two. GUNNERY (into radio) Aye, aye, sir! Firing. EXT. MILITARY CUTTER TERRANCE - CEREBUS TYPE-2 MISSILES Two LARGE MISSILES ejects from the Terrance. The missiles slowly propels. SMALL SCOOPERS open on the sides. The missiles then quickly accelerates. The booster jettisons from the warhead. quickly, closing in on the engines. The warhead spins

Two bluish-purplish lights blooms, one after the other, upon impact. The engines explodes with a slow then fast-building crescendo. Debris flies into space... The Lucifer, badly crippled, drifts across the vast expanse of space. INT. MILITARY CUTTER TERRANCE - DOCKING BAY SUPER IN/OUT: 2125 HOURS USC, YELINA EXPANSE Cpt. Arxad and his eight-man team walks across the docking bay. Helmets, rifles slung on their backs, telesponder flashing intermittently on their chest. Standard issue pistols rest inside holsters on their left legs. The FIRETEAM enter the shuttle with Arxad behind them. EXT. MILITARY CUTTER TERRANCE - ASSAULT SHUTTLE #2 The shuttle descends from the Terrance. CLANK! WHIRRRR-ZRROOOOOMMMM. Silence.

The shuttle picks up speed toward the Lucifer. INT. ASSAULT SHUTTLE #2 - EXTRACTION BAY The FIRETEAM ADLIB. MOMENTS LATER Chatter is minimal. LIGHTS are red.


DING! A small white light appears at the end of the bay. ARXAD (to team) Remember. You tunnel, snap it. Rifle steady at all times. Check your bayonets. Telesponders. Confirm everythings checked. The FIRETEAM checks everything. They nod to Arxad.

ARXAD (CONTD) Helmets, now. The FIRETEAM puts on their helmets. in place. ARXAD Form up! They lock their helmets

PILOT (into intercom) Approaching the Lucifer. Docking in 3... 2...

The fireteam lines up near the AIRLOCK, stacking up on both sides. Rifles lowers at the ground. DING! PILOT (into intercom) One. The lights turn GREEN. The airlock HISSES. ARXAD Vashen! VASHEN Sir! VASHEN, (20s), quickly enters the airlock and kneels. He pulls out a large fibro-weave detex cord. He snaps it, forming into a blooming circle. He punches the detex cord into six places. The detex cord expands as he locks it into place. Vashen retraces to his original position.


INT. ASSAULT SHUTTLE #2 - ARXADS POV TO VASHEN Arxad nods. Vashen pulls out and presses a small button.

DEAFENED BOOM. Bits fly into the extraction bay. ARXAD GO GO GO! Each soldier enters the airlock, alternating with dynamic but fluid precision. THUMP THUMP THUMP. The boots of the soldiers jogged onto the blown hull and into the corridor. INT. MERCHANT-BATTLESHIP LUCIFER - CORRIDOR The fireteam walks briskly, guns drawn, across the corridor. A new airlock door. BUSNELL, (30s), approaches. He breaks the panel open. He pulls out wires and splices them. SPARKS here and there. Airlock door opens. Fireteam enters the next corridor. Busnell then closes the airlock. ARXAD (into mic) TOC, were inside. Airlock secured. Shuttle Two, wave off. Basher-21 out. TOC (V.O.) Basher-21, this is TOC. Entry acknowleddged. Keep us in the loop. Out. EXT. MERCHANT-BATTLESHIP LUCIFER - SHUTTLE TWO Shuttle Two shakes a bit, thrusting sideways. PILOT (V.O.) Roger, Basher-21. Have a good one... Shuttle Two undocking. Terrance actual, Shuttle Two RTB. Is the approach clear? Shuttle Two turns.


FLIGHT OFFICER (V.O.) Shuttle Two actual, this is Terrance Flight Deck. Youre cleared for approach at Bay One. PILOT Solid copy, Terrance actual. Shuttle Two over and out. The shuttle accelerates toward T.C.S. Terrance. MOMENTS LATER A MISSILE shoots out of the Lucifers broadside. toward Shuttle Two. FLIGHT OFFICER (V.O.) Shuttle Two, evade! EVADE! Shuttle Two dives. The railguns unleash a volley of lightingwhite bolts at the missile. Missile smartly dives, following the shuttle. Shuttle banks hard to left, barrel rolls, ascends on high. Missile doesnt budge. Closing in.... FLIGHT OFFICER (CONTD) (V.O.) Gunnery, check your fire! Check your fire! BOOM! Shuttle Two explodes into fireballs, debris strewn everywhere! INT. MERCHANT-BATTLESHIP LUCIFER - CORRIDOR The team advances forward in the dark corridor. Their helmet lights illuminate in the dark. Their telesponders flickers on and off intermittently. NOTE: All parts of the ship will be dark unless specified. ARXAD Hold! The team stops. It zooms


ARXAD (CONTD) (into mic) TOC, no sign of GRRRRROOOOWWWWWLLLLLLL. Faint in the distance.

BUSNELL What the hell was that? ARXAD (into mic) Scratch that, TOC. Suspected lifeforms onboard. Hold for solid copy. Microphone SQUAWKS back. KADJA (to Arxad) Definitely not a friendly lifeform, from what it sounds like. VASHEN Think we just came across aliens? The team looks to Vashen. ARXAD Move! The team advances. INT. MERCHANT-BATTLESHIP LUCIFER - T INTERSECTION The team continues to the end of the corridor, breaking into two different paths. Busnell points at left path in a crouched position. BUSNELL Clear! VIERNJA (mid 20s) points at right path in the same position as Busnell. VIERNJA Clear! Alarms BLARE! Red light turns on at the T-Intersection. CADDELL (late 20s) shakes his head.


CADDELL I smell a trap... I smell a trap, Sir. ARXAD Stow it, Caddell. BUSNELL (to Arxad) No contact for about fifteen minutes. Sir, Id agree Noted. ARXAD This way. Arxad in the middle.

Busnell takes point.


Arxad runs to the front of the corridor, followed by the group. He leans out with his rifle aimed. The shape stops, turns to Arxad. ARXAD PUT YOUR HANDS UP! The shape doesnt comply. ARXAD (CONTD) On me, people! The Fireteam forms in a crescent, descending on the shape. The light slowly shows a dirtied human. Its features is female in shape. Eyes are unnatural in color. The skin is a waxed pale brown. It LUNGES at Kadja! GUNFIRE! It goes down. Vashen kneels. VASHEN The blood... Unusually green. Blood oozes emerald green. HANDS UP!


Kadja pushes its body over. Female. KADJA Probably... late 40s.

She pulls out a square tablet. She places it over her face and taps on the screen. FLICK! Another tap. ARXAD (into mic) TOC. Confirmed lifeform. Its neutralized. Sent you a holograph. TOC (into mic) Acknowledged, Basher-21. Receiving... One second... BUSNELL Maybe Vashens right. CADDELL (to Busnell) Doesnt mean its not a trap, right? VIERNJA (to Caddell) 250 cubits not only its a trap, this ships not a merchantbattleship. CADDELL (Viernja) Youre on. I say its a pre-war relic. TOC (V.O.) Basher-21. MILCOM sent us new information. Lenija Prax, missing in 2311, last sighting on Canoris II. Abductor, you guessed it, the Lucifer. Advise Danger Code Red. Out. ARXAD Affirmative, TOC. Basher-21 out. (to team) Danger Code Red. ROE Recon until I say so. Understood? Silence. The team moves forward.



Stronger than before.

INT. MERCHANT-BATTLESHIP LUCIFER - DECK QUARTERS Arxad signals to hold position. ARXAD Kadja... KADJA Sir? ARXAD Take Busnell, Caddell, and Viernja. Check this side. Youre Element Blue. Arxad points to the other side of the deck quarters. KADJA Sir! Busnell, Caddell, Viernja! On me! Busnell, Caddell, Viernja follows Kadja. team. ARXAD Were Element White. Ready? up. Rhodek, take point. Arxad turns to his

Form He

They stack up near a door. Arxad presses a button. throws in a high-tech flashbang. FLASH. FLASH. FLASH.

THUMP. THUMP. THUMP. RHODEK (30s) rushes in first. White follows after hard. SOLDIER #1 CLEAR! RHODEK CLEAR! SOLDIER #2 CLEAR! ARXAD CLEAR! They move to the next room.




A strong female SCREAM coming They stack

Arxad and Element White rushes toward the room. up. Arxad throws in a flashbang. FLASH! FLASH! FLASH!

They storm the room. SOLDIER #1 Smells like... SOLDIER #2 Someone died in here. RHODEK Ssshh... Arxad moves down the hall. gutteral drawn out GROWL. QUARTER ROOM They enter the room, scanning. ARXAD MILRHODEK What the hellARXAD Mil-Pol! No answer. More MOANING. ARXAD (CONTD) Hello? No answer. Arxad moves toward the WOMAN. He sees her eyes. All pearly white. Her body naked and glistening with sweat. Her pelvic thrusts bob up and down hard rhythmically. ARXAD (CONTD) What the hell? Arxad moves back, his rifle aimed at an ALIEN. A pale green jelly-like creature with no eyes and shaped like a round cucumber moves with fluid reflexes. The skins transparent. Its vital organs vulnerable, pulsing green to red, red to green with many veins, critical pieces in difficult to see places. PANTING. A STRONG MOAN. A


More MOANING. WOMAN (exhausted) I need... need... Stop...

to stop... Arxad turns to Rhodek.

She keeps thrusting aggressively. ARXAD Lets remove her.

Arxad and Rhodek brace the lady on both sides. They attempt to grab her out of the aliens grasp. Sharp CRY in pain. They continue to pull her. cries of pain. The alien growls slurpily... They stop. RHODEK Shes glued in... ARXAD (to Soldier #1) You two, check the room. SOLDIER #1 Sir! Soldier #1 and #2 check the room. MOMENTS LATER SOLDIER #1 (CONTD) You may want... (retching a little) Over there... Sir! Soldier #1 kneels. Arxad and Rhodek leaves the woman and alien alone. The inner rooms coated in blood. SQUISH. Arxad sees the texture. Piles of bones. Possibly human remains. He kneels to confirm. ARXAD Looks like... RHODEK A slaugherhouse of some sort. ARXAD Or something. We need to get that lady off that alien right now. More sharp


Arxad comes around to the alien and the woman. the texture of the reflexive alien. ARXAD POV Arxad switches to thermal. alien is colder.

He examines

Heat emanates off the woman.


X-Wire. The alien retains no bone structure. Just veins, critical pieces in the middle and at both ends. The womans bone structure is intact. An HEART rises out of the critical veins, pumped full of red blood. Slowly it sinks back. The gutteral growl slowly comes.... The Heart slowly rises back again. Arxad shoulders his rifle and arms his pistol. the heart. It sinks... It then rises. GUNSHOT! A loud gutteral cry. Rhodek and Solder #1 pull the woman off. She shivers, shaking. Red/green blood flows a bit around her sore vagina. She begins to hyperventilate. Eyes roll back. GUNSHOT! The alien dies. Element Blue rushes in. He aims at

VIERNJA (yelling) Move! Viernja casts Rhodek aside rudely. She kneels, pulling out her small medical kit. She flips open a wand and casts it over the womans body. VIERNJA (CONTD) Shes going into cardiac arrest. Rhodek, Busnell, hold her down. Rhodek and Busnell holds her down. Viernja pulls out two small pads and slaps it on her chest. She pulls out a tablet out of her kit. She taps it. VIERNJA (CONTD) CLEAR! ZAP! The woman grunts, convulsing. their best. Rhodek and Busnell try


VIERNJA (CONTD) Clear! ZAP! The woman grunts, convulsing slightly then waking up. UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN gasps. MOMENTS LATER WOMAN (coughing and wheezing) Wh... Whe... Who are you? VIERNJA Sir, I hate to say it but one of us is going to have to telespond her to the Terrance. ARXAD (pointing to Soldier #2) You. On the double. Go back to the Terrance with her. Straight to Emergency, understood? SOLDIER #2 Sir! Soldier #2 heaves the woman onto his arms. Busnell slaps the telesponder and backs away. Soldier #2 slowly disappears. The team gathers near the alien. Kadja pulls out her tablet, taps it as she aims it at different parts. FLICK! FLICK! FLICK! FLICK! ARXAD (into mic) TOC, confirmed life-form. Neutralized. Sending a rescued captive onboard. Holographs coming your way. TOC (over mic) Roger. Oh my Lords... priority one. ARXAD (into mic) What aboutThe

This takes


TOC (over mic) If you find any hostiles, put them down. These holographs proves weve made first contact. Have your Second take pictures of any lfieforms she sees, understood? ARXAD (into mic) Solid copy, TOC. Mic SQUAWK. ARXAD (CONTD) Lets work our way upstairs. Kadja, TOC wants you to take holographs of any life-forms you see. Priority ONe. (to team) If you see any hostile, neutralize at will. The team leaves the room BACK TO DECK QUARTERS They look around. it. They find a turbolift. They enter into


INT. MERCHANT-BATTLESHIP LUCIFER - TURBOLIFT The doors close. Caddell pushes a button. speed. The doors open. INT. MERCHANT-BATTLESHIP LUCIFER - CREW QUARTERS Light flickers on and off. Sparks flying... The lift whines then moves at high

BUSNELL Must be affected by the railguns earlier. The team fan out. They move slowly across the quarters. They check around with their rifles carefully. CLATTERING.


RHODEK (whispering) Right there. The team closes in on the sound. Rhodek kicks the large crate aside. They aim it at a YOUNG MAN, whose clothes are burnt, dirtied. Blood trickles from his arms, chest, parts of his head. He moans a bit, sounding injured. ARXAD Were Mil-Pol. You? YOUNG MAN Unh... VIERNJA kneels near him. VIERNJA Hes been hit. The rail gun blast must have combusted a piece of the hull, threw him around. She pulls out a medical kit a medi-gel and the wand. checks him with the wand. VIERNJA (CONTD) Vital signs... Hes screwed if we dont get him medical care. Viernja pulls out a cutting blade and cuts up his clothing. She checks for wounds. A large cavity rests around his chest, sternum, and parts of his ribs. She takes the medigel, breaks the canister, and rubs her hands with the gel. She then rubs his wounding area with it. ARXAD Who are you? The MEDI-GEL was once transparent, then grew stronger into a whiter gel, covering his wound. It remains thin, not thick. YOUNG MAN Unh... hnnnhh.... VIERNJA I need another telesponder. Sir! SOLDIER #1 I volunteer, Sir. She

ARXAD Emergency room, understood.


SOLDIER #1 Yes sir! Soldier #1 holds the wounded young man by the arm. the telesponder. He and the young man disappears. The team moves forward. INT. MERCHANT-BATTLESHIP LUCIFER - CREW CORRIDOR They enter into a corridor. They kneel, waiting. MOMENTS LATER Some movement. Thump. Thump. Thump. Lights still flicker on and off. He slaps

Round the corner are TWO CREWMEMBERS in dirtied clothing. They dart back, running. The team follows in pursuit. ARXAD MIL-POL! They do not listen. raising commotion. FREEZE! KADJA OR WE WILL SHOOT!

They enter into another quarters,

KADJA TAKE COVER! The Mil-Pol soldiers retreat, taking cover. Something throws itself their way. CADDELL SHARD! They run off in different directions for new cover. The SHARD GRENADE blinks twice, then explodes! Pieces of shrapnel splits into different directions, piercing the corridor walls. A SHARP CRY! Ahhh! VASHEN Im.... Im hit! CADDELL VASHEN! Caddell pulls Vashen toward him into concealed cover. Caddell recognizes it.





Sporadic repeater fire. ARXAD GO GO GO! The uninjured team open out of cover, returning fire. One holding the repeater rifle is shot multiple times. He turns around, cutting up his other crew-members until he dies. One CREWMEMBER then flees. ARXAD (CONTD) Regroup! Caddell, Busnell, hold this position. Kadja, Viernja, Rhodek, on me! Arxad and his team pursues the fleeing crewmember. Caddell and Busnell attentively guards the corridor with Vashen inbetween them. INT. MERCHANT-BATTLESHIP LUCIFER - MASTER CORRIDOR The team enters the Master Corridor. They see HOSTILES guarding a very large door. They duck back into cover. KADJA Six, strike that, eight hostiles. RHODEK You know what they say at the Academy? ARXAD Vigilance through Fire.


RHODEK This would be it. ARXAD (peeks a bit at the guarded door) Yeah... Remember our H4 slash? RHODEK Got us a ninety-six percent score. KADJA Im not following... ARXAD Follow Rhodek. Do exactly as he says. Busnell, on me. BUSNELL Sir. Rhodek slowly slinks his way to the other side. Kadja follows. The CREW stands around, loitering. Rhodek and Arxad gathers 2 bangs of their own. They toss them across the floor. FLASH. FLASH. disoriented. FLASH. All the bangs go off. The crew got

Arxad runs across the corridor, followed by Busnell. Rhodek runs toward Arxad, followed by Kadja. Rhodek and Kadja kneel. Arxad roll over to the other side. Busnell rolls but slips. They open fire. rifle. One of the crew members held a repeater



Busnell lies dead, blood oozing. The crew members go down. ARXAD TOC, Busnell's down. Busnell's down. TOC Copy. Kadja hits the telesponder on Busnell's chestplate. Busnell's body disappears. Repeat,


Arxad and the remaining team steps over the dead bodies slowly. They scan the corridor as they go further. A MULTITUDE OF FAINT GROWLING. RHODEK That doesn'tKADJA sound good. Arxad moves forward nearby the BRIDGE DOOR. the team, ROE Assault. They nod. They stack up near the door. ARXAD Caddell? CADDELL Sir? ARXAD (into mic) Telespond their bodies. doubletime! CADDELL (over mic) Copy. MOMENTS LATER. Caddell arrives running. slams the door panel. The BRIDGE DOOR OPENS. INT. MERCHANT-BATTLESHIP LUCIFER - BRIDGE ROOM The bridge room is large. The lights flicker on and off. Computers are working. A small but alien voice blares out an ancient language over the bridge communications system. ARXAD'S POV He storms the bridge room hard. He turns to the left, opens fire on one crew member. He caught a glimpse of Rhodek securing the right, Kadja barely in his vision. He continues down the path, shooting down the crew members. They were unarmed. He stacks up near Arxad. Arxad He signals to

On me


Hands up!

ARXAD Mil-Pol!

Hands up!

The gunfire ends. The rest of the surviving CREW were being caged in. They backed up to the wall with soulless eyes. KADJA They don't look human. RHODEK This ship was a pre-war relic, right? ARXAD TOC, secured a few life-forms. Humanoid. A question. TOC Acknowledged. Speak your mind, soldier. ARXAD This ship is a pre-war relic, is it? TOC One second. MOMENTS LATER. TOC (CONTD) Negative. This ship, according to our ship registry, is... That's strange. It's been built five hundred years ago. RHODEK (to Arxad) That's during the Great Turmoil. Arxad turns his back from Rhodek, intensely focused on the communications. CADDELL Great Turmoil? KADJA Five hundred years ago, there used be an empire stretching out... INSERT SOL SYSTEM


The Sol System has Earth encapsulated in RED. The RED soon followed like blood across the nine stars and into unchartered space. UNCHARTERED SPACE turned into MULTITUDES of STAR SYSTEMS. KADJA (CONTD) They called themselves the United Federation. They built massive warships. This one... I'm guessing, was just an old design they tried to build but didn't see any use exceptBACK TO SCENE RHODEK transporting prisoners. CADDELL A police cutter? RHODEK Used to be. Others used it as a slaveship. CADDELL That was what the Great Turmoil's about? RHODEK NSTRONGER MULTITUDE OF GROWLING. KADJA Something's coming our way. BRIDGE CREW #1 (laughing) Lucifier... awaits... you. ARXAD (to team) Bind them. They restrain and bind them. ARXAD (CONTD) Caddell, I want you to take them. CADDELL You're staying here with them?


ARXAD Yes, now go. That's a direct order. CADDELL Sir! The suspects were restrained, kneeling in a neutral position. Caddell interlaces his arm with all the suspects then hits his telesponder. He soon disappears. ARXAD TOC received new orders. KADJA High Command? ARXAD On that computer. you got. Download what

Kadja nods. She turns to the computer, flicks in a small cyberdisc. She types on the screen. The computer blips, acknowledging a download taking place. RHODEK You'd think a ship lasting 500 years still would be using cyberdiscs. KADJA The technology hasn't changed, that's for sure. The computer blips again. KADJA (CONTD) Done. ARXAD Let's go. RHODEK We're not telesponding? ARXAD No. We need to gain more intel before we jump ship. Arxad and his team leaves the bridge at a faster pace.



They kneel, their backs toward each other. rifles up. ARXAD (CONTD) Change to NV. What the-

SEVERAL SHAPES are moving. Bobbing up and down. Throbbing back and forth. They look like gelatin. Their gait is unusual though they are moving at a quick pace. ARXAD (CONTD) Fire at will! GUNFIRE! SCREECHING HOWLS. MULTIPLE IMPLOSIONS. The goo of the deceased splatters everywhere on the corridor's walls. The tracer fire illuminates the corridor's walls. KADJA Running low! Need mag! RHODEK Here! Rhodek gives her a mag. He returns to his shooting. Kadja reloads her rifle. The strong multitude of growling dies out. ARXAD Move! They get up quickly. The team moves toward the corridor at a brisk pace, rifles up. They turn to another corridor. They find some stairs. CLICK!


ARXAD (CONTD) Downstairs! They descend downstairs. They check the surroundings. The texture becomes unusual, far different from the rest of the ship. The walls are grimy and sticky. They eventually come to: INT. MERCHANT-BATTLESHIP LUCIFER - CARGO HOLD The hold is moist. Literally tons of unusually shaped eggs. They enter into the hold. They look around. ARXAD Kadja... She whipped out her tablet. FLICK! She took holographs. FLICK!

KADJA This doesn't look planned. ARXAD Too disorganized to be a science lab. Looks like they crashed the party, made a new home for themselves. RHODEK Look. A SUPER LARGE EGG rests upon the multitude of hatched eggs. FLICK! TOC. Copy. ARXAD We got a situation. TOC What's the problem?

ARXAD This could turn into an... Arxad looks to Kadja. ARXAD (CONTD) infestation problem. TOC Solid copy. We've received the holographs from your Second. Stand by for further orders. Over.


ARXAD Affirmative. SILENCE take the room until TOC New orders. We've screened the structural integrity of the ship. Looks likeALARMS BLARE. An alien voice, ominious, mechanically speaks.

ALIEN VOICE (in subtitles) Life Support levels at 20%. Oxygenation failing. Hull integrity at 32%. KADJA WhatTOC? No answer. EXT. MILITARY CUTTER TERRANCE - YELINA EXPANSE The Yelina expanse's vast sea coats the Terrance with stars, a nebulae, a broken Merchant-Battleship and The FLEET of military warships exits out of hyperspace. There are various types of ships: several cruisers, some destroyers, a small entourage of missile boats, and antifighter ships. Elongated troopships are cuddled in the middle of the Fleet. SHAAKOT (V.O.) (over radio) This is the Fifth Fleet. Identify yourself. INT. MILITARY CUTTER TERRANCE - CONTROL ROOM Valkov stands before his Weapons, Communications, and TOC liaison around the round holographic table. Valkov touches the screen. The audio wavelength CHANGES to an older man, greyed in his 50's. He stoically looks at Valkov with an imposing authoritarian look. TOC? ARXAD Come in!


VALKOV This is Rear Admiral Valkov, the Terrance. SHAAKOT Admiral. High Admiral Ismair Shaakot here. We were notified? Shaakot raises his eyebrow slightly. VALKOV Yes sir, Admiral. We were in pursuit of the Merchant-Battleship "Lucifer". We disabled its engines but we have come across illuminating intelligence. SHAAKOT Have your TOC send me whatever intel you've gathered. I take it you've boarded the ship? VALKOV We sent an eight-man team to the ship. We lost our two assault shuttles to this ship. SHAAKOT Do you have your men onboard? VALKOV Only three remain. the cutter. The rest are on

SHAAKOT Stand by for further orders. Please merge with the Fleet at the following coordinates we're sending you. VALKOV Aye, aye sir! Shaakot disappears from the holographic table. comes running to Valkov. ENSIGN Sir! VALKOV What is it, ensign? An ensign


ENSIGN Something's happening in medical bay. Valkov leaves the control room with the ensign. INT. MILITARY CUTTER TERRANCE - MEDICAL BAY The young woman is being restrained. She fights against the two male Marines. She snarls, her legs kicking. YOUNG WOMAN PLEASE! NO! PLEASE! (to male marines; a beat) FUCK ME! FUCK... FUCK ME! Other marines rush in. violent kicking. DOCTOR #1 Hold her down! Hey! it! Watch

They make attempts to restrain her

The doctor implants a needle into her arm. The woman frantically fights harder then slowly regressing to a sedative state. Valkov arrives. VALKOV The situation has been resolved? DOCTOR #1 For now... The marines step back, their hands saluting the Admiral. VALKOV At ease, Marines. stations. To your

They finish their salute and leave. VALKOV (CONTD) Brief me, doctor. The doctor looks at the woman carefully, and turns to Valkov. DOCTOR #1 Check her belly, sir. Valkov moves near to her bed. He takes a glimpse of her belly. Six small bumps across her abdomen.


DOCTOR #1 (CONTD) Whatever it is, it's highly unusual for humanoid females to carry six bumps. The doctor presses against the belly for a few seconds then lets go. The belly's bumps start moving. It beats against the skin in small but swift motions. VALKOV Have you scanned it? DOCTOR #1 We're receiving the first prelim in... (checks watch) Six minutes. VALKOV Good. Kick it to me once you receive them. DOCTOR #1 Yes sir, Admiral. Valkov turns to walk away. DOCTOR #1 (CONTD) Admiral... I'd like to caution you that your... male marines are affecting her behavior. VALKOV In what way? DOCTOR #1 I can't say. Every time they are near, she'll exhibit sexually aggressive behavior. I had to sedate her. I recommend change of the guard to females. I'd like to see if she exhibits the same toward the females. VALKOV Noted. Valkov leaves.


INT. MILITARY CUTTER TERRANCE - TOC CONTROL TOC ENSIGN #1 We lost communications with Basher21. The TOC OFFICER turns to another ensign. TOC OFFICER Scan for jammers. The ensign touches the holographic screen. INSERT HOLOGRAPHIC SCREEN The ensign's hand touches camera controls. It turns to the "Lucifer". The imagery of the Lucifer changes into different shades of grey, black, or highlighting hues. TOC ENSIGN #2 No sir, sir. Wait... The ship's hull is changing. BACK TO SCENE TOC OFFICER Looks like the ship's got some defense mechanism. Keep an eye on the ship. ENSIGN #1 Yes sir, sir! INT. MERCHANT-BATTLESHIP LUCIFER - LONG CORRIDOR The team has been running. They stop, turn, kneel, and open some fire into the corridor. The tracer fire illuminates the dark corridors. Small sticky IMPLOSIONs can be heard. Kadja slips and falls. near Kadja. I got her! UNH! Arxad stops, turns, and kneels


Rhodek pulls Kadja to her feet. She runs with Rhodek at a slower pace. Arxad opens some fire, backing up. RHODEK (CONTD) Didn't TOC give you new orders? A pause. Some GUNFIRE.


ARXAD Lost communications. Their telesponders don't flicker in the dark. ARXAD (CONTD) To the aft! KADJA There must be a shuttle somewhere! RHODEK Breathe, Kadja. INT. MERCHANT-BATTLESHIP LUCIFER - AFT CORRIDOR The team stands before the corridor. The fires are slowly dying out, still taking up space in sections of the aft. KADJA Are you crazy? Arxad and Rhodek kneels again. ARXAD Any bright ideas? it! Sporadic GUNFIRE. They aim again...

I'd love to hear

More small implosions. KADJA

Screw it! Kadja steps into the Aft Corridor, ducking the fires. Rhodek follows after Arxad and they both step into the aft corridor. INT. MERCHANT-BATTLESHIP LUCIFER - AFT ENGINEERING They enter what looks like an engineering section of the aft. Some sucking sounds can be heard as well as fires being pushed in different directions. They're being pulled back, giving the team more room to maneuver. ARXAD This is where we get careful. KADJA Look. The telesponders flicker slightly.


RHODEK I say we get into the engine room. We might be able to find some opening. ARXAD Hold it. Arxad looks around. There are strong pipes, wires, and large blocks of turbines across the engineering. ARXAD (CONTD) You got charges? RHODEK You're thinking what I'm thinking? Arxad smiles. Rhodek nods. he opens his sidekit. Arxad and Kadja their own charges. ARXAD Charges here, there, and over there! The team splits. Arxad, Kadja, and Rhodek take up their own designated areas. They duck weaving fires as they attempt to set up the charges. MULTITUDE OF GROWLING. KADJA They're coming! RHODEK Looks like they found a way in! GUNFIRE! ARXAD Regroup! They gather near an airlock. ARXAD (CONTD) (to Rhodek) Two minutes! Rhodek pulls out a small rectangular tablet. time from 00:00 to 02:00. RHODEK Two... minutes. Set. He changes the He gives


They step into the airlock. The airlock closes, pressurizes. The next airlock then opens. HISS. INT. MERCHANT-BATTLESHIP LUCIFER - ENGINE ROOM ARXAD Ammo count? Not much. RHODEK Got one clip left.

KADJA Two more for the pistol. Arxad looks around. More sucking sound can be heard. They venture down the engine room slowly. Some RATTLING and GROANING can be heard. Light from the stars can be seen in some places. They slowly move across the engine room. The engine blocks look very large enough. They're blackened, smashed in, or destroyed from Valkov's two missiles that punched with its destructive power. They descend further into the darkness, entering another engine room. The structural integrity decays further as they go on. Their telesponders start to flicker intermittently. They pressed their telesponders. No response. They walk further. FAINT MULTITUDE OF GROWLING. KADJA (CONTD) They don't let up, do they? RHODEK I'll give them that. What? KADJA Give them what?

RHODEK Persistence. More structural GROANING. More CREAKING.

ARXAD We're getting close. KADJA I can't imagine getting sucked into space.


The telesponders flicker intermittently more. They press their telesponders. No response... Arxad kneels, bracing his weapon. ARXAD If we can't get out, we'll die trying. KADJA Sir... Arxad looks to her. KADJA (CONTD) Been nice knowing you. ARXAD Likewise. Arxad turns to the entryway. Rhodek aims. Kadja braces her pistol and aims. The gelatin-like creatures are moving fast. They are of various sizes: some small, some reaching four feet, and others a towering eight feet. The FIRETEAM opens fire. Tracer fire perforates the gelatinlike creatures. IMPLOSIONS are heard. The creatures are persistent. They advance unwavering and fearlessly. the fireteam. Rhodek disappears. A BEAT Kadja soon disappears. A BEAT EXPLOSION. MORE EXPLOSIONS! The fire takes up the entire aft section, snowballing into multiple fireballs. The explosions reach toward the engine room at a faster place. Arxad keeps firing. One gelatin-like creature attempts to jump on Arxad. The explosion soon engulfs the engine room. The knockback pushes Arxad violently across the engine room. EXT. MERCHANT-BATTLESHIP LUCIFER - YELINA EXPANSE The ship's aft section explodes, sections of the hull breaking. The engine's structure soon blossoms into a fiery, violent episode of debris-throwing tantrums. They reach toward


The rest of the ship implodes, hitting each section of the ship, further cutting up and tearing it into smithereens. The once-existing Merchant-Battleship "Lucifer" sprawled across the Expanse with many of its debris. EXT. YELINA EXPANSE - ARXAD'S POV Arxad swings violently into space. His eyes looking around. His breathing grows raspy. It soon turns to wheezing. His hands clutch his neck. A glimpse of the Terrance gathered among the Fleet. A piece of the debris flying across from him. He struggles to look at the telesponder. Some blood on his legs and abdominal area. It flickers intermittently. He smashes his hand into the telesponder repeatedly. ARXAD (O.S.) (raspy) Damn... it! He looks around frantically. erratic. SERIES OF FLASHBACKS A) YOUNG ARXAD playing with several fleet models. He simulates an enemy battleship descending into its imaginary fiery death. YOUNG ARXAD (inaudible) Phew! Phew! Brrrsh!! B) TEEN ARXAD sees a MILITARY OFFICER leaving his house. military officer stops, turns to look at Arxad, smiling. waves. MILITARY OFFICER (inaudible) Good-bye, son. C) CADET ARXAD stands proud before a CHIEF. He pins Arxad several awards to his chest. A dark, faceless crowd applauds. Camera lights flicker on and off. D) SOLDIER ARXAD follows several other soldiers. MUFFLED EXPLOSIONS dot the landscape. Several SWIFT FIGHTERS swoop over Soldier Arxad's head, landing machine gun fire on the other side. ANOTHER EXPLOSION! Soldier Arxad is thrown to the ground. He blinks, unable to get up. The He His breathing grows more


INSERT SOLDIER ARXAD'S POV He looks up. A soldier, dressed in a different uniform, looks down. He smashes his head with his rifle butt. BACK TO SCENE FADE TO BLACK. INT. MILITARY CUTTER TERRANCE - MEDICAL BAY - ARXAD'S POV Slow, drawn out BEEP sounds are heard. DOCTOR #1 (O.S.) Suffered some bodily... won't sustain... recommendations are... Wait... he's... up. FADE TO: INT. MILITARY CUTTER TERRANCE - MEDICAL BAY Arxad is waking up. his eyelids. The doctor pulls out a light, examining

DOCTOR #1 Eyes look good. Vitals look healthy. Two medics lower his bedding guard. They check his legs, covering it with warm blankets. Another checks his blood pressure. DOCTOR #1 (CONTD) Welcome, soldier. ARXAD I'm dead, right? DOCTOR #1 (chuckling) You got lucky. ARXAD I'm onboard the Terrance? DOCTOR #1 Yes sir. I've notified Admiral Valkov that you woke up. Arxad looks around.


ARXAD What time is it? DOCTOR #1 You were out for about two weeks. Admiral Valkov steps into the medical bay, flanked by other top brass. VALKOV Is he well? DOCTOR #1 I'll leave you to it, sir. (to medics) Out! The Doctor and the medics leave. salute. Arxad weakily attempts to

VALKOV Soldier, at ease. I take it you want to debrief me? ARXAD Yes sir, sir. VALKOV They're with High Admiral Shaakot's command brass. They're at liberty to ask questions. ARXAD Sir, yes sir. VALKOV Gentlemen? The brass, moves around Arxad. with Arxad. They ADLIB back and forth

EXT. MILITARY CUTTER TERRANCE - HYPERSPACE TUNNEL The Terrance is in hyperspace along with the Fifth Fleet, huddled below its troopships. INSERT A PRETTY FACE The prettiest face with gorgeous eyelids transparently appears while the Fifth Fleet moves in hyperspace. It's tranquil blue eyes stare.


ALIEN FEMALE (V.O.) Ah-ah-ah-ah. Vor sha'kaal kha que'e va'nurm. (in subtitles) Hahahaha... Pitiful humans. BACK TO SCENE FADE OUT.

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