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3.1.2014 My father One years ago my father was hit by the car when he try crossing the road Its happen was very fast even I cant remember when my tears come out like a falling rain, my body was shoked I try to save my father but It felt like stone In my leg, Everybody coming to looking what was going on In the midle of the road. Puan rosmah is my neigtberhood she was shoking too when she looking over my father body the blood come out like river. She imidietly calling for help she call 919, after 10 or 20 minute ambulance arrive and medical assistend quiqly helping my father from injury, I praying to god oh My god please save my father from death I dont want to loosing he because I relly need he In my life please god I bagging for you amin after Im praying suddenly my father can briefing and medical assistend quiqly put him Into the ambulance and driving to hospital sultanah bahiyah at alor setar. When In the hospital my father condition Is verry critical 50/50 because my father got brain damage very badly he left arm was broke and he legs was broke to the Doctor says hey young boy please be strong and naver lose hope because Allah Is always by your side Insyaallah now I sitting outside of operation ward the nurce adviceing me to sit here then my mother and my brother arrive to see my father but I told them not to worry I lie about my father condition I cant stand If my mother crying Infront of me my heart will felt like broke glases. Then after few our The Doctor coming from bihind and spaeking to me about my father condition. Doctor says now your father Is safe but he cant remember anybody and what happening I hope you be strong, strong like our profte muhammad s.a.w when he wife saiditina khadijah death my heart was crash like glass my tears like rain I asked god why this thing happen to my family? Then coming a young child youngers then my brother she asking me hey why you crying so hard? Then I said my father was exidend verry badly this moring and now he cant remember anybody then she said I gladly you father was safe but I wonder why God love my father more then he love me! Then I asking him what happen to your father young lady? And then he told my father go to war In Lahad Datu and now he death,he get shot from the army of sulu after that the yourg girl go to her mom and walking Into the army car and dispeare . Now I realize In life we need to be strong and because god Is testing our Faith that how he want to be .then I go to ward and seeing my father and smileing and thanks to god because I was lucky god dont take my father. After few month my father almost fully rcovery now he can remember me and my brother and most velueble

memory he remember he loved one is my mother .this how god tech us how valeuble family relationship thanks Allah.



Last Saturday I just finish read about equality bettwen religion it was a good article write by Doctor farouq musa my friend from Islamic renecene front (IRF) past to me the article, As a Muslim we need to keep the peace between religion and we cant disturb other religion and hate them because our messenger profte Muhammad s.a.w always say we cant hate them because islam is religion of peace not terrorist as their claim. Today many Muslim talk and discuses about Equality between Religions without knowledge, now when the Christian want to change row God to Allah many Muslim verry angry and hate Christian to me this not big issue some Muslim against and some dont even care about it to me row Allah use before Islam come before profte was born in fact profte father was name Abdulllah Bin abu thalib its mean Allah slave Christian is earlier religion use Allah before Islam come when we look into the history Allah row use thousand years ago. My opinion the issue just distraction to forget about bigger problem our country even had like economic issue, homeless issue, social issue and many more. the row Allah issue used by the politician to play sentiment between Religions when Muslim And Christian become enemy and then someone come to be savior like superman and then when the election day he or him become hero nation and we vote her or him without know their agenda like al-Quran say when some news come dont jugje imidietly studied first I cant remember what verse in al-Quran That why we need to react intelligently to solve this issue without hurt anyone faith and dont react idiot like blind pig. I could raise the fact that article 3 of constitution guarantees everyone the right to practice their religion peacefully. So, if the Christian using word Allah for god, in peaceful manner, in respectful worship, then it is their right do so.


The car Last Sunday I was drive from Kedah to Perak with my sibling we start our journeys 3.30 pm I verry exited because I drive new car my father buy it from used car at Ipoh the car made by Ford company in 1998 the color is red new paint so it look like new car so I dont care what people says as long the car in good condition . So back to the story, so I drive carefully because it chiainis new year many car in higth way so I took the old higthway when we reach Taiping about 8.0pm I think old road not many car suddenly after traffic light traffic was jam many car exidend, so I drive slowly I afraid if I crush other driver. Suddenly I hear something not wright I feel my car slowly and then the while cant spin and stuck so I pull to left road and checkup the back wheal so my three sister verry afraid and then I order them to silent and lock the car so I call all my friend imidietly and then I call Amjad request for help, before amjad come. I look one motorcycle cross our car I become scary because their look at my car almost 4 round they maybe can robe us as and do bad thing to us so I call amjad again asking for He location And I order He drive faster He cant after 10 minute waiting amjad arrive I feel all the stone in my head was gone thank Allah because sent to me savior so I talk with amjad about my car problem we waiting for tow track coming after two ours the tow track came it cost RM 80 from padang rengas to kuala kangsar so in the truck I spoke with the chines about he and I story about Myself we like best friend So after 30 minute we arrive kuala kangsar and put the car into the workshop to repair my car so amjad took me and my sister go to diner so all thing settle about 12pm so I go to sleep and my sister sleep at her friend house.

26.1.2014 Paintball

Last Saturday Im goes to sungai buluh with my friend by a car we plan go to sungai buluh few month ago we plan to play paint ball. Paint ball was a risky game and verry dengereus becouse its use a gun like pump gun to play .is was owsome game now i story how its begin, when we go to sungai buluh 15 member then after arriving my friend amjad told us to wait in the cafe then after few minute maybe around 10 or 20 minute i cant remembr then amjad come to us and said what we wainting for lets roll out then we imiediently go to the field. then the refery of paintball gave breifing before we started game he told us to be safety dont play so hard and the most importn thing is dont shot verry close keep your distend between 100 meter and keep warring safety glass from first game into the end. Then we make talilat tali tamplom a local game to divete team i the one most happyes person becouse i tam with by best freind amjad, epi, izul, syafiq and pak long. Then we all goes to first field its was call the samolia town the grass verry higth and in the midle of field got hunted house the rule for first game is to capture the flag and return to the base without hit by any single bullet i forget to tell the bullet was made by vegetable and we can eat it but is have paint inside of bullet so is verry disgusting. Before the game start each team have to make a simple plan to win the game. Now the game begin i runing to bushes and slowly cruch and aiming for the enemy.then i shot rapidly into enemy teritory in mean time pak long covering me and amjad covering syafiq and izzul they shot rapidly some time i geting hittig by enemy but masyal cant see me so i just ignore then after few minute izul yelling at me and says izhar syafiq just got flag our team win i was ve rry happy my team win first game. We play paint ball from 11.00 pm -4.00 pm I feel very tired after we finis play paint ball we go back to tanjung malim tomorrow we back to kuala kangsar.

30.1.2014 Go out I wonder why I am up here on this stage when Id rather be at home ,when being at home would be so much more comporthing and I wonder why all of you sitting there in audience when so many of you would also be hippies at home At home, you can wear pyjamas .no one is going to snub you or disappoint you at trompoline hall you could be snubed or disappointed the scoth is not chep it less depressing to think the some thougts you thought yesterday then to have why did we go out? My father never goes out .his emotional lIfe is absolutely even keel. He is a deeply rational person h doesnt see the advantages For many years I have asked myself, why do you spend time with other people? but I naver really attempted to come up with an answer, I always believed I was asking myself a rhetorical question but this week I thought I would try and find an answer because a question you ask yourself a thousand times eventually deserves to anserd.and I figure if I know why I go out I might feel suspicions of myself for going out I might criticize myself less. I might be able to look around a party without thinking what a fool why did you come you shuld have stayed at home

7.2.2014 My paper

My paper has been coming along great so far! Im not worried so much about structure right now, because Im still doing research and think that once I know exactly where I want my paper to go, itll basically write itself. I reread both Alice books along with some other things that Lewis Carroll has written. He is such a fun author to read that I could read his books all day! Im learning a lot about how to write a research paper during this process. At first it all seemed so overwhelming to me that I didnt know where to start. But, with help from teachers and friends, Ive learned that it can be a lot of fun if you work little by little and dont wait until the last minute. Ive been able to find a lot of information at the library, along with websites. But its tricky online because you have to make sure its a credible source and not just a crazy person writing something they think they know a lot about. I would love to be able to dig deeper into Lewiss life, but I havent had time to focus on everything! I realized that there is enough on just the Alice books for me to write a long enough paper, and I can continue my own research after the paper is due, if Im still interested! I never thought Id be doing non-school related research for my own pleasure, but its just so cool! Im glad we were able to choose our own author, because that made me more excited to do the project in the first place. I think I chose well, because Lewis Carroll has a lot of characteristics that I can relate to. I cant wait to get feedback on my writing and tell others what Ive learned!

19.2.2014 I Found a Book Today I found a lot of books at the library on Lewis Carroll and read some more interesting things I had no idea about! The thing Im most interested in right now is the real Alice that his Alice books are based on. She was a real little girl named Alice Liddell, whom Lewis had befriended, along with the rest of her family. He would take the children on various boating trips and tell them stories, which he then incorporated into his books. What fun that must have been for the children to hear such a great story teller! I also saw some photographs that Lewis took of the real Alice. She isnt a little blond girl like in the illustrations or movies, she has short brown hair, and some of the pictures are kind of provocative even. I know from my research so far that there is speculation on the idea that Lewis was in love with Alice, but after reading more, I dont think that at all. I just think that he was a child at heart himself and wanted to play d ress up and photograph his friends. Its all really interesting, especially for the time period (the 1850s primarily). I wish I could have been a fly on the wall in his studio! Over the next few weeks I plan on doing more research on his friendship with the Liddell family and his relationship with his father. These are the aspects of his life that interest me the most so far.

21.2.2014 My Bicycle
I have been worried about my cholesterol level and thought that I need to go back to the gym and do cardio on running mill. But uric acid is going to ruin my ankle. Somebody suggested cycling and swimming since these activities would be less harmful to joints and bones. Yesterday I finally got a big push from my biker friend. He bought himself a mountain bike. I wanted to buy a same bicycle. Then suddenly a guy approached me in the Go Sport store. He introduced himself. A fellow Malaysian and he is literally my neighbour in Chandan. He asked whether i was interested to buy a bicycle. Apparently he is an avid cyclist. He cycles every week together with his group. What a coincidence. So the next 4 hours I spent going through my selection of bicycle and its basic accessories with the help of my neighbour. Instead of mountain bike I was advised to get a road bike with sleek tire and lighter body. So today I am a proud owner of Giant SCR road bike. There is a lot to learn about cycling and I should study the basic.

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