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CIGRE 2006


Comisin Federal de Electricidad - LAPEM Mxico

Lightning is one of the most severe problems that overhead transmission lines are always coming up with. The over voltages due to lightning caused by shielding failures or induced over voltages can cause line outage. The performance of a transmission line is known through its failure rate which is the number of faults per 100 km-year. The most used methods to improve the failure rate of transmission lines are: enhancement of the earth system, improving the shielding arrangements, installation of line surge arresters. In this paper a summary of the performance analysis of a 22 km section of a 400 kV overhead transmission line (Tula Pozarrica) against lightning is presented, as well as the methodology used for calculation and analysis. For the performance analysis, the real data of the line in service were used as a reference. Using that real data, a digital program was used in order to calculate the lightning performance of the line and the results were compared with the real performance in service. After being compared, both the real performance and that calculated, the correct field data were verified and determined that the shielding failure is the principal cause of the overhead transmission line outages. In order to correct the outage rate, some alternatives were considered and calculated with digital program to determinate the best one. The work was performed in three stages: Stage 1: In this stage the calculation of the line performance using the design parameters was done. In case of data introduced in the model were representative of that of the line design, the failure rate calculated will be approximately equal to the real failure rate. But in the other hand, if the failure rate calculated results in a very high difference, it is necessary to review the feasibility of the data collected from field. Stage 2: A proposal of changing the line insulators string (I) to a (V) configuration, and consequently the shielding angle change from 25 to 20 was considered. The calculation including those changes was made and the results compared with the real performance in order to verify a change in the failure rate. Stage 3: The proposals of modifying the shielding wires position in order to reach a shielding angle of 3 , as well as the proposal in the stage 2 were taken in a count in a new calculation. The result shows that the rate failure is improved.

Lightning, Transmission line, Shielding, Methodology.


Lightning can cause transient overvoltages that could lead to a line fault, or line outage. The behavior of a transmission line is associated to the outage rate; it is the number of outages per 100 km/year. In Mxico, the major quantity of line faults is associated to lightning. Lightning was responsible of 68 outages on 400 kV transmission lines in 2002, 64 in 2003, 97 in 2004 and 60 in 2005. Several methods can be used in order to improve lightning performance of overhead lines, and some of these methods are applicable according the kind of fault. Four common methods are: a) Improving the grounding system, in order to reduce ground resistance on the tower foot, to avoid backflashover. b) A good shielding system to minimize the outages produced by direct strikes. c) Installation of line surge arresters. d) Automatic reclosing after a transient fault The mechanisms of outage produced by overvoltages associated to lightning are: a) If lightning strikes directly on the shielding wire, or on the tower, a current flow is initiated and is leaded to ground passing throw several impedance changes that produce reflections. The main point of discontinuity is the tower foot. In this point high voltage levels arise leading to a insulator string flashover if this voltage difference is higher than its withstand voltage. b) If lightning strikes on the phase conductor due to a shielding fault, the voltage that appears in the conductor could reach the withstand voltage of the insulator chain and a flashover could take place. c) Lightning that strikes ground near a transmission line induces a transient voltages in the phase conductors. This voltage is directly applied to the conductor insulation and can travel until equipment as transformers o reactors if no arresters are installed. This kind of fault is not very common, due to insulation designs of systems on 400 and 230 kV.


The transmission line Tula-Poza Rica located in Mxico, presented a high lightning outage level in towers 300-340, and a study of this case was proposed by LAPEM (Laboratorio de Pruebas a Equipos y Materiales - CFE) in order to know the behavior of this line against lightning and establish some alternatives to get better performance. Each alternative can be then evaluated and its effectiveness can be estimated, so the better solution can be selected. All necessary data of the operation conditions at present time as well as that of some years before were collected. With this information it was possible to construct a digital model of the system to be studied.


The objective of this work was to determine the behavior of the transmission line against lightning and to analyze several improving schemes, according to a methodology followed by LAPEM.


It is very important to make the analysis to determinate the more probable mechanism of fault, by which lightning is leading to the outage of the line, and after that, a detailed analysis should be carried out to select the best solution to attack this problem. Shielding angle modification, the improvement of ground system and, if necessary, surge arrester installation, are the available methods considered in order to reach the outage level established as acceptable.

The behavior of transmission line against lightning is defined by the outage level (number of outages per 100/km per year), this behavior is probabilistic in nature, and take in a count several parameters associated. In this work, computer software was employed to make the statistical calculation and a digital model was obtained. The procedure to make the study of the performance of the line and the evaluation of the effectiveness of all the different schemes of performance improving is described in the flowing diagram (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Procedure for analyzing the performance of the transmission line against lightning. This work is divided in three stages:



In the first stage, a calculation of the outage level due to lightning taking in account all the original parameters considered in the design of the line is done. These parameters are mentioned in point 7 of this document. If the data considered for the calculation in the software is the design data, the outage level calculated should be similar to the outage level reported for this line. If the difference between calculated and reported performance is important, it is necessary to verify the data introduced in the model until similar outage levels are obtained.



A scheme proposed to improve the line behavior was to change the insulator arrangement from (I) to (V) only in lateral conductors. With this arrangement, the shielding angle was modified from 25 to 20, this modification can reduce the outage level of the line. With these modifications in the insulator chains, the distances and dimensions of structures and conductors are different from original design; these dimensions are shown in Appendix 3. With the results of the calculation considering the modifications on the insulator chains, the effectiveness of this scheme would be evaluated and a comparison with the results obtained in stage 1 (or original performance) can be done.



In stage three, the calculation of the lightning outage level considering modification mentioned in stage 2 between structures 300-340 is done. Additionally, a new scheme with the shielding wire

position with a shielding angle of 3 is considered and evaluated. The final dimensions of the structures are shown in Appendix 4.


Due to the major part of the line outages are related to lightning, this outages are the only aspect considered in the results shown in this work, and only structures 300-340 are presented.

Figure 2. Lightning performance of the line during 1992-2001. From these real data, the outage level in the period 1992-2001 per 100 km per year is known. Outages in structures 299-339, in the period 1992-2001: 29 Distance between structures 299-340: 22 km Real outage level: 13,18 outages /100 km-year


The design parameters of the line are: Nominal voltage: 400 kV Length (under study): 22 km Structures type and tower foot resistance: Showed in Appendix 1 and 2 (fig 5, 6 and 7) Grounding design: Counterpoises Quantity and length of counterpoises: 2 of 12 m. Additional dates are: Lightning strikes to ground density: 15 strikes/km2-year Acceptable outage level: 1 outage/100 km-year

7 7.1


With the parameters presented in point 7, the results of the calculated outage level by lightning are presented in Figure 3. Figure 3 represents the result from the calculation of the outage level of the line, and it can be seen that the outage level for each structure is similar than that shown in Figure 2. This distribution allows finding the structures with major probability of outage by lightning strike. The Tflash software estimates the outage level by lightning using the electrogeometric model proposed by IEEE92, considering statistical current distribution of CIGRE according to [4]. The calculation gave as a result that the only cause of outage was shielding failure that was the kind of fault reported for this line. This means that the schemes proposed in order to modify the shielding angle can give a good improvement scheme to be considered. From the results of the calculation it can be seen that the grounding system installed in the towers 300-340, and the soil type give a good low resistance at tower

foot in order to avoid backflashover, that is why this is not mentioned and this type of fault does not form part of the present work. From the calculation, it is possible to know the following information: Table I. Result of the calculation of Stage 1. Strikes to line. 82,9 Outages by backflasover. Outages due to shielding failure. 0,0 2,4

Outages due to induced voltajes from 0,0 indirect strikes. Total outages of the line (structures 2,4 300-340). Figure 3. Results of the calculation of the outage level associated to lightning considering the parameters mentioned on stage 1. Strikes to line /100 km year. Outages/100 km-year. 387,0 11,1

From real data, the outage level is 13,8 outages/100km-year. The calculation gives an outage level equal to 11, 1 outages/100 km-year, which is very similar to real value. The small difference allows considering the model as a good approach or representative of the real system.



The results of the calculation considering the modifications proposed in Stage 2 of the Procedure (point 5.2), are shown in Figure 4. Table II. Result of the calculation of Stage 2. Strikes to line. 82,9 Outages by backflasover. Outages due to shielding failure. 0,0 1,3

Outages due to induced voltajes from 0,0 indirect strikes. Total outages of the line (structures 1,3 300-340). Figure 4. Results of the calculation of the outage level associated to lightning considering modifications proposed in Stage 2. Strikes to line /100 km year. Outages/100 km-year. 387,0 6,1



The results of the calculation considering the modifications proposed in Stage 3 of the Procedure (point 5.3), are shown in Figure 5.

Table III. Result of the calculation of Stage 3. Strikes to line. Outages by backflasover. Outages due to shielding failure. 84,5 0,0 0,1

Outages due to induced voltajes from 0,0 indirect strikes. Total outages of the line (structures 0,1 300-340). Strikes to line /100 km year. Figure 5. Results of the calculation of the outage level associated to lightning considering modifications proposed in Stage 3. Outages/100 km-year. 394,5 0,5

The Table 4, shows a summary of the outage levels associated with the different proposed schemes. Until now, some analysis and recommendations using this methodology have been made in systems of 230 and 115 kV, where an improved performance against lightning has been reached.


Due to the result of calculation of outage level considering the line design parameters, is quite similar to the real outage level of the line (structures 300-340), the model is considered as representative of the performance of the line. With the modification of the insulator arrangement for chains disposed in (I) to (V), the shielding angle was modified, and as a result, the outage level associated to lightning was reduced from 2,4 to 1,3 outages/100 km per year, This represent a improvement of 45%. Additionally, as can be seen in Appendix 4, a new shielding angle of 3 was considered, and the outage level was reduced from 2,4 to 0,1 outages/100 km per year. That represent an improvement of about 95%, and this new shielding angle represents the best solution to reach the acceptable outage level of 1 outage/100 km-year.

Table 4. Summary of real and calculated outage levels compared with different proposed solutions. Failure rate
Shielding failure Failures per 100 kmyear. Back Flashover TOTAL Total failures

Conditions Case 1 2

Real failure rate Failure rate calculated taking in acount the design parameters of the line Results of the calculation with the insulators string with configuration (V). Shielding angle of 20 Results of the calculation with a shielding angle of 3 . Failure rate recomended

0,0 2,9 2,9 0,0 2,4 2,4

13,18 11,1

3 4 5

0,0 1,3 1,3 0,0 0,1 0,1 -----

6,1 0,5 1,0

Appendix 1, Structure type and foot

Tower number 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 312 313 314 315 316 Tower foot Distance Tower type resistance between () towers (m) A+0 2.1 195 A+0 3 275 B+5 4 1205 B+0 3.3 180 D-5 3.2 969 B+5 1.24 525 B+15 2.5 475 B+0 6.1 415 A+0 3.1 680 A+0 3.8 355 A+5 5.1 260 B+5 3.8 970 B+0 3.6 745 4BRI 6 630 4BRI 6 630 B+0 2.3 359 D+0 2 605 B-10 4.13 514 A-10 2.6 266

317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340

B-10 B-10 A+10 B-10 B+10 A+10 A-5 A-10 B-10 A+0 A+0 A+0 A+10 A-10 B-10 B+15 B+0 B+0 A-5 A+0 A+10 B+10 B+15 B+5

2.7 1.8 1.02 2.3 3.2 3 3.2 3.5 1.1 2.1 3 3.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 2.6 3.1 2.7 3.2 3.4 5.2 2.5 3.5 2

1090 150 200 1010 190 410 378 368.47 231.53 580 230 635 445 655 520 430 430 640 340 605 325 1300 285 400

Appendix 2
Design distances.
10,0 6,09
10,5 6,176




Nivel -10



13,2 9,0

Nivel -10


33,3 19,8



Nivel -5 Nivel +0 Nivel +0+0 Nivel +5 Nivel +10 Nivel +15

Nivel -5 Nivel +0 Nivel +0+0 Nivel +5 Nivel +10 Nivel +15

Nivel -5

Nivel +0 Nivel +0+0 Nivel +5

Torre tipo A A type tower (Acotaciones en metros)

Torre tipo B B type tower (Acotaciones en metros)

D type tower Torre tipo D

Figure 5. Shielding angle = 25

Figure 6. Shielding angle = 25

Figure 7. Shielding angle =23

Appendix 3
Tower distances considering the changes of chain insulators from arrangement (I) to (V)
9,0 6,09








Nivel -10
Nivel -10
25,7 Nivel -5

25,8 Nivel -5

Nivel +0 Nivel +0+0 Nivel +5 Nivel +10 Nivel +15

Nivel +0 Nivel +0+0 Nivel +5 Nivel +10 Nivel +15

tipo A A typeTorre tower, insulator Cadenas de aisladores en V (Acotaciones en metros) string arrengment: (V)

B type tower, insulator Cadenas de aisladores en V (Acotaciones en metros) string arrengment: (V)

Torre tipo B

Figure 7. Shielding angle = 20

Figure 8. Shielding angle = 20

D Tower has the same dimensions than shown in Appendix 2

Appendix 4
Distances of the towers considering changes mentioned in Appendix 2, as well as the new position of the shielding wire.
9,0 8,6
9,36 8,9







Nivel -10

Nivel -10

Nivel -5 Nivel +0 Nivel +0+0 Nivel +5 Nivel +10 Nivel +15

Nivel -5 Nivel +0 Nivel +0+0 Nivel +5 Nivel +10 Nivel +15

Figure 10. Shielding angle = 3 Figure 11. Shielding angle = 3 D Tower has the same dimensions than that shown in Appendix 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Instituto de Investigaciones Elctricas, November 1993. Estudio de Lneas y subestaciones ante descargas atmosfricas y Contaminacin (Contadores de rayos). [2] Comisin Federal de Electricidad, Coordinadora de transmisin y Transformacin, Fallas en Lneas de Transmisin, Estadstica y eventos Relevantes 2002). [3] Coordinadora de Proyectos de transmisin y Transformacin. Catalogo de Torres: 400 kV, 230 kV Y 115 kV. [4] TFLASH, ver 2.08 EPRI. (Tflash software was Developer by Electrical Power Resources Institute) [5] Andrew R. Hileman Insulation Coordination for Power Systems Ed. Marcel Dekker.

Torre tipo A A type tower, insulator Cadenas de aisladores en V string arrengment: (V), and Modificacin del hilo de guarda (Acotaciones en metros) wire modification shielding

Torre tipo B B type tower, insulator Cadenas de aisladores en V string arrengment: (V), and Modificacin del hilo de guarda (Acotaciones en metros) wire modification shielding

Author address:
Comisin Federal de Electricidad, LAPEM Cd. Industrial, Irapuato, Gto., Mxico. Apaseo Ote. S/N, CP 36541. Sergio Arturo Corrales Snchez Email: sergio.corrales@cfe.gob.mx. Juan Carlos Martnez M. Email: carlos.martinez16@cfe.gob.mx. Jos Luis Barragn Barrera Email: luis.barragan@cfe.gob.mx.

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