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Chapter #29: Wilsonian Progressivism Abroad Big Picture Themes 1.

. Wilson won the presidency mainly because Teddy Roosevelt ran as a third-party candidate and split the Republican vote with Taft. 2. Wilson was an idealist and progressive who sought to clean up problems. He attacked the tariff as too high, banks as corrupt by the rich, and trusts as milking the people. 3. Wilson hated war and wanted American foreign policy to be fair and just to all. Conditions in Latin America, however, forced this peaceful president to take military action. Notably, he ordered the US Army to chase Pancho Villa in Mexico. 4. In Europe, war had begun. In the Atlantic ocean, German subs began to sink sinks carrying Americans, notably the Lusitania. Wilson tried to keep America out of the war, and did, for the time being.

Chapter #29: Identifications Eugene Debs He was a part of the Socialist party that ran for the election of 1912 and received 1 million popular votes against Woodrow Wilson, William Howard Taft, and Theodore Roosevelt. Pancho Villa He was a supporter of the poor and a revolutionist that wanted to reform back to agriculture and was a hero for doing so. He led a attack in New Mexico in 1916 was the first New Mexico attack in USA. John J. Pershing He was a general of the United States army that was involved in World War I. He was then promoted by Theodore Roosevelt to brigadier general in 1906 and led an attack against Pancho Villa. Central Powers Central Powers was a group during World War I combing Germany, Austria-Hungary, and many other nations allied those were against the Ally Forces. Allies Allies was a group in World War I that combined Great Britain, France, Russia, and other nations that came together that were against the Central Powers. Lusitania This was a British traveler ship that was destroyed by a German U-Boat in 1915. 128 Americans died which caused Americas view in contradiction of the Germans, which caused more opposition against Germany. Sussex Pledge Woodrow Wilson assigned this proviso after Germany dropped more British ships, which killed many American travelers. Germany promised not to sink traveler ships without caution after it was passed.

Federal Reserve Act This was a law passed in 1913 that fixed up a organization of federal banks and also let the government have the power to control the limit of money being produced. New Nationalism This was Theodore Roosevelt's progressive political course of action that preferred hefty government involvement in order to guarantee social impartiality. New Freedom Woodrow Wilson's national policy that, helped antitrust amendment, tariff modification, and transformation in banks and other places currency were controlled. Underwood Tariff This tariff was forced through by Congress on Woodrow Wilson that this 1913 tariff would lower the average tariff burdens by 15% and created an income toll later on. Federal Trade Commission This law approved a commission that was approved by the president in order to supervise industries and companies involved in interstate commerce like the meatpackers. The commissioners close down monopolies for good. Clayton Antitrust Act This was a new antitrust act that was made to resolve problems that the Sherman Antitrust Act which was mostly created for the Labor Unions.

Chapter #29 Identifications The "Bull Moose" Campaign of 1912 Know: Bull Moose, New Nationalism, New Freedom 1. Explain the difference between Roosevelt's form of progressivism and Wilson's. Theodore Roosevelt wanted to correct and eliminated the discrimination of Women and their suffrage. He also wanted the fix minimum wage and created New Nationalism and New Freedom, which was that the government should control the trusts, and liked the small companies better. When he joined the election as a progressive, he was considered a Bull Moose. Woodrow Wilson: A Minority President 2. "The [1912] election results are fascinating." Explain. Now that the Republican Party had separated, Woodrow Wilson won the election of 1912 by 435 Electoral votes. Roosevelt and Taft were far below and did not obtain the popular vote. Socialist Eugene V. Debs racked had a large amount of 900,000 popular votes.Popular votes of Roosevelt and Taft were large than of Woodrow Wilson. Wilson Tackles the Tariff Know: Underwood Tariff 3. What were the three parts of the "triple wall of privilege?" The three parts of the triple wall of privilege were banks, tariffs, and the trusts. One of the Tariffs was the Underwood Tariff that greatly lowers the cost of importing goods and raw materials but also created a slowly increasing income tax later on.

Wilson Battles the Bankers Know: The Federal Reserve Act 4. How was the Federal Reserve System different than the banking system that existed in the U.S. in 1913? The Federal Reserve System was different from the banking system that existed in the U.S. in 1913. Because it had nationwide system, containing twelve separate districts that had its own central bank that could create paper money. Then the Federal Reserve Act was passed to create the Federal Reserve Board that creates the split twelve districts. The President Tames the Trusts Know: Federal Trade Commission Act, Clayton Anti-Trust Act 5. How did Wilson curb the trusts? Federal Trade Commission Act passed in 1914, which authorized a president-appointed office to examine the doings of trusts and discontinued partial trade things like unlawful adulteration and vandalism. The Clayton Anti-Trust Act extended the Sherman Anti-Trust Act's list of practices that were large such as labor unions. It stopped the Unions from creating strikes. Wilsonian Progressivism at High Tide Know: The Federal Farm Loan Act, Warehouse Act, La Follette Seamen's Act, Workingmen's Compensation Act, Adamson Act, Louis D. Brandeis 6. Describe some of the positive and negative outcomes of Wilsons progressive legislation and actions. The Federal Farm Loan Act passed in 1916 that gave farmers credits with low rates of interest while the Warehouse Act passed in 1916 that allowed loans to be placed on staple crops. La Follette Seamen's Act passed in 1915 that needed the American sailors to be treated with more respect that then increase rate of freight dramtically. New Directions in Foreign Policy 7. Contrast Wilson's ideas of foreign policy with those of Roosevelt and Taft. Wilsons ideas were much different than of Roosevelt and Taft. He instead halted the dollar diplomacy and made the Congress stopped the Panama Canal Tolls Act in 1912. He used the Big Stick Policy, which was to carry a large stick, which was the American Navy. He would also promote Democracy. Moralistic Diplomacy in Mexico Know: Victoriano Huerta, Venustiano Carranza, Francisco ("Pancho") Villa, ABC Powers, John J. ("Black Jack") Pershing 8. Why did Mexico give such trouble to the Wilson administration? Mexico has been abused by the US investors primarily in oil and railroads. Therefore, in 1913, the Mexicans led an attack led by General Victoriano Huerta. The rebels were very brutal and caused many Americans to be frightened. Venustiano Carranza was one of Huertas enemies that told the navy to take over Vera Cruz and caused Huerta to lose. Francisco ("Pancho") Villa also led an attack that killed sixteen Americans in 1916.

Thunder Across the Sea Know: Central Powers, Allied Powers 9. What caused Europe to plunge into WWI in 1914? In 1914 a Serbian man killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand and caused Austria to declare war to Serbia backed up by Russia. Germany then declared war on Russia and France, started in Belgium, and went into Britain. These countries were spilt up by Central Powers and Allied Powers. A Precarious Neutrality Know: Kaiser Wilhelm II 10. What caused an officially neutral America to turn against the Central Powers? It started with a submarine called the Lusitania and then a telegram called the Zimmerman Telegram from Germany, which asked Mexico to side with Germany with a bribe. Wilson then heard of this and sided with Britain. He also joined because of Kaiser Wilhelm II started to launch more submarines. America Earns Blood Money Know: Submarine, Lusitania, Arabic, Sussex 11. How did Germany's use of submarines lead to tense relations with the U.S.? Germany kept on launching submarines one on them called the Lusitania that carried many weapons and ammo but was killed by Germany as well as Arabic. The last ship that caused Germany to become angry was Sussex that called the Sussex Pledge where Germany was not supposed to destroy. Wilson Wins Reelection in 1916 Know: Charles Evans Hughes, "He Kept Us Out of War" 12. What were the keys to Wilson's electoral victory in 1916? Wilson's electoral victory in 1916 was caused by the him trying to stay out of the war but was warned that Charles Evans Hughes would eventually let American go into war. "He Kept Us Out of War" was used to describe Wilson because Hughes would cause them to go into war.

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