Traveller Information and Traffic Management Traveller Information and Traffic Management Slides - Traveller - Information

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Traveller Information and

Traffic Management

TNK052 Jan Lundgren

Why information?
• People have an imperfect knowledge of the
network and of the travel conditions
• Travel conditions are variable
• Demand exceed capacity at certain locations and times

Information can help

• individuals to make better travel decisions
Advanced Travel Information Systems (ATIS)
• operators to improve the network conditions
Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS)
TNK052 Jan Lundgren

info Dynamic
ATMS Network

Information Changed
ATIS Behavior

TNK052 Jan Lundgren

The traffic market

Traffic management

Information Traffic control
and Guidance

Demand Monitoring Supply


TNK052 Jan Lundgren

Types of information
• Pre-trip
• Routes, fares and schedules
• En-route for transit services
• Average traffic conditions
• Yellow page services
Based on
• the past (historical) Dynamic
• the present (current) • Real time traffic conditions
• the future (predicted) • Real-time transit schedules
• Construction sites, events
• Descriptive • Incidents
• Weather conditions
• Recommendations
• Parking lot availability
TNK052 Jan Lundgren
TNK052 Jan Lundgren
The ITS Information Chain

Transportation system

Data Data Information Information

acquisition processing distribution utilization

ITS user

TNK052 Jan Lundgren

Important questions

• How do we collect data about the traffic

flows, conditions, in the network?
• How do we process it into information useful
to travellers and operators?
• How do we disseminate the information to
the travellers?
• Of what value is the information?

TNK052 Jan Lundgren

Data acquisition

What is interesting to know about the traffic system?

• Travel times
• Speeds, flows and densities
• Degree of congestion
• Occupancy, queue-length
• Deviation from normal conditions (incident
• Hazardous conditions

TNK052 Jan Lundgren

How can we collect data?
From infrastructure
• Loop detectors
• Video image detectors
• Closed circuit television
• Traffic conditions (weather) detectors

From combination of infrastructure and vehicle

• Non-intrusive traffic detectors (ultrasonic, radar, infrared)
and transponder in vehicle

From vehicles (independent of infrastructure)

• Floating cars
TNK052 Jan Lundgren
Using vehicles as probes (1)

Who is the vehicle?

Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI)
• Coded radio signal (transponder)
• Image processing (number plate)

Where is the vehicle?

Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL)
• Transponder
• GPS + digital map

TNK052 Jan Lundgren

Using vehicles as probes (2)

• How can localisation be accurate?
• Which kind of data should be sent? When?
• How do you recognize ”unnormal” conditions?
• How do you build a picture of the overall traffic
conditions from vehicle data?
• How many equipped vehicles are needed?

Relevance/completeness Communication cost

TNK052 Jan Lundgren

Data processing

input Network Prediction Generation action

state of future and selection
estimation state of action

TNK052 Jan Lundgren

Travel time prediction (1)
Who benefits?
• Individuals: commuters, business, non-working
Trip planning, trip chaining, pre-trip and during trip
• Public sector users
Transportation network operators
Emergency service (dispatching and evacuation)
• Freight movers and shippers
• Private passenger fleet operators

TNK052 Jan Lundgren

Travel time prediction (2)
Key factors for success
• Fare distribution of revenues, costs and risks
• Cooperation between public and private actors
• High quality data fusion and modelling

• How can the value be defined and measured?
• Is there really a value? How much do you want to pay?
• Do we need to predict? Historical information OK?
• Can “wrong” information kill the market?
• How can we specialize information for the customer?

TNK052 Jan Lundgren

Types of network modelling

Historical Current Historical

Link flows Link flows Network flows

Predicted Current

Link flows Network flows


Network flows

TNK052 Jan Lundgren

Incident detection and management
• What is an incident?
– Recurrent
– Non-recurrent
• Restore traffic conditions in a systematical way
– Detection and verification
– Assessment of severity, identification of resourses needed
– Determination of respons plan
– Clearance and recovery
• Goal:
– Reduce action times and impact of incidents
– Develope effective respons strategies

TNK052 Jan Lundgren

Information distribution
How do travellers receive information and
• Internet, kiosk
• TV (interactive TV)
• Variable Message Signs (VMS)
• Radio (RDS-TMC)
• Portable communication (PC, Cellular phone)
• In-vehicle route guidance systems

TNK052 Jan Lundgren

Information utilization
Traffic control
• Adapted signal control
• Ramp metering
• Lane management
• Speed control

Route guidance
• Variable message signs (VMS)
• In-vehicle systems
TNK052 Jan Lundgren
Route guidance (1)

• Navigation help in unknow traffic situations
• Choice of route in variable traffic conditions

What is the ”best” route? Criteria?

Guidance can be based on

• Historical information
• Current traffic situation (real-time information)
• Predictions of future traffic situation

TNK052 Jan Lundgren

In-vehicle Route Guidance

Source: CITE – Fundamentals of ITS and Traffic Management, Module 10

TNK052 Jan Lundgren

Route guidance (2)

• How many follow the recommendations? How many ignore?
• How many do the opposite?
• What is the objective for the traffic managers?
• Should all drivers have the same information?
• Who is the winner? Who is the looser?
• How much do you want to pay for the information?

TNK052 Jan Lundgren

Route guidance (3)
Given a very good prediction of future traffic
If a significant number of travellers change their
decision (route)……
…….. the prediction will no longer be valid!

Take the change of behaviour into account when

making the prediction!!!
Æ consistent prediction
Otherwise, conditions may be worse…….

TNK052 Jan Lundgren

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