Green HR

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At Nokia, we love the future its what our strategy is all about Tweet Share in Facebook Strategy and

d reports With our strategy, we aim to lead in sustainability for the people and the environment. With over 1.3 billion customers using Nokia devices, were in a unique position to effect positive environmental and social change around the world. For us, sustainability isnt merely an exercise in damage limitation its an opportunity to make a real difference, both to people and to our planet. Related links United Nations Global Compact Partnerships Social Investments Social strategy: empowering people

We invest in social projects which impact three key issues; education, livelihoods and health. We believe the power of mobility plays a key role in the development of these areas.

For example, there are the kids in South Africa who are benefiting from our mobile mathematics learning tool. Or the farmers in rural India using Nokia Life Tools to enhance their business by giving them access to up-to-date information, ranging from market prices to weather forecasts. And the communities in the Amazon region where Nokia Data Gathering is helping combat the spread of diseases such as dengue fever.

These are just some of the many ways in which Nokia is helping make peoples lives better, particularly in developing countries. From improving health and wellbeing to empowering people both economically and socially the humble mobile phone has come a long, long way. Go to Social investments page to find out more >

But at Nokia we also recognise the direct impact our operations can have on the men and women who make up our workforce. For this reason, we go to great lengths to implement sustainable and ethical

working practices at all our production facilities and to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of our workers. Read more how we are looking after our workforce >

Environmental strategy: minimising negative impact, maximising positive impact

We aim to lead in the reduction of any negative environmental impact and we aim to offer people products and solutions that help them make sustainable choices. Also, by closely collaborating with our suppliers, we also hope to improve the environmental performance of our supply chain. Environmental issues are everyones responsibility at Nokia they are a part of everything we do. For example, reducing the emissions of our own facilities and those of our suppliers; increasing energy efficiency throughout our operations and using green energy where possible; saving resources through simple initiatives such as cutting down on packaging; and using sustainable, ethically sourced materials in our products.

In addition, our product creation is guided by life cycle thinking. It helps us continuously improve the environmental aspects of our products and processes in each phase of the product life cycle, from raw material acquisition to the end of life of the product. Over the years, we have been able to reduce the environmental impact of our products significantly.

But we go further than that. We also use our resources to help organisations such as WWF and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) develop and implement environmental projects around the world. And we use our global reach and mobile technology expertise to encourage our customers to adopt greener, more sustainable lifestyles.

Our environmental targets are never driven simply by regulatory compliance they actually go beyond legal requirements.

Environment: basic principles

Our environmental work focuses on minimising negative impact, based on global principles and standards that we integrate in our business activities. We focus our environmental efforts on four key issues:

Substance management We are the first mobile phone manufacturer to provide full material declaration for all our mobile devices, working closely with our suppliers. Go to substance management section to find out more.

Energy efficiency

We ensure our devices and chargers use as little energy as possible. We also work to reduce the energy consumption of our operations, and agree on energy efficiency targets with our key suppliers.


Our recycling programme includes around 6,000 points across almost 100 countries that collect old mobile phones. Its an initiative to increase awareness of recycling, as well as to help return materials for reuse.

Promoting environmental sustainability

We develop mobile products, services and applications to help people make sustainable choices, and to consider the environment in their everyday lives. In these positive ways we lead the reduction of negative environmental impact.

Climate targets: minimising greenhouse gas emissions

Even though Nokia is not an energy intensive company and most of the greenhouse gas emissions occur in component manufacturing by our suppliers or in the usage of our products, we want to show leadership. We do that by reducing our own energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, and take responsibility in raising awareness and promoting best practices in our value chain and industry.

Our climate work addresses the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of our products and operations, and sets energy and greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for our most important activities in areas that contribute to our direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions. We created our first climate strategy in 2006, revised it in 2010, and started updating new, longer term reduction targets in 2012 concentrating on:


manufacturing, facilities and way of working

logistics and suppliers

helping our customers to decrease their own greenhouse gas footprint

According to the SMARTer2020 report, which identifies the role of ICT in driving a sustainable future and decreasing global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, ICT sector has the potential to help others decrease their emissions seven times the size of its own carbon footprint. We believe that with over 1.3 billion people using our devices, were in a unique position to effect positive environmental change. Thats why we aim to enable people who use Nokia phones to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions several times more than caused during the life cycle of their devices. The main activity areas are:

develop services that reduce the need for unnecessary travel and commuting, and promote environmentally friendly transportation (e.g. navigation, virtual meetings, remote work)

develop applications for sustainable lifestyle and services that replace physical products

develop mobile devices that help replacing other products

help save energy with energy efficient solutions

Over the years, we have been able to reduce the environmental impact of our products significantly. The greenhouse gas footprint of our phones has been reduced by up to 50% between 2000 and 2010, while introducing new features and capabilities that allow our devices to be used in various new ways. The targets we have set for specific areas of the device life cycle are listed below.


Continue our efforts to reach the average no-load consumption of 0.07W in our chargers. In 2012 we reached 0.098W which is a reduction of 13% from the previous year.

Develop solutions that enhance the energy efficiency in our products and continue to study new technologies which will use renewable energy

Manufacturing and our facilities

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our offices, R&D sites and manufacturing facilities by a minimum of 30% by 2020 (2006 baseline)

Reduce CO2 emissions per person working in Nokia offices and R&D by 20% by the end of 2013, and 28% by the end of 2015 (2006 baseline)

Reduce energy used in production by 10% per unit produced by the end of 2013 , and 15% by the end of 2015 (2010 baseline)*

All laptops, desktop computers, workstations and monitors purchased by Nokia to have Energy Star or Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) Gold or Silver rating.

In addition to studying possibilities to increase our onsite renewable energy production, our intention is to maintain the purchase of renewable energy via grid and via renewable energy certificates at least in the current level of 35-40%. Possibilities to increase the use of clean energy depend to large extent on the energy production structure of the countries where we operate. Nokia has made efforts to purchase renewable energy where ever available but the slow development of renewable energy markets in some of the countries we operate continues to be a challenge.

Ways of working

Maintain annual air travel-related CO2 emissions, both total and per employee, significantly below 2008 levels by limiting unnecessary travel and providing alternatives such as videoconferencing

Renew the Nokia remote working framework and increase the number of countries where employee public transport options are offered and car lease policies are tied to lower emissions limits


Reduce CO2 emissions from logistics per product sold by 5% by the end of 2013 and 15% by the end of 2015 (2010 baseline)


To quantify our upstream indirect emissions taking place in Nokias supply chain, we have been using life cycle assessment calculations for many years. These calculations indicate that around 50% of the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions a Nokia product generates occur in the supply chain before the components reach our factories. Since 2007 we have been working closely with our suppliers to estimate as well as reduce this impact.

In the future our goal is to drive impact reductions even further that will enable a longer run positive impact. In the coming years our efforts will thus focus on:

In accordance with GHG Scope 3 and based on primary data of high quality, we aim to establish a baseline for the impact of Nokias 1st tier supply chain (hardware and mechanics suppliers). This will enable us to set a holistic reduction target across the tier.

Drive significant emission reductions with suppliers of key component or high impact areas (e.g. with Integrated circuit, printed wired board and flex printed circuit suppliers). The reduction target percentages will be component type specific and be developed in close collaboration with our suppliers.

Go beyond 1st tier

As we are continuously increasing our internet presence, Nokia is committed to work with its data center and cloud service suppliers for continuous improvement of energy efficiency and transparency of energy and emission reporting

Our recent performance

Since 2004 we have reduced the no-load consumption of our chargers by more than 73%, and in our best-in-class chargers by over 90%.

In 2011, Nokia facilities greenhouse gas emissions were 17 % lower than in base year 2006, meaning we are on track towards our 2020 target.

We met our 2011 target when we reduced COemissions from offices and R&D premises by 15% in CO per person, compared to 2006.

In 2011, Nokias CO2 emissions from air travel have been reduced by 36% from 2008 base level but are 2.8% more than in 2010.

In 2011 we reached ahead of schedule - our target of creating 6% of new energy savings in technical building maintenance systems between 2007 and 2010, in addition to the savings of 3.5% achieved already from 2003 to 2006.

Get the full picture of our targets and performance in the Nokia Sustainability Report

* To be exact, 2010 baseline starts in July 2010 and ends in June 2011

Water vision and mission

Water is critical and valuable resource, and its availability to future generations has to be assured.

Even though Nokia's operations are not considered as water intensive, water has strategic importance in our supply chain and it is a necessity for communities around us.

We have taken action to ensure Nokia's operations cause a minimal amount of additional burden for the environment.

We support various water conservation projects especially in the water scarce areas. We work with expert organizations on how to best utilize mobile technology in issues such as water efficiency, awareness rising or improved water management. We are committed to drive efficient water use in our supply chain. We do this by collaborating with our suppliers to increase awareness, set water reduction targets and support best practices in water management Nokia and the UN Global Compact

Were committed to the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, which provides a framework of responsible business practices relating to labour, human rights, anti-corruption and environmental issues.

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