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Melvin Reazo Manset

262 Brgy. San Pablo, Santo Tomas Batangas Philippines Mobile no: +63 !"# $%6 3 &'mail ()): melvinmanset*yahoo.+om
,or- &.perien+es: (l'/anar 0erami+ 1n+ 355732 Zip Code 11383 New Alkharj Road Industrial City Riyadh Kin do! o" #audi Ara$ia No%e!$er 1&' 2((8) *e$ruary &' 2(11 Position+ ,la-e .ontroller and printin !a.hine operator 2ob 3es+ription+

/rintin operator ,la-in line "or .era!i. tiles desi nin /er"or!in and .ontri$ute in settin the printin paste !aterials' #ilk s.reen and the operation o" printin !a.hine whi.h are re0uired "or produ.tion1 2nsure that spe.i"i. oals and o$je.ti%es are a.hie%ed on ti!e with pres.ri$ed 0uality standards and spe.i"i.ations at !ini!u! .ost under sa"e workin en%iron!ent1 Responsi$le in settin the printin paste as per appli.ation Responsi$le in settin the density' %is.osity' wei ht per tile o" printin la-e re0uired "or ea.h produ.tion s.hedule1 .ondu.t hourly line sa!plin Responsi$le in the re.ordin o" o$tained data "or all la-e related para!eters1report to i!!ediate superior "or pro$le!s en.ounter Initiate .orre.tion .orre.ti%e and pre%enti%e a.tion "or produ.t or pro.ess non .on"or!ities *ollow .o!pany rules and re ulations81!aintaine .leanliness in work at all ti!e 3ay assi ned on.e in a while to per"or! other duties as ordered $y his i!!ediate superior

Position: #enior 4perator Mari4asa Siam +erami+ 1n+ Brgy. San (ntonio Sto. Tomas Batangas #epte!$er 15' 2((1) No%e!$er 2((8 Position+ ,6 #enior 4perator 7*t Controller8 2ob 3es+ription+ 2nsures the s!ooth and e""i.ient operations o" the "ollowin !a.hines and e0uip!ents in the la-in line $y knowin the "un.tions' and dete.tin and repairin !al"un.tions o" ea.h+ a1 Con%eyor #yste! $1 9ile .1 :ater #pray d1 3ulti #pray e1 ;ou$le ;is. "1 Ca!pana 1 9ile 9urner h1 Rile 9RI332R i1 <rushin 3a.hine j1 *i=ati%e #pray k1 > Co!pensator l1 /rintin 3a.hine !1 ;ry ,la-e Appli.ator n1 #pray Appli.ator o1 2n o$er p1 <o= 6oadin 3a.hine 01 9rans"er Car r1 ?ori-ontal ;ryer Assure the 0uality o" the la-ed tiles $y knowin and .ondu.tin .orre.t handlin o" !aterials' its uses' "un.tions' appli.ations' and standard properties throu h+ a1 adjustin the density' %is.osity and wei ht per tile to !eet the re0uired standard indi.ated in the "inal la-in spe.i"i.ations1 $1 re.ordin e%ery hour the para!eters o" la-e @ paste on the .ontrol sheet1 .1 !onitorin "or R,9 de"e.ts su.h as $" .hip' dents' wa%iness' print'o%erlappin inside the $o=' et.1 d1 .ondu.tin #tep 9est #a!plin e1 !ana in o" R,9 dryin $y understandin the relationship $etween e0uip!ent and 0uality' and predi.tin and knowin the .auses o" 0uality a$nor!alities1 $y per"or!in 9/3 Autono!ous 3aintenan.e on the !a.hine1

Assures a..urate use o" the "ollowin e0uip!ent !easurin e0uip!ent+ a1 :ei hin <alan.e $1 *ord Cuo .1 /sy.ho!eter d1 #top :at.h e1 /an "1 ?ori-ontal ;ryer 9e!perature Control I!ple!ents i!pro%e!ent proje.ts in the area 7Ko$etsu ) Kai-en8 A..o!plishes reports and other ,6 "or!s .o!pletely and on ti!e 3aintains the .leanliness o" the area Adheres to health' sa"ety' and en%iron!ent re ulations and standards as well as parti.ipates in all ?#2 A related a.ti%ities'

Position+ ,6 #enior 4perator 7/rintin 3a.hine8 2ob 3es+ription+ 3aintains 1((B a%aila$ility o" printin !a.hine and .o!pensator /ro%ides s.hedule o" autono!ous !aintenan.e o" printin !a.hine and .o!pensators1 Creates' .as.ades and re.ords i!pro%e!ents on the !a.hines 7ko$et-u ) kai-en8 Analy-es alar!s and !a.hine pro$le!s' and .reates CC story on the top pro$le!1 Condu.ts daily in%entory and re0uisition o" parts1 /er"or!s sa"ety !easures on e%ery a.ti%ity1 Condu.ts i!!ediate ! and trou$leshootin in the produ.tion line1 Coordinates with !aintenan.e and produ.tion personnel on the !a.hine status and pro$le!s1 4perates !a.hines a..ordin to standard operatin para!eters and pro.edures1 Adheres to health' sa"ety' and en%iron!ent re ulations and standards as well as parti.ipates in all ?#2 A related a.ti%ities

&)5+ational Ba+-gro5n):


+ San Pe)ro 6ational 7igh S+hool 1552)155D <atan as /hilippines + San Pablo &lementary S+hool 158D)1552


<atan as /hilippines Personal 3ata: ;ate o" <irth /la.e o" <irth ?ei ht :ei ht 3otherEs Na!e 4..upation *atherEs Na!e 4..upation #1#1#1 No1 /assport nu!$er 0hara+ter Re/eren+e: Mi+hael Manimtim #enior 4perator Al)"anar Cera!i. In. New 2lkhart Road Industrial City Riyadh Kin do! o" #audi Ara$ia (5DD8&1(D1 &ngr. Raises Mabilangan 3ariwasa sia! .era!i. in. <r y1 #an Antonio #to1 9o!as <atan as + + + + + + + + + +$er 17' 1575 #an /a$lo <atan as City 5E 1(F "t1 D3 kilos *lorita Rea-o 3anset ?ousewi"e Rolando 3anset Care 9aker @ *ar!er (&)1(53(D5)2 2<5555D15

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