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Passion Subject Einstein Theses Passion creates success Details Einsteins passion for Physics and Math had

encouraged him to apply for a teaching position in Polytechnic Institute of Zurich so that he could further his interests in the subject. As he failed to get the job, Einstein spent his early years working as a patent clerk. Nevertheless, he never stopped thinking about Physics throughout the 7 years; he found time amidst his working hours to materialize his ideas on Physics and published several revolutionizing papers, including the finding of photoelectric effect and relativity theory. I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious. Disneys original interest in animation and cartoon motivated him to work as a newspaper artist at Kansas City Film Ad Company, but his talent was undermined as the chief editor though that, "he lacked imagination and had no good ideas." Still, Disney acquired his first studio, Laugh-O-grams in order to pursue his dream of making cartoon, but was soon forced to declare bankruptcy as the studio became burdened with debt,. He kept plugging along, for he knew animation was his true call. Eventually, Walt Disney found a recipe for success that worked: Mickey Mouse. His business at Disney Brothers studio gradually blossomed, and till today Disney rakes in billions from merchandise, movies and theme parks around the world. Altruism Subject Bill Gates Theses Help people in whatever way I can. Working to benefit others Its ethical to bring about happiness to people Details A famous chairman of Microsoft Corporation, Bill Gates chose to renounce from his position to dedicate his time to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, focusing on helping to improve health care and education for children around the world. Thanks to his generosity and philanthropist work, there are Impressive results in the areas of global health, poverty and development, and education, notably the decrease of malaria cases in several countries. As a consequentialist, Mills principle was that an action is considered moral if they tend to promot overall human happiness.

Walt Disney

Passion helps us overcome failure

John Stuart Mill

Subject Wuthering Heights

Theses Revenge brings nothing but loss and pain.

Revenge vs Forgiveness Details When Heathcliff cannot have the woman he loves, he turns his attention to revenging all the people who he thinks is the reason for his separation with Catherine. However, even after he succeeds in taking ownership over what he sees as his and ruining Hindleys life, Heathcliff becomes even more dark and unhappy inside. While he truly believes that revenge will justify his existence, he is actually making himself more miserable than Hindley ever did. Finally he dies by the window when he never stops calling the name of Catherine. After being released from the prison, Jean Valjean believes that he is forever a marked man, rejected from the society. As such, he doesnt hesitate to steal from a kind bishop who has taken him in and given him food. Yet, when he is caught and brought back to the bishop, the bishops chooses to forgive him as he tells the policemen that he had given the silver to Valjean and even makes a show of giving him the even more valuable silver candlesticks that he had forgotten. This liberating act of forgiveness shatters Valjeans old vengeanceoriented world, forges a new one in its place and completely transforms his life. Valjeans transformation is evident in his taking on a new identity (thereby breaking his parole) and becoming the mayor of a town and a businessman who employs a large number of people. But more than that, his transformation is evident in the variety of ways he becomes a channel of the grace and self-giving love he has receivedalbeit not without struggle.

Les Miserable

Forgiveness brings happiness

Identity Subject Abraham Lincoln Theses Origin doesnt define a man Details Born into poverty, Abraham Lincoln had a difficult childhood where his family could only struggle to get by. He himself was never introduced to proper education in his early years, and was to try a variety of jobs for a living. Nevertheless, having strong penchant towards learning, Lincoln made extraordinary efforts to attain knowledge despite disapproval from his father and his peers, who regarded his thirst for knowledge as little more than sloth, a way of avoiding his farm chores. When he reached adulthood, Lincoln had taught himself from books such subjects as English grammar, sufficient mathematics to learn surveying, and enough law to enter the legal profession. Eventually he became he became the 16th US president and the 1st from Republican Party in 1860 and the greatest president in the history of America. Frederick Douglass is a central figure in United States and African American history. He was born a slave, but escaped from slavery in 1838 and rose to become a principal leader and spokesperson for the U.S. Abolition movement. To spread his story and assist the abolitionist cause, Douglass wrote and published 3 autobiographies as well as authored a considerable body of letters, editorials, and speeches. He would eventually develop into a towering figure for the U.S. Civil Rights Movement, and his legacy would be claimed by a diverse span of groups, from liberals and integrationists to conservatives to nationalists, within and without black America. Money Subject Gatsby Theses Money doesnt bring about happiness Details Gatsby, aware of the difference in his socio-status and that of Daisy, even resorts in bootlegging and other criminal activities in an attempt to impress Daisy with his tremendous wealth. However, as the novel progresses, it becomes evident that it is not the personality of Daisy that attracted Gatsby; he is in fact infatuated with what she represents: the wealth she possesses, the elegance of the class she belongs to, as well as the rampant materialism of her lifestyle. His infatuation with her world leads him to be blinded by the need for success, and eventually leads to his tragic end as Daisy reveals her shallowness and disloyalty as she flees with Tom Buchanan, leaving Gatsby to be blamed for the murder he did not commit. Scarlett is the richest in the neighborhood as she disregards social norm to become a business woman and to marry Rhett a pariah who has all the money in the world. Yet she is never happy. In contrast, Melanie lives in a modest house, but her personality gives her the power to win peoples heart. And she is always contented with what she already has, so she always has a cheerful, happy perspective about life. Prejudice Subject Pride and Prejudice Theses First impression doesnt define a person Details Elizabeths pride makes her misjudge Darcy on the basis of a poor first impression, while Darcys prejudice against Elizabeths poor social standing blinds him, for a time, to her many virtues. It was important, however, for the two to realize their mistake. Darcys transformation only starts when he commits himself to re-evaluate his actions after being turned down by Elizabeth. Having responded to Elizabeth's criticism, Darcy is now determined to display the "gentlemanlike manner" she accused him of lacking and astonishes her with his kindness towards both her and her relations. As for Elizabeth, receiving the letter in which Darcy explains the Wickham situation and his interference in Bingley Jane relationship, she spends a lot of time berating herself for her actions. She let Wickham's pretty face and charming manners make up for the fact that he behaved totally inappropriately, and she let Darcy's bad manners prevents her from seeing his virtues. Scout (Jeanne Louise Finch) was originally scared of Boo Radley as she only

Frederick Douglass

You do not have to hold a title imposed on you by the society

Gone with the wind

Happiness is about how you choose to see the world

To kill a

You have to

mocking bird

see from others perspective before judging his/ her character

knew him through the horror stories about his murky history she heard from the neighborhood. Yet as the story proceeds, Scout gradually realize that Boo Radley was not as monstrous as she though he was but an intriguing figure that helped her brother mend his pants and gave her presents secretly. Only until Boo saved Jem and Scout from Bob Ewell that Scout finally accepted him as a human being and a friend of her. Likewise, Scout also thought that Mrs. Dubose was the meanest woman alive just because the lady was very harsh on the children in the area. But after her death, she started to realize the better side of Mrs. Dubose as she learned that the lady was fighting against morphine addiction and that her usual animosity was the side-effect of the agony she suffered. Scout finally admitted that Mrs. Dubose was not as bad as she thought but a courageous woman who knew how to overcome herself. Authority

Subject To kill a mocking bird

Theses People in power do not always ensure justice


Any person can make mistake, esp if motivated by immoral factor

Details Authority is not able to ensure justice all the time, especially if people in power did not uphold high moral standard. Tom Robinson is unjustly accused of the crime he did not commit because the all-white jury refused to believe that he is innocent, despite the obvious evidences Atticus Finch pointed out. Racism and bigotry make the words of a lower-class white woman like Ewell readily accepted when set against those of a Negro whose character many of the townspeople would previously have vouched for. After discovering a powerful talent for oratory, Adolf Hitler quickly rose in power and became the chief leader of the Nazi Party. As a fanatic nationalist, racist and anti-Semite, Hitler was determined to build a territorially larger and ethnically purer fatherland for the German. He managed to convince the society that the Jews was responsible for all Germanys domestic problem, thereby facilitating the implementation and execution of the Holocaust, the systematic extermination of six million European Jews and millions of other non-Aryans. He also led the Nazi Party to invade Poland and other European countries, thus igniting the deadly and costly World War II. Moral Courage

Subject Atticus Finch

Theses Sympathy

Speak up for your moral belief

The Help

Do what is right even if you are to resist authority

Details Atticus Finch understands that, rather than being simply creatures of good or creatures of evil, most people have both good and bad qualities. He empathize that not all people have ideal upbringing, that folks are doing the best they could. As such, he manages to appreciate the good qualities and understand the bad qualities by treating others with sympathy and trying to see life from their perspective. He tries to teach this ultimate moral lesson to Jem and Scout to show them that it is possible to live with conscience without losing hope or becoming cynical. In this way, Atticus is able to admire Mrs. Duboses courage even while deploring her racism. Moral courage involves the strength to stick with your convictions and do the right thing, even when the whole world criticizes and torments you for it. As Atticus believes that racism, unethical as it is, is still widely upheld in the community he lives in, he understands that no matter what he does, he would not be able to save Tom Robinson from the death sentence. Nevertheless, he chooses to take on the fight as he believes the cause to be honorable. Atticuss decision to represent Tom Robinson brought a slew of insults and threats to him and his family. But he was willing to bear the onslaught with head held high. When Scout asked him why he continued to press on, Atticus answered: Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win. The law of Mississippi forbade any exchange of information between the black and the white, yet Eugenia Skeeter chooses to record down the feelings of the black maids in her community, simply because she wants the world to hear the voice never before heard. In doing so, she is rejected by her own community and even loses her beau as her friends abhor the cause she is

+ Individuality

working for. Still, Skeeter, together with Abileen and Minny press on; they finally publish the book and let the world know what it feels like to be a black maid. Education

Subject Frederick Douglass

Theses Knowledge is the key to freedom

To kill a mocking bird

The erudite view problems with more wisdom

Details Douglass started to realize that knowledge must be the path to his freedom as his master, Hugh Auld, forbade his wife to teach Douglass how to read, reasoning that education ruined skilled slaves. Having been enlightened by the few lessons he had, Douglass quickly understood how important education was and how black men were easily enslaved as they were kept in the dark. As a result, Douglass was determined to self-study and to read as much as he could. Soon after, as he was able to read newspaper and several inspiring books, he started questioning why he was to be a slave for life and eventually aspired to set him free. Finally, when opportunity came, Frederick Douglass fled away from his owner to head north, thereby starting his new journey as the enthusiastic activist against slavery and the chief spokesperson for the U.S. Abolition movement in the future. Judge John Taylor and Atticus Finch are both respected characters in town, thanks to their intellect. Both are well educated and view racism with great aversion, mainly because they value justice and know right from wrong. While Atticus Finch stands out as a hero who defenses the accused Tom Robinson with great passion and dignity, John Taylor tries to help Tom by appointing Atticus to the case instead of Maxwell Green, the new, untried lawyer who usually received court appointed cases. Judge Taylor knew that Atticus was the only man who would have a chance at acquitting Tom, or at least would be able to keep the jury thinking for more than a few minutes. In contrast, the all-white jury consisted of mainly farmers who are more provincial and narrow-minded.

Subject Martin Luther King

Abraham Lincoln

Violence Theses Details Non-violence An advocate of nonviolent resistance, Martin Luther King, Jr. believed that nonviolence was the only morally and practically sound method open to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom. During African American Civil Rights Movement, King encouraged nonviolent tactics such as bus boycotts, freedom rides, sit-ins and mass demonstrations. Eventually the movement succeeded in bringing about legislative change, making separate seats, drinking fountains, and schools for African Americans , and obtaining Violence as full Voting Rights. the only As Lincoln became the president of America, 7 states that were against the choice anti-slavery movement declared their secession and formed their own separate republic called the Confederacy. However, Lincoln believed that the existence of the United States was crucial to the quotient of good in the world and thus rejected the existence of the Confereracy and continued the abolish slavery. In response to Lincolns movement, the Southerners attacked Fort Sumter, thereby igniting the deadly Civil War. Lincoln had no choice but to use force to fight against the Confederacy and protect peace for the United States. After four years of bloody combat that left over 600,000 soldiers dead and destroyed much of the South's infrastructure, the Confederacy collapsed, slavery was abolished, and the difficult Reconstruction process of restoring national unity and guaranteeing rights to the freed slaves began. The war resolved two fundamental questions left unresolved by the revolution: whether the United States was to be a dissolvable confederation of sovereign states or an indivisible nation with a sovereign national government; and whether this nation, born of a declaration that all men were created with an equal right to liberty, would continue to exist as the largest slaveholding country in the world. Technology

Subject Cloning


Research fraud

Details Clone, one of the most astonishing and challenging biomedical techniques, is thought to be quite promising in gene savings. However, human cloning s is not only dangerous technically but also perilous to the morality and ethics, thus many ethicists, religious, political leaders, and others call for to banning human cloning for reproductive purposes and even any purpose. Nevertheless, some scientists, in spite of moral and ethical standards, insists on doing experiments on cloning humans stealthily. The clone of human beings has been criticized by many scientists, politicians, and moralists, and even banned by some governments, for it is not only dangerous technically, but most importantly, is in defiance of our social morality. If the clone of human beings is carried out, our current moral systems may be overturned and thus the society would be in disorder. Recently, the Philippines was ravaged by Typhoon Haiyan (locally known as Typhoon Yolanda),unofficially dubbed as the strongest recorded tropical cyclone to hit land, with wind speeds up to 195 miles per hour (Hurricane Katrina was measured at 175 miles per hour). It has left some parts of the country in shambles, with more than 10,000 people believed to be dead in Tacloban alone, one of the cities that received the brunt of the storm. Google is providing a relief grant to non-government organizations working on the ground theyve also launched a landing page with constantly updating resources for Haiyan, including Person Finder, a tool that is currently hosting more than 40,000 records of missing people. Instant messaging service Viber which has a wide user base in the Philippines has launched a temporary service that allows Filipino users to call regular (non Viber) numbers outside of the Philippines for free, making it easier for citizens to touch base with their loved ones abroad. Rebecca Ann Sedwick, a 12-year-old student from Miami was reported to commit suicide in September this year after being the target of hostile cyberbullying. She climbed a platform at an abandoned cement plant near her home in the Central Florida city of Lakeland and leaped to the ground. In jumping, Rebecca became one of the youngest members of a growing list of children and teenagers apparently driven to suicide, at least in part, after being maligned, threatened and taunted online, mostly through a new collection of texting and photo-sharing cellphone applications. For more than a year, Rebecca, was cyberbullied by a coterie of 15 middle-school children who sent her hostile messages and urged her to kill herself. Her suicide raises new questions about the proliferation and popularity of these applications and Web sites among children and the ability of parents to keep up with their childrens online relationships. Power comes In 2004, Hwang Woo-suk, a disgraced cloning expert from South Korea who with had claimed that his team had created the worlds first cloned human embryos responsibility and had extracted stem cells from them. In another paper published in Science a year later, Dr. Hwangs team said it had created human embryonic stem cells genetically matched to specific patients. That raised hopes of making replacement tissue to repair damaged organs or to treat diseases like Alzheimers or Parkinsons.


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