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Primary Ca Division of Community St Gorges - Uni L T eGFR Calculator Estimation of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) using simplified Modification

of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) formula

Important : If you get a message saying Macros are disabled, please go to Tools > Macro > Security and set the security level to Medium. Then re-open this file. Resources : CKD resources web page of the Primary Care Electronic Library

Name/Patient Identifier


M = Male F = Female

Serum Ethnicity Creatinine O = Other B = Black (mol/L)

Estimated GFR (ml/min/1.73m)

NB:Use lab generated result if different

Primary Care Informatics Division of Community Health Sciences St Gorges - University of London London SW17 0RE Tel: 02087255661


t in Renal Disease (MDRD) formula

y and set the security level to Medium. Then re-open this file.

Notes about CKD stages or errors


Primary Care Informatics Division of Community Health Sciences St Gorges - University of London London SW17 0RE Tel: 02087255661 eGFR Calculator - INSTRUCTIONS Estimation of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) using simplified Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) formula 1. Generate list of patient names; Serum creatinine value (umol/l UK standard units); Age (in years); gender (M/F). 2. Paste your list of patient names into the Patient name column. 3. Paste your list of serum creatinine values (umol/l UK standard units) into the Serum creatinine value column taking care that the serum creatinine value aligns with the corresponding patient name. Cells with values that do not fall within the valid range of 30 1500 umol/l will get marked with the error description displayed in the notes section. 4. Paste your list of patient ages (years) into the Patient age column taking care that their ages align correctly to the corresponding patient. Cells with age values that do not fall within the valid range of 18 110 years will get marked with the error description displayed in the notes section. 5. Paste your list of patients gender (M/F) into the Patient gender column again take care that all the rows of data align correctly. Gender values that are not M (male) or F (female) will be deemed incorrect. This cell is not case sensitive, Cells with incorrect data will get marked with the error description displayed in the notes section. 6. Please type the letter B in the Ethnic origin column if the patient is known to be of Black ethnic origin. If this value is left blank or any other value other than the letter B or O is used here, the calculator will mark these cells and display the error message. This cell is not case sensitive. 7. The patients GFR will be calculated automatically and shown in the eGFR column in ml/min/1.73m2. 8. The patients Chronic Kidney disease stage will be calculated automatically and shown in the CKD stage column. Stage 5 being the most severe corresponds to a GFR value of 0 14; Stage 4 corresponds to a GFR value of 15 29; Stage 3 corresponds to a GFR value of 30 59; Stage 2 corresponds to a GFR value of 60 89; and Stage 1 being the least severe corresponds to a GFR value of 90+. 9. The spreadsheet can be reset and prepared for another calculation by pressing the Reset button. 10. If the calculation process does not work after you have done an amendment to cell content, please click any other cell on the same worksheet any press Calculate. 11. After you have caluculated the eGFR values, You can use the 'Sort by CKD stage' button to get the list of pateints sorted according to the descending order of their CKD stage. Resources : CKD resources web page of the Primary Care Electronic Library

Primary Care Informatics sion of Community Health Sciences St Gorges - University of London London SW17 0RE Tel: 02087255661 Stage 1 2 3 4 5 Stages of CKD GFR (ml/min/1.73m) > 90 60 to 89 30 to 59 15 to 29 < 15

l Disease (MDRD) formula

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t to cell content, please click

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the Primary Care Electronic Library

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