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Process Paper

Bangladesh Liberation War

Fahim Karim, Siddharth Karunkaran, Laurence Crandon


2/10/14 McMullin Junior Division

We chose our topic after the revelation that our original topic Social Media was to recent. Our topic - The Liberation War of Bangladesh of 1971 - was chosen after Social Media because we thought of the events that transpired during the war and what lead up to the war and it fit the topic of rights and responsibilities perfectly. The idea for the Liberation war came from our group mate Fahim Karim. Our research came from using the very convenient tool called the internet. The internet was very useful in finding the information and we never used any generic and unreliable sites. The sites we used consisted of <>, <

asia-12651483>, <>, <>. The most useful of the website was, that website had a lot of useful information and also had links to books newspapers and other useful information. These were major websites used to find the most useful information to complete our website. Another source of our research is newspaper articles such as the Boston Globes East Pakistan Secedes War Breaks out. In t he newspaper was one of the more helpful sources because it had the information from when the war was actually happening. The newspaper also captures what people were doing and thinking at that period in time. How we conducted the research was by first listing the major information needed to successfully understand what the war was all about and the reasons behind it. Then once the list was done we would independently find different sources of reliable websites, source them, and then collaborate with each other to put together all the research that had

been discovered. The place we conducted our research was mainly at home and independently and the time given in school to conduct research and complete the project. The reason for choosing to do website was because we all have the knowledge of using computers, also, because with a website we can really display a better visual than any of the other options. With choosing a website you can express all the information a lot better. The information can also be easily read and comprehended. The way we constructed our project was putting all the information gathered and designing the website accordingly. Putting in the information to make it flow and comprehend. The design of the website was to show on the first page a brief synopsis of the events. On the tabs it would go into greater depth on certain aspects of the war. The way our project fits into the theme is that before the war peoples rights were being violated the same as the Americans were during the American Revolution. Such as they couldnt be in the government or speak Bengali. These rights being violated gave the people the need to revolt. So the people decided to go to war and the end result was the people splitting off into a new country (Bangladesh) essentially making their own new rights and responsibilities that would protect peoples rights and basic needs.

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