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our regions future

Our regions natural assets are important for the economy, lifestyle and well-being of our community.


Natural assets provide many of the services that attract people to live in the region such as great beaches and clean air as well as the wide variety of plants and animals. How natural assets are looked after and used is important if SEQ is to remain such a great place to live, work and play. What is the South East Queensland Natural Resource Management Plan? The South East Queensland Natural Resource Management Plan 2009-2031 (SEQ NRM Plan) is our communitys plan for the future of the regions natural environment. It contains agreed targets and a guide for action for sustainable development to protect and restore the natural assets provided by the environment. These natural assets include things such as clean air and water, farmland, beaches, bushland and native sh, animals and plants. Why is the SEQ NRM Plan being updated? The SEQ NRM Plan is being updated to better prepare the community and the economy for the future. Our region is under increasing pressure from population growth, extreme weather and natural disasters. We need to update the plans targets to account for these pressures, taking into consideration the best scientic evidence available and the wishes of the community. The update will build upon the existing plan and update targets, where needed, to make them more relevant for the future. The updated Plan will also link to new Queensland Government planning instruments, it will also support local government plans and assist the community to achieve on ground action.

our regions future

When will the update be completed? A draft updated SEQ NRM Plan is due in July 2014 with a nal version to be accepted by the Australian Government by the end of 2014. How will the updated SEQ NRM Plan be used? The updated Plan will coordinate local projects that contribute towards meeting the regional targets. It will inform State and Local Government planning, as well as guide land use planning for private landholders and the private sector. It will also guide how the Australian Government provides funding to the regions. Who is responsible for implementing the Plan? No one organisation is responsible for implementing the plan. The entire SEQ community has a role to play in achieving the Plans targets, including state and local governments, nongovernment organisations, industry, community, Traditional owners and natural resource management groups. That said, most of the work to be done will need to be carried out on private land with the support of landholders.


How can I have my say?

Have your say at community roundtables in Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast, Moreton Region, Redlands, Gold Coast, Scenic Rim, Lockyer, Logan, Somerset and Ipswich. Please visit www. to view conrmed dates. Community roundtables are your chance to comment on what natural assets are important for you and your community, things such as a particular patch of bush, your local creek, farmland or wild spaces for outdoor recreation activities. This input will inform the Plans targets and guide the actions of community, industry and government to support landholders to better manage their local areas.

Find out more


or contact Planning Manager Andrew Davidson 0400 910 695

SEQ Catchments is coordinating the update of the SEQ NRM Plan on behalf of our regions community, governments and industries

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