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Chocolate caramel brownie

Ingredients: 150g butter, chopped 180g dark chocolate, chopped 1/2 cup caster sugar 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 1/4 cups plain flour 2 tbsp !"# cocoa powder 220g$block caramello chocolate, fro%en, chopped !"# Cocoa powder, to decorate

Method: &reheat o'en to 180(C/1)0(C fan$forced* +rease a 18cm , 28cm rectangular slice pan* -ine base and sides with baking paper, allowing a 2cm o'erhang a long ends* &lace butter and dark chocolate in a medium saucepan o'er medium heat* Cook, stirring for . to 5 minutes or until smooth* /emo'e from heat* 0tir in sugar* 0et aside for 5 minutes* 1hisk eggs into chocolate mi,ture until combined* 2dd sifted flour and cocoa* 1hisk to combine* 3old in caramello chocolate* 0pread mi,ture into prepared pan* 4ake for 20 minutes or until top is firm to touch* 0et aside to cool completely* #sing a 5cm heart$shaped cutter, cut brownie shapes* 0er'e dusted with cocoa powde

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