Ministry of Co-Operative Development & Marketing

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2007 2008

Ministry of Cooperative Development and Marketing, P.O. Box 30547 00100, Tel. 2731531-9 Fax 2731511/2731507/0730080 Website: NAIROBI June 2007

This Performance Contract (hereinafter referred to as Contract) is entered into between the Government of the Republic of Kenya (hereinafter referred to as GoK) represented by the Permanent Secretary, Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of the Public Service of P.O. Box 62345 Nairobi, (together with its assignees and successors) of the one part, and the Permanent Secretary/Accounting Officer, Ministry of Co-operative Development and Marketing, (hereinafter referred to as the the Permanent Secretary/Accounting Officer), (together with its assignees and successors) of P.O. Box 30547 Nairobi of the other part.

The Government is committed to ensuring that public offices are well managed and cost less in delivering efficient and quality service to the public; The Government recognizes that Ministries/Departments hold vital key to improving performance and restoring the faith of the Kenyan people in their Government; The purpose of this performance contract is to establish clarity and consensus about priorities for the Ministrys/Departments management. The contract represents a basis for continuous improvement as we reinvent our Government to meet the needs and expectations of the Kenyan people. From this contract, should flow management priorities of the Ministry. the program and

NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:

(a) Vision of Ministry:
A vibrant and self-sustaining co-operative movement

(b) Mission of Ministry:

To provide legal and policy frameworks to accelerate the growth of a viable Co-operative sector for sustainable socio-economic development in Kenya.

(c) Mandate of Ministry

The mandate of the Ministry of Co-operative Development and Marketing is specified in the Presidential Circular No. 1/2005 on organization of the Government of the Republic of Kenya as follows: Co-operative Policy formulation and Implementation Co-operative Legislation Provision of cooperatives Extension Services Co-operative Education and Training Co-operative Financing Policy Co-operative Savings, Credit and Banking Services Policy Co-operative Governance Co-operative Tribunal Co-operative College Co-operative Marketing, including value addition processing Promotion of Co-operative Ventures

(d) Objectives of Ministry:

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. To develop cooperative education and training guidelines To regulate and monitor compliance with provisions of Cooperative Societies Act and subsidiary legislation To establish an effective regulatory and institutional framework for SACCO societies; To streamline cooperative management and improve corporate governance; To reform, decentralize, and strengthen the services of the Cooperative Ethics Commission, and Cooperative Tribunal; To restructure and revitalize key cooperative societies To promote market access, value addition and marketing efficiency of co-operatives; To strengthen the co-operative societies accounting and auditing systems; To enhance cooperative, supervisory and advisory services through enhanced capacity building; To undertake cooperative research To promote and disseminate integration of ICT in the Ministrys operations

Part II
Commitments and Responsibilities of the Permanent Secretary/ Accounting Officer
Reviewing, implementing and ensuring that the Ministrys Strategic Plan is linked to national policy documents e.g. ERS, National Development Plans and Vision 2030. Ensuring appropriate work plans are developed on the basis of the Strategic Plan; Developing comprehensive performance targets Assigning weights to performance indicators Signing performance contract with the Permanent Secretary, Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of Public Service; Ensuring achievement of the agreed performance targets, Preparing employees in the Ministry for the desired changes in working styles, attitude and work ethics,

Commitments and Obligations of the Government
The following are the Governments Commitments and Obligations under this Contract: To facilitate acquisition of the requisite Human and financial Resources for effective performance in the Ministry; To ensure prompt release of budgeted funds

Frequency of Monitoring and Information Flow
The Permanent Secretary/Accounting Officer undertakes to submit quarterly and annual performance reports in the prescribed format in conformity with the Performance Contracts guidelines.

Duration of the Performance Contract The Performance Contract will run for one financial year i.e. 1st July 2007 to 30th June 2008.


. Date .. Patrick S. Khaemba, CBS, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Co-operative Development and Marketing:

.. Date .. Amb. Francis Muthaura, EGH, Permanent Secretary/Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of the Public Service For and on behalf of Government Counter-signed:

. Hon. Peter Njeru Ndwiga, EGH; Date . Honourable Minister Ministry of Co-operative Development and Marketing

ANNEX I PERFORMANCE EVALUATION CRITERIA, CRITERIA WEIGHTS AND PERFORMANCE TARGETS FOR MINISTRIES AND GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS Wit Criteria Category* Unit A FINANCIAL 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. Financial performance Compliance with set Budgetary level Cost reduction/ savings A-in-A Utilization of allocated Funds Development Index (Dev. Exp/Rec..Exp) UNIT Status 2005/2006 Current Status (2006/2007) Target (2007/2008) Excellent (1) Very Good (2) Good (3) CRITERION VALUES Fair (4) Poor (5) Achieve ments Raw Score Weighted score

% Kshs. Kshs. % %

6 3 3 5 3 20

89.0% 1,600,000 5,837,000 89.0% N/A

90% 2.1 Million 6.7 Million 90 % 27 %

100% 3.0 Million 13 Million 100 % 25%

Weight Sub-total B SERVICE DELIVERY Service delivery improvements 2.1 Implementation of Service delivery Charter 2.2 Customer satisfaction Weight Sub-total C NON-FINANCIAL 3. Non financial performance 3.1 Compliance with strategic plan 3.2 Disposal of idle assets 3.3 ISO Certification Weight sub-total 2.

% %

20 10 30

N/A Survey done

100% 80%

100% 90 %

Status % %

4 2 4 10

100% 60% N/A

100 % 100 % 35%

100% 100% 60%

Wit D OPERATIONS OUTPUTS 4. Operational Performance

Status 2005/2006

Current Status (2006/2007)

Target (2007/2008) Excellent (1) Very Good (2) Good (3)

CRITERION VALUES Fair (4) Poor (5) Achieve ments Raw Score Weighted score

Objective 1: 4.1. To develop cooperative education and training Guidelines 4.1.1. Develop cooperative education training guidelines Time 2 N/A N/A By 30th June 2008

Objective 2: 4.2. To streamline cooperative management and improve corporate governance 4.2.1. Decentralize the activities of Cooperative Ethics Commission Prepare and Disseminate good corporate governance guidelines Enforce code of conduct as a management tool in cooperative societies Decentralize, and strengthen the services of the Cooperative Tribunal No of provinces % 1 N/A 5 3














Status 2005/2006

Current Status (2006/2007)

Target (2007/2008) Excellent (1) Very Good (2) Good (3)



Fair (4)

Poor (5)

Achieve ments

Raw Score

Weighted score

Objective 3: 4.3. To regulate and monitor compliance with provisions of Cooperative Societies Act and subsidiary legislation Prepare model bye-laws for incorporation into societies by-laws Ensure up-to-date share remittance by defaulting employers to SACCOs Enforce compliance on presentation of audited accounts by coop societies Time 1 N/A N/A By 30th March 2008 100%









Objective 4: 4.4. To strengthen the cooperative societies accounting and auditing systems; 4.4.1. Design a computerized cooperative audit system 4.4.2. 4.4.3. Carry out inspections and compliance audits Conduct annual audits on societies accounts

Time No. No of audit years

1 1 1

N/A 375 1850

N/A 415 2015

31st March 2008 615 2,175

Wit D OPERATIONS OUTPUTS Objective 5: 4.5. To establish an effective regulatory and institutional framework for operations of SACCO societies 4.5.1. Prepare strategy paper for implementation of SACCO regulatory framework 4.5.2. Operationalize the SACCO prudential standards. Objective 6: 4.6. 4.6.1. To restructure and revitalize cooperative societies Undertake a study on the viability and relevance of Co-operative unions. Conduct organizational assessment, restructure, and provide technical assistance to Fishermen, Dairy and Cotton societies

Status 2005/2006

Current Status (2006/2007)

Target (2007/2008) Excellent (1) Very Good (2) Good (3)

CRITERION VALUES Fair (4) Poor (5) Achievements Raw Score Weighted score

Time %

1 1

N/A Guidelines developed


31st March 2008 100%




30th June 2008 8


No. of societies



Objective 7 4.7. To promote market access, value addition and marketing efficiency of co-operatives 4.7.1. Roll-out computerized cooperative market information system (CMIS) 4.7.2. Create awareness on value addition in dairy, coffee and horticulture cooperatives

No. of provinces No. of societies






Wit D OPERATIONS OUTPUTS 4.7.3. 4.8. 4.8.1. 4.8.2. 4.8.3. 4.8.4. 4.8.5. 4.9. Formulate commodity marketing strategies. Project Implementation; Timeliness Quality Relevance Cost Efficiency Completion rate No. of commodities % % % % % 1

Status 2005/2006

Current Status (2006/2007)

Target (2007/2008) Excellent (1) Very Good (2) Good (3)

CRITERION VALUES Fair (4) Poor (5) Achievements Raw Score Weighted score



0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 25

N/A N/A N/A N/A 93% 100%

100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 100%

100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Fulfillment of performance contract commitments to state corporations Weight Sub-total



Status 2005/2006

Current Status (2006/2007)

Target (2007/2008) Excellent (1) Very Good (2) Good (3)

CRITERION VALUES Fair (4) Poor (5) Achievements Raw Score Weighted score

DYNAMIC/QUALITATIVE 5. Organizational Capacity No. % % no. % % % % % % 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 TNA done N/A N/A N/A 55% 80% 80% 60% 100% 75% 585 50% 50% 1 70% 100% 100% 100% 100% 90% 710 60 % 70 % 1 80 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %

5.1 Skills development 5.2 Automation (IT) 5.3 Work environment 5.4 Service delivery innovations 5.5 Employee satisfaction 5.6 Repair & Maintenance 5.7 Safety measures 5.8 Corruption eradication 5.9 Statutory obligations 5.10 HIV/AIDS behavioral change Weight Sub-total



1. 1.1. FINANCIAL Compliance with set budgetary levels The measures being taken to ensure full compliance with budgetary levels include; Preparation of workplans stipulating how expenditures will conform to the intended purposes and results Reduction of the number of expenditure items for field stations to target their core needs to facilitate quicker preparation of AIEs Application of the necessary expenditure monitoring instruments namely work plans, training projections and procurement plans to be finalized before the end of the 2006/08 financial year. Train field stations on financial management to facilitate quicker monthly expenditure returns which is a prerequisite of AIE releases. Ensure that all expenditures are in line with the objectives and purposes stated in the MPER, MTEF and budget 1.2. Cost reductions/saving The key areas for cost reduction/savings include transport, telephone, procurement, field trips, etc. The following measures are proposed towards cost cutting/savings in the Ministry: More critical analysis on repairs of motor vehicles especially by the dealers Fuel cards to be discontinued gradually with emphasis on contracted suppliers Servicing of motor vehicles to be done by approved garages or the dealers Purchase on temporary imprests to be discontinued Costs of field trips and workshops to targeted on outputs rather than on available resources Put all field offices on prepaid telephone service


A-in-A Computerization of the Co-operative Audit Services at provincial level to strengthen monitoring of the submission of accounts Develop a data base of the registered societies to enhance the tracking system of the compliance requirements of the preparation of annual accounts by societies Facilitate the tribunal to promote their service to cover a wider catchments area. Sealing off any loopholes in declaration and accounting for revenue collected


Utilization of Funds Encourage the use of work plans and procurement plans Encourage budgeted work plans for the programmes in the development vote Release funds on construction of approved budgets by MOPW and enforce the use of contracted works Develop a monitoring tool for expenditures tracking in relation to performance targets. Develop a criteria for use of slow-moving funds Use the G. F. S coding system to allocate funds to items specific to the core functions of each section. Institutionalize the Budget Implementation and Audit Committees



Development Index Development budget is currently at 210 Million and recurrent is 854 Million. The Ministry intends to ensure that utilization of development budget is improved with better outputs.

2. SERVICE DELIVERY 2.1 Service charter implementation Develop mechanisms/criteria for monitoring implementation of service charters (based on ministerial and departmental service charter targets) Review and implement departmental service charters Develop complaints feedback mechanisms Carry out internal service delivery Survey 2.2 Customer Satisfaction In 2006/07 Customer Satisfaction Survey, stakeholders appreciated the role the ministry was playing in turning the cooperative movement around. However they were concerned about the inability of the Ministrys staff to reach all societies when needed due to low levels of staffing. In 2007/8 the Ministry intends to address these concerns by doing the following; Act on the recommendations arising from second customer satisfaction survey Make further improvements in service delivery guided by the Ministrys service Charter Train staff on customer care implement feedback mechanisms Carry out third survey to know the extent of improvements in customer satisfaction with the services we offer. Conduct a workshop for HODs, PCOs and PCAs to sensitize on customer satisfaction issues

3. 3.1.

NON- FINANCIAL Compliance with Strategic Plan Ensure that PC Work plans objectives and targets are derived from the MOCDM SP implementation Matrix Ensure that PC targets are in line with the broad objectives in ERS and the specific medium term targets in the Ministrys Strategic Plan Ensure that all activities in the departmental work plans are linked to specific results in the MTEF/Budget Produce SP compliance quarterly briefs to the Accounting officer indicating expenditures incurred, the resulting outputs, and their relevance to expected SP and or ERS/2030 Vision outcomes


Disposal of idle assets Review inventory of non serviceable vehicles and equipment Obtain PS Authority for disposal Monitor the disposal process at District and Headquarter level


ISO Certification The Ministry will engage the Kenya Bureau of Standards to and oversee documentation and ISO audit program The Ministry will carry out documentation of quality management systems (manuals, procedures, and working instructions) The Ministry will undertake internal quality training


4. 4.1.

OPERATIONS Develop cooperative education and training Guidelines Set up a multi-sectoral task force Undertake stakeholders consultations Prepare the training guidelines. To Streamline cooperative management and improve corporate governance
Decentralize the activities of Cooperative Ethics Commission services to remaining 3 provinces Develop cooperative education training guidelines


Ethics Registries already established in 5 provinces Establish Ethics registries in three additional provinces Train 6 clerks(2 in each of the three registries) on data analysis and maintenance of computer based records Procure 6 cabinets and 3 computers to boost equipment for 3 provincial Ethics registries Conduct 3 provincial leaders seminars to sensitize the movement on the services of the ethics registries Finalize governance guidelines Issue circulars on adoption of the new guidelines to all co-operative societies.. Conduct seminars for 108 district ethics and governance coordinators. Issue circulars on compliance with code of conduct for societies Carry out 5 regional cooperative leaders meetings to disseminate code of conduct Monitor compliance with the code of conduct Equip 7 Provincial Tribunal registries (Procure 14 cabinets and 7 computers). Refurbish 8 Provincial registries. Stock 8 provincial registries with books. Procure a vehicle (16 seat van) for the Tribunal. Train 8 registry officers on tribunal operations


Prepare and disseminate good corporate governance guidelines


Incorporate code of conduct in cooperative societies as a management tool


Decentralize, and strengthen the services of the Cooperative Tribunal


Regulate and monitor compliance with provisions of Co-operative Societies Act and subsidiary legislation
Prepare model bye-laws


Institute measures to reduce outstanding arrears in non-remittances of members contributions by employers

Issue circular on preparation/review of society byelaws Constitute a task force Hold stake holder consultations Monitor and enforce compliance on specified minimum requirements in byelaws

Due to the administrative and legal actions already instituted by the Commissioner of Cooperative Development, outstanding arrears reduced from Kshs 4.5 billion in 2003 to Kshs 1.5 billion by 30th May 2007.Currently the number of defaulting employers is 365.The following measures will be taken; Prepare the status of arrears remittances and monitor at regular intervals Institute administrative and legal actions against employers defaulting on existing 93 agreements and new defaulters. Prepare new agreements



Enforce compliance on presentation of audited accounts by all coop societies

Currently about 3,200 out of a total of about 11,000 registered societies are in compliance with presentation of audited accounts. In order to make sure that the remaining societies are in compliance the following measures will be taken; 4.4.

Monitor compliance and update status of societies presenting their audited accounts to their members within required time frame. Issue notices to non-compliant societies Impose penalties for non compliance

Strengthening Cooperative accounting and auditing procedures

Design computerized cooperative audit system

Design computer software programme for co-operative audit services. Pretest the computerized audit system. Conduct compliance inspections in 400 societies Conduct audits of 2175 societies accounts


Carry out inspections and compliance audits


Conduct annual audits on societies accounts


To establish an effective regulatory and institutional framework for SACCO societies.

Prepare strategy paper for SACCO Regulatory Framework


Implement prudential standards for SACCOs

Prepare the draft Strategy Disseminate draft to stakeholders Train 90 compliance enforcement officers on SACCO prudential standards Disseminate prudential standards to cooperative leaders through 8 provincial seminars


Restructure and revitalize cooperative societies

Undertake a study on the viability and relevance of Co-operative unions


Form a multi-sectoral task force Conduct survey of coop Unions Compile a report Organize a workshop to discuss the report with HoDs and PCOs

Undertake organizational assessment, review business plans and Develop rescue plans/programme for restructuring for the following


3 Fishermen coops ( Lake Turkana FCS, Vanga FCS. and Mbita FCS,) 2 Dairy coops (Mariakani and Kitinda Dairy Co-operative societies) 2 Cotton coops (Nambale, Nderi cotton coops)

To promote market access, value addition and marketing efficiency of cooperatives

Roll out computerized co-operative market information system (CMIS).


Create awareness on value addition

Train 115 co-operative officers on CMIS Purchase 10 computers Install CMIS in all provincial headquarters. Currently 20 societies in various categories engage in value addition. They include 10 dairy and 10 coffee societies. This contract period, 30 societies are targeted for value addition.



Support cooperatives to formulate marketing strategies

4.8. 4.8.1. 4.8.2. 4.8.3. 4.8.4. 4.8.5. 4.9.


Hold three days refresher workshops on Strategic Planning in six regions Develop commodity marketing strategies for Dairy and Mango. Conduct a study on coffee marketing through co-operatives.

Project Implementation Timeliness Quality Relevance Cost Efficiency Completion rate Fulfillment of performance contract commitments to state corporations
Co-operative college of Kenya

5. 5.1.

To disburse all budgeted funds allocated to the co-operative college

DYNAMIC/QUALITATIVE Skills/capacity Development Update the TNA Mount basic ICT training for 150 officers at headquarters, Provinces and Districts, 7 ICT officers on DBA and Cisco CCNA to enhance their capacities at headquarters Mount specialized training programmes for carrier development for Ministry staff as follows; Train 200 officers on financial management skills, project planning and human resource management, Train 300 coop officers on enforcement of the act; Train 30 officers on enquiries /inspections, Train 30 marketing officers on marketing skills Ministry to provide refresher courses for 40 drivers aimed at instilling discipline and attitude change.


Automation (IT) Network all offices at the ministrys headquarters; Network all the ministrys provincial offices; Install and configure email system for officers at headquarters and provinces; and Develop and Install Co-operative Registration Management System for use at the HQs Legal Registry. Carryout a survey of ICT requirements in the ministry countrywide. Procure 45 workstation computers, UPs and printers for the Districts Acquire one additional database server for the headquarters;


Work environment Baseline survey Implementation Currently 50% consider the work environment adequate. Some of the issues raised during the recent survey and which the ministry will seek to address include; Seminars/workshops to be held regularly to sensitize staff on emerging policy issues dealing with HR. Provide IT equipment to provinces and districts Refurbish some offices and provide more office space in line with available resources. Free flow of information to all levels to be enhanced. Post HR and other circulars in the ministerial website. Address cleanliness and hygiene in the office environment Sensitization on leadership and management skills



Service delivery innovations Introduce service delivery registers Undertake training on service delivery innovations Develop service charters implementation mechanisms Employee Satisfaction Implement recommendations based on baseline survey on employee satisfaction and produce report by 30th June 2008. Implement revised scheme of service for coop officers Upgrade some cadres of coop officers Repair and Maintenance Vehicles, plant, equipment and machinery and buildings will be repaired and maintained as per the manufacturers specifications/available funds. Safety Measures Negotiate with the management of the Social Security Building (NSSF) to unblock all escape routes incase of fire. Liaise with NSIS on protective security survey and report. Recruit 4 security warders. Provide staff with staff IDs. Corruption Eradication Undertake corruption risk assessment. Develop ministerial anti-corruption policy. Develop corruption prevention plan. Strengthen checks and balances and internal controls Sensitize staff on anti-corruption measures. Develop a code of conduct. Train more Integrity Assurance Staff Implement Public Accounts/Investment Committees recommendations Statutory Obligations To ensure that Annual Accounts are submitted by 30th September 2006 To ensure 100% tax compliance Signing of performance contract. Compliance /enforcement of the co-operative societies act. HIV/AIDS Behavioral Change Number of employees/dependants who have received HIV/AIDS testing and counseling. Number of eligible people living with HIV and AIDS, who are on antiretroviral (ARVs) Number of HIV positive mothers receiving a complete course of ARVs to prevent mother to child transmission of HIV. Number of male and female condoms distributed. Reporting on consistent condom use with casual sex partners. HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support for employees. Employees willingly declaring their HIV status and voluntary testing. Continue sensitization of staff on HIV/AIDS and behavior change.








Items For Disposal - Transport Department S/No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Tyres in Sizes 245/70 R16 235/70 R16 225/755 R16 215/75 R15 225/55 R16 175/70/14 185/60/ R14 195/ R14 205/ R16 215/80 R16 245/75 R16 255/60 R17 195/65 R15 215/65 R15 165/ R13 Total Others Assorted Accessories S/No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Item Batteries Complete Exhaust pipe Jack Windscreen Assorted items/parts Tubes 35 Total No. 4 1 1 1 4 21 6 13 4 5 3 1 2 4 2 3 75 Total No. 7

Items For Disposal S/No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Item Executive chars Armed chairs (broken) Tables Old timber Old Pigeon shelf Drawer table Secretarial chairs Old photocopying machine Wheel barrow Old Cookers Pieces of Plywood Total No. 3 2 18 18 1 4 3 1 1 3 4



No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 STATION Headquarters VEHICLE REGISTRATION NUMBER GK A071H GK A233G GK A979F GK A165F GK W761 GK W763 GK W764 GK A865H GK A080H GK A256G GK A278G GK A142G GK Q954 GK M638 GK V529 MAKE N/ Sunny Volvo Toyota Prado Isuzu trooper Pajero Pajero Pajero Toyota P/Up N/Pick-up 504 Peugeot Toyota Hiace Toyota Prado Nissan Sunny Peugeot Pajero YEAR OF MANUFACTURE 2004 2003 2000 PETROL/DIESEL Petrol Petrol Diesel Petrol Petrol Petrol Petrol Petrol Petrol Petrol Diesel Diesel Petrol Petrol Petrol CC 1200 2000 2800 2600 2600 2600 2000 1796 1796 1779 1595 2600 REMARKS


2004 2003 2003 Log Book OP

FIELD VEHICLES IDENTIFIED FOR REPAIRS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 N/Province Nairobi PCO Coast Mombasa Migori Kisumu DCO Nakuru Samburu PCO Eastern Embu - DCO PCO Central Nyeri PCO N/Eastern Garissa - DCO PCO Western Bungoma GK Q906 GK GK GK GK Z699 L011 W744 A860H Nissan Sahara P/up Peugeot Toyota Pajero Toyota Hilux D/C Toyota Hilux D/C Pajero Land Rover Pajero Pajero Pajero Pajero Pajero Nissan Sahara Pajero Isuzu P/u 1990 1989 1996 Petrol Petrol Petrol Petrol Diesel Diesel Petrol Petrol Petrol Petrol Petrol 1595 1595 2600 2779 2779 2600 2286 2600 2600 2600

1999 2000

GK A863H GK GK GK GK GK GK W745 J953 W728 U307 W755 S203

1987 1978

Log book not Availabl Petrol Petrol Petrol 2001 Diesel 2600 2400 2600 2499

GK W738 GKT004 GK W752 GK A428K


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