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TISS 2007 (21st January 2007) As always, TISS was the least transparent exam of the season.

No student who took the test knew the weightage of individual questions, forget about the overall paper. A ording to the prospe tus, the written test should have been of !" marks. #ut, there were $%" &'s. (ow this gets onverted to !" marks is anybody's guess. )or the purpose off our evaluation we have assumed that all questions had equal weightage and the total marks were indeed !" as the prospe tus mentioned. The test*paper said that there would be negative marking for wrong answers, but the extent of negative marking was not revealed+ The paper was terribly easy. )or a well prepared student, learing the ut*off s ore of ,- should be diffi ult. $%" &s, ." min. !" marks /negative marks for wrong answers0 No se tions , answer options per question Likely Cut-Off TISS ,-1 /as de lared by TISS0

Overall Breakup of TISS 2007 Question Type $ % , &uantitative Aptitude 3erbal Ability 5ogi al 6easoning So ial and #usiness Awareness Total Question-Type !ise "nalysis of TISS 2007 Quantitative "ptitu#e All ," &'s were easy and even an average student ould have attempted %4*-" &'s. The questions were largely from Arithmeti topi s like Number System, 7er entages and 6atio*7roportion /around %4 &'s in all0. There were no questions on Speed, though. The remaining questions were related to forming 2quations and finding the roots of the 2quations /around 4*8 &'s0, 9eometry /-*, &'s0, 7robability /%*- &'s0 and finding the 2quation of graphs /% &'s0. No. of Qs ," $4 %" ,4 $%" 2asy Diffi ulty level 2asy 2asy 2asy Average

Lo$i al %easonin$ This onsisted of - sets of Analyti al 6easoning /5ogi al :ata Interpretation0, ea h followed by 8*! &'s. All the three sets were quiet easy and must*attempts. ;nly one set /pertaining to 7rofessors, Institutes, Sub<e ts and :egrees0 was onfusing, but ould have been attempted with some effort. ;verall, about $4*$= &'s ould have been attempted in %4 min.

;ne ould have easily attempted around %4 &>s in -4 minutes and that too at a very high a ura y.

So ial an# Business "(areness

This question*type had ,4 &'s in all ** largely pertaining to prin iples of Aanagement &er'al "'ility and 5egislature. There were hardly any questions on A #Bom student who had undergone 3erbal ability, and the $4 &'s that were present the 'Aanagement 7rodu tion and 7lanning' were all on 3o abulary and Idioms. /A770 ourse ould have ra ked this se tion. The 3o abulary questions were on Also present were some &'s on re ruitment Synonyms, Antonyms and Analogies. poli ies and the Bompany A t. There were Two new and interesting question types some questions on urrent and so ial topi s were also introdu ed. The Analogy questions /e.g. Chairlan<i killings0. had a twist+ ?ou needed to find the pair that ?ou ould have attempted around $4*$= did-not have the same relationship as the &'s in about %" min. from this area. referen e pair. @hile the question on Idioms pertained to the situation where a parti ular idiom was most appropriately used. ;ne should have attempted all $4 &'s in $" min. TISS 2007 )aper "tte*pt Strate$y Question Type $ % , &uantitative Aptitude 3erbal Ability 5ogi al 6easoning So ial and #usiness Awareness Total No. of Qs ," $4 %" ,4 $%" Tar$et "tte*pts %4 $4 $! $= !4 Ti*e "llotte# -4 min $" min %4 min %" min ." min 4"1 Tar$et +arks

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