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Fusion-io Reports Fiscal First Quarter 2014 Results
!"#$ #"&' ()$* - Cct. 23, 2013 - lus|on-|o (l?SL: llC) tooay announceo |ts |nanc|a| esu|ts o |ts |sca| |st
quate enoeo Seotembe 30, 2013.
8evenue: $86.3 m||||on
CAAl Coss Mag|n o S/./ ano lon-CAAl Coss Mag|n o S9.4
CAAl let Loss oe L||uteo S|ae: $0.28
lon-CAAl let Loss oe L||uteo S|ae: $0.0/
Cas| ano Cas| Lqu|va|ents: $22S.3 m||||on
lus|on-|o eooteo evenue o $86.3 m||||on o t|e |sca| |st quate o 2014, comoaeo to $118.1 m||||on o t|e
same quate o 2013. let |oss o t|e |sca| |st quate o 2014 was $2/.9 m||||on, o a net |oss oe o||uteo s|ae
o $0.28, comoaeo to net |ncome o $3.9 m||||on, o $0.04 oe o||uteo s|ae, |n t|e |sca| |st quate o 2013.
Coss mag|n o t|e |sca| |st quate o 2014 was S/./. Coeat|ng mag|n o t|e |sca| |st quate o 2014
was a negat|ve 32.2.
lon-CAAl net |oss o t|e |sca| |st quate o 2014 was $6./ m||||on, o a net |oss oe o||uteo s|ae o $0.0/,
comoaeo to non-CAAl net |ncome o $14.9 m||||on, o $0.14 oe o||uteo s|ae |n t|e same quate o 2013. lon-
CAAl goss mag|n o t|e |sca| |st quate o 2014 was S9.4. lon-CAAl ooeat|ng mag|n o t|e |sca| |st
quate o 2014 was a negat|ve 13.3. A como|ete econc|||at|on o CAAl to non-CAAl esu|ts |s set ot| |n t|e
attac|ment to t||s oess e|ease.
"ve |ave maoe oogess |n t|e |ast sevea| mont|s on |ey tec|no|ogy ano stateg|c |n|t|at|ves t|at we be||eve
s|aoen ou execut|on ano ceate a stong ounoat|on o utue gowt|," sa|o S|ane 8ob|son, lus|on-|o c|a|man
ano c||e execut|ve o|ce. 1|e ooweu| comb|nat|on o ou aoo||cat|on-cent|c ac||tectue, obust ooouct
oaomao, ano stengt|en|ng ecosystem o oatnes ceates s|gn||cant ooootun|ty o lus|on-|o |n an exoano|ng
ma|et o acce|eat|ng |nomat|on w|t| |as| memoy so|ut|ons."
Cas| ano cas| equ|va|ents tota|eo $22S.3 m||||on at t|e eno o |sca| |st quate 2014, a oecease o
$13.1 m||||on om t|e o|o quate-eno.
Leeeo evenue at t|e eno o |sca| |st quate 2014 was $3/.2 m||||on, a oecease o $1.8 m||||on om
t|e o|o quate-eno.
lnventoy was $/4.1 m||||on at t|e eno o |sca| |st quate 2014, an |ncease o $3.0 m||||on om t|e
o|o quate-eno.
Cao|ta| exoeno|tues wee $3.3 m||||on |n |sca| |st quate 2014.
Cas| useo |n ooeat|ons was $1/.1 m||||on o t|e |sca| |st quate 2014.
lus|on-|o executeo a new $2S m||||on unsecueo ceo|t ac|||ty ou|ng t|e quate.
lus|on-|o tooay seoaate|y announceo t|at L. Lowao l. lan| |as been aooo|nteo to t|e uoao o
L|ectos eect|ve Cctobe 21, 2013. L. lan| ecent|y et|eo as v|ce oes|oent o Mac|ntos| laowae
Systems Lng|nee|ng at Aoo|e, lnc.
www. f us l onl o. com
lus|on-|o tooay a|so announces t|at Lenn|s vo|, c||e |nanc|a| o|ce ano execut|ve v|ce oes|oent, w|||
be |eav|ng ate a oe|oo o tans|t|on to ousue an ooootun|ty at a o|vate comoany. A seac| o ||s
eo|acement |s unoeway. ln aoo|t|on, !ames Lawson, c||e sa|es o|ce ano execut|ve v|ce oes|oent, |s
et||ng om t|e comoany. l|s eo|acement |s exoecteo to be announceo s|ot|y.
lus|on-|o tooay announceo t|at Cay Smeoon, ome sen|o v|ce oes|oent ano genea| manage o t|e
acce|eateo so|ut|ons o|v|s|on (ASL) at LSl Coooat|on, ecent|y o|neo lus|on-|o as execut|ve v|ce
oes|oent ano c||e stategy o|ce. Aoo|t|ona| ecent ||es |nc|uoe 8obet lon, ome sen|o v|ce
oes|oent o eng|nee|ng at Lc|e|on Coooat|on, w|o o|neo lus|on-|o as sen|o v|ce oes|oent o
eseac| ano oeve|ooment, ano le|t| uown, ome v|ce oes|oent o enteo|se aoo||cat|ons ano
ac||tectue at A|ac lncoooateo, w|o o|neo lus|on-|o as c||e |nomat|on o|ce.
lus|on |oMemoy |s now be|ng |ntegateo |nto uanta C1's 8ac|go x seves t|oug| t|e Coen
Comoute loect.
Cn Cctobe 22, lus|on-|o announceo t|at |t |ao enteeo |nto an exoanoeo wo|ow|oe o|g|na| equ|oment
manuactue (CLM) e|at|ons||o w|t| lu|tsu w|eeby lus|on |oMemoy w||| be oeeo by lu|tsu to
acce|eate aoo||cat|ons |n l8lML8C? ano l8lMLbLS1 seves.
Cn Cctobe 1S, lus|on-|o announceo a numbe o uooates to |ts |oConto| |yb|o stoage so|ut|ons o
SMLs, |nc|uo|ng ooouct ava||ab|||ty |n LMLA, |oConto| 3.0, ano |oConto| Slx seve cac||ng so|ut|ons,
w||c| ae t|e |st |yb|o so|ut|ons to oe seve cac||ng o |nceaseo aoo||cat|on oeomance.
As o Cctobe /, n|ne out o 10 vMwae vMma| benc|ma||ng subm|ss|ons subm|tteo by lus|on-|o CLM
oatnes, |nc|uo|ng ll, Le||, C|sco, ano lu|tsu, useo |oMemoy so|ut|ons to o|ace among t|e too scoes.
S|x o t|ese benc|ma|s |eveageo t|e lus|on-|o lCl Lata Acce|eato to set new wo|o ecoos o
Cn Seotembe 26, luM became t|e |st to oe |oSca|e so|ut|ons as t|e luM lCle l|as| Aoaotes. ln
August, luM a|so became |st to oe cac||ng so|ut|ons baseo on lus|on |o1ub|ne sotwae w|t| |ts
|ntoouct|on o t|e luM l|as|Cac|e Stoage Acce|eato.
Cn August 26, lus|on-|o announceo |ovLl sotwae, a new ooouct o v|tua| oes|too |nastuctue (vLl)
acce|eat|on t|at |s oot|m|zeo o |as| memoy to oe||ve seam|ess, e||ab|e, ano cost-eect|ve v|tua|
oes|too oeomance w|t| cons|stent |ow |atency esoonse t|mes.
1|e o||ow|ng statements ae baseo on cuent exoectat|ons. 1|ese statements ae owao-|oo||ng, ano actua|
esu|ts may o|e mate|a||y. 1|ese statements suoeseoe a|| o|o statements egao|ng |sca| 2014 |nanc|a|
Secono quate o |sca| yea 2014:
8evenue |s exoecteo to be uo s||g|t|y sequent|a||y.
lon-CAAl goss mag|n |s exoecteo to be |n t|e ange o S2 to S4.
lon-CAAl ooeat|ng mag|n o aooox|mate|y negat|ve 1S to 20.
L||uteo s|aes outstano|ng ae exoecteo to be aooox|mate|y 10S m||||on s|aes.
lus|on-|o uses ceta|n non-CAAl |nanc|a| measues |n t||s e|ease. Cenea||y, a non-CAAl |nanc|a| measue |s a
nume|ca| measue o a comoany's oeomance, |nanc|a| oos|t|on, o cas| |ows t|at e|t|e exc|uoes o |nc|uoes
amounts t|at ae not noma||y exc|uoeo o |nc|uoeo |n t|e most o|ect|y comoaab|e measue ca|cu|ateo ano
oesenteo |n accooance w|t| genea||y acceoteo account|ng o|nc|o|es |n t|e bn|teo States o Ame|ca, o CAAl.
8econc|||at|on between non-CAAl ano CAAl measues can be ouno |n t|e accomoany|ng tab|es ano on t|e
www. f us l onl o. com
|nvesto e|at|ons oage o ou webs|te at|on| lon-CAAl |nanc|a| measues s|ou|o not be
cons|oeeo as a subst|tute o, o suoe|o to, measues o |nanc|a| oeomance oeoaeo |n accooance w|t|
CAAl. 1|ese non-CAAl |nanc|a| measues o|e om CAAl measues w|t| t|e same caot|ons, may o|e om
non-CAAl |nanc|a| measues w|t| t|e same o s|m||a caot|ons t|at ae useo by ot|e comoan|es, ano oo not
e|ect a comoe|ens|ve system o account|ng.
lus|on-|o's management uses t|e non-CAAl |nanc|a| measues |n t|e accomoany|ng sc|eou|es to ga|n an
unoestano|ng o lus|on-|o's comoaat|ve ooeat|ng oeomance ano utue oosoects, ano ut|||zes t|ese
measues |n |ts |ntena| |nanc|a| statements o ouooses o |ts |ntena| buogets ano |nanc|a| goa|s. Management
a|so be||eves t|at t|e exc|us|on o t|e |tems oesc|beo be|ow oov|oes an aoo|t|ona| measue o t|e comoany's
ooeat|ng esu|ts ano ac|||tates comoa|sons o lus|on-|o's coe ooeat|ng oeomance aga|nst o|o oe|oos ano
bus|ness mooe| obect|ves. Management be||eves t|at |nvestos s|ou|o |ave access to t|e same set o too|s t|at
management uses to ana|yze lus|on-|o's esu|ts. 1|ese non-CAAl measues s|ou|o be cons|oeeo |n aoo|t|on to
esu|ts oeoaeo |n accooance w|t| CAAl, but s|ou|o not be cons|oeeo a subst|tute o o suoe|o to CAAl.
lus|on-|o enoeavos to comoensate o t|e ||m|tat|on o t|e non-CAAl measues oesenteo by a|so oov|o|ng t|e
most o|ect|y comoaab|e CAAl measues ano oesc|ot|ons o t|e econc|||ng |tems ano aoustments to oe|ve t|e
non-CAAl measues.
lo a|| oe|oos oesenteo:
lon-CAAl goss mag|n |s ca|cu|ateo as non-CAAl goss oo|t o|v|oeo by CAAl evenue. lon-CAAl goss
oo|t cons|sts o CAAl goss oo|t exc|uo|ng t|e eects o stoc|-baseo comoensat|on exoense ano
amot|zat|on o |ntang|b|e assets.
lon-CAAl ooeat|ng mag|n |s ca|cu|ateo as non-CAAl |ncome (|oss) om ooeat|ons o|v|oeo by CAAl
evenue. lon-CAAl |ncome (|oss) om ooeat|ons cons|sts o CAAl |ncome (|oss) om ooeat|ons
exc|uo|ng t|e eects o stoc|-baseo comoensat|on exoense, amot|zat|on o |ntang|b|e assets, ano
acqu|s|t|on e|ateo exoenses.
lon-CAAl net |ncome (|oss) |s ca|cu|ateo as CAAl net |ncome (|oss) exc|uo|ng t|e eects o stoc|-baseo
comoensat|on exoense, amot|zat|on o |ntang|b|e assets, acqu|s|t|on e|ateo exoenses, ano tax oov|s|on
aoustments e|ateo to stoc|-baseo awaos.
lon-CAAl net |ncome (|oss) oe o||uteo s|ae |s ca|cu|ateo as non-CAAl net |ncome (|oss) o|v|oeo by
CAAl we|g|teo-aveage o||uteo s|aes outstano|ng.
1|e accomoany|ng tab|es oov|oe moe oeta||s on t|e CAAl |nanc|a| measues t|at ae most o|ect|y comoaab|e
to t|e non-CAAl |nanc|a| measues oesc|beo above ano t|e e|ateo econc|||at|ons between t|ese |nanc|a|
measues. v|t| esoect to ou exoectat|ons unoe uus|ness Cut|oo|" above, econc|||at|on o non-CAAl
gu|oance measues to coesoono|ng CAAl measues |s not ava||ab|e w|t|out uneasonab|e eots on a owao-
|oo||ng bas|s oue to t|e ||g| va|ab|||ty ano |ow v|s|b|||ty w|t| esoect to t|e c|ages w||c| ae exc|uoeo om
t|ese non-CAAl measues. 1|e eects o stoc|-baseo comoensat|on exoense soec||c to non-emo|oyee common
stoc| oot|ons ae o|ect|y |moacteo by unoeo|ctab|e |uctuat|ons |n ou stoc| o|ce. ve exoect t|e va|ab|||ty o
t|e above c|ages to |ave a s|gn||cant |moact on ou CAAl |nanc|a| esu|ts.
Ceta|n exoense amounts oev|ous|y eooteo as cost o evenue, sa|es ano ma|et|ng, eseac| ano
oeve|ooment, ano genea| ano aom|n|stat|ve exoenses |ave been ec|ass||eo w|t||n t|ose catego|es to conom
to |sca| yea 2014 oesentat|on. 1|e ec|ass||cat|ons o|o not c|ange amounts oev|ous|y eooteo as |ncome
(|oss) om ooeat|ons ano net |ncome (|oss).
lus|on-|o w||| |ost an |nvesto coneence ca|| ano ||ve webcast tooay, veonesoay, Cctobe 23, 2013, at S:00 o.m.
LL1 to o|scuss t|ese |nanc|a| esu|ts. 1o access t|e coneence ca||, o|a| 1.800.446.2/82 o 1.84/.413.323S o
www. f us l onl o. com
|ntenat|ona| ca||es. 1|e access cooe |s 3S82 S4/S. A ||sten-on|y ||ve webcast w||| be access|b|e on t|e |nvesto
e|at|ons oage o ou webs|te at|on| ano w||| be ac||veo ano ava||ab|e on t||s s|te o at |east t|ee
mont|s. A te|eo|one eo|ay o t|e coneence ca|| w||| be ava||ab|e unt|| veonesoay, Cctobe 30, 2013. 1o access
t|e eo|ay, o|ease o|a| 1.888.843./419 o 1.630.6S2.3042 o |ntenat|ona| ca||es. 1|e access cooe |s 3S82 S4/S.
1||s oess e|ease ano t|e |nanc|a| |nomat|on o|scusseo on tooay's coneence ca|| ae ava||ab|e on t|e |nvesto
e|at|ons oage o ou webs|te at|on|
lus|on-|o oe||ves t|e wo|o's oata aste. Cu lus|on |oMemoy o|atom ano sotwae oe|neo stoage so|ut|ons
acce|eate v|tua||zat|on, oatabases, c|ouo comout|ng, b|g oata ano oeomance aoo||cat|ons. lom e-commece
eta||es to t|e wo|o's soc|a| meo|a |eaoes ano lotune C|oba| S00 comoan|es, ou customes ae |moov|ng t|e
oeomance ano e|c|ency o t|e| oata centes w|t| lus|on-|o tec|no|ogy to acce|eate t|e c|t|ca| aoo||cat|ons
o t|e |nomat|on economy.
CerLaln sLaLemenLs ln Lhls release may consLlLuLe "forward-looklng sLaLemenLs" wlLhln Lhe meanlng of SecLlon 21L of Lhe SecurlLles Lxchange AcL of 1934
and SecLlon 27A of Lhe SecurlLles AcL of 1933, lncludlng, buL are noL llmlLed Lo, sLaLemenLs concernlng flnanclal guldance for our second flscal quarLer of
2014, our progress on, and effecL of, our key Lechnology and sLraLeglc lnlLlaLlves, our expecLaLlons as Lo execuLlve offlcer hlres, our sales execuLlon efforLs,
our expecLaLlons regardlng Lhe markeL opporLunlLy and our ablllLy Lo execuLe our go-Lo-markeL sLraLegy, expecLaLlons concernlng our producL porLfollo
and our sLraLeglc parLnershlps, and beneflLs and value of our producLs and soluLlons Lo our cusLomers and end users. 1hese sLaLemenLs are based on
currenL expecLaLlons and assumpLlons regardlng fuLure evenLs and buslness performance and lnvolve cerLaln rlsks and uncerLalnLles LhaL could cause
acLual resulLs Lo dlffer maLerlally from Lhose conLalned, anLlclpaLed, or lmplled ln any forward-looklng sLaLemenL, lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo, rlsks
assoclaLed wlLh changes ln Lhe demand for our producLs, our expecLaLlon LhaL large and concenLraLed purchases by a llmlLed number of cusLomers wlll
conLlnue Lo represenL a subsLanLlal ma[orlLy of our revenue and our ablllLy Lo susLaln or lncrease our revenue from our large cusLomers or offseL Lhe
dlsconLlnuaLlon of concenLraLed purchases by our larger cusLomers wlLh purchases by new or exlsLlng cusLomers, Lhe conLlnued adopLlon by cusLomers of
our loMemory plaLform producLs, growlng our sales Lhrough CLMs, resellers and channel parLners and malnLalnlng our relaLlonshlps wlLh CLMs, resellers
and channel parLners, lncludlng Lhe Llmely quallflcaLlon of our producLs for promoLlon and sale by our CLMs, long and unpredlcLable sales cycles, changes
ln Lhe compeLlLlve dynamlcs of our markeLs, lncludlng Lhe poLenLlal for lncreased pressure on Lhe prlclng of our producLs, reduced gross marglns,
lncreased sales and markeLlng expenses, Lhe poLenLlal LhaL we or our cusLomers may noL reallze Lhe beneflLs we currenLly expecL from our acqulslLlons of
lu7 and nexCen SLorage, our ablllLy Lo develop or acqulre new producLs Lo meeL cusLomer needs and expecLaLlons, lncludlng addlLlonal sofLware soluLlons
Lo be lnLegraLed wlLh our sLorage memory producLs, our acqulslLlon and sLraLeglc parLner sLraLegy and dlsrupLlons ln our buslness, operaLlons and flnanclal
resulLs as a resulL of acqulslLlons and sLraLeglc parLner relaLlonshlps, as well as Lhe rlsks lnherenL ln Lhe lnLegraLlon and comblnaLlon of complex producLs
and Lechnologles from acqulslLlons, undeLecLed errors, defecLs or securlLy vulnerablllLles ln our producLs, worldwlde economlc condlLlons and Lhe lmpacL
Lhese condlLlons have on levels of spendlng on daLacenLer Lechnology llke ours, our ablllLy Lo recrulL and successfully hlre new execuLlve offlcers, and such
oLher rlsks seL forLh ln Lhe reglsLraLlon sLaLemenLs and reporLs LhaL luslon-lo flles wlLh Lhe u.S. SecurlLles and Lxchange Commlsslon, whlch are avallable
on Lhe lnvesLor 8elaLlons secLlon of our webslLe aL ?ou should noL rely upon forward-looklng sLaLemenLs as predlcLlons of fuLure
evenLs. AlLhough we belleve LhaL Lhe expecLaLlons reflecLed ln Lhe forward-looklng sLaLemenLs are reasonable, we cannoL guaranLee LhaL Lhe fuLure
resulLs, levels of acLlvlLy, performance or evenLs and clrcumsLances reflecLed ln Lhe forward-looklng sLaLemenLs wlll be achleved or wlll occur. luslon-lo
underLakes no obllgaLlon Lo updaLe publlcly any forward-looklng sLaLemenL for any reason afLer Lhe daLe of Lhls press release.

S|annon Mcl|ee lancy laz|o||
lus|on-|o Commun|cat|ons lus|on-|o lnvesto 8e|at|ons
801.93/./S99 408.416.S//9
oteamQus|on| |Qus|on|

www. f us l onl o. com
2012 2013
Revenue 118,115 $ 86,293 $
Cost of revenue (1), (2) 48,065 36,540
Gross profit 70,050 49,753
Operat ing expenses:
Sales and market ing (1), (2) 25,587 34,798
Research and development (1), (2) 22,173 29,468
General and administ rat ive (1), (3) 13,841 13,291
Tot al operat ing expenses 61,601 77,557
Income (loss) from operat ions 8,449 (27,804)
Ot her income (expense):
Int erest income 114 35
Int erest expense (30) (51)
Ot her (expense) income (29) 186
Income (loss) before income t axes 8,504 (27,634)
Income t ax expense (4) (4,571) (262)
Net income (loss) 3,933 $ (27,896) $
Net income (loss) per common share:
Basic 0.04 $ (0.28) $
Dilut ed 0.04 $ (0.28) $
Weight ed-average number of shares:
Basic 94,221 99,903
Dilut ed 108,425 99,903
(1) Includes st ock-based compensat ion expenses, as follows:
Cost of revenue 113 $ 157 $
Sales and market ing 2,169 2,923
Research and development 4,464 5,598
General and administ rat ive 7,143 5,537
Tot al st ock-based compensat ion expenses 13,889 $ 14,215 $
(2) Includes amort izat ion of int angible asset s, as follows:
Cost of revenue - $ 1,306 $
Sales and market ing - 81
Research and development 656 656
Tot al amort izat ion of int angible asset s 656 $ 2,043 $
(3) Includes acquisit ion relat ed expenses - $ 36 $
(4) Includes t ax provision adjust ment s relat ed t o st ock-based awards (3,563) $ 4,934 $
September 30,
Three Months Ended
Fusion-io, Inc.
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
(in thousands, except per share data)
(unaudi ted)
www. f us l onl o. com
June 30, September 30,
2013 2013
Current asset s:
Cash and cash equivalent s 238,351 $ 225,265 $
Account s receivable, net 69,107 63,912
Invent ories 71,160 74,115
Prepaid expenses and ot her current asset s 9,530 11,416
Tot al current asset s 388,148 374,708
Propert y and equipment , net 35,272 34,989
Rest rict ed cash 4,860 1,587
Int angible asset s, net 28,268 26,018
Goodwill 149,467 149,467
Ot her asset s 1,433 1,428
Tot al asset s 607,448 $ 588,197 $
Li abi l i ti es and Stockhol ders' Equi ty
Current liabilit ies:
Account s payable 14,170 $ 11,691 $
Accrued and ot her current liabilit ies 44,425 39,039
Deferred revenue 24,848 22,533
Tot al current liabilit ies 83,443 73,263
Deferred revenue, less current port ion 14,167 14,643
Ot her liabilit ies 19,421 19,157
Commit ment s and cont ingencies
St ockholders' equit y:
Common st ock 20 20
Addit ional paid-in capit al 599,292 618,165
Accumulat ed ot her comprehensive loss (110) (370)
Accumulat ed deficit (108,785) (136,681)
Tot al st ockholders' equit y 490,417 481,134
Tot al liabilit ies and st ockholders' equit y 607,448 $ 588,197 $
Fusion-io, Inc.
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
(in thousands)
(unaudi ted)
www. f us l onl o. com
2012 2013
Operati ng acti vi ti es:
Net income (loss)
3,933 $ (27,896) $
Adjust ment s t o reconcile net income (loss) t o net cash provided by
(used in) operat ing act ivit ies:
Depreciat ion and amort izat ion
3,188 5,838
St ock-based compensat ion
13,889 14,215
Excess t ax benefit from st ock-based awards
(4,385) (3)
Changes in operat ing asset s and liabilit ies:
Account s receivable, net
(8,951) 5,195
Invent ories
(7,746) (2,955)
Prepaid expenses and ot her asset s
457 (1,881)
Account s payable
14,014 (2,479)
Accrued and ot her liabilit ies
8,658 (5,341)
Deferred revenue
5,610 (1,839)
Net cash provided by (used in) operat ing act ivit ies
28,667 (17,146)
Investi ng acti vi ti es:
Purchases of propert y and equipment
(5,175) (3,281)
Net cash used in invest ing act ivit ies
(5,175) (3,281)
Fi nanci ng acti vi ti es:
Proceeds from exercises of st ock opt ions
4,279 3,206
Issuance of rest rict ed st ock awards and rest rict ed st ock unit s,
net of repurchases (1,055) (702)
Proceeds from issuance of common st ock under employee
st ock purchase plan 1,459 1,569
Excess t ax benefit from st ock opt ion exercises
4,385 3
Change in rest rict ed cash
- 3,273
Net cash provided by financing act ivit ies
9,068 7,349
Effect of exchange rat e changes on cash and cash equivalent s 94 (8)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalent s
32,654 (13,086)
Cash and cash equivalent s at beginning of period 321,239 238,351
Cash and cash equivalent s at end of period 353,893 $ 225,265 $
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Fusion-io, Inc.
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
(in thousands)
(unaudi ted)
www. f us l onl o. com
!"#! !"#$
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C &1-&5D&2 $"E
FG2&& ; ( )-G8 H ):&:
Fusion-io, Inc.
Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures
(in thousands, except per share data)
(unaudi ted)
www. f us l onl o. com

2012 2013
Dilut ed net income (loss) per share on a GAAP basis 0.04 $ (0.28) $
St ock-based compensat ion 0.12 0.14
Amort izat ion of int angible asset s 0.01 0.02
(0.03) 0.05
Dilut ed net income (loss) per share on a non-GAAP basis 0.14 $ (0.07) $
Tax provision adjust ment s relat ed t o st ock-based awards
September 30,
Three Months Ended
Fusion-io, Inc.
Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures (continued)
(in thousands, except per share data)
(unaudi ted)
Reconci l i ati on of Di l uted Net Income (Loss) per Share on a GAAP
Basi s to Di l uted Net Income (Loss) per Share on a Non-GAAP Basi s:

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