Andhra University 2012 Regulations and Syllabus Relating To

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ANDHRA UNIVERSITY 2012 Regulations and Syllabus relating to

MASTER ! "USINESS ADMINISTRATI N #M"A$ DE%REE E&AMINATI N #!U''(TIME$ #)it* e++e,t +ro- 2012 . 201/$ 1. Admission into MBA (FT) and MBA (PT) Courses will be made on the basis of the Admission Test. Eligibility riteria for Admission Test! a) MBA. (Full"time)! A #ass for all three years of study in the Ba helor$s %egree (other than B.F.A. & B.A.' (()) of Andhra *ni+ersity or any other *ni+ersity re ogni,ed by the A ademi -enate as E.ui+alent thereto. b) MBA. (Part"time)! A #ass for all three years of study in the Ba helor$s %egree (other than B.F.A. & B.A.' (()) of Andhra *ni+ersity or any other *ni+ersity re ogni,ed by the A ademi -enate as E.ui+alent thereto and at least two years full"time wor/ e0#erien e in a #osition not below the ran/ of a 1unior E0e uti+e in the organi,ation whi h ha+e been a##ro+ed by the *ni+ersity for the #ur#ose. The a##li ant should be wor/ing in the organi,ation lo ated at 2isa/ha#atnam by the date of submission of his3her a##li ation. 4f the a##li ant gets admission' he3she has to stay at 2isa/ha#atnam for the entire #eriod of study' i.e. three years. 5. The s o#e of instru tion shall be as defined in the syllabus #res ribed. 6. (a) The andidate shall be re.uired to ta/e at the end of ea h semester' an e0amination as detailed in the - heme of E0amination. Ea h #a#er of the e0amination shall' unless otherwise #res ribed' be of three hours duration and arry 177 mar/s (b) A andidate shall be de lared to ha+e #assed the e0amination if he obtains a minimum of 8.7 -9PA in ea h semester. All other andidates shall be deemed to ha+e failed in the e0amination. Candidates who ha+e om#leted the ourse in ea h semester and ha+e earned the ne essary attendan e and #rogress ertifi ate shall be #ermitted to ontinue the ne0t semester ourse irres#e ti+e of whether they ha+e a##eared or not at the #re+ious e0amination (s). -u h andidates may be #ermitted to a##ear for the e0amination of earlier semester along with the subse.uent semester e0aminations. ( ) Candidates who ha+e om#leted the ourse in ea h semester and ha+e earned the ne essary attendan e and #rogress ertifi ates shall be #ermitted to ontinue the ne0t semester ourse irres#e ti+e of whether they ha+e a##eared or not at the #re+ious e0amination (s). -u h andidates may be #ermitted to a##ear for the e0amination of earlier semesters with the e0aminations of later semester simultaneously. (d) The *ni+ersity shall #re#are e0amination s hedule. The Chairman' P.9. Board of -tudies will #re#are and re ommend the list of #a#er setters and e0aminers to +alue the answer s ri#ts for ea h semester. The answer s ri#ts of all the ourses shall be sub:e t to double oded +aluation. All those who ha+e om#leted a minimum of three years of regulari,ed e0#erien e in tea hing M.B.A. Courses shall be a##ointed as e0aminers for this #ur#ose. The +ariation between first and se ond +aluation shall be dealt with as #er the rules of the *ni+ersity. (e) ;egulations on erning -emester e0amination! 1

i) Ea h Pa#er shall' unless otherwise #res ribed' be of three hours duration and arry 177 Mar/s .;egular andidates shall submit a dissertation from any sub:e t of the ourse and shall ta/e 2i+a <2o e. ii) E0 e#t #a#ers for whi h #ra ti al e0amination is held the semester"end e0am .uestion #a#er shall be =7 Mar/s and di+ided into 8 units of e.ual weightage. 4n res#e t of those #a#ers where #ra ti al e0amination is there' the semester"end e0am .uestion #a#er shall be for >8 mar/s iii) The -emester e0amination shall be based on the .uestion #a#er set by the e0ternal e0aminer. i+) A andidate who fails in one semester e0amination or who is not able to ta/e it shall be eligible to ta/e the same e0amination at the end of the ne0t semester. ?. The s heme of instru tion and the - heme of E0amination shall be as gi+en in Anne0ure < 4. 8. @otwithstanding anything ontained in the abo+e regulations in the ase of Pro:e t ;e#ort3%issertation and 2i+a"2o e' a andidate shall obtain not less than 87A of mar/s to be de lared to ha+e #assed in the e0amination. >. Candidates shall #ut in attendan e at the College for not less than =8A of the total number of wor/ing days. Condonation of shortage of attendan e may be granted on the re ommendation of the Prin i#al of the College on erned. 4f a andidate re#resents the uni+ersity effi iently at games' s#orts and other offi ially organi,ed e0tra urri ular a ti+ities' it will be deemed that he has attended the ollege on the day he is absent for this #ur#ose. =. The names of the su essful andidates at the e0amination shall be arranged in the order in whi h they are registered for the e0amination on the basis of total mar/s obtained by ea h andidate in all the semester e0aminations #ut together in the ase of M.B.A. (Full"time) ourse' and M.B.A (Part"time) ourse. %istin tion! Those who obtain C9PA B.7 or more 4 Class! Those who obtain >.8 C9PA or more but less then B.7' 44 lass! Those who obtain C9PA >.7 or more but less than >.8. Pass! Those who obtain C9PA 8.7 or more but less than >.7. (nly those andidates who a##ear and #ass the e0amination in all #a#ers of the four semesters in the ase of M.B.A. (Full"time) %egree e0amination' and similarly in all the #a#ers of the si0 semesters in the ase of M.B.A. (Part"time) %egree e0amination at first a##earan e are eligible to be #la ed in the first lass with distin tion. Cowe+er' no andidate who has not #assed all the #a#ers relating to any semester at the first a##earan e shall be eligible for the award of any medals or #ri,es by the *ni+ersity and to re ei+e ertifi ates of ran/ obtained by them in the e0amination. B. S*ort Visits0 The andidate shall ma/e not less than two short +isits to different lo al industrial establishments' or#orate offi es in the neighbouring towns3 ities in ea h semester ourse of the #rogramme. The total number of +isits to be made by ea h andidate is twel+e out of whi h nine are om#ulsory. All the andidates are re.uired to submit the re#orts at the time of +i+a e0aminations. D. 1ra,ti,al Training0 Candidates shall undergo #ra ti al training in an organisation for a minimum #eriod of eight wee/s and submit a re#ort thereon along with a #ra ti al training ertifi ate obtained from the organisation. Pra ti al training shall be guided and ertified by the tea her"guide. The #ra ti al training shall be ondu ted during summer +a ation between -e ond and Third -emesters. 17. 1a2er Setting! Euestion #a#er setting for all the sub:e ts of all the semesters shall be entrusted to e0ternal e0aminers a##ro+ed by the P.9. Board of -tudies. The .uestion #a#ers shall be set on F*nit -ystem$ #attern. 5

15. 1ro3e,t )or40 The #ur#ose of the #ro:e t wor/ is #rimarily to demonstrate the a##li ation of /nowledge of s/ills a .uired in the four3si0 semesters of the #rogramme' by studying and analy,ing a sele ted #roblem in the wor/ situation in a systemati manner while suggesting solution to the management. 4t is desirable that the s#onsoring organi,ation has to identify the area of #ro:e t wor/ for their #arti i#ants at the beginning of the training #rogramme itself. Ea h student is re.uired to study the #roblem under the guidan e of a fa ulty member of the de#artment. A andidate who failed in any #a#er or #a#ers in any one of the earlier three semesters need not submit his #ro:e t ;e#ort. Ce3she has to submit his3her #ro:e t re#ort in the ne0t year along with his3her immediate :uniors' after om#leting all the #a#ers in the three semesters. The om#leted #ro:e t should be submitted to the *ni+ersity3College 18 days before the ommen ement of 42 semester e0aminations. 16. I-2ro5e-ent 1ro5ision0 Candidates de lared to ha+e #assed Master %egree Courses in Business Administration under -emester -ystem obtaining third or se ond lass may rea##ear for the same e0amination to im#ro+e their lass as #er the *ni+ersity rules in for e. 1?. E5aluation0 Ea h #a#er will arry 177 mar/s. The duration of written e0amination (semester" end) for ea h #a#er shall be three hours. 18. 6o-2osition o+ -ar4s0 Ea h #a#er is for 177 mar/s di+ided into e0ternal for =7 mar/s and internal for 67 mar/s. 4n the ase of sub:e ts ha+ing #ra ti al e0am' semester"end e0am arries 87 mar/s while internal (mid"term) test and #ra ti al e0amination arry 67 mar/s and 57mar/s res#e ti+ely. 1>. Total -ar4s0 First Gear! -e ond Gear 4 -emester! 44 -emester! Total 444 -emester! 42 -emester! 2i+a"2o e! Pro:e t -tudy! Total %rand Total =77 =77 1700 =77 177 177 1800 /000 Mar/s Mar/s Mar4s Mar/s =77 Mar/s Mar/s Mar/s Mar4s Mar4s

0 0

1=. 4ndustrial Tour is o#tional. 1B. Minimum number of hours #er sub:e t #er wee/ is four. 1D. 2i+a"2o e E0amination! The andidate who #assed all earlier three semesters has to a##ear for a om#rehensi+e 2i+a"+o e e0amination whi h is ondu ted at the end of the fourth semester. A andidate who failed in a #a#er or a andidate who has not a##eared for any earlier e0amination for any #a#er or #a#ers in any semester is not eligible for 2i+a"2o e e0am. -u h andidates ha+e to a##ear for 2i+a ne0t year only after om#leting all the #a#ers in the earlier three semesters.


MBA-FT COURSE STRUCTURE wef 2009-10 Admitted Batch

Intrl 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30"20 30 Extrl 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 0 70 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Hrs/ Week 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Crdits 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

SEMESTER-I 1 2 3 4 ! 7 SEMESTER-II 1 2 3 4 ! 7 SEMESTER-III 1 2 3 4 ! 7 SEMEST -I# 1 2 3 4 ! 7 CP E-I/3 E-I/4 E-I/ E-2/3 E-2/4 E-2/ 401 402 403 404 402 403 404 CP CP CP E-I/1 E-I/2 E-2/1 E-2/2 301 302 303 304 30 304 30 CP CP CP CP CP CP CP 201 202 203 204 20 20! 207 CP CP CP CP CP CP CP 101 102 103 104 10 10! 107

er!"ecti#e! $f Mana%ement Acc$untin% f$r Mana%ement Bu!ine!! En#ir$nment Mana%eria& Ec$n$mic! Mana%eria& C$mmunicati$n S'i&&! Or%ani!ati$na& Beha#i$ur
(uantitati#e Techni)ue! f$r Mana%ement

Mar'etin% Mana%ement Financia& Mana%ement *uman Re!$urce Mana%ement O"erati$n! Mana%ement C$r"$rate +e%a& Framew$r' C$m"uter A""&icati$n! in Mana%ement Re!earch Meth$d$&$%, f$r Mana%ement Bu!ine!! $&ic, - Strate%ic Mana%ement O"erati$n! Re!earch .nternati$na& Bu!ine!! a"er-1 fr$m Fir!t E&ecti#e a"er-2 fr$m Fir!t E&ecti#e a"er-1 fr$m Sec$nd E&ecti#e a"er-2 fr$m Sec$nd E&ecti#e Entre"reneur!hi" - Sma&& Bu!ine!! Mana%ement a"er-/ fr$m Fir!t E&ecti#e a"er-0 fr$m Fir!t E&ecti#e a"er-1 fr$m Fir!t E&ecti#e a"er-/ fr$m Sec$nd E&ecti#e a"er-0 fr$m Sec$nd E&ecti#e a"er-1 fr$m Sec$nd E&ecti#e r$2ect Re"$rt C$m"rehen!i#e 3i#a 3$ce 4RA56 TOTA+

30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 300 0

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ! 4

SEMESTER-III $R%&P-' (M (M $R%&P-) MM MM $R%&P-C HRM HRM $R%&P-* I) I) SEMESTER-I# $R%&P-' (M (M (M $R%&P-) MM MM MM $R%&P-C HRM HRM HRM $R%&P-* I) I) I)


304 30 304 30 304 30 304 30

F.5A5C.A+ MA5A4EME5T Financia& Mar'et! - Ser#ice! Securit, Ana&,!i! - $rtf$&i$ Mana%ement MAR9ET.54 MA5A4EME5T C$n!umer Beha#i$ur - Cu!t$mer Re&ati$n!hi" Mana%ement Sa&e! - 6i!tri:uti$n Mana%ement *UMA5 RESOURCE MA5A4EME5T .ndu!tria& Re&ati$n! C$m"en!ati$n - ;e&fare Mana%ement .5TER5AT.O5A+ BUS.5ESS .nternati$na& Mar'etin% Mana%ement Ex"$rt-.m"$rt Mana%ement - 6$cumentati$n F.5A5C.A+ MA5A4EME5T Financia& 6eri#ati#e! Strate%ic Financia& Mana%ement .nternati$na& Financia& Mana%ement MAR9ET.54 MA5A4EME5T Ser#ice! Mar'etin% Ad#erti!in% and Brand Mana%ement 4&$:a& Mar'etin% *UMA5 RESOURCE MA5A4EME5T erf$rmance Mana%ement - C$un!e&in% Strate%ic *uman Re!$urce! Mana%ement .nternati$na& *uman Re!$urce! Mana%ement .5TER5AT.O5A+ BUS.5ESS .nternati$na& Bu!ine!! +aw! .nternati$na& Trade +$%i!tic! ;TO and .ndia

402 403 404 402 403 404 402 403 404 402 403 404


wef 2009-10 Admitted Batch

SEM-1 1 2 3 4




Hrs/ Week


(TRe+ CP CP CP CP CP 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 101 107 104 103 102 20 1 20 2 20 3 20 4 20 er!"ecti#e! $f Mana%ement (uantitati#e Techni)ue! f$r Mana%ement Mana%eria& Ec$n$mic! Bu!ine!! En#ir$nment Acc$untin% f$r Mana%ement 30 30 30 30 30 70 70 70 70 70 100 100 100 100 100

4 4 4 4 4

4 4 4 4 4

SEM-2 1 2 3 4


10 10! 20 20! 207

Mana%eria& C$mmunicati$n S'i&&! Or%ani!ati$na& Beha#i$ur C$r"$rate +e%a& Framew$r' C$m"uter A""&icati$n! in Mana%ement Re!earch Meth$d$&$%, f$r Mana%ement

30 30 30 30"20 30

70 70 70 0 70

100 100 100 100 100

4 4 4 4 4

4 4 4 4 4

SEM-3 1 2 3 4


30 1 30 2 30 3 30 4 30

202 201 203 2,4 303

Financia& Mana%ement Mar'etin% Mana%ement *uman Re!$urce Mana%ement O"erati$n! Mana%ement .nternati$na& Bu!ine!!

30 30 30 30 30

70 70 70 70 70

100 100 100 100 100

4 4 4 4 4

4 4 4 4 4

SEM-4 1 2 3 4

CP E-I/1 E-I/2 E-2/1 E-2/2

40 1 40 2 40 3 40 2 40 3 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 3 !0 1 !0 2 !0 2


O"erati$n! Re!earch a"er-1 fr$m Fir!t E&ecti#e a"er-2 fr$m Fir!t E&ecti#e a"er-1 fr$m Sec$nd E&ecti#e a"er-2 fr$m Sec$nd E&ecti#e

30 30 30 30 30

70 70 70 70 70

100 100 100 100 100

4 4 4 4 4

4 4 4 4 4

SEM1 2 3 4

CP E-I/3 E-I/4 E-2/3 E-2/4


Bu!ine!! $&ic, - Strate%ic Mana%ement a"er-/ fr$m Fir!t E&ecti#e a"er-0 fr$m Fir!t E&ecti#e a"er-/ fr$m Sec$nd E&ecti#e a"er-0 fr$m Sec$nd E&ecti#e

30 30 30 30 30

70 70 70 70 70

100 100 100 100 100

4 4 4 4 4

4 4 4 4 4

SEM-! 1



Entre"reneur!hi" - Sma&& Bu!ine!! Mana%ement




2 3

E-I/ E-2/

a"er-1 fr$m Fir!t E&ecti#e a"er-1 fr$m Sec$nd E&ecti#e r$2ect Re"$rt

30 30

70 70

100 100 100

4 4

4 4 !


C$m"rehen!i#e 3i#a 3$ce 4RA56 TOTA+

100 3000



SEM-4 $R%&P-' (M (M $R%&P-) MM 40 2 40 3 40 2 40 3 40 2 40 3 40 2 40 3


304 30

Financia& Mar'et! - Ser#ice! Securit, Ana&,!i! - $rtf$&i$ Mana%ement MAR9ET.54 MA5A4EME5T C$n!umer Beha#i$ur - Cu!t$mer Re&ati$n!hi" Mana%ement Sa&e! - 6i!tri:uti$n Mana%ement *UMA5 RESOURCE MA5A4EME5T .ndu!tria& Re&ati$n! C$m"en!ati$n - ;e&fare Mana%ement .5TER5AT.O5A+ BUS.5ESS .nternati$na& Mar'etin% Mana%ement Ex"$rt-.m"$rt Mana%ement - 6$cumentati$n F.5A5C.A+ MA5A4EME5T Financia& 6eri#ati#e! Strate%ic Financia& Mana%ement MAR9ET.54 MA5A4EME5T Ser#ice! Mar'etin% Ad#erti!in% and Brand Mana%ement *UMA5 RESOURCE MA5A4EME5T


MM $R%&P-C HRM HRM $R%&P-* I) I) SEM$R%&P-' (M (M $R%&P-) MM MM $R%&P-C HRM HRM $R%&P-* I) I) SEM-! $R%&P-' (M


304 30

304 30

0 2 0 3 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 3

402 403

402 403

402 403

erf$rmance Mana%ement - C$un!e&in% Strate%ic *uman Re!$urce! Mana%ement .5TER5AT.O5A+ BUS.5ESS .nternati$na& Bu!ine!! +aw! .nternati$na& Trade +$%i!tic! F.5A5C.A+ MA5A4EME5T .nternati$na& Financia& Mana%ement

402 403

!0 2


$R%&P-) MM $R%&P-C HRM $R%&P-* I) !0 2 404 !0 2 404 !0 2 404

MAR9ET.54 MA5A4EME5T 4&$:a& Mar'etin% *UMA5 RESOURCE MA5A4EME5T .nternati$na& *uman Re!$urce! Mana%ement .5TER5AT.O5A+ BUS.5ESS ;TO and .ndia

#M"A$ DE%REE E&AMINATI N #!U''(TIME 9 1ART(TIME$ #)it* e++e,t +ro- 200: . 2010$ M"A SEMESTER I 61 1010 1ERS1E6TIVES ! MANA%EMENT

b3e,ti5e0 to familiari,e the students with the theory and #ra ti e of management . *nit 4! Management < E+olution of Management Thought "Prin i#les of Management < Fun tions of Management " -o ial ;es#onsibility of Management. *nit 44! Planning < @ature' Pur#ose and 4m#ortan e of Planning"Ty#es of Plans"-te#s in Planning" Planning Premises and Fore asting < #ro ess of %e ision Ma/ing"%e ision Tree Analysis. *nit 444! (rgani,ation < Prin i#les of (rgani,ation < Formal and informal (rgani,ation < ty#es of (rgani,ation -tru ture < )ine and -taff ;elations < %elegation < %e entrali,ation <-#an of Control. *nit < 42! %ire ting" )eadershi# Theories and -tyles <Moti+ation <Theories! Maslow$s Theory and Cer,berg$s Theory. *nit" 2! Control"4m#ortan e' -te#s' Pro esses' Te hni.ues"PE;T3CPM"Total Euality Management. (Case -tudy is om#ulsory in all *nits)
-uggested Boo/s! 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. )ouis A Allen' Management & (rganisation' M 9rawCill'@ew Gor/ A.Pardhasardhy & ;.-atya ;a:u! Management Te0t and Cases' Prenti e Call of 4ndia. A- )ather' M Canda' Cases in Management' Hsdom' %elhi Cein, Heihri h & Carold Ioont,' Essentials of Management' Tata"M 9raw Cill'@% 1- Chandan' Management! Theory & Pra ti e' 2i/as' @ew %elhi

>. =. B. D. 17.

;H 9riffin' Management! Prin i#les and A##li ations' Cengage'@ew %elhi Prem 2rat'II Ahu:a & PI 1ain' Management Cases' 2i/as' @ew %elhi )aura P Cartman' A Chatter:ee' Pers#e ti+es in Business Ethi s' TMC' @% Earnest %ale' 9reat (rganisers' M 9raw Cill Peter F %ru /er' The Pra ti e of Management' M 9raw Cill

1020 A66 UNTIN% ! R MANA%EMENT b3e,ti5e0 to de+elo# an insight of #ostulates' #rin i#les and te hni.ues of a ounting and utili,ation of finan ial and a ounting information for #lanning' and de ision"ma/ing *nit"4 ! A ounting for Management <@ature and - o#e < Management Pro ess and A ounting < Finan ial A ounting 2s Cost A ounting 2s A ounting for Management < ;ole of A ount in Modern (rgani,ation *nit < 44! Finan ial A ounting -ystem < 9enerally A e#ted A ounting Prin i#les and A ounting -tandards 9o+erning Finan ial -tatements < Contents of Profit and )oss A ount < Balan e -heet (Theory only) *nit" 444! Elements of Cost<Cost -heet Pre#aration < Absor#tion 2s Marginal Costing <Cost < 2olume < Profit Analysis < Cost Beha+iour < Brea/e+en Analysis < Contribution A##roa h < Profit Planning. *nit"42! Cost Con e#ts for %e ision ma/ing < %e ision Ma/ing Pro ess < %e ision -ituations" -ales 2olume %e isions < Pri ing and -#e ial (rder Pri ing < Ma/e 3 Buy %e isions < Produ t %e isions" Addition' %eletion and Alteration of Mi0 < Plant -hutdown %e ision. *nit" 2! Budgeting < Ty#es of Budgets < Finan ial 2s (#eration Budgets < -hort Term 2s )ong Term Budgets < Pre#aration of -ales Budgets < Pur hase Budgets" E0#enditure Budgets for Material' )abour and (+erheads < Constru tion of Cash Budget" Fle0ible Budget < Master Budget < Management Control and Budgeting < Performan e Budgeting and Jero Based Budgeting. . (Case -tudy is om#ulsory in all *nits)
-uggested Boo/s!

1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B. D. 17.

4. M. Pandey ! Management A ounting 2i/as Publishing Couse.@% @eedles' Finan ial A ounting' Cengage' @ew %elhi 1awaharlal' A ounting for Management' Cimalaya' Mumbai Cilton';amesh & 1ayade+' Managerial A ounting' TMC' @ew %elhi B.Baner:ee' Finan ial Poli y & Management A ounting'PC4' @ew %elhi P Periasamy' A Te0t Boo/ of Cost & Management A ounting' Cimalaya' Mumbai Corngren' C.T.' 4ntrodu tion of Management A ounting'' Prenti e Call of 4ndia. Ihan and 1ain' Management A ounting' Tata M 9raw Cill ' %elhi. Blo her' Chen' Co/ins and )in' Cost Management' A -trategi Em#hasis' TMC' @% Porwal' )-' A ounting Theory' TMC' @ew %elhi

61 10/0 "USINESS ENVIR NMENT b3e,ti5e0 to familiari,e the students with the business en+ironment onditions #re+ailing in 4ndia and international and understand its im#li ations to business. *nit"4 Business En+ironment! Com#onents and -ignifi an e < -o io Cultural' E onomi ' )egal' Politi al' Te hnologi al and E0ternal Fa tors 4nfluen ing Business En+ironment' %imensions of 4nternational Business En+ironment and Challanges *nit"44! -tru ture of 4ndian E onomy K E onomi systems" E onomi #lanning with s#e ial referen e to last three #lans' #ubli ' #ri+ate :oint and oo#erati+e se tors Multinational Cor#orations' 4m#a t of Multinational Cor#orations in 4ndian E onomy. *nit"444 4ndustrial #oli ies of the 9o+t.' Poli y resolutions of 1D8> and 1DD1 and subse.uent hanges' Monetary and Fis al #oli ies' E0#ort and 4m#ort #oli ies with referen e to latest #oli ies. *nit < 42! Publi -e tor and -mall 4ndustry in 4ndia' Past' Present and Future of Publi -e tor' Performan e' Problems' Pri+iatisation' disin+estment' -EJs < their role' ;ole of --4s' Pro edure for establishing --4s' ;ole of %4Cs' Problems of --4s' -i /ness in --4s.. *nit < 2! -to / Mar/ets' -EB4' its rules and regulations' -to / E0 hange' Fun tions of -to / E0 hanges' Primary and -e ondary mar/ets' Com#etition A t 5775 < Conm#etiti+eness' Foreign E0 hange Management A t' -o ial ;es#onsibilities and Ethi s in Business. (Case -tudy is om#ulsory in all *nits) -uggested Boo/s! 17

1. Fran is Cherunilamn < Business En+ironment (Te0t & Cases)' himalaya Publishing Couse Bangalore. 5. -.I. Misra & 2.I. Puri E onomi En+ironment of Business' himalaya Publishing Couse Mumbai. 6. -uresh Bedi < Business En+ironment' E0 el' @ew %elhi. ?. I. Aswatha##a < Essentials of Business en+ironment himalaya Publishing Couse Bangalore 8. 9o+t. of 4ndia < )atest E onomi -ur+ey. >. latest' Candboo/ of 4ndustrial #oli y and -tatisti s < 577D"5717 =. Com#etition A t B. Foreign E0 hange Management A t.

61 1070 MANA%ERIA' E6 N MI6S b3e,ti5e0 to enable the students to understand e onomi in management de ision"ma/ing. on e#ts and theories and their a##li ation

*nit 4" 4ntrodu tion! @ature and - o#e of Managerial E onomi sK (b:e ti+es of the Firm"Traditional Theory' -ales and ;e+enue Ma0imi,ing Theories' Managerial Theories and Beha+ioral TheoriesK Profit Ma0imi,ation. 2s. Health Ma0imi,ation. *nit 44" %emand Analysis ! %emand"Meaning' %eterminations (f %emand' %emand Fun tionK )aw of %emandK Elasti ity of %emand <Pri e' 4n ome' Cross and Promotional or Ad+ertising Elasti ity of demand' Managerial *ses of Elasti ity of %emandK %emand Fore asting. %emand Fore asting Methods for E0isting and @ew Produ ts' Criteria for 9ood Fore asting Method. *nit 444" Produ tion Analysis! Produ tion Fun tion <)aw of 2ariable Pro#ortions' 4so.uant and 4so ost Cur+es' )east Cost Combination' and ;eturns to - aleK E onomies of )arge - aleK Cobb" %ouglas Produ tion Fun tion and Constant Elasti ity of -ubstitution " Produ tion Fun tionK Cost on e#ts and Cost (riented Pri ing Methods. *nit"42 Mar/et Analysis! Pri e and (ut#ut %etermination under Perfe t Com#etitionK Profit" Meaning and Profit Theories"Profit Planning"Measurement. *nit < 2! E onomi (#timi,ation! E onomi Problems and (#timi,ation Te hni.ues < *n onstrained and Constrained (#timi,ationK *nbounded Ma0im < (#timi,ation of Fun tions of (ne 2ariable and (#timi,ation with Multi+ariate Fun tionK (Case -tudy is om#ulsory in all *nits)
-uggested Boo/s! 1. %ean'1oel! Managerial E onomi s' PC4.' @ew %elhi 5. %@ %wid+edi' Managerial E onomi s' 2i/as' @ew %elhi 6. Tri+edi M.)! Managerial E onomi s' Theory and A##li ations' TMC'@% ?. Mar/ Cirs hey' Managerial E onomi s! An 4ntegrati+e A##roa h' Cengage' @ew %elhi


8. >. =. B. D. 17.

Mehta' P.)! Managerial E onomi s' Te0t and Csaes' -.Chand & Co Mittal A.' . Managerial E onomi s' Te0t and Csaes' Hisdom' %elhi Mithani' %.M! Managerial E onomi s' Theory and A##li ations' Cimalaya Publishing. AttmanadK Managerial E onomi s' E0 el #ubli ations. 9.-.9u#a' Ma ro E onomi s! ' Theory and A##li ations' Tata M 9raw Cill. %wi+edi' %.@. Ma ro E onomi s! Theory and A##li ations' Tata M 9raw Cill

10;0 MANA%ERIA' 6 MMUNI6ATI N S<I''S b3e,ti5e0 to e.ui# the students with the ne essary te hni.ues and s/ills of ommuni ation to inform others' ins#ire them enlist their a ti+ity and willing oo#eration in the #erforman e of their :obs. *nit < 4 ! ;ole of Communi ation in Business < (b:e ti+e of Communi ation < The Pro ess of Cuman Communi ation < Media of Communi ation' Hritten Communi ation < (ral Communi ation < 2isual Communi ation' Audio 2isual Communi ation < -ilen e " %e+elo#ing )istening -/ills < 4m#ro+ing @on<+erbal Communi ation /ills < *nderstanding Cultural Effe ts of Communi ation. *nit < 44! Managing (rgani,ation Communi ation " formal and 4nformal Communi ation" 4ntra and Personal Communi ation < Models for 4nter Personal Communi ation < E0 hange Theory' 1ohari Hindow and Transa tional Analysis. *nit"444! Managing Moti+ation to 4nfluen e 4nter#ersonal Communi ation < 4nter"Personal Per e#tion < ;ole of Emotion in 4nter Personal Communi ation" Communi ation -tyles < Barriers of Communi ation < 9ateways to Effe ti+e 4nter#ersonal Communi ation *nit"42! Business Hriting -/ills < -ignifi an e of Business Corres#onden e' Essentials of Effe ti+e Business Corres#onden e' Business )etter and Forms' (ral Presentations < Meetings' Tele#hone Communi ation < *se of Te hnology in Business Communi ation' E"mail Messages. *nit"2! ;e#ort Hriting < Meaning and -ignifi an eK -tru ture of ;e#ortsK @egati+e' Persuasi+e and -#e ial ;e#ortingK 4nformal ;e#ort < Pro#osalsK Formal ;e#ortsK (rgani,ation of Press ;e#ort. (Case -tudy is om#ulsory in all *nits)
-uggested Boo/s! 1. I Bhardwa:' Professional Communi ation' 4I 4nt Pub Couse' @ew %elhi


5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B.

Iri,an' Merrier' )ogan and Hilliams' Effe ti+e Business Communi ations' Cengage' @ew %elhi CC 9u#ta' -9 Telang' Business Communi ation' Hisdom' %elhi Penrose' Business Communi ation for Managers' Cengage' @ew %elhi M 9rath' Basi Managerial -/ills for All 8th ed.' Prenti e Call of 4ndia. *rmila ;ai & -.M. ;ai' Business Communi ation' Cimalya Publishers' Meenalshi ;amanLBusiness Communi ation (0ford *ni+ersity Press. )esi/ar 4 Flatley' Basi Business Communi ation' Tata M 9raw Cill.

61 108


(The ob:e ti+e of this ourse is to tea h the student about the organi,ational theories' dynami s' onfli t' hange' ulture et ) *nit"4! Meaning and s o#e of (B"Challenges and o##ortunities < Foundations of 4ndi+idual beha+iour' +alues' attitude' :ob satisfa tion' #ersonality' #er e#tion and emotions. *nit < 44! Moti+ation"Theories' 9rou# dynami s < )eadershi#s styles.. *nit <444! (rgani,ational onfli t" auses and onse.uen es" onfli t and @egotiation. *nit"42! (rganisational %e+elo#ment hange' hange #ro ess resistan e to hange and (rganisational

*nit < 2! (rganisational Culture"Creating an Ethi al (rganisation"Managing -tress"(rganisational Effe ti+eness.. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory)
-uggested Boo/s! 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B. *dai Paree/' (rgani,ational Beha+iour' (0ford *ni+ersity Press. Iaram Pal' Management Pro ess and (rganisational Beha+iou:r' 4I 4nt Pub Course'@% Moorhead & 9riffin' 4ntrodu tion to (rgani,ational Beha+iour' Cengage' @ew %elhi Arun Iumar and Meena/shi' (rgnisational Beha+iour' 2i/as' @% Fred )uthans' (rganisational Beha+iour' M 9raw Cill' @ew %elhi ;I.-uri' (rgani,ational Beha+iour' Hisdom Publi ation Aswatha##a I' (rganisational Beha+iour' Cimalaya' Mumbai @eera: Iumar' (rganisational Beha+iour' Prenti e Call


61 10=0 >UANTITATIVE TEA6HNI>UES ! R MANA%EMENT b3e,ti5e0 to ma/e the students familiar with the statisti al and mathemati al te hni.ues and their a##li ations in business de ision ma/ing. *nit"4! Fun tions' )inear' Euadrati ' )ogarithmi and E0#onential Fun tions" Permutations and Combinations < Matri es " -ol+ing -ystem of E.uations with Matri0 Methods < %ifferentiation and 4ntegration of -im#le Fun tions and their A##li ations. *nit < 44! Measures of Central Tenden y < Measures of %is#ersion <-im#le Correlation and ;egression Analysis < Con e#t and A##li ations of Multi#le ;egressions. *nit <444! Con e#t of Probability" Probability ;ules < 1oint and Marginal Probability < Baye$s Theorem" Probability %istributions" Binomial' Poisson' @ormal and E0#onential Probability %istributions. *nit"42! -am#ling and -am#ling %istributions < Estimation < Point and 4nter+al Estimates of A+erages and #ro#ortions of small and )arge -am#les <Con e#ts of Testing Cy#othesis <(ne -am#le Test for Testing Mean and Pro#ortion of )arge and -mall -am#les. *nit < 2! Tests Two -am#les <Tests of %ifferen e between Mean and Pro#ortions of -mall and )arge -am#les < Chi"s.uare Test of 4nde#enden e and 9oodness of Fitness" Analysis of 2arian e.

-uggested Boo/s!
1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. =. I.2.-i+ayya and I.-atya ;ao Business Mathemati s Anderson' Euantitati+e Methods for Business' Cengage' @% @agar' %as < Busi -tatisti s' (0ford *ni+ersity #ress C; Iothari' Euantati+e Te hni.ues' 2i/as' @% -henoy' -arma and -ri+atsa+a' Euantitati+e Te hni.ues for Management' @ew Age'@% @.%.Iothari' Euantitati+e Te hni.ues' in Management' Tata M 9raw Cill' 5771. -.P.9u#ta -tatisti al Methods for Management Anand -harma' Euantitati+e Te hni.ues for %e ision Ma/ing' Cimalaya' Mumbai


II SEMESTER 2010 MAR<ETIN% MANA%EMENT (b:e ti+e! to de+elo# an understanding of the on e#ts' issues and strategies in mar/eting and its management. *nit < 4 4m#ortan e and - o#e of Mar/eting! Con e#ts of Mar/etingK Mar/eting Management Tas/sK Mar/eting En+ironmentK Mar/eting and Customer 2alue " 4ndustrial Mar/eting' -er+i es Mar/eting' 9lobal Mar/eting. *nit <44! Mar/eting 4nformation -ystem and Mar/eting ;esear hK Consumer Beha+iour and Buying %e ision Pro ess < (rgani,ation Buyer Beha+iour < Mar/et -egmentation and Targeting. *nit < 444! %e+elo#ment of Mar/eting (fferings -trategy < @ew Produ t %e+elo#ment< Produ t line and %e isions<Produ t"mi0<Produ t %ifferentiation < Produ t )ife Cy le Management " Brand Management " Pa /aging. *nit < 42! Pri ing -trategies and ProgramsK -etting the Pri e < Ada#ting the Pri e < 4nitiating ;es#onse to Pri e Changes " %eli+ering 2alue! %esigning and Managing 2alue @etwor/s < Channels of %istribution. *nit < 2 ! Communi ating 2alue! %esigning and Managing Mar/eting Communi ations < Ad+ertising < %ire t Mar/eting and Personal -elling < -ales Promotion < E+ents and Publi ;elations and Publi ;elations ! Com#etiti+e Mar/eting -trategies" Emerging Trends in Mar/eting! @etwor/ing Mar/eting"2iral Mar/eting"Ambush39uerilla Mar/eting"9reen Mar/eting"%ire t Mar/eting et . (Case -tudy is om#ulsory in all *nits)
-uggested Boo/s 1. Iotler'Ieller'Ioshy & 1ha' Mar/eting Management' Pearson' @ew %elhi 5. Hilliam 1 -tanton' Fundamentals of Mar/eting' M 9raw"Cill' @ew %elhi. 6. Arun Iumar and Meena/shi' Mar/eting Management' 2i/as' @ew %elhi ?. Pride and Ferrell' Mar/eting Management! Planning'4m#lementation & Control' Cengage' @% 8. ;a:an -e0ena' Mar/eting Management! Te0t ases in 4ndian Conte0t. >. Ieith Blois " (0ford Te0tboo/ of Mar/eting (0ford *ni+ersity Press. =. Jin/ota & Iotabe ! Ma/eting Management ' Prenti e Call of 4ndia. B. 1oel ;.E+ans & Barry Berman ! Mar/eting' Hiley 4ndia' @ew %elhi.


2020 !INAN6IA' MANA%EMENT b3e,ti5e0 to e.ui# the students with basi Te hni.ues. #rin i#les of Finan ial Management and

*nit" 4! @ature ' - o#e and (b:e ti+es of Finan ial Management' 9oals of FM"Profit Ma0imi,ation 2s Health Ma0imi,ation < Finan e Fun tions < Finan ial Planning and Fore asting " ;ole of Finan ial Manager < Funds Flow Analysis < Cash Flow Analysis." ;atio Analysis. *nit"44! Finan ing %e ision! Finan ial )e+erage < EP-"EB4T Analysis <Cost of Ca#ital < Heighted A+erage Cost Ca#ital < Ca#ital -tru ture < Fa tors Affe ting Ca#ital -tru ture Theories of Ca#ital -tru ture. *nit < 444! 4n+estment %e ision! @ature and -ignifi an e of 4n+estment %e ision" Estimation of Cash Flows < Ca#ital Budgeting Pro ess < Te hni.ues of 4n+estment A##raisal! Pay Ba / PeriodK A ounting ;ate of ;eturn' Time 2alue of Money" %CF Te hni.ues <@et Present 2alue' Profitability 4nde0 and 4nternal ;ate of ;eturn. *nit"42! %i+idend %e ision! Meaning and -ignifi an e < Theories of %i+idend < %eterminants of %i+idend < %i+idend #oli y < Bonus -hares < -to / -#lits. *nit < 2! Hor/ing Ca#ital %e ision! Meaning < Classifi ation and -ignifi an e of Hor/ing Ca#ital < Com#onent of Hor/ing Ca#ital " Cash Management Models < Cash Budgeting < A ounts ;e ei+ables < Credit Poli ies < 4n+entory Management. (Case -tudy is om#ulsory in all *nits)
-uggested Boo/s! 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B. D. 17. Brealey'Myers'Allen and Mohanty' Prin i#les of Fin Management' TataM 9rawhill'@% Pandey 4M " Finan ial Management' 2i/as' @ew %elhi 1C 2arshney' Finan ial Management' Hisdom' %elhi Brigham and Couston' Fundamentals of Finan ial Management' Cengage' @ew %elhi Baner:ii' B.' Fundamentals of Finan ial Management' PC4' @ew %elhi Heston & Brigham' Managerial Finan e' The %ryden Press'4llinois 1ames C.2an Corne "" Finan ial Management & Poli y' Prenti e Call of 4ndia. Ihan & 1ain " Finan ial Management' Tata M 9raw Cill. ;M -ri+astha+a! Finan ial Management and Poli y' Cimalaya Publi ation. ;obert F Bruner' Case -tudies in Finan e! Managing for Cor#orate 2alue Creation'TMC'@ew %elhi


20/0 HUMAN RES UR6E MANA%EMENT b3e,ti5e0 to e.ui# the students with basi on e#ts of Cuman ;esour e Management and the +arious fun tions of C;M in luding 4ndustrial ;elations in the liberali,ed en+ironment *nit"4! 4ntrodu tion! %efinition and Fun tions of C;MK Prin i#les of C;MK Changing En+ironment of C;MK ChallengesK Ethi al As#e ts of C;M. *nit <44! C; PlanningK Con e#tsK Fa tors 4nfluen ing K C; #lanning K C; Planning Pro essK 1ob Analysis K ;e ruitment and -ele tionK Tests and 4nter+iew Te hni.ues . *nit <444! Training and %e+elo#ment < @eed' Pro ess' Methods and Te hni.ues' E+aluation' Management %e+elo#mentK E+aluating Em#loyee Performan eK Career %e+elo#ment and Counselling. *nit < 42! Com#ensation < Con e#ts and Prin i#lesK 4nfluen ing Fa torsK Current Trends in Com#ensation < Methods of Payment < 4n enti+es and ;ewards. *nit <2! Managing 4ndustrial ;elations < Trade *nions < Em#loyee Parti i#ation - hemes < Colle ti+e Bargaining < Mar/eting Inowledge Hor/ers. (Case -tudy is om#ulsory in all *nits)
-uggested Boo/s! 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B. D. 17. 2en/ata ;aman C.-.' and -ri+asti+a BI Personnel 3 Cuman ;esour e Management' TMC'@% Cynthia %. Fisher & )yle F. - hoenfeldK 3 Cuman ;esour e Management' Hiley 4ndia' @ew %elhi. %I Tri#athi' Cuman ;esour e Management! Te0t & Cases' Hisdom' %elhi Fisher' Managing Cuman ;esour e' Cengage' @% @.I.-ingh 3 Cuman ;esour e Management' E0 el Publi ations. 1yothi " 3 Cuman ;esour e Management' Pearso Edu ation' @ew %elhi. Biswa:eet Pattnaya/ 3 Cuman ;esour e Management' Prenti hell of 4ndia @ew %elhi. P.- ;ao ' Essentials of Cuman ;esour e Managemen & 4;' Cimaliya 'Mumbai %wi+edi &Agarwal' Cuman ;esour e Management' 2i/as' @% ;.Hayne Mondy and ;obert M.@oe' Cuman ;esour e Management' Pearson




(b:e ti+e! to a .uaint the students with de ision ma/ing #ro ess and +arious as#e ts of Produ tion Management. *nit <4 ! 4ntrodu tion ! @ature and - o#e of Produ tion and (#eration Management" Cistori al E+olution < Ty#es of Manufa turing -ystems < %ifferen es Between Manufa turing and -er+i e (#erations ;ole of Produ tion and (#eration Manager. *nit"44! Produ tion Planning and Control! -tages in PPC < 9antt < PPC in Mass' Bat h' and 1ob (rder Manufa turing"Aggregate Planning < Maintenan e Management < 4ndustrial -afety. *nit"444! Plant )o ation! Fa ility )o ation and )ayout Planning <Ty#es of )ayouts < Material Candling E.ui#ments < Material Candling Prin i#les < Models *sed in )ay (ut %esigns. *nit" 42! Produ ti+ity! Fa tors' Affe ting Produ ti+ity < 1ob %esign < Pro ess Flow Charts < Methods -tudy < Hor/ Measurement < Engineering and Beha+ioral A##roa hes. *nit <2! Material Management <Cost Asso iated with 4n+entory < E onomi (rder Euantity < ABC Analysis " Materials ;e.uirement Planning < 1ust 4n < Time Produ tion Total Euality Management < A e#tan e -am#ling < Control Charts < Euality Cir le < Jero %efe ts Programmes < 4-( D777 < A##li ation of Com#uter in Produ tion and (#erations. (Case -tudy is om#ulsory in all *nits)
-uggested Boo/s! 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B. 9aither & Fra,ier' (#erations Management' Cengage' @ew %elhi Panner -el+em' Produ tion and (#eration Management' Prenti e Call of 4ndia. Chunnawals' Produ tion & (#eration Management Cimalaya' Mumbai Ianish/a Bedi' Produ tion & (#eration Management' *ni+ersity Press. *#endra Ia hru! (#eration Management' E0 el Publi ations. Adam' E.E& EbertK ;.1. Produ tion and (#eration Management' >th Ed.' Prenti e Call Chary ' -.@.Produ tion and (#eration Management' @ew %elhi' Tata M 9raw Cill I Aswatha##a & -ridhar Bhatt' Produ tion & (#erations Management' Cimalaya' Mumbai



((b:e ti+e! The ourse is designed to assist students in understanding basi laws affe ting a Business Enter#rise.)

UNIT- I! -ignifi an e of Business )awsL4ndian Contra t A t' 1B=5! Meaning and lassifi ation of ontra tsLEssentials elements of a +alid ontra tL #erforman e of a ontra tL%is harge of a ontra tL2oid agreements" Brea h and remedies of a ontra t. UNIT-II! The -ale of 9oods A t' 1D67! Meaning and Essentials of ontra t of saleL -ale and Agreement to sellLConditions and HarrantiesLTransfer of #ro#erty Performan e of a ontra t of saleL*n#aid seller. UNIT-III! The 4ndian Partnershi# A t' 1D65! Meaning and Essentials of #artnershi#"" ;egistration of #artnershi#LIinds of #artnersL;ights and )iabilities of PartnersL;elations of #arties to third #artiesL%issolution. Unit-IV! The Consumer Prote tion A t' 1DB>! Meaning of Consumer' -er+i e' 9oods' %efi ien y' %efe t' *nfair Trade Pra ti esL;ights of ConsumersLMa hinery For redressal of 9rie+an esL;emedies a+ailable to in:ured onsumers

UNIT-V! The Com#anies A t' 1D8>! @ature and ;egistrationLIinds of Com#aniesL Memorandum of Asso iationLArti le of Asso iationLIinds of -haresL Powers and duties of %ire torsLwinding u#.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUGGESTED BOOKS:
?? N@D@<a2oorLCommer ial )awL-ultan hand #ublishers' @ew %elhi. ??S N Ma*esAaru 9 Suneed Ma*esAariLCommer ial )awsLMayoor Pa#er Ba /sL@(4%A ?? Tulisian 1@6@LBusiness )awsLTata M 9raswhill Publishing houseL . @ew %elhi ?? <u,,*alLBusiness )awL2i/as Publishing Couse' @ew %elhi. ?? A5atar Sing*LMer antile )aw""EBCL@ew %elhi. .



61 . 2080 6 M1UTER A11'I6ATI NS IN MANA%EMENT (b:e ti+e! The ob:e ti+e of this ourse is to #ro+ide an insight into basi features of Com#uter -ystems and their A##li ations in Managerial %e ision Ma/ing. *nit"4! 4ntrodu tion to Com#uter Con e#ts < Elements of om#uter < Chara teristi s of a Com#uter < Classifi ation of Com#uters < Basi Com#uter Ar hite ture < 4n#ut"out#ut %e+i es *nit"44 -oftware Con e#ts! Ty#es of software < -oftware! its nature and .ualities << Hindows (#erating -ystem Fun tions " *nit"444! M- (ffi e" A##li ations of M- Hord in Business Corres#onden e! letters' tables' mail merge' labels A##li ations of M- E0 el! 9ra#hs and Charts < Cal ulation of +arious finan ial fun tions " Ms A ess! Tables and Eueries *nit"42! M- Power Point! 4ntrodu tion < Toolbar' their 4 ons and Commands < @a+igating in Power #oint " Creation of slides' animation' and tem#lates " %esigning Presentations < -lide show ontrols < Ma/ing notes on Pages and Candouts < Printing Presentations < Customi,ing Presentations " Auto ontent Hi,ard. *nit"2! Com#uter @etwor/s! (+er+iew of a @etwor/ < Communi ation #ro essors < Communi ations Media < Ty#es of @etwor/ < @etwor/ To#ologies" @etwor/ #roto ols < @etwor/ Ar hite ture. E0er ises in the abo+e areas is a must
Suggested Books: 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. =. -an:ay -a0ena and Prath#reet Cho#ra' Com#uter A##li ations in Management' 2i/as' @ew %elhi A/soy' 4ntrodu tion to 4nformation Te hnology' Cengage' @% Parameswaran! Com#uter A##li ation in Business < - Chand' @ew %elhi. Management 4nformation -ystems by Mahadeo 1aiswal' Moni/a Mittal' (0ford *ni+ersity Press. P- 9ill' %atabase Management -tystems' 4I 4nt Pub Couse' @ew %elhi Management 4nformation -ystems by %.P. 9oyal' Ma Millan Publishers. The Com#a t guide to Mi rosoft offi e' Mansfield ;om' BPB Publi ations' %elhi. -udalaimuthu & Anthony ;a:' Com#uter A##li ations in Business' Cimalaya' Mumbai


61 ( 20=0 RESEAR6H METH D ' %Y ! R MANA%EMENT (b:e ti+e! To e.ui# the students with the basi understanding of resear h methodology and to #ro+ide insight into the a##li ation of modern analyti al tools and te hni.ues for the #ur#ose of management de ision ma/ing. *nit < 4! Meaning and 4m#ortan e of ;esear h < ;esear h Pro ess < Ty#es of ;esear h < %efining ;esear h Problem < Formulation of Cy#othesis < Testing of Cy#othesis. *nit < 44! ;esear h %esign < E0#loratory ;esear h < %es ri#ti+e ;esear h < Casual ;esear h < -am#ling and -am#ling %esign < -am#ling Methods < -im#le ;andom -am#ling < -tratified -am#ling < -ystemati -am#ling < Cluster -am#ling < Multistage -am#ling' @on< Probability -am#ling < Con+enien e -am#ling < 1udgement -am#ling < Euota -am#ling. *nit < 444! %ata Colle tion < Primary and -e ondary %ata < %esigning of Euestionnaire < Measurement and - aling < @ominal - ale < (rdinal - ale < 4nter+al - ale < ;atio - ale < 9uttman - ale < )i/ert - ale < - hemati %ifferential - ale. *nit < 42! Editing < Coding < Classifi ation of %ata < Tables and 9ra#hi Presentation < Pre#aration and Presentation of ;esear h ;e#ort. *nit < 2! @on Parametri Tests < Iolmogoro+ < -mirno+ Test < ;uns Test for ;andomness < -ign Test < Median Test < Multi+ariate Analysis < Multi#le ;egression Analysis < Con e#ts and A##li ation of %is riminate Analysis and Fa tor Analysis.
Suggested "oo4s0 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B. Mar/ -aunders' Phili# )ewis' Adrian Thornbill' ;esear h Methods for Business -tudents' Pearson'@% Chur hill' 4a obu i & 4srael' Mar/eting ;esear h! A -outh Asian Pers#e ti+e' Cengage' @ew %elhi C.;. Iothari' ;esear h Methodology' @ew Age 4nternational. Car+er & @ash' %ata Analysis with -P--' Cengage' @ew %elhi Alan Bryman & Emma Bell' Business ;esear h Methods' (0ford *ni+ersity Press. %onald ;. Coo#er & Pamela -. - hindler' Business ;esear h Methods Bth Edition' Tata M 9raw Cill. I.2.-. -arma' -tatisti s made sam#le' do it yourself on PC' Prenti e Call. 2 P Mi hael' ;esear h Methodology in Management' Cimalaya' Mumbai


III SEMESTER /010 "USINESS 1 'I6Y AND STRATE%I6 MANA%EMENT b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and Pra ti al a##li ations of Business Poli y and the Pro ess of the -trategi Management *nit"1! (+er+iew of -trategi Management of -trategi Management < Business Poli y and -trategi Management " -trategi Management Model < Business Ethi s and -trategi Management. *nit"44! Business 2ision' Mission' (b:e ti+es < Chara teristi s of Mission -tatement Ty#es of -trategies < 4ntegration strategies < 4ntensi+e strategies < %i+ersifi ation strategies" %i+ersifi ation strategies" Mi hael Porter 9eneri -trategies *nit"444! -trategi formulation! En+ironmental Analysis < E0ternal and industry analysis < 4nternal analysis <-trategi analysis and hoi e < 4n#ut stage <Mat hing stage < de ision stage < Cultural as#e ts of strategy hoi e. *nit"42! -trategi 4m#lementation! The nature of strategi im#lementation resour e allo ation < -trategy and stru ture < Creating < -u##orti+e ulture < 4m#lementing strategies in fun tional areas. *nit < 2! -trategy E+aluation! The nature of strategy e+aluation <;e+iew and Control < Chara teristi s of effe ti+e e+aluation systems < Criteria for strategy ontrol <Me hanism for strategi ontrol. (Case -tudy is om#ulsory in all *nits) -uggested Boo/s
1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B. D. Cill & 1ones' An 4ntegrated A##roa h to -trategi Management' Cengage' @% 9lue /' Hilliam F. -trategi Management and Business Poli y' @ew Gor/ M 9raw Cill. -u/ul )amesh' Business Poli y and -trategi Management' 2i/as' @% Cugh M Millan" -trategi Management' (0ford *ni+ersity Press. Budhira:a' -.B. and Athereya' MB.Cases in -trategi Management' Tata M 9raw"Cill'@% Ca0 A.C and Ma:luf' @.-. -trategi Management' Englewood Cliffs' @ew 1ersey ' Prenti e Call of 4ndia. Mathur *.C. -trategi Management' Ma millan. 9u#ta' -trategi Management' Premti e Call of 4ndia. P- ;ao' Business Poli y & -trategi Management' Cimalaya' Mumbai


61 /020


(b:e ti+e! to ma/e the students familiar with #rin i#les and te hni.ues of (#erations ;esear h and their a##li ations in de ision"ma/ing. *nit < 4! 4m#ortan e and - o#e of (#erations ;esear h < )inear Programming < 9ra#hi Method < -im#le0 Method < Big"M Method < %ual ).P. and 4ts A##li ations. *nit < 44! Trans#ortation Problem < Assignment Problem < .ueuing Theory < M3M34 and M3M3C Models. *nit < 444! %ynami Programming < A##li ations of %.P. (Ca#ital Budgeting' Produ tion Planning' -ol+ing )inear Programming Problem) < 4nteger Programming < Bran h and Bound Method. *nit < 42 ! 9ame Theory < Two Person Jero sum 9ames < Pure -trategies < Mi0ed -trategies < %ominan e Prin i#le < 9ra#hi and Algebrai Method < )inear Programming A##roa h < -imulation < -imulation 4n+entory and Haiting )ines. *nit < 2! Pro:e t Management < PE;T and CPM < Crash Time < Crash Cost Trade (ff < ;esour e )e+eling and ;esour e Allo ation < @on")inear Programming Model Formulation < 9ra#hi Method of -ol+ing -im#le Problems. (Case -tudies are om#ulsory in all units)
Suggested "oo4s0 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. Hinston' (#erations ;esear h' Cengage' @% Anand -harma' (#erations ;esear h' Cimalaya Publishing Couse' Iala+arthy' -. (#erations ;esear h' 2i/as Publishers Couse P+t )td.' M lea+ey & Mo:ena' Prin i#les of (#erations ;esear h for Management' A4TB- #ublishers' 2.I.Ia#oor' (#eration ;esear h Te hni.ues for Management' -ultan Chand & -ons' ;i hard Bronson & 9o+indasami @aadimuthu' -CCA*M$- (*T)4@E (F TCE(;G & P;(B)EM- (F (#erations ;esear h' 5nd Ed.' Tata M 9raw"Cill Edition' B. 1I -harma (#eration ;esear h < Theory and A##li ations' Ma Millan


61 . /0/0 INTERNATI NA' "USINESS (b:e ti+e! The ob:e ti+e of this ourse is to a .uaint the students to emerging global trends to business en+ironment. *nit < 4! 4nternational Business! -ignifi an e' Free Trade 2s. Prote tion. Emerging Trends' Trade Barriers Trade -trategies. *nit < 44! Balan e of Payments! Con e#t' %ise.uilibrium in B(P' -tru tural Cy li al and Monetary %ise.uilibrium' Methods of Corre tionK 1DD7 B(P Crisis. *nit < 444! Foreign E0 hange Mar/ets! Foreign E0 hange Mar/et Me hanismK E0 hange ;ate %etermination' Con+ertibility of ;u#ee and its 4m#li ations. *nit < 42! 9lobalisation! ;ole of Multinational Cor#orations < 4m#a t on 4ndia < ;ole of 9%;s' F44s < E0#ort Promotion Jones < -#e ial E onomi Jones. *nit < 2! 4nternational )i.uidity! Problems of )i.uidityK ;ole of 4MF and 4B;% in Managing 4nternational )i.uidity Problems.
Suggested "oo4s0 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B. Crin/ota' ;on/ainen and Moffett' 4nternational Business' Cengage' @ew %elhi Andrew Carrison < 4nternational Business' (0ford *ni+ersity Press. E. Bhatta harya! 4nternational Business' E0 el Publi ations. Fran is Cherunilam' 4nternational Business! Te0t and Cases' Prenti e Call of 4ndia. -undaram & Bla /' 4nternational Business En+ironment < The Te0t and Cases' Prenti e Call of 4ndia. Taggart and Medrmott' The Essen e of 4nternational Business' Prenti e Call of 4ndia. Bhalla' 2.I.' & -. -i+aramu' 4nternational Business En+ironment and Business' Annual Publi ations. %aniel 1ohn % and ;edebough' )ee. C.' 4nternational Business' Addision Hesley 4ndia.


SEMESTER . IV 61 7010 ENTRE1RENEURSHI1 AND SMA'' "USINESS MANA%EMENT (b:e ti+e! The ob:e ti+e of this ourse is to e0#ose the students to the sub:e t of entre#reneurshi# and small business management' so as to #re#are them to establish and a new enter#rise and effe ti+ely manage the same. *nit < 4! Entre#reneurshi#! 4m#ortan e' Chara teristi s and Eualities of Entre#reneurshi#K Entre#reneurialK ;ole of Entre#reneurshi#' Ethi s and -o ial ;es#onsibilities. *nit < 44! ;ole of 9o+ernmentK ;ole of 4%B4' @4E-B*%' -4-4' %4C Finan ial 4nstitutions Commer ial Ban/s' Entre#reneurial %e+elo#ment 4nstitutes' *ni+ersities and other Edu ational 4nstitutions (ffering Entre#reneurial %e+elo#ment Programme. *nit < 444! Training! %esigning A##ro#riate Training Programme to 4n ul ate Entre#reneurial -#irit' Training for @ew and E0isting Entre#reneurs' Feedba / and Performan e of Trainees. *nit < 42! Homen Entre#reneurshi# < ;ole & 4m#ortan e' Profile Homen Entre#reneur' Problems of Homen Entre#reneurs' Homen Entre#reneurshi# %e+elo#ment in 4ndia. *nit < 2! Creati+ity and Entre#reneurshi# -our es and Methods of 4deas Planning and %e+elo#ment of Programmes E"Business 2enturesK @ew 2enture Management. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory)
Suggested "oo4s0 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B. @2; @aidu and T.Irishna ;ao' Management and Entre#reneurshi#' 4I 4nt Pub Couse' @ew %elhi - Anil Iumar' -mall Business and Entre#reneurshi#' 4I 4nt Pub Couse' @ew %elhi Balra: -ingh' Entre#reneurshi# %e+elo#ment' Hisdom' %elhi Timmons and -#inelli' @ew 2enture Creation!Entre#reneurshi# for 51st Century' TMC' @% Tabarro/ < Entre#reneurial E onomi s' (0ford *ni+ersity Press. C.2. Ba/shi' Entre#reneurshi# %e+elo#ment' E0 el Publi ations. 1ain' Cand Boo/ of Entre#reneurs' (0ford *ni+ersity Press. 2asant %esai' -mall Business in Entre#reneurshi#' Cimalaya Publishing Couse.


!INAN6IA' MANA%EMENT !M /070 !INAN6IA' MAR<ETS AND SERVI6ES b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and Pra ti al dynami s of Finan ial Mar/ets and Finan ial -er+i es *@4T < 4 ! -tru ture of Finan ial -ystem < role of Finan ial -ystem in E onomi %e+elo#ment < Finan ial Mar/ets and Finan ial 4nstruments < Ca#ital Mar/ets < Money Mar/ets < Primary Mar/et (#erations < ;ole of -EB4 < -e ondary Mar/et (#erations < ;egulation < Fun tions of -to / E0 hanges < )isting < Formalities < Finan ial -er+i es -e tor Problems and ;eforms. *@4T < 44 ! Finan ial -er+i es! Con e#t' @ature and - o#e of Finan ial -er+i es < ;egulatory Frame Hor/ of Finan ial -er+i es < 9rowth of Finan ial -er+i es in 4ndia < Mer hant Ban/ing < Meaning"Ty#es < ;es#onsibilities of Mer hant Ban/ers < ;ole of Mer hant Ban/ers in 4ssue Management < ;egulation of Mer hant Ban/ing in 4ndia. *@4T < 444 ! 2enture Ca#ital < 9rowth of 2enture Ca#ital in 4ndia < Finan ing Pattern under 2enture Ca#ital < )egal As#e ts and 9uidelines for 2enture Ca#ital' )easing < ty#es of )eases < E+aluation of )easing (#tion 2s. Borrowing. *@4T < 42 ! Credit ;ating < Meaning' Fun tions < %ebt ;ating -ystem of C;4-4)' 4C;A and CA;E. Fa toring' Forfeiting and Bill %is ounting < Ty#es of Fa toring Arrangements < Fa toring in the 4ndian Conte0tK *@4T < 2 ! Mutual Funds < Con e#t and (b:e ti+es' Fun tions and Portfolio Classifi ation' (rgani,ation and Mangement' 9uidelines for Mutual Funds' Hor/ing of Publi and Pri+ate Mutual Funds in 4ndia. %ebt -e uritisation < Con e#t and A##li ation < %e"mat -er+i es"need and (#erations"role of @-%) and C-%). (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory) -uggested Boo/s!
1. Bhole & Maha/ud' Finan ial 4nstitutions and Mar/et' TMC' @ew %elhi 5. 2.A.A+adhani' Mar/eting of Finan ial -er+i es' Cimalayas Publishers' Mumbai 6. %I Murthy' and 2enugo#al' 4ndian Finan ial -ystem' 4I 4nt Pub Couse ?. Anthony -aunders and MM Cornett' Fin Mar/ets & 4nstitutions'TMC' @% 8. Edminister ;.%.' Finan ial 4nstitution' Mar/ets and Management!>. =. Punitha+athy Pandian' Finan ial Mar/ets and -er+i es' 2i/as' @ew %elhi B. 2asanth %esai' Finan ial Mar/ets & Finan ial -er+i es' Cimalaya' Mumbai D. Meir Ihan < Finan ial 4nstitutions and Mar/ets' (0ford Press.


17.Madura' Finan ial Mar/ets & 4nstitutions' Cengage' @%



b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and Pra ti al a##li ations of -e urity Analysis and Portfolio Management *nit"1! Con e#t of 4n+estment' 4n+estment 2s -#e ulation' and -e urity 4n+estment 2s @on" se urity Forms of 4n+estment"4n+estment En+ironment in 4ndia. 4n+estment Pro ess " -our es of 4n+estment 4nformation' -e urity Mar/ets < Primary and -e ondary < Ty#es of se urities in 4ndian Ca#ital Mar/et' Mar/et 4ndi es. Cal ulation of -E@-EM and @4FTG *nit"44! ;eturn and ;is/ < Meaning and Measurement of -e urity ;eturns. Meaning and Ty#es of -e urity ;is/s! -ystemati 2s @on"systemati ;is/. Measurement of Total ;is/ " 4ntrinsi 2alue A##roa h to 2aluation of Bonds " Preferen e -hares and E.uity -hares. *nit"444! Fundamental Analysis < E onomy' 4ndustry and Com#any Analysis' Te hni al Analysis < Con e#t and Tools and Te hni.ues Analysis < Te hni al Analysis 2s Fundamental Analysis " Effi ient Mar/et Cy#othesisK Con e#t and Forms of Mar/et Effi ien y. *nit"42! Elements of Portfolio Management' Portfolio Models < Mar/owit, Model' Effi ient Frontier and -ele tion of (#timal Portfolio. -har#e -ingle 4nde0 Model and Ca#ital Asset Pri ing Model' Arbitrage Pri ing Theory. *nit"2! Performan e E+aluation of PortfoliosK -har#e Model < 1ensen$s E+aluation' E+aluation of Mutual Fund. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory)
-uggested Boo/s! 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B. D. 17. 11. Fisher %E and 1ordon ;1' -e urity Analysis and Portfolio Management'PC4' @ew %elhi Ambi/a Prsasad %ash' -e urity Analysis and Portfolio Management'4I 4nt Pub Couse' @ew %elhi Cirt and Blo /' Fundamentals of 4n+estment Management' TataM 9rawCill' @ew %elhi ;eily Fran/ I' 4n+estment Analysis and Portfolio Management'Cengage' @ew %elhi Bodie'Iane'Mar us and Mohanty' 4n+estments' TataM 9raw Cill' @ew %elhi Peter )yn h' (ne *# on Hall -treet' -imon & - huster Pa#erba /s' @ew Gor/ -har##e H' Ale0ander'91.' & Baily 12.' 4n+estments' TMC' @ew %elhi A+adhani' 2A' -APM' Cimalaya Publishers. Bhalla' 2I 4n+estment Management' -.Chand.' @ew %elhi Preeti -ingh' 4n+estment Management' Cimalaya Publishers. Timothy 2i /' Cow to Pi / -to /s li/e Harren Buffett' TMC' @ew %elhi

Model for PF


!M 7020 !INAN6IA' DERIVATIVES b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and Pra ti al a##li ations of deri+ati+es in the -e urity mar/ets *nit < 4 ! 4ntrodu tion to Finan ial %eri+ati+es < Meaning and @eed < 9rowth of Finan ial %eri+ati+es in 4ndia < %eri+ati+e Mar/ets < Parti i#ants < Fun tions < Ty#es of %eri+ati+es < Forwards < Futures < (#tions < -wa#s < The ;egulatory Framewor/ of %eri+ati+es Trading in 4ndia. *nit < 44 ! Features of Futures < %ifferen es Between Forwards and Futures < Finan ial Futures < Trading < Curren y Future < 4nterest ;ate Futures < Pri ing of Future Contra ts < 2alue At ;is/ (2A;) < Cedging -trategies < Cedging with -to / 4nde0 Futures < Ty#es of Members and Margining -ystem in 4ndia < Futures Trading on B-E & @-E. *nit < 444 ! (#tions Mar/et < Meaning & @eed < (#tions 2s futures < Ty#es of (#tions Contra ts < Call (#tions < Put (#tions < Trading -trategies 4n+ol+ing (#tions < Basi (#tion Positions < Margins < (#tions on sto / 4ndi es < (#tion Mar/ets in 4ndia on @-E and B-E. *nit < 42 ! (#tion Pri ing < 4ntrinsi 2alue and Time 2alue " Pri ing at E0#iration < Fa tors Affe ting (#tions #ri ing < Put"Call Parity Pri ing ;elationshi# < Pri ing Models < 4ntrodu tion to Binominal (#tion Pri ing Model < Bla / - holes (#tion Pri ing Model. *nit < 2! -wa#s < Meaning < (+er+iew < The -tru ture of -wa#s < 4nterest ;ate -wa#s < Curren y -wa#s < Commodity -wa#s < -wa# 2ariant < -wa# %ealer ;ole < E.uity -wa#s < E onomi Fun tions of -wa# Transa tions < F;As and -wa#s. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory)
Suggested "oo4s0 1. 5. 6. ?.
8. >.

;ene M -tul,' ;is/ Management and %eri+ati+es' Cengage' @ew %elhi %a+id Thomas. H & %ubofs/y Miller. 1r.' %eri+ati+es 2aluation and ;is/ Management' (0ford *ni+ersity' 4ndian Edition. @.%.2ohra & B.;.Baghi' Futures and (#tions' Tata M 9raw"Cill Publishing Com#any )td. ;ed Cead! Finan ial %eri+ati+es! An 4ntrodu tion to Futures' Forward' (#tionsN Prenti e Call of 4ndia.
%a+id A. %ubofs/y' Thomas H.Miller' 1r.! %eri+ati+es! 2aluation and ;is/ Management' (0ford *ni+ersity Press. -unil I.Parameswaran' OFutures Mar/ets! Theory and Pra ti eN Tata"M 9raw"Cill Publishing Com#any )td.

=. B. D.

%.C.Parwari' Finan ial Futures and (#tions' 1ai o Publishing Couse T.2.-omanathan' %eri+ati+es' Tata M 9raw"Cill Publishing Com#any )td. @-E manual of 4ndian Futures & (#tions & www.-ebi. om


!M 70/0 STRATE%I6 !INAN6IA' MANA%EMENT b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and Pra ti al a##li ations of -trategi Finan ial Management.' with #arti ular referen e to the finan ial strategy and +alue of the enter#rise. *nit"1! Finan ial 9oals and -trategy < -hareholder 2alue Creation (-C2)! Mar/et 2alue Added (M2A) < Mar/et"to"Boo/ 2alue (M3B2) < E onomi 2alue Added (E2A) < Managerial 4m#li ations of -hareholder 2alue Creation. *nit"44! Finan ial -trategy for Ca#ital -tru ture! )e+erage Effe t and -hareholders$ ;is/ < Ca#ital -tru ture Planning and Poli y < Finan ial (#tions and 2alue of the Firm < %i+idend Poli y and 2alue of the Firm. *nit"444! 4n+estment -trategy < Te hni.ues of 4n+estment A##raisal *nder ;is/ and *n ertainty < ;is/ Ad:usted @et Present 2alue < ;is/ Ad:usted 4nternal ;ate of ;eturn < Ca#ital ;ationing < %e ision Tree A##roa h for 4n+estment %e isions < E+aluation of )ease 2s Borrowing %e ision. *nit"42! Merger -trategy < Theories of Mergers < Cori,ontal and Conglomerate Mergers < Merger Pro edure < 2aluation of Firm < Finan ial 4m#a t of Merger < Merge and %ilution Effe t on Earnings Per -hare < Merger and %ilution Effe t on Business Control. *nit"2! Ta/eo+er -trategy < Ty#es of Ta/eo+ers < @egotiated and Costile Bids < Ta/eo+er Pro edure < Ta/eo+er %efenses < Ta/eo+er ;egulations of -EB4 < %istress ;estru turing -trategy < -ell offs < -#in (ffs < )e+eraged Buyouts. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory) Suggested "oo4s0
1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. 2an Corn' 1C' Finan ial Management and Poli y' Prenti e Call'@ew %elhi P9 9odbole' Mergers' A .uisitions and Cor#orate ;estru turing' 2i/as' @ew %elhi Hea+er' -trategi Cor#orate Finan e' Cengage' @% Heston 1F' Chung I- & Ceag -E.' Mergers' ;estru turing & Cor#orate Control' Prenti e Call. 9P 1a/arthiya' -trategi Finan ial Management' 2i/as' @ew %elhi Coo#ers & )ybrand' -trategi Finan ial! ;is/ Management' *ni+ersities Press (4ndia) )td.


=. B.

;obi he /' A' and Myers' -.' (#timal Finan ing %e isions' Prenti e Call 4n . 1ames T.9leason' ;is/) The @ew Management 4m#erati+e in Finan e' A 1ai o Boo/.

FM ?7?! 4@TE;@AT4(@A) F4@A@C4A) MA@A9EME@T

b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and Pra ti al a##li ations of 4nternational Finan ial Management. *nit 4 ! 4nternational Monetary and Finan ial -ystem! E+olutionK Breton Hoods Conferen e and (ther E0 hange ;ate ;egimesK Euro#ean Monetary -ystem' -outh East Asia Crisis and Current Trends. *nit 44 ! Foreign E0 hange ;is/! Transa tion E0#osureK A ounting E0#osure and (#erating E0#osure < Management of E0#osures < 4nternal Te hni.ues' Management of ;is/ in Foreign E0 hange Mar/ets! Fore0 %eri+ati+es < -wa#s' futures and (#tions and Forward Contra ts (Cases). *nit 444 ! Features of %ifferent 4nternational Mar/ets! Euro )oans' CPs' Floating ;ate 4nstruments' )oan -yndi ation' Euro %e#osits' 4nternational Bonds' Euro Bonds and Pro ess of 4ssue of 9%;s and A%;s. *nit 42 ! Foreign 4n+estment %e isions ! Cor#orate -trategy and Foreign %ire t 4n+estmentK Multinational Ca#ital BudgetingK 4nternational A .uisition and 2aluation' Ad:usting for ;is/ in Foreign 4n+estment. *nit 2 ! 4nternational A ounting and ;e#ortingK Foreign Curren y Transa tions' Multinational Transfer Pri ing and Performan e MeasurementK Consolidated Finan ial ;e#orting. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory)
Suggested "oo4s0 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B. D. Bu /ley Adrin' Multinational Finan e' 6rd Edition' Engle Hood Cliffs' Prenti e Call of 4ndia. -.P.-rini+asan' B.1ana/iram' 4nternational Finan ial Management' Hiley 4ndia' @ew %elhi. Clar/' 4nternational Finan ial Management' Cengage' @% 2.-haran' 4nternational Finan ial Management' 6rd Edition' Prenti e Call of 4ndia. A.I.-eth' 4nternational Finan ial Management' 9algothia Publishing Com#any. P.9.A#te' 4nternational Finan ial Management' Tata M 9rw Cill' 6rd Edition. Bhalla' 2.I.' 4nternational Finan ial Management' 5nd Edition' @ew %elhi' Anmol' 5771. 2.A.A+adhani' 4nternational Finan ial Management' Cimalaya Publishing Couse. Bhalla' 2.I.' Managing 4nternational 4n+estment and Finan e' @ew %elhi' Anmol' 1DD=.


MAR<ETIN% MANA%EMENT #S1E6IA'IBATI N 1A1ERS$ MM /07 . 6 NSUMER "EHAVI UR AND 6UST MER RE'ATI NSHI1 MANA%EMENT b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and Pra ti al a##li ations of Consumer Be+a+iour and C;M *nit"4 ! 4ntrodu tion to the study of Consumer Beha+iour < Consumer and Mar/eting -trategy < %eterminants of Consumer Beha+iour < Profile of the 4ndian Consumer. *nit < 44 ! Per e#tion < @ature < Per e#tion and Mar/eting -trategy' Moti+ation < Moti+ation Theories and Mar/eting -trategy < Personality. *nit < 444 ! Attitude Measurement and Change < -elf Con e#t and )ife -tyle Mar/eting' 4nfluen e of -o ial and Cultural fa tors on Consumer Beha+iour < Family' ;eferen e grou#s' Cross Cultural 2ariations in Consumer Beha+iour. *nit < 42 ! Consumer %e ision Pro ess < Problem ;e ognition < 4nformation -ear h < E+aluation of alternati+es and sele tion < Post Pur hase Beha+iour < (rgani,ational buyer Beha+iour < %iffusion of 4nno+ation. *nit < 2 ! Customer ;elationshi# Management ! Fa ets and Elements of C;F < C;M Pro ess < 4m#ortan e of C;M < Planning and Managing C;M Programme < Con e#t of Customer )oyalty < Customer 2alue Assessment < Customer ;etention -trategies < C;M in ser+i es. (Case -tudy is om#ulsory in all *nits)
-uggested Boo/s! 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >.

Caw/ins' Best' Coney! Consumer Beha+iour Building Mar/eting -trategy' Tata M 9raw Cill. )ind.uist & -irgy' Consumer Beha+iour' Cengage' @ew %elhi @ 9autam & I 1ain' Consumer Beha+iour' Hisdom' %elhi Ia,mi ! Consumer Beha+iour' E0 el Publishers. C.Peer Mohammed! Customer ;elationshi# Management' 2i/as' @% Panwar' 1.-. Beyond Consumer Mar/eting' -age ;es#onse Boo/s' @ew %elhi.
Mu/esh Chatur+edi and Abhi+an Chatur+edi ! Customer ;elationshi# Management An 4ndian Pers#e ti+e. E0 el Boo/s.


B. D.

%eon < Buyer Beha+iour' (0ford *ni+ersity Press. Cenry Assael! Consumer Beha+iour' Hilley 4ndia' @ew %elhi.

MM /0;0 SA'ES AND DISTRI"UTI N MANA%EMENT b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and Pra ti al a##li ations of -ales and %istribution Management. *nit 4! Modern Trends in -ales Management < 4nter %e#artmental ;elations < (rgani,ation of -ales %e#artment < %ifferent Ty#es of -ales (rgani,ations. *nit 44 ! Analysis of Mar/et Potential < -ales Potential < -ales 2olume < Fore asting -ales < %ifferent Te hni.ues of Fore asting -ales < -ales Budgets < time and Territory Management < -ales Euotas. *nit 444 ! ;e ruitment < -ele tion and Training of -alesmen < -alesmen$s Com#ensation Plans < E+aluation of -alesmen$s Performan e < -ales Control ;esear h. *nit 42! Mar/eting Channels < -tru ture and Fun tions < Channel %esign < -ele ting Channel Members < Moti+ating Channel Members. *nit 2! Channel Confli ts < ;easons < Managing Channel Confli ts E+aluating Channel Member Performan e < -u##ly Chain Management < Managing )ogisti s. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory) Suggested "oo4s0
1. Pingali 2enugo#al' -ales and %istribution Management! An 4ndian Pers#e ti+e' ;es#onse Boo/s' @ew %elhi. 5. Aftab Alam -ales and %istribution Management' Hisdom Publi ation 6. ;i hard ;.-tire' Edward H.Candiff and @orman' A.P.9a+ani' -ales Management %e isions' Poli ies and Cases < Prenti e Call. ?. Arun Mittal' Ad+ertising & -ales Promotion' Hisdom'%elhi 8. Eugene. M.1ohnson' %a+id ).Iurty and Enirhard. E.- heuing < -ales Management' Con e#ts' Pra ti es and Cases by M 9raw Cill 4nternational. >. -.).9u#ta' -ales and %istribution Management! Te0t and Cases' E0 el Publishers. =. Berg ;osenbloom < Mar/eting Channels < a Management 2iew < by the %ryden Press' Cinsdale' 4llinois. B. Aune T.Coughlan' -tern E.Ansary < Mar/eting Channels' Prenti e Call of 4ndia. D. Panda < -ales & %istribution Management' (0ford *ni+ersity Press. 17. Matin Ihan! -ales and %istribution Management' E0 el Publishers.


MM 7020 SERVI6ES MAR<ETIN% b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and Pra ti al a##li ations of -er+i es Mar/eting. *nit < 4! 4ntrodu tion to -er+i es Mar/eting! 4m#ortan e and hara teristi s of -er+i es! 9rowth of -er+i es -e torK -er+i es in the 4ndian E onomyK -er+i es -trategy. *nit < 44! Consumer Beha+iour in -er+i esK Mar/et -egmentation and -er+i es PositioningK -er+i e %emand Management %esigning and Managing -er+i e Produ t. *nit < 444! -er+i e .uality Management! -er+i e Euality Audit < 9AP Model of -er+i e Euality < Total .uality -er+i es Mar/eting < -er+i e E0 ellen e' Pri ing of -er+i es < Pri ing -trategies )in/ed to 2alue Per e#tions. *nit < 42! -er+i e %istribution < Managing Physi al E+iden e < 4nternal Mar/eting. *nit < 2! E0ternal Mar/eting! Hord of Mouth Communi ation. 4ntera ti+e Mar/eting! Management of Moments of Truth " -er+i e %efi ien ies " onsumer 9rie+an e ;e o+ery -trategies. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory)
Suggested "oo4s0 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B. D. I.;ama Mohana ;ao! -er+i es Mar/eting' Pearson Edu ation' @ew %elhi. 2aleri Jeithmal and Mary 1o Bunter! -er+i es Mar/eting' Tata M 9raw Cill' @ew %elhi. A#te < -er+i es Mar/eting' (0ford *ni+ersity Press. Bhatta harya! -er+ies Mar/eting' E0 el Publishers. Christo#her )o+elo /! -er+i es Mar/eting' Pearson Edu ation' %elhi. ;a+i -han/er! -er+i es Mar/eting! 4ndian Pers#e ti+es' E0 el Publishers. Christian 9ronrose! -er+i es Management and Mar/eting' Ma0well Ma millan. Ienneth E.Clow & %a+id ).Iurt,' -er+ies Mar/eting' Hiley 4ndia' @ew %elhi. -.).9u#ta' Mar/eting of -er+i es' Hisdom Publi ation.


MM . 70/0 ADVERTISIN% AND "RAND MANA%EMENT b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and Pra ti al a##li ations of ad+ertising and brand management. *nit 4! ;ole of Ad+ertising in Promotional Mi0 < 4ntrodu tion to Ad+ertising < Ad+ertising and Communi ation < 4ntegrated Mar/eting (4MC) < Challenges and (##ortunities in Ad+ertising < E onomi ' -o ial and Ethi al As#e ts of Ad+ertising. *nit 44 ! Audien e Analysis in Ad+ertising < Media Planning < Media Mi0 %e isions < %e+elo#ing Media -trategy < Creati+e -trategy and Co#y Hriting < %ifferent Ty#es of A##eals < )ayout %esign. *nit 444! Ad+ertising Budgets < Methods of Formulating Ad+ertising Budgets < E+aluating of Ad+ertising Effe ti+eness < Ad+ertising Agen ies. *nit 42! %ire t ;es#onse Ad+ertising < Come -ho##ing < %ire t Mail < Catalogs < Telemar/eting < 4nternet Ad+ertising < 4nternational Ad+ertising < 4m#a t of Culture < Customs < )aw and ;egulations. *nit 2! Brand Management! Brand Building and Positioning < Measuring Brand Performan e < %esigning Brand Mar/eting Programmes < E+aluating Brand Performan e < Branding in ;etail Business < ;ole of (wn )abel < Emerging trends in Brand Management. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory) Suggested "oo4s0
1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B. D. Hilliam Hills' 1ohn Burnett and -andra Mriarty < Ad+ertising Prin i#les and Pra ti e < Pearson'@% G); Murthy' Brand Management! 4ndian Cases . 2i/as' @% 1ohn. -. Hright Hills. ).Hinter' 1r. and -herliyer I.)eigler' Ad+ertising < Tata M 9raw Cill. Manendra Mohan < Ad+ertising Management Con e#ts and Cases < Tata M 9raw Cill. Per y & Elliot < -trategi Ad+ertising Management' (0ford *ni+ersity Press. AI.-.A.Chunnawala and I.C.-ethia < Foundations of Ad+ertising Theory and Pra ti e < Cimalaya 9eorge E.Bel h and Mi hael A.Bel h < Ad+ertising and Promotion and 4ntegrated Mar/eting Communi ation Pers#e ti+e < Tata M 9raw Cill. Chunnawala' -.A.' Com#endium of Brand Management' Cimalaya Publi ations Couse' 577?. Mathur' *.9. Brand Management < Te0t and Cases' Ma millan 4ndia )td. 577>.


MM 7070 %' "A' MAR<ETIN% b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and -trategies of 9lobal Mar/eting. *nit < 4 ! 9lobali,ation! - o#e and (b:e ti+es < Ma:or %e isions in 9lobal Business " En+ironmental Fa tors Effe ting global BusinessK E onomi En+ironment < Cultural En+ironment < Politi al En+ironment < )egal En+ironment < ;egional 4ntegration and 9lobal Trade Prote tionism. *nit < 44! Pers#e ti+e of 9lobal Mar/ets! 9lobal Mar/eting ;esear h and 4nformation < 4nformation ;e.uirements of 9lobal Mar/ets < (rgani,ation for 9lobal Mar/et ;esear h < 9lobal Mar/eting 4nformation -ystem " -egmenting the 9lobal Mar/et < -egmentation Basis and Pro ess < 9lobal Mar/ets and Criteria for 9rou#ing Countries. *nit < 444! 9lobal Mar/eting %e isions! Produ t Poli y and Planning < 9lobal Pri ing -trategies < 9lobal Channels of %istribution. *nit < 42! 9lobal Ad+ertising < Multinational -ales Management and Foreign -ales Promotion < E0#ort Pro edure & %o umentation < -#e ial E onomi Jones. *nit < 2! Planning and Control of 9lobal Mar/eting (#erations! (rgani,ation and Control in global Mar/eting < Mar/eting Planning and -trategy for 9lobal Business. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory)
Suggested "oo4s0 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B. D. Hareen 1.Ieegan ! 9lobal Mar/eting Management Ieifer )ee' -te+e Carter' 9lobal Mar/eting Management' (0ford *ni+ersity Press. 9illis#e' 4nternational Mar/eting' Cengage' @% 1ean"Pierre 1ennet & C. %a+id Cennessey' 9lobal Mar/eting -trategies' Hiley 4ndia' %elhi. 2asude+a! 4nternational Mar/eting' E0 el Publi ations. %ana"@i oleta )as u' 4nternational Mar/eting' Hiley 4ndia' @ew %elhi. 2arshney ;.). & Bhatta harya ! 4nternational Mar/eting Management -ubhash C.1ain ! 4nternational Mar/eting Management -ara+anauel. P ! 4nternational Mar/eting.


HUMAN RES UR6E MANA%EMENT #S1E6IA'IBATI N 1A1ERS$ HRM /070 INDUSTRIA' RE'ATI NS b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and Pra ti al a##li ations of 4ndustrial ;elations. *nit < 4! 4ndustrial ;elations! - o#e and -ignifi an e < Causes and Conse.uen es of 4ndustrial %is#utes < ;e ent Trends in 4ndustrial ;elations *nitL44 ! Trade *nions! Trade *nion -tru ture and Mo+ement in 4ndia < Changing ;ole in the Conte0t of )iberalisation *nit < 444! Promotion of Carmonious ;elations < Ma hinery for Pre+ention and -ettlement of 4ndustrial %is#utes < Con iliation < Arbitration and Ad:udi ation < Code of %is i#line. *nit"42! 9rie+an es and %is i#line! 9rie+an es ;edressal Ma hinery < %is i#line in 4ndustry Q Measures for dealing with 4ndis i#line. *nit < 2! Colle ti+e Bargaining (CB) < CB Pra ti es in 4ndia < Parti i#ati+e Management Forms and )e+els < - hemes of Hor/ers$ Parti i#ation in Management in 4ndia. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory)
Suggested "oo4s0 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B. 2en/at ;atnam' C.-. < 4ndustrial ;elations' (0ford *ni+ersity Press. -C -ri+atha+a' 4ndustrial ;elations and )abour )aws' 2i/as' @%. M.Arora! 4ndustrial ;elations' E0 el Publi ations. P.;.@.-inha' 4ndu Bala -inha and -eema Priyadarshini -he/ar' O4ndustrial ;elations' Trade *nions and )abour )egislationN' Pearson Edu ation' @ew %elhi. ;amaswamy E.A. < The -trategi Management of 4ndustrial ;elations' (0ford *ni+ersity Press. Cowling and 1ames' The Essen e of Personnel Management and 4ndustrial ;elations' Prenti e Call of 4ndia. ;atna -en' O4ndustrial ;elations in 4ndiaN' Ma millan 4ndia )td. @ew %elhi. Mi hael Armstrong' Em#loyee ;eward' *ni+ersities Press (4ndia) )td.


HRM /0;0 6 M1ENSATI N AND )E'!ARE MANA%EMENT b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and -trategies of Com#ensation and Helfare Management. *nit < 4 ! Em#loyee Com#ensation < Fa tors 4nfluen ing Com#ensation Plan and Poli ies < Prin i#les of Hage and -alary Administration < Hage as a Moti+ator < Methods of Hage Fi0ation < Fa tors 4nfluen ing Hage and -alary %etermination. *nit < 44! 1ob E+aluation < Methods < Performan e and ;eward -ystems < Methods of Hage Payment < 4n enti+e Plans < Hage %ifferentials < Minimum Hages A t' 1D?B. *nit < 444 ! Em#loyee Helfare < Con e#t' - o#e and -ignifi an e < Helfare Poli y and Fi+e Gear Plans < ;ole of Em#loyee Helfare Agen ies < -tate' Em#loyers' Trade *nions and 2oluntary Agen ies. *nit < 42! Em#loyee Helfare Programmes < -tatutory and @on"-tatutory < 4ntra Moral' E0tra Moral < -o ial -e urity < -o ial Assistan e and -o ial 4nsuran e. *nit < 2! )abour Helfare Administration < Plant )e+el' -tate and Central )e+els < )abour Helfare (ffi er < ;ole' -tatus and Fun tions. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory)
Suggested "oo4s0 1. 5. 6. ?. Barry 9erhart and -ara ). ;ynes' Com#ensation' -age ;es#onse Boo/s. Thomson' ; and Mabey' C. %e+elo#ing Cuman ;esour es' (0ford' Butterworth Ceinemann. Cendorson' ;i hard 4. Com#ensation Management! ;ewording Performan e' Englewood Cliffs' Prenti e Call of 4ndia. Mi hael A.rmstrong' Em#loyee ;eward' *ni+ersities Press (4ndia) )td.



b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and strategies Management and Counselling

of Performan e

*nit < 4! 4ntrodu tion! %efinition and %imensions of Performan e ManagementK Clarity of ;oles and Fun tionsK Performan e TargetsK *nit < 44! Performan e AnalysisK (b:e ti+es' Fa tors 4nfluen ing Performan e AnalysisK Methods of A##raisal -ystems. *nit < 444! Performan e ;e+iew Counselling (P;C)K (b:e ti+esK Pro essK Conditions for Effe ti+e P;C. *nit < 42! C;M and Performan e Management < @eed 4dentifi ation for Training and %e+elo#mentK ;ewards and ;e ognitionK Team Performan e. *nit < 2! Performan e Management Pra ti esK 6>7"%egree A##raisalK Assessment CentreK Potential A##raisal. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory)
Suggested "oo4s0 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. T2 ;ao' Performan e Management and A##raisal -ystems' -age ;es#onse Boo/s. 9.I.-uri! Performan e Measurement and Management' E0 el Publi ations. Mi hael Armstrong' Em#loyee ;eward' *ni+ersities Press (4ndia) )td. Cynthis %. Fisher' )yle F. - hoenfeldt and 1ames B.-haw' OCuman ;esour e ManagementN' Bi,tantra' @ew %elhi. %.I.-ri+asta+a! -trategies for Performan e Management' E0 el Publi ations. ;.I. -ahu! Performan e Management -ystem' E0 el Publi ations. Chadha"Performan e Management' Ma Millan. Ianish/a Bedi < Euality Management' (0ord.



70/0 STRATE%I6 HUMAN RES UR6E MANA%EMENT b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and systems of -trategi ;esour e Management. Cuman

*nit"4 ! The Cuman ;esour e En+ironment < Te hnology and (rgani,ation -tru ture < Management of %i+ersity < C; (utsour ing < 9lobal Com#etition < 9lobal -our ing of )abour. *nit < 44 ! -trategi Pers#e ti+e of C;M < C; for Com#etiti+e Ad+antage < Business -trategy and C; -trategy < C; and Business Poli y )in/ages < (rgani,ational Performan e. *nit < 444 ! -trategi ;es#onses of (rgani,ations < -trategi ;ole of C; Planning < -ele tion of Em#loyees < Career Paths for Te hni al Professionals < -trategi ally (riented Performan e Measurement -ystems. *nit < 42! Com#ensation -ystems <-trategi ;e.uirements < Cigh Performan e Pra ti es ;ewarding 4ndi+idual and Team Contribution and (rgani,ation Performan e. *nit < 2! -trategi A##roa h to 4ndustrial ;elations < -o ial %ialogue' @egotiation -/ills' %ealing with *nions for Hor/ing towards Carmonious ;elations. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory)
Suggested "oo4s0 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B. D. 17. Anuradha -harma' -trategi Cum'an ;esour e Management! An 4ndian #ers#e ti+e' -age ;es#onse Boo/s. @adler < om#eting by %esign' (0ford *ni+ersity Press. Mello' -trategi C; Management' Cengage' @% ;amaswamy < Managing Cuman ;esour es < A Contem#orary' (0ford *ni+ersity Press. Charles ;.9reer' O-trategi Cuman ;esour e ManagementN' Pearson Edu ation' @ew %elhi. -rini+as ;.Iandula' O-trategi Cuman ;esour e %e+elo#mentN' Prenti e Call of 4ndia' @ew %elhi. Freed ;.%a+id' -trategi Management' Prenti e Call of 4ndia. Iandula -rini+as' -trategi Cuman ;esour e %e+elo#ment' Prenti e Call of 4ndia. Agarwal < -trategi Cuman ;esour e Management' (0ford Press. Prasad < -trategi Cuman ;esour e Management. Ma Millan.


HRM 7070 INTERNATI NA' HUMAN RES UR6E MANA%EMENT b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and strategies of 4nternational Cuman ;esour e Management. *nit < 4 ! 4ntrodu tion to 4nternational C;M < Con e#t' C;M at 4nternational Pers#e ti+e < %istin tion between %omesti and 4nternational C;M < C; Challenges at 4nternational )e+el. *nit < 44! Cross Cultural Theories < 4nternational ;e ruitment and -ele tion Pro ess' Culture and 2alues. *nit < 444! E0#atriate Training < %e+elo#ing 9lobal Managers < @egotiations. *nit < 42! Com#ensation Management! 4nternational Com#ensation < (b:e ti+es' Com#onents < A##roa hes of Com#ensation in 9lobal Assignments < Culture and Com#ensation. *nit < 2! 4ndustrial ;elations at 9lobal )e+el! 4; - enario in 9lobal (rgani,ations < Trade *nions at 4nternational )e+el < *nions and 4nternational 4ndustrial ;elations. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory)
Suggested "oo4s0 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B. Anne"Hil Car,ing & 1oris 2an ;uyoss e+eldt (eds.)' 4nternational Cuman ;esour e Management < -age Publi ations' @ew %elhi. %owling' 4nternational C; Management' Cengage' @% -P- Bedi' & M.Iishore' 9lobal C;M' Hidom' %elhi Peter 1.%owling! 4ntrnational Cuman ;esour e Management' E0 el Publi ations. Tayeb < 4nternational C;M' (0ford *ni+ersity Press C.-.2en/ata ;atnam' 9lobalisation and )abour Management ;elations' -age' @ew %elhi. P- ;ao' 4nternational C;M' Cimalaya' Mumbai )awren e Ileiman' Cuman ;esour e Management' Hiley 4ndia' @ew %elhi. P


INTERNATI NA' "USINESS #S1E6IA'ISATI N 1A1ERS$ I" /070 INTERNATI NA' MAR<ETIN% MANA%EMENT b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and strategies of 4nternational Mar/eting Management. *nit < 4 ! 4nternational Mar/eting Con e#t ! Framewor/ of 4nternational Mar/eting' Horld Mar/et Trends and Future Predi tions' 4nternational Mar/et -egmentation' 4nternational Mar/et targeting' -ele tion Criteria for 4nternational Mar/et -ele tion. *nit < 44 ! Modes of Entry into Foreign Mar/ets' E+olution of Entry Mode %e isions' -ele tion of A##ro#riate Entry Mode' 4nternational Produ t on e#t' Produ t Ado#tion 2s Produ t -tandardi,ation' 4nternational Produ t )ife Cy le' Produ t Positioning' Produ t -trategies' Building 4nternational Brands. *nit < 444! Con e#t of E0#ort Pri ing' Methods of E0#ort Pri ing' ;ole of @on"Pri e Fa tors in 4nternational Mar/eting' Pri e 4ssues for %e+elo#ing Countries' Counter Trade' -trategies for Managing Com#etiti+e E0#ort Pri ing. *nit < 42! 4nternational Promotional Mi0"Ad+ertising' Personal -elling and -ales Promotion' -trategies for 4nternational Mar/ets' 4nternational Trade Fairs & E0hibitions' 4nternet as a Mar/eting Tool in 4nternational Mar/ets. *nit < 2! -tru ture of 4nternational %istribution -ystems' %etermination of %istribution Channel' %e+elo#ing an 4nternational %istribution -trategy. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory) Suggested "oo4s0
1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B. D. Phili# ;.Cateora and 1ohn ).9raham! 4nternational Mar/eting' Tata M 9raw Cill. *.C. Mathur' 4nternational Mar/eting Management! Te0t and Cases' -age ;es#onse Boo/s. ;a:ago#alan' 4nternational Mar/eting Management' 2i/as' @% -a/ on I +isit and 1ohn 1. -haw! 4nternational Mar/eting < Analysis and -trategy! Prenti e Call of 4ndia. ;a/esh Mohn 1oshi' 4nternational Mar/eting' (0ford *ni+ersity Press. 2arshney ;.). and B.Bhatta harya! 4nternational Mar/eting Management < An 4ndian Pers#e ti+e' -ultan Chand & -ons. B.Bhatta harya' 9oing 4nternational' ;es#onse -trategies of the 4ndian Cor#orate -e tor' Hheeler Publishing. *nited @ations! 4nternational Trade -tatisti s. 1ean"Pierre 1eannet' 9lobal Mar/eting -trategies' Hiley 4ndia


I" /0;0 E&1 RT . IM1 RT MANA%EMENT 9 D 6UMENTATI N b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and Pro edures of e0#ort"im#ort management. *nit < 4 ! Horld Trade ! %ire tion and Com#osition of Horld Trade' %ire tion and Com#osition of 4ndia$s Foreign Trade < ;ole of Ban/s and (ther 4nstitutions in 4ndia$s Foreign Trade. *nit < 44 ! EM4M Poli y < (b:e ti+es < Fa ilities & ;estri tionsK -ignifi an e of E0#orts & 4m#orts to @ations ProgressK E0#ort Potential of -er+i es < E0#ort Potential of -ele t CommoditiesK Te0tiles' Agri ultural Produ ts' Marine Produ ts' Flori ulture' ;eadymade 9arments' Engineering 9oods' )eather Produ ts' 9ems & 1ewelryK E0#ort Pros#e ts in 2arious Countries. *nit < 444 ! E0#ort Management! E0#ort Finan e and CreditK E(*s' EPJ3-EJ3FTJ < ;ole and -ignifi an e < E0#ort Trading Couses < -tar & su#er -tar Trading CousesK E0#ort 4n enti+es' E0#ort Potential of -er+i es. *nit < 42 ! 4m#ort Planning! Methods of 4m#ort Pro urement < 9lobal Tendering' )imited Tendering' @egotiated Pro urement' )ong"term Contra tingK Foreign E0 hange ;egulations ;elating to 4m#ortK 4m#ort finan e < 4nstruments of finan ing' ;elated Pro edures' Customs Clearan e. *nit < 2 ! ;is/ Management! 4dentifi ation and Analysis of ;is/ in 4m#ort (#erations' Management of ;is/ < Transit ;is/' E0 hange ;is/ " ;is/ in E0#ort (#erations' Credit ;is/' Ban/ 9uarantees and Euality ontrol. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory)
Suggested "oo4s0 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. A harya & 1ain' E0#ort"E0#ort Pro edures and %o umentation' Cimalaya Pub. Couse. Asin Iumar! E0#ort < 4m#ort Management' E0 el Publi ations. @ew %elhi %.C. Ia#oor' E0#ort Management' 2i/as Publishing Couse P+t. )td.' @ew %elhi. Fran is Cherunilam' 4nternational Trade and E0#ort Management' Cimalaya Pub. Couse. E0#ort"4m#ort Poli y! Ministry of Commer e' 9o+t. of 4ndia' @ew %elhi Candboo/ of E0#ort"4m#ort #ro edures! Ministry of Commer e' 9o+t. of 4ndia.


I" 7020 INTERNATI NA' "USINESS 'A)S b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and en+ironment of international business legal framewor/. *nit < 1 ! ;ole of Contra ts in 4nternational Commer e' 4ssues Effe ting 4nternational Contra ts' Trading En+ironment of 4nternational Business )aws li/e *@CTA%' *nited @ations Commission for 4nternational Trade )aw (*@C4T;A)). *nit < 44! *@4CT;A) Con+ention on 4nternational -ale of 9oods' Formation' Performan e and Frustration of Contra t. ;ights of the Buyer and -eller' Produ t )iability EC %ire ti+es' The Consumer Prote tion A t 1DB>. *nit < 444! 4ntelle tual Pro#erty ;ights! 4ntrodu tion of 4P;-' 4nternational ;egime of 4P;- and ;ole of H4P(' Contem#orary 4ssues ;elating to Patents and Trade Mar/s' 9eogra#hi al 4ndi ations. *nit < 42! 4nternational Commer ial %is#ute ;esolution! E0tra 1udi ial and 1udi ial Pro eedings' Arbitration! 4nternational Arbitration < *@C4T;A) Model )aw' 4.CI.CI.' 4nternational Centre for -ettlement of 4n+estment %is#utes' %is#ute -ettlement under H.T.(. *nit < 2! Agen y Agreements! The nature of Contra t of Agen y' ;ights and (bligations of Prin i#al and Agent' Ty#es of Agents' E0 lusi+e Trading ;ights. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory) Suggested "oo4s0 1@ ;a hna -ingh Puri' and A;+ind 2iswanathan' Pra ti al A##roa h to 4ntelle tual Pro#erty ;ights' 4I 4nt Pub Couse' @ew %elhi 5. Pamella -elman < )aw of 4nternational Trade Te0t Boo/' Iarla -hi##ey' 4nternational Contra ts!
%rafting the 4nternational -ales Contra ts' Horld Trade Press. 6. - hmitthoff$s! )aw and Pra ti e of 4nternational Trade' -weet and Ma0well Publi ations. ?. 1ayashree Hatel < 4ntelle tual Pro#erty ;ights' H.T.(. and %e+elo#ing Countries' (0ford Publi ations. 8. - hmitthoff$s < The )aw and Pra ti e of 4nternational Trade' -weet and Ma0well Publi ations. >. P.C.;oy and Hilliam -heffiele alternate dis#ute resolution' *ni+ersal law #ublishing Com#any. =. ;ahmatullah Ihan' )aw of 4nternational Transa tions' @.M.Tri#athi Publi ations. B. P.I.9oel' Business )aw for Managers' Hiley 4ndia' @ew %elhi.


I" 70/0 INTERNATI NA' TRADE ' %ISTI6S b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the Con e#ts and Pra ti al a##li ations of 4nternational trade logisti s. *nit < 4 ! Mar/eting )ogisti s! Con e#t' -ignifi an e and (b:e ti+es' ;ele+an e of )ogisti s in 4nternational BusinessK -ystem ElementsK Iey )ogisti s Fun tions' -u##ly Chain Management! Prin i#les of -CMK %ifferen e between -CM and )ogisti sK -CM for 4m#ro+ed Customer -er+i e and Enhan ed global Com#etiti+eness. *nit < 44 ! 4nternational Trans#ortation! 4nternational Trans#ort -ystem' Choi e of Mode < ;ail' ;oad' Air and -ea < E+olution and Pers#e ti+es of 4ndian -hi##ing 4ndustryK Problems *@ Con+ention on -hi##ing' Freight -tru ture and Pra ti esK )inear (#erationsK Tram# (#erations Chartering Prin i#les and Pra ti es < Air Trans#ortation Ad+antagesK Carrier" onsignee )iabilities' Total Cost Con e#t. *nit < 444 ! Hare Cousing! 4n+entory Management < Con e#ts and A##li ationK -ignifi an e and Ty#es of Hare Cousing Fa ilitiesK Total Cost A##roa h < Containeri,ation! CP- and 4nland Container %e#ots' %ry Ports' Multi Model Trans#ortation and C(@C(;K Problems and Pros#e ts. *nit < 42 ! ;ole of Ports! Port (rgani,ation and Management ;es#onsibilities of Port Trust' 9rowth and -tatus of Ports in 4ndia' Carriage of 9oods < )egal As#e tsK Port -er+i es Pri ing. *nit < 2 ! ;ole of 4ntermediaries! -hi##ing AgentsK C & F Agents' -hi# (wner and -hi##er Consultation ArrangementsK -te+edores and )ong -hore man < Freight ForwardersK Cargo Boo/ing CentersK Terminal (#erators. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory)
-uggested Boo/s! 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. >. =. B. D. 17. %ouglas M.)ambert' 1ames ;.-to /' -trategi )ogisti s Management' M 9raw Cills' 1DDD. Coyle' Bardi' )angley 1r. Hest' The Management of Business )ogisti s! Hest Publishing Co. 1DD>. B.-.-ahay' -u##ly Chain Management in the Twenty First Century' Ma millan' 5777. B.-.-ahay' -CM for global Com#etiti+eness' Ma millan. M.-.;am' -hi##ing' Asia Publishing Couse. 1.Bes Ba/er & Coward )td.' Chartering and -hi##ing Terms! 2olume 4. %r.C.B.%esi' 4ndian -hi##ing Pers#e ti+es' Anu#ama Publi ations. *se of Maritime Trans#ort 2olume one! E-CAP' *@. 9.;aghuram -hi##ing Management! Cases and Con e#ts. Alan M.;ugman < (0ford Candboo/ of 4nternational Business' (0ford *ni+ersity Press


I" 707 0 )@T@ @ AND INDIA b3e,ti5e0 to enlighten the students with the #ro+isions of 9att while e0#osing to the me hanism of HT( with referen e to the 4ndian en+ironment of 4nternational trade. *nit " 4! E+olution of 9ATT' 9ATT < Pro+isions < 4ts Hor/ingK 9ATT 1DD? < *ruguay ;ound"Proto ol to the 9ATT 1DD?. *nit < 44! H.T.(. Establishment of H.T.(. < (rgani,ation -tru ture < Fun tions of H.T.(. < Prin i#les of H.T.(. %is#ute -ettlement Body and Trade Poli y ;e+iew Body. *nit < 444! H.T.(. Agreements' Trade ;elated 4ntelle tual Pro#erty ;ights (T;4P-)' Trade ;elated 4n+estment Measures (T;4M-) Multi )ateral Agreements on 4n+estments. *nit < 42 ! Agreement on Trade in -er+i es' 4ssues relating to E"Commer e' ;emo+al of Euantitati+e ;estri tions' Agreement on Te0tiles and Clothing' Effe t on Agri ulture' Effe t on Pharma euti al 4ndustry' Effe t on (ther Produ ts li/e )eather Produ ts' 9ems and 1ewelry et . *nit < 2 ! H.T.(. %is#ute -ettlement Me hanism < Coun il for Trade in 9oods' Coun il for Trade in -er+i es' Coun il for Trade ;elated As#e ts' H.T.(. and Anti"%um#ing Measures < Ty#es of %um#ing " (b:e ti+es' Effe ts of %um#ing on 4m#orting and E0#orting Countries' 2arious Anti"%um#ing Measures. (Case -tudies are Com#ulsory)
Suggested "oo4s0 1. 5. 6. ?. 8. P.Irishna ;ao! H.T.(. Te0t and Cases' E0 el Publi ations. M.B.;ao' H.T.(. and 4nternational Trade' 2i/as' @ew %elhi. Garbrough' The Horld E onomy' Cengage' @ew %elhi Fran is Cherunilam' 4nternational Business' Cimalaya Publi ations. P.-ubba ;ao' 4nternational Business Te0t and Cases' Cimalaya Publi ations.


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