DB 2 Question FOR DB2 730

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Which tools enable you to view notification log information on a DB2 server running Windows 2003?

Correct Task Center The Database istory view of the !ournal The "otification #og view of the !ournal Windows $vent %iewer Which command do you use to dis&lay all instances available on a system? Correct DB2'D()* DB2'#'+T DB2',*DT DB2+T-(T What ha&&ens to running transactions that you haven.t yet committed when you &lace a database in /uiesce mode? Correct They are committed They are &laced in /uiesce mode They are rolled back Which command do you use to list all a&&lications currently connected to the +T)C0DB2 instance? Correct #'+T -**#'C-T')"+ 1)( D-T-B-+$ +T)C0 #'+T -**#'C-T')"+ 1)( D-T-B-+$ +T)C0DB2 #'+T -**#'C-T')"+ 1)( +T)C0DB2 #'+T D-T-B-+$ +T)C0DB2 Which &rofile registry stores environment variable settings for a workstation? Correct DB2 2lobal #evel *rofile (egistry DB2 'nstance #evel *rofile (egistry DB2 'nstance "ode #evel *rofile (egistry +u&&ose you run the 1)(C$ -**#'C-T')" command to kill all active database connections3 What will continue to run? *artially correct3 The correct o&tions are as follows -&&lications currently creating or u&dating a database 'dle a&&lications

The DB2 Database 4anager What do configuration &arameters control about the DB2 Discovery facility? Correct Whether a client can initiate DB2 Discovery re/uests Whether a server res&onds to known discovery re/uests only Whether a server returns information about an instance in res&onse to a discovery re/uest Whether a s&ecific client is authori5ed to access a database Which command enables you to connect to the *-6()## instance? Correct -TT-C T) *-6()##7

DB2'D()* *-6()##7 DB2'#'+T *-6()##7 DB2+T-(T *-6()##7 What ste&s do you need to &erform to convert a scri&t into a task? Correct Create an e/uivalent 8,'$+C$ command Define success and failure conditions +chedule the date and time that the scri&t will run +&ecify notifications to be sent 'f the client authentication ty&e is 0$(B$()+ and the server authentication ty&e is 0(B9+$(%$(9$"C(6*T: what authentication ty&e does the system use? Correct C#'$"T 0$(B$()+ 0(B9+$(%$(9$"C(6*T +$(%$( +$(%$(9$"C(6*T

Which command creates an instance named ;+-#$+;? Correct

DB2'C(T +-#$+ DB2'42( +-#$+ DB2',*DT +-#$+ DB2+T-(T +-#$+

Which &rivileges are ob<ect &rivileges? Correct B'"D B'"D-DD C)""$CT *-++T (, ($1$($"C$+ Which command resets the &rofile registry for the DB2 instance? Correct DB2+$T =2 DB2+$T = DB2+$T =' DB2+$T = ( What information does the Task Correct -ll messages issued from the Task Center Details of tasks that have e>ecuted $>ecution statistics for tasks that have e>ecuted Task results Which command do you use to check which registry variables a system su&&orts? 'ncorrect3 The correct o&tion is as follows DB2+$T = -## DB2+$T =#( DB2+$T = , DB2+$T = ,( ow can you configure DB2 communication settings manually? istory feature &rovide?

Correct Configure the DB2 Discovery facility $dit the DB2 Database 4anager configuration file (un a +8# statement +et o&tions in the Control Center

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