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How do you feel about your organisation?

This short questionnaire id designed to measure how you currently feel about your present organisation. Could you take it or leave it or do you feel it offers you something positive that no other organisation could? How do you feel about your manager? Could he or she do better? Is he/she supportive and encouraging or do you feel you are being held back? The information you offer will be used to guide management development programmes and any effects for you will be indirect and only positive! we hope"#. The questionnaire is anonymous and there is no danger of the individual responses being g traced back to the person completing the questionnaire. The results will be aggregated and used as a global indicator so that confidentiality will be assured. The only person who will see the individual questionnaire is the statistician compiling the responses! so please be a honest as possible. The questionnaire consists of $% items. &ach item is a statement by a rating scale. 'lease circle the number on the scale which reflects your strength of agreement or disagreement with the statement( ) strongly disagree % disagree * neither agree nor disagree + agree , strongly agree

The questionnaire should take between ),-%. minutes to complete. 'lease return using the /.0.& provided. /hould you require further information or guidance please contact us at the address below. 0 brief resume of the total study will also be available to you if you care to write separately this will preserve anonymity#. Thank you for your time and effort.

'lease circle the number on the scale which reflects your strength of agreement or disagreement with the statement( ) strongly disagree % disagree * neither agree nor disagree + agree , strongly agree

Section 1: about your organisation ). I feel that I have too few option to consider leaving this organisation 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 %. This organisation has a great deal of personal meaning for me 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 *. I am not afraid of what might happen if I quit my 3ob without having another lined up 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 +. I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career with this organisation 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 ,. I en3oy discussing my organisation with people outside it 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2

4. 5ne of the ma3or reasons I continue to work for this organisation is that leaving would require considerable personal sacrifice 6 another organisation may not match the overall benefits I have here 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 $. I think I could easily become attached to another organisation as I am to this one 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 7. I do not feel like 8part of the family9 at my organisation 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2

:. It would be very hard for me to leave my organisation right now! even if I wanted to 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 ).. 5ne of the few serious consequences of leaving this organisation would be the scarcity of available alternatives 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 )). ;ight now! staying with my organisation is a matter of necessity as much as desire 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 )%. I really feel as if this organisation9s problems are my own )*. It wouldn9t be too costly for me to leave my organisation now 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2

)+. I do not feel a strong sense of belonging to my organisation

1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2

),. Too much in my life would be disrupted if I decided I wanted to leave my organisation now 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 )4. I do not feel 8emotionally attached9 to this organisation Section 2: About your Manager ). leads by 8doing9 rather than simply 8telling9 %. seems to be a good actor/actress *. always gives positive feedback when I perform well +. only visits on only the best performance ,. seems never to completely trust anyone else 4. always shows his/her true feelings $. forters collaboration among work groups 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2

7. does not let personal emotions 8soften9 necessary decision-making 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 :. seems to cultivate friendships which will one day be useful ).. makes me think about problems in new ways )). is 8economical with the truth9 when it suits him/her )%. does not always acknowledge my good performance )*. is able to hide his/her true feelings )+. develops a team attitude and spirit among our work group ),. is quite charismatic )4. 8will bend the rules9 to suit his/herself )$. seems to be aiming to rise above the other 8cogs9 machine 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2

)7. appears to use my desire for friendship as a useful control device 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 ):. always has full confidence 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2

%.. challenges me to re-e<amine basic assumptions about my work 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 %). 8paints a picture9 of the future for me and my work colleagues 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 %%. leads by e<ample %*. is always seeking out new opportunities for the organisation 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2

%+. pretends to be friendly with people! if it is politically important 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 %,. seems to deal with subordinates with contempt %4. seems to deal with people in a calculating way %$. acts like a different person from time to time %7. personally compliments me when I do outstanding work %:. will pose questions which prompt me to think *.. attempts to foster collaboration among various work groups *). will readily e<press his/her personal feeling to me *%. stimulates me to re-think the way I do things **. always shows respect for my feelings *+. seems to use others as 8stepping stones9 *,. makes clear that a lot is e<pected from me 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2

*4. gets the different work groups pulling together for the same goal 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 *$. will act without considering my personal feelings on matters that concern me 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 *7. seems ready to 8screw the opposition first9 before they have a chance to strike 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 *:. provides a good model for me to follow 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2

+.. uses perceived status as an important way of influencing people 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 +). gives a clear understanding of where we are heading 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2

+%. is able to get me committed to his/her dream +*. will not settle for second best from me ++. gives special recognition when work is very good

1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2

+,. readily manipulates the feelings of others if it is necessary to get what is wanted 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 +4. reprimands me when I do worse that an average 3ob 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2

+$. seems out to look after his/her own personal interests at any costs 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 +7. can readily recognise situations that can be 8milked9 +:. inspires me with his/her plans for the future 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2

,.. always considers the personal feelings of his/her subordinates before making a final decision 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 ,). will always treat me fairly 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2

,%.would never try to gain an advantage be deceiving his/her subordinates 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 ,*. has my complete trust ,+.would attract my support in any emergency ,,. has my undivided loyalty 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2

,4. has the interests of the whole work group at heart! rather that working for personal advantage 1)2 1%2 1*2 1+2 1,2 &=> 5? @A&/TI5==0I;& TH0=B C5A ?5; C5A; &??5;T D& D5AE> D&EC5F& 0=C C5FF&=T/(

;esearch into the &ffects of Fanagement style on 5rganisational commitment and &mployee 'erformance &arlier research into this area has shown! at best! only low associates between commitment and employee performance. Typical correlation coefficients lie between ..) and ..%. /imilar results have been reported when investigating the effects of management style on employee performance and management style on employee9s organisational commitment. These findings seem to indicate that management style has little influence on employee9s commitment or performance. /uch conclusions are not only counterintuitive but also disappointing from a managerial point of view because one important role of management is seen as the motivation of staff. However! a review of previous research suggests that several methodological errors may have led to the disappointing findings. These errors may have been compounded with problems in the definition of the various measures used for management style! employee commitment and employee performance. These problems can be addressed be separating out the different 8types9 of commitment and performance! and by using a more modern definition of management style. Gy including 8trust9 into the equation! a model see fig )# is arrived at which predicts the influence of management style. >efinitions of Feasures in the Fodel 0# Transactional 6 rational style of management( This can be viewed as a 8classical9 approach to management which views employees as basically materialistic. Fotivation is attempted through 8carrot and stick9 techniques. The relationship between employees and organisation is seen as one of e<change or quid quo pro. G# Transformational- emotional style of management( This style has been identified be Gryman )::%# as 8=ew Eeadership9 and involves 8visconing and even charisma9. Fotivation is achieved through the involvement of staff vision. The relationship between employees and organisation is more emotional( one characterised by trust and commitment and by9 performance beyond the call of duty9. The materialistic e<change part of the relationship is less important. C# Instrumental 6 manipulative style of management( Here the manager views staff as 8pawns9! to be used in order to achieve ob3ectives. These ob3ectives may not necessarily be organisational ones( the manager possibly

being motivated by a private hidden agenda. The relationship between employees and organisation is characterised by mistrust! low commitment! and grudging performance. &mployees suspect that what is 8good for the organisation9 is not necessarily good for them! only good for the management. Fotivation is attempted through manipulation of employee emotions e.g. feigning! 8play-acting9 rages! emotional blackmail. ># 0ttitudinal commitment( Griefly! this is some sort of emotional attachment to the organisation! which is positive and leads to performance 8beyond the call of duty9. &# Calculative commitment( This is where the employee weighs-up the advantages and disadvantages of staying with an organisation. There may be strong calculative commitment because there are few 3ob opportunities elsewhere! eve though the employee 8cannot bear the organisation9. This type of commitment can be negative in the sense that 8no-hopes9 will cling to an organisation doing 83ust enough9 to survive. ?# In-role performance( This is performance of the employee as measured against his or her 3ob specification. H# &<tra- role performance This is a measure of the 8beyond the call of duty 8quality9. 'redictive @ualities of the model Gasically! the model fig )# is predicting that the more emotionally# committed a manager is to the workforce! the greater the trust! commitment and performance engendered from the workplace. The more alienated a manager is! the lower the trust! commitment and performance from the employees. In terms of a management development programme! it may involve looking at the aims and values of the employees and how far they feel that these are being met by the organisation through its management. It would then be necessary to develop a programme that could allow management to demonstrate that their values! aims etc did coincide with that of the employees. Fanagement need to demonstrate a certain empathy with their employees.

Conceptual relationships between management behaviour! trust! organisational commitment and performance outcomes

Instrumental manipulative

0ttitudinal commitment

&<tra 6 role performance

Trust Transformational emotionalise Calculative commitment In- role performance

Transactional rational

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