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Diabetes is a disorder of the pancreas. !he pancreas stops making insulin, an essential hormone in the body. 9hen your body turns the food you eat into energy, insulin is released to help transport this energy to the cells. Insulin is the key that allows glucose to enter the cells. 5lucose is used by every cell in the body for energy. If an individual produces little or no insulin, or is insulin resistant, too much glucose remains in the bloodstream creating high levels of blood sugar.

By Wenzel Burton
Type 1.Develops when the body does not produce enough of the hormone insulin to control blood sugar. Type 2: occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin, or when the cells are unable to use insulin properly. It is commonly called adult-onset diabetes since it isdiagnosed later in life. Gestational Diabetes: During pregnancy, some women develop high levels of blood sugar, a condition known as gestational diabetes. It occurs around your 2 th week of pregnancy. !he actual cause is unknown .however it is believed that hormones play a significant role in the cause. Diabetes Medications / Tools 0ome of the medications often used include1 Insulin 2 for !ype , and some !ype 23, 4ral medications Insulin pen or pump 5lucometer and test strips The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Diabetes Prevention eco!nition Pro!ra" (DP P) is a key component of the 6ational Diabetes &revention &rogram. !he purpose of the D&7& is to recogni8e organi8ations that have shown that they can effectively deliver a lifestyle change intervention program 2lifestyle intervention3 to prevent type 2 diabetes.

:lurred vision $re;uent infections 0low-healing wounds $re;uent urination "<cessive thirst Increased hunger 9eight loss $atigue !ingling or numbness sensation in the hands or feet According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 26 million children and adults in the

Prevention Methods
"at #ealthy $oods % eat low fat foods, increase fruit and vegetable and whole grains Increase &hysical 'ctivity- aim for () minutes a day If you*re overweight, losing even +-,)- of your body weight can reduce the risk of diabetes. .ontrol of /D/ cholesterol. /imit salt intake

Tips for Mana!in! Diabetes
=onitor your blood glucose levels every day !ake diabetes medication as directed. "<ercise Heep a food record Do not smoke /imit alcohol consumption $re;uent brushing and flossing &ractice good foot care

2+.C million affected 2C.(- of population3 ,C.C million diagnosed. D.) million undiagnosed. 0eventh leading cause of death in E.0. !otal costs ,D billion in 2))D. =ore than A) - lower limb amputations occur in diabetics /eading cause of kidney failure accounting for - in 2))C =a@or cause of heart disease and strokes.

6ew =edical 0tudies >oslin 7esearchers have discovered that a hormone long associated with weight loss and improved glucose metabolism is linked to activation of calorie-burning brown fat. !his finding could have implications for production of new medications for type 2 diabetes and obesity 22),(3. ' 6I# funded 7esearch shows that a combination of 2 diabetes drugs better than one to treat youth with recent onset !ype 2 diabetes. 2 2),23http1?? ?,).,)+A?6">=oa,,)B(((

Diabetes and the %a&

$ederal laws that protect children with diabetes include 0ection +) of the 7ehabilitation 'ct of ,BD( 2+3, the Individuals with Disabilities "ducation 'ct 2originally the "ducation for 'll #andicapped .hildren 'ct of ,BD+3 2A3, and the 'mericans with Disabilities 'ct 2D3. Ender these laws, diabetes has been considered to be a disability, and it is illegal for schools and?or day care centers to discriminate against children with disabilities.

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6ational Diabetes "ducation &rogram

Diabetes &revention and .ontrol &rogram

Diabetes "ducation0ibley #ospital diabetes.asp<

.hildrens 6ational

7eferences 1 7app >, 1 /egal 7ights of 0tudents with Diabetes. 2nd ed. 'le<andria, F', 'merican Diabetes 'ssociation, 4ctober 2))+, updated 4ctober 2))B. http1?? http1?? =ayo .linic 0taff 22),(3 'mputation and Diabetes, how to protect your feet. 7etrieved from http1?? ed0taff 22),(3 $acts about !ype 2. 7etrievd from1


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